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Living well starts with eating well


Your fresh cranberries harvest season is here again

A super fruit with so much medicinal contents capable of treating/reversing many health problems especially prostate issues in men and other urinary tract infections.

You can now order for your 340g pack at a discounted rate and it will be delivered to your doorstep here in Lagos or to any location within the states of Nigeria.



Do you know that recent studies has found that fresh cranberries prevents urinary tract infections/diseases (UTIs) such as prostate problems ?.

You get a high dose of proanthocyanidins (PACs) when you eat cranberries. PACs are antioxidants that prevent UTI-causing bacteria from sticking to your urinary tract walls. They prevent infection.

Fresh cranberries have nutrients that keep you from getting tumors. These nutrients also help slow down the enlargement of existing tumors. People who are predisposed to suffer from prostate problems or from cancers, including breast, liver, colon, and ovarian, develop a stronger immunity to these conditions.

visit our website/call us now for your fresh cranberries

Home 14/03/2020


As coronavirus (COVID-19) has impacted communities around the world, many people have wondered whether there are steps they can take to stay healthy. Everyday preventive measures—such as handwashing, avoiding contact with sick individuals, and good hygiene—can go a long way in reducing your risk for viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens.

But studies have also shown that healthful diet and lifestyle habits can help boost the body’s natural defenses:


Eating a low-fat, plant-based diet may help give the immune system a boost. The immune system relies on white blood cells that produce antibodies to combat bacteria, viruses, and other invaders. Vegetarians have been shown to have more effective white blood cells when compared to nonvegetarians, due to a high intake of vitamins and low intake of fat.

Eating a low-fat diet may also be protective.
Studies have shown that limiting dietary fat helps strengthen immune defenses. Research also shows that oil may impair white blood cell function and that high-fat diets may alter the gut microbiota that aid in immunity.

You can visit for fresh vegetables and fruits

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The vegetables and fruits you consume are always not completely in a healthy state. Unless you are buying 100% organic products or grow them in your own home garden, they are bound to have some amount of pesticide stains on them when you purchase them in the market.

Merely washing them off with tap water is not an optimal solution. Here are a few techniques you can use at home to remove pesticide stains from fruits and vegetables before consumption.

The saltwater solution is one of the best ways to remove pesticides in agricultural products. Dilute two teaspoons of saltwater in four cups of lukewarm water to create a solution. Let the solution cool down. Soak your vegetables and fruits in the solution for at least 30 to 45 minutes. Wash it off with regular water after that. Incase of berries and other fragile fruits, this method might not work out, but vinegar trick (vinegar & water solution) will be good for berries and fragile fruits

Turmeric’s antiseptic qualities are widely known. It is rich in curcumin, which is commonly known to fight against microorganisms. Desolve a teaspoon of turmeric to four cups of warm water. The vegetables should remain soaked in the water for 10 minutes. Rinse off thoroughly with regular water after that to remove the contaminants.

Vinegar can also be used on fruits and vegetables to wash off pesticides. Make a solution with vinegar and water in the ration 1:4. Make sure to soak the fruits and vegetables in the solution for at least 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse the fruits and vegetables thoroughly with regular water.

If soaking seems like a long process, you can also make a spray at home, which consists of natural ingredients that can clear out the pesticides in your fruits and vegetables. Take a cup of water and add two teaspoons of lemon juice and one teaspoon of baking soda and mix it well. Spray it well on your fruits and vegetables until they become damp. Rinse it off with clean water after 5 to 10 minutes.

This is an option that will only be suitable for the consistency of vegetables and not fruits. This is also considered as the best option to remove pesticide stains from vegetables. Boil the water and turn off the heat once it starts bubbling. Wait till the water becomes lukewarm and soak the vegetables for around 8 to 10 minutes in the water.



The risk of cardiovascular diseases has become something that is on the rise. Stressful working hours, unhealthy eating habits, lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle and personal stress are few of the reasons that can become a factor for the induction of cardiovascular diseases.

Eating the right food can always help you stay healthy. Read further to know about a few of the foods which can help you keep your heart healthy.

1. Olive oil
Consuming olive oil is very good for your heart. Olive oil can be considered as one of the healthiest oils of all. Olive oil can reduce the levels of LDL(bad cholesterol) in your body. They also have a lot of monounsaturated fats and antioxidants that are very good for your heart. Extra virgin olive oil is much healthier since it contains a lot of polyphenols. Olive oil can become a natural substitute for your regular cooking oil. They can also be substituted for mayonnaise and other high calories salad dressings.

