Karshi Sunnah Media,ringim Lg;jigawa State.



The best place on the earth..!
If you wake up in the morning in good health; say Alhamdulillah, secured in your family; Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah, you have food of this day; Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah. Ubaidullah bin Mihsan Al-Ansari (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "Whosoever begins the day feeling family security and good health, and possessing provision for his day is as though he possessed the whole world."

You have possessed the whole world, indeed Allah has done a lot of favors upon you, HE is doing and will do a lot of it for you, and your family, in the future, you have nothing to fear, that is supposed to be part of your faith as a true believer
Upon all these favors, are you thanking Allah the way it is supposed? It is not just by saying Alhamdulillah; everybody is saying that, thanking Allah is wider and more special than our thoughts, it is with all that He has given you, you need to act with it in showing your appreciation to Him, do something meaningful to your hereafter, before my call become a missed call to you and you won't be able to respond - God forgive -when you will lose yourself and lose everything! Except for your good actions

My dear " seek, through that which Allah has given you, the home of the Hereafter; and [yet], do not forget your share of the world. And do good as Allah has done good to you." (Q: Alqasas 77)
Join your colleagues in this world to build a house in paradise; it is the best place on earth; a house for Allah
The best colleagues are those who gather for good and do good together, I thank God for being one of you, please do not be the unluckiest; who miss the opportunity when Allah has opened a door for him

It was narrated from 'Amr bin 'Abasah that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:
"Whoever builds a Masjid in which Allah is remembered, Allah(the Mighty and Sublime) will build for him a house in Paradise."


Farkon zama na a kasar Bargu/Newbussa/Kainji - kamar yadda muka sani a tsarin rubuce-rubuce na ilimi mutum zai yi nazarin rubuce-rubucen da s**a gabata,shima tsari daawa a ilmance akan basira, tafarki ne mai asali yin nazarin wadanda s**a gabaceka,"kamar hakane muke labarta ma daga cikin labarun manzanni abinda zamu tabbbatar da zuriyarka"(Alqur'an)- a kokarin neman fahimta da samun masaka tsinke a daawa, na yi nazarce-nazarce, cikinsu har da asali da habakar daawa a kasar Bargu, na fahimci an samu yanayi da zanguna daban-daban, amma dai canjin alkibla da tasirantuwar daawa da har yanzu ake ciki ya samo asali ne daga limamai daban-daban, amma dai babban limamin TURNUQUNta shine Sheikh Giro Argungu, ta hanyar tafsirai da karatuttuka da ya gabatar tsawon lokaci, wanda kuma asali Marigayi sarki Musa - Allah jikansa- da jama'arsa s**a karba s**a karfafeta hannu-bibbiyu, akan haka rashin Malam rashin ne a Bargu
Ina mana taaziyya da iyalan malam da dukkan musulmi, Allah jikan Malam Ya gafarta masa Ya albarkaci bayansa, Ya jikan magabatanmu, Ya sa mu zama mabudan alheri mukullan sharri, Ya kyautata karshenmu

✍🏼Abulmasa'a Zulkiflu Kontagora

Majlisin Al - Qalamul Mustaamal Rubuce–rubuce don amfanin duniya da lahira



*Ayyukan da ake da bukata ko wadanda basu kammalu ba*

Assalamu Alaikum. Yi da kanka ko ka yi ma su hanya/sanadin samu , Allah yassare.
A hanyarmu ta daawa da karantarwa mu da wakilanmu mun hadu da masu bukatar gudummawa a wurare mabambanta, 👉🏽Zabi lambar aikin da za ka/ki iya ba da gummawa akanta cikin guda 10 da zamu lissafo.*( Number ta 7 wata baiwar Allah ta gabatar da shi Allah saka da alheri)*

