We are a family
We are Loving
We are passionate
We are visionary
Heaven is our ultimate goal


Friday prayer and miracle service


Mathew 8:23-26
Psalms 4:8

If there is one thing our world is crying out for right now is peace. There seems to be unrest everywhere you look and what we have held as foundations seem to be shaking. No one is sure of anything again but God instructs us to be receive his peace and be at rest

Signs of lack of peace

1) Spiritual lethargy
2) Anxiety and unrest
3) Hasty and impulse decisions that may worsen the situation
4) Bodily deterioration

What is this peace of God

1) The peace of God, “which transcends all understanding,” is the harmony and calmness of body, mind, and spirit that supersedes earthly circumstances.
2) It is a tranquil state of appreciation and faith
3) It is the presence of calm in the midst of chaos

How do we get this peace

1) Constantly meditate on how much he values you
• You know the worth of a thing by the value of what was use to purchase it.
Mathew 6:25-32
Romans 8:32
• Anything you don't have now,it is either you don't need it or you are yet to possess the wisdom that gives you access to it.
God is responsible. He won't go through all of that rigour to save you only to leave you stranded

2) Talk to God about everything
Phil 4:6-7
Philippians 4:6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;
Philippians 4:7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

• If it worries you,it is important to God. Your peace is important to God
• Cast all your cares on him (1 Peter 5:7 amp, Psalm 55:22)

2) Be constantly grateful
John 6;7
The secret to maximizing what you have is to be grateful for it

4) Delight yourself in him constantly
Psalm 16:11
Psalms 37:4

Photos from FWC IBEJU LEKKI's post 19/05/2024

Knowing Jesus 9

Mathew 5:1-12
Mathew 7:24- 27

INTRODUCTION: Some weeks ago we embarked on a journey of getting to know Jesus more through the gospel according to Matthew, beginning with the first chapter. As we got to Chapter 5, we encountered the Sermon on the Mount, which started off with the BEATITUDES. We have looked at the first four – “the poor in spirit; those who mourn; the meek; and those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.
This morning we shall be looking at the last two Beatitudes - Blessed are the Peacemakers; blessed are those who are persecuted and reviled.


Who is then a peacemaker
A PEACEMAKER is someone who is actively seeking to reconcile people to God and to one another-they step in between warring parties.

A peacemaker is someone who actively seeks to reconcile conflicts and promotes peace amongst parties.

A peacemaker is someone who brokers peace between man and God.

Peacemakers are people who are actively working to resolve conflicts,promote harmony and understanding. They facilitate communication, and seek mutually beneficial solution.


1) Leaving His glory in Heaven to earth to reconcile us to God His Father (John 17:5; Romans 5:8; Colossians 1:20-22; Ephesians 2: 14-16; Isaiah 9:6). To achieve peace, Jesus took a step, inconvenienced and sacrificed His life.

2) He resolved division among His disciples (Matthew 20:20-28)

3) He stopped destruction (Luke 9:52-55)


1-To be a peace maker, you must first have peace yourself and love peace (Ephesians 2:14; Colossians 1:20.

2. You must have peace between yourself and others (spouse, relatives, colleagues, neighbors, friends, church members, etc.) Matthew 18:15-17.

3. Between two warring parties. Philemon 1:8-21

4). Between the unsaved and God 2Cor. 5:18-20

Practical ways to make peace

1) Be concerned about disputes

2) Intentionally initiate peacemaking

3) Never give up

It's important to note that you are an appointee ambassador of peace so spread peace. Make effort to reconcile to Man to God and Man to Man

Benefits of being a peace maker

1 We walk in the reality of our sonship

2• Broken hearts are healed and friendship are restored

3• It strengthens our own relationship with people

4• It promotes progress


To be persecuted means to be subjected to harassment, oppression, or hostility, typically because of one's race, religion, political beliefs, or other characteristics.

Persecution involves systematic mistreatment or discrimination, often with the intent to intimidate, punish, or suppress individuals or groups who hold certain beliefs or identities. It can take various forms, including physical violence, imprisonment, discrimination, or social exclusion.

In our context,

Any hostility experienced as a result of one’s identification with Christ. This can include hostile attitudes, words and actions towards Christians.

