
This is a general merchandise and marketing page. Focused on advertisements and product promotion.


How To Get Started and Succeed With Amazon KDP. The Essential Guide

P.S: There is a bonus for you at the end of this article.

Since the early 2000s, digital self-publishing has existed. With the launch of Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing (Amazon KDP) service in 2007, it took off.
No more barriers to entry: authors can take advantage of the benefits of the Kindle Direct Publishing self-publishing platform and make their ebooks and paperbacks available to readers all over the world with just a few clicks.
Amazon KDP has been working to make the self-publishing process easier, more intuitive, and profitable for independent authors since its launch.
Any motivated author or entrepreneur can edit and publish a book thanks to online libraries, ebooks and books in kindle and e-pub format, and print-on-demand.
But what about every author's secret wish: to make a living from his pen and his books?
For ambitious self-published authors who use the right techniques and follow the key steps to prepare their book and publish it on Amazon KDP, making a living from their books is a dream come true.
What is your ultimate goal in terms of self-publishing and books? Is it better to plan for the short, medium, or long term?
Do you want to make a living from your books?
Do you intend to publish more than one?
Or are you looking for a new source of highly targeted traffic to help you launch or grow your company, sell your services, or sell a complementary information product like training?
Alternatively, you might be looking to:
Increase the number of visitors to your website?
Share your thoughts and gain social recognition?
Reveal a different side of yourself through writing?
Is self-publishing a stepping stone to traditional publishing for you?
You may have other reasons unique to you: it is important to ask yourself these questions now to set the right goals.

So now…What are the main steps to putting your book on Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing platform?
Many authors, whether they are beginners or not, follow these steps:
1, Write the book's first draft.
2. You should read it all for yourself.
3. Send for revisions (an essential step sometimes skipped)
4. Edit/format the book for Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (kdp): For an ebook, use the mobi format; for a paperback, use the pdf format (these are the most common formats, although there are others).
5. Make a cover for yourself
6. Using the KDP platform, publish the ebook on Amazon Kindle, or Publish the paperback on Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing platform.
7. Communicate and promote your books wherever you can.
Unfortunately, following these steps in this order is frequently associated with disappointment and a rapid drop in sales after launch day (Particularly for book writers).
Most authors often beginners, take this route, and inevitably, they get the results of most authors…which is poor sales.
There is, without a doubt, a great deal of satisfaction in having succeeded in publishing a book and in realizing one's first ambition of becoming an author.
But, if you want to be able to live off your books, I recommend following this rule:
BEFORE your book is published, communicate with your future readers, and assist Amazon in introducing your book to them...
In any case, follow this rule to improve your outcomes:
BEFORE YOUR BOOK IS RELEASED, CONNECT with and federate readers who are interested in the subject of your book!
Believe me when I say that with each new book, the operation will become easier and more impactful, with more people naturally following you and a snowball effect on your sales.

You may also ask, "But I'm not a writer, how can I sell books on Amazon?"
The best way to succeed on Amazon KDP if you are not a book writer, is to focus on "low content" books.
What are "low content" books?
This term refers to books with little to no written content on them such as diaries, logbooks, notebooks, and even coloring books. Basically, any book whose content can be easily created, as opposed to a book that must be written.
You make a PDF of the inside of the book and another of the outside of the book, then upload everything to Amazon.
There are two things you must do to be successful in this field:
Identify niches/keywords with sufficient demand and low competition to warrant the creation of books.
Create book covers that are appealing to the eye.
By searching Amazon and using free browser extensions, you can find keywords. It is possible to quickly and cheaply create several books on Amazon.
You don't have to spend any money to accomplish this!
You only need a KDP account to participate.
Free software like Canva.com can be used to create covers and interiors.
There are also other options, such as powerpoint, and bookbolt.
You can search up on Youtube, how to create low content books with free software, If you are really interested in Amazon Kdp business.

Now for the free bonus I promised, I have bundled into one folder, over 50 free book interiors of different niches for anyone interested in kick starting their Amazon kdp business.

All you have to do, is click on the link below and you'll be redirected to a page where you may complete a task to prove you're not a robot, before accessing the file.


