Institute of Islamic,Computer and Allied Studies

Motto: Knowledge, Health and Strength. شعارنا: العلم، والعافية والعزم.



At an emergency meeting of the Stakeholders in the Poultry and Industrial Processors of Soyabeans in the Nigerian agricultural business sub sector following the Resolutions of the meeting of the members of the Central Working Committee ( CWC) and Poultry farmers on the 25 -26th November 2020 at Abuja, the following Communique was arrived at with a view to strengthening and affirm the earlier Resolutions of the Poultry Association of Nigeria at the Abuja meeting.


The Poultry industry in Nigeria worth over 10 trillion Naira is a very strategic industry that has not only contributed to the growth of the Nigeria Agricultural Gross Domestic Product ( AGDP) but have provided employment to about 25 million Nigerians in direct and indirect forms.

Consequent upon the above and the current stark realities of the Nigerian poultry industry as a result of the effects of Covid 19 and other attendant challenges to the country's economic development, a further combined meeting of critical Stakeholders in the poultry and industrial processors of Soyabeans at their meeting as above came up with the following measures and recommendations referred to as COMMUNIQUE to halt the depreciating fortune and imminent collapse of the poultry industry occasioned with the high cost of Maize, Soyabeans and Soyabean meals at this period of harvest.

1. That the Soyabeans production and harvest this year is not as alarming as it is being portrayed even though the country may have to import some quantities of the commodity to be able to meet the need and requirements of the poultry industry as well as other industry needs till the next harvest season.

In view of the above therefore, and to contain and curtail the current spate of panick buying by both the industrial processors of Soyabeans as well as poultry farmers in the country, all processors and farmers have agreed STOP the buying and collection of Soyabeans for the next two weeks commencing from Friday, 4th December 2020.

2. That the Federal Government will have to intervene immediately to ban the export of Soyabeans - both seeds and meals, especially and Maize to any part of the world while imploring on the Central Bank of Nigeria to discontinue with immediate effect any form of incentives to exporters of critical commodities that are in short supply in the country considering first the national food security of the people and the country.

3.Maize also being the most critical ingredient in the production of poultry is at the moment at the highest price during harvest.
In view of this, the Government will have to intervene immediately to drive the market of Maize by allowing the importation of Maize into the country so as to curb and contain the imminent hunger in the land and the shutting down of the poultry industry as a result of high cost of production.

4. That the Government should be buyers of last resort at Minimum Guaranteed Prices rather than the Government competing for commodities at contract prices with consumers and farmers at the period of harvest of the critical commodities of Maize, Soyabeans, Soghum and other Cereals.

5. The Central Bank of Nigeria should halt the release of funds to GRAIN aggregators who are currently responsible for the mopping up of Maize and Soyabeans along with other commodities in warehouses and hoarding such to create scarcity that trigger abnormal high prices.

6. Inorder to assist and ameliorate the current challenges facing the poultry industry in the country, TARIFFS on all imported micro inputs for poultry production as well as equipment be made zero duty and other taxes exempted as this will greatly reduce the high cost of production exacerbated by the devaluation of the Naira.

7. That based on statistics and data of poultry production and needs of the country with the Association ( as shall be provided), the Government should with the industry leaders work together to come up with sustainable policies that will support the industry on a long term basis of between 10 to 20 years considering our population growth and shift in consumer preferences and others.

Except and otherwise immediate steps are taken to critically look at the points of this Communique, the erosion and closing down of small and medium sized poultry farms will be immediate and the resultant effects will be the worsening of the current unemployment and crime rates in the society/Nigeria.

Ezekiel Ibrahim MAM
National President


About we Nigerians, this piece calls for reading.

*Facts are emerging on why COVID-19 palliatives found stored in warehouses across Nigeria were not shared before protests*


Always helpful to seek first to understand the context b4 we rush to crucify. 😏

*Dr Sola Adeduntan, MD/CEO First Bank*

Good afternoon Sigma Chief, Old Chiefs and Loyalists. As a no of Sigmites may be aware of, I sit on the Steering Committee of the Private Sector Coalition Against Covid 19 christened CaCovid. The other members of the SC are 1. Aliko Dangote, 2. John Coumatorous, 3. Jim Ovia, 4. Tony Elumelu, 5. Abdulsamad Rabiu, 6. Segun Agbaje, 7. Herbert Wigwe and 8. Godwin Emefiele (CBN Governor).