2. Almonds
Containing minerals like iron, zinc, magnesium and vitamins B17 and E they can be a prominent source of monounsaturated fats. Almonds can be consumed every day but have to be done so in moderated quant**ies. Almonds are known to reduce your risk of heart disease by lowering your cholesterol levels.

3. Apples
Apples have a lot of quercetin in them. Quercetin is a plant flavonol which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps in preventing your body from developing clots in your blood. Apples an easily become a part of your everyday food consumption. You can have one along with your breakfast cereal or slice an apple and make it an alternative for your oil fried crisps.

4. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are a well-known source of vitamin and also a wonderful blood purifier. Consuming tomatoes regularly reduces the risk of heart disease in a person. Being rich in vitamin K, tomatoes can help your body from the occurrence of hemorrhages. Tomatoes can be consumed raw, can go along with salads, can become a part of your sandwich stuffing and be cooked as well.

5.Whole grains
Barley, millet, pulse, wheat and even beans can be very good for your health since they are a prominent and natural source of fiber and several vitamins. Their composition is also made up of magnesium, iron, vitamin E and a variety of antioxidants. Consuming whole grains regularly can also keep your blood pressure down.

6. Soy protein
Soy protein is available in the market in several forms, including soya chunks, soya minces and soybean curd. Soy can become an excellent alternative for red meat. Apart from the good it does, red meat is rich in fats and has a high concentration of cholesterol and saturated fats, which are bad for your health.

7. Oats
Oats have become one of the most popular and healthy options for breakfast nowadays. They make you full very easily, keep you energetic and are also great for your heart’s health. Rich in beta-glucan, a soluble fiber that has the capacity to bring down your bad cholesterol (LDL) and keep your body healthy. Oats are also available in the forms of oatmeal cookies and bread.



If you are looking to follow a healthy eating pattern, drinking lemon extract diluted in warm water first thing in the morning is very good for your health.

It is important that the water is not boiling hot. It is best to use lukewarm water. This combination helps your body in the digestion process when being consumed with lukewarm water rather than cold water.
Make sure the lemon extract is diluted well before consumption. The standard proportion would be to squeeze half a lemon in 250 ml of water.

If you feel the flavor is too strong, there is no concern with adding more water so that the flavor suits you. If you feel you are getting used to the flavor, you can start using lemon in the water you drink throughout the day. Doing so, you might begin to consume more water than usual, which is only healthy for you.


Lemon is a wonderful antioxidant since it contains a lot of vitamin C. Antioxidants are necessary to keep your body functioning in optimum capacity and also to maintain your overall fitness. Hence drinking lemon water will keep you active by giving you more energy.

Lemon juice is a diuretic by nature. Hence consuming it with warm water will help flush out unwanted toxins. They can give you relief from constipation and bloating as well.

Lemon is a citric fruit and by nature, has a lot of citric acid in them. Hence lemon helps in your liver in the production of bile juice and improves your digestion process

Consuming lemon extract with warm water gives you the feeling of being full. This reduces your food consumption and calorie intake, indirectly aiding in weight reduction.

Lemons are one of the prominent alkalizing agents for the human body. Being rich in citric acid they might be acidic basically. But inside the human body, they become alkalic. Once metabolized, the citric acid does not create acidity.
Lemon has both citric acid and ascorbic acid in their composition. They are weak acids and can be easily metabolized by our bodies. Hence the mineral content in them helps alkalize your body. This helps your body from, making your pH level acidic.

Consuming it regularly can keep your breath fresh, relieve gingivitis and tooth pain. If lemon extract is consumed without dilution, its citric acid content can erode the enamel of your teeth. Make sure to properly dilute lemon extract before drinking. You can also rinse your mouth after drinking to be sure.



There is the concept of stress eating and there is the concept of eating food to reduce stress. Both these situations will result in you putting on unnecessary weight. Here are a few foods which can help you in the fight against stress. Since stress and weight gain travel together, these foods can help you reduce weight as well.

Oatmeal is a very important serotonin supplement. The complex carbs in oatmeals will help in soothing your mood. If you are not very fond of oatmeal you can try overnight oatmeal instead. Preparing breakfast the previous night can help you manage your stress level in the morning.

Being an essential source of antioxidants, it is imperative that blueberries become a part of your diet. They help in the production of dopamine which plays a vital role in the process of fighting stress. Not to mention they are delicious too. They can be eaten as whole fruit, topped on yogurt or strained and added to oatmeal. Try the freeze-dried blueberries as an on the go snack.

Seeds are very versatile and can become very helpful if you are looking to bust stress. Chia seeds and flax seeds have a high concentration of omega-3. They can work as wonderful toppers for yogurt, salads and soups.

