The Titan's Comics Universe

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Season 1
Episode 8
Title: Beastly bad news
Written by:Johnson Benjamin

|Mayor's residence|
The Mayor's house had disintegrated partly into rubbles, several cops were inside the Mayor's house each walking to and fro, working very hard to get every detailed clue they could find. Meanwhile, Dave stood beside a wall clad in black trousers, black polo T-shirt and fingerless gloves, equivalent to him was the restroom in which Oliver was present in, he squatted as he observed the terrain, he was clad in a brown jacket, black trousers, blue T-shirt and shoes with gloves on his hands.

"What could've caused this?" Dave asked looking up at the devastated roofs, if they were even any.

"I'm yet to know" Oliver answered, he looked at the floor observantly, two deep holes like abyss were present in them, the whole place was wet and had debris flooded everywhere, the roof of the tall buildings had collasped, they could see the sky from where they stayed tagged along were blood stains on the walls and floor.

"There are blood stains everywhere, it was a ferocious massacre" Oliver began, he looked at the walls carefully and saw scratches on them "But the walls have scratches donned on them... Scratches similar to a Bear's" he said

"So?" Dave muttered "A bear couldn't have done so much damage like this" he added

"I'm not saying it's a bear, it's something much bigger and fiercer. Big holes, bear claws, blood stains" Oliver listed

Suddenly his eyes widened like he had seen a ghost.

"Unless" he uttered to himself. Memories began flashing into his head continuously.


The ceiling of the laboratory came falling unto the floor like debris, the impact sending him falling to the floor and the next was a blurry colossal beast that whooshed passed him.

"O?" Dave's voice interrupted his thoughts

"I think I know what happened" Oliver replied as a saliva traveled down his throat.

|Wilder's street: 3:30am|
Loud cheers filled the atmosphere as a mass of crazy civilians gathered round the extremely long street, the street was what people used as a venue for crazy events, especially the illegal ones and they would fled as a result of the cops arrival. Crazy events just like this one about to happen. The cheering intensified as they witnessed two bikers behind the starting line with their bikes each ready to dust each other. One of the bikers wore a black sleeveless shirt with a skull art designed on it and camouflage trousers with black boots, he had a brawny physique, covering a distance of three metres beside him was Max, although, he had an helmet on but his favourite black jacket could tell, both bikers groaned their vehicles to life.


A gun shot quaked the air, understanding this, they blitzed forward. Max sped like a bullet, manouvering his way through obstacles, his wheels scratched the floor, then shot into the sky avoiding a metallic banner, coming from his right, riding on the air waves was his opponent as he twisted his bike through a circular loop, above him was Max who landed and continued in motion, boosting his momentum, he skidded and turned into an alley, infact both riders went into different alleys, zooming and turning like they were in a maize, Max emerged from a new street, tagged alongside was his competitor, who came drifting from the adjacent street lagging behind Max. The man revealed his right hand and opened his palm to reveal nails, he smirked at this and flung them causing them to intercept Max's bike from beneath, he quickly manouvered his way to avoid the nails.

"Trying to cheat your way to winning uh? Well, they did say no rules" Max said, his eyes glowed blue and the man's bike behind him automatically changed direction, the momentum increased and it accelerated into the next street crashing into a dumpster. Alighting the finish line was Max as he pulled to a halt emerging winner. The sound of different voices could be heard as they cheered loudly.

"Look, who is going home with a lot of cash, there you have it, your winner of today's race, The Drifter" a voice boomed from speakers from an anonymous direction.

|Stein street: 3:39pm|
Walking down the street was Max, his hand tucked in his jacket, beside him were normal civilians moving to and fro attending to their daily routines, shops and malls were outlined on the sides alongside houses. He brought out a bundle of money from his jacket's pocket and smiled.

"Forty thousand dollars" he smirked just after speedily calculating the amount.

Suddenly, a hand patted him on his shoulder, he turned only to see the person he had raced with, he wasn't alone, he had bulky looking men behind him, four in numbers. The people on the roadside saw this and they had no hesitation to flea, knowing fully well what could happen next.

