MREM Living Scribes

“..I speak of the things which I have made touching the king:my tongue is a pen of a ready writer..”

'My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer'


John 16:12-14: “I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.”

“Many things to say” is a conceptual reality that describes a point of having access to the truth. However, as stated in the scripture above, this reality is far-fetched from us most times because of our inability to BEAR the truth that would have been communicated.
Reading through the text above, we can draw out certain points: JESUS factor (MAN); RECIPIENT (MAN); BEARING CAPACITY from the recipient; NOW (TIMING); THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH.
A bottom-top view of the list above brings us to an understanding that “Many things to say” is not always the issue, but THE BEARING CAPACITY of the recipient.
From the analysis above, “Many things to say” finds its habitat between JESUS (MAN) and THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH (HOLY SPIRIT) meaning that if the recipient of “Many things to say” has BEARING CAPACITY, certain things that require going for a RETREAT to get, or having a DREAM or A VISION to understand would probably have been pointed out by the brethren around them.
Do you know what? Some brethren who have “Many things to say” refrain from sharing them with other brethren because they are in doubt of the BEARING CAPACITY of the recipient.

Restrictions to correct, scold or advice is increasingly becoming difficult because over the years I have seen that the recipient’s capacity to bear corrections, scolding and advice, as long as they are not done out of envy, jealousy, or resentment from the one giving them, is in declining state with each passing generation. This limits the custodian of “Many things to say” in communicating intentions and observations. From the scripture above, we vividly saw that God has provided an avenue for either A MAN or THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH to convey “Many things to say” but those that will hear it must be able to BEAR IT.

THE SPEAKER OF MANY THINGS should therefore speak based on the BEARING CAPACITY and not HEARING CAPACITY. The Speaker should also know THE TIMING to communicate “Many things to say.” The Speaker and The Listener both have a responsibility in the case on ground. We will have better believers out there if we can all possess the qualities stated above.
We should also know that as this is applicable between Man-to-Man relationships, it is also applicable in God-to-Man relationship. Could it be that no one talking to you about attitudes that does not represent or reflect Christ that you possess is because of YOUR BEARING CAPACITY? That you can HEAR does not mean you can BEAR.

Jesus made us understood that our ACCESS to INSTRUCTIONS, LEADINGS, and CORRECTIONS largely depends on our BEARING CAPACITY..........TO BE CONTINUED.............





A Mother is a builder indeed! Even the writers of the books of the Bible understand this reality about Knowledge! We will be wrong not to follow suit! It is either Balance diet, or malnutrition, or gluttony. One common thing to these various stages of diet is Food, but what is largely absent is A Mother-Figure! The baby doesn’t determine his or her balance diet food, his or her mother does! Don’t be without a tour-guide in the path of knowledge!

There can be shortage of Mothers in heart physically but a book or material can replace this, and reading this book or material not depending on the one who has the quality of a mother in the spiritual realm which is The Holy Spirit can be dangerous. Therefore, you might not have access to a spiritual father that has a mother-heart that knows what to give you per time (only few fulfills this function even though they are Fathers but they lack the Mother-heart quality). But we aren’t without the Holy Spirit that knows what to give to us per time. Dependency on the Holy Spirit becomes one of the greatest heart posture a believer should maintain. This will bring me to Isaiah 11:2 where knowledge is termed “The spirit of knowledge”. And if it has The spirit attached to it, leadings can’t be detached from the existence of The Spirit because He is meant to serve as a Lord over us provided we permit Him.

Knowledge isn’t seen in the scripture as information, but as The spirit. Why is knowledge The spirit? Let us draft out some of the qualities of The spirit from John 16:13 "Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come" which are: He will GUIDE; He will SHOW; He shall SPEAK. When we discard any of these qualities, we either have malnutrition, or right knowledge entered into at the wrong time, or wrong knowledge assumed to be right. The lust for knowledge brings a man to a point where the spirit cannot guide, nor show or speak to a man on what to read and what not to read. Man most of the time takes lead for his or her life outside of the help of The Spirit. And this has been as a failure to recognize that knowledge, understanding and wisdom are all having The spirit attached to them.