However, be careful because what many people call persecution, may actually not be persecution at all. E.g. When you violate the rules and face the consequences of your actions, that is not persecution.

How was Jesus persecuted?
1. At His birth, many children were killed because of Him (Matthew 2:16-17)

2. Without committing sin, He was persecuted (1 Peter 1:21-22)

3. He was hated without a cause (John 11:18-21, 25)

4. He was given up for ex*****on because of envy (Matthew 27:17)

5. He was persecuted for doing good. (Matthew 9:32-34)

Practical examples of persecution

1) . Denial of promotion, employment, admission, training, good posting, rights and privileges

2. Terrorism with religious undertone

3. Discrimination, marginalization and deprivation of social amenities.

How to handle persecution
1. Know that you will be persecuted (2 Tim 3:12)

2. Pray for them and love them (Matthew 5:44)

3. Never be afraid (1 Peter 3:14)

4. Pray for comfort, courage and direction

5. Endure (2 Tim 4:5)

6. Stand firm in your faith and remain steadfast in your conviction (3 Hebrew boys)

7. Support and strengthen one another (always go back to your company- Be in a care group, be in a ministry, and remain active in church {WE, ANVIL, ANCHOR) Acts 4

8. Remain joyful and thankful at every persecution (Paul and Silas) James 1:2; 1 Peter 4:13

Mathew 24:13
Revelation 2:17



As humans we see things the way we are not the way it is and the way we are is as a result of the information we have. You must be intentional about learning everyday if you want to grow. Every information has an expiring date, so continually learn, relearn and unlearn. The difference between where you are and where you want to go is the information you have.

You must become intolerant of things that are not making you grow. What you know now is not enough to take you to the next level. Have the habit of getting relevant information.

Information are facts provided or learnt about something or someone. There are several resources we can learn from,. You can learn from others experience, books etc. You draw information from the bible. Everything that has been discovered has its root in the word of God. The day God rested, was man’s first day of work. Filter every information and take what is relevant for you now.

Before you start anything, humble yourself and learn from those who have gone ahead of you.

Deuteronomy 8:2-3 – Your life depends on what God says. When you discover the right information you will prosper no matter the circumstance. Search for the right information, don’t be a know it all.

For you to have more, you have to be more by knowing more. Knowledge changes your mindset. Daniel 11:32 – You know your God and become strong. The more of God you know, the stronger and more successful you become.


1. What you need is not just any information but the right information – Learn and unlearn some things in order to maximize knowledge. Money is a seed? If you loose your source of income, how long will your survive? There is nothing more enjoyable than financial freedom from passive income. Have a savings and investment mindset. What God says to you is the revelation that will prosper you. John 8:32

2. When you receive the right information, you must change your language – Psalm 1:1-3 – Speak God’s word into reality in your life. Are you speaking what you believe?

Ask God for help, no matter what the situation is, God will intervene and show you great and mighty things. Pray that you will align to God’s plan.

The speech centre of the brain controls every other part of the body, whatever you say of yourself is what your whole body agrees with. Be careful what you say to yourself.



Join a community of passionate,sweet,loving,die hard followers of Jesus Christ.

These guys will look out for you,care for you,pray for you, visit you, celebrate you on your special days. It's one community that was carved out for times like this.

Drop your name and phone number and you will be added to a WhatsApp group where you can connect with real, friendly community of young believers


Have you encountered and experienced the transforming and delivering power of Jesus?

Do you have an outstanding testimony that will encourage someone.

Quickly in detail,share it on the comment session.

Your testimony can be what a brother/sister needs to keep faith alive..


Heaven will not rest until your testimony is complete, you're entering SEPTEMBER with good news, it's settled


This beautiful piece is from one of us.
Be blessed!

God is Love and Love is God.
Everything He does stems from the love He has for us.

Made in His image, knitted in His likeness, clothed with His aura, walking in His greatness; He chose to make us like Him.

I have come to view everything through the lenses of Him who made me.
If it goes accordingly, it’s His will and His Love is evident.
If it goes otherwise, it’s still His will and His Love is evident.
I am not loved less when I am heartbroken and weak or when life becomes a mess.
I am not loved more when life becomes a ride in the park. Everyday and every moment, his love wraps me.