"I know what you did" The Man said with an angry look "no one messes with bison and gets away with it" his deep voice sounded, he did a sign with his fingers, understanding the sign, the men behind him walked forward with wooden bats on their hands and stared viciously.

"I'm so gonna beat you bad and when I'm done, the cash comes with me, I don't care what type of gifts the wave gave to you" the man grinned

"Firstly, I won this one unfair and square, so the cash stays" Max began "secondly, bison?" He scoffed "you look more like a Boerboel... and lastly, you're yet to see what I can do" he concluded.

"Get him!" The man lashed out. They charged like a pack of wolves, ready to crush his bones with their bats, closing in on Max from all sides.

Suddenly they froze automatically becoming motionless as they held their bats in mid air.

"What the hell did you just do?" The man asked in disbelief as his eyes widened.

"I stopped their motion, now they're void of kinetic energy, trust me, I can do worse" Max bellowed

Not wasting anytime, he revealed a pistol and directed it towards Max.

"Die! Bitch" he voiced out


He shot at Max but the bullet's momentum decreased and fell to the floor, meanwhile Max smiled at this.

"What the hell are you?" The man staggered backwards.

he tried running but fell on his kneels and in a moment, he was shivering, he tried getting up but his legs wouldn't respond, he layed like a toddler on the floor as he began to shiver, he felt extremely cold like he was freezing from the inside, his hands nursing his skin.

"What are y... You... Doing... To me?" He managed to ask with cold air that escaped his mouth.

"I slowed up the movement of your molecules, there by manipulating cold, now all you feel is extreme cold" Max replied "but no sweat, I'll leave you alone... When I'm gone" he smiled and in a blur, he vanished.

|Base: Oliver's lab|
The mechanical door glided open and Oliver came rushing in, tagged behind was Dave who tried to keep up with him.

"Hey, hold up, why the rush?" Dave asked walking hastily

"I... I think I killed the mayor" Oliver replied turning towards him

"No you didn't, what are you talking about?" Dave scoffed, smiling nervously

"Last night... Uhm, I created a specimen... Well I always had this intentions since I was little of creating hybrids and new animal species, but all failed, they either died or didn't work out at all, but I never stopped until now" he narrated "I applied for a contract at the I.G.S.A for creating mutants and intentions of bringing back the dinosaur, the team were tasked by the military" he had that guilty look in his eyes.

Dave stared perplexed "O... What did you do?" He asked, he knew the kind of person Oliver was, a genuine mad scientist.

"It wasn't an assault... My creature killed the mayor" he answered "and it's on the loose in the city, it's a half dinosaur... It's gonna cause so much damage, we have to stop it" he concluded.

He walked towards a metallic desk in the center of the lab, on top of it were computer screens.

"Solomon, I need you to use one of the satellites to detect any abnormal reptile-primate like terrestrial" he commanded

"Affirmative" Solomon's voice boomed in the place

The desk in front of Oliver projected a digital screen in the air that displayed the map of earth, he placed his hand on the screen and swiped to the right and sighted a red dot.

"Abnormal specimen detected like you asked" Solomon the A.I said "present place earth, starlight city, sub-place Clifford's bar" he concluded

"That's my favourite bar" Dave said

Oliver grabbed his molecule alterator and turned it on with rage in his eyes, he said "I'm so gonna shrink that beast to it's atomic level"

"Abnormal specimen detected again" Solomon computerized voice interrupted, causing them to turn towards the holographic screen "Dune city, Beijing, China, New York..." The A.I listed. The holographic screen displayed several red dots on the digital map signifying were the beasts were present, both guys looked at themselves and then ran out of the place.

|Clifford's bar|
"...sad news, the residence of the mayor was found disintegrated, probably it got exploded as a result of bombs hidden in it, people present in the house that night including the senators and most especially the mayor were found dead" a mass communicator narrated from several televisions in the bar showing the same news as the people watched.

even the bartenders had their eyes glued on the televisions, seated on outlined chairs towards a table. Walking to and fro whilst drinking were the occurrence in the bar. The entrance doors opened, Oliver and Dave alighted it as they scanned the place with their eyes.