Knowledge should be consistent with one’s growth. That the book was written doesn’t mean you should read it or read it now. Exposure to a knowledge not consistent with one’s growth makes one enter into confusion, non-conviction, heresy, arguments and all that can shipwreck the faith of a man. You will then need a tour-guide in the path of knowledge known as the Holy Spirit to walk through the path of knowledge. The scripture that is a bank of history, events, stories which can be called a library of knowledge were not written outside dependency on The Holy Spirit. It will then be an error to side-line him when visiting this library of knowledge or any other material or book extracted from this library.

Don't drop out of the school of the Spirit!






1 Corinthians 3:1 states, "And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ." Why? Paul wasn't lacking in words but had the discernment to know what and when to impart specific teachings (knowledge) to his audience. It wasn't an issue of "what" but "when."

Hebrews 6:1,3 reads, "Therefore, leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection: not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works... And this will we do, if God permits." Even the permission to teach, not because He lacks knowledge, is under the control of God Himself. We may have teachers who don't adhere to the principle of "IF GOD PERMITS," but I believe we should also have listeners who aren't wise enough to understand that this knowledge might become useful six years later, if God permits, but not right now.

The greatest tragedy we can experience is having educators (teachers, instructors, and the like) who lack the "IF GOD PERMIT" mindset and, simultaneously, having listeners (hearers) who don't possess this perspective either. We should tread the path of knowledge with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, not without a spiritual tour-guide. Rushing into knowledge prematurely can lead to a semblance of spiritual growth, but it falls short of genuine spiritual development. True spiritual growth is not primarily marked by an increase in knowledge alone but by the transformation of character.

Many aspects of the natural world teach us that knowledge isn't acquired haphazardly or all at once. From our structured 6-6-4 education system to the way events and narratives are presented in the Bible, we can see that knowledge should be organized and learned systematically. The Bible, inspired by the Holy Spirit but authored by approximately 66 individuals, documents events sequentially as they unfolded in history, not randomly. For instance, Jesus didn't die on the cross before Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. Problems arose before solutions were provided. If the Bible itself demonstrates that knowledge must be carefully arranged and ordered, it would be unwise to approach its study without the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This applies not only to the Bible but also to secondary materials derived from it, such as books.

Consequently, the greatest hindrance to spiritual growth in the future won't be knowledge itself but rather acquiring the wrong knowledge at various stages of one's spiritual development. Our elementary education system offers a valuable lesson in this regard. You wouldn't delve into calculus in further mathematics without first mastering addition and subtraction in primary school. Similarly, educational experts have structured curricula to ensure that knowledge is built step by step, with each block of knowledge laid upon the foundation of the previous one.

This principle is also reflected in our dietary progression from infancy to adulthood. Our mothers understand when to introduce certain foods to avoid indigestion and harm to our digestive systems. No matter how much we may have craved chicken or turkey as babies, our mothers wouldn't have added them to our diet until it was appropriate. So, why would we think this natural progression should be different in matters of the spirit?

What our times often lack is A MOTHER FIGURE (not in physique but in heart), and also BABIES who aren't willing to listen to THE ANCIENT MOTHER FIGURE (The Holy Spirit) and see Him guide them on their pathway to acquiring knowledge through Books and Sermons, which are secondary sources of knowledge in spiritual matters. You might encounter individuals who lack a motherly heart (and this will reflect in what they offer for consumption), but we are never without The Holy Spirit, who embodies that maternal nurturing throughout all ages.

