Upgrade with AmarQah

All about skills and value in order to elevate the financial well being of humanity.


🎉 Facebook recognized me as a top rising creator this week!

Photos from Upgrade with AmarQah's post 01/12/2023

🎉 Facebook recognized me as a top rising creator this week!


What is the meaning of this now?🙅🤦


One of the major things you should pursue in your 20s is financial education. Your 30yo self will thank you.


Wolfson Postgraduate Scholarships in the Humanities
University of Nottingham


10 lessons from John Maxwell's book Success Is a Choice: Make the Choices that Make You Successful:

1. Believe in yourself. The first step to success is to believe in yourself and your ability to achieve your goals. If you don't believe in yourself, no one else will.

2. Fire up your passion. When you're passionate about what you're doing, you're more likely to be successful. Find something that you're passionate about and pursue it with all your heart.

3. Initiate action. Don't just sit around and wait for things to happen. Take action towards your goals every day.

4. Focus your energy. Don't try to do too many things at once. Focus your energy on the most important things that will help you achieve your goals.

5. Develop good relationships. Relationships are essential for success. Build strong relationships with people who can support you and help you achieve your goals.

6. Embrace practice. The more you practice, the better you will become. Practice your skills on a regular basis.

7. Persevere through setbacks. Everyone experiences setbacks from time to time. Don't give up on your goals when things get tough. Persevere through the setbacks and keep moving forward.

8. Learn from your mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. The important thing is to learn from your mistakes and move on.

9. Celebrate your successes. Take the time to celebrate your successes along the way. This will help you stay motivated and keep moving forward.

10. Give back to others. Once you've achieved success, give back to others and help them reach their goals.

Maxwell's book is a powerful and inspiring guide to achieving success. It is a must-read for anyone who wants to live a more fulfilling and successful life.

Here is an additional lesson from the book:
• Be grateful. Take the time to be grateful for what you have. Gratitude will help you stay positive and motivated on your journey to success.

I hope these lessons are helpful. Good luck on your journey to success!

BOOK: https://amzn.to/49zsPv2

You can also get the audio book for free using the same link, as far as you are registered on the Audible Platform.


Talent is not enough.

You need discipline.
You need dedication.
You need character.

More men have failed, not for lack of talent but for lack of character.


Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.

Calvin Coolidge


Ten valuable lessons from "Depression Hates a Moving Target: How Running With My Dog Brought Me Back From the Brink" by Nita Sweeney:

1. The transformative power of physical activity: Engaging in activities like running can positively impact mental health and well-being.

2. Unconditional love and support: The companionship of a dog can provide comfort, solace, and a sense of purpose during challenging times.

3. The importance of seeking professional help: Therapy and support are crucial in navig*ting and managing depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder.

4. Establishing a routine: Creating a stable and consistent daily routine can bring structure and stability to one's life.

5. Overcoming neg*tive self-talk: Challenging and replacing self-destructive thoughts with positive and affirming beliefs can lead to personal growth and healing.

6. Prioritizing self-care: Taking care of oneself through activities like rest, relaxation, and self-nurturing is vital for mental well-being.

7. Building a supportive community: Surrounding oneself with understanding and empathetic individuals who offer support and encouragement is essential.

8. Practicing mindfulness and gratitude: Cultivating present-moment awareness and gratitude can help shift focus from neg*tive thoughts and enhance overall mental health.

9. Sharing vulnerabilities and reducing stigma: Opening up about struggles with mental health can foster connection, increase understanding, and break down societal stigmas.

10. Celebrating progress and embracing the journey: Recognizing and celebrating even the smallest victories along the path to recovery is crucial for maintaining motivation and finding inspiration.

These lessons offer valuable insights and practical strategies for anyone dealing with depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder and can serve as a guide for finding hope, healing, and resilience.

BOOK: https://amzn.to/3Q0YNYb

You can listen to the Audiobook of this book for FREE when you sign up using this link: https://amzn.to/400sOvM


Nothing is going to change if you are not willing to Change 😁👀🙆



On social media, it's very easy to see everyone going about their business and wonder why you still don't know what you want to do.

For some people, they get depressed. But over here, we ask questions. We always respond to situations with a mind fixed on finding solutions.

So, how do you find your own path?
How do you discover your purpose?
What shows you what you're meant to be doing?

