Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs

The offical page of the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA). Website:

EID-FITR 2024: NO POSITIVE MOONSIGHTING IN NIGERIA — NSCIA – Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affiars (NSCIA) 08/04/2024

EIDUL FITR 1445: No Positive Moonsighting - NSCIA

The Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA) – under the leadership of its President-General and Sultan of Sokoto, His Eminence, Alh. Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar, CFR, mni – wishes to inform the Nigerian Muslim Ummah that there was no positive report of the sighting of the crescent of Shawwal 1445 AH on the 29th of Ramadan 1445 AH.

Consequently, Ramadan fast will continue tomorrow Tuesday, 9th April 2024 as the 30th day of Ramadan. Therefore, Wednesday,...

EID-FITR 2024: NO POSITIVE MOONSIGHTING IN NIGERIA — NSCIA – Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affiars (NSCIA) April 8, 2024 NSCIA NSCIA/HQ/PRS/067 Date: 29th Ramadan 1445 AH 8th April 2024 SHAWWAL 1445 AH PRESS RELEASE The Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA) – under the leadership of its President-General and Sultan of Sokoto, His Eminence, Alh. Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar, CFR, mni – wis...


NSCIA/HQ/PRS/067​​​ ​ Date: 29th Ramadan 1445 AH
​​​​​​​​​ 8th April 2024


The Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA) – under the leadership of its President-General and Sultan of Sokoto, His Eminence, Alh. Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar, CFR, mni – wishes to inform the Nigerian Muslim Ummah that there was no positive report of the sighting of the crescent of Shawwal 1445 AH on the 29th of Ramadan 1445 AH.

Consequently, Ramadan fast will continue tomorrow Tuesday, 9th April 2024 as the 30th day of Ramadan. Therefore, Wednesday, 10th April 2024 is hereby declared as the 1st day of Shawwal 1445 AH and the day of Eid-il-fitr.

The Council prays that Almighty Allah accept our fasting and other virtuous acts in Ramadan and grant us all peaceful and blissful Eid celebrations.

Wassalamu alaikum wa-Rahmatullah.


Prof. Salisu Shehu
Deputy Secretary-General,
Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs.


The Sultanate has confirmed a single sighting claim and His Eminence the Sultan will soon make an announcement. Ramadan Mubarak.

Photos from Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs's post 08/03/2024


The month of Ramadan (is that) in which was revealed the Quran, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance and the criterion (between right and wrong). “So whoever of you sights (the crescent on the first night of) the month (of Ramadan i.e. present at his home), he must observe fasting that month”… (Q. Al-Baqarah 2:185)

The Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA), under the leadership of its President-General and Sultan of Sokoto, His Eminence, Alh. Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar, CFR, mni, felicitates the entire Muslim Ummah on the auspicious occasion of the forthcoming 1445 AH Ramadan Fast. The Council prays that Allah spare the lives of every Muslim to participate in the ibaadah exercise and to maximize the benefits therein.

Consequent upon the advice of the National Moon Sighting Committee (NMSC), the President-General enjoins the Nigerian Muslim Ummah to search for the crescent of Ramadan 1445 AH immediately after sunset on Sunday, 10th March 2024 which is equivalent to 29th Sha’aban 1445 AH. If the crescent is sighted by Muslims of impeccable character on the said evening, then His Eminence would declare Monday, 11th March 2024 as the first day of Ramadan 1445 AH. If, however, the crescent is not sighted that day, then, Tuesday, 12th March 2024, automatically becomes the first of Ramadan, 1445AH

In addition to the established and traditional Islamic leaders in each locality, the following members of the National Moon Sighting Committee (NMSC) can be contacted to report credible and positive sighting of the Crescent of Ramadan 1445 AH

In the face of the current economic hardship, Council appeals to endowed Muslims in the country to extend acts of charity to the less privileged within their neighbourhoods before, during and after the month of Ramadan. The Council also admonishes traders to neither hoard food products, nor unduly hike the prices of consumer goods during the period of the fast.

We urge the Muslims to take advantage of the holy month of Ramadan to pray that Allah grant the Palestinians His divine support and liberate them from their oppressors.

