Soulpee Gambo

Recording Artiste
Lover of Jesus


Yesterday we had a great time of fellowship with my brothers, Joshua Generation in Bauchi.
This song has blessed me in this season and is revealing how next year will be.
Link of the song in comments:


As a people we have seen the gifts of God manifest within us; healing, tongues and interpretation, word of knowledge. We are also grateful for his callings, so many have realized and agreed with the call of God and are willing to work with him in that direction.
He alone is worthy of our Thanksgiving.


Here's the fourth song from the Year of songs project. This song defines our journey in God and a declaration by Faith as we continue on this path.
Was beautiful doing this song with my wife Nenlia Soulpee Gambo and we released it as our wedding gift.
Link in comment section.


Merry Christmas from Nenlia Soulpee and I. May His birth remind us of His love and sacrifice and spur us to more love and good works. Enjoy Christ, enjoy the season.
We love you ❤️.


Thank you for Jesus.
Merry Christmas Kakaki

We are grateful for the love of the Father in sending His Son Jesus to save us. Today we consciously remind ourselves of this love and celebrate His birth.
For all He has done and the things He is doing we say Thank you. As we celebrate this great birth, may new and great visions be birthed from within us. Amen.


Here's the third song from our Year of Songs project. Psalm 23 has been a constant reminder to me that in whatever darkness knowing Jesus is with me is more than enough.
Captured it in this song. Do download, share and be blessed.
Link in Comments.


Every Christmas with my people we gather round God's table to feast. Join us tomorrow in Bogoro, Bauchi state as we fellowship again.


Sometimes we don't get to see the importance of sound health till we find ourselves on the sick bed.
Some of us woke up for the past 11 months with no reason to take a single tablet, we see clearly, smell well, hear well and speak fluently. Our organs are working perfectly well. God has been good to us. Some of us visited the hospital, but we saw the mighty healing hands of God.
As Kakaki we received new babies, they are growing in health, their Mothers are sound and our young men are still strong doing God with all their strength.
For this we've come to say thank you. We are grateful for wholeness God 🙌


The second song we released for Year of Songs is COME HOME. It paints the story of the prodigal son who left home and the father always waiting to see his return.

We all have been prodigal at one point in our lives, it's a song for those running away from the Father, He still loves you and he wants you home. Download, listen and share.
Link is in the comment section.

Produced by Bulus Xumji Markus
Guitars by Benjamin John Wash
Violin by Syntyche Okpe Moses
Art by Amaechi Victor Okeke


22nd December, 2023
We've enjoyed a blessed time of fellowship this year. Fellowship with God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.
We enjoyed fellowship with one another, God consistently honoured our meetings with His presence, we praised, we love, we learn, admonished and encouraged.
Such a beauty in 2023.

We do not take this for granted, we are here to say Thank you Jesus.

Photos from Soulpee Gambo's post 22/12/2023

CHRIST is the reason for the season.
We celebrate Him and not a tree, we receive Him as the gift from God and not Santa.
In Christmas we learn process, Love, Favour, Wisdom and the saving of humanity.

Enjoy the season and keep loving God and his people.
Merry Christmas from Soulpee Gambo house, and everyone at Kakaki .

✂️: Emmanuel Moses
📸: Markus Kefas Abokarah


December last year we received a word that this year will be our "Year Of Songs."
From January we've released a song every month to the Lord and to edify his people.
Praise be to God 🙌🏽

Next Friday we'll be releasing the last one. It's Thanksgiving from our heart.
Anticipate with us.


Growing up I began to realize how some cultures and thought patterns were passed down to us, unconsciously it shaped the way we see and do things. One of such is CLASSICISM.

In simple terms classicism is "I pass my neighbour" mentality. Our self esteem has been tempered so badly that we find solace in who we are and what we possess.

When an average Nigerian meets people, we first want to size them by the phones they carry, if it's android or an iphone. If it's an iphone we check the back to see what grade.
When people know your age they first weigh it with theirs to know the level of respect to give.
They want to know when you got married so they feel a bit superior cause they are a few years older than yours.

This thing has crafted us into getting gadgets we do not need, cars we cannot maintain, building big houses with empty rooms, celebrating numbers and birth days without growth nor progress.
The easiest way to get a Nigerian to do things is to pamper his ego. He can go into debt to satisfy it.