Before I answer that, let me branch a little. If you're confused, that's a good thing. Yes, because it shows you are ACTIVELY THINKING about your life. An unconcerned person can not struggle with confusion because it has never even crossed his mind. But here you are, taking the first step and I celebrate you. Little things like this count. You're aware now, so you have higher chances of finding clarity.

Back to our question.
Here's my answer.

Clarity is a journey. You might not know exactly what you want to do your whole life but you can CHOOSE what you want to do NOW.

I placed special emphasis on 'choose' because most times, people don't think they are the ones to decide what to. They keep waiting for a special moment or out of body experience to REVEAL what they should do.

I believe we're free will agents responsible for all our decisions including what we decide to call our vision. Pick yours. Choose something you find worthy and make it your focus for now. Yes, I said for now because your interest might change with time. Do not be so worried about stability or sticking to one thing forever. People evolve.

Is there something you love at the moment? Make it the centre of your attention.

Is there something people compliment you about often or something you do easily? You might want to explore it more.

And just in case, you find more than one thing attractive, that's not a problem. I'm a writer, public speaker, spoken word artist, founder of a fashion brand, director of two NGOs, a coach and lots more. Yet, I'm a big name (even if I say so myself) in all these industries. And what's the secret? PERIODIC ATTENTION. I started out as a writer and built influence with it. When I had solidified my brand, I diversified and added public speaking. That was how I gradually introduced them all and took time to focus on them at specific times till I could juggle them all comfortably. So, pick one, probably your favourite or easiest to monetize and after solidifying yourself as an authority in it, you could diversify. Or you might even drop one along the way. Or deleg*te its daily operations.

Don't put yourself in a box.

So, what are you MEANT to be doing?
It's totally up to what you CHOOSE to do.

You've spent too much time thinking about this already. Pick and get to work. There's always room to switch if you discover it's not what you want to do anymore.

- The world is our stage 🌎

PS: To join my 30-days mentorship program where you'll have access to ask me questions and practical strategies designed specially for YOU, check the comment section. It holds once a year for only 60 people.

Lang Bok


Even if you have a first class, in this age and time, you would need these skills to stay relevant -

1. Tech skills - be able to use a computer and do a lot of work on a computer

2. Public speaking skills - be able to speak to people online and physically, and make a lot of sense. Whether one person or thousands of people.

3. Writing skills - be able to express yourself clearly in writing, whether formal or informal writing

4. Sales and marketing skills - be able to sell yourself, your products/services, your vision, your team or whatever that is sellable

We were not informed earlier.
We are now playing catch-up.

These 4 skills have become life-saving, poverty-defensive, must-have skills.

These are the skills that thousands of young people are using to get ahead in many spheres of life now.

Let me stop here.

I am sure we understand.

I love you!



1. Your real name
2. Decent profile photo
3. Simple introductory bio
4. Turn on your follow button
5. Turn off the settings that allow people tag you on random things
6. Introduce yourself again in a post and pin it
7. Clean up your page. Remove yeye tags and archive some senseless posts from the past. All those posts from the past that do not put you in good light, remove them.

Now you are ready for a fresh start.
Using a planned content strategy, your growth is sure.

Simple and easy instructions to follow.

I love you!

Chioma Ifeanyi-Eze




Don’t wait until conditions are perfect. They never will be. Expect future obstacles and difficulties and solve them as they arise.

2. Be an activationist. Be someone who does things. Be a doer, not a don’t-er.

3. Remember ideas alone won’t bring success. Ideas have value only when you act upon them.

4. Start your mental engine mechanically.

Don’t wait for the spirit to move you. Take action, dig in, and you move the spirit.

5. Use action to cure fear and gain confidence.

Do what you fear, and fear disappears. Just try it and see.

6. Think in terms of now. Tomorrow, next week, later, and similar words often are synonymous with the failure word, never.

Be an “I’m starting right now” kind of person.

7. Get down to business—pronto. Don’t waste time getting ready to act. Start acting instead.

8. Seize the initiative. Be a crusader. Pick up the ball and run. Be a volunteer. Show that you have the ability and ambition to do.


Be environment-conscious. Just as body diet makes the body, mind diet makes the mind.

10. Make your environment work for you, not against you. Don’t let suppressive forces—the neg*tive, you-can’t-do-it people—make you think defeat.