The Council hereby enjoins the Muslims all over the Country to be on the lookout for the Ramadan crescent on the night of Sunday 10th of March 2024 and await the official announcement by His Eminence, the President-General of NSCIA, on the commencement of the 1445 AH Ramadan fast.

We wish all Nigerian Muslims and their counterparts all over the world happy Ramadan in advance.

Allahuma Baligna Ramadan. Amin

Prof. Salisu Shehu
Deputy Secretary General



1st Rabiul-Thani 1445 AH
16th October 2023

The Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA) is mortified by the outbreak of deadly and devastating war on the besieged Palestinians in Gaza. The savagery of the assaults is heart-rending. The horrendous attacks on civilians are unfortunate and the Council calls for immediate cessation of hostilities against Gaza.
The recent attack on Israel by Hamas -an original creation of Israel which was turned against it by conscience- was just a ring in a long chain of incidents that should have been addressed given that actions and reactions are always in a state of flux. We should also remember that Israel staged the coup against the democratically elected Hamas in Palestine. When people are pushed to the wall, they fight back and that was what Hamas did. However, an all-out war and complete siege on two million defenseless people is atrocious, abhorrent and unjustified.

The circumstances leading to the current escalation are well known to the discerning. It is because Israel has persistently failed to honour United Nations resolutions, implement the two-state solution of the Oslo Accord and guarantee Palestinians’ economic and political security. The Israelis have rather imposed a most abhorrent colonial policy on the besieged enclave. They have also continued to treat Palestinians as sub-humans and made Gaza the largest open air prison in the world under the ungodly false mantra that Palestine was a land without people and Israelis were people without land.

There should be no double standards regarding the enthronement of sustainable peace. While it is desirable to toe the path of peace, peace without justice would only precipitate future crises. It is very sad that world leaders only pay lip service to peace but are unwilling to enthrone justice in the Israeli-Palestinian relations. Justice requires that oppressors be stopped and the oppressed comforted.

The Council is disappointed that, in its usual dishonourable way, the United States has openly and shamelessly taken sides with Israel in spite of its brazen and incessant aggressions and massacre of the Palestinians for about eight decades now. The United States obviously has never accorded sanctity to the life of the Palestinians, neither had it ever shown sincere support and commitment to the struggle and the natural quest for freedom that Palestinians are yearning for.

It is, therefore, unfortunate that the United States has fallen short of the humane values of justice, freedom, security and protection of life that it always purportedly proclaims. As we all have blood flowing in our veins and share a common humanity, to pretend that the frustration of Palestinians and the silence of the world to their suffering and oppression will not lead to aggression is to stand logic on its head. Their mass humiliation has even been exacerbated by the hardline policy of the current Israeli government that sees them as animals.

While there is a lot of ignorance and intolerance in the discourses and effusions on the unfolding tragedy, including by religious leaders who know nothing than falsely stir emotions, the analysis of the former Minister of Foreign Affairs and eminent scholar, Prof. Bolaji Akinyemi, has put the issues at stake in perspectives without sentiments. According to him, “the way the Palestinians have been treated over the years with the international community just condemning Israel for the way it has treated the Palestinians (just condemnation) and has done nothing to protect and advance the interest of the Palestinians is unconscionable. So, to condemn Hamas for what it did three days ago, to me, is an aberration of justice.”

It is in line with this fact that the Council also calls on the Federal Government of Nigeria to, as it did with apartheid in South Africa and for the sake of humanity and justice, come out and stand clearly with the helpless victims of persistent Israeli persecution, massacre, oppression and suppression.

No truly religious person will support any person, party and country that has been perpetually oppressing and humiliating others, including tens of thousands of Palestinian Christians. Even prominent Jews such as Dr Gabor Mate who confessed that no true conscience would condone the atrocities of Israel. We recommend the clips of the confession of Dr Mate to people of conscience. Hatred, bigotry and hubris would reveal the hollowness of those who cannot differentiate between respecting the sanctity of humanity and projecting their vacuous and misplaced religiosity.
What is important at this stage is a genuine commitment to the international protocol and frameworks that will entrench peace and stability in the region. The provocations that led to the current tragedy such as indiscriminate arrests and torture of Palestinians, the expansion of illegal settlements in Palestinian areas, the consistent desecration of the Aqsa Mosque and the economic strangulation of the Gazans and Palestinians in general should be reversed.

