Diet 24/7

We disseminate nutrition based information and tips for healthy lifestyle and family wellness goals.


Did you know? 🌱

Eating disorder is an unhealthy eating pattern associated with food restrictions, starvation, binge eating, purging and fluctuation in weight.

Individuals with eating disorder eat little or no food due to feeling of disgust they have for their body type or image, fear of weight gain and obesity, unhealthy obsession with food, thus eating more than the body needs at a time. Eating disorder also occurs with other psychological disorders such as:

👉 Depression
👉 Substance abuse
👉 Anxiety disorders.

Types of Eating disorders includes:

🥙– Anorexia Nervosa: This is an eating disorder associated with denial of appetite and self starvation because of a feeling of disgust an individual has for her body type or weight. It involves an extreme intent to lose weight.

🥙- Bulimia Nervosa- This type of eating disorder involves eating large quantities of food at a time (Overeating) and then use laxatives or diuretics to flush the food from the body through purging, vomiting and excessive exercise.

🥙- Binge Eating- This is similar to Bulimia but the difference is that binge eaters do not purge after overeating. They rather live in guilt. It is associated with gluttony.


Malnutrition is simply a poor nutrition and a public health menace in the society which is most commonly caused by not eating enough food to get all the nutrients your body needs (Undernutrition), excessive consumption of the nutrients your body needs, and micronutrient deficiencies.

Different forms of malnutrition that eating disorder exposes you to includes:

👉 UNDERNUTRITION- Anorexia nervosa exposes you to deficient nutrients due to excessive starvation, and low body mass index of 17.5 or less indicates a severe case.

👉 OVERNUTRITION- Bulimia Nervosa and binge eating are related to this type of malnutrition. Overeating exposes you to excessive nutrients, more than the body requires. Overnutrition increases the risk diet related chronic diseases (NCDs) such as:
* Type 1 & 2 diabetes.
* Obesity
* Chronic Kidney Diseases (CKD)
* Hypertension
* Colon cancer etc.

Photos from Diet 24/7's post 22/02/2024


Have you been wondering why you add excessive body weight?

Lose weight even when you eat large quantity of food?

Neither add nor lose weight no matter what you eat?

The answer to your questions lies in your energy balance and factors surrounding it.

Energy balance summarises what is going on in your body, how your body breaks down the food you eat to give you energy to work and perform all life processes.

The slides explains in details all you need to know about energy balance.

Photos from Diet 24/7's post 20/02/2024

Healthy body weight is very essential to our health and general body goals. Having a healthy weight can help lower your risk of chronic health conditions such as:

* Obesity
* Diabetes
* High blood pressure &
* Heart diseases.

How do you know your body weight?

You can calculate your body weight using the BMI calculator (Body Mass Index).

* If your BMI is less than 18.5 - You are Underweight.

* If your BMI is 18.5 to 24.9 - You are in the healthy weight range.

* If your BMI is 25.0 to 29.9 - You are in the overweight range.

* If your BMI is 30.0 and above - You are in the obese range.

These simple tips below will help you to maintain a healthy body weight❤️.


Happy Valentine's Day dear DIETERS😍. We hope you love and take care of your health as you love your partner💝.

Healthy lifestyle should be one of your commitments today. Enjoy!

Photos from Diet 24/7's post 12/02/2024

Dietary Fibres are significant addition to the foods we eat and are all essential to our health and well-being.

Key roles of fibres in our bodies are:

🎯. Promotes healthy digestion by preventing digestive issues like constipation, bloating, and diarrhea. Fibre adds bulk to your stool and aids regular bowel movements.

🎯. Dietary fibres increases your satiety thereby controls weight management. This means that fibre in foods can help in your weight loss journey by making you to feel full for long and eat less calories.

🎯. Soluble dietary fibres (SDFs) are good prebiotics that improves your gut health by increasing the beneficial bacteria in your colon.

🎯. Dietary fibres also saves you from the risk of chronic health conditions like Obesity, Diabetes, Cardiovascular diseases, Hypertension and Colon cancer.

Make dietary fibre part of your diet for optimal health❤️🌿


We hope it's not too late to say Happy New Month!

Don't forget to lead with love this February!


To our incredible volunteers,

As we begin activities for the year, we want to express our deepest gratitude for your selfless dedication and unwavering support throughout last year. Your generosity of time and spirit has made a profound impact on the lives of those we serve.

2024 is going to be awesome! Can't wait to work alongside you!

Photos from Diet 24/7's post 04/02/2024

Today marks the World Cancer Day Celebration 🎗🌎. An opportunity for reflection on the risks and dangers of cancer to lives, showing compassion to cancer patients and survivors, and quick action towards making the human space healthier and free of cancer causing agents.