Cheers to your success!



Working independently, and even more so, being able to work from anywhere in the world, is without a doubt one of the most appealing aspects of being a freelancer.
For many people, it is the ideal plan: flexibility in working hours and locations, no need for uniforms or lost time in traffic, and, best of all, the opportunity to do what you love!
If you're one of these people looking for a way to refocus your professional career or simply want to supplement your income without committing to a long-term job, becoming a freelancer is a great option.
Continue reading because I'll tell you everything you need to know about the freelance work model.

Who is a freelancer?

A freelancer is someone who works for themselves, offering their services to companies or individuals, and who manages their time and work style independently.
Anyone who has the necessary skills, talents, or knowledge can work as a freelancer.
Freelancers can be found working in a variety of fields, including education, programming, design, translation, art, sales, and many others.
Many times, a higher education is not required for success, but it does require a great deal of dedication and commitment to work in order to achieve good results.

What is the history of the word "freelancing"?

According to merriam-webster.com, When freelance first came into English in the early 1800s, it was used to refer to a medieval mercenary who would fight for whichever nation or person paid them the most. Our earliest written evidence for this use (so far, that is) is in Sir Walter Scott's novel, Ivanhoe, where a feudal lord refers to the paid army he's assembled.
The evocative term quickly gained broader meanings, including one referring to a politician without a political affiliation (what we now call an independent), and another referring to someone who works on their own time and without a permanent or long-term commitment to an employer. Though we now commonly refer to this latter group of people as freelancers.

What are types freelancing skills?

With the advent of the internet, many persons, companies and businesses have sought the need to integrate their products and services on the web. As such there is a great need for these employers to seek for employees to help them in executing their tasks or daily businesses effectively. This gave rise to a job market where individuals with different skill sets are assembled in order to fill in these job roles. There are hundreds to even thousands of skills available, but here are few, worth mentioning:

1 Content creation/Writing
It entails publishing written or filmed content on digital media (websites, social networks, e-mail). Web editors, copywriters, and video editors are all examples of content creators. Their job is to use their talents to create content that communicates messages.

2 Development of websites and applications
If you've read my previous post, you'll notice I wrote a whole lot about this. This is because, it is a highly sort after skill with a not so high barrier of entry. Companies can distribute their content through a variety of channels, including websites and apps. As a result, new businesses, like those that already exist, require websites as well as mobile applications to improve the user experience. This necessitates the creation of websites and mobile applications.

3 Graphic Design
The role of a graphic designer is to take care of all the graphic aspects of a website, a web or mobile application, etc. He must design the design and ergonomics of the site, create graphic elements such as illustrations, images, animations, and above all ensure the interactivity of these different elements.

4 Blockchain Technologist
The blockchain bases its operation on cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies that do not have any physical backing. They work on a peer-to-peer basis and do not require central bank intervention. The blockchain, in particular, is based on a decentralized computer network. Cryptocurrencies are becoming increasingly popular. As a result, there is a high demand for blockchain technologists. A developer can easily create a blockchain because the technologies that make it work are open source.

5 Virtual Assistants
As more businesses look to outsource their business processes, the demand for virtual assistants continues to rise. Virtual assistants are hired to complete tasks such as meeting scheduling, file organization, timely email response, data entry, and so on.

Why is freelancing better than a regular office job?

There a few notable differences as to why freelancing is better than a regular office job. 3 notable advantages freelancing has over a regular office job include:
1 Freedom: Freelancers typically do not have a contract with their employers, which allows them to leave at any time, choose work hours and most importantly, work from home.
2 It is an opportunity for everyone: With the rising cases of unemployment, any individual can decide to embark on the journey of learning a skill and becoming profitable out of it.
3 Ability to perform different jobs simultaneously: The fact that you can choose your working hours, gives you the opportunity to multitask on different jobs. This can be a daunting task for a beginner, but becomes even easier when you become an expert in that field. At the end, more jobs will imply more money.
Where can I find these freelance Jobs?
Amongst the many freelance websites available to find work, I have ranked the best 10 to help you get started.
1 Upwork.com
2 Toptal.com
3 Fiverr.com
4 Dribbble.com
5 Freelancer.com
6 Linkedin.com
7 Flexjobs.com
8 Peopleperhour.com
9 Guru.com
10 99designs.com
A quick google search on any of them, will provide you more insight on each websites uniqueness.