11. Don’t let small-thinking people hold you back. Jealous people want to see you stumble.

Don’t give them that satisfaction.

12. Get your advice from successful people.

Your future is important. Never risk it with freelance advisors who are living failures.

13. Get plenty of psychological sunshine. Circulate in new groups. Discover new and stimulating things to do.

14. Throw thought poison out of your environment. Avoid gossip. Talk about people, but stay on the positive side.

15. Go first class in everything you do. You can’t afford to go any other way.

Thanks for reading.

Book: https://amzn.to/3KVJG0K


Never be afraid to seek knowledge from others. It is imperative for your success!


This is for those in their late teens and twenties who want to escape the rat race.

There's a difference between our wants and our needs, and you must learn the difference and order your priorities accordingly. Use a scale of preference to write them out starting from the most important ones to the ones that can be put on hold.

That you want something doesn't mean you must have it now. If you keep getting things based on your whim, you might find yourself unable to afford things that do matter in future. Making money is not enough, learn financial discipline, how to save and how to invest. Have a percentage of what comes in that you always put aside. This doesn't depend on how much you earn, that's why I said percentage instead of giving a specific amount. If you think you have to earn more to save, more will come and you'll think you need some more again before you start. It is the habits you cultivate early that stay with you.

Here's a question- can you account for where 95% of your income is spent monthly? Can you point at unnecessary things you can cut back on?

The habit of delayed gratification is one that might seem inconvenient at the present but pays off in the long-term.

Don't eat your seeds because you see others enjoying their harvest. When they were planting, you were still on your way to farm. Perhaps, you were still just waking up.

Forget social media and the lifestyle comparison that it pushes down your throat. We are not all dealt equal hands, plus you don't know if that outing was sponsored by someone, so they are not even spending their money, they're investing in their future too. There's so much filtered information on social media for it to form the base of your decisions.

As much as we advice cutting down your expenses, there's only so much you can't cut. Plus, there's inflation too, so prices of things will keep increasing and what you could afford last month with 3k is now double the price. So, work on increasing your purchasing power and your streams of income. If you have a full time job, learn a digital skill you can offer to earn more. Consciously work on increasing how much you earn. Many people don't because it doesn't cross their mind or it stays as merely a wish. But you, you will take action. You will seek and you find.

It's okay if you're satisfied with living from hand to mouth. But if you desire a more financially free life, cheers to making it possible.

- The world is our stage 🌎

PS: Google the meaning of rat race if it's a new term for you.


An Old Farmer writes to his Son who is in Prison:
"Dear Son, this year I won't be able to plant Potatoes because I can't dig the field by myself, I know if you are here, you would have helped me".

The Son writes back,
"Dad don't even think of digging the field because that's where I buried all the money I stole."

The Police read the letter and the next Day the whole field was dugged up looking for the money but nothing was found.

The following Day the Son wrote again,
'Now plant your Potatoes dad, it's the best I can do from here.

You can imprison me, but you can never imprison my ideas.Wisdom🙏.

Photos from UN Women Africa - ONU Femmes Afrique's post 22/07/2023

Some times it is good to confuse your village people 😂😂😂😂

Photos from Doug Kazé's post 19/07/2023

Never get tired of promoting your page.
Good morning


I feel sorry for ladies who think Men with cars have money with bright future


ساديو ماني: "قاومت الجوع ، عملت في الحقول ، نجوت من الحروب ، لعبت كرة القدم حافي القدمين، لم أتعلم في المدرسة، لكن اليوم بفضل موهبتي الرياضية و ما أكسبه من كرة القدم ، يمكنني مساعدة شعبي؛ "لقد بنيت مدارس ومستشفى ومن خلال عملي المجتمعي، نقدم الملابس والأحذية والطعام للأشخاص الذين يعيشون في فقر مدقع في بلدي. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، أعطي 70 يورو شهريًا لجميع الناس في منطقة فقيرة جدًا في السنغال." لست بحاجة إلى التباهي بالسيارات الفاخرة، والفيلات الفاخرة ، والسفر والحفلات، ناهيك عن الطائرات، فأنا أفضل أن يحصل شعبي على القليل مما أعطته لي الحياة ".

أنماط مختلفة من فخر افريقيا ! 👑❤️⚽

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