Joseph Ayo Babalola School of Prophets, Ministry & Entreprenurship

Training Prophets & Other Ministers for the Endtime Revival, and Equipping Saints with Entrepreneurship Skills Our Coordinator: 07032065298



Saturday, 8th June, 2024


_‘We have peace with God’ (Romans 5:1 NIV)._

God gives us three kinds of peace.

(1) *Spiritual peace.*
_‘Since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ’ (Romans 5:1 NIV)._ That’s the foundation, the bottom line. You must have peace with God before you can have any other kind of peace.
*Jesus said,*
_‘I am leaving you with a gift – peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give’ (John 14:27 NLT)._ *Why?* Because his peace has the hallmark of Heaven on it.

(2) *Relational peace.* Paul writes, _‘As far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone’ (Romans 12:18 NIV)._ Relational peace decreases conflict. You know from experience that relationships can be an origin of tension.

*For the majority of us, our greatest problems are people problems: interacting well with our boss, family or relatives. We consistently have to deal with competition, conflict and criticism. And these things can steal our peace.*

(3) *Emotional peace.* _‘Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since…you were called to peace’ (Colossians 3:15 NIV)._ The Greek word for _‘rule’_ means _‘to umpire’._

*What is an umpire’s role? He maintains peace. He ensures the game is played in a smooth and disciplined way. And God provides you with an internal umpire, his Holy Spirit, to keep you at peace when everything appears chaotic.*

*Here's a great Bible promise:*
_‘You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you’ (Isaiah 26:3 NLT)!_

*Do you need peace today? Turn to God; you won’t be disappointed.*

Good Morning and Happy Saturday.



Monday, 3rd June, 2024


_'Let all put away from you' (Ephesians 4:31 NKJV)_

Here's something else Joseph knew that you need to know. You can't afford the excess baggage of bitterness. After many years, Joseph met his brothers again when they came to Egypt for grain. As they entered Joseph's presence and bowed before him, Egypt's second-in-command, they were unable to recognise him.

*And when Joseph told them who he was, they were stunned and horrified. Here was the brother they'd tried to kill years earlier, and now he was in a position to do whatever he wished with them. But instead, he forgave them. Why? Because Joseph knew he couldn't afford the excess baggage of bitterness.*

So what should you do when you're tempted to harbour bitterness? Do what Joseph did: he sustained his faith and hope in God, believed that things would ultimately work out well and continued his spiritual life. When things go wrong, we often turn our back on the one we need most - the Lord. When difficulties come our way, we say, _'God, why did you allow this to happen?'_ We start blaming God as if it's his fault, instead of saying, _'Lord, please handle this problem.'_

*God can take circumstances that are completely bad and turn them around. When people attempt to use situations to destroy you, God can use them to develop you. He delights in turning crucifixions into resurrections.*

The Bible says, _'Draw near to God and he will draw near to you' (James 4:8 NKJV)._
*God comes by invitation, and as long as you keep talking to him and trusting him, he will work things out for you.*

Good Morning and Happy New Week.



Sunday, 2nd June, 2024


_'In God I have put my trust; I will not fear' (Psalm 56:4 NKJV)._

Here are two more things Joseph understood that may be helpful for you too:

(1) *You can't afford to give in to self-pity.* Perhaps you're going through a trial right now and you're an innocent party - the victim of a situation you didn't cause. Consider Joseph's reaction when he was in a similar position. The first thing he didn't do was be swamped by self-pity. Why? Because it would have pulled him down further.

*Often when we experience a serious problem and our self-esteem is already at its lowest ebb, we start blaming ourselves and putting ourselves down. Joseph didn't do that. He understood that the crisis he was in wasn't of his own making, and he tried to look at it realistically.*

When you're in a storm and you allow your boat to turn sideways, the storm will capsize you. Similarly, when storms come into your life, the best way to overcome them is to trust God and face them head-on, like Joseph did.

(2) *Never make a major decision when you're feeling low.* Many times when we're discouraged, we're tempted to say,
_'I'm going to give up,' or 'I'm going to switch jobs,' or 'I'm going to move away,' or 'I'm going to file for divorce.'_ *Please don't do that!*

When you're downcast and despondent, your feelings are unreliable, your focus becomes blurred and you lose your perspective when it comes to exercising good judgement.