We set up the coalition to pull resources together to support the Government to combat Covid 19 pandemic. Having successfully provided health facilities, diagnostic kits and medications to all the states and Abuja, we realised that the pandemic has destroyed the economic power (whatever that was worth pre Covid) of most Nigerians. We decided to provide food to 1.7m most vulnerable families across the country and we put a substantial resources behind the initiative. The food items we intend to purchase included rice, pasta, noodles, gari, sugar and salt, etc.

The challenge was how to purchase those items worth about N15bn without driving inflation. We had to contract this out to various manufacturers and that took time for them to deliver the goods to us. It was only in September and early October that we handed the goods over to the various state governments and FCT. Its therefore a fallacy that the State Governments or Dangote have hoarded those foodstuffs.

As Sigmites it is important that we interrogate information received thoroughly before we share or comment on such information. Significant amount of misinformation are trending on SM. We must be discerning and probing hence we join the fifth columnists in pushing our dear country on to the road to Kigali. I sincerely pray not

Dr Sola Adeduntan,

MD/CEO of First Bank

My friend Bolaji Lawal shared on his wall



Please Take Note!!!
(Copied from a group)

This scam was actually very cleverly worked out that you will not suspect anything is wrong:
The following is the account of the incident:

《Wednesday a week ago, I had a phone call from someone saying that he was from a company called: "Express Couriers," He asked if I was going to be home because there was a package for me that required a signature .
The caller said that the delivery would arrive at my home in roughly an hour. Sure enough, about an hour later, a uniformed delivery man turned up with a parcel and a bottle of wine. I was very surprised since there was no special occasion, and I certainly didn't expect anything like it. Intrigued, I inquired as to who the sender was. The courier replied, "I don't know, I'm only delivering the package." Apparently, he said "the sender would want to give you a surprise and a card would be sent separately afterward"

It happened that my birthday was on the way also, so we thought it could be from a distant friend. There was also a consignment note with the gift.
He then went on to explain that because the gift contained alcohol, there was a N1000 "delivery/ verification charge," providing proof that he had actually delivered the package to an adult (of legal drinking age), and not just left it on the doorstep where it could be stolen or taken by anyone, especially a minor.

I called my husband who said the price of the wine is in the region of N10,000. This sounded logical and I offered to pay him cash. But he said that the delivery company required payment to be by credit, ATM or debit card only, so that everything is properly accounted for.
He added they also don't carry cash to avoid loss or likely targets for robbery.
My husband, pulled out his ATM CARD and gave him to swipe the card on a small mobile card machine with a small screen and keypad and asked to key in the verification code.
Frankly at this point we never suspect anything abnormal and a receipt was printed out and given to us, he then wished us good day and went off as normal,
To our horrible surprise, between Friday and the following Monday, N450,000 had been withdrawn from our account at various ATM machines!

Apparently the "mobile ATM card machine," which the delivery man carried had all the info necessary to create a "dummy" card with all our card details, of course with the verification code.

Upon finding out about the illegal transactions on our card, we immediately notified the bank to stop payment, but it was already too late.
We went to make a Police report. But at the station, we found out that quite a number of households had been similarly hit.
WARNING: Be wary of accepting any "surprise gift or package," which you neither expected nor personally ordered, especially if it involves any kind of payment as a condition of receiving the gift or package. Also never accept anything if you do not personally know or there is no proper identification of who the sender is.
Above all, the only time you should give out any personal credit card information is when you yourself initiated the purchase or transaction

Pls SHARE among your friends!


Happy New Hijra Calendar Year to All the Faithful All over the World. Jazaanal-Lah Khayra


The Creator of Man and other Beings 'the Almighty Allah' is still working as before. You only need to readjust yourself for more MIGHT of His (Sub-haanahu wa Ta'aala). In Fourty bad years prior to the demis of this existence, every one must understand that no more options. It's not yet now. Read past records of calamities.

Are you people scared that the world is coming to an end, do you feel like this is the worst disease outbreak?? No, it's not close to even top 20 epidemics.

Let me share with you the world's worst pandemics of all times.

1. *ANTONINE_PLAGUE* This occurred in 165AD and claimed 5 million lives. It swept over Asia, Egypt, Greece and Italy. Just in case you think it's the first time Italy is leading.

2. *PLAGUE_OF_JUSTINIAN.* It occurred btn 541 to 542, just in 1 year 25 million people were dead. Each day, death toll counted 10,000.

