
BranX provides tailored and innovative branding pathways to aid and enhance small business marketing.


It may work today. It could work tomorrow. But it won't always work. 3 reasons for this:
1. People, society & trends change
2. Unexpected developments
3. Lifecycle factors

Be alert. Your brand strategy must be fluid & dynamic to usher in success.


The "Teenage years" of your are the most important in achieving your brand potential. That's because a brand is a biological creature not a

You deliver an INFANT: your unknown small business. Repeat mistakes of past owners & it dies.

The infant business becomes a TODDLER because you desire to join the brand train. Now you're known, generating interest & acquiring customers

Your train is on track IF you:
1. Don't become complacent
2. Don't repeat mistakes of past owners

The Toddler business goes into PUBERTY. The train is gathering momentum. You've cut a share of the market pie. Customers growing. Competitors noticing you. Who this new guy think he is? David trying to kill Goliath?

DON'T repeat old mistakes & you're safe

The business exits Puberty & becomes a TEENAGER. Independent. Full of energy. Ambitious. Popular. Enjoys customer loyalty. Unsettling competitors. You're at the threshold of becoming a champion, the boss. Your greatest enemies are: complacency & pride.

From Teenager to ADULTHOOD. Or, your business may just have died as a teenager because the rush of success killed your innovation & drive.

As an adult, you could die even faster if you don't innovate: your cue is in issue 5 of BranXploits newsletter.

What point is your ? It's a question for personal reflection.


There is no point in being stunned when a becomes a relevant brand surprisingly. It's not magic. It must have got this right.


It's coming. It's all about and that benefits small business owners in a totally different way.


1. The Power of 3
2. This "BO" Thing
3. Mirror, Mirror, Mirror

Coming up. Starting this Thursday on BranXploits newsletter. It's free, subscribe and never miss a thing. for small business owners is still the objective

Your Brand DNA is... 09/06/2022

This week on branX newsletter the topic is DNA and what owners must do to have a unique feel to exit the painful state of "just another guy". Be "The Guy". Read this issue then hit the subscribe button to get your free copy delivered straight into your inbox every Thursday.

Your Brand DNA is... Yep. That's the order you'll have to follow to give your small business a unique brand DNA. As the boss and doctor of the business, your first responsibility is to determine who you are. Then you diagnose the market situation and prescribe strategic decisions that'll give your business a competitive...


In honour & memory of slain Christian faithfuls massacred in church in Ondo, South-West of Nigeria, planned activities for today per branding insights are on-hold & postponed till tomorrow. to the departed, among them business owners.


Brand Lessons from : Part 2
This is going to be short. Short but important. But ICYMI, here's part 1. Read, gain valuable hints & take begin your gradual climb towards brand success:

The power of . Fenty used this simple tactic repeatedly to create a strong emotional atmosphere & connection based on shared experience of females between the popular female owner & customers. It's a slam dunk destined to win

How exactly was this done by & ? Hint: go to the website, you'll find Fenty used these 3 strategies:
1. Rihanna personified the brand. Fenty, of course, is her family name. Her face, voice, fashion routine & likes is everywhere

2. You're told the Fenty . How the owner used many beauty products yet still felt unsatisfied: then she created something new for all women. That dissatisfaction story is familiar to ladies, so why won't you want to try Rihanna's Fenty as a lady?

3. Finally, you are told that Fenty is not just about beauty & profits for the already super rich Rihanna, it serves a bigger purpose: enter charity, enter the CLF.

You are told how Rihanna created the CLF after her grandparents & use it to provide education, emergency & health aid around the world. That's corporate social responsibility. Fenty is telling you we are responsible & care about other humans. It's captivating

1. Owner brand personification
2. Brand story & storytelling
3. Charity & giving
These are the 3 pillars Fenty anchored its storytelling on.
Apply these to your or you risk killing a brand that could have been successful


Branding Lessons From : Part 1

Spare just 5 minutes to gain branding tips from Fenty & build your name in business. Why do this? This thread from BranX on Twitter is the answer for owners:

Let's taste this wine!

Lesson 1: Brand Reputation is Transferrable.

Rihanna's "BadGirlRiri" brand reputation combines two brand images: Music. Fashion icon, a super big one. This story tells you how big:

Fenty flies on this brand reputation. Subtract Rihanna & brand "BadGirlRiri" & Fenty will probably not exist or won't be a instant fashion royal if it exists

takeaway: if you have an existing reputation or image, piggyback your business on it. It makes the brand building job easier. Alternatively, build one from scratch with your small business & remain consistent. Either way, keep your reputation sparkling & clean to avoid stinking sores from one part of your life infecting your business.

Bottom line: brand reputation is a currency. When you have it, use it optimally but wisely.