1-Samar da bultsatse (borehole) don matsalar ruwa saboda mafi yawanci ginin Rijiya ana cin karo da dutse a wasu kyauyuka
2-Daukan nauyin malami ko malama don karantar da addini a kyauye
3-Wadanda sun kai linta a ginin ajin Islamiyya suna bukatar taimakon roofing (rufe sama da kwanu) don su fara karatu a ciki
4-Ruggan fulani dake son a gina masu abinda ya sawwaka na ajin karatun islamiyya saboda lokacin ruwan sama
5-Kewaye/zagaye makarantar Islamiyya da katanga don hana batagari da ke fake wa da ajujuwan don yin ta'asa da dare.
6-Tallafawa masu kokarin gina Masallaci don yin salloli biyar da karatu, wanda a halin yanzu sun kai kusan tsayin lintar
8-Ginawa wasu bayin Allah azuzuwan filin da aka saya masu don karatun addini
9-Gyaran borehole na wutar lantarki don cigaba da samar da ruwa a wani kyauye dake fama da matsalar ruwa
10-Gina wa wasu bayin Allah azuzuwa koda na katako da kwanu a fili da aka basu don karatun islamiyya

👉🏽Zabi lambar aikin da za ka/ki iya ba da gummawa akanta. Dukkanmu mun san falalar aikin alheri ko sanadinsa a rayuwa ko bayan mutuwarmu, Allah yassare mana, amin.A tuntubemu ta lambarmu koda ta whatsapp ne don samun karin bayani ko makamancin haka
👉🏽 +2347030557719



Majlisin AL-QALAMUL MUSTAAMAL yana farin cikin sanar da al'umma cewa ya saka gasar rubuce-rubuce mai taken "Gudunmawar Alƙalami A Cikin Al'umma" wadda za ta gudana a kafar WhatsApp.

Samar da marubuta a kafafen sadarwa domin cigaban addininmu da al'ummarmu.

: Wannan gasa za ta ɗauki tsawon wata biyu; daga 1 ga watan July zuwa 31 ga watan August 2023 .

: Wannan gasar tana da matakai guda biyar;
1. Daura domin wayar da kan ƴan-takara.
2. Matakin Tarjama Na Farko.
3. Matakin Tarjama Na Biyu.
4. Takaitaccen Rubutu A Kan Wani Maudu'i A Kullum Tsawon Wata Ɗaya.
5. Matakin Rubutu A Kan Wani Maudu'i Na Musamman.

Za a riƙa tattara amsoshin ƴan-takara, bayan an kammala *AKWAI ƘYAUTA GA WAƊANDA AMSOSHINSU SU KA FI GAMSARWA.*

👉🏻Dole mutum ya amsa tambayoyin duka.
👉🏻Za a ba da kyautar ne ga waɗanda su ka zo na 1, 2 da na 3 kawai.
Don kasancewa da mu a cikin gasar danna👉🏻



Daurar Maraba *Ramadan*


👉🏽Yadda ake tarbon Ramadan
👉🏽Kurakuranmu da muke yi a cikinsa
👉🏽Fadakarwa masu tsada masu muhimmanci game da watan

Tattarawar :
ش. عبد الله جار الله الجار الله

Gabatarwar :

Farawa : 21st March, 2023 Inshaa Allah




*MATA* danna/latsa nan 👇🏼
https://chat.whatsapp.com/ILrl1texH494FzWPYKjrxy *KO* nan👇🏽 https://chat.whatsapp.com/BpIE1t5Odg60n4CNjtdYoN *KO* nan👇🏽https://chat.whatsapp.com/F8Q5MZRHssW5Vgo8SuPonn

danna/latsa nan👇🏼 https://chat.whatsapp.com/L3bdDP1jZFRBOnWnfTEVpS *KO* nan👇🏽 https://chat.whatsapp.com/Bfwx5Hqmg5aKACU6x9Vq9d *KO* nan👇🏽https://chat.whatsapp.com/CRfNXS4Ll9q0U8ATMltLan

