BintMustofaa's Library

Home of Inspirational, motivational and Islamic Writings


*Taawunu Media: Amplifying the Voices of Oppressed Muslims*

In a global media landscape often marked by superficial coverage of Muslim communities, Taawunu Media stands out as a dedicated advocate for the voices of oppressed Muslims. Committed to addressing both systemic issues and individual experiences, Taawunu Media provides a crucial platform for narratives that are frequently marginalized or misunderstood.

Central to Taawunu Media’s mission is its dedication to covering the struggles of Muslims who face oppression due to their faith. This includes shedding light on human rights violations, discriminatory policies, and the everyday challenges of Muslims living in hostile environments.

As a prominent voice for oppressed Muslims, Taawunu Media plays a crucial role in shaping public discourse and advocating for change. By amplifying these voices and addressing systemic injustices, it contributes significantly to the broader fight for human rights and social equity.

Taawunu Media

Photos from BintMustofaa's Library's post 23/08/2024

Market day 9

It is another Market day at M***i market in Iwo, Osun State Nigeria. It is over 2 months now and we have never regretted it.

Iwo in Osun State is the place of the market our goal is to make things easier for our people and create an alternative market where the prices of goods can be controlled.

M***i Media

Photos from BintMustofaa's Library's post 21/08/2024

Be careful! Your mouth can be an obstacle for your progress and success in life.


Our Teenagers have multiple personalities.

How well do you know your teenager?

Many parents have boasted that their teenagers and young adults are A and at the end of the day, they found out that these children they so much believed in are actually Z.

Some of our children have multiple personalities. They wear a different personality at home. An entirely distinct one in school and a completely dissimilar one among their peers.

I was at a secondary school graduation ceremony recently, and the guest speaker, who is a counsellor, related his experience with teenagers. He said he once engaged a girl and her parents. He asked the mother to state how well she knew her daughter on a scale of 1-10. The mother replied 9/10. He went further to ask the daughter to state how well her mother knew her. She replied 2.5 over 10 and the counsellor was dazed.

The other day, a mother boasted that her son wasn't on tiktok, she got the shocker of her life when she discovered that her beloved son was actually on tickok with a different name.

Some of our children are all over social media bearing different names. Making it impossible for their parents to trace them. Some even go to the extent of blocking their parents off their social media accounts, and from viewing their WhatsApp status.

One of the characteristics of the teenage age is them thinking they're old enough to be independent thereby refusing parental guidance. They feel they know what's best for them whereas their eyes are as dark as the night.

Another worrisome issue is their commitment to the religion.

Some of our children don't want to live our own lifestyle. They believe it's too boring. We don't display our beauty, our children want to show their peers and the world that they're beautiful.

You'll see the daughters of well covered Hijabis and Niqabis adorned in only scarves or wrapping Hijabs.

You'll see the sons of brothers who wear nisfu sak with trousers sweeping the floor.

When they're home, they conform with the norms they're raised with. Go and check some of them in school, they're entirely different people. Where did we get it wrong?

We don't celebrate birthdays. Our children don't want to go with this flow. You see them sharing gifts to their friends on the occasion of their friends' birthdays and also receiving gifts on the occasion of their own birthday. They passionately want to discard your own mundane lifestyle. It's not attractive. The glitz and glamour of the world around them has captivated their young and naive hearts. What they see on the internet is another factor that has fuelled their disparity. They go to Madrasah according to their parents' wishes. They become Hafiz according to their parents' wishes. But then, sitting giantly inside their heart is the love of this world. And they really want to explore.

Some of our teenagers engage in skinship with the opposite s*x. These are children of Ahlu-sunnah. They hug, exchange handshakes and other types of skinship. And no, their parents are not aware. Some of them, like I said earlier, have multiple personalities that suit every occasion.

Sadly, some of them engage in boyfriend and girlfriend relationships from secondary school down to tertiary institutions.

