Guided Path Academy

In a time where non compos mentis is a thread of the day, there is a man who is ready to go against the status quo. Changing the narrative is pertinent.

Learning and Re-learning is a target for this awesome page.




I was in snooze mode for a minute. So, what's the latest gossip in the land of trending topics? Anything juicy I need to know about? 😜


Give away time!


Wishing you all a happy and prosperous August!

May the new month bring with it new opportunities, new adventures, and new experiences. May it be filled with happiness, good health, and success. Embrace the new month with hope, positivity, and excitement! Happy August to you all!


Self discovery is a foundamental pillar of self growth. It is a journey that takes you from unaware to owning your own power, knowing your true potentials, understanding your feelings, preferences, styles, motives and more.

Self discovery help you to be more in tune with your gut, your intuition because it helps you to be more aware.

Self discovery helps you to name your feelings and understand where they came from.

Self discovery helps you to speak up and stand up for yourself because it helps you to increase the level of self-worth and stop comparing yourself with other people so as to help you to see how unique you are.

Never underestimate yourself!

(Read more via the link in the comment box)

Self discovery helps you to know what you are afraid of, so as to get ready to face your fear when it’s time instead of letting it control you.

Self discovery helps you to identify your negative self talk so as to reframe your thoughts and turn them into empowering ones.

Self discovery helps you to improve your self love because it helps you to make peace with yourself and show yourself compassion.

Self discovery helps to build better habits that allows you to take care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally because, the more you understand yourself, the more you understand what you need.

Self discovery helps you to set more meaningful goals because it makes you see what you want your life to be.

Lastly, self discovery helps you to recognize your strengths and weaknesses so that you can leverage what you are good at and seek help when you need to.


Guided Path Academy is a social enterprise that specializes in helping her clients achieve their life, career and business goals by improving their competence, capacity and overall productivity.

Our business offerings cover areas such as motivational speeches, pep-talk, public speaking, relationship counseling, business coaching, management development training, professional development training, business and proposal writings, creative and technical writings, and quality assurance training.


“If being an egomaniac means I believe in what I do and in my art or music, then in that respect you can call me that… I believe in what I do and I will say it.” – John Lennon

Know your strength and play to them. Seek work and in an area which makes the most of your strengths, knowledge and skill set.

You don’t have to be great at everything but for self-confidence in life, it is better to keep building on your strength.


Sugarcane is sweet but no one swallows it,
there are some people you must spit out of your life, no matter how much you like them.

~Richard Mofe Damijo RMD

One of the fastest ways to unfulfilled life is living in toxic relationship. You can't thrive anywhere you are not loved and not giving chance to grow.

Walk through the path of greatness with the great people.


Sugarcane is sweet but no one swallows it,
there are some people you must spit out of your life, no matter how much you like them.


As d c**k heralds d opening of a new day, so shall this Tuesday announce the beginning of joy, peace, success, & greatness in your life.



In a time where non compos mentis is a thread of the day, there is a man who is ready to go against the status quo. Changing the narrative is pertinent. Learning and Re-learning is a target for this awesome page.

May God bless us!


It's time ASUU and FG agreed to Sheathe their Swords


Basheer Luqman Olarewaju-Unique

Our education system has gone downhill because we’ve given up on impacting knowledge and providing quality education. Specifically what’s been thrown away is a respect for the value of knowing things, appreciating the tutors and transmitting that knowledge to the next generation.

Students are the root of development in country. They play immense important and significant role in development of country. Students who learn today, they will work for future of country. In future they are the pillar of public sector ( government sector ) and in private sector etc and country also depends on them.

It saddens saner minds receiving various updates on the latest ASUU strike that has grounded activities in virtually all Universities in the country. The strike has indeed exposed how irresponsible and lack of concern for the future of the country both ASUU and FG can be.

ASUU from the reports had been seeking for public sympathy against the Government by putting it that they are demanding for what FG promised and agreed to. However, since ASUU is on strike why should FG finds it difficult to act!? This sadly points to the fact that, education in Nigeria would soon be worse than that of Somali.