Lesson 2: Live Your Brand

Rihanna is the "YOU" component of Fenty, the owner with the vision. The Fenty vision, tone, shape, feel & values comes majorly from the founder's lifestyle. Here's how:

a. charity, environment & healthy living are Fenty values.

b. self expression. That's the tone & feel of Fenty, just pay attention to how the "F word" is used in a creative, exciting way in a video promo & on a perfume brand to encourage sweet scent. Fenty is saying be expressive, don't hold back.

c. visibility. Everywhere you go on the Fenty website you hear & see Rihanna telling you about her routine & fashion style, bringing you into her world & showing you why Fenty is just what you need to get rid of any fashion depression you have.

takeaway: you are your brand, live it. Be clear what your brand stands for, reinforce it with actions & watch how you become grow.

Bottom line: your name as a successful brand depends on you.

That's it for part 1. On Wednesday, the final part will be available. You have not followed , kindly do so and never miss any updates!


Today is & there's some priceless brand lesson from I'll share share with you owner. It's the perfect story that'll set your brand on the right course & speed. In few hours Aladdin, that's you, will meet genie!


Paris sky will glitter with colourful fireworks
Screams, tears of joy & sorrow will drown Paris
The most passionate & electrifying global brand will arrest the world.

It's the ! Relax & enjoy the spectacle owner


BranXploits newsletter not arriving in your inbox? No sweat. Head to your spam folder, it's hiding there. Just click & mark it as not spam so that in future it'll land directly in your inbox. Don't miss the updates


is not an accident. You also don't have to be a superman owner to get it right. One aspect you must focus on is your lifecycle. Ignore it and it's goodnight.

This is Ceeyndy Cruz (Chef Cruz) featured on of BranXploits newsletter. It's brand support, the project is still Branding "X"

Let's unlock the doors of "X" together! Follow and subscribe to BranXploits newsletter and have a window to the brand world.

Photos from BranX's post 26/05/2022

BranXploits issue 2 is out! In less than 2 minutes read about the power of in brand building.

Stories are interesting, they're the fuel that keeps the brand fire burning. Want your fire to burn bright & strong? Tell your story or customers will see you as ice-cold, uninteresting sloth. Oops! that's bad. Unlock doors of

Oh! a small business just like yours is telling her in this issue, you should too. Just subscribe & send a DM, it's free!


Branding is like Mr. President. You must be cleared by the Chief of Staff to see the president

Word-of-Mouth promotion is an underrated Chief of Staff you need to power-up your to the status of President, a serious & impressive brand

The more people talk positively about your the more credits you earn as a brand. The specific credits you'll earn are:

1. Patronage
2. Loyalty
3. Recommendations and referrals
4. Goodwill of people
5. Increased profit and growth

What must you do to earn those credits?

1. NEVER underestimate the power of the people, customers and what they say. It can kill or give you the kiss of life

2. NEVER deceive or exaggerate what you can do. Heels like Seth Rollins enjoy stardom only in WWE, try the heel game in business and you'll be buried for sure

3. Even if you're a , micro size business of one or two staff, ALWAYS ensure your staff actions are professional & in line with a consistent brand culture

4. BE CONSISTENT and make visible efforts of improving customer satisfaction. Little chats with customers, questions for feedback, gratitude for patronage all create a friendly brand

5. Finally, know thyself. If you do it means you're conscious of your state and will not hesitate to put your business in the right path.

Word-of-mouth is cheap, it will only cost you things in 1-5. Use word-of-mouth to build a strong community of users both online & offline. You'll be glad you did.


Dear owner,

Are you telling your story? Or you wonder what's story telling got to do with of my business?

This Thursday discover why you must tell your story in the BranXploits newsletter. Unlock your free access by subscribing from the link on the profile page.

Best Wishes


Today, I'll tell you a few practical things you can do to give your the feel, look, voice & shape of a serious & impressive brand.

First, keep this law in mind: is about perception & impression.

The first step in creating a strong impression is having a business-like appearance that’s pleasant & inspires confidence. To achieve this start with your name. Let’s hack the brand name part with a few tricks, read on.

keep your name short, sweet & sexy, no one likes a jaw breaking, boring name. Apple, Twitter, Greenpeace, Lexus, Burger King all have the short, sweet & swagger.

So how do you come up with a catchy business name?

Here are some tips for you:

1. Use acronyms. Yet Another Hierarchically Organized Oracle, the acronym is ‘Yahoo’. Global Organisation of Oriented Group Language of Earth, the acronym is ‘Google’. Frankly, the long name of these brands is super tasteless. But the short forms? Pure bliss.

2. Combine & Invent. Try combing words to create a brand name.

It's not strange, these popular brands did just that: Facebook(face+book), Lexus(luxury+elegance) & IKEA(IK=owner initials; E=farm he grew; A=nearby village).

So, get creative by mashing-up.

3. Borrow an existing word. As simple as that. Just pick one existing word and use it for your brand name. What do you think is the origin of these popular brands: Apple & Orange? Don’t stress, just use this trick.

4. You have a name, use it! Think of Ford, Kellog’s & Calvin Klein. All are names of their owners so think along this line for your brand name. Alternatively, combine names if you’re a partnership.

5. Get descriptive: use names that describe what you do.

Okay, this is pretty common & easy. Descriptive names make your specialty clear to people so that reduces effort of explaining what the brand is about. The beauty of this is you can combine with your name, it’s clear, for example, ‘Mary’s Lingerie’ is owned by Mary & their products are lingerie.