They wish to live life to the fullest and that's what some of them are doing. Some can't dare their parents so they act well when their parents' eyes are on them but in the absence of their parents, they act contrary to the guidance of righteousness.

Another disturbing issue is their love life. Some of them don't want to marry 'too religious' men or women. This might be borne out of the experience around them. And it may be borne out of their deep attachment to the world.

Also, they easily get swayed by the sweet nothings of deceptive men who turn them against their parents. They're naive and gullible with zero discernment to smell danger. And yet, they feel they're independent and by all means shut down the parental and elderly counsel.

What are the solutions to these problems?

🕳️ Let them see the way by themselves. The old style of dogmatic followership cannot work for the children of these days. Let them be convinced about the righteous way to live. Teach them first before they practise anything. Don't let them practise before knowledge. Anything done without knowledge can't be done with conviction. It's not enough that you're doing it and automatically they MUST also do it. They need their own knowledge and conviction. This way, their hearts will never be swayed.

🕳️ Be your children's best friend. Form a deep friendship with them such that they're free to tell you anything and everything going on with them. Know their friends. In fact, ask them questions like 'who do you like?' 'Who has approached you for a relationship?' 'Do you admire any opposite s*x?' Ask in a friendly manner and not like a soldier. You'd be surprised at their responses. And don't try to overreact to their responses. If you do, that'll be the last they'll tell you. Listen like a friend. Make a joke out of it. And guide them appropriately. Check them frequently in school. Educate them periodically as reminders benefit the believer. Most importantly, pray for them to never miss their steps or deviate from the path you've put their foot on.

🕳️ Celebrate them often. We surely live a mundane lifestyle. Some of us only celebrate the two Eids which come twice a year and that's all.
These children see a lot and watch a lot. They love celebrations. They love glitz and glamours. Do you think they’ll be satisfied with just two celebrations a year? They don't celebrate birthdays, remember! You restrict them by virtue of religious obligations from doing some certain things they would have loved to do. You tell them this life is like a prison for the believer and paradise is the real enjoyment. They believe paradise is too long a time to wait for. Why not have little enjoyment in this life? Celebrate every one of their achievements with gifts and a feast if you can afford it. My daughter told me, ‘Mummy, I want my secondary school graduation ceremony to be grand.’ I said baby, don't worry. I got you. What do you want? She said I want us to have a feast. I want cake. I want to give my co- graduates gifts. I want to give my teachers gifts.’ I told her Allah is sufficient. And with faith, even without seeing her WAEC result yet, we started planning towards her wish. I told her dad and he agreed. She doesn't celebrate birthdays. She doesn't do everything that girls her age do. So why can't I at least celebrate her achievement? This will give her a sense of being loved and celebrated since it's not haram. Apart from graduation parties, cultivate the habits of celebrating them often. They finish a task - buy them a gift. Every Friday or every other Friday, have a special feast at home or take them out to an eatery - even if it's 500 naira meat pie that you can afford, buy it for them. Let them have the feel of a celebration to curtail their hearts from yearning for haram.

🕳️ Show them love: It's not enough that you love them. Verbally tell them you love them often. Call them sweet names so that no man will be able to deceive them with sweet-nothings. When they're assured that they're loved at home, the haram love before marriage will not freak them out. Make religious activities fun and not war. Make it fancy without making it distorted. Tell them the success stories of people who are on the right path. Their religious commitment or lifestyle did not affect their success in life. Let them be wary of haram and distance themselves from it. Educate them about the dangers of involving in skinship with the opposite s*x and even girlfriend/boyfriend relationships.

🕳️ Concerning their heart’s journey, be wholeheartedly involved. Ask them from time to time if someone has been whispering anything in their ears. They grow up so quickly so don't be caught unawares. And when they finally find Mr right or Miss right, make sure you're actively involved in the process. Know the person's background, his religious affiliation, his friends, in short, everything about them. Getting to know the prospective groom and bride is the work of the parents. Don't leave it for the children.