4. TEA
This is a usual fall back for most of us who go through a lot of stress, every day. Apart from regular tea, you can also look at variants like green tea, black tea and chamomile tea. Chamomile tea is known to reduce the symptoms of anxiety and its effects. Drinking an average of 5 cups of green tea in a day can reduce stress by 20% says a Chinese study. You can always go for decaf if you are looking cut out on caffeine.

Leafy green vegetables have a variety of positive effects on your body. They have a lot of vitamins and folate in them helping in the production of dopamine and serotonin. There are other foods with high folate content which include citrus fruits, garbanzo beans and asparagus.



I have been working closely recently with a few extraordinary nutritional researchers, and I find that the information they have compiled is quite eye opening. Interestingly, what these highly esteemed doctors are saying is just beginning to be understood and accepted, perhaps because what they are saying does not conveniently fit in with or support the multi-billion dollar food industries that profit from our "not knowing".

One thing is for sure: we are getting sicker and more obese than our health care system can handle, and the conventional methods of dealing with disease often have harmful side effects and are ineffective for some patients.

As it is now, one out of every two of us will get cancer or heart disease and die from it - an ugly and painful death as anyone who has witnessed it can attest. And starting in the year 2000, one out of every three children who are born after that year will develop diabetes--a disease that for most sufferers (those with Type 2 diabetes) is largely preventable with lifestyle changes.

This is a rapidly emerging crisis, the seriousness of which I'm not sure we have yet recognized. The good news is, the means to prevent and heal disease seems to be right in front of us; it's in our food. Quite frankly, our food choices can either kill us - which mounting studies say that they are, or they can lift us right out of the disease process and into soaring health.
In the next few months, I will share a series of interviews I've conducted with the preeminent doctors and nutritional researchers in the fields of their respective expertise. And here it is straight out: they are all saying the same thing in different ways and through multiple and varying studies: animal protein seems to greatly contribute to diseases of nearly every type; and a plant-based diet is not only good for our health, but it's also curative of the very serious diseases we face .


On the subject of cancer, I've asked Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Professor Emeritus of Cornell University to explain how cancer happens and what we can do to prevent and reverse it. Dr. Campbell's work is regarded by many as the definitive epidemiological examination of the relationship between diet and disease.

He has received more than 70 grant years of peer-reviewed research funding, much of which was funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), and he has authored more than 300 research papers.

He grew up on a dairy farm believing in the great health value of animal protein in the American diet and set out in his career to investigate how to produce more and better animal protein.

Troublesome to his preconceived hypothesis of the goodness of dairy, Dr. Campbell kept running up against results that consistently proved an emerging and comprehensive truth: that animal protein is disastrous to human health.
Through a variety of experimental study designs, epidemiological evidence, along with observation of real life conditions which had rational biological explanation, Dr. Campbell has made a direct and powerful correlation between cancer (and other chronic diseases and illnesses) and animal protein. Following is a conversation I had with him so that I could better understand the association.

QUESTION: What happens in the body when cancer develops? What is the actual process?

ANSWER: Cancer generally develops over a long period of time, divided into 3 stages, initiation, promotion and progression.

Initiation occurs when chemicals or other agents attack the genes of normal cells to produce genetically modified cells capable of eventually causing cancer. The body generally repairs most such damage but if the cell reproduces itself before it is repaired, its new (daughter) cell retains this genetic damage. This process may occur within minutes and, to some extent, is thought to be occurring most of the time in most of our tissues.

Promotion occurs when the initiated cells continue to replicate themselves and grow into cell masses that eventually will be diagnosed. This is a long growth phase occurring over months or years and is known to be reversible.

Progression occurs when the growing cancer masses invade neighboring tissues and/or break away from the tissue of origin (metastasis) and travel to distant tissues when they are capable of growing independently at which point they are considered to be malignant.

QUESTION: Why do some people get cancer, and other don't? What percentage is genetic, and what percentage has to do with diet?

ANSWER: Although the initiated cells are not considered to be reversible, the cells growing through the promotion stage are usually considered to be reversible, a very exciting concept. This is the stage that especially responds to nutritional factors. For example, the nutrients from animal based foods, especially the protein, promote the development of the cancer whereas the nutrients from plant-based foods, especially the antioxidants, reverse the promotion stage. This is a very promising observation because cancer proceeds forward or backward as a function of the balance of promoting and anti-promoting factors found in the diet, thus consuming anti-promoting plant-based foods tend to keep the cancer from going forward, perhaps even reversing the promotion.
The difference between individuals is almost entirely related to their diet and lifestyle practices.