Am I saying celebration is bad? No. All I am saying is YOU DON'T HAVE TO COMPARE YOURSELF WITH ANOTHER TO FEEL GOOD OR PROGRESSIVE. It's the reason you're worried and depressed. The moment what you have or who you are influences your joy and how you interact with others, then I think you have a small sickness to cure.

I'm beginning to point them one by one in my life and asking God to help me deal with it.
Here's a scripture to meditate on:
Then he said, " Beware! Don't be greedy for what you don't have. Real life is not measured by how much we own." [Luke 12:15 NLT]


Last saturday we had our guys at the house to bless God and the things God has in and through us. It's a fact, God is good!

I'm grateful to these amazing people for pouring their lives to do God with me. So much work these guys are doing behind the scene. They look small, yet big things the Lord is doing with them. I sincerely love you all.
Told them soon I'll start exporting them to nations of the earth as Missionaries, the days are not far.

Please when you see them, hug them, encourage them, bless them and dash them money ☺️.
We wrap up for the year2023, by faith 2024 will be explosive, For Kingdom, For Nations.


Join us later in Bauchi for a great time with God and his people.

Photos from Kakaki's post 16/12/2023
Photos from Soulpee Gambo's post 15/12/2023

God's been so good to us this year at Kakaki Bible Club. We played, learned, studied and enjoyed God and fellowship. Today we had the last for the year.
Hopeful for a beautiful 2024 full of opportunities.

We are grateful to everyone who prayed, supported and taught us love, God and culture. We love you. Merry Christmas and See you in 2024 🎉🤗.


We'll be in Bauchi this Sunday. The Lord is intentional about Bauchi in this season.
Join us as we draw near to listen.


Like Jonathan to David, a friend who stays closer than a brother is that guy.
Happy birthday man, we'll take nations side by side, one by one.


This Friday, we will be wrapping up the year at our Kakaki Bible Club.
You can join us, pray with us or support us.


Rural Missions

Southern Kaduna

We are making the Pulpit


During Devotion few songs come as we fellowship. I'm glad to share some with you for the November Year of Songs.

Photos from EPHOD's post 11/12/2023

11th December, 2023
2 Corinthians 9:15 NIV
Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!

Reminiscing on the goodness of God through the year, you'll realize how good God is. A lot that he freely gave to us without us asking.

He also gave us men as gifts. We've come across amazing people this year that we shared love and fellowship together. Some poured so much in us that our growth is so evident.

Also the gifts of God came to us as spiritual gifts, we saw the sick heal, we walked in wisdom, our faith was more established.
Truly the gifts of God is indescribable! We give thanks 🙌


I've counselled my girls some months back that you don't marry a man or woman because they love the Lord only, they must also fear the Lord.
I understand some new testament believers might want to argue this, but please follow me.

Have you seen Pastors who beat their wives? Or a husband who lavishes so much on his wife yet maltreats her?
Have you seen great believers who are corrupt in their offices?
Have you seen people who are genuinely doing God but still fall and rise on same things for years?
Some times it's not the lack of love, it's lack of fear of the Lord. Told my wife the reason why I can't raise my hand on a woman is not just because I love Him, but I also fear Him.

I have experienced quite a number of things that happens when God's hand comes against a man, trust me it's not a good story. I understand what might happen to me when I do certain things like being wicked to my wife, from prayers not being answered to losing a cherished relationship with my Father.
I have seen the effect of losing God in ministry, the effect it will have on your consecration, the effect of not enjoying his leadership and presence, it is not sweet! (I know some of you know this, most especially if you're in ministry).

Sometimes God's hope for the saving and redemption of a generation can be upon your shoulder, if by foolishness you mess up, God himself can come for your head. And it might take so much wasted time to pick up and continue, knowing that the King's business requires haste.

You see sometimes God's expression of love and mercy can come in form of chastisement, but the end it makes a God discipline man out of you. Cause the love of God constraints us, the fear of God makes a man walk in wisdom.

Dear Generation that I belong to, let's love and fear the Lord, it's a guarantee to finishing strong.
Happy Monday!

Photos from Soulpee Gambo's post 10/12/2023

God has been so good to our family. We've experienced God's love, mercies and faithfulness.
We give thanks! 🙌


Sunday, 10th December 2023

Daniel 2:23 NIV
"I thank and praise you, God of my ancestors: You have given me wisdom and power, you have made known to me what we asked of you, you have made known to us the dream of the king."