How Can I make freelancing a full-time career and become rich?

Now I bet that is the question on our most of our minds. To answer this question, I will first of all suggest you take your time to think and evaluate your current skill set. It is always wonderful to imagine yourself quitting your 9-5 and living by your own means, but to become that person, it is important you educate and equip yourself adequately. Here are a few tips to note if you really want to achieve true autonomy over your job life.

1 Learn a very high value skill: Of course, in order to quit your regular job, I assume you have learnt a high-value skill to an intermediate or expert level. This ensures that you have something to offer to your potential clients.

2 Take on a few jobs while working your regular job: There are two advantages to doing so. First and foremost, it allows you to save some money before transitioning to full-time freelancing. To start your freelance career from a secure position, you'll need three to six months' worth of living expenses plus start-up costs.
Second, it allows you to try out different types of clients and jobs and iron out the kinks before devoting the majority of your work hours to something you may not enjoy, in a month's time.

3 Make a plan: After working with several clients and learning the game better, you can proceed to devise your means of resigning from your job. Write a business plan, promote yourself, network with other freelancers and clarify your goals for the coming years and what kind of success you want to achieve.

Finally, to answer the question "can you become rich with freelancing?"

Absolutely Yes. All it takes is commitment, consistency (This applies to the quality of work you deliver to your clients) and promoting your skills through adequate channels like social media. Above all, "LET YOUR WORK SPEAK FOR YOU".

Now How, do I get started with freelancing?

I am pretty sure if you read through the article, you must have known the answer, but to wrap it up in a nutshell, you need to Learn a Skill first. You can't be a freelancer without any skill set in any field. To learn high in demand skills like the ones mentioned above, I recommend websites like udemy.com and skillshare.com.
Secondly, build your portfolio and join freelance job sites like those mentioned above. Take on jobs, and develop yourself with experience as you do. Don't overlook the value of long-term deals and returning customers. Strive to improve your personal qualities and grow as a professional in your field with each project.

Final Note

Freelancers are the future, and the further we go, the more clearly this trend is observed. More and more companies will refuse to work with hired employees and outsource jobs instead. Firstly, it greatly saves the company's payroll, and secondly, there is less need to rent office space.
The earlier you key into this new trend, the better your chances are, at gaining financial freedom.

To your success!

~Joseph Akujieze


REAL ESTATE: Why It Is The Smartest Investment In Nigeria, And What To Do About It

-The real estate industry is the fifth largest contributor to the Nigerian economy and a potential goldmine for investors.

-A steady increase in urban population and gradual change in the shopping culture amongst the middle class, has resulted in an
increase in urban development which makes real estate the most sought after market in recent times.

-The real estate sector in Nigeria is still growing and has a vast untapped investment potential. The world bank has estimated that it
would cost as high as N60 trillion to bridge Nigeria's 17 million housing deficit.

-On the down side, continous dependence on imported building materials coupled up with the steady decline of the naira makes the entry level into
real estate development really high.

But to our advantage there are many ways to get started in real estate investment of which I'll mention a few.

But first, what is real estate?

Real estate is property in the form of land along with any form of construction on it. It also includes natural resources such as trees, minerals
or water found within such viscinity.

Why should you invest in real estate?

Real estate has been proven to be one of the most profitable investment opportunities all over the world, with relatively high ROI. According to
Andrew Carnegie a billionaire industrialist, "90% of all millionaires become so through owning real estate. More money has been made in real estate
than in all industrial investments combined."

Based on it's function, real estate can be grouped into three broad categories:

Industrial Real Estate:
These are properties used for manufacturing and production. This sector is not so robust in Nigeria, especially due to the
low manufacturing power of the country, therefore making this category a "not so lucrative" investment choice.