There's a lot to say but let me stop here to give room for parents who'd like to share their practical opinions.

May Allah assist us in raising them. May they not deviate from the paths we put their foot on.

Our Lord! Grant unto us wives and offspring who will be the comfort of our eyes, and give us (the grace) to lead the righteous.” Al-Furqan verse 74.



He said:

Our next level on MUFTY MARKET is that: we want to farm; a big and huge one, that when we harvest, we sell at the lowest price

We just want our people to taste EASE OF LIFE from our ends and feel relieved

~ The Grand Mufty Of Yorubaland 😍

A visionary leader that think about people's liberation, especially the poor masses. He's not Alfa Onikeu lásán. He just want to practice the real Islam of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W

May Allah continue to preserve him upon goodness 😍


The Prophet’s ﷺ children 💗 (154)

All the Prophet’s ﷺ offspring, with the exception of Ibraheem,
were born to Khadeejah . Below is a brief account of the Prophet’s ﷺ children.


He was the eldest son of the Prophet ﷺ , and thus the
Prophet ﷺ was called “Abdul Qasim” (the father of Qasim). He died when he was about two years old.🥀

Zaynab 🌹

She was the eldest daughter of the Prophet ﷺ . She was born
after Qasim, and was married to Abdul Aas bin Rabi’a, the son of her aunt Hala bint Khuwaylid. Zaynab had a son named Ali and a daughter, Umama, whom the Prophet ﷺ would place in his lap during prayer. Zaynab died in the earlier part of 8 A.H., in Madinah.

Umm Kulthoom🌹

After the death of Ruqayyah, the Prophet ﷺ returned from
Badr and gave Umm Khulthoom to Uthman bin Affan in marriage. She had no children, and died in 9 A.H. and was buried in Baqi.🥀


The youngest daughter of the Prophet ﷺ, she was married to
Ali bin Abi Talib after the Battle of Badr. She gave birth to two sons, Hasan and Husayn, and two daughters, Zaynab and Umm Khulthoom. Fatimah died six months after the death of the Prophet ﷺ.

All five children mentioned above were born before the
Prophet ﷺ was appointed Allah’s messenger.


There is some difference of opinion whether Abdullah was born before or after the advent of Islam. He was the last of the
Prophet’s ﷺ sons born to Khadeejah , and died during childhood.


Ibraheem was born in Madinah in Jamad Al-Awwal or Jamal
Al-Akhir, 9 A.H. His mother was the Prophet’s ﷺ maid, Mariya Qibtiya. On the day of his death, Shawwal 29, 10 A.H., a solar eclipse occurred in Madinah. The people believed that the eclipse was to commemorate Ibraheem’s death, but the Prophet ﷺ informed them that astronomical events were not affected by human affairs. Ibraheem was sixteen or eighteen months old when he died, and was buried in Baqi, and the Prophet ﷺ said, “He will be nursed by one of the maids in Paradise.”

The Prophet’s ﷺ physical appearance was described in detail by his Companions ,we will know more Next time 👍


The Prophet’s ﷺ features and character 👍 (155)

The Prophet’s ﷺphysical appearance was described in detail by his Companions.

The Prophet’s ﷺface 👍

The Prophet’s ﷺ face was fair, attractive and round. Whenever
he was pleased, his face shone bright like the full moon, but it would turn crimson when he was angry.

If sweat appeared on his face, the beads glistened like pearls,
and the fragrance of his perspiration excelled the smell of musk. The Prophet’s ﷺ cheeks were soft, his forehead wide, and his eyebrows thin and arched.

His eyes were wide, with black pupils, while the whites were mixed with crimson. He had long thick eyelashes.

The bridge of the Prophet’s ﷺ nose was high and shiny. His
mouth was wide, and there were spaces between each of his teeth. His teeth were bright, appearing like tiny hailstones when he smiled, and they sparkled as he talked.
The Prophet’s ﷺ beard was black, thick and full, covering most of his chest. A few grey hairs showed on his ear lobes and chin.

