Diligent Publications Enterprises
For the first time, a book that offers an insight postulation into human agelessness.
The classic, “The Center Held” told out of diligence, is the story of a pastor whose only son got disgruntled because his father did not look after him. And he got to know that it hurts his father when he disdains the Christian’s religious activities and took it as revenge for his forlorn and became a Christian’s disputant and disproved all the theories of theology.
He postulated that the beginning and the end of the bible are lies. He said that the beginning of the bible should be the very first words that God said to man or Adam which is “ I have given you every tree that roots upon which there is an edible fruit that is on the face of the Earth to freely eat as food” and this proved itself to be a lie because the God that made this statement did not approved their eating of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good evil and he did not approved of their eating of the fruit of the tree of life. “why than did he say that he has given them { Every tree that have roots upon which there is an edible fruit that is on the face of the Earth.} He said that the end of the bible from God to Man is what Jesus Christ said before his purported transfiguration: which is, “ All the Powers in heavens above, All the Powers on Earth and All the Powers Underneath below have been given onto me.” Which have proved itself to be a very big lie because since after his transfiguration, a whole lot of tremendous powers have been seen in the marine world, in occultisms, demonic shrines, and in opposing religions and sects. Unless if it is Jesus Christ that is showing all these powers in all these other places even to his own detriment.
He postulated many other disputable biblical theories like {That God sent angels to pursue Adam and Eve out of the garden lest they straight out their hands and plug also the fruit of life and eat live forever ironically this same God latter became so in need of giving man or Adam and Eve the same everlasting life for which he had frustrated them in the garden Eden that he have to send his only begotten son to be sacrificed to achieve what himself had stopped earlier.} And think of it: A God who the only thing he could do when he needed to give man everlasting life was to sacrifice his only begotten son; the bible still tell us that he is omnipotent.” Did sacrificing his only begotten son grudgingly being the only thing he could do not make him helpless?” “ how come that he is omnipotent?”
The bible told us that this God wrote the ten commandments in which he wrote,” thou shall not kill” the same God ordered those he gave the ten commandment to go and kill.
This God wrote in the bible “thou shall not commit fornication or adultery, but he fraternized with, and favored more than anybody else, the man who fornicated more than any other man on earth and the man after his heart was an adulterer and the birth of his only begotten son Jesus Christ on earth was adulterously conceived in the adulterous linage. And pr******te caught on the act was ceremoniously exonerated by the only begotten son of God.
This God wrote in the ten, commandments; “thou shall not steal”. Still this God said in the bible; “can armed robbers come to your house and rob you if I, Jehova God did not send them?”
This God wrote in the ten, commandments; “Love your neighbor as yourself” yet this God said in the bible “Isaw, I hate Jacob I love” even when they were in the womb.
The only begotten son of this God whom he had sent to the earth, to give man everlasting life which he had balefully deny them earlier in the garden said that he had come to give two things, first everlasting life to those who took him as their lord and personal savior and confessed their sins and hell fire to all others. And confessed their sins means those that have committed and all others who have taken the pains and sorrows of the committed sins who might be unforgiving to those that sin against them and unhappy for rewording them with everlasting life all go to hell fire at the judgment of the only begotten son of God. Which means he have come to reword the pains and sorrows of humanity. “If as a human were murdered, and before your death you had pleaded with your intended murderer to please spare your life for the sake of God and your murderer was not moved and he went ahead and murdered you and after murdering you and many others and later accepted Jesus Christ as his lord and personal savior and confessed his sins and never went back to them and you the murdered because you were unforgiving to your murderer and Jesus Christ come and your murderer go to heaven and you go to hell, how will you fill knowing that your murderer went to heaven because he had murdered you and many others?” Bear in mind that if your murderer had not murdered you and many others, his conscience would not have weighed on him though belated that he would have accepted Christ and confessed his sins, just like David killed a man because of his wife and begged God and become the man after God’s heart. Or think of this; “Go and kill --- and spare them not nor show them mercy but kill every man, every woman, every boy, every girl and every {sucking baby}. {As innocent as a baby} “If you are at the receiving end of this order as a {sucking baby} would you not see this order as a devilish order?”
It is baffling how as we can read from the bible, how evil spirits from God could torment people like it tormented Saul and how a God who sends pestilence to torment people could still be describe in the bible as the God of all righteousness.