We have passed that stage when we measure the love of Yahweh upon the dependency of our environment.
Believing and having the conviction that His Love doesn’t fluctuate like Man’s and there’s nothing that can separate us from His Love.
Also, His Love is a proof when we walk through His rod of discipline; He knows best. Some “blessings” aren’t for us and some excesses He draws us away from.

It’s not going according to your plan? That is because He loves you and knows better to give you the best gifts. He desires that you prosper even as your soul prospereth. I hope you do not measure His Love only when the sail is smooth.



"Then Moses said to the Lord,
O Lord, you are the God who gives breath to all creatures. Please appoint a new man as leader for the community.
Give them someone who will guide them wherever they go and will lead them into battle, so the community of the Lord will not be like sheep without a shepherd.”
(Numbers 27:15-17NLT).

Amen, in Christ Jesus Name 🙏🙏🙏



Calm down and listen.

Extra marital /pre marital s*x ofcourse is discouraged, but we need to get to the root of what really disarmed Samson.

Before that fateful day, Samson had s*x partners in almost every city he's been to ( just as many today)

Samson's fall was progressive but one thing destroyed him completely. Read on to find out…..

All the mistakes Samson made prepared him by weakening him for that final fall.

Remember: if you fall in the day of adversity, your strength is small.


The same mistake Eve made, by revealing to the serpent what God told them.

Thrones are preserved by secrets.

Kingdoms are secured by mysteries.

Destiny is guarded by codes.

The moment Eve gave serpent the secret, she handed the code of the garden to the enemy.

There are covenant secrets you must defend with your life.

God is God because of secrets, there are a lot we still don't know about God.

Every nation has their secret service agency.

There are offices, companies and ministries you can never work in, until you are initiated into their secrecy, to preserve their secret.

Every destiny has a code and that's the secret of their success.

Joseph made same mistake, when he revealed to his brothers more than they deserve to know at that moment.

Stop talking too much.

Stop talking to everybody.

Stop talking about everything.

There are things God tells you that are meant for you only.

The damage the enemy couldn't do to Samson through s*x, the moment he revealed his sacred covenant secret; they finished him.

Nobody should know your covenant code with God.

Preserve your spiritual ticket to Kingdom mysteries.

He that dwells in the secret place...

You cannot dwell in the secret place, until you are initiated into divine secrecy.

When Paul was caught up into the third heaven, he said he heard things which are not permitted for man to say. But he did not tell us, what a wisdom.

If you have a leaking mouth, you are not qualified for power...


Thus saith the lord of host to his Prophet

Son of man
Prophesy over 1000 kingdom women that their season for tremendous wealth transfer has come for I will command the earth (Men and systems)to bring huge breakthrough opportunities to them,the work of their hands I shall bless and cause them to experience unprecedented exponential growth.

This covenant I establish with you,None of these words spoken through your lips shall fall to the ground.

Upon these words,I will be opening a private group where I'm going to be praying for 1000 women for 21 days . If you believe that this truly is for you,send your full name via the whatsapp link below. Once I have 1000 people according to the word of the lord,I will stop receiving names.
An entire family's cries has just been heard.
Drop your full name in the comment session


It is one thing to desire to be a pilot. It is another thing to submit yourself to the rigorous process of becoming a certified pilot that can fly a plane.

It is one thing to desire to be a doctor or surgeon,it's another thing to submit yourself to the long, rigorous, sometimes annoying process of becoming certified.

Certification is proof that you've gone through the required process,and you've been mentally prepared to engage.

With the present decadence of the sacred institution called marriage,it has become imperative that we all be taken back to the classroom where we are taught what this institution is all about,who established it, why it was established and what it entails....

A lot of us like the idea of being married but very few of us understand what it means to be married. We like the idea of a wedding ceremony but lack understanding on how to build a Godly home.
You will never understand how to use a thing until you refer to its manual. The manual is the guide that teaches you the who,the what,the why and the how.

Yes you are old enough to be married but are you mentally ready to be married?

Don't be deceived,divorce is not and will never be the will of God. Divorce as a matter of fact,is proof that either of you or one of you is lacking in understanding.

Proverbs 4:7 Wisdom is the principal thing;
Therefore get wisdom.
And in all your getting, get understanding.

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