*Trust God to bring you through difficult situations!* Say with the psalmist, _'In God I have put my trust; I will not fear. What can flesh do to me' (Psalm 56:4 NKJV)._

Good Morning and Happy Sunday



Saturday, 1st June, 2024


_'But the Lord was with Joseph' (Genesis 39:21 NKJV)._

To reach his destiny, Joseph went through betrayal, temptation, slander and wrongful imprisonment. But he came out on top. Here is what Joseph recognised that you may need to recognise too:

(1) *God knows what you're going through, and he cares.* There is a key phrase found five different times in the story of Joseph: _'But the Lord was with Joseph.'_ Even when everything was going wrong, Joseph never doubted that God was with him.

(2) *You have been given freedom of choice.* God gives you freedom to choose how you will react to your circumstances: faith or doubt, joy or despair, patience or impatience, etc. When you choose to ignore what's right, God won't force his will on you. Sometimes we bring problems on ourselves and then blame God. We say, _'It must be God's will,'_ as if God gets pleasure out of planning our mistakes and miseries.

*The truth of the matter is that God's will isn't always carried out. Yes, he has a plan for our lives, but he has also given us free will. And because he has also given others free will, their mistakes and decisions can hurt us as well.*

(3) *God's in charge of the final outcome.* He can take every negative circumstance in your life and turn it around for your good. In the end, Joseph could say, _'You meant it for harm, but God meant it for good' (see Genesis 50:20)._

*And while God was working to bring good out of his situation, Joseph had to keep trusting him, even though at the time he did not understand what was happening. Why don't you do that too!*

Good Morning and Happy New Month.



Wednesday, 22nd May, 2024


_'The eyes of man are never satisfied' (Proverbs 27:20 NKJV)._

When you're controlled by materialism. The flawed philosophy behind materialism is _'more, more, more!' And it's the result of 'eye trouble'._ *The Bible says,* _'The eyes of man are never satisfied' (Proverbs 27:20 NKJV)._

It's okay to want a nice home, a reliable car and financial security - and God will provide those things when you're a good steward of what he's already entrusted you with. But when you want more than you need or more than what's required to fulfil his will, the Bible calls it vanity. The word could be defined as being empty, hollow or without purpose.
*Solomon writes,*
_'He who loves silver will not be satisfied with silver; nor he who loves abundance, with increase. This also is vanity' (Ecclesiastes 5:10 NKJV)._

Before you ask God for prosperity, ask him to reveal your life's purpose because they're directly linked. *Jesus said,* _'One's life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses' (Luke 12:15 NKJV)._

*God uses a different measuring stick, and his word says he is* _'able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work...Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and...your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God' (2 Corinthians 9:8, 10-11 NIV)._

*Is God willing to bless you financially? Yes, but only when you are willing to be a conduit and a distributor of his blessings.*

Good Morning and Happy Wednesday.



Saturday, 18th May, 2024


_'Trust in the Lord' (Proverbs 3:5 NIV)._

When you evaluate your worries, you may find you're doing one or all of these:
(1) *Forgetting that God is your friend.* The psalmist said, _'The Lord is a friend to those who fear him' (Psalm 25:14 NLT)._
Friendship with God is built by sharing your life's experiences with him - every activity, every conversation, every problem and every thought. When you don't, you end up unaware of his presence, oblivious to his voice, resistant to his correction and out of sync with his timing. And when you live that way, there is one inevitable result - *worry!*

(2) *Taking on things you shouldn't. Peter Marshall prayed:* _'Father...check our impulse to spread ourselves so thin that we're exposed to fear and doubt, to the weariness and impatience that makes our tempers wear thin; [that] robs us of peace of mind; that makes skies grey when they should be blue; that stifles a song along the corridor of our hearts.'_
You lose your song when you add the unnecessary pressure of maintaining your exterior image, increasing your pace to keep up with the _'Joneses'_ and trying to fix everybody or live up to their expectations.