6. Claim a local heritage. If you offer something unique to your community or culture you can play that up in your name. Heritage branding is both exotic & exclusive. Take the globally popular Rooibos tea yet exclusive to Western Cape, . If you're lucky to have an exotic heritage, play it up. Flaunt it.

These tricks are your compass to head North in the direction of a serious & impressive brand.

But beware! Whatever name you opt for, you must deliberately market it. So get your powered up with these name hack.


self-care tips. You're not a pot, you shouldn't stay heated always or you'll burn-out. Follow these tips for your sake.

Enjoy your !


Listen to this 1987 classic. Hope it makes a smile blossom on your face and gives you hope for tomorrow.

Happy world and . Live your brand dream, always.


You know what time it is, ? It's Saturday! It's time to chill, relax and energise.

Don't fixate too much on matters, you'll blossom to a successful brand because you put in the effort.

The golden rule is health first. Never forget.

The is a worry in Europe. Obey safety guidelines. Remember: health first.

Check the entertainment schedule for the weekend and get some fun. Maybe get in the frenzy? Oh! How about story around Naomi and Sasha or Rk-Bro vs Usos?

Bottom line? Be a sport and get some fun this weekend! Always remember: health first.

Happy weekend!


So, let me now tell you the simple components of branding you must know as .

Remember: it's a continuation from what brand is and is not from two days ago.

Remember also that this is an original and simplified aid from BranX.

Now study the simple diagram for the 4 components. Click on these links to get more FREE TIPS on each of the components:


You must listen to this song for some :

"Angel" by DMX feat. Regina Belle.

It's a Branx inspiration to motivate you in your effort to build a successful brand.

There's just too many stress in the world right now and you need to be lifted to lift your brand. On this BranX has got your back!

So, listen to the song and do share how it feels for you.


It's another ! It's great to be alive and see you hardworking forging creative ideas to build your brand.

Your shower of success is gathering. And hey, don't forget to chill because it's a !

Branding X on Twitter 19/05/2022

Here goes guys! The first issue of Brandxploits newsletter for owners. Click. Read. Then subscribe to get the newsletter directly in your email!

Branding X on Twitter “Read my latest: “Ready. Steady. Lift-off! ””


Now to answer what branding is for and .

WARNING: If what you want is fast, short-cut route to money and success, do not read. But if you want:

1. A secret that is sure and takes you on an exciting journey,
2. A secret that establishes long-term relationships between you, your customers and partners and results in success

Then, by all means, read on!

Get these facts clear:

1. Branding HAS NO FORMULA. Don't ever make the mistake of thinking the only way to brand is how big companies do. That's suicidal illusion. You will kill your business because you don't have the resources big businesses have.

2. Branding is an investment. It is not a ponzi scheme. I is not magic. It does not work miracles. You must think in the long term always and set objectives. Then stick to it.

3. Ever wonder why the brand is still doing great after the death of Steve Jobs? It is because the company has strong brand orientation. That means they see they are always trying to improve the, always trying to innovate and do new things, always trying to offer something that satisfies the customer. This is brand orientation not PROFIT ORIENTATION.

Branding is EVERYTHING you do right from the moment you thought of starting your small business to what you will offer, how you will offer it, to whom you will offer it, when you will offer it and the how you manage the entire business. This, is branding. It is a lot of things rolled in one.

Now you wonder, what are those things rolled in one? BranX has SIMPLIFIED it into just 4 components you need to pay attention. But for now, digest this. Think of how you have been operating so far and ask yourself, am I on the path to successful branding? Do I have a brand orientation or a profit orientation?

In the next post, you will get the 4 components of for small business. Meantime, follow, like, and share this post. Oh, please share your thoughts too!


Hello World! Hello ! How about the question of the day to win that FREE SPOT to appear in the BranXploits newsletter? Here goes:


What popular drink do you get when co***ne is combined with caffeine from kolanuts?

Hint: it's a drink

REMEMBER: Just 5 spots are available. Take the challenge and get the opportunity to make your reach many people for FREE!


Branding is NOT WHAT YOU ALWAYS TOOK IT TO MEAN. No , you have been wrong all along.

▪Branding is NOT fancy design, these are just like a without an engine. Useless.

▪Branding is not a sweet name, a name is just a name. Nothing more.

▪Branding is not a souvenirs, these are just customised stuff.

▪Branding is not advertising, advertising is screaming and anyone can scream.

▪And yes, you're wrong to think the best examples of how to do branding is according to big companies like .

So what's branding then? And how can brand? Tomorrow you'll get the answer and helpful tips. For now, we rest. Rest too!

BranXploits - R***e 18/05/2022

Subscribe to the Brandxploits newsletter through this link at the top👆 and NEVER miss any of the juicy information, stories and updates from BranX!

BranXploits - R***e BranXploits serves branding recipes for small businesses, shares and promotes exploits of small business brands in simple, relaxed style. Mission "The "X" Project has lift-off!

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