Commercial Real Estate:
These are properties designed for business purposes. It normally involves an investor(Landlord) who develops a building and
releases it out on rental basis for various businesses. This category is estimated to consist of about 60% of the total real estate investment in Nigeria,
this is due to the steady increase in SMEs within the country.

Residential Real Estate:
These are properties designed to provide shelter or for living purposes. Statistics show that above 80% of the total household in Nigeria,
live in rented apartments. Given this fact, also considering the ever-growing size of Nigeria's population, indicates that this category has a great investment

So what are the investment opportunities in Real Estate?

There are a lot of investment opportunities available, some do not require high investments to startup. They include:

1. Real Estate Investment Trusts(REITs):
They are a form of collective investment scheme, which pools funds from investors and use them to acquire income-generating real estate. In simple terms, it's just like buying and
selling shares and are traded on the Nigerian Stock Exchange. The advantage of this system is that you make investments without actually acquiring physical property
and it requires no minimum investment to start up.

2. Land Flipping:
This is a more common method which involves buying land and selling at a higher price after a couple years when the value appreciates. This method works well because land is
the only asset that doesn't loose value and it has a very low maintenance cost.

3. Building or Purchasing rental properties:
The commercial and residential real estate category are expressed well in this method. Investing in rental properties is a sure way to keep earning money for life, because
as a property owner or landlord, you are entitled to a monthly or annual rent from your tenants depending on the agreement between both parties, which is a sure way to keep on earning passive
income in the real estate industry.

4. Becoming a real estate agent:
This is one of the best ways to venture into the real estate industry without any capital at all. You can become a real estate agent by simply offering your services to property
owners who are looking for buyers. Of course it requires that you possess good networking skills to be able to get and convince potential buyers to acquire an asset, but by
growing your network, you can thrive as a successful real estate agent.

5. Open space leasing:
This is almost similar to a rental property, the major difference between both is that in this method, the land owner leases an empty piece of land for individuals to occupy and
setup temporal structures that can be easily destroyed whenever the landlord decides to make use of the land. This is a smart way to generate passive income while you wait for the
value of the land to appreciate.

6. Franchising:
This is a good way of creating wealth in the real estate sector. It's as simple as when you acquire land and use it to establish a business, you then buy land in
various other locations, build your structures and find franchisees who will manage the business on your behalf. Take for example, McDonalds is a fast food restaurant
in which 85% of it's net worth are franchisees, by that i mean that the corporation owns billions of worth real estate. Although it requires huge capital,
it helps you run sustainable businesses while acquiring real estate properties.

In the words of Franklin D. Roosevelt, former U.S president "Real estate cannot be lost or stolen, nor can it be carried away. Purchased with common sense, paid for in full, and
managed with reasonable care, it is about the safest investment in the world." What do you think? Why not give yourself a head start into the untapped potential of the real estate

If you enjoyed this article, you are going to enjoy this special report that explains how Nigerians can make it BIG in the real estate sector.

Click here to learn how => https://tinyurl.com/2jpj3v9u

For more enquiries follow my page to connect to me directly => https://www.facebook.com/Terosoft-105775604996412/

Thanks for reading, please like and share!


The Key Driver That Guarantees Success

"...Maybe I am going through this so I can learn how I got myself stuck and how I can get myself out in order to help others. It was the desire to teach, the desire to serve,
the desire to share lessons with other people that actually helped me get through my own stuff that I had to work through.
Service to others can enable you work through a lot more things. It is actually a great productivity hack. Whenever I am working on something, and it is not just for my own benefit,
and I am thinking of how much this is going to help other people, it helps me get fired up and I find out that it works for a lot of people to help motivate and inspire them when they
realize that this is about something bigger than themselves."
-Derek Doekper during a productivity summit.

When facing challenges in our lives and we feel like giving up, If the goal to succeed is all about us, there is usually the tendency to give up.

However, when the goal is beyond ourselves, when the desire to win is about helping others, enabling them to benefit from our triumph, we usually succeed.

Passion, hard work, talent are important attributes as individuals, but they merely take us off the ground, but to achieve true groundbreaking success depends on our ability to interact and impact in the lives of others positively.

What do you think? Have there been times when the thought of helping others achieve their goals helped you in staying on course with your goals?