3. *THE_FLU_PANDEMIC* Also known as THE *SPANISH FLU*. It was btn 1918 to 1920, just 100years ago. By that time the world had 1.5billion people, 500million got the disease and that was 1/3 of the total population. In the first week alone, there was a record 25million deaths, worse than first world war itself.
Corona virus is mostly killing the elderly and those already weakened by other diseases but the Spanish flu respected no age group, it claimed 50million lives.

4. *THE_3RD_PLAGUE_OF_1855* This one also started from China and killed 10 million Indians in less than one year. You wouldn't want to hear the total number of global death. By now you want to ask me whether the world ended, the answer is it didn't, lol.

5. *THE_BLACK_DEATH.* This was by far the worst. It occurred from 1346-1353, that was 7 years long pandemic. It was caused by bubonic plague transmitted by fleas.
By that time, the world's population was 400million, then 200 million died. Half of the world's population died. If the world was to end with a disease, it would end that time not with corona.
It is said that during that plague, the living spent most of their time hurrying the dead in mass graves and yet others were left unburied.

6. *HIV_AIDS*. You didn't expect this one, did you? Perhaps u forgot about it but the disease still rear it's ugly head across the world. The peak record deaths was btn 2005-2012. In 7 years, 36 million people died but it didn't terrify you because it was not on news like corona.

By today, corona death is not close to half a million, no. Whenever you feel frightened by corona, just know that it will never be recorded among world's top 20 pandemics, it's not close. The world is not ending with it, we shall live on. Well, people are dying but not even half will die. We shall remain.


Mine; copied and pasted

SEGA L'éveilleur®🚨 on Twitter 14/03/2020

Presidency Reacts to Viral Video of Man Allegedly Trying to Attack President Buhari in Kebbi State

The presidency has reacted to online story making the rounds that an angry resident made an attempt to attack President Muhammadu Buhari who was in the state to declare open the Argungu Fishing and Cultural Festival.

In the video, a young man was seen approaching the president where he was about to take group photograph with other dignitaries including Kebbi State governor after the ceremony.

According to a statement signed by Femi Adesina, the president's spokesperson, the young man in the viral video ''was so very excited to see his President so close. And he made an attempt to get to him''.

''President Buhari was in Kebbi State Thursday to declare open the Argungu Fishing and Cultural Festival. It was the first time the international tourism event would hold in eleven years, as security considerations had rendered it impracticable.

As the President went round the arena to inspect rice pyramids on display, and take photographs with farmers, a young man was so very excited to see his President so close. He made an attempt to get to him.

World over, such would not be allowed by security details. The young man was prevented, and he protested that he should be allowed to greet his President.

Now, professional contortionists are making mischief of the event. They are passing the video clip off on social media as an attempt to attack the President.

Malicious people always twist things to give a negative narrative. But they simply dash their heads against the wall.

The country moves on,'' Adesina said in the statement.

See link to the video below;

That was close. 🤔— SEGA L& #39;éveilleur®🚨 () March 12, 2020

SEGA L'éveilleur®🚨 on Twitter “That was close. 🤔”


Monkey business.
A lot of monkeys lived near a village.🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒

One day a merchant came to the village to buy these monkeys!🐵🐵🐵🐵🐵

He announced that he will buy the monkeys @ $100 each. 🐵💵

The villagers thought that this man is mad.😇

They thought how can somebody buy stray monkeys at $100 each?🤔

Still, some people caught some monkeys and gave it to this merchant and he gave $100 for each monkey.

This news spread like wildfire and people caught monkeys and sold it to the merchant.😬

After a few days, the merchant announced that he will buy monkeys @ 200 each. 🐵💵💵

The lazy villagers also ran around to catch the remaining monkeys!🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒

They sold the remaining monkeys @ 200 each.😋

Then the merchant announced that he will buy monkeys @ 500 each!

The villagers start to lose sleep! ... They caught six or seven monkeys, which was all that was left and got 500 each.🙊🐵🐵🐵🐵🐵🐒

The villagers were waiting anxiously for the next announcement.🙄

Then the merchant announced that he is going home for a week. And when he returns, he will buy monkeys @ 1000 each!🐵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵

He asked his employee to take care of the monkeys he bought. He was alone taking care of all the monkeys in a cage.🤠🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒

The merchant went home.😎

The villagers were very sad as there were no more monkeys left for them to sell it at $1000 each.☹😞😓

Then the employee told them that he will sell some monkeys @ 700 each secretly. 😶

This news spread like fire. Since the merchant buys monkey @ 1000 each, there is a 300 profit for each monkey.😬

The next day, villagers made a queue near the monkey cage.🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐵🐒🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑

The employee sold all the monkeys at 700 each. The rich bought monkeys in big lots. The poor borrowed money from money lenders and also bought monkeys!

