Elohim Temple of Prayers Ministry

Elohim Temple of Prayers Ministry

Salvation of the mind, body and soul. What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and looses his soul? Nothing, except for the temporary.


Title: Reclaiming Your Destiny-A Simple Guide

Dear friends,

Today, let's talk about reclaiming our stolen mandate or destiny. You know, it's like getting back on track when life throws us off course. In the Bible, Jesus teaches us a powerful prayer, and we can find guidance in it. It goes like this:

"Our Father, who is in heaven, may your name be holy. May your kingdom come, and may your will be done on earth (that's in our lives) just like it is in heaven." (Matthew 6:9-13)

Now, what does this mean for us? It's about aligning our lives with God's plan. By paying attention to His words, making them a part of our everyday actions and behavior, we can overcome the challenges the devil throws our way. It's like putting on a shield against negativity.

When we live according to God's will, all the tricky devices of the devil lose their power over us. This helps God's plan to take center stage in our lives. And when we follow His plan, we're on the path to our destiny.

So, let's make God's will a part of who we are. Let His words guide our actions, and we'll find ourselves on the right track, heading straight for the destiny He has in store for us.

May you all walk confidently towards your God-given destinies.



Thank God for a new divine revelation from the almighty God. A popular man of God heading many branches of a church in Nigeria and abroad will soon be called to glory around Friday.

The said man is aware of his home calling. It is our prayer that he hearkens to the voice of the Lord and chooses a divine, anointed man of God without having to bow to the church's organizational hierarchy.

We pray for divine direction and anointing on him to do the will of God.


Kogi Upcoming Gubernatorial Election
I see jubilation among the people of Kogi Central rejoicing about what God is doing for them again.


Despite the stormy weather, I pray:
May you access the spiritual gate of Jacob for blessings (Psalm 24) and that of Mount Zion for inner deep spiritual light (Psalm 43).


No matter where we are, no matter the circumstances we may find ourselves, we should be able to negotiate our existence without compromise(Roman 12 : 2)


Children of God, though the presidential election in Nigeria, the outcome does not go as thought and expected by many. When the mantle finally goes to the setting of the sun, we should have peace. The candidate from the rising of the sun should preach peace, his days are coming!


ISREALITES were not the only nation that God settled with land by driving out his enemies, he did that for the children of ESAU who occupies SEIR, and also for the children of LOT who occupies Ar, Deut. 2. May the Lord God almighty drive out all the enemies who occupies your divine allotted portion in Jesus name!


Satan is currently deceiving people through trance and dreams, showing them mansions in his kingdom, promising them good life in his kingdom, asking them to come home through exiting the gateway of this sphere by dealth.
But who has the key of death and hades is Jesus Christ hence after dead Satan has no authority again. (Rev 1:18). Also in Mathew 10:28, don’t be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
In conclusion Satan has no mansion for you but his strategy leads to hades and finally to hell. Beware!


Ever wonder what happens to the dead?
Has the gate of eternity is being opened to the departed souls, their loved ones wondered, what will happen to the person afterward?

All the dead that were before Christ all dwell in the hades, when Christ was killed then resurrected the gateway of paradise was opened (Luke 23:43, today you will be with me in Paradise) and the saints were all migrated from hades to paradise, (Mathew 27:52), the waiting place for saints before Christ second coming.

The dead that were meant for hell before and after Jesus’ death and resurrection receives judgement after death and are now waiting in the hades(dark place with no light) awaiting the final judgement to be finally moved to hell(a place of eternal torment) .


Religion or Christ Mindset
Are you in Christian religion or in Christ? Christian Religion is all about the cultures, doctrines, and tenets of a certain denomination which sometime might not be according to the Christ's tenets. But Christianity seeks how the Lord God almighty wish us do. Romans 8:9, You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him.

Be in Christ and not in Christian religion!


You have heard, that, the word + the spirit = new birth. We know that the word is God's word. But what is the spirit? In Psalm 53, in God’s light is our light i.e. The spirit of God that lightens the word, is our heart/conscience that act on God’s word. To bring God into the prayer and reality our heart should always be free from all bitterness, envy, hatred, backsliding, unforgiveness while living according to his words. But remember your love is your light, keep it high.


I have heard several people say that they gain nothing from fasting. Also while fasting their weaknesses are made so much so obvious. During fasting as your weaknesses are made obvious pray fervently and consistently against them. The role of fasting is to bring to light your characteristics nature, praying helps to conquer the defects. Also Take practical step to adjust your character to conquer known weaknesses, there lay the increment of oil that you need to power your lamp (fire of the holy ghost).


WHO ARE MY CHRISTIAN BROTHERS This is about identifying who are my Christian brothers.


The spiritual cloud of Nigeria is dark. We are in perilous time, Nigeria is being divided along every lines, religious, ethnic, race, etc. It is time for us to pray for the nation so that we can be saved.
Also christians, parents, guardians having children/wards in schools in Hadejia should pray for God to intercede in their environment to avert any upcoming loom from the sons and daughters of darkness.
It is well with your soul!


I have had so many experience with Christians preaching, teaching, and also believing that it is only their churches that lead to heaven/paradise. Prime in this are the Jehovah's Witnesses, Catholic, Deeper Life who will not be happy to even marry out their dauther/son to other christian sect, neither will they see other as believer. Different dogma derive from church rituals and doctrines are used to create amosphere of fear in to the members. Many have forgotten that no matter the name of the church, church main role is to lead you to the way of the cross. Also a church should build your spiritual man. Any church not doing this no matter the brand name is not worth a soul.