*(Telegram)* Don samun karatukanmu gaba-daya

*Tura ma wasu, Allah saka da alheri*



مملكة الحب والرحمة 💌😍

👉🏽 *Yadda za ka/ki zabi MIJI/MATA da ta DACE da kai/ke !*

👉🏽 *A kalla ana bukatar miji da mata SU GOGE/KWARE akan........!*

👉🏽 *Matakan warware MATSALOLIN ma'aurata !*
👉🏽 *........fi ye da Mace daya/kishiyoyi a gida*



farawa *17th MARCH, 2023*



domin shiga *(Whatsapp)*

*MAZA(3)* 👇🏼

*MAZA (1)* 👇🏼https://chat.whatsapp.com/LqXmHYbfdWlEKlT2YxNDHE


*MATA(3)* 👇🏼

*MATA(1)*👇🏼 https://chat.whatsapp.com/KcTGxydOI0EAQVqdgT1muj

*MATA(2)*👇🏼 https://chat.whatsapp.com/HtX4A4GHKXJ5ybdSFzpxa9

*(Telegram)* 👉🏽https://t.me/abulmasa/

*turawa masu buqata Allah saka da alheri,amin.*


Daurar *Tafarkin Tsira,* Allah ya tsiratar damu amin 🤲🏼

🛑 *Don shiryarwa tafiya gidan gobe da haduwa da Allah lafiya*

Karatun littafin waqe na:
منظومة في السير إلى الله والدار الآخرة للشيخ عبدالرحمن سعدي رحمه الله

Gabatarwar :

Farawa : 3rd March , 2023 Inshaa Allah




*(1)* 👇🏼
*(2)* 👇🏼
*(3)* 👇🏼
*(4)* 👇🏼

*(Telegram)* Don samun karatukanmu gaba-daya

*Tura ma wasu, Allah saka da alheri*

التبيان في آدب حملةالقرآن 31/01/2023

Group don karatun littafin mahaddata da makaranta Alqur'ani na Imamun Nawawiy


التبيان في آدب حملةالقرآن WhatsApp Group Invite


*Sanadin Alheri*

Daga cikin iyaye mata masu bibiyar zaurukanmu, wata ta kawo mana koken Unguwan da suke zaune, matasa ba su damu da addini ba, za ka ga ana sallar jam'i amma ko a jikinsu, a bincikenmu mun fahimci babu wani Majlisin ko makarantar Islamiyya mai nagarta sai an tafi nesa, a tattaunawar wakilanmu da wasu da abin ya shafa, mun tafi akan a samu wuri a assa Islamiyya, a halin yanzu an samu Wuri da ake lesson, amma ana bukatar akalla bencunan zama akalla daga 5 zuwa sama don farawa,sai kuma daukar nauyin malami da zai rike makarantar har ta kafu da cigaba da kafanta, duk wanda zai ba da gudummawa ko yin sanadinsa ko shawara koma wata gudummawar da bamu hango ba, ya tuntubemu ta wannar lambar +2349019052338 ko da ta whatsapp ne Allah datar damu da alhairansa ya dawwwamar damu akan alheri ya yassare al'amurranmu, amin


Daurar Goron salla *GA MAKARANTA ALKUR'ANI*

Ibn Mihraan yana cewa *"Da ma'abuta Kur'ani sun gyaru da duk mutane sun gyaru"*

Karatu akan : *Dabi'un mai karantun Alkur'ani ba don Allah ba* 😔

Daga littafin:
مختصر"أخلاق حملة القرآن"
للإمام الآجري
Takaitawar :
الشيخ خالد السبت

Gabatarwar :

Farawa : 18th July, 2022 Inshaa Allah




*(1)* 👇🏼
*(2)* 👇🏼
*(3)* 👇🏼
*(4)* 👇🏼

*(Telegram)* Don samun karatukanmu gaba-daya

*Tura ma wasu, Allah saka da alheri*

KAFIN RANAR TAFIYA WhatsApp Group Invite


Ami ya Rabbi

إسلام ويب - سعادة تمتد 08/07/2022

*Extra Virtues if the Day of Arafah Falls on a Friday*
Publish date:15/10/2011

The day of ‘Arafah precedes Yawm An-Nahr (the Day of Sacrifice), and involves standing before, and supplicating and repenting to Allah. Tawaaf (circumambulation of the Ka’bah) after standing on ‘Arafat is called ‘the Visiting Tawaaf’ because, having been purified of their sins, Allah The Almighty permitted the people to visit His House on the Day of Sacrifice.