We call for the immediate cessation of violence and the opening of humanitarian corridor for the delivery of food and medical supplies to Gaza. Enough damage, destruction and deaths have been done already and we wonder how many thousands of civilians have to die to assuage the cravings of the bloodthirsty gladiators.

The Council commiserates with the people of Palestine on the huge losses they have recorded before and during the current war and calls for immediate ceasefire. We also pray for peace, justice, security and humanity in the world because violence is an evil wind that blows no one any good. The world, beginning from the United States to the rest of those who turn a blind eye to the Israeli atrocities, should wake up to the fact that all humans are equal and justice is the best guarantor of peace. The two-state solution appears a mid-way out, though still not totally just to the Palestinians.

The Council calls on all Muslims, particularly Nigerians to offer special prayer to Allah, Who revealed Suratul Fil, for divine rescue of the oppressed Palestinians.


Prof. Salisu Shehu
Deputy Secretary-General

Yunus Ustaz Usman, SAN
National Legal Adviser

Photos from Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs's post 09/08/2023


The Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA) is disturbed by the developments unfolding in the Republic of Niger following the seizure of power by the military from a duly democratically elected leader- His Excellency, Muhammed Bazoum through a coup d‘etat.

The Coup, which has attracted several reactions and different degrees of sanctions from nations and supranational institutions such as the Economic Commission of West African States (ECOWAS), has socio-economic negative implications for both Nigerians and Nigeriens especially as we share common history and borders. The Council observes with dismay, that although the military junta in Niger has remained defiant, ECOWAS has just lately further imposed more stringent sanctions against it. But it is well known that such kinds of economic sanctions are counter-productive and eventually end in futility. It is the masses that do suffer the pains and difficulties of the sanctions while the junta that seizes power takes control of state resources and begins a life of indulgence. The Council therefore, calls on ECOWAS and in particular, the Nigerian Government to retrace their steps in this regard to avoid correcting wrong with another.

While Nigeria spearheads the imposition and heaping of sanctions on Niger it should be reminded of the thousands of Nigerian refugees to whom Niger provided succor and safe abode for several years now. This is undoubtedly an act of good neighbourliness, rare hospitality and kindness that should not be reciprocated with measures that would cause disaffection, breed hate and hostility and aggravate the sufferings of the downtrodden people across both sides of the borders.

While it is understandable that the leadership of both ECOWAS and Nigeria must preserve and protect democracy by discouraging forceful take-over of power through military coup d’état, the NSCIA strongly implores the Federal Government of Nigeria and by extension the leadership of ECOWAS to continue to tread the path of dialogue rather than resorting to violence. This is because violence does more harm than the intended good in any circumstance. Should violence break out in Niger, it is the helpless and hapless masses, who have already been devastated and impoverished by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the world economy, that would pay the very costly price, not the coup plotters.

It is pertinent to state here that Nigeria has not gotten away with its own intractable issues and challenges of insecurity and violence that have been causing death incessantly, displacing millions and destroying livelihood in states that share borders with Niger. The Boko Haram insurgency in the Northeast and the banditry in the Northwest have not been subdued. Given this situation, it would not only take a dance on the precipice to embark on a military expedition at this material time, but would also smack of ingratitude to a neighbor that had consistently remained faithful in helping and supporting us in our fight against those extreme groups and criminal gangs.

The Council has consciously and keenly followed the reactions that have trailed the rather belligerent stand of the ECOWAS and its resolutions that include possible use of violence in Niger. It can be asserted without fear of contradiction that Nigerians are very much united against military intervention in Niger. Many religious and civil society groups across religious, ethnic and regional divides, as well as elder statesmen and retired military veterans and security experts have all categorically rejected the use of violence in intervening in Niger. In this regard, the Council hereby reiterates the need to pursue peace by peaceful means as any war between Nigeria and Niger would severely strain the fraternal relationship between the two countries which dates back to the pre-colonial era. There is, therefore, no option to dialogue, and to be forewarned is to be forearmed.

The Council prays that Almighty Allah would grant our leaders the wisdom and ability to resolve the crisis in Niger in a peaceful manner. May He also bestow peace upon us in Nigeria and the region at large.