The villagers took care of their monkeys & waited for the merchant to return. 😕

But nobody came! ...😤 Then they ran to the employee...🤠

But he has already left too !😉

The villagers then realised that they have bought the useless stray monkeys @ 700 each and unable to sell them! 😩😫😨😰😭😭😭😭😭😭.

This is the story of MMM and other similar wonder banks as well as other greedy ways of acquiring wealth.

*Watch out for the next monkey 🙈🙉🙊 business*

It will make a lot of people bankrupt and a few people filthy rich in this monkey business. 🐒😉😅

That' how it works🤣

*This story looks funny yet it makes sense when you think deep....*



As a special spirit you can benefit from this: THE S*X I WILL NEVER FORGET!

I can say that was the best s*x I have ever had. We did everything in foreplay and the actual s*x was not in this realm. Waves of or**sm swept over her body and my very self felt highly satisfied. As I stood up from her and was putting on my boxer, something strange happened that has never
happened in all my s*xual adventure.

Right there in the room, like in a trance, I saw an image like my self walked out of my body. I was so scared as the image bowed his head and was walking backward to the door. I screamed, I shouted, I was shivering seriously. My girlfriend stood up and was
asking me what is wrong with me. She shouted that I should keep quiet, but, No! I kept shouting as I saw like myself walking away from me.

To my surprise, I kept on telling my girl friend to look at this image and she said, she could not see anything. I became terrified. It was like I was in the oven, at the
same time, it was as if I was in a cold room. I watched the image walked backward to the door & when it got to the door, it turned
to go out of the door, as I watched the back of this image, I saw an inscription written on it ' EXCELLENT SPIRIT'.

I screamed and shouted because, though I am not a serious Christian, but I know what it means to have an excellent spirit and to lose it. I have been leading the whole department in my school. Lecturers consult me privately to explain some hard topics. I was a genius. It is this brilliance and handsomeness that made me the desire of most ladies on campus.

While I was crying and weeping bitterly, my girlfriend busted into serious laughter. I was asking her why the laughter, and she said,
you are Number 5. I will get the remaining 5 to make 10. I asked her to explain what she meant, she just laughed harder. She carried her bag and walked out of my room and said, 'enjoy your shadow'.

Till today, I can't trace this lady. I have tried looking for her, I can't find her. Right from that day, I knew I became empty. I have the
best result in my department, but no destiny results to show for it sir. I lost something that day, I knew I lost it. I have been praying
and asking the Lord for restoration. Atimes, I feel like I am so empty. I wished that s*x
never happened or never happened between me and that lady. I lost excellent spirit!

This was a confession of a guy to me some years ago. He wept bitterly in my office. I could not comfort him. He graduated as the
best student in his department but if you see him at that time, you will never believe he went to school.

Dear precious one, there is something deep about s*x! I know some will read this and
scorn it. You only know yourself, you don't know 2 out of 10 about the person you want to have that s*x with. Are there no thousands of people who have lost their
own ' excellent spirit' too just because of 10 mins s*xual pleasure.

Flee fornication! Flee adultery!. One round of s*x is enough to round off your glorious destiny. Enjoy s*x with your spouse only!
Singles, wait! You won't die. Wait. Before you remove your pant for that guy /lady to commit fornication, think! Rule your desire
or ruin your destiny. I am warned! You are warned!

Thanks for reading.

SRIBSS – Saudi Royal Institute of Business and Social Sciences 10/10/2019

Scam in the Academia: The Saudi Royal Institute of Business and Social Sciences

The title summarises the ordeal of 3 good friends who registered to attend the Saudi Royal Institute of Business and Social Sciences (SRIBSS) conference scheduled to hold from 29-31 October 2019. The organizers used names of prominent professors and experts to advertise their scam to unsuspecting public. At the end of the registration and flight book periods, these three friends have paid more than RM 14000 (US$3337). Meanwhile, the organizers claimed that over 1900 participants registered for the conference!