A person's spiritual growth and the nourishment for their spiritual journey are of utmost importance for their overall well-being. Just as food contributes to physical growth, teachings that eventually become a database of knowledge are vital for spiritual growth. The role of the Mother-figure significantly regulates a person's diet as they grow physically. Mothers know what to provide at the right time. If our generation is to experience uninterrupted spiritual growth, well-nourished and free from spiritual malnutrition, we need more individuals embracing the qualities of Mothers in their hearts. While we do require the presence of Fathers in our spiritual journey, it's equally important that these Fathers raise others with the nurturing heart of a Mother.

(To Be Continued On The 13th Of Sep.,2023)




A lack of peace in our conscience serves as an indication that God is sending a message to us on Earth, suggesting that an accusation has been lodged against us in His domain, Heaven. The conscience is akin to both a fire alarm, alerting us to outbreaks, and a fuel gauge, measuring our spiritual state.

An appearance of this kind of organic experience renders ZOE in us inoperative. It suffocates this Life from having expressions through our inward parts. What was therefore given as an ability to know God becomes a controlling tool in the hands of FLESH. An understanding of this is what Acts 24:16 warned us against. Our conscience must have a two-way traffic application which is – Towards God and Towards Man. Don’t neglect those silent, but sharp pricking in your conscience! Your conscience is the voice of your human spirit just as your mouth voices out when your body experiences what is beyond its capacity. Listen to it! So that ZOE can have a free flow from your Human spirit down to your body without any pipe blockage. When a man loves wrong on the outside or fails in his love walk, there will always be voicing out of the conscience in the vessel of a man. However, you either listen by responding accordingly to its next instruction which can be: Beg the offender even though you are the offended. Obedience to this nudge will either make a man have A KEEN CONSCIENCE (which senses danger even before they occur), or have A SEARED CONSCIENCE according to 1 Tim.4:2 (which is the one that is very insensitive to people’s feelings and his environment). The conscience bears witness with the Holy Spirit that if something is wrong, even if you say nothing is wrong. It thereafter excuses or accuses you to make amendments.

So, are you attentive to your conscience? As Paul mentioned in Acts 24:16, exercise yourself through your conscience, and, as Hebrews 5:14 states, by reason of use, you exercise yourself!
Indeed, everything discussed above thoroughly elaborates on the meaning behind the Bible verse, "perfect love casts out all fear," as found in 1 John 4:18. The concept of understanding our conscience, maintaining a two-way application towards both God and others, and allowing the free flow of ZOE within us provides a deeper insight into the idea that when we operate from a place of perfect love, fear loses its grip. Just as the text explained, by actively engaging with our conscience and making decisions rooted in love, we can experience a transformation where fear is dispelled and replaced by the power of love.


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Acts 24:16: “And herein do I exercise myself, to always have a conscience void of offense toward God and toward men.”

I feel compelled in my spirit to share with us during this season what I perceive to be an emphasis from HEAVEN, God’s control tower. It pertains to the little foxes that subtly drain and render dormant the operation of the largest vine within us, which is THE LIFE OF GOD. On the foundation of Righteousness, the Holy Spirit is life in our human spirit. This is the initial place where the divine package called ZOE was delivered into us. However, it's not the final place where its unfolding and manifestation capacity is expected from God’s standpoint. The impact of ZOE must be experienced in all our inward parts—heart, mind, will, emotions—and extend to our outward parts—senses and appetites.

Often, God’s life within us seeks to flow out of our human vessel, extending its tentacles. However, the strong will and ego of man have become significant hindrances to this outflow of life. Instead of this life flowing from us like the river in Eden, it has transformed into a lake or dam, rendering it inoperative within us. Maturity, transformation, and conformity should prevail, allowing this life within us to express itself fully. Unfortunately, immaturity and adherence to worldly thought patterns and behaviors dominate the lives of even those who speak in tongues. Why is this the case? This leads us to the subject at hand – A CONSCIENCE VOID OF OFFENCE.

THE CONSCIENCE is that part within a person's spirit that signals when external relationships with others have been interfered with. Wrong actions towards others occur externally, but internal alerts serve to inform us that we have deviated from our intended path, necessitating prompt adjustments.