Cancer is a public health menace and the second most common cause of death in developing worlds. It is majorly caused by environmental factors and strongly associated with nutritional and genetic factors.

Understanding the crucial roles that diet and nutrition play throughout our life course in promoting and upholding good health, today is a reminder that the foods we eat can save or mare our chances to healthy living.

Our lack of defense most times to infections and diseases is influenced by diet and environmental factors. To this effect, its important to create awareness on the key roles of nutrients in the foods we eat which are designed to protect us by inhibiting the growth of cancerous cells ♋️.

One of the important questions to answer today is "CAN THE FOODS WE EAT CURE CANCER?"

Throughout history no particular food has scientifically be proven to cure cancer, but the nutrients in the foods we eat are positioned with:
* The ability to improve health and wellbeing.
* Provide energy for our body processes.
*And reduces the risks of non-communicable chronic diseases like Diabetes, Cancer, Cardiovascular and Kidney diseases.

The foods we eat are very rich in essential compounds needed by every living things to survive. These compounds includes Macronutrients, micronutrients, phytonutrients, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic agents.

Each of these compounds present in the foods we eat play important roles in our overall health. Most especially the roles of phytonutrients, antioxidants and thousands of other agents in fighting cancerous cells in our body.

Phytonutrients are compounds found in foods most especially plant foods which helps in preventing chronic diseases like cancer. They are found in vegetables, fruits, beans, whole Grains, nuts and seeds.

Eating a diet rich in vegetables and fruits is one of the great ways to increase your phytonutrients intake. No single food can protect you from risk of diseases, but you can get the most protection by eating a variety of plant foods. Reasons I recommend 4 to 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day.

There are more than 100,000 phytonutrients in plant foods, each with their assigned roles of anti-cancer, neuroprotection, treatment of metabolic disorders, and other diseases.

A list of some of the phytonutrients and foods we can find them:

🌿Flavonoids: Dark chocolates, Lettuce, Cabbage, Tomatoes, Celery, Strawberries, Lemon, Apple, Cocoa powder, Grapes.

🌿Polyphenol: Berries, groundnuts, Chia seeds, Broccoli, Chilli peppers, flax seeds, Carrots.

🌿Carotenoids: Bell peppers, Carrots, Pumpkin, Sweet potatoes, Green beans, Spinach, kale, mangoes, oranges, tomato, yams, watermelon.

🌿Resveratrol: Red wine, peanuts, berries, grapes 🍇

🌿Omega-3 fatty acid: Fatty fishes like Mackerel, salmon, Horse, black tuna, Cod liver oil, soybean oil, olive oil, Walnuts, flaxseed.

🌿Genistein: Soybean and all soya products.

🌿Curcumin: Tumeric, Curry powders.

Asides the cancer agents from the environment we live in, Obesity is another risk to cancer. It's important to cut down on calories, limit unhealthy foods and engage in physical activities.

Together we can fight, manage and reduce cancer to the barest minimum in the world 🌎.


Our health status is a reflection of our choices✅️. Make healthier choices today🌿❤️



Vitamin D is one of the fat soluble vitamins known as "The sunshine vitamin". It is made from the cholesterol in your skin when it's exposed to the sun.

Sunlight is the major and most natural source of synthesising vitamin D. The cholesterol in the skin on interacting with the Ultraviolet B rays (UVB) through the help of the liver and kidney converts vitamin D from inactive form (cholecalciferol), to active form (Calcitriol) which the body needs for optimal health.

🌸 Why is the sun the major source of Vitamin D?

Ninety percent (90%) of vitamin D is made from the sun, with the remaining 10% from food sources such as: fatty fishes (Mackerel, sardines, salmon, Horse), beef, liver, egg yolks, fortified milk etc.

This means that it's only a handful of foods that contains significant amounts of vitamin D. Which you will have to eat everyday before you can get the recommended amount of Vitamin D your body needs. Sometimes it's not even upto recommended daily intake(RDI).

But just with a small exposure to the sun in 10-15 minutes, your body can get all the vitamin D it needs for the day and more.

Getting morning or midday sun exposure (from 8am-11am or at 12noon) is the best way to boost your Vitamin D levels and get the recommended daily intake.

While the sun is the best source of Vitamin D, too much exposure to the sun is risky.

Vitamin D as a fat soluble vitamin stores the excess in the adipose tissues and liver. Your body can store it there for months, hence you don't need sun exposure everyday. Twice a week is perfect.

In days your daily intake of vitamin D is lacking, your body will use from the reserve.