How it happened.
These friends saw an advert on a conference supposedly organised by the Saudi Royal Institute of Business and Social Sciences (SRIBSS) via social media channels. As expected, they searched the website of the organizers ( and found out the following are the board of directors of the entity-
Ziyad Almalki
Board Chair SRIBSS; Assistant Professor , Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Al-Kharj, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Eng Imam Ahmed
Operations Manager; Head of organizing team
Dr. Abdullah Alfaifi; Research Education & Training Director; Assistant Professor, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia.
Dr. Saad Alshahrani; Deputy Chair, Research Director; Assistant Professor, Head of Department of Economics, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Al-Kharj, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Dr. Ahmad Alalaiwe; Research Policy Director; Assistant Professor, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Al-Kharj, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Dr. Naseer Alqahtani; Director; Advisor to Executive VP
Dr. Monira Alwhaibi; Co-Director of Scientific Affairs and Research
Dr. Ahmed Al-Shehri; Director; Assistant Professor, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University,Al-Kharj, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Dr. Abdullah Alahmari; Research Integrity Director; Assistant Professor, King Fahad University, KSA
With the names of these respected individuals, they felt all was ok. In fact, they also reviewed the event brochure (; a copy is also attached as the website may cease to exist after this post) and names of respected scholars enlisted as key speakers- Prof. Mahmoud Shahin Alahwal Dean, Faculty of Medicine, KING ABDULAZIZ UNIVERSITY, KSA; Dr. Hani Z. Asfour Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy, KING ABDULAZIZ UNIVERSITY, KSA; Professor John Hattie Director Melbourne Graduate School of Engineering UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE & CHAIR AITSL; Professor David Giles Dean of Sciences FLINDERS UNIVERSITY and Professor Field Rickards Dean of Education Melbourne Graduate School of Education UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE. The website also showcased pictures from the past conferences held in GCC countries such as Oman, UAE, Qatar (details here: The networth of the event partners- Saudi Airline and King AbdulAziz University, KSA - seems to further add credence to the search. They thought all facts looks genuine and fine.

These friends submitted their unpublished paper and also got acceptance letter. They paid registration fees, and went further to pay the flight tickets through the Emirates Airline ‘agents’ (as a 30% discount on flight ticket was presumably given). They got Emirates flight booking reservations and required details to process their leave applications from the university to attend the conference....everything looks set. During this period, the organizers respond to emails within the hour through the representative- Dr Noor Hadi. Noor Hadi even noted that over 1900 participants registered for the conference and urged participants to make payments within the time to avoid disqualification.

The problem started when the expected visa letters were not issued within the stipulated time. They got worried and sent emails to the usual contact, no response was received. Their hearts already beating fast, they contacted the Board of Directors and Key Speakers. Only of them responded:

The key speaker- Professor John Hattie wrote (October 02, 2019):
“This is a con. They have never asked me, I (and not is field rickard) am not going, and this is fourth year in a row they tried this scam.”

The Chairman of the Board - Dr. Ziyad S. Almalki wrote ( (October 02, 2019):
“This website and their operators are not from Saudi Arabia or even in Saudi Arabia and used Saudi identities to make everything looks real. We reported it here but can’t do anything about it out of Saudi Arabia. You need to notify all your colleagues about this scam.”

At this time, is clear this is a scam!

The feedback seems to suggest this scam has been ongoing for four years, and these respected personalities did not post any report online to save unsuspecting researchers from such trauma!

The friends contacted another friend who checked the domain registration information for and observed the website is registered in the United States and the owner also resides in the US.

I have decided to share their experience to save other researchers from such trauma. As at now, no report online to expose these illicit activities. Infact, the organizers are already organizing another round of event for January 2020 tagged ‘Madinah 7th International Saudi Royal Multidisciplinary Conference (Madinah-7ISRMC)’ ( It is hoped that this post will alert other researchers on SRIBSS SCAM.

Lessons for other researchers:
1. Researchers should search for names of the conference organizers (especially the prominent persons) and contact directly to confirm the genuineness of the workshop/conference
2. Information of sites such as should help further. Here are the 9 Signs that indicate a conference is fake: The conference has an overly ambitious title; The technical programme is broad. Very broad; The language on the conference website is…off (typos and grammatical errors); Renowned organisations are sponsoring a low-profile conference; The organisers’ contact details are missing, or aren’t quite right; Another conference with a suspiciously similar name already exists; The conference or its organisers have known associates; The organisers are charging higher-than-normal fees; The conference is unusually frequent
3. Buy air tickets directly from airlines. Do not allow organizers to buy on your behalf
4. Be careful if the contact person sounds too nice or responds too soon to enquiries.