Prof. Salisu Shehu
Deputy Secretary-General


It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was asked about that which will admit most people to Paradise. He said: “Fear of Allaah and a good attitude.”

Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (2004); he said it is saheeh ghareeb. It was classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi.



The Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, NSCIA (Council), under the leadership of its President-General and Sultan of Sokoto, His Eminence, Alh. Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar, CFR, mni, on behalf of the entire Nigerian Muslim Ummah, joins other well-meaning leaders and individuals across the world to condemn, in the strongest terms, the provocative and blasphemous act of burning the Glorious Qur’an in front of the main Mosque in Stockholm, Sweden.

This abominable and heinous act is a clear affirmation of the growing high level of Islamophobia while evidencing the impunity of Islamophobes whose hatred for Islam and Muslims knows no bounds. Actions and utterances credited to these Islamophobes smack of gross insensitivity and disrespect for the feelings and sensibilities of nearly two billion Muslims in the World. This is one too many attacks on Mosques in Sweden, especially recalling that of 2015 and another in December 2022, following which a damaged copy of the Qur’an was left chained up and hanging outside the entrance of the Mosque.

It is ironic that a blasphemous act of the current magnitude would be allowed in a country often celebrated as one of the most peaceful in the entire Europe. The Council is particularly shocked that the supposedly intelligent and civilised Swedish Police would fail to restrain, thereby tacitly granting permission for an individual to carry out such an obvious offensive and provocative act of burning a Holy Book. This seemingly without regard to the consequences or its potential to result in or snowball into a religious crisis not only in Sweden or Europe but also across the world. This begs the question for a determination of the insensitivity or culpability of the Swedish Police in this matter.

It is pertinent to state here that Sweden and its fellow European countries that allow and, in some cases, even try to justify blasphemy and desecration of Islamic religious symbols under the guise of freedom of speech should know that Muslims all over the World are consciously and critically observant of their hypocrisy and double standards. By all measures, European countries that permit or tacitly support sacrilegious acts against Islamic symbols of faith and veneration have fallen short of justice, fairness, honour and decorum. They have caused irredeemable damage to their image as civilised and humane nations. In the eyes of the Muslim World, their proclamation of democracy, human rights, freedom of religion and similar grandstanding postures are nothing but a façade.

The Council calls on the Swedish Authorities to, as a matter of urgency, investigate the matter, make the report public, and ensure that justice is not only done but seen to be done. Meanwhile, the Council enjoins the Ummah across the world to remain calm and continue to be peaceful and law-abiding in the face of this provocation. Furthermore, the Council acknowledges and commends the proactive and strong response made by Turkiye, Morocco and other Muslim countries on this matter.

Once more, the Council reiterates the fact that no Holy Book should be desecrated and disrespected in such a manner as recurring in Sweden. It is our strongest and surest belief that Sweden would never allow its National flag to be burnt in such an ignoble manner, not to talk of burning the Bible.

May Almighty Allah continue to grant the world peace and stability.

Prof. Salisu Shehu
Deputy Secretary-General



Text of the Goodwill Message Delivered by the Secretary-General of the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA), Prof. Is-haq O. Oloyede, OFR, CON, on the Occasion of the Special Jumat Lecture in Honour of the President-Elect of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu, at the National Mosque, Abuja, on Friday, May 26, 2023


قُلِ ٱللَّهُمَّ مَـٰلِكَ ٱلْمُلْكِ تُؤْتِى ٱلْمُلْكَ مَن تَشَآءُ وَتَنزِعُ ٱلْمُلْكَ مِمَّن تَشَآءُ وَتُعِزُّ مَن تَشَآءُ وَتُذِلُّ مَن تَشَآءُ ۖ بِيَدِكَ ٱلْخَيْرُ ۖ إِنَّكَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَىْءٍۢ قَدِيرٌۭ ٢٦

I salute you all in the best way of salutation by saying, “As-salaam alaykum wa rahmatullah”.

Kindly permit to start by noting that my remarks will comprise five points, which are: gratitude, prayer, lesson, advice and request. The best of days, Jumuah, has been well spent so far and it is not my intention to spend beyond the allotted time.