A loud sound quaked the terrain, pushing everything off balance, the ground divided open causing the people to run for their lives as several screams were heard, the walls came crashing down, erupting dust and steam that blurred the atmosphere.


Behind the steams came a massive sound with it's wave pushing everything off balance. Rolling like rag dolls on the floor were Dave and Oliver with bruises as they quickly got on their feet.


A huge furry foot disturbed the Earth's crust, emerging out of the steam was a two thousand feet beast, furry and identical to a bear but with a gorilla structure, accompanied with several deadly spikes that outlined themselves from it's head all the way to it's back and ending at the exclusively long tail. The height was marvelous it overshadowed the skyscraper in the city, buildings were dwarfed by it. The beast raised it's right foot up in attempt to crush the duo that looked like ants in what it visualized and in great speed it's feet descended.


A blue blur passed by and they vanished and appeared behind a car and a bam! Sound followed in the background.

"Max!" Dave said excitedly

"What's going on?" Max asked

"Long story, if anyone is gonna stop this thing, it's you" Oliver added "here, ear communicators" he said "I created the beast, if anyone has an idea on how to stop it, it's me" he finalized


The trio vanished in a blur.


Max appeared back and looked up at the creature

"What do we have here?" He muttered



Season 1
Episode 7
Title:Jump into the Jurassic
Written by: Johnson Benjamin

|Base: Machine vault|
The machine vault was illuminated by bulbs that gave out dim green lights, the walls were made of hard metals coated with bricks, several futuristic vehicles were outlined in a garage made of shining metals which stood behind an opened metallic door, a metallic counter stood at the column of the centre of the terrain bearing advanced weapons and devices, covering a distance of seven metres to the counter was an elevator.

Welding of a metal could be heard few metres away as an extremely bright spark brightened the place, this often occurred continuously as the place was illuminated by the spark that went aglow coming from the welding sounds.

A figure was put in view clad in a brown mechanic jump suit and black trousers, his front was finally revealed but had his face covered by a face shield that got engulfed by a white bright spark, he held two welding devices in his hands and placed them on the nearest table, he went on one kneel and what got into his line of sight was the machine he was working on; it was opened like doors and inside it were a lot of unconnected wires, he stretched forth his hands towards the wires and began connecting, and just the last two wires, he was done. He got back on his feet and reached for a screwdriver in his tool box which laid on the table next to him, he grabbed a hexagonal metal and placed it covering the series of wires inside, he opened his right palm to view six screws which he began to tighten with his screwdriver one by one fixed on metal and finally he was done, he grabbed a notebook and unshielded his face revealing to be Oliver.

"Time machine... Checked" he said and scribbled words on his notebook

The machine was hexagonal in shape, it had two poles containing a fluid that flowed through tubes connected to a suitable direct current supply on it roof, it beared a huge battery behind with two wires connected to it and lastly a time emblem embedded on it's front. Oliver walked towards a table and got hold of a box, he opened it and a smile escaped his face, he grabbed it and rolled up his left sleeve revealing a watch on his wrist, he twisted a button on his watch and the hands began to rotate about it's axis, it finally stopped. Suddenly the time machine began to vibrate tremendously, the greenish fluid rushed into the poles at the roof and a beam shot into the air, forming a portal that circulated over the man like a black hole.

"Magnificent" he uttered as he stared at the portal in awe, his hair danced to the wind being generated and he was enveloped by the light produced, the portal increased it's momentum and a beam of light engulfed Oliver vertically and in split seconds, he vanished with an identical view of it sucking him in like a vacuum.

|The Jurassic Period|
|80million years ago|


A loud sound more like a thud poured into the atmosphere shaking the earth crust tremendously followed by the eruption of dust that reduced one's visibility, from the thundering sound came a huge crater with a depth of two metres and a range of fifteen metres that formed a v-shape but with a middle vertical line with a shape as familiar with the foot of a reptile.


Another sound was heard with a high frequency revealing to be a colossal reptile leg, it's body was finally viewed to be seen as a skyscraper heightened dinosaur, a brontosaurus to be specific, the ground shook by the steps it took but it wasn't the only one, several dinosaurs paraded the terrain disturbing the place with their movement. It was a desert like land but with trees stationed at every corner, the rays of the sun casted the shadows of the terrible lizards and a pteradactyl that patronised the sky.