For now, these friends are taking necessary legal steps to seek redress.

Hopefully, we can stop such fraud from expanding in our communities and especially in such areas as academia.

Thanks for reading. Hope we can keep exposing these individuals and their tactics.

Kind regards.
Hafis Bello
[email protected]

*Please reshare to safe others from such ordeals.*

SRIBSS – Saudi Royal Institute of Business and Social Sciences Home JOIN USDubai-5ICBMS5th International Conference on Business and Management Sciences About Us The Saudi Royal Institute of Business and Social Sciences (SRIBSS) is a non-profit Saudi professional organization dedicated to advancing connection among Academia, Industry, and society by providing a...



In a lecture delivered by Professor Ishaq Akintola, the director of the Muslim Rights Concern at the Annoor Mosque, Abuja, on Saturday 21st September, 2019, he opined that although Nigerian Muslims have the right to go on hajj as many times as they wish, in reality, hajj is only expected to be performed once in a lifetime.

However, he said, Nigerian Muslims overdo it by going on hajj and Umrah every year. According to Akintola, those who do so earn more rewards from Allah but they end up making Saudi Arabia richer while Nigeria becomes poorer.

Akintola added, "It is time for strategic thinking. There is no time to lose. Muslim leaders must establish the Ummah Development Fund (UDF) in order to improve the economic condition of Nigerian Muslims.

"While those Muslims who go on hajj and Umrah every year should be allowed to do so because they are merely exercising their Allah-given fundamental human right of freedom of worship as entrenched in Section 38 (i) & (ii) of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, they should be made to contribute to the Ummah Development Fund.

"Those going on hajj or Umrah for the second, third or more times should be made to pay to the Ummah Development Fund. Anyone repeating hajj should pay 5% of the total cost as his contribution to the UDF while those repeating Umrah should pay 13%.

"Disbursement of UDF should go to the education, health, humanitarian and economic sectors of Nigerian Muslims in this manner : 60% to education (establishment of more Islamic universities); 20% to health (establishment of Muslim hospitals); 10% to humanitarian services (for taking care of Muslim widows, orphans and other vulnerable Muslims) and 10% to investments (building of halal hotels and other businesses).

"However, those who have never performed hajj or Umrah before should be exempted.

Laying more emphasis on his analysis, Akintola asked, "Where are Muslim hospitals? How many Islamic universities are in Nigeria? The total number of universities in Nigeria is 170. Out of this number, the Federal Government has 43, the state governments have 48 and 79 are private universities.

But the real tragedy is that out of the 79 private universities, only six (6) belong to Muslims.
Muslim students are persecuted in those private universities which are owned by non-Muslims. They are forced to attend church services. Female Muslim students are not allowed to use hijab. Muslim students are denied the right to form Islamic associations like MSS. They are not allowed to observe salat as no space is allocated to mosques. Yet Nigerian Muslims continue to snore loud in their sleep. Who did this to Nigerian Muslims?

Akintola also added the Zakat angle to his proposed UDF.

"As at today, only those states practicing Shari'ah are collecting zakat officially. But what of millions of Muslims in the other states?

"I therefore suggest that Muslim communities in those remaining states should organise voluntary payment of zakat to be managed by tested and trusted Muslim leaders in their states. Zakat funds collected in the states should be used in the same manner as those collected on hajj and Umrah.

Akintola lamented the poor condition of Nigerian Muslims.

He said, "Too many Muslims are suffering. Employers of labour discriminate against Muslim job seekers. I am constrained to single out Muslim women whose employability is at the lowest level due to the Islamic dress code of hijab.

"The divinely ordained use of hijab often makes it impossible for Muslim women who use hijab to get jobs. For instance, the army, police, NDLEA, customs, immigrations advertised for recruitments this year (2019) but Muslim women in hijab could not apply.

That is it. What is your candid opinion on this? Or rather, what's going to be your Support on the Proposals.
May Almighty-Allah Allah bestow more of His Blessing on Professor Akintola and his like.

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School of our pride...

ACCA Registration in Nigeria ACCA Registration in Nigeria
Princess Plaza, Block 4, Unit 7, 2, Araromi Street, Off Moloney Street, Obalende
Lagos, 23401

The ACCA qualification is suitable for anyone who aspires to become a professional, with added advantage to earn a degree along side your qualification. So why not join millions of...

Suite 6, Ariket Plaza, 235 Idimu-Ikotun Road
Lagos, 23401

we bring years of experience and industry knowledge to the table.