What is Christ view about this? In Mathew 12:47-50, when Jesus was told, look thy brethren, mother, stand outside. Jesus make a clarification, my brother, sister, mother, and father are those who do the will of my father.

Jesus also knowing that many will come in his name, claiming to be his disciple, apostles, prophets, bishop etc clarify us in Mathew 7: 21 not everyone saying lord, lord, will enter the kingdom of God but those doing the will of my father.

What is then the will of the father?Summarize in a law. Love your neighbour as yourself. Also love thy God with all your soul, strenght, and power.

In conclussion no matter the name of your church, so far you are doing the will of the father, you are my christian brother. In essence christian brotherhood is spiritual and not to be defined within a confine of a church bother or brand name!


Many today fear some places where libation to evil (ogugu shrines, sango shrine, obatala shrine, ifa shrines etc) are made, rather than having healthy reference for the house of God, which is ourself (1Corinthian 6:19), by abstaining from anything related to sin. The earth is the lord and the fullness thereof the world and they that dwells therein says Psalm 24, the stones, the iron, the earth, all used in making demonic houses all belong to the almighty father. But as recorded in Isaiah 44 most lack understanding that some stone were used in building and some set aside for aja demon worship. some iron are used in building, tools and implements, and some also dedicated to sango worship. We most time forget that these things are created by the creator for our use. But Satan blindfolded the mind of many by instilling fears in our mind which compulsively collect beggarly worship through the created things. Here lays the objectifying power of satan used in caging many souls. Rebuke unhealthy fear and worship the most true God. Hallelujah, stay healthy and remain blessed!


One of the ways enemies (Satan) kill destiny is through reinforcing in your mind broken expectations (they want to create a failure in your mind). Engage them in spiritual battle for it is recorded that the expectation of the RIGHTEOUS shall not be cut off(Proverb 23:18)


Satanic network manifest itself through man's will and action. Beware! Align your will with God the father's! Don't forget to check that of your neighbor.


Part 1- Some Psalms for spiritual warfare (Clean yourself first by staying away from sin before using this weapons)
2 Cor 10:4 for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.

Psalm 51- spiritual cleansing after staying away from sin.
Psalm 90-you are being taking hither and thither, wants God to establish you.
Psalm 91-Part of morning and night devotion for God to be your guide.
Psalm 140-having adversaries who are bent on tarnishing your name.
Psalm 109-appeal to Yahweh Elohim for loosing you from strongholds that will not let you go.
Psalm 24-Open the gate of your heart for God spirit to incubate after forgiving all that offended you.
Psalm 136, 118, 96-Thanksgiving to the Lord for a battle won and for what he has accomplished in your life.
Psalm 119-wake up exactly 12 in the middle of the night, sing, and recite this Psalm to see the marvelous wonders the lord will do in your life.
More shall come in subsequent parts, stay abreast of this information.My people die for lack of knowledge as said by Jehovah Elohim.


Are the Jews still the God chosen nation or people?
The Jews were was once the chosen nation but after the coming of our Lord Jesus, heaven gate is now widely opened to those who believed and acted within the framework of God's word. Acts 10:35 clarified that 'but in every nation he that feareth him (God), and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.
in same Act 10 starting from verse 1, a soldier, Cornelius was visited by angel of the lord in a vision while praying at ninth hour(around 2-3 pm Nigeria time). God also told peter in the same Act 10, now verse 15 in a vision to stop calling things sanctified by him common and unclean. which gave rise to Peter visiting Cornelius, dining and wining in his home.
What is then the advantage of being a Jew, in John 4:22 Jesus told the Samaritans woman, 'Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews'. Other nations' mothers, grandmas, fathers, grandfathers might have worshiped/worshiping what they know not, calling them God, but salvation of God is of the Jews. Paul also buttressed this point in Romans 3: 1-3 , I quote 'Much every way: chiefly, because that unto them (Jews) were committed the oracles of God.
Finally whether circumcision or uncircumcision, natural gentiles or natural Jews, what now count to salvation is believe in God. Faith, hope, and love are critical keys toward unlocking some spiritual blessings.


Lord's Vision to his humble servant
The tabernacle/tent of God is moving closer to human kind in fulfillment of Revelation 21:3. Exercise believe in Christ Jesus, walk in faith, hope, and let love guide you through. Beware of the instruments of Satan, lust, hatred, un-forgiveness, strive, unhealthy jealousy, pride, boastful, drunkenness, etc.


Secrets of God's Blessings
Gen 35:2,Examine your environment including your closet and put away all foreign gods, idols, idol related objects, etc
Isaiah 58: 1-11, When you declare a day for the Lord by fasting, do good works to the needy.
Psalm 1: 1-6, Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly...


Gift of Prophesy and Speaking in Tongues: 1 Corinthian 14:1-5
Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts, but rather that ye may prophesy. ... I would that ye all spake with tongues but rather that ye prophesied: for greater is he that prophesieth than he that speaketh with tongues, except he interpret, that the church may receive edifying.


Psalms 62:11, God hath spoken once, twice have I heard this; that power belongeth unto God.


Where is wisdom and understanding?
Job 28:12-28,... And unto man he said, behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to depart from evil is understanding.

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