This day has been honoured by the fact that Allah swore by it in His Book, as He Says (what means): {By the dawn. And (by) ten nights. And (by) the night when it passes.} [Quran 89:1-3] The day of ‘Arafah is the day on which Allah took the covenant from the children of Aadam and they testified to His Oneness. Ibn ‘Abbaas narrated that the Prophet said: “Allah took the covenant from children of Aadam on the day of ‘Arafah, and He brought forth from their loins their descendants and then scattered them and spoke to them asking: ‘Am I not your Lord?’” [Quran 7:172] [Ahmad]

If the day of ‘Arafah coincides with Friday then it will have extra virtue for several reasons:

# The best two days are combined.

# There is an hour on Jumu’ah during which supplications are definitely accepted. Naturally, the people on ‘Arafat would certainly be supplicating at that hour.

# The size of the congregation would be increased, because the gathering of people for on ‘Arafat would coincide with that of those around the world who come to attend the Jumu’ah sermon. This means having a greater number of people supplicating simultaneously.

# Joining the two days of ‘Eed since Jumu’ah is the weekly ‘Eed and ‘Arafat is like ‘Eed for those who are there (due to the gathering of the people, the descent of the mercy of Allah The Almighty and the joy of the pilgrims).

# Joining the Shaahid (Jumu’ah) and the Mash-hood (‘Arafat). Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Prophet said regarding the Saying of Allah The Almighty (what means): {And by the witnessing day (Shaahid) and the witnessed day (Mush-hood).} [Quran 85:3] that, “‘Shaahid’ is Jumu’ah, and ‘Mash-hood’ is ‘Arafat.’” [Ibn Al-Qayyim]

# This occurred when the Prophet performed his Hajj.

# It coincides with the day when Allah perfected His religion for His believing slaves and completed His favor upon them. This is proved by a narration in Saheeh al-Bukhari, which was affirmed by ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab who said: "I know the day which it [Quran 5:3] was revealed, and the place in which it was revealed. It was revealed to the Messenger of Allah in ‘Arafah, on a Friday, when we were standing with him in ‘Arafah."

Making up for shortcomings during the Hajj:

The people who are unable to perform Hajj, and miss standing on ‘Arafat should fulfil all the other rights of Allah The Almighty, and those who could not spend the night in Muzdalifah should pledge to obey Allah The Almighty in all other matters.

Other than this, those who could not slaughter their sacrificial animals should give up their whims and desires, and those who could not reach the House of Allah should supplicate to Allah The Almighty, Who is nearer (in knowledge) than one’s jugular vein. Allah The Almighty legislated righteous acts for those who could not make it to ‘Arafat, such as fasting on that day. Abu Qataadah narrated that the Prophet said: “Fasting it (‘Arafat) expiates the sins of the previous and the coming year.” [Muslim] One can fast that day alone, even if it means singling out Friday for fasting.

Fasting the days of the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth of Thul-Hijjah is prohibited, except for those who cannot sacrifice. Ibn ‘Umar said, “No permission was given to fast these days except for those who could not afford the sacrifice.” [Al-Bukhari] The majority of scholars have said, “This ruling applies to those in Hajj and others.”

Moreover, it is a Sunnah (Prophetic tradition) to recite Takbeer (say “Allahu Akbar”) on these days, particularly after the obligatory Salah (prayer) starting with Fajr (dawn prayer) of the day of ‘Arafah for those who are not performing Hajj, and Thuhr (afternoon prayer) of the day of sacrifice for those performing the Hajj; both continue until the last day (the thirteenth).