On a sincere note, Federal Government should stop portraying herself as irresponsible and immature on this issue. The politicking in ASUU's demands had heart aching as several agreement had been made by previous administrations but it has always been subject of statement on paper not in proper ex*****on.

There is always cause and there is always EFFECT. It only shows we don't have serious leadership who are concerned about her citizens, especially the indigents. The most disgusting thing is that, the Students are at the receiving end and this will in turn birth youth who lack empathy for the county as the country has little efforts on their progress and development in term of quality education.

Nigerian Government should note that the studentship stage is prominent compared to all stages of life. In this stage itself one has to learn life issues and how to tackle, learn and make a beautiful life. This stage not only helps him grow but also decides nation's development. As said by Gurajada Apparao, "Country means not the soil, but the people." So it means people's development in the innermost view.

In Nigeria, if the news is not that; Resident doctors are on strike, ASUU on strike, ASUP on strike, it would be NASU on strike, etc Which ways Naija - One can begin to have a clue on reason why elites, particularly those in Nigeria public office send their children abroad or private school to study.

The motives behind ASUU strike ought to be FG call and reawaken to its responsibility having admitted its failure. It's only in this country that government play politics with its economy and lives of people. A meaningful government need not to be told about dividend of quality education. We lack research ability and nobody is concern about the cause. The unemployment we sing with our mouth daily is as result of nonproductive graduates that Nigeria Universities produce.

Consequently, It's obvious that the country is structured to favor some selfish individual particularly those in the affair of the nation. suffice it to say their children’s need not to work or school before securing a job in any sector, what he needed doing is to employed brilliant hand from poor background, whom learned via hardship to do the job while he act as boss and decides the formal salary.

Conclusively, the politics being by both parties should be put to an end in order to provide an enabling learning environment for the students. If this continues, it will be necessary for most of us to start seeking asylum in another country before all and sundry infected with average Nigerian syndrome about government.

Photos from Basheer Luqman Olarewaju's post 29/09/2020


Hello! I'm who you know! I'm not a facy advertising copywriter.

I used to be a lecturer. I teach for a living. But now, I have this little time for home business that brings me steady 100k a month, virtually without lifting a finger.

And that's what I would like to tell you about...

This year, during the lockdown (at its peak), I noticed that people were suffering and I wished to help.

I also understood that such moment would be hard for couples and lovers due to lack of communication, unrealistic occurrences etc.

I saw it as a problem and I wanted to solve it.

So I reached out to four (4) resourceful personalities.

I must tell you..

They are good at the topic given.

I put up a webinar and charged 1k. The webinar alone sold 48k within just three days.

Imagine that!..

But that isn't the sweetest part yet...

After the webinar, I created an eBook - *My Soulmate* out of the contents from the webinar.

And boom!🔥🔥🔥

In just 12 days, the eBook sold 101k.

Someone even bought it at the rate of 5k because she loved it and it solved a current problem.

It then occurred to me...

I started to imagine how much you will make with that your skills if you decided to create an eBook on it.

Every skill is sellable in the form of eBook.

You don't believe me?

Let me tell you about a friend that is making $1000 a month from selling a how-to plan on how kids can do fun projects.

She wasn't aware that her skill can earn her more money just like you are not aware that you can actually create eBook out of your skill.

It was a friend of her that made a casual comment that *"I'm sure you knew a thousand ways to show kids how to do fun project"* just like I'm telling you too that you can make earnings by converting your skills into an eBook that people can grab and read.

Here👇 are some surprising facts about this effort-free home based business:

✔You can start in the privacy of your own home - in your spare hours.

✔Nobody needs to know what you're doing.

✔The amount of money you make is up to you... And you share the profit with no one else.

✔It takes virtually no big 'capital' (if at all you need any) or experience.

✔It makes no difference where you live or what your education is.