Although it may seem insignificant, it's a matter of urgency! THE CONSCIENCE, whether bearing witness, accusing, or excusing us, reveals that the life within us is not inorganic, but organic.

Often, assumptions, premature conclusions prior to hearing explanations from the wrongdoer, inaccurate observations leading to biased theories or judgments, and flawed data analysis based on skewed information inevitably impact our interactions with others. All of these contribute to building up offenses within us, akin to constructing edifices or skyscrapers. While the entry of offense may be unavoidable, its removal is quite feasible.

Let's consider this scenerio:

Susan (on a phone call): How are you doing?
Junia: I’m fine, Susan.
Junia: How is Mom’s health?
Susan: Well, you know, as usual. Looks fine, but not really okay.
Susan's Roommate (internal thoughts): Susan is implying to his friend that I'm not okay just because I didn't respond to him yesterday!

In the scenario above, Susan's roommate jumped to conclusions, made biased analyses, and due to these assumptions, animosity and discord emerged between them. Susan's roommate is akin to many Christians who would assert that their relationship with others is unblemished. However, when he saw Susan the next day, he felt a subtle yet distinct pricking sensation and a weightiness in his conscience. Why? The conscience is that faculty within our spirit that signals when our expression of love towards others is flawed externally and needs swift rectification. Furthermore, not only does the record of our sins exist before God, but the conviction of our sins also resides within our conscience.




This write-up is to give a voice to the extremities creeping into the body of Christ. It seems as though the voice of these extremities are making the teachings over-stretched, false or not necessary- such notion also is biased and unbalanced.

"On so many of these issues, there have been people who emphasized a particular idea or concept so much that they carried it to the extreme. Their attitude seemed to be, 'if a little bit of this is good, then a whole lot must be better'. When this happened, usually another group rose up to correct the overemphasis. Unfortunately, often their "correction" was to the opposite extreme--- because "too much" of this idea is so offensive, let's get rid of it altogether. You might say they tend to "throw the baby out with the bath water"--- you know how ridiculous this could be! (emphasis added)" An excerpt from one of God's servant.

"The cure for such fanaticism, in a servant of God's estimation, is knowing the full counsel of the Word of God. He pointed to Jesus’ statement to Satan, “It is written again.” He advised, “Do not run off on two or three Scriptures, but be balanced on the whole Word of God. When the devil says, ‘There’s a fine text; you go and do something silly on that, ’ you say, ‘It is written again, and bring the balance of other Scriptures to bear on the situation. He illustrated this point with a story of a young man who was out of work. He was given the opportunity to drive a truck for a bakery.The young man said, “I must go and pray about it first. ”He got his Bible, shut his eyes and opened the Bible, and came to the Scripture, “Man shall not live by bread alone. ”He then interpreted this to be a divine revelation that “God does not want me to drive a bakery truck. He said, “That was fanaticism based on one Scripture. ”If he had remembered to say, “It is written again. If any man will not work neither shall he eat, all would have been well. He counseled ministers to present and combat fanaticism by keeping a balance of following the Spirit while avoiding fleshly excesses. “When you are up against fanaticism in your assembly and have people who do mad, wild things do not quench the Spirit by shutting down entirely ”the Spirit’s gifts; instead “give them teaching! ”An excerpt from one of God's servant.

For some reason, it seems like the hardest thing in the world is for the body of Christ to stay balanced on a subject. The palpability of extremity is something seen and known by the least among us. It is not just bad people that fall into the trap of extremity. Good people that are sincere, well-meaning Christian believers but whose zealousness for the truth is commendable, can allow their zeal to exceed wisdom—but I want you to know that the knowledge you claim to believe and subscribe to greatly determines the wisdom you operate with and live by daily. We are in times that the enemy (Satan) is not using that which "WE DON'T KNOW" against us again, but that which "WE KNOW"—so take heed to the kind of knowledge you are assimilating! What you eat is easy to eliminate, but that which your mind has assimilated is difficult to deal with!