Such piercing and confident words!
It was a very dicey situation - The King had a dream and asked that both the dream and the interpretation be told him
Whilst others panicked, Daniel gave thanks!
Daniel didn't know the dream, nor the interpretation
But Daniel had a God! That was the difference

As believers, when and if we know who and who's we are, it spurs us to thanksgiving
And what does giving thanks to God imply? Our confidence in God.
God can and God will. Just know it

Oh Christian sojourner, what troubles your soul?
Give God the Glory!
He can, and He Will. Just Believe


Join us this Sunday for MANGER EXPERIENCE with my big brother Mozez Yakzum DanSarki
Details on the flier.


3 years ago we released this song to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Enjoy it and Merry Christmas.


Photos from EPHOD's post 06/12/2023

Let's do business


6th December, 2023

Psalms 95:1-2 NIV
Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.
Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.

The Foundation of Christianity, is the Man Jesus. Everything about our being and life is anchored on what took place on the Cross of Calvary. It is with this in mind, that we Give him praise and Thanksgiving.
Our thanksgiving to the lord is for life and for Salvation.


Monday 4th December

‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭12:28‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Our inheritance as Christians is our premise for thanksgiving. We receive a kingdom that is immovable as an inheritance
Take note - "WE RECEIVE"
If we're receiving, we must empty our hands of what is, to receive what will be.

Give God that purest of thanks, give him the purest of worship.
Of you're looking for a reason to give thanks, remember this inheritance
Give him your glory

Wide-eyed and mystified, we stare at the king, offering him the purest worship that delights his heart as we lay down our lives in absolute surrender, filled with awe.


He has made me glad
I am so glad
I will rejoice for He has made me glaaaad

1st December, 2023
Psalms 100:4 NIV
Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.

It's been 11 months of God's beauty, love, grace and mercy over us. He's been so good to be ignored.
He saved us from evil, he preserved us from disaster, His Spirit was constantly reminding us of what to do and where to go.
This morning we step into His presence with so much gratitude singing:
🎶 I will enter his gates
With thanksgiving in my heart
I will enter his courts with praise
I will say this is the day
That the Lord has made
I will rejoice for He has made me glad 🎶...Don't stop singing.
Have a blessed day ahead.


There's this usual attitude that comes after Breakfast 💔 is served.

First, you'll angrily block your ex on every social handle. After a few weeks you'll want to unblock them, then consciously stumble on their status once in a while to see if God is punishing this guy that broke your innocent heart 😂. The devil in his awesome wickedness will begin to show you how blessed this guy is becoming without you; a new car, looking fresh and balling 😐.

You'll begin to suspect every girl on his status, just to know if she is finer than you. Somewhere in your mind God is suppose to reward him with a wicked, ugly Jezebel's daughter for what he did to you, alas God is not from Abeaokuta 😁. Please free yourself.

This leads to my major point.
The truth is in most cases, that person didn't become better or made so much progress without you. The reason you think he or she is, it's because you gave him or her so much attention. It's almost a natural law that WHATEVER YOU GIVE ATTENTION TO GROWS.

Now consciously switch that energy to spiritual things; give attention to prayer, give attention to the word of God, give attention to study, discipleship and Counselling. In no time, the Devil like your Ex will keep stumbling on your status and seeing how beautiful you've become 🤗.
Have a blessed evening.


Happy New month guys.
We give thanks.

Happy New Month Kakaki.
Welcome to December, we give thanks to God for the great things He has done.
Our hearts is full of gratitude.
Have a blessed month ahead.

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Videos (show all)

Yesterday we had a great time of fellowship with my brothers, Joshua Generation in Bauchi. This song has blessed me in t...
We end the year of songs with this song "My Thanksgiving."Anticipate 29th December.#yearofsongs#iamkakaki
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He s...
The sin is fornication and not keeping the baby. It takes bravery to keep the baby, it takes audacity to take responsibi...
A throwback cover of Mafakata by Austine Luka . Be blessed #ThrowbackThursday #iamkakaki
Anticipate new song tomorrow.#YearOfSongs
It's a beautiful week.May we bear fruit that will last. #iamkakaki
Good morning Nigeria.
Now Faith is....
This Thanksgiving choke ooo. God has been sooo good to us. What are you grateful for in 2022?#thanksgiving2022
Highlights of our journey to Kanam. We had a great time with God and the people.#kakakiruralmissions2022 #iamkakaki
Let's do some throwback.





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