Source: islamweb.net

إسلام ويب - سعادة تمتد إسلام ويب - أضخم محتوى إسلامي وثقافي على الإنترنت لتحقيق مبدأ : سعادة تمتد


*Virtues of the Ten Days of Dhul Hijjah*(002)
....... *Things to avoid in Dhul Hijjah*
Question: What must the Muslim avoid during these ten days if he wants to offer a sacrifice?

The Sunnah indicates that the one who wants to offer a sacrifice must stop cutting his hair and nails and removing anything from his skin, from the beginning of the ten days until after he has offered his sacrifice, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "When you see the new moon of Dhul-Hijjah, if any one of you wants to offer a sacrifice, then he should stop cutting his hair and nails until he has offered his sacrifice." According to another report he said: "He should not remove (literally, touch) anything from his hair or skin." (reported by Muslim with four isnads, 13/146)

The Prophet’s instruction here makes one thing obligatory and his prohibition makes another haram, according to the soundest opinion, because these commands and prohibitions are unconditional and unavoidable. However, if a person does any of these things deliberately, he must seek Allah’s forgiveness but is not required to offer (an extra) sacrifice in expiation; his sacrifice will be acceptable. Whoever needs to remove some hair, nails, etc. because it is harming him, such as having a broken nail or a wound in a site where there is hair, should do so, and there is nothing wrong with that. The state of ihram is so important that it is permitted to cut one’s hair if leaving it will cause harm. There is nothing wrong with men or women washing their heads during the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) only forbade cutting the hair, not washing it.

The wisdom behind this prohibition of the one who wants to offer a sacrifice from cutting his hair etc., is so that he may resemble those in ihram in some aspects of the rites performed, and so that he may draw closer to Allah by offering the sacrifice. So he leaves his hair and nails alone until the time when he has offered his sacrifice, in the hope that Allah will save him in his entirety from the Fire. And Allah knows best.

If a person has cut his hair or nails during the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah because he was not planning to offer a sacrifice, then he decides later, during the ten days, to offer a sacrifice, then he must refrain from cutting his hair and nails from the moment he makes this decision.

Some women may delegate their brothers or sons to make the sacrifice on their behalf, then cut their hair during these ten days. This is not correct, because the ruling applies to the one who is offering the sacrifice, whether or not he (or she) delegates someone else to carry out the actual deed. The prohibition does not apply to the person delegated, only to the person who is making the sacrifice, as is indicated in the hadith. The person who is sacrificing on behalf of someone else, for whatever reason, does not have to adhere to this prohibition.

This prohibition appears to apply only to the one who is offering the sacrifice, not to his wife and children, unless any of them is offering a sacrifice in his or her own right, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to sacrifice "on behalf of the family of Muhammad," but there are no reports that say he forbade them to cut their hair or nails at that time.

If a person was planning to offer a sacrifice, then he decides to go and perform Hajj, he should not cut his hair or nails if he wants to enter ihram, because the Sunnah is only to cut hair and nails when necessary. But if he is performing Tamattu’ [whereby he performs ‘Umrah, comes out of ihram and enters ihram anew for Hajj], he should trim his hair at the end of his ‘Umrah because this is part of the ritual.

The things that are described above as being prohibited for the person who is planning to offer a sacrifice are reported in the hadith quoted above; the person is not forbidden to wear perfume, have marital relations, wear sewn garments, etc...........

Source : islamqa.info



Majlisin AL-QALAMUL MUSTAAMAL yana farin cikin sanar da al'umma cewa ya saka gasar auna fahimtar addini a shafinsa na facebook, wadda za ta kasance kamar haka;

*RANAKU* : Kwanaki goman farko na watan Zulhijja.

*TSARI* : A kullum za'a tura tambaya/tambayoyi tare da link na page wanda za'a bi a amsa tambaya. Za'a riƙa tattara amsoshin mahalarta, bayan an kammala akwai *ƘYAUTA GA WAƊANDA AMSOSHINSU SU KA FI GAMSARWA.*

👉🏻Dole mutum ya amsa tambayoyin duka; kowace tambaya a ranarta cikin awowi 24 da sakin tambayar.
👉🏻Ka da ka amsa tambaya fiye da sau ɗaya.
👉🏻Za'a ba da kyautar ne ga waɗanda su ka zo na 1, 2 da na 3 kawai.