(3) *Failing to give God lordship in everything.* Either Jesus is Lord over every area of your life, or he is not Lord over any of it. We tell ourselves certain parts of our lives lie in the realm of God's concern, but not others.
*The Bible says,*
_'Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight' (Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV)._
*To live any other way is to live a worried life!*

Good Morning and Happy Saturday



Monday, 13th May, 2024


_'Do not withhold discipline from a child' (Proverbs 23:13 NIV)._

Here are some more areas where parents can get confused.

(2) *Discipline versus punishment.* _'Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far away' (Proverbs 22:15 NIV)._
*Notice God's choice of words:* _'the rod of discipline'_ not the _'rod of punishment'._ Discipline and correction are about teaching and learning; punishment is about making a child suffer for their behaviour.
*Children need discipline - not punishment:* _'Do not withhold discipline from a child' (Proverbs 23:13 NIV)._

Withholding discipline prepares them for a life of failure and suffering. Discipline is focused on improving their behaviour. It teaches right and wrong by giving consequences that directly relate to the child's choices. It may take the form of being grounded or suspending privileges, but it should always be for the child's benefit, never to inflict pain.

(3) *Love versus indulgence.* Loving parents give without spoiling, withhold for the child's good and motivate them by rewarding good behaviour. Indulgent parents give children whatever they want, irrespective of behaviour, thus failing to motivate them to be responsible. Spoiled kids develop a sense of entitlement and an expectation that others exist to please them.

Indulgent parents are frequently guilt driven and afraid their children won't like or love them. They mistake indulgence for love, and breed children who demand, manipulate and are never satisfied. Love requires talking, listening, understanding, laughing, sharing tough times, respecting and encouraging your children with unconditional acceptance.

Good Morning and Happy New Week.



Friday, 3rd May, 2024


_'The Lord...delights in those who tell the truth' (Proverbs 12:22 NLT)_

Are you in a situation where lying seems to be the only viable solution? Unless you want to create a problem between God and yourself - don't do it! _'The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in those who tell the truth' (Proverbs 12:22 NLT)._ When you lie, you hurt God, others and yourself. _'You will be trapped by your own dishonesty' (Proverbs 11:3 CEV)._

Lying always comes with consequences:
(1) *God hears your lies.* When you decide to pray, the last thing you will want to discuss with God is the first thing he will want to discuss with you; namely, your dishonesty!

(2) *Lying robs you of your confidence before God.* The Bible says,
_'If we don't feel guilty, we can come to God with bold confidence. And we will receive from him whatever we ask because we obey him and do the things that please him' (1 John 3:21-22 NLT)._

(3) *You risk being exposed.* Remember, _'Truthful words stand the test of time, but lies are soon exposed' (Proverbs 12:19 NLT)._ When people discover you have lied, they lose respect for you, their trust level plummets and a reputation that has taken years for you to build suffers a blow you may not recover from.

*Paul writes:*
_'Since you have heard about Jesus and...learned the truth that comes from him, throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life...let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God - truly righteous and holy. So stop telling lies. Let us tell our neighbours the truth, for we are all parts of the same body' (Ephesians 4:21-25 NLT)._

Good Morning and Happy Weekend.



Wednesday, 1st May, 2024


_‘Wherever you go, I will go’ (Ruth 1:16 NKJV)._

The book of Ruth illustrates the difference between those who step out in faith and take risks, and those who give in to fear, play it safe and miss God’s best for them.
*The book begins with these words:*
_‘There was a famine in the land. And a certain man of Bethlehem, Judah, went to dwell in the country of Moab, he and his wife [Naomi] and his two sons’ (Ruth 1:1 NKJV)._

Things went well for a while, then tragedy struck. Naomi’s husband Elimelech died, and she was left with her two sons. They married local girls named Orpah and Ruth and then the sons died. Overwhelmed with grief, Naomi decides to return home to Bethlehem and advises her two daughters-in-law to stay in Moab and hopefully find husbands and raise families.