Head, neck and hair 🌹

The Prophet ﷺ had a large head on a long neck. His hair was slightly curly, and he wore it parted in the middle.

Sometimes he kept his hair so long it touched both his shoulders, while at other times it fell just above his earlobes. He had a few grey hairs on his head and beard together.


The Prophet ﷺ was big b***d with large elbows, shoulders,
knees and wrists. His palms and feed were wide. His arms were heavy and hairy, and his heels and calves were light. He had broad hirsute shoulders, but his chest was broad and hairless, with only a line of hair running from his chest to his navel.

Build and stature👍

The Prophet ﷺ was of a medium build, being neither fat nor thin. He had a straight body. Although he was not particularly tall, he rose above most men in height.


fragrance, Several of the Prophet’s ﷺCompanions have mentioned a perfume, emanating from the
sweeter than any Prophet’sﷺ body. Anas says:

“I never smelt any musk or any other such perfume that was as sweet as the fragrance of the Prophet ﷺ.”

Jabir says: “The Prophet’s ﷺ fragrance lingered after he left, and we could tell which path he had taken by sniffing the air.”

If the Prophet ﷺ happened to shake hands with anyone, the fragrance would remain with that person for the whole day. When he spread his hand over a child’s head, others would discern his fragrance on the child. Umm Sulaym used to collect some of the Prophet’s ﷺ sweat in a small bottle and would mix it with perfume.

The Prophet’s ﷺ gait

The Prophet ﷺ was swift-footed and had a firm step. He would rise with a jerk and walk swiftly but smoothly, as if going down a slope. He would turn swiftly and gracefully.

The Prophet ﷺ never seemed to tire when he walked, and
nobody could keep pace with him. Abu Hurayrah says,

“I have never seen anyone who walked as quickly as the Prophet ﷺ . It looked as if the earth rolled itself up for him when he walked. We would tire ourselves out walking with him, while he would move on with ease.”

Character 👍

The Prophet ﷺ usually seemed cheerful, and he liked to
smile. Even when the others were rude to him, he was never harsh and rude. He never raised his voice in the market place.
If faced with a choice between two options, the Prophet ﷺ
would always chose the easier one, provided that it did not lead to sin. Above anything else, he avoided sinning or anything leading to disobedience of Allah.

He never sought revenge for any offense committed against himself, but when the honour of Allah was at stake, he would certainly punish the offender.

As we have seen over the course of the events in his life, the Prophet ﷺ was generous, brave, strong and extraordinarily patient.

Never vulgar or obscene, his dislike of something was apparent on his face. He never stared directly at anyone, nor did he ever glare at anyone in displeasure. He never rebuked his servant, nor was he ever heard saying something about anyone.

Even before his appointment as Allah’s Messenger, the
Prophet ﷺ was known as “Al-Ameen” (the Trustworthy). He always kept his promises, and remained humble even in victory. He respected the ties of kinship, attending the funerals of his relatives and Companions.

He sat with the poor and needy, and accepted invitations extended to him from his slaves. At the height of his power as head of the Islamic state, he lived modestly. He never attempted to outdo others in serving rich food or wearing expensive clothing.💗



IT'S ABOUT Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)


"I pray that Allah blesses the Prophet , his family, and his
righteous Companions. May Allah grant us a place under the Prophet’s standard on the Day of Judgment. Ameen!"


M***i Farm: Our Next Target For the Islamic Market

Some years back, we have been dreaming about how to create an alternative market, where prices of commodities will be subjected to regulation. On July 22nd, we decided to start with ggaari production from our Gaari factory, and from there, the market began to expand.

The aim is to solve the problem of hunger. This is because the war against hunger is truly mankind's war of liberation. How can the prices of maize, cassava, and some of our agricultural products become unbearable for the common Nigerians when they are not imported? There are roles we must play, and this led to the market establishment.