Read how this disputant who presented all these postulations grew up to an intelligent and an important man and was at the top of his class in the legal profession and read how he was converted to a fanatic born again Christian by his father and abandoned his legal profession for the preaching of the bible and through digesting the bible contents craftily and logically smoothened the rough edges of biblical understanding. And he was the one who made his own postulations undisputable and so won in calculable multitudes to Christianity.
This classic novel has been described by an English Fictions Editor as a very unusual novel that is rewarding to read. And can be read free of charge on all electronic devices, at Amazon kindle stores.
The Holy Bible told the story of the promise of God to Abraham who was living in his fathers house in a town called UR, that He will give him a land flowing with milk and honey and the story said that God told Abraham to leave his father’s house and go and kill the people of the land flowing with milk and honey and possess their land as his possession.
Subsequently, in 1948 this Biblical story inspired the creation of the state of Israel at the expense of Palestine by United Nations Organization.
Then, a whole lot of people were oppressed, suppressed, aggrieved and agitated and for this man was set against each other, there were mechanizations and mar cabers. The bombing of the twin towers in the United States of America and attacks on Israel and hijacking of planes and a whole lot of other turmoil’s are all evils flowing out of this single Holy Bible story.
Then, America and the west feels that there should be no redress or quash, America whose founding fathers make this declarations ("That we hold these views to be self evident that all men are created equal in the eyes of God"). Could not ask themselves if all men are created in the eyes of God, will a man kill a man and possess his land as his possession or read the bible and see that there is a great propensity of a man hearing from God and misunderstand or misinterpret God.
For instants a thousand year is to said to be like a day in the eyes of God, so if God give a man a two day expectation, the man might be banking on the literal two days while God might be talking of two days in Gods eyes, or see it Biblically that God might say something and would not mean it, like God told Abraham to use His son Isaac as a burnt offering to Him when actually He did not mean it. Or see it Biblically, that it is not all the things that God said that are laterally intone with reality.
Like God said to the serpent ("Only thus will you eat all the days of your life") today serpent are carnivorous not literarily intone with what God said or see it Biblically that God can say something or make an order and man can in his own wisdom put one and one together and do otherwise, like God said ("Remember the Sabbath day and keep it Holy") but the Christians in their own wisdom put one and one together and decided that the day they should keep Holy should be Sunday and it have remained that way ever after.
Then why can’t the Christians and the Jews in their own wisdom put one and one together and decide to let the people of Palestine live on their own land and be the owner of their own country at least for the sake of peace after all it is supposed to be a peace loving Religion and people.
Could anybody give any other instance where the Bible story have inspired a decisive United Nations Resolution, "why will the possession of the land of promise be the only thing that God said in the Bible that will be fought by man to be fulfilled in verbatim at all cost.
The God that Promise Abraham the land that is flowing with milk and honey is biblically said to be the same yesterday, today and will forever remain the same. If He promise another friend of His another land, let us say England, a land where river tame flows or Japan the Land of the Orient and tell the so called friend to go and kill the people of England or Japan, and possess their land as his possession, will this inspire a united nations support and creation for another country at the expense of England and Japan, if not why the one that we have at hand now.
The God that promised Abraham the land, told Abraham and Isaac that he will make their decendance as many as all the stars in the heaven and as many as all the sand in the beaches on earth, today the literal reality of this has been ignored and is only dogmatically believe to have come to pass.
Why not do the same to the procession land of promise
This issue is dealt upon in the Reengineering of mortality to immortality, the appendix of Felix Okiyi novel "THE CENTER HELD: A FICTION TOLD OUT OF DELIGENCE" because when a person is matched or trampled upon, naturally the person must feel the pains or humiliations and his mind must be embittered and for man to start the war on Human agelessness, issues like this must be reconciled upon, to remove the massive embitterment of the human mind and the wishes and the perpetuations of death to one another that come out of it.
For man to start the orientation for all Human mind to the innocuous and effort passionate to all other human being, and the Human mind will begin to regulate the manifestations of death that flow out of the massive human mind embitterment towards others created by the above scenario, and the work or research for human agelessness will begin.
Visit https://www.amazon.com/OKIYI-FELIX/e/B0847NBC4W/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_0 to order the 82,182 words eBook of THE CENTER HELD. Very unusual novel that is rewarding to read and the novel that gave man a very interesting aspiration a very good hope. Available for purchase at Amazon kindle stores.
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