Although all cancer and other diseases begin with genes, this is not the reason whether or not the disease actually appears. If people do the right thing during the promotion stage, perhaps even during the progression stage, cancer will not appear and if it does, might even be resolved. Most estimates suggest that not more than 2-3 percent of cancers are due entirely to genes; almost all the rest is due to diet and lifestyle factors. Consuming plant based foods offers the best hope of avoiding cancer, perhaps even reversing cancer once it is diagnosed. Believing that cancer is attributed to genes is a fatalistic idea but believing that cancer can be controlled by nutrition is a far more hopeful idea.

QUESTION: You said that initially something attacks the genes, chemicals or other agents; like what?

ANSWER: Cancer, like every other biological event--good or bad--begins with genes. In the case of cancer, gene(s) that give rise to cancer either may be present when we are born or, during our lifetimes, normal genes may be converted into cancer genes by certain highly reactive chemicals (i.e., carcinogens).
Consider 'cancer genes' as seeds that grow into tumor masses only if they are 'fed'. The 'feeding' comes from wrongful nutrition. It's like growing a lawn. We plant seeds but they don't grow into grass (or weeds) unless they are provided water, sunlight and nutrients. So it is with cancer. In reality, we are planting seeds all of our lifetime although some may be present at birth, not only for cancer but also for other events as well. But this mostly does not matter unless we 'nourish' their growth.

The chemicals that create these cancer genes are called 'carcinogens'. Most carcinogens of years past have been those that attack normal genes to give cancer genes. These are initiating carcinogens, or initiators. But more recently, carcinogens also may be those that promote cancer growth. They are promoting carcinogens, or promoters.
Our work showed that casein is the most relevant cancer promoter ever discovered.
Aside from chemicals initiating or promoting cancer, other agents such as cosmic rays (energetic particles) from the sun or from the outer reaches of space may impact our genes to cause them to change (i.e., mutate) so that they could give rise to cancer 'seeds'. The most important point to consider is that we cannot do much about preventing initiation but we can do a lot about preventing promotion. The initiating idea is fatalistic and outside of our control but the promotion idea is hopeful because we can change our exposure to promoting agents and reverse the cancer process, thus is within our control.

QUESTION: What exactly is so bad about animal protein?

ANSWER: I don't choose the word "exactly" because it suggests something very specific. Rather, casein causes a broad spectrum of adverse effects.
Among other fundamental effects, it makes the body more acidic, alters the mix of hormones and modifies important enzyme activities, each of which can cause a broad array of more specific effects. One of these effects is its ability to promote cancer growth (by operating on key enzyme systems, by increasing hormone growth factors and by modifying the tissue acidity). Another is its ability to increase blood cholesterol (by modifying enzyme activities) and to enhance atherogenesis, which is the early stage of cardiovascular disease.
And finally, although these are casein-specific effects, it should be noted that other animal-based proteins are likely to have the same effect as casein.

QUESTION: Ok, so I am clear that it's wise to avoid casein, which is intrinsic in dairy (milk and cheese), but how is other animal protein, such as chicken, steak, or pork, implicated in the cause and growth of cancer?

ANSWER: I would first say that casein is not just "intrinsic" but IS THE MAIN PROTEIN OF COW MILK, REPRESENTING ABOUT 87% OF THE MILK PROTEIN.

The biochemical systems which underlie the adverse effects of casein are also common to other animal-based proteins. Also, the amino acid composition of casein, which is the characteristic primarily responsible for its property, is similar to most other animal-based proteins. They all have what we call high 'biological value', in comparison, for example, with plant-based proteins, which is why animal protein promotes cancer growth and plant protein doesn't.

QUESTION: Isn't anything in moderation ok, as long as we don't overdo it?

ANSWER: I rather like the expression told by my friend, Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr., MD, the Cleveland Clinic surgeon who reversed heart disease and who says, "Moderation kills!" I prefer to go the whole way, not because we have fool-proof evidence showing that 100% is better than, say, 95% for every single person for every single condition but that it is easier to avoid straying off on an excursion that too often becomes a slippery slope back to our old ways. Moreover, going the whole way allows us to adapt to new unrealized tastes and to rid ourselves of some old addictions. And finally, moderation often means very different things for different people.

QUESTION: Are you saying that if one changes their diet from animal based protein to plant-based protein that the disease process of cancer can be halted and reversed?

ANSWER: Yes, this is what our experimental research shows. I also have become aware of many anecdotal claims by people who have said that their switch to a plant-based diet stopped even reversed (cured?) their disease. One study on melanoma has been published in the peer-reviewed literature that shows convincing evidence that cancer progression is substantially halted with this diet.

QUESTION: How long does it take to see changes?