However, sunlight exposure for the synthesis of Vitamin D has to be direct to the skin not through a medium (clothes, glass, office window etc).

The fact you are feeling the heat of the sun through your office window or your overly covered skin doesn't make it to act on your skin.

This is why you should leave some part of your skin exposed. Don't cover all part tightly. The more skin you expose, the more Vitamin D your body will make.

Fair skins makes vitamin D quickly than darker skins due to melanin obstruction to UV rays. Therefore it decreases the amount of Vitamin D produced for a given exposure.

More reason you should expose more skin on days you set aside for your body to make vitamin D from the sun.

🌸 Who are at risk of Vitamin D deficiency?

While many people can have access to sunlight, those with Inadequate sun exposure are at risk of Vitamin D deficiency. They includes:

*The elderly, disabled and infants.

*Skin pigmentation (extremely dark skinned people with strong melanin inhibition)

*Chronic health conditions that affects Kidney and Liver. Including Obesity.

*People living in Northern latitudes during the winter.

*People with indoor occupations and less interaction outside.

*People that consciously avoid the sun.

*Religious people with dressings that covers all body parts.

These set of people are safe to complement their vitamin D levels with supplements and other nutritive food sources under strict medical supervision.

🌸 Health concerns of Vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D is a unique vitamin that people do not get enough. According to recent studies, 1 billion people in the world are suffering from Vitamin D deficiency, while 50% of this population has Vitamin D insufficiency.

The health concerns of Vitamin D deficiency are not insignificant but extreme. Such as:



*Feeble muscles



🌸Health uses of Vitamin D

*Building healthy bones.

*Easy contraction of the muscles.

*Helps body messengers to carry messages from the brain to the body.

*Builds a strong immunity to diseases and infections.

*Improves heart function .

*Enhances mood by stimulating happy hormones .

P.S- The Daily value for vitamin D is 20 mcg (800 IU) for adults and children aged from 4yrs and older, which they can get from few healthful food sources, dietary supplements and mostly from the sun.

Like, comment and share❤️


Weightloss is achievable with portion control. Moderation is key in this stage🥙

Photos from Diet 24/7's post 10/01/2024


Hey Dieters! Are you ready to power up your weight loss journey with the right foods?

Let's dive into a world of nourishment that fuels your body and helps you shed extra pounds😊

An intentional journey to weight loss involves making healthy food choices that contain less calories and high fibre, including other nutrients.

When it comes to weight loss fibre is very important. Soluble fibre is a powerful natural appetite suppressant which increases feeling of fullness so that you feel less hunger and eat less food.

Remember losing weight is all about consuming fewer calories than your body use.


So here are few tips on the healthy foods you will eat on conscious journey to weight loss:

🌸 Instead of baked foods, candies and snacks- replace with fruits such as berries, apple, kiwi, grapes, carrot, orange, avocado, tomatoes.

Fruits are packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that satisfy your sweet tooth while supporting weightloss.

These fruits specifically contains low calories, enough fluids and high fibre content that satisfies your appetite and makes you full.

🌸Opt for lean protein sources that are rich in nutrients, lower in saturated fats and calories: fatty fishes, chicken breast, turkey, eggs, nuts, legumes, Quinoa, Greek yoghurt.

Fun fact: Greek Yoghurt is rich in protein and calcium. This combination of nutrients satisfies your diet by increasing levels of appetite suppressing hormones. It also boost gut health by supporting healthy bacteria.

🌸 Instead of processed carbs- replace with whole Grains: Brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat pasta. They speed up metabolism, keep you satisfied and reduce the calories your body absorbs.

🌸Make dark leafy greens your best allies in this journey of shedding excess pounds. Vegetables like broccoli, kale, Swiss chard, cauliflower, green beans, green peas are great way to add more fibre to your diet.

Most vegetables are low in calories but high in nutrients and antioxidants. You can have half your plate filled with them while on your weight loss journey.

🌸Green Tea is a soothing and healthful addition to your routine. It's one of the zero calorie drinks that aids effective weight loss and also contains flavonoids, an antioxidant linked to faster fat burning and increased metabolism.

You can check for other zero calorie drinks like green tea that will aid your weightloss journey

Remember, the key to fast and sustainable weightloss is combination of healthy eating and physical activity.

Make choices that align with your goals and lifestyle and don't forget to stay hydrated and listen to your body signals🧡.



Still in the spirit of a new year, Diet 24/7 wishes you all a fruitful and healthy beginning🫒🍏.

2024 is another opportunity to make your journey to intentional healthy living a success. Thank you for trying last year. Diet24/7 is here to help your dreams come true this year😍.