✔Your Financial circumstance is no barrier (I will teach you how to start from scratch using your phone and without capital).

✔You don't have to even come up with how-to plan on your own because I will show you exactly how to pour your skills in to writing.

✔I will give you creative ideas for creating fast-selling ebooks... Ready for you to select... Ready for you to make money.

And guess what else?

I have developed certain breakthrough methods and techniques that are so powerful that you can begin making tidy sums of money right away.

You will learn stuff that's so new, so exciting and so wildly profitable that you will probably want to drop everything you're now doing and jump right in.

Believe me, nothing like this has ever been released before.

*So, why am I willing to share this incredible business with you?*

Its simple, the 48billion dollars info-product market is so vast.

I won't be competing with you nor you with me.

Right now, my eBook - *My Soulmate* is working for me and pulling in money with vengeance.

And its so easy, its almost sinful!

Ideas for quick info-ebook are everywhere and the incredible demand is staggering.

There seems to be no end to it and best of all, there is room for everybody.

Are you starting to see the money-making possibilities?

When you purchase my E-book titled "5 Simplified Steps to Create E-books that Sell. It talks on *How to create fast-selling eBook from scratch*, you will be up and running quickly.

You will easily learn:

💷How to convert your skills into info-produts systematically.

💷How to make fortune from your product.

💷How to promote it with ads that will force people to beg you take their money.

This blockbuster Ebook will afford you first-hand experience on how to lay your hands on a guide that you can always make reference to, I have prepare such guide for you at a token.

Just be sure you don't miss this opportunity...

You risk nothing....

To prove to you that you can make sensational spare-time earnings, you have my Iron-Clad guarantee.

I want you to make so much money that you will want people to help you calculate it and change your life for good.

The price tag is $2.6 ( #1000) but there is 50% discount for the first 100 persons to buy.

Type 'Luqman' as the Coupon Code in the checkout box.

That is the coupon that takes out 50% off.

You can't afford to miss the class. Click the link NOW

What are you waiting for?

See you at the Top!


©Basheer Luqman Olarewaju-Unique


Are you ready to learn how to make money online in Nigeria?

- Have you ever desired having a sustainable income of up N200,000 monthly in Nigeria?

Making money as an information marketer in nigeria selling ebooks is one of the hardest job but a very lucrative one if you are really determined. Dont start for the sake of making quick money, offer people good and quality books and you will make it.

I know that there are different ways to make money online but one of the best methods is information marketing. I.e selling high value information that will solve people's problems either financially or any other means, that is the best way to make money online as a Nigerian.

And that means you have to sell something (ebooks) recommended. That is the way you can give value and make money at the same time.

√The solution to your problem is here, you don't even need any special knowledge or any past experience before you can achieve this.

Let me [for FREE] teach you Simplified ways to create E-books that sell.

Register through the link below...👇

√First 10 People to register would win Free airtime.

√At random, 3 lucky winners would get 1gb MTN Data.

Note: Limited slots. Be the first to get registered before the link got revoked.


Do you Know that?

You can Make Legit Money of about 200,000 selling ebooks in a month, even as a traditionally-published author?

Why do you need to create E-books?

•You need money.
•People are looking for information to solve their daily problems.
•There are existing buyers of E-books for your offer.
•Delivery is easy to go with.

The internet has changed so many things in our world. As consumers, snail mail letters were replaced with email. We Skype, Zoom inter alia, instead of draining our wallets with long-distance phone calls. And we shop on Amazon instead of fighting for a parking space and dealing with the crowds at the local shopping mall.

And that’s just a small taste of all the disruptions we’ve enjoyed thanks to the internet. One of the biggest disrupted industries and one of those that provides a great path to a solid making money online venture for an individual entrepreneur is in book publishing. Specifically, publishing and selling ebooks online.

You see, what the big publishing houses do with big offices of editors, writers, administrative staff and then big printing presses, then distribution centers to get their books out to bookstores around the country.

All to hopefully get books in the hands of customers...