Don kasancewa da mu a cikin gasar danna👇🏻

Majlisin Al - Qalamul Mustaamal Rubuce–rubuce don amfanin duniya da lahira


*Why doesnt Allaah answer our duaas? 002*
.. 1. Sincerity in making duaa. This is the most important condition. Allaah has commanded us to be sincere when making duaa, as He says (interpretation of the meaning):

So, call you (O Muhammad and the believers) upon (or invoke) Allaah making (your) worship pure for Him (Alone) (by worshipping none but Him and by doing religious deeds sincerely for Allaahs sake only and not to show off and not to set up rivals with Him in worship) [Ghaafir 40:14].

Sincerity in duaa means having the firm belief that the One upon Whom you are calling Allaah, may He be glorified and exalted is alone Able to meet your need, and it also means avoiding any kind of showing off in your duaa.

2. Repentance and turning back to Allaah. Sin is one of the main reasons why duaas are not answered, so the person who is making duaa should hasten to repent and seek forgiveness before he makes duaa. Allaah tells us that Nooh (peace be upon him) said:

I said (to them): Ask forgiveness from your Lord, verily, He is Oft-Forgiving; He will send rain to you in abundance, And give you increase in wealth and children, and bestow on you gardens and bestow on you rivers. [Nooh 71:10-12]...
Source : islamqa.info


*Why doesnt Allaah answer our duaas? 001*

Question 5113
Why doesn't allah answer our duas ?

Praise be to Allah.

Imaam Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:

Duaas and taawwudhaat [prayers seeking refuge with Allaah] are like a weapon, and a weapon is only as good as the person who is using it; it is not merely the matter of how sharp it is. If the weapon is perfect and free of faults, and the arm of the person using it is strong, and there is nothing stopping him, then he can lay waste the enemy. But if any of these three features is lacking, then the effect will be lacking accordingly.

(al-Daa wal-Dawaa, p. 35).

From this it will be clear that there is an etiquette and rulings which must be fulfilled, in the duaa and in the person making the duaa. There are also things that may prevent the duaa reaching Allaah or being answered these things must be removed from the person making the duaa and from the duaa. When all of these conditions are fulfilled, then the duaa may be answered......
Source : islamqa.info

إسلام ويب - سعادة تمتد 14/06/2022

*The Prophet’s humbleness* *(005)*
Publish date:11/09/2016
Section:His Attributes

The Prophet once saw a wealthy Muslim gathering up his loose garments so that a certain distance would be kept between himself and a poor Muslim sitting close by. He remarked: “Do you fear that his poverty will cling to you?” The Prophet lived like any ordinary person, and did not assume any superior rights. He once had to borrow some money from a Jew called Zayd ibn Sana’a. The Jew came to demand the immediate return of the loan a few days before the expiry of the stipulated period. Tugging at the mantle around the Prophet’s shoulders, he jibed that the progeny of ‘Abd Al-Muttalib were always defaulters.`Umar not being able to tolerate this misbehavior on the part of the Jew, started berating him, and was on the point of beating him when the Prophet said to the Jew, smiling: “There are still three days to go before the promise has to be fulfilled.” To ‘Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, he said: “We might have had better treatment from you. You could have advised me to be more careful about the return of loans and you could have advised the Jew to be more courteous in demanding repayment.” He then requested ‘Umar to get some dates so that the loan could be repaid, and to give the Jew an extra forty kilograms for the rebuke he had been given. We can say that humbleness is seen in every sphere of the Prophet’s life. His way of talking, walking, sitting, eating and every aspect of his life reflected humbleness.
Source : islamweb.net

إسلام ويب - سعادة تمتد إسلام ويب - أضخم محتوى إسلامي وثقافي على الإنترنت لتحقيق مبدأ : سعادة تمتد


*Falalar ilimi da kwadaitarwa akansa*
يرفع الله الذين آمنوا منكم والذين أوتوا العلم درجات..