HOPE YOU'RE READY? I'm happy you're starting this journey with us.
Don't forget to like, comment and share our health posts.



It's a season of love, joy, family bonding, social activities that spurs great feelings with lots of things to eat and drink. Merriment at its peak 😍

While at it, don't forget to eat healthy. The joy of merriment is to refill the body and mind with the best all through. Make your holiday worth it with "HEALTHY FOOD OPTIONS"🖤.

From the stables of Diet 24/7 we wish you all the best Christmas 🎄🥳💃

Photos from Diet 24/7's post 16/10/2023

Diet 24/7 outreach for World Food's Day Celebration 🌎 tagged "Water is life, Water is food-Leave no one mind" ❤️

Water is the fluid of life that is essential to man's existence. So we join our voices to the rest of the world to teach these young minds at Federal Airport Authority Secondary School, Calabar (FAANS) the need for them to stay hydrated always.

Water has always been man's best friend and on a day like this we re-emphasized it's importance to our ecosystem, living things(Man, plants and animal).

Hydration is Key and we at Diet24/7 supports any measures that sustains and improves quality of life✅️


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day 🥙. Have you had your breakfast? 🥰. Don't skip! Good morning❤️


Healthy feeding is for everybody no matter how much you earn. There are many healthy food options around us that cost less but still give our body the required nutrients.

Don't wait for when a Dietitian or Doctor tells you to buy this and eat, then you will agree it's for your good. Dietitians come in during critical cases where they help you to arm your body against fighting and managing certain health conditions.

What about now you're healthy and can make this options for yourself unaided?

The true beauty of nature is that it's free, it's accessible to everybody and it works for all without minding social statuses. Use nature for your good but don't abuse it.

Good morning🥦

Photos from Diet 24/7's post 02/09/2023

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is one of the World Public Health challenges that needs nutrition guidelines and dietary management.

Maintaining the Kidneys Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) is the key renal function of the Kidneys because the GFR shows how well the Kidneys are filtering your blood. It includes 4 major processes:

*Secretion &

This simply means your Kidneys filter your blood by removing waste and extra water to make urine. Your GFR being below 60 mL/min/1.73m² for 3 months is an indication of Kidney failure.

There are risk factors to Chronic Kidney diseases. People with these conditions are prone to CKD-

*Family history of Kidney failure.

Asides these factors, herbal and environmental toxins contributes more to some cases of Kidney failures.

However, what you eat and drink can help your Kidneys to maintain a healthy balance of salts and minerals in your body and help you feel better.

Eating the right amount may help control the buildup of waste and fluid in your body. This means your Kidneys do not have to work so hard to remove these wastes.

Here are dietary guidelines to nourish your kidneys‼️

*Hydration is Key🥛: Water is your Kidneys best friend. Aim for atleast 8 glasses daily.

*Embrace the Green vegetables🥦: They contain essential nutrients to regulate blood pressure.

*Monitor your Potassium levels🍎: Opt for low Potassium foods.

*Protein power 🍗: Opt for lean sources of protein like Chicken, fish, tofu.

*Salt savvy 🧂: Cut down on Sodium intake most Especially salt.

*Limit Phosphorus: Avoid high Phosphorus foods like soda and processed meats.

*Explore Kidney-friendly veggies 🥕: Carrots and green beans.

Let's make these mindful choices together and show our Kidney the love and care they deserve ❤️. Hope you find this helpful? Drop your comments below

Photos from Diet 24/7's post 01/09/2023

Discovering the key to a healthy heart is important for a happy heart ❤️, most Especially in this age we have prevalent cases of heart diseases.

Hey there, health enthusiasts! Are you ready to embark on a journey towards a healthier heart? Come let's talk about the incredible power of foods that can keep your ticker ticking strong! 🫀

🍓🥑 We all know that what we eat plays a vital role in our overall health, and our heart deserves some extra love! Dive into deliciousness with heart-healthy foods like avocados, berries and leafy greens, packed with antioxidants, phytonutrients and healthy fats that boost cardiovascular wellness.

🐟🍥 Say hello to Omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fishes like Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines and nuts like Walnuts, Almonds etc. These powerhouses can lower blood pressure and reduce inflammation, giving your heart a reason to smile.

🍫🍫 Dark chocolate lovers, rejoice! Indulge in moderation, and you'll be treating yourself to flavonoids which is a key nutrient in Cocoa. Heavily known to reduce the amount of pro-inflammatory molecules in the blood and improve blood flow throughout the body to keep your heart happy. 💖

🍅🥕 Don't forget the colourful wonders of tomatoes and carrots! Packed with Lycopene, Carotenoid, Vitamins and Fibre. They promote healthy cholesterol levels and keep your heart in tip top shape.