James 3:1 "My brethren, be not many masters (Teachers), knowing we shall receive the greater condemnation"

To Be Continued...



“Remember the word unto thy servant, upon which thou hast caused me to HOPE” (Psalms 119:49).
“……Behold, I have done according to thy words…. And I have also given thee that which thou hast not asked, both riches and honor…..” (1 Kings 3:4-15 emphasis on vs.12-12).

God, in His sovereignty, is conscripted to carry out His Eternal purpose through systems. A close reading of the 66 books of the Bible gave us insight into the fact that His Eternal purposes are conscripted under two systems, basically – THE SYSTEM OF THE LAW and THE SYSTEM OF GRACE. However, we have PROMISES AND COVENANTS encrypted within the system of THE LAW; and under the system of GRACE, we have three categories of realties encrypted which are: THE PROMISE OF GOD given to us; THE FACT OF GOD which He accomplished for us already; and THE COVENANT that God makes with man.

King Solomon, who happens to find himself under the system of THE LAW, obtained A promise from THE LORD via the vehicle of a dream in 1 Kings 3:9-13. Even though God has promises encrypted into the system of THE LAW, they aren’t given without certain principles guiding them. In fact, some of His promises are conditional, like the one He made to King Solomon in 1 Kings 3:14 while others are not conditional. Since they can be conditional or unconditional, our responses will therefore differ. If it is conditional, we have to fulfill the conditions to enjoy the promises, and if it is not, all we have to do is claim it. God’s promises to Solomon were both unconditional (1 Kings 3:9-13), and conditional (1 Kings 3:14). Also, every promise of God to man is always built upon four foundations: God's Righteousness, which keeps Him from being unfaithful; God’s holiness, which keeps Him from being deceitful; His grace, which keeps Him from being forgetful; and His truth, which keeps Him from being changeful.

A lack of understanding that His promises are premised on and built upon these four foundations can make you break some of the principles that guide His promises, such as using one’s natural strength to accomplish His promises, adding something to the promise that can make the promise void, and not waiting for His promises to be realized at His timing.
The Solomon syndrome was unveiled after the death of King Solomon in 1 Kings 12:1-4 especially vs. 4 “Thy father made our yoke grievous: now therefore make thou the grievous service of thy father and his heavy yoke, which he put upon us, lighter; and we will serve thee”. Not until we read the words in vs. 4, we never knew that God’s promise of riches to Solomon in 1 Kings 3:12-13 was accomplished by Solomon making the people he was ruling have what they call “Grievous service and heavy yoke”. God indeed promised Solomon wealth, but he didn’t promise him what they said of him in 1 Kings 12:4. I understand that you will say that all he did was a fulfillment of all that God told Samuel about which was the manner of the king that shall reign over the nation of Israel in 1 Sam.8:8-18. David, his father never received such comments from the people he ruled after his death.

The Solomon syndrome is creeping into us gradually – He promised you an Isaac through Sarah, and it won’t come through Hagar. When the Solomon syndrome begins to eat up a man, he focuses more on WHAT was promised than WHEN and HOW the promise of God will surface. The Solomon syndrome ensures He helps God accomplish WHAT He promised him. He promised you Isaac; wait for it to come at His timing, through Sarah, and not Hagar. I know He promised you A throne; wait for it to come at its timing, and don’t kill A Saul to get to the throne. What He promised has its WHEN (timing) and HOW (Methods). Let His promises be accomplished with His timing and method, not yours. Don’t seek Hagar to get Isaac, and don’t kill A Saul to get to the throne He promised you! A promise, though tarried, will not tarry long. Beware of the Solomon syndrome; it tears apart the kingdom (promise) given – 1 Kings 12:16-19.

To Be Continued.....