A body fell from the sky as it collided with the floor causing dust to erupt and later cleared off, revealing a human to be Oliver, he turned over lying almost on his back as he used his hand to nurse his torso whilst moaning, he got up on his feet and began to dust the dirt of his body as he scanned the environment with his eye balls.

"Now all I need is to find a stegosaurus... The Jurassic, perfect" he said.

Suddenly his ears began to pick up weird noises from behind, sounded more like a snarl or growl, he slowly turned back only to view two huge nostrils and beneath them were sharp long fangs, a scaly body with the size of a duplex. It was a tyrannosaurus Rex!

"S**t... Not the dinosaur I was looking for" Oliver's eyes widened, he could feel his heart pounding as he heaved heavily.


The dinosaur roared blowing tremendous wind on Oliver, causing his hair to dance like grasses as his clothes were blown by the wind.

"Good thing I brought the molecular alterator" he said patting his body with his hands in search of it "or not" he concluded and swallowed his own saliva, staggering backwards like he was going to run, but fell on his butt.

"I'm just gon na send you twenty five minutes into the past" he said raising his left hand, twisting a button on his wrist watch, automatically opening a portal over the T-Rex that rotated until it sucked it in like a vacuum and with this, he heaved a sigh of relief.

"All I need to do is extract the cells of s stegosaurus and I'm back to the future... Or present" he said to himself and proceeded with the box in his hands.

|Recent year: Starlight City|
The wind blew softly giving the place a cool feeling, cars patronised the asphalt, the place was filled with people walking here and there.

"I still have some more stuff to move in" Max said with his hands in his jacket's pocket whilst walking. Beside him was Dave as they strolled on the other side of the road.

"You know I don't have spare rooms, right?" Dave replied almost immediately

"Actually, you do, you just have to move some of your old stuff" Max said

Dave exhaled silently, now that, that conversation is over, he decided to bring up a new one

"okay, so" he began "I'm gonna throw two questions right at you now" he said "how long have you been in Starlight city and you looking forward to taking a cure?" He asked simultaneously

Max groaned frustrated "bro, Starlight city is just meters away from Crystal city, and I don't want a cure, I love my powers." He said

"Max you came into Starlight city with ultra human abilities some days ago and I had no idea, the I.G.S.A are really keen on containing ultra humans, trust me you have no idea what they are like dealing with people like you" Dave replied

"You are a cop, right?" Max started indifferently, "You are loaded with responsibilities like doing what's right for the city. I wanna do what's right for the world. I can save lives and I have the power to do so. I'm so fast you didn't even know when I grabbed your gun" he said with a 'think again look' all over his face while dangling a pistol with his fingers.

"Gimme that" Dave whispered in a hasteful tone fully aware of how loaded his gun was. He took it back desirably

"I just want to be alone, you have no idea what it feels like to loose someone you love" Max said primly

"Becca?" Dave asked primly

"I was there the day she died, she is the inspiration of my will to help with my gifts, she is the reason I am not going to take a cure" Max continued sternly "you have any idea of loosing a favorite person?" He asked

"Favorite person?... What about me?" Dave asked calmly

"Right now, I don't even know" Max sighed then walked away, no superspeed or whatnot.

|The Jurassic Period|
|80million years ago|


A gigantosaur roared fiercely, running wildly creating craters with every foot step it took, meanwhile Oliver gathered much momentum, running like a mad man, he took off on his heels even the wind tried to keep up, he held his box in his right hand, he pulled up his left sleeve and activated his wrist watch causing a portal to open right in front of him.