🌾🥙 Whole Grains such as oats and quinoa, are your heart's best friends. They're low in saturated fat and high in fiber, helping you maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of heart disease.

🍎🍊 Apples and oranges atleast one per day keeps the doctor away! These fruits are rich in fiber, vitamins and essential nutrients that support heart health and keep your arteries clear.

🫐🍓 Blueberries contain great quantity of Anthocyanins, other micronutrients and Fibre which helps to improve bad cholesterol (LDL) oxidation, total plasma oxidant capacity, free arteries, and glucose metabolism.

Remember, the part to a healthier heart starts with small, mindful choices. So let's fill our plates with love and fuel our bodies with foods that makes our hearts sing!

Share your favourite heart-healthy foods below and inspire others on this incredible journey. Together, we are unstoppable in achieving healthy goals! 💪🌟


Before medicine and all other things we take to improve our health, our body is first controlled by the foods we eat. So what does your Nutrition process looks like everyday?

A. Adequate/Balanced
B. Malnourished
C. Maybe balanced (Not sure)
D. I eat whatever comes my way.

Choose the perfect option that describes your feeding😊

10 Facts About Essential And Non-Essential Amino Acids. - Diet Relate 04/07/2023

10 Facts About Essential And Non-Essential Amino Acids. - Diet Relate Essential and non-essential amino acids make up the different proteins found throughout the human body. There are twenty (20) amino acids grouped into Nine (9) essential amino acids and eleven (11) non-essential amino- acids. The classification is based on their nutritional aspects and metabolic syn...

Best 10 Sources of Foods Rich in Amino Acids- Benefits - Diet Relate 03/07/2023

Best 10 Sources of Foods Rich in Amino Acids- Benefits - Diet Relate The foods rich in amino acids such as Meat, eggs, chicken, turkey, milk, quinoa, soy products and chia seeds helps in synthesizing large amounts of essential amino acids which our bodies need in varying amounts. They are complete proteins mainly animal-based sources and few plant based sources.


Do you know that most of the solutions to your health challenges, chronic diseases, weightloss journey, fitness fantasies and many other things you desire in your overall health is dependent on the food you eat?

I guess you're oblivion of this fact or maybe you know and still don't know how to go about it. Probably, your priority is just to eat thrice a day and you are good to go.

Today I want to discuss with you personally. How do you cook the food you eat? when do you prepare them? What are the ingredients you use? How long does it take you to make these foods? Do you have a meal plan at all or you make do with what you see?

I'm asking you all these questions because I want you to answer them and know if the foods you eat are for nourishment and satisfaction or just to satisfy your cravings only.

I was raised by a Mum who shouts at me whenever I'm cooking "Chinemerem how long have you cooked that Vegetable? Are you cooking stone, is that rice not yet done? How many cups of water did you add to that meat? I don't want that much spices oo" Her questions and complains keeps coming in till you get tired of the food and the Kitchen😁

Little wonder, I chose a path where I see myself doing more than my Mum when someone is cooking for us or if I'm cooking for myself I make sure I'm doing it right.

All the Macro and Micro Nutrients we need to survive are in the foods, herbs and spices we eat. The antioxidants, anti-inflammatory agents, antimicrobial substances that fight toxins, boosts our immune system, nourishes our skin and helps in the secretion of happy and good hormones are also in those foods we eat.

This means that the food we consume can heal, maintain, stabilise and "DESTROY". Yes, emphasis on destroy because when you prepare and consume these foods the wrong way it can have triple effects on your system much more than it cures. The natural agents in the foods we eat are too many to be toiled with. Hence, their reactions are that of ripples effect.

If you really want food to fill in the gap of excessive drugs for you, then you should eat it right. This is not to say we don't need drugs, we hundred percent need drugs; but it's not for conditions that good nutrition can cure.

You can chop life and still eat right. I'm an advocate of good life that's why I choose something nice to draw your attention ☺️. Enjoy!

SKIN DISEASES: Nutritional Care For The Skin. 30/03/2023

SKIN DISEASES: Nutritional Care For The Skin. Do you know that Diet plays a prominent role in the condition of the skin more than organic products and skincare routines? The Skin is the large organ that covers and protects the body. Skin disea…


Have you ever been concerned about what you eat? Do you get bored with your food choices? If yes kindly state your nutritional challenges in the comment box.

Good morning Diet Boosters🥙. It's another day to support your nutrition journey to achieving an optimal health. Shall we😊

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