Published on: 2nd of August, 2023

"There is a time for everything under the heavens," as the Preacher rightly stated. Between His Creator and the domain of time in which he is situated, man remains a center of fascination. Without the presence of man on Earth, it may seem as though God cannot or will not act in due time. While man perceives himself as a temporary resident of time, it is essential to recognize the divine timetable he is destined to follow despite this temporary existence. Unfortunately, man's adherence to the rules of this earthly realm, rather than the time allotted by his Creator, has consistently been the greatest hindrance to God's divine timing for man. All purposes, plans, intentions, destinations, and inventions are intertwined within the womb of time.

Though God does not dwell in time, He has appointed the realm of time for the accomplishment of His purposes on Earth. Man lives within the constraints of time, but he must develop the ability to recognize when God is about to act on Earth in His time and align with it appropriately. On the other hand, Satan is well aware of God's usage of "Chronos" timing in the realm of time to achieve what we refer to as "Kairos" timing, establishing His objectives on Earth. Man serves as the crucial link between God's Kairos and Chronos. Satan, being highly intelligent, endeavors to ensure that the man God intends to rely upon as a link between His Kairos and Chronos falters, causing a delay in the establishment of God's purpose on Earth.

As a result, Satan manipulates the domain of time, which God placed man in, intended to be a vehicle through which God efficiently carries out His plans, and employs it against man in a technocratic manner.

The enemy employs several darts against man in the world of time, both deliberately and unwittingly:
The 'HIS OWN BODY' syndrome is the first fiery darts he uses!

(Sigh)... I speak of the things that I have made touching the king.





Locked in the soul of man is an higher probability of adding or subtracting from the words in the scripture, and either of the two approach births "EXTREMITY". Sometimes man in a bid to practice the art of EXEGESIS (meaning interpreting scriptures with scriptures) fall into the deception of ISOGESIS (reading one's thought into the scripture and making it say what the
chapter or verse is not saying).

We've seen the possibility of extremity right before the fall of
man in Genesis 3, and right after the fall of man which was reflected in certain events in the Bible, the building of the tower of Babel with an aim of making it "....REACH UNTO HEAVEN" in
Genesis 11. Maintaining the flow of my thought, I mentioned Genesis 3 earlier----Eve that was a typology for THE BODY OF CHRIST fell into a trap of adding to the instruction of the Monarchy
Of the Heavens of Heaven by uttering statements such as".......neither shall ye touch it....." vs.3 while in deep conversation with the enemy of the man. THE CHURCH is still constantly falling
into the trap that Eve fell into in Genesis 3 which was the birth of "EXTREMITY". The greatest tool the enemy is using to keep THE CHURCH from coming into her maturity is making "MEN go into EXTREMITY".

"So many of us are [firmly established] extremists. If we see any ray of truth we push it to such an extreme that our constant pressing of it becomes offensive, vain, and at last erroneous. If we discover any successful line of ministry we run after it to such an extent that it becomes nauseating and exhausted. We are forever missing genuine usefulness by our constant failure to keep well-balanced. In the end men lose confidence in us, our intemperance grieves the Holy Spirit, and we are cast upon the scrap-heap of rejected and
unprofitable servants. But still more of us are in danger of missing a life of power by seeking to walk in monotonous middle-course that never ventures to an extreme at all." An excerpt from an article of Donald Gee.

There has been a constants wing of the pendulum---firstly, towards what I will love to call "LACK OF KNOWLEDGE AS THE ROOT CAUSE OF DESTRUCTION", then secondly towards what I will love to call "ABUNDANCE OF KNOWLEDGE AS ANOTHER ROOT CAUSE OF
DESTRUCTION [HUMAN PHILOSOPHY]" While some destruction is strictly caused by LACK OF KNOWLEDGE, some people's destruction in this last days will because by ABUNDANCE OF KNOWLEDGE. The knowledge of the Holy one will not bring to a man DESTRUCTION, but man's EXTREMITY being added can become detrimental not only to the man but also to his hearers'
growth in the faith.

......To Be Continued....

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