"Adios la'fierra" he uttered breathing heavily and jumped into the portal before shrinking into nothingness.

|Recent year|
|Oliver's lab|
Space ripped apart causing Oliver to fall out of it's opening, he got on his feet and walked through a door, behind the door was a room more of a lab, several pods were outlined with mutated animals trapped in them. Oliver stood near a pod with a liquid substance in it and a creature which could hardly be viewed in the pod, he brought out a green fluid in a tube and shoved it in a hole beside the pod causing the fluid to rush into the pod with a coarse reaction in the liquid. He pulled a lever beside it and the liquid drained in the pod, it automatically opened like doors, giving out gases that nearly covered the atmosphere. Oliver had an evil smile on his face, a paw stepped out of the pod and boom! Frankenstein... Or not, the creature was actually two feet tall, it was identical to an ape but with spikes on it's back and a Bear's structure, he picked up his molecular alterator and shot a beam at it causing it to increase in size, but the beam didn't stop as the creature grew marvelously breaking out of the thirty six feet laboratory roof.

"That wasn't supposed to happen" Oliver uttered looking in awe, the beast had grown to the size of a skyscraper.


The creature vanished, it was huge but surprisingly fast.

"Not good"

|Next day|
|Mayor's house|
Sitting on a WC was a man in a dropped black trousers, red shirt with a bald head, his hands grabbed a newspaper as he read the article on it. It was the mayor sitting on the toilet sit. Suddenly huge muscular arms bulged out of the floor coated in a lot of fur with claws sticking out of it's fingers, a growl was heard accompanied with a huge scream, blood splashed, staining the white walls and the Mayor's head fell on the floor with water leaking out of the sinks and pipes in the background



Season 1
Episode 6
Title: Bro, friend and science
Written by: Johnson Benjamin

"Alright, be right there, I gotta clean up my mess" Dave replied via ear comms

|Saint Samuel's park|
The place was void of people, a caution tape was wrapped all over the place, a muscular humanoid laid unconscious, he was the chaos manipulator frozen in ice, beside him was a man donned in a white lab coat, and m***i inside of it. He had a brown hair, with an observant look, he studied the figure. He brought a round disc and placed it on the frozen man, it released heat that melted the ice, still he was unconscious.

"You needed me" a voice rang from behind revealing to be Dave, he removed his eye glasses then squatted beside the scientist judging by his appearance.

"Jesus" Dave muttered as his eyes scanned the figure's body, several bruises were printed on his body "looks like a series of beat downs" he uttered.

"Maybe" Oliver added, he brought out a tube from his pocket and pierced it's needle into the man's skin causing the tube to glow green "this is a tube I created to test the genetics of ultra humans, the green colour indicates he possesses an ultra Gene"

"He is an ultra human? So, he wasn't beaten up by some hoodlums" Dave said "good thing he's still alive"

"Affirmative, judging by his looks, look closely at this knuckle prints, you know how you puncture a hole in a wood via needle and then accelerate the action by repeating it in other places? That's similar to what we are looking at, he got hit by a fellow ultra human, one extremely fast" Oliver explained

"One like me" a voice with vibrational vocal chords interrupted.

Oliver and Dave turned to see who had added to their conversation, their hearts skipped at first but seeing a humanoid vibrating so extremely, his anatomy got blurry creating a lost look on their faces. Dave revealed a pistol and cocked it aiming at the blurry figure.

"You really think that piece of junk would do any harm to a guy who ran round the world in one second?" The blurry figure boasted "chillax... Big bro" he added and stopped vibrating.

"Max?" Dave uttered noticing the familiar face, he lowered his gun.

"How are you guys familiar with each other?" Oliver asked confused

"Are you kidding? That's my little brother from crystal City" Dave said smiling. Max sped towards Dave, zapping round him.

"Check you out dude, you've changed... Greatly" he said excitedly

"How are you doing that?... My God, you are an ultra human" Dave in bewilderment

"It just kinda happened" Max playfully uttered mimicking the tone of the Henry danger crooner-Jace Norman

"Oh, Max, I... I mean I, I can't believe it... Ultra humans are abominated here" Dave said in all honesty

"Well, that shouldn't apply to me, I'm a good guy, I wanna help with my gifts" Max replied

"Max, it's nice meeting you, heard of you" Oliver sounded almost rudely, then continued "Dave, you do know we have an unconscious ultra human behind us, moreover it's not appropriate to have this conversation here, let's take this to a bar or something, uh... Why are we here again? Oh yeah, ultra human" Oliver uttered as he walked towards the unconscious latter, he grabbed both of his feet and dragged his body into a black van. "Besides I have an experiment to finish at base" he concluded, he ascended the van, started it and drove out of their midst.