-قصيدة في فضل العلم والحث عليه، أبوزيد القيروان
farawa *14 June 2022*


Domin shiga
Duba da kyau, shiga zauren da ya dace da jinsinka/ki

*MATA* danna/latsa nan 👇🏼
https://chat.whatsapp.com/ILrl1texH494FzWPYKjrxy *KO* nan👇🏽 https://chat.whatsapp.com/BpIE1t5Odg60n4CNjtdYoN *KO* nan👇🏽https://chat.whatsapp.com/F8Q5MZRHssW5Vgo8SuPonn

danna/latsa nan👇🏼 https://chat.whatsapp.com/L3bdDP1jZFRBOnWnfTEVpS *KO* nan👇🏽 https://chat.whatsapp.com/Bfwx5Hqmg5aKACU6x9Vq9d *KO* nan👇🏽https://chat.whatsapp.com/CRfNXS4Ll9q0U8ATMltLan

*turawa masu buqata Allah ya saka da alheri*


إسلام ويب - سعادة تمتد 03/06/2022

*The Prophet’s humbleness* *(004)*
Publish date:11/09/2016
Section:His Attributes

Prophet Muhammad was humble in all matters. Anas said that the Prophet would accept an invitation even if he was presented barley bread and soup whose taste had changed. He also reported that the Prophet said: "I am Allah's servant, I eat like a servant and sit like a servant.'' On one of his journeys, the Prophet asked his companions to roast a goat. One said that he would slaughter the animal; another said that he would skin it, while a third said that he would cook it. The Prophet then said that he would collect wood for fuel. Their response was: “O Messenger of Allah! We will do everything.” The Prophet then said: “I have no doubt that you will. But I do not like distinctions to be made, nor does Allah like any one of His servants to assert his superiority over his companions.” His self-deprecation was such that he once said: “By Allah, I do not know, even although I am Allah’s messenger, what my fate in the next world will be, nor do I know what yours will be.” Abu Dharr Al-Ghifaari narrated that one day he was sitting with another companion of black complexion whom he addressed as: “O black man.” When the Prophet heard of this, he was greatly displeased and cautioned Abu Dharr never to make scornful remarks to anyone, whoever he might be, and to accord equal treatment to all, adding: “No white man has any superiority over a black man.”...
Source : islamweb.net

إسلام ويب - سعادة تمتد إسلام ويب - أضخم محتوى إسلامي وثقافي على الإنترنت لتحقيق مبدأ : سعادة تمتد

إسلام ويب - سعادة تمتد 31/05/2022

*The Prophet’s humbleness* *(003)*
Publish date:11/09/2016
Section:His Attributes.The Prophet did not behave towards others as if he was better than they were, nor did he spurn manual work. `Abdullah bin Abi `Awfa reported that the Prophet of Allah, never refrained from going with a slave or a widow to accomplish his or her tasks. Others reported that the Prophet used to tidy up his house, tie the camels, feed the animals, take food with his servants, and help them in kneading dough and bringing provisions from the market. Anas reported that the Prophet of Allah used to visit the sick, attend funerals, ride a donkey and accept a slave's invitation for a meal. Jabir stated that the Prophet used to slow down his pace for the sake of the weak and also prayed for them.
When `Adiyy ibn Hatim came to see the Prophet and he called him inside his house. A maidservant brought a cushion to rest on, but the Prophet placed it between him and `Adiyy and sat down on the floor. `Adiyy later said that he had then immediately realized that the Prophet was not a king. A similar incident was reported by `Abdullah ibn `Amr ibn Al-`Aas who said: “Once when the Messenger of Allah came to my house, I gave him a cushion filled with bark, but he sat down on the floor placing the cushion between me and him.” .......
Source : islamweb.net