I begin on a note of gratitude to the Almighty Allah (i) for the life and presidency of His Excellency, Muhammadu Buhari, may God accept his deeds and forgive his errors, and (ii)of our President-Elect and the Vice-President-Elect. Join me please to say Alhamdu liLLahi rabbil ‘aalamin. I also thank Him (SWT) for accepting our prayers and making today a reality not only for the ummah but also Nigeria, our beloved country. Allah is praise-worthy for what He has done and in praising Him, the cited verse in Arabic is relevant:

Say, “O Allah! The Lord of Power and Sovereignty. You give power to whom You wish. You strip off power from whom You wish. You grant honour to who You wish, and You humiliate whom You wish. In Your hand is all good. Verily, You have power over all things” (Q3:26).

Having thanked Allah for what He has done, I hasten to pray that He grant our President-Elect a successful tenure in good health, sound mind and divine guidance. May the Almighty Allah Who has granted our Asiwaju (the Leader) the victory of power not strip him off the garment of honour. This journey that is starting now shall be a successful one for the ummah and the Nigerians at large.

When he said Emi lokan, Allah accepted it because, “No group can on its own hasten its term (turn) nor can it (or any one) delay it” (Qur’an 15 vs 5 and 23 vs 42)

Your Excellency, we pray fervently as we have confidence in you that you will succeed. You have done it before at a level and you can do it again at this level. I wish to reiterate that the significance of prayer cannot be overemphasised and you should always remember that. It is said that prayer without effort makes one’s life half-empty and effort without prayer makes one’s life half-full.

What guarantees ultimate success in life is prayer with effort. You know more than many others that your victory is prayer answered and effort well executed.

The third point is a lesson in the life of Asiwaju for him and the rest of us. There is a story in the authentic collections of Bukhari and Muslim in hadith literature. I summarise it thus, paraphrasing Abdullah ibn Umar who narrated it from the Prophet (SAW):
One day, it started to rain heavily while three men were walking. They decided to seek refuge in a cave in a mountain. Suddenly, a boulder fell over the mouth of their cave, blocking them inside. Then, one of them was inspired to tell the others, “Friends, mention the good deeds you have done for Allah that you may call upon the Almighty by them, perhaps He will relieve you.”

So, one of them said he had two old parents with his wife and a young child of his. After attending to his flock, he milked the cows and served his parents before his child. Another day, he went in search of fodder and did not come back until it was evening. Finding his two parents sleeping, he brought the milk and stood by their heads in order not to disrupt their sleep as he could not even serve his child before them. He continued to wait by their side till it was almost dawn. He said if he had done that seeking Allah’s countenance, He should relieve them. Immediately, Allah shifted the boulder until they could see the sky.

Another one said he had a lady he loved and he gave her the money she requested. But when he prepared himself between her legs, she told her to fear Allah. He said he left her right there and then. He said if Allah knew he did so truly to seek His divine pleasure, they should be relieved of their distress. Instantly, the boulder was shifted.

Then, the last person also called on Allah, saying he employed a worker for a portion of rice. When he man finished his work, he offered him his money but he didn’t collect it. So, he used his money to invest and amassed cows and flocks. Then, the man came one day and asked for his money and he told him to take all the cows and flocks. The man was surprised thinking he was being pranked but he told him everything belonged to him. So, he also said if Allah knew he did so for His pleasure, He should relieve them. So, what remained of the boulder was removed and they were all saved.

The implication of this story is for Asiwaju and the rest of us is that the good we do comes back to us in the moment of need one way or the other. You may go through some traumatic experiences but the end will be sweet. Here is the President-Elect who has been spending resources and energy on building others and sacrificing everything at his disposal to make people’s dreams come true. Allah does not betray the good doers. In this, there is a lesson for us that we should continue to patiently do good to the deserving and the underserving because as Allah says in the Quran, “And be patient, for surely Allah does not waste the reward of the good-doers”(Q11:150). The reward of your good deeds is here and we hope that everyone thoughtful would learn from you.

My brother and Vice President-Elect, Dist. Sen. Kashim Shettima (GCON) is cerebral, straightforward and patriotic performer. He too has demonstrated high impact capacity and we pray Allah to make your union beneficial to not only to the Nation but also both of you here and in the hereafter.