"Base?" Max asked with a confused look on his face

|Jackson Avenue: alley way|
It was dark and the atmosphere was cosy, the moon shined on the city like a silver metal, the sky was illuminated with stars that aided the moons glow. An alley way was put in view in between buildings, bulbs were attached on the walls but they produced dim lights.

Step! Step! Step!

Several feet knocked the ground continuously as Max, Oliver and Dave walked into the alley way as they walked passed useless materials that laid on the floor, series of dumpsters outlined themselves equivalent to the buildings, Oliver held an opened box, inside it was the ultra human laying unconscious but only smaller with the size of a rat. Oliver held a coarsely built futuristic gun that leaned beside the box.

"I still don't get why you had to shrink the guy" Dave said tilting his head towards Oliver.

"It saves me the stress, besides I made this yesterday" Oliver replied raising his gun which seemed to be a size altering gun causing the box to almost drop on the floor as a result of liberating his right hand "oops" he muttered catching the box immediately "I finally had the opportunity to test it out, my clients are always on my ass, I call it the molecule alterator" he finalized

"Cool name, it has a nice ring it it" Dave complimented with a smirk

"Where are we going again?" Max asked "all I see is a dead end" he added

The trio had walked their way to a dead end, a wall was stationed in front of them, Oliver walked forward facing the wall, he thrusted his right hand, pushed a brick on the wall and a Vreak! Soundwas produced, a blue dim light alighted the hole from the pushed brick and scanned the eyes of Oliver. Suddenly the wall created a vertical opening, dividing it into two walls, automatically opening like a door revealing a passage. Stairs outlined towards a dark path.

"Wait, you aren't amazed after this?" Dave asked smiling a little

"I've witnessed more, besides this is just little compared to the one's I've seen here, in Starlight City" Max reply faking a bored expression. The duo advanced to the stairs which was as dark as void.

"Solomon, illumination" Oliver uttered and suddenly bright lights illuminated the place automatically

"Who is Solomon?" Max asked whilst descending the stairs.

"It's an A.I, although it's personified to be a he by Oliver, he's the smartest super computer I've seen, it's capable of hacking huge computer systems and satellite automatically, cool right?" Dave explained hoping for a 'cool' to escape Max's mouth.

"Is that all?" Max asked still faking a bored expression. Dave's smile melted

"No!" Dave replied

"Is it weird that I spend the night here sometimes to avoid people?" Oliver interrupted with a little smile on his face.

"Weird and funny" Dave added

"Yeah... Maybe a little" Max said

The trio finally reached a metallic wall and it divided open automatically granting them entrance into a laboratory, the walls were reenforced with metals, dotted with bulbs that was aglow with blue lights which illuminated the place, several advanced technologies were stationed in different positions, laboratory apparatus stood on multiple counters. Suddenly a blue streak zoomed round the place, moving randomly like gaseous molecules and stopped at two colossal boulders that held a skyscraper heightened robot that looked similar to the transformers.

"Okay, this is cool" Max admitted looking up at the gigantic robot

"Don't touch that, the government instructed me to build a weapon, so I built that" Oliver said, he enlarged the ultra human and put him in a pod that descended.

"I'm going to a bar, anyone coming?" Dave asked

"Me" Oliver said

"I think I'm fine here" Max added

Oliver and Dave walked and existed the building.

|Wendy's bar|
The sound of jazz music filled the atmosphere as people danced to the music, walking to and fro, several waitresses with trays carrying drinks passed once in a while, the place was aglow with disco lights. Oliver and Dave sat equivalent to each other at a table with drinks, Oliver seemed to be more focused on his note book as he scribbled on it.

"What are you doing?" Dave asked sipping from his cup

"Something, you won't find out soon" he answered

"You didn't tell me Jeff and his friends worked here" Dave said

"No, they do not" Oliver replied raising a brow

Three cranky looking men emerged from a distinct, clad in bad boy bikers outfit.