ANSWER: It is not clear because carefully designed research in humans has not been done. However, we demonstrated and published findings showing that experimental progression of disease is at least suspended, even reversed, when tumors are clearly present.

QUESTION: Consider a person who has been eating poorly his whole life; is there still hope that a dietary change can make a big difference? Or is everything already in motion?

ANSWER: Yes, a variety of evidence shows that cancers and non-cancers alike can be stopped even after consuming a poor diet earlier in life. This effect is equivalent to treatment, a very exciting concept.

QUESTION: This is sounding like it's a cure for cancer; is that the case?

ANSWER: Yes. The problem in this area of medicine is that traditional doctors are so focused on the use of targeted therapies (chemo, surgery, radiation) that they refuse to even acknowledge the use of therapies like nutrition and are loathe to even want to do proper research in this area. So, in spite of the considerable evidence--theoretical and practical--to support a beneficial nutritional effect, every effort will be made to discredit it. It's a self-serving motive.

QUESTION: What else do you recommend one does to avoid, stop, or reverse cancer?

ANSWER: A good diet, when coupled with other health promoting activities like exercise, adequate fresh air and sunlight, good water and sleep, will be more beneficial. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.


Cranberry's season of harvest is approaching, prepare to buy in bulk and keep for longer when it's out of season



Asthma is a condition which causes difficulty in breathing. It occurs whenever there is an obstruction in the flow of air to your lungs. It is usually the result of air pollution, weather condition, respiratory infections, food allergies and in certain cases even when your system does not accept specific kind of medication.

There are several medical treatments for asthma. There are also natural remedies for asthma that can provide relief if followed regularly:

1. Mustard oil
A combination of mustard oil and camphor is a good solution for asthma treatment. Apply the mixture all over your chest and massage it well until you feel some relief. Heating the oil a little bit will transfer the warmth in your body and make sure you get quick relief.

2. Eucalyptus oil
Eucalyptus oil can come in very handy when it comes to helping with asthma. Pour a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil in boiling water and inhale its steam for some relief. This technique helps clear any blockage in your nasal track and makes it easy for air to pass to and fro.

3. Ginger
It does not come as a surprise when ginger is proclaimed as a superfood. It has several health benefits. It is also very effective against asthma. Create a solution with equal quant**ies of ginger, honey and pomegranate. Drink it twice or thrice a day on a regular basis.

4. Omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids can be beneficial while it comes to maintaining inflammatory conditions. In addition to asthma, it also helps in treating a wide variety of conditions which include depression, seasonal affective disorder and heart disease to name a few.

5. Evening primrose oil
Primrose oil has a lot of fatty acids (GLA) which give a positive inflammatory effect on your body. It is part of traditional asthma treatment in several cultures.

6. Figs
Figs are also one of the most effective home remedies against asthma. They can even be considered to be the best. Soak the figs in water and leave them overnight. Eat the figs in the morning and drink the residual liquid as well.



Hypertension has become a very common disorder. But it mostly goes unnoticed since its symptoms which include buzzing in ears, confusion and occasional headache are usually mistaken for symptoms of general weakness. Once you cross your 20s get into the practice of monitoring your BP regularly to avoid this. Timely detection and action against such disorders can avoid dangerous consequences later. Here are a few steps using which you can keep hypertension at bay.

1. Exercise
Make sure to work out every day for around 45 minutes to one hour. It does not have to be heavy and muscle crunching. Make sure to stretch all your muscles and burn excess fat.

2. Manage stress
Stress is one of the very important risk factors that increase your blood pressure. It is necessary for you to keep your stress levels in check. Do not hesitate to meet a stress management consultant if you feel that you can’t handle the stress.

3. Quit smoking
Smoking is a risk factor for many other diseases including hypertension and avoiding it can save your life. It should be stopped completely. Avoiding smoking as a whole can take away a huge factor of risk form your life. Smoking can cause several health problems apart from hypertension. Avoid smoking completely to lead a healthy life.

4. Avoid alcohol
Increased consumption of alcohol can result in hypertension. It is advisable to avoid alcohol as a whole. If not at least make it a point to limit to not more than two drinks in a day.

5. Keep your BMI (Body Mass Index) at 20-25
Keeping your weight in check is very important. Maintaining a healthy weight by following a regular diet and exercise will come in very handy while managing hypertension. For a healthy weight make sure you maintain your BMI between 20 and 25. Apart from hypertension, obesity can be a risk factor for heart disease and diabetes.

In addition to following lifestyle changes, it is imperative that you follow your regular prescribed medication and go for regular checkups with your physician if you are a patient already suffering from hypertension. If not monitored and treated regularly hypertension can affect the kidney, brain, eyes and the heart

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