Interestingly, you can do everything on the computer gadget you have right now. If that’s not massive disruption, I don’t know what is.

You won’t be dealing with printed books, for one. That eliminates the expense and hassle of actually creating books, storing them, and delivering them — and that may not even sell.

It’s going to be all digital.

These are ebooks, which can be read on devices like Amazon’s Kindle, on another tablet or smartphone, or even on a computer.

Let me [for FREE] teach you Simplified ways to create E-books that sell.

Register through the link below...👇

√First 10 People to register would win Free airtime.

√At random, 3 lucky winners would get 1gb MTN Data.

Note: Limited slots. Be the first to get registered before the link got revoked.


Don't allow the opposition to have the final word.

Have you ever been there? You overcome one adversity, and it seems like something else comes against you. In your job, one challenge can follow another. You go the extra mile, do the right thing, try to keep the peace. But then you find people you thought were friends are talking behind your back, stirring up trouble.

Like that old saying, " When it rains, it pours". Sometimes we think, I can make it if my neighbour is against me.I can dig my heels in and be strong if it is my coworker, or my boss, or my competitor. But when it's our own family, when it's our own flesh and blood, it's easy to think, God, this is just not right. I don't know if I can go on.

Don't ever let the opposition have the final word.

Often those who will try to discourage you are simply imposing their own limitations upon you. Don't believe it. Never allow anyone to convince you that your dreams are out of reach. Not a family member, not a coach, not a so-called friend.

Most times, I do call myself and say, The fact is that any time you are to go to a new level, you will face opposition. There will be new battles to fight. New obstacles to overcome, maybe people who doubt you, or speak poorly of you. It's easy to let the negative voices discourage you. It's tempting to think, "Why is this happening? Why did they doubt me? Or why did I get laid off? Or Why am I hit with one thing after another? But right beyond today's challenges are tommorrow's victories.

New levels of success are just on the other side. You can listen to others. Be respectful. Welcome wisdom and support. But remember, when it's all said and done, the dream is in you. It's not in them.


Who are you?

The question sounds simple, right!

You can go on by saying, you are a son of so and so and you are hailed from so and so...

It is not your background nor your academic status that really defined you.

It is your driven spirit and character you are equipped with. Are you a tolerant one or you are hotter than fire - the strong headed person that no one can relate with.

People fear you till the point of they can't offer you assistance even at the crucial moment you need it. The fear grips their heart and your churning behavior is second to none.

The current trend is adopting fake life: you have demonstrated being bigger than your helpers and sent them away. You will be left alone with your insanity and calumny.

I never will, by any word or act, bow to the shrine of intolerance or admit a right of inquiry into the religious opinions of others. Intolerance betrays want of faith in one's cause. Intolerance is itself a form of violence and an obstacle to the growth of a true democratic spirit - anonymous.

Check yourself!

Who are you?


If you want a thing bad enough
To go out and fight for it,
Work day and night for it,
Give up your time and your peace and
your sleep for it.

If only desire of it
Makes you quite mad enough
Never to tire of it,
Makes you hold all other things ta**ry
and cheap for it.

If life seems all empty and useless without it
And all that you scheme and you dream is about it,

If gladly you’ll sweat for it,
Fret for it, Plan for it,
Lose all your terror of God or man for it,

If you’ll simply go after that thing that you want.
With all your capacity,
Strength and sagacity,
Faith, hope and confidence, stern pertinacity,

If neither cold poverty, famished and gaunt,
Nor sickness nor pain
Of body or brain
Can turn you away from the thing that you want,

If dogged and grim you besiege and beset it,
You’ll get it!

Don't ever lose HOPE.

Dedicated to the MOTHERLESS.


If you can translate this...

There is a gift for you.