Your Excellencies, you are here with religious leaders and religion, as Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is about advice. There is no doubt that power intoxicates and leads people to arrogance. I advise you to be true to yourself and the values that have made you a magnetic personality, the Asiwaju of Nigeria and Jagaban extraordinaire. You have said you have will form a government of national competence, which is laudable. The government should unify the country also but not at the expense of Muslims, please. Do not allow Muslims and Islam to be marginalised. Pay good with good.

Our own leaders will only make themselves available to you if you welcome them, they won’t impose themselves on you because the grace of Allah is sufficient for them. Do not ostracise yourself from the ummah that staunchly stood/stand by you and behind you while you continue to make new friends. The irony of the Muslim condition is that when Muslims are in power, they are not often in power in the real sense since they want to please the world and when they are out of power, they are completely not in power. A census of Muslims in the positions of authority had been taken over some periods of time by the Council and the results of how we are marginalised, especially in the South, are shocking.

The last part is a request. There are certain areas of our national life that are dear to the hearts of Muslims and one of them is the education of our children. I speak the mind of the President-General of the Council and Sultan of Sokoto that there are many evils sneaking into Nigeria like a thief in the night. Homos*xuality, lesbianism and s*xual perversions are being deodorised as s*x education and the evil is being surreptitiously introduced to our youth and children through the school system and the (social) media. In order not to jeopadise the future of our children, the Muslim ummah requests to retain aspects of our national life that engender education, information and spiritual wellbeing of the citizens.

I started with a verse of the Glorious Qur’an and want to end by drawing your attention to the chapter of victory, Qur’an Chapter 110. It contains just three verses and I recommend the recommendations of the Almighty Allah as you savour the joy of victory. Praising God and drawing near to Him in penitence and submission are sure ways to clear the fog.

May you continue to be victorious as you confront the challenges ahead with your characteristic courage and abiding faith in the Almighty Allah Who heard your inner prayers when you said, ‘Ẹ lọ fọkàn balẹ̀’!

Thank you very much for kind attention.

SAVE SUDAN, SAVE LIFE - Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA) 05/05/2023


SAVE SUDAN, SAVE LIFE - Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA) NSCIA/HQ/PRS/046                                                     Date: 15th Shawwal, 1444 A.H.


What a response!


فليدخكو قليلا!


The Sultan of Sokoto and Leader of the Nigerian Muslim Ummah, Alhaji Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar, has declared Thursday April 20, 2023 equivalent to Ramadan 29, 1444 A.H. as end of Ramadan fasting for the year.

By implication, tomorrow Friday April 21 equivalent to Shawwal 1 is Eid-ul-Fitri, he said.

Sultan Abubakar, while making the declaration in his palace on Thursday, said the moon was sighted in parts of Nigeria and has been confirmed by the National Moon Sighting Committee.

1444 A.H. ‘IDUL FITR GOODWILL MESSAGE AND FELICITATIONS - Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA) 18/04/2023


Consequent upon the advice of the National Moon-Sighting Committee (NMSC), the President-General enjoins the Nigerian Muslim Ummah to search for the crescent of Shawwal 1444 A.H. immediately after sunset on Thursday, 29th Ramadan 1444 A.H. which is equivalent to 20th April 2023.

1444 A.H. ‘IDUL FITR GOODWILL MESSAGE AND FELICITATIONS - Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA) NSCIA/HQ/PRS/045                                                     Date: 27th Ramadan, 1444 A.H.


The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Charity given to a poor person is charity, but charity given to a relative is two things, charity and upholding the ties of kinship.”

Narrated by al-Nasaa’i, 2581; al-Tirmidhi, 658; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Nasaa’i, 2420.


‘Aishah said: “I said, ‘O Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), if I know which night is Laylat al-Qadr, what should I say on that night?’ He said, ‘Say: Allahumma innaka ‘afuwwun tuhibb al-‘afwa fa'fu ‘anni
[ اللْهُمَّ إِنَّكَ عَفُوٌّ تُحِبُّ الْعَفْوَ فَاعْفُعَنِّي ]
(O Allah, You are forgiving and You love forgiveness, so forgive me).”
Al-Tirmidhi narrated, and classed it sahih

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