"Hey! The tech you sold us was futile... You owe me money!" The one in the middle shouted

"S**t!" Oliver cursed and ran away. They chased after him. In slight seconds a blue blur zoomed in creating a whooshing sound that revealed to be Max, sitting on the chair Oliver sat on formerly. Dave
Quickly noticed his presence.

"Do you know how many bars are in Starlight City? This is my eleventh stop" Max started but Dave looked like he didn't pay any attention.

"Max" he began like he had been waiting for him to shut up" what's wrong with you?" He asked looking at his face concerned.

"What do you mean?" Max asked

"First of all you didn't tell me of your arrival in starlight city. Heck I'm like the only person you've got, secondly you've been acting weird lately" Dave said showing a lot of concern "thirdly, you are an ultra human and that's the biggest deal of all my concerns" he added

"Firstly, I sent a text, maybe, you didn't see it, secondly I'm fine so don't bother" Max replied

"Hello?" Dave inquired "hi, I'm Dave, welcome to starlight city" he sarcastically added, stretching his hand towards Max for a hand shake.

Max scoffed

"Do you know the stakes of being an ultra human in Starlight City?" Dave asked "the I.G.S.A would hunt you and when they find you, you gon' be crashing in a pod every night"

"Oh, yeah... Every night, sure, I'd like to see that happen" Max replied scoffing "look, Dave I haven't been in my happiest mood for so long now" Max added primly "so the I.G.S.A is kinds the least of my problems"

"Does this have to do with Becca?" Dave asked waiting for the moment "I understand that.." he was interrupted before he could finish..

Max sighed then said in a low tone "I hate to be reminded of that... I'm gonna go run round Starlight City again" he said then zoomed off in a blur leaving a short wind behind.

|Oliver's lab:8:23pm|
Oliver was scribbling some math equations on a white standing board when he heard his phone ring. He closed the marker and goes to answer the call.

"Oliver speaking" he began

"Professor Oliver, the team will be meeting at the I.G.S.A, tomorrow morning by 8:30" the caller said and cut the call.

|I.G.S.A: 8:29am|
Oliver, dressed in a brown unbuttoned long sleeve shirt, black trousers and shoes walked into the I.G.S.A building, he greeted workers as he passed them with a bag crossed on his shoulder. The place was exclusively big and spaced with different activities being carried out. He walked into an elevator that took him up.


The door opened and he walked out of it and met a group of scientist chattering, it was like a hall meeting

"Oliver" he would say as he shook hands with various scientists.

A waiter passed him and he picked a meat ball on his tray and waved at him.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen, I believe you all received various messages about meeting at the I.G.S.A" Mr Christopher announced getting everyone's attention behind a sc**zo podium. There was a chorus chatter in the hall "the president has instructed us all, scientists, professors and Eggheads of the I.G.S.A to put our heads together to aid the military"

"The military has a lot of weapons, if it has to do with war" a man spoke up

"Some, even fabricated by our scientists" another man said

"True, and you guessed right, they need weapons and that is why I have called us here to speculate and use our genius minds, let's try something new. For years the army went to war with weapons like bombs, guns and their war tanks" the man at the podium said "let's turn the system around, I've spear headed a plan of genetic engineering"

"A biological weapon?" Oliver asked

"Now that's a fast thinker" he shot back amazed

"I still don't know what's going on here" one of the scientist said

"Do you read comics?" Mr Christopher asked

"Aside science that's my second hobbie" the man replied

"And I'm sure you know the hulk" he added

"The huge green guy? He is my favourite" he answered

"Then we are settled!" Mr Christopher replied "it's a project we will call the war beast, a chip would be inserted on it's head that feeds it's mind with numbness while it's being contained and will be used as defense for the army, everyone are rightful to experiment alone. We have a collection of different animal DNAs, should be helpful"

"DNA amalgamation, this would be interesting" Oliver thought


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Abuja-Keffi Road, Karu
Lagos, 900101

Business opportunities are like buses, there’s always another one coming. Kindly contact an admin now on WhatsApp:‪ ‪08025214874

Psalmist Psalmist

A page for all forms of things you can ever think of

14 Akpiri Street Off Coconut Bus Stop
Lagos, ,AC

This page his about Tobi alon's life draw from 2016 trying to create something big and trying to be