What Fitzpatrick Skin Type Are You?

The Fitzpatrick Scale is the most widely accepted skin typing method used today. This rating system measures the amount of pigment in the skin and the tolerance to the sun. Founded in 1975 by Thomas B. Fitzpatrick, the Fitzpatrick scale is used in Dermatology and the Cosmetic Industry.

Cosmetic professionals use the Fitzpatrick scale to accurately produce products for all skin types.

There are two main factors that influence skin type; genetic disposition and reaction to sun exposure and tanning beds. [1] Take Fitzpatrick’s quiz used by Dermatologists below to find out what your Fitzpatrick Skin Type is.

Instructions: Each answer has a numerical value next to it. Choose one answer to each question and add up the numbers associated with your responses. Scoring is available at the end of the quiz.

What color are your eyes?

0 - Light blue, gray, green

1- Blue, gray, or green

2 - Blue

3 - Dark Brown

4 - Brownish Black

What is the natural color of your hair?

0 - Sandy red

1 - Blonde

2 - Chestnut/ Dark Blonde

3 - Dark brown

4 - Black

What color is your skin (unexposed areas)?

0 - Reddish

1 - Very Pale

2 - Pale with a beige tint

3 - Light brown

4 - Dark brown

Do you have freckles on unexposed areas?

0 - Many

1 - Several

2 - Few

3 - Incidental

4 - None

What happens when you stay too long in the sun?

0 - Painful redness, blistering, peeling

1 - Blistering followed by peeling

2 - Burns sometimes followed by peeling

3 - Rare burns

4 - Never had burns

To what degree do you turn brown?

0 - Hardly or not at all

1 - Light color tan

2 - Reasonable tan

3 - Tan very easily

4 - Turn dark brown quickly

Do you turn brown with several hours of sun exposure?

0 - Never

1 - Seldom

2 - Sometimes

3 - Often

4 - Always

How does your face react to the sun?

0 - Very sensitive

1 - Sensitive

2 - Normal

3 - Very resistant

4 - Never had a problem

When did you last expose your body to the sun (or artificial sunlamp/tanning cream)?

1 - More than 3 months ago

2 - 2-3 months ago

3 - 12 months ago

4 - Less than a month ago

5 - Less than 2 weeks ago

Do you expose your face to the sun? (for the purpose of this quiz we have changed this question from the original: Did you expose the area to be treated to the sun?)

1 - Never

2 - Hardly ever

3 - Sometimes

4 - Often

5 - Always

Total up your points and match your score below to find your skin type.

0-7 = Type I

8-16 = Type II

17-25 = Type III

25-30 = Type IV

Over 30 = Type V-VI

Type I - White skin color, blonde hair, and green eyes, always burns in the sun, has freckles. Common ethnic background: English, Scottish.

Type II - White skin color, blonde hair, and green/blue eyes, always burns, has freckles and is difficult to tan. Common ethnic background: Northern European.

Type III - White skin color, blonde/ brown hair, blue/brown eyes, tans after several burns, and may freckle. Common ethnic background: German.

Type IV - Brown skin color, brown hair, and brown eyes, tans more than average, rarely burns, and rarely freckles. Common ethnic background: Mediterranean, Southern European, Hispanic.

Type V - Dark brown skin color, brown/black hair with brown eyes. Tans with ease, rarely burns, and no freckles. Common ethnic background: Asian, Indian, some African

Type VI - Black skin color, black hair, and brown/black eyes. Tans, never burns, deeply pigmented, and never freckles. Common ethnic background: African.

By assessing Fitzpatrick skin type medical professionals are able to determine what treatments are best as well as what to be cautious of. Now that you know what Fitzpatrick Skin Type you have, you can more accurately predict your response to different cosmetic procedures and treatments. Skin types IV-VI run a higher risk for pigmentary change with treatments such as chemical peels, dermabrasion, and topical bleaching agents.

Knowing your Fitzpatrick is also important in evaluating your risk for skin cancer. Melanin in the skin absorbs and scatters energy from UV light to protect skin cells from damage. [2] Skin types with less pigmentation have less melanin and therefore less protection against harmful sun rays. Type I - III have the highest risk of melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancers and sun damage.