اذا ما شئت في الدارين تسعد *** فأكثر من الصلاة على محمد
وإن شئت القبول في الدعوات *** فتختم بالصـــلاة على محمد
فلا صوم يصـــح ولا صــــــــلاة *** لمن ترك الصلاة على محمد
وإن كانت ذنوبــك ليس تحصى *** تكفر بالصـــــلاة على محمد
فما تتضاعف الحسنـــــــات إلا *** بتكرار الصـــــلاة على محمد
وعند المــــــــــــوت ترى أمورًا *** تسرك بالصـــلاة على محمد
وعند القـــــبر تحظي بالأماني *** وترحم بالصـــلاة على محمد
ولا تخشى من الملكيــن رعبـا *** إذا سألاك قل لهمــــا محمد
رسول الله حقــــًا اتبعنــــــــــا *** وآمنـــــا وصدقنـــــــــا محمد



"It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light."

“I don’t care how much power, brilliance or energy you have, if you don’t harness it and focus it on a specific target, and hold it there you’re never going to accomplish as much as your ability warrants.”

“Your destiny is to fulfill those things upon which you focus most intently. So choose to keep your focus on that which is truly magnificent, beautiful, uplifting and joyful. Your life is always moving toward something.”

"Forgiveness doesn't make the other person right; it makes you free."

“Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.”

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”

"Only those who have learned the power of sincere and selfless contribution experience life's deepest joy: true fulfillment."

“If you devote yourself entirely to a noble pursuit, there is no way you cannot find beauty and fulfillment.”

“True happiness is a state of fulfillment.”

"Set your goals high, and don't stop 'til you get there."

“Goals. There’s no telling what you can do when you get inspired by them. There’s no telling what you can do when you believe in them. And there’s no telling what will happen when you act upon them.”

“If you set goals and go after them with all the determination you can muster, your gifts will take you places that will amaze you.”



There is no profitable investment than investing in yourself. It is the best investment you can make; you can never go wrong with it. It is the true way to improve yourself to be the best version of you and lets you be able to best serve those around you.

Everything, every penny you spent on investing in yourself (after basic needs of course) will never be a waste. It prepares you with future opportunities from not missing learns and connects.

Believing and investing in yourself is the best way to shift your thinking from a paradigm of excuses, mediocrity, and mental laziness to one of solutions.

Knowledge is everything! Educate yourself about money, investing, and saving. I encourage you to start investing in yourself instead of things!

Set yourself up for a better future and start making better choices. Building wealth takes time! Have discipline. Save. Stay consistent. Be brave enough to change your spending habits.

Be wise! Don’t allow money to control you. Strive to have a healthy relationship with money!

Stop blaming people for your own behavior! Own the truth. If you don't like it, then invest the time and energy to change it. Be Inspired!

Peace, happiness, and love are a daily practice. Give time and energy to that which you want more of in your life. Invest in yourself for a higher quality of life. You're worth it.

The questions are?

Where do you want to make that investment?

Don't you want to invest in something that will help you?

Recognize, and make the choice.

It's OK to have negative thoughts, we all have them. Just don't allow yourself to attach to them. You decide how much time, attention, and energy you put into your thoughts.

Are you prepared to put in the time and energy to create change in your life? Are you prepared to make and keep that commitment? If not you, then who? Invest in yourself.

At the end of your life's journey, what do you want to say you did with your time? There is enough time if you choose to invest it in yourself. Inch by inch, day by day . . . make yourself a priority.

Thanks for reading.

God bless US!

Photos from Guided Path Academy's post 12/04/2020

ÀYỌKÀ is a single lady. She was asked why not having a man ?

She narrated,

"You know I've rejected two marriage proposals because I didn't see a future with these persons. My vision and theirs doesn't even have anything in common.

Two different people with different ways of thinking. I love HELPING people doing things for God and being real. But they do things because they intend to make profit always. If it won't give them gain or profit, they won't,

I wouldn't like to bring my children to a home as that. Most girls go into marriage because of love and s*x but me there's more to that. I need a fulfilled home; A happy home, where my children will have the love and support from both sides together.

Most young people just want to get married but don't know what marriage is all about."