We proposed, the action followed, and Alhamdulillah it has kept growing and expanding. However, to keep on reducing the prices, and sustaining the market, we have moved on to establish the Islamic market farm, and by next year the prices will keep coming down to what our people can afford. If nobody helps, then we have to help ourselves.

For more information


Market Address: Daarul Hijirah, Ebu Alawe area, Iwo Osun State.
M***i Media



Sociologists say:
1- If you are in a hotel or restaurant, and you put more sugar or milk in your tea than you do in your home then you have a predisposition to corruption.

2- If you use more tissue paper, soap or perfume in the restaurant or public place than you do at home, then if you have the opportunity to embezzle, you will embezzle.

3- If you serve yourself more food that you can devour in weddings and open buffets just because someone else will pay the bill, this is proof that if you have the opportunity to eat public money, you would.

4- If you usually skip people in queues, it is certain that you will not mind climbing on the shoulders of others to reach power.

5- If you consider that what you collect from the street of money and other things is your right, then you have signs of a thief.

6- If you care more about knowing a famous last name instead of a first name then you are a racist and will likely help people only because of who they are.

7- If you violate traffic rules and have no regard for the traffic lights... you have a tendency for all transgressions.

Fighting corruption starts from the self. Let's try to be distinguished people wherever we are, and remember that honesty is what you do between you and yourself and not just what you do in the presence of people.

Fighting corruption starts with you.



Feyisara found her way to Yaqub's house, passing through the back gate of their fenced house. She walked with calmness to his house with no fear. Luckily for her, none of the amebos were outside. She reached the door and Mama Dele's eyes caught her movement as she strutted into Ameenah's matrimonial home. Mama Dee excitedly roused from her seat to welcome her warmly. She held on to her as she looked at her from head to toe and turned her around fondly. Lastly, her eyes settled on her bulging stomach and she caressed it with utmost joy. She enclosed her in a motherly hug.

"My daughter, my priceless daughter. I'm glad you're fruitful unlike others. I can feel the kicks of my baby boy, may you be healthy. May God be with you and my son. Please don't let anything burden you. Keep calm and feel free. This house is yours, you can come anytime you want. Fear none," Mama Dee blabbered in reference to the unsuspecting Aminah.

"Mama, thank you! You're one in a million,” Feyisara returned with smiles, not that she was really afraid before but she felt more emboldened with Mama Dee's assertion.

“I think I need to go now. She was plaiting her hair with me when he called." She announced, trying to remove herself from Mama's hold but she was instead helped to a seat.

"My daughter, I say you shouldn't fear anyone. Why are you rushing back to continue plaiting her hair when you have my son? See, you will soon pack into this house. I can send her away right now if that is what you want. You're the future of this family and she can't do anything to you." Mama assured her further.

Yaqub's eyes with Feyisara met and he could sense that she wasn't really comfortable with his mother hovering over her. Though, this was not her first time inside the house. She used to come whenever Ameenah went outside with her kids and would even feel at home. But knowing that Ameenah was just across the building today had fear twisting her mind. She couldn't bring herself to calm down no matter how much Mama Deen assured her. But at the same time, she didn't want to disrespect the older woman by leaving when she asked her to stay back. So, she remained seated while sweating profusely as she chatted lightly with Mama Dee who was busy unpacking her bags.

Feyisara looked away from Yaqub who smiled at her and then at Ameenah's children, as if nothing uncomfortable was going on in the house. The children were lost and disturbed with the scene unfolding before them. They watched their grandmother regard them with scorn while caressing Feyisara, their mother's hairdresser. In their mother's absence, they looked on helplessly as Mama Dee unfolded her bag and talked loudly. The oldest of the children, Shakirah, got up and strolled outside, which scared Feyisara, thinking that she was going to fetch her mother. She also got up to leave immediately but just then, Mama brought out a pot of vegetable soup and gave it to her with some herbs.