This is where the difference shows up in the two girls. Orpah decided to stay in Moab, even though it was a place of heartache and hard times. Why? Because it was the place she knew. It was her comfort zone. She didn’t have the faith to go forwards.
*Ruth was different. She said to Naomi:*
_‘Wherever you go, I will go; and wherever you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God, my God’ (Ruth 1:16 NKJV)._

Orpah went back, Ruth went forwards. Back in Bethlehem, Ruth met Boaz, her new husband. Not only was he wealthy, but he took good care of her, and they had a son from whom descended both King David and our Lord Jesus.

*God rewards faith, not fear. So the word for today is – it’s time to break with the past and move forwards.*

Good Morning and Happy New Month.



Tuesday, 30th April, 2024


_'This is the day the Lord has made' (Psalm 118:24 NKJV)._

God wants us to appreciate the season we are in; to live in the _'here and now'._ Some people live only for the future. _'I'll be happy when...'_ Other people live in the past. *Solomon addresses them:*
_'Do not say, "Why were the former days better than these?" For you do not inquire wisely concerning this' (Ecclesiastes 7:10 NKJV)._

The New Yorker magazine once had a cartoon in which two monks in robes and shaved heads were sitting side by side, cross legged on the floor. The younger one, with a quizzical look on his face, is facing the older one, who is saying: _'Nothing happens next. This is it.'_ That's exactly what it means to live in the here and now.

We aren't waiting for something else to occur, we aren't distracted by anything around us, we aren't trying to escape mentally to another time. We are fully alive because we are living in the moment! God may have done great things for you in the past, and you're trusting him to do great things in the future, but his presence, his power, his goodness, his favour, his blessing and all that he is can only be experienced in the here and now.

_'Are you living in a shell to keep from being eaten alive by the pain of life? Do you guard yourself by retreating deeper into your shell, being available only to what is pleasant, predictable, and safe?' 'This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it' (Psalm 118:24 NKJV)._
*Live in the _'here and now'._*

Good Morning and Happy Month End.



Monday, 29th April, 2024


_'To be conformed to the image of his Son' (Romans 8:29 NKJV)._

Since God is both our Creator and our Redeemer, we are called to be _'conformed to his image'_ in both senses. So, to become more like the Creator is to become more creative. When we apply our sanctified imagination to serve his objectives, we are doing what God does best and loves most. And our heavenly Father takes deep pride and joy in it.

Just as we celebrate creativity in our kids, so God celebrates creativity in us. Have you ever noticed how often Psalms tells us to _'sing a new song'?_ The creative command is repeated no fewer than half a dozen times. The more you discover about God, the more you love him. And the more you love him, the more you need new ways of expressing your love.

Most of us don't classify ourselves as creative, but that's because we narrowly define creativity. We think of it like we do a work of art, a new invention or an entrepreneurial conception. But that's a meagre slice.

Creativity isn't merely for artists, inventors or entrepreneurs; it's vital in all aspects of life. In the fullest sense, creativity is any use of the imagination. Yes, in the past we may have used our imagination for the wrong purposes. But at the new birth, your imagination is redeemed so that it can be used to glorify God.

*If God is infinitely creative and we are not just created in his image but called to be conformed to his image, then creativity isn't optional. It's a dimension of spiritual maturity.*

Good Morning and Happy New Week.



Wednesday, 24th April, 2024


_'Let us run...looking unto Jesus' (Hebrews 12:1-2 NKJV)._

*The people who make the greatest impact on the world for Jesus are those who are totally focused and sold out to their vision. John Wesley, founder of the Methodist Church, once said,*
_'If I had three hundred men who feared nothing but God, hated nothing but sin, and were determined to know nothing among men but Jesus Christ and him crucified, I would set the world on fire.'_

*Jonathan Edwards, whose ministry sparked the Great Awakening in America, made this his life's motto:* _'Resolution One: I will live for God. Resolution Two: If no one else does, I will.'_

*C.T. Studd, one of England's greatest athletes, shocked the world when he gave up fame and fortune to be a missionary to China.* _'If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for him,'_ *he explained.* Missionary Jim Elliot, who died as a martyr in South America, said, _'He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.'_

*The day you were born, God had a track for you to run on. But to win, you must get rid of*
(1) anything that weighs you down, and
(2) anything that trips you up.
_'Such a large crowd of witnesses is all around us! So we must get rid of everything that slows us down, especially the sin that just won't let go. And we must be determined to run the race that is ahead of us. We must keep our eyes on Jesus, who leads us and makes our faith complete' (Hebrews 12:1-2 CEV)._

Good Morning and Happy Wednesday.