Thank you for taking your time to read, have a nice day!





Web development has become a very famous trend in our world today. Starting right from the inception of the internet
itself, web development has evolved into a "stronghold" of the world wide web.
Although it doesn’t show its age, the Internet is older than you might think. The computer visionaries who created
it began developing the idea in the early 1960s.Today, well over 100 million websites—and many more web enthusiasts—are
online. It’s no wonder you get so many junk emails or online promotions often.Of course you can't talk about web development without mentioning
web browsers as they play a major role in accessing content on the internet. In simple terms, a WEB BROWSER is a piece of
software that allows you display web pages and navigate through them. Don't get it twisted, the internet would still exist
without a web browser only that, you won't be able to access webpages.

So what is a "Web Development"?
According to wikipedia, web development is the work involved in developing a web site for the internet (world wide web) or
an intranet(private network). It ranges from developing a simple single static page of plain text to complex web
applications, electronic businesses and social network services.
I see web development as a market that is under saturated yet to be fully explored and the chance of anyone becoming a
successful web developer is well above 80%.

Who is a "Web Developer"?
A web developer is someone who is involved in the non-design aspects of building websites which includes: writing markup
and coding.

Why should you learn Web Development?

1)It is a fast growing profession whose skills are in high demand:

From its name "Web development" it is an innovative system of work that is ever-evolving, that is new features, programs
and techniques are brought up every now and then. That is why your favorite social networks or applications are updated
and improved with new features and fixed issues. By learning web development, you standout from a lot of people who have
low income skills in our society today. With that said, you can never go JOBLESS!

2)It is a dynamic and creative profession:

From research, web development makes an individual innovative in thinking such that, new ideas about how to create
websites and other software are often created. It is also important to note that in this field, learning NEVER stops.

3)Provides a decent source of income:

Of course the goal of most developers is to acquire knowledge & skills that generates them good income and since it is a fast
growing profession, individuals and firms pay huge amounts of money for the services of web developers. Most web developers
today live comfortably and generate good income since the market is still under saturated.

4)It allows for flexibility:

By this, I mean it is a profession that allows you to work from almost anywhere except in cases where you are positioned
to work in a firm or institution. What most developers make use of, are mostly gadgets that can be carried around easily.

5)Exposure to a broad area of expertise:

A web developer always gets the opportunity to work alongside people in various areas of expertise, with different skill
sets such as working alongside a UI/UX designer, a graphics designer, a product researcher etc. With such exposure, a web
developer leverages the opportunity to broaden his/her area of expertise.

6)It is inexpensive to startup or learn:
There are free websites and e-books that can help you get started on this amazing journey.

And a whole other bunch of benefits which can not be covered in this article. For the sake of emphasis, web development
can be sub-divided into 3 categories which are:

1)Front-end web development: This is concerned with the build and design of web pages we can visibly see on a web browser.
It involves the use of basic programming languages which are HTML,CSS, and JAVASCRIPT.

2)Back-end web development: Also known as "Server-side web development" is concerned with the interactions happening between
the website or webpage and the server which cannot be seen on the webpage. This part is broad and therefore employs the use
of a variety of programming languages.

3)Full Stack Web Development: It involves both Front-end and Back-end development.

With these few points won't you say web-development is an untapped market worth exploring?. The good news is, most companies,
corporate institutions or even individuals do not require you to have a degree in computer science, provided you are
experienced in this field and have proven works & designs done by you in your portfolio. To get started, what you basically need is a
working desktop system or laptop and you are one step closer to achieving your goal. Of course it also requires you
learning a long list programming languages to become a "PRO" but starting with the basics which are HTML, CSS and
JAVASCRIPT is the sure way to get going.

To further assist you on your quest in becoming a full time web developer, here are some important and reputable online
platforms to help you kickstart your journey in learning web development for FREE:


The world is going digital, do ensure to take positive actions to keep yourself on the bright side.
If you enjoyed this article, please do well to like this page for more interesting contents like this. Thank you for time!

~Joseph Akujieze

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