"My daughter, I specially made this vegetable soup for you. Make sure you eat well, you can tell me when it finishes. I'll bring another one for you immediately." Mama paused as she used her teeth to untie the herbs one after the other.

"Look at this, you just have to boil in water and drink it everyday as you rise from bed. It will wash away the dirt in you and clean the baby too." She paused and held another one before her eyes. "Take this before going to bed every night, it will make you wake stronger the following day." Mama Dee explained all the herbs usage one after the other and Feyisara gladly collected it.

"I don't know how to appreciate you, May you live long ma. I'm really happy that you are my mother-in-law." Feyisara appreciated and knelt before her.

"Look at this potent herb.” Mama Dee materialized another bottle from her handbag. “Bitter but mighty! you will take it in my presence right now. It was hot when I got it from my Iya Alagbo this morning but now warm, take it before you leave. You children of these days don't take bitter herbs. Now take it before me." Mama opened the herb and Feyisara sluggishly collected it.

"Grandma, you don't bring sweets for us? Zaynab asked, tired of being ignored by her previously-dotting grandma. She snuggled up to her and started rumbling through her handbag, but the old woman startled her.

"Go away! You're so mannerless!" Mama tapped the back of her palm forcefully and Zaynab started crying.

Fateemah could understand the scene, she picked her little sister and walked out of the house to join Shakirah while petting her. But Zaynab refused to be petted. She kept crying until her voice attracted Yaqub's attention.

"Stop crying." He came outside and gave her some money to buy sweet, which finally got her to quiet down.

Fateemah didn't bother to return inside, instead she stayed outside with her sister and they watched their mother's goods together. They would have gone to their mother to tell her what was happening but Ameenah had warned them never to come to meet her when she is plaiting her hair due to her own personal thoughts. She doesn't want a situation whereby people will start a conversation with her through her children and would later hurt her.

Zaynab was the first to see her mother coming. She resumed crying immediately upon sighting her mum coming towards the house. She ran into her arm and tried reporting what happened to her.

Their mother, Ameenah, who wasn't in a good mood, quickly put her to Shakirah's lap and rushed to the house. She stopped at the door as she saw Feyisara's slippers. Thousands of thoughts played in her head as she wondered what her hairdresser was doing inside her house when she left her inside her shop. She breezed into the house urgently. But she wasn't prepared at all for the sight before her.

Her eyes became blurry at what she saw. She had walked in at the exact moment when Yaqub and Feyisara were fused together in an affectionate hug while Mama Deen watched on with pride. She pinched herself multiple times just to be sure that she wasn't in the middle of a bad dream. She suddenly lost the strength to talk as her emotions deserted her.

Everything she couldn't bring herself to say came out in a torrent of scream, alerting the trio in the sitting room including Mama who was now packing up her stuff.

"Noooo!" Ameenah's scream penetrated the air, making them disengage from the hug.

"You!" Ameenah shouted pointedly. She grabbed a metal jug from the table and flung it at her husband but it landed on Feyisara's forehead.

She doesn't care who was hurt between the two and charged at them both but Mama shouted at her which brought her to reality that her mother-in-law is fully aware of what's going on.

"You're" Ameenah stammered and hot tears streamed down her cheeks freely.

"You're a devil! You're a devil! Why did I deserve this Yaqub? And you, my own hairdresser? You left me in your shop and have the audacity to come to my house to have intimacy with my man. Haaaaaa!" Ameenah's voice echoed in the household and people started entering their sitting room.

"Who is the devil here if not you? Can you stop shouting like a hungry fowl? See, leave this house if you're not here for peace. And henceforth, stop calling her by her name or address her like a child. She is your co-wife who will give us what we want. Stop interrupting my son's progress. Well, you can't understand because you don't have one." Mama lashed at her with painful words.

Her words irked Ameenah's anger and she charged at Feyisara who she slapped thrice. Her husband grabbed her hand at the fourth. Instead of her fearing him, she shouted at him.