You need to be dependable. A good suitor is reliable and responsible, always there for you in a crisis.

A suitor is known to be supportive. A good partner encourages you to be the best you can be. They do not feel threatened by your success and they naturally bring out the best in you.

Does your partner believes in your prospect?

Do you share common goal and objectives?

Don't joke with it. There is room for learning. Each day. Each moment.



What is in your mind?

Let's discuss!

Photos from Guided Path Academy's post 08/04/2020

Financial management is an undisputed fact that helps in building a strong and happy Relationship.

Healthy Relationship requires financial bouyancy and this is a collective work.

A woman in a relationship should not be parasite at all time. Likewise, a wretched guy might walk miles before getting love.

A good partner understands when they are projecting. Often, we expect others to show strengths that we wish we had. When they don’t, we feel disappointed.

We are bringing model for you, a forum to learn and develop these skills in yourself and use your relationship as a way forward to enlightenment and personal growth.

You will become an Entrepreneur!

You love it!

Please, subscribe!

Photos from Guided Path Academy's post 07/04/2020

My experience with young minds and even stager shows that Psychological evaluation and Sociological consideration to mistakes is not the same amidst lovers.

The partner has realistic expectations of their significant other. We’re all human and we all make mistakes. A good partner doesn’t have double standards whereby one set of rules applies to them and a different set of rules applies to everyone else.

Are you a victim of Mistakes in your Relationship? Don't be creepy, mistake is natural and new story can be re-writing.

Will you help yourself by subscribing to this Webinar with that Token amount?

It promises to be inspiring and you will enjoy every bit of the sessions.



Photos from Guided Path Academy's post 06/04/2020

Healthy conversation is pivotal ingredient in achieving Successful Relationship. Don't engage in destructive discussion. You need to be disciplined and courteous.

Let's share some of the Questions to ask before dating seriously these include:

1. Have you ever had your heart broken? What happened?

2. What was your best lo******ng experience?

3. Have you ever cheated on a partner? Why? Did you get caught?

4. If you wanted to kiss me, where would you take me to make it perfect?

5. Tell me what you think is the s*xiest thing about yourself (bonus question: About me?)

6. Do you think there is a difference between having s*x and making love? What is it?

7. How do you think aging will affect your attraction to me?

A good partner doesn’t engage in mealy-mouthed game playing. They live with integrity and speak up about problems instead of engaging in underhanded tactics such as passive aggressive behavior or withdrawing affection.

Don't you think you need this ?

It worth more than 6 figure amount. Yet, we are given you with just token amount.

Ọya gbéra!

Go and register NOW♨️

Photos from Guided Path Academy's post 05/04/2020

"She is arrogant and full of herself, I will not call nor text until she realized her mistakes" - Says, Funsho.

"I can't stoop so low to beg a man, Never! I am even tired of this relationship." - Says, Foluke.

Do you understand the power of communication in a relationship?

Many if not most issues can be worked out if you have the ability to communicate with one another. Being able to talk openly and knowing you will be heard and not ignored or dismissed is vital for the longevity of a relationship.

Whether you are new or veteran in Relationship, you cannot underestimate the power of communication.

Let's work things out from good to better and from better to outstanding!

Kindly register for the webinar and start the life of transformation.


I live for the moment my dreams begin, because that's when I dream of you. The day means nothing without you beside me, but when night falls, I'll dream your love anew.

Until I can finally have you in my arms, my dreams will have to see me through. I'll be with you for hours in my dreams, until the fall of the morning dew. When we're finally together again, that's the moment my dreams come true.

How often do you remember such lines for you partner?

Have you lost the connection between the two of you?

The chemistry is now a thing of the past...

A good partner understands when they need space and a time out. A healthy relationship involves having interests outside the relationship, and spending too much time together can lead to a feeling of suffocation. Again, it’s all about balance.

Let's proffer solutions to the recurrent problems of your Relationship.

Is your case different?

There are lots to know in having SOULMATE.

Break the barriers. Enrol!

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