إسلام ويب - سعادة تمتد إسلام ويب - أضخم محتوى إسلامي وثقافي على الإنترنت لتحقيق مبدأ : سعادة تمتد

إسلام ويب - سعادة تمتد 27/05/2022

*The Prophet’s humbleness* *(002)*
Publish date:11/09/2016
Section:His Attributes. The Messenger of Allah lived a simple and modest life, both in Makkah as a trader before his Prophethood, and in Al-Madeenah as the Head of the State after being commissioned as Allah’s Messenger. The triumph in his social status from that of a trader in Makkah to the Head of the State in Al-Madeenah did not bring any change in his modest living. `Umar reported that the Prophet said: " Do not extol me as did the Christians extol ‘Eesa (Jesus), the son of Mary; I am only a slave, so say ‘the Slave of Allah and His Messenger’.”.......
Source : islamweb.net

إسلام ويب - سعادة تمتد إسلام ويب - أضخم محتوى إسلامي وثقافي على الإنترنت لتحقيق مبدأ : سعادة تمتد

إسلام ويب - سعادة تمتد 23/05/2022

*The Prophet’s humbleness* *(001)*
Publish date:11/09/2016
Section:His Attributes

Prophet Muhammad was a perfect model of modesty and humbleness. He never spoke loudly or in an unseemly manner. In the market and any other public places, he always passed by the people quietly with a smile. Whenever he heard anything undesirable in an assembly, he did not say anything out of respect for the people, but the color of his face showed his feelings and the Companions became cautious. `Aa’ishah said that she never saw Allah's Messenger laughing so that she could see his molar teeth, for he only used to smile.

`Abdullaah Ibn Maslamah reported Allah's Messenger as saying: "Modesty is a part of the teachings of the previous Prophets and anyone who lacks it is most likely to do whatever he likes." Zayd reported Allah's Messenger as saying: "Every religion has a character and the character of Islam is modesty."........
Source : islamweb.net

إسلام ويب - سعادة تمتد إسلام ويب - أضخم محتوى إسلامي وثقافي على الإنترنت لتحقيق مبدأ : سعادة تمتد


*Dama ga mai rabo*

Assalamu Alaikum. Yi da kanka ko ka yi ma su hanyar samu ko sanadinsa, Allah yassare.
A hanyar kewaya don daawa da karantarwa mu da wakilanmu mun hadu da masu bukatar gudummawa a wurare mabambanta, 👉🏽Zabi lambar aikin da za ka/ki iya ba da gummawa akanta cikin (11) da zamu lissafo.

1-Samar da bultsatse (borehole) don matsalar ruwa

2-Daukan nauyin malami ko malama don karantar da addini a kyauye

3-Wadanda sun kai linta a ginin ajin Islamiyya suna bukatar taimakon roofing (rufe sama da kwanu)

4-Islamiyya dake bukatar a kawo/janyo masu wutan lantarki a makarantar

5-Ruggan fulani dake son a gina masu abinda ya sawwaka na ajin karatun islamiyya saboda lokacin ruwan sama

6-Kewaye/zagaye makarantar Islamiyya da katanga don hana batagari da ke fake wa da ajujuwan don yin ta'asa da dare.

7-Gina masu Masallacin yin salloli biyar da karatu, suna da fili har sun yi tushe

8-Saye ko samar ma masu yada daawa a yanar gizo computer/laptop don habbaka ayyukansu

9-Yan'uwa mata dake bukatar samar masu da fili ko muhalli don karatun addini da karantarwa

10-Masallacin Juma'a dake bukatar gina bangaren da aka ware don yan'uwa mata

11-Gina azuzuwan filin da aka saya masu don karatun addini

👉🏽Zabi lambar aikin da za ka/ki iya ba da gummawa akanta. Dukkanmu mun san falalar aikin alheri ko sanadinsa darenmu ko bayan mutuwarwu, Allah yassare mana, amin.A tuntubemu ta lambarmu koda ta whatsapp ne don samun karin bayani ko makamancin haka
👉🏽 +2349019052338

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