Monday, 15th April, 2024


_'These commandments...Impress them on your children' (Deuteronomy 6:6-7 NIV)._

If you're a parent or teacher, are you keeping the children in your care under strict rules to keep them out of trouble? It won't work. You're not keeping them out of trouble, you're simply postponing it. Things like curfews, dress codes, internet use and checking up on their friends are part of good parenting and good teaching. But when you are not around to guide them, they need sound principles to live by.

*And those principles can be found in God's word:*
_'Memorise his laws and tell them to your children over and over again. Talk about them all the time, whether you're at home or walking along the road or going to bed at night, or getting up in the morning. Write down copies and tie them to your wrists and foreheads to help you obey them. Write these laws on the door frames of your homes and on your town gates' (Deuteronomy 6:6-9 CEV)._

Isn't it interesting how each succeeding generation views the previous one as old fashioned and out of date? And that's not all bad. Every generation believes there is a better way to do things, and that is the foundation for progress. That's why getting from Britain to New Zealand today can take from 24 hours by plane instead of six months by sailing ship in the 1800s.

*God's word can stand the test of scrutiny. So instead of shutting them down, invite children to ask questions and challenge assumptions, then help them arrive at solid scriptural convictions to live by. As someone who cares for children, there is no greater gift you can give them.*

Good Morning and Happy New Week.



Thursday, 11th April, 2024


_'The Holy Spirit prays for us' (Romans 8:26 TLB)._

Life can wear you down. You can get to the place where your anxiety runs so deep, or your stress levels increase so high, that you can't think clearly. The problem or pain you're experiencing is so overwhelming that you can't put it into words. Good news: that's when the Holy Spirit living within you prays for you and through you.

*As you bring your burden to the Lord and kneel in his presence, a wonderful thing happens:*
_'When we don't know what to pray for, the Spirit prays for us in ways that cannot be put into words. All of our thoughts are known to God. He can understand what is in the mind of the Spirit, as the Spirit prays for God's people. We know that God is always at work for the good of everyone who loves him' (Romans 8:26-28 CEV)._

Because prayer is relational, the Holy Spirit will communicate your heart to God and his heart back to you. When you don't know how to pray - stay. Just remain in God's presence with your heart open, and he will communicate with you. _'You have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things' (1 John 2:20 NKJV)._

*Before God puts the answer in your head, he puts his peace in your heart. That's why prayer can't be rushed. It's why taking the time to meditate and be still before God is so important. It allows the Holy Spirit to share God's thoughts with you so that you begin thinking his way.*

Good Morning and Happy Thursday.



Wednesday, 10th April, 2024


_'I can do everything through Christ' (Philippians 4:13 NLT)._

Losing your job can be devastating. This is when you must keep the right perspective. Having less doesn't make you a lesser person. God still values you, and you must keep valuing yourself. The Christian life is one of trial and triumph.
*Paul writes:*
_'I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength' (Philippians 4:12-13 NLT)._

What should you do when you're unemployed?

(1) *Reduce your expenses to the bare minimum.* That may mean riding the bus or train, making your own lunch and other cost-saving measures.

(2) *Take the stigma out of being unemployed.* Don't presume that people think less of you because you've lost your job. People generally respond to your situation in the same way you do. They will find your enthusiasm about your next move inspiring - even though you may not yet know what it is. _'And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to his purpose' (Romans 8:28 NKJV)._

Getting thrown into prison led to Joseph becoming prime minister of Egypt.
_'The Lord your God turned the curse into a blessing for you, because the Lord your God loves you' (Deuteronomy 23:5 NKJV)._

*God can reveal talents within you and connections around you and open the door to a level of blessing and success you never dreamed possible. So, trust him and believe your best days are ahead.*

Good Morning and Happy Wednesday.