"You're a devil! An unfortunate man! You impregnated your neighbor's daughter. I'll tell everyone about this! Shameless man!" She shouted and freed herself from his grip.

"Leave this house as I talk! Leave my son's house." Mama faced Ameenah who burst into a wild laughter.

"You're funny Mama, where should I leave? This is my husband's house not yours. You don't have any right here, you're just a visitor here which I can treat anyhow I wish. Since all this while, I've been nice and treated you like my own mother thinking you will act as one. But you keep showing I made a mistake putting you in such a magnificent figure. I don't care about what you call me or say but I, Ameenah, won't leave this house for anyone even your son can never send me out of my matrimonial home. Alagbere omo alagbere." Ameenah insulted her husband and mother-in-law.

What she said hit Yaqub and he wanted to hit her but the neighbors grabbed him and led him out of his house.

"You can't beat your wife because of your mother." One of the husbands in the house warned.

"You took my gentility for foolishness. If not that you're shameless, you won't have the guts to send me out of my husband's house as you left your husband's house and sleep with different men. I know you don't want a wife for your child but children as you do in all the husbands you've married. You can't destroy my home the same way you destroy yours." Ameenah sliced Mama Dee her own size and faced Feyisara, the concubine.

"Ashewo! You! This is unbelievable. So, it's my husband that impregnated you all this while. You don't see your age mate impregnate you but a married man. Alagbere, onisina! You're a devil, a living devil. And you pretend nothing is wrong, did you even have a conscience? No, you can't have. Because you won't have the guts to plait my hair when you're secretly having an affair with my man. Ashewo! Alabe run run." Ameenah slapped her again with disgust and those watching helped her out of the house.

"There is nothing you can do, call me anything you wish. You're leaving, even if I have many husbands it's none of your business. And I was able to birth my son you're dying for now. You know I don't support your marriage and I never attended the show of shame you called a wedding. I know you won't be fruitful but fruitless which you've been proving. Three pregnancies, three labours! Three wastage of money in the hospital and all you birthed are girls! Three useless girls. Leave my son's house!" Mama ended her word on a threatening note and she started flinging out her clothes down from the wardrobe.

Ameenah's children started crying including the little one, Zaynab as they saw the tears coming from their mother's eyes. The women forced Mama Dee out of the house and pleaded Ameenah to lock the door which she did. She sank on a chair and started crying profusely.

"Ya Allah, this is too much for me. Come to my aid." She cried in pain.

The tremendous knocks on the door from outside made her open the door. Only to see that her mother-in-law had scattered her arranged goods on the ground including garri, beans and rice which she poured on each other. Ameenah was perplexed and speechless. Instead of stopping her, she sat on a chair and watched her as the neighbor tried stopping her.

What you just read is an excerpt from BEYOND MY POWER. By ADEBAYO ROSHEEDAT ABISOLA {ROSH BEE}

Would you like to find out everything that happened in this scintillating story?

Luckily, the author is currently running a 30% pre-launch discount for the story.

Which means that you can get the entire 45 didactic and interesting chapters of the story for 1k only instead of the standard price of ₦1,500!

The story is set to be launched on the 25th of August, 2024, God's willing.

25 chapters will be posted for free on her page ://, but the remaining 20 chapters can only be enjoyed in the ebook. I know you won't wanna miss it.

To benefit from this discount sale, send a token of ₦1,000 to the below account

Adebayo Rosheedat

And send the evidence of payment to her inbox on Whatsapp 09066263377

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University Of Ilorin P. M. B. 1515
Ilorin, 234031

A team of researchers and data analysts. Our goal is to improve the quality of research by providing

Qur'an Voice Qur'an Voice
Ilorin, 60143

Listen 🎶 to beauty Reciter {QUR'AN VOICE}

Kwara Poly Admission Process And Blog Kwara Poly Admission Process And Blog
Oke Ose/Ara
Ilorin, 240101

This Page is mainly created for Kwara Poly Aspirants both ND and HND to get updates about the school.