Monday, 8th April, 2024


_'Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity' (Proverbs 21:5 NLT)._

To have job security:
(1) *Endeavour to be as indispensable as possible.*
_'Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty. Wealth created by a lying tongue is a vanishing mist and a deadly trap' (Proverbs 21:5-6 NLT)._ Strive for integrity and excellence in your work, while learning as much as possible about procedures and processes beyond your area of responsibility. Be willing to help others - although not at the expense of your own effectiveness.

(2) *Embrace the biblical principle of authority and submission.* The buck stops with the person in charge. So, determine to submit to anything asked of you that's not illegal or immoral. When possible, confirm the instructions from your boss with a follow-up email, including your feedback on the potential outcome. Always speak with respect. Be willing to go the extra mile. Don't make excuses or try to cover up for poor workmanship. Getting along with your boss is crucial, so make doing so your special project. _'Exhort bondservants to be obedient to their own masters, to be well pleasing in all things, not answering back' (Titus 2:9 NKJV)._

(3) *Know your marketability.* Are you in a field with a strong demand for your skills or do you need to educate yourself in order to upgrade them? If you want a raise or a promotion on the job, you must be willing to invest the time and effort to do what's necessary in order to earn them. _'Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth' (Proverbs 10:4 NIV)._

Good Morning and Happy New Week.


God loves you, my brother; my sister!



Sunday, 31st March, 2024


_'This story has been widely circulated' (Matthew 28:15 NIV)._

Here are two more evidences of Jesus' resurrection:

(1) *You would be hard-pressed to find a time in recorded history where someone willingly gave up their life for what they knew to be a lie.*
*Author Paul E. Little said,*
_'Men will die for what they believe to be true, though it may actually be false. They do not, however, die for what they know is a lie.'_
The fact that those early disciples were willing to endure such suffering makes the foundations of Christianity unshakable.

(2) *Jesus' enemies went to incredible lengths to disprove the resurrection.*
_'When the chief priests had met with the elders and devised a plan, they gave the soldiers a large sum of money, telling them, "You are to say, 'His disciples came during the night and stole him away while we were asleep.' If this report gets to the governor, we will satisfy [bribe] him and keep you out of trouble." So the soldiers took the money and did as they were instructed' (Matthew 28:12-15 NIV)._

*Think:* there has never been a witness in history allowed to testify to what transpired while he or she was asleep. And for a Roman soldier to fall asleep on duty meant a certain death penalty. Indeed, if Jesus had still been in the tomb, or if they had taken his body and placed it somewhere else, why did the Jewish leaders not say so? No, they were paralysed and powerless to do anything about it. Their only option - the one they took - was to initiate great persecution against all Christians. But it failed then, and it fails now because Jesus is alive!

Good Morning and Happy Easter Celebration.



Wednesday, 24th January, 2024


_'Hear me, everyone, and understand' (Mark 7:14 NKJV)._

*Jesus said,* _'Hear me, everyone, and understand' (Mark 7:14 NKJV)._ He spoke life-changing words, but he understood that preoccupied minds don't always listen well. Are you a good listener?

(1) *If you're a leader, listen to your followers.* The kind of leaders people follow do more than conduct business in their interactions; they take time to get a feel for who they are as a person.
*Philip Stanhope, the Earl of Chesterfield, believed,* _'Many a man would rather you heard his story than granted his request.'_ If you're accustomed to listening only to the facts and not to the person who expresses them, change your focus - really listen.

(2) *If you're in business, listen to your customers.* A Cherokee saying states, _'Listen to the whispers and you won't have to hear the screams.'_ Never get so caught up in your own ideas and products that you don't hear your customers' concerns, complaints and suggestions.

*In his book, Business @ the Speed of Thought, former Microsoft CEO Bill Gates said,* _'Unhappy customers are always a concern. They're also your greatest opportunity.'_ That's why you should make it a priority to keep in contact with the people you're serving.

(3) *If you're committed to growth, listen to your mentors.* You can't afford to be without mentors. If you don't have some, find them. If you can't get some, start reading the right books, starting with your Bible. If you're not following in the footsteps of someone wiser, there is a good chance you're not on the right path.

Good Morning and Happy Wednesday.

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