
▪️shotwithmcc | MWM
▪️Brand Strategist
▪️Artist Developer
▪️Creative Director
▪️Event Producer Mcc is the founder of multi-platinum company shotwithmcc

Mcc (Michael Chibike Collins) is a multi-talented creative who's versed in diverse areas. Mcc has worked both locally and internationally with notable individuals across the globe. he started his journey as a singer before venturing into film making and photography and with time was able to structure and blend them both.


He who does not understand your silence will probably not understand your words.

📸: Shotwithmcc


Serving is a pivotal aspect of personal and professional development, often underestimated in its transformative power. It is a unique opportunity to learn, contribute, and shape one's character on the journey toward becoming a capable leader.

At its essence, serving under someone involves humility and a willingness to take on roles that may not always be in the spotlight. This experience fosters a profound understanding of teamwork, where success is a collective effort and individual contributions, no matter how seemingly small, contribute to a larger goal.

Learning to serve under someone provides a firsthand education in leadership dynamics. Observing how leaders make decisions, handle challenges, and inspire teams offers invaluable lessons. It lays the foundation for developing strong leadership skills, instilling the ability to guide and inspire others when stepping into a leadership role.
Moreover, serving under someone cultivates a sense of accountability and responsibility. Recognizing the impact of one's actions on the overall team or organization fosters a conscientious mindset. This experience becomes crucial for building character, emphasizing the importance of integrity, reliability, and a strong work ethic.

Additionally, serving under someone often opens doors to mentorship and guidance. Seasoned leaders can provide insights, advice, and knowledge beyond textbooks and manuals. The mentorship aspect of serving under someone is a symbiotic relationship where both mentor and mentee grow through shared experiences and wisdom.

The importance of serving is not solely confined to professional settings. It also extends to personal growth, teaching valuable life skills such as communication, adaptability, and resilience. These qualities become the building blocks for success in various aspects of life.

In conclusion, serving is not merely a subordinate role but a transformative journey that molds individuals into influential leaders. The lessons learned through this experience lay the groundwork for a future where one can lead with empathy, inspire with purpose, and understand the profound impact of serving others on the path to success.


It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.


The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.
Cheers to a wonderful year.


You must be the change you wish to see in the world.


Turn up tonight 📍



I've journeyed through pain, love, highs, and lows, yet I’m still here, witnessing a new day.
I don't claim to be more special than those who didn't, but I recognize I'm truly blessed.

Happy Birthday, Chibike.

📸: Shotwithmcc


In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, consumers find themselves caught in a seemingly endless cycle of yearly product releases. While tech companies present these upgrades as revolutionary advancements, the reality often reveals a cleverly disguised scheme that leaves wallets lighter and dissatisfaction lingering.

One primary tactic employed is the artificial obsolescence of devices. By releasing incremental updates and rendering older models incompatible with new software, tech giants force consumers into a perpetual cycle of upgrades. This strategy generates immense profits and fuels a culture of disposability, contributing to electronic waste.

Furthermore, the marketing hype surrounding yearly releases creates a sense of urgency and FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) among consumers. The allure of cutting-edge features and enhanced performance convinces many to succumb to the pressure of upgrading, even when their current devices may still be perfectly functional.

Financially, the cost of yearly tech upgrades adds up significantly over time. Consumers find themselves locked into a cycle where pursuing the latest and greatest becomes a costly habit. The economic impact is profound, as individuals and families allocate substantial portions of their budgets to staying current with the rapid pace of technological evolution.
In response, some consumers question the necessity of yearly upgrades and seek alternatives, such as holding onto devices for longer periods or exploring more sustainable tech options. Additionally, there is a growing demand for increased transparency from tech companies regarding their products' longevity and environmental impact.

In conclusion, the yearly tech product cycle may not be as benevolent as it appears. Behind the glossy presentations and cutting-edge features lies a well-crafted strategy to keep consumers on a perpetual upgrade treadmill. As awareness grows, so does the need for a shift in consumer mindset and a call for greater accountability within the tech industry.


In a shanty town where dreams were considered a myth and success was merely a tale for children, a young musician named Imole lived. He had a deep passion for music, and despite living in a dreamless world, he harbored the dream of becoming a star and spreading his music across the globe.

Imole had a dear friend named Mcc, who had achieved modest success in the music industry over the years. He was ready to introduce his friend Imole to a record label owner he had recently met.

At that time, the country was gearing up for a presidential election, and a particular presidential candidate had ties to the same record label owner. This record label owner also controlled a gang of thugs, which he intended to use to intimidate people, dissuading them from voting on Election Day and fueling tribal divisions among the population.

Unaware of the nefarious dealings of the record label owner, Mcc introduced Imole to him out of kindness, not realizing the danger he was placing his friend in. Imole, brimming with excitement and innocence, played his songs for the label owner, securing a record deal without bothering to read or have a lawyer review the contract.

Curious about Imole's haste in signing the contract, Mcc questioned him. Imole responded that someone with nothing to their name had nothing to lose, even if they were cheated. However, Mcc warned him to be cautious, sensing something ominous about the label owner.

Months later, following a highly divisive presidential election marked by tribal conflicts orchestrated by corrupt politicians, the candidate connected to the record label owner illegitimately claimed victory. The system was riddled with corruption and lacked accountability.

Imole's life took a dark turn. He was coerced into drug use by his record label and had transformed from the hopeful young boy from the shanty town into a shadow of his former self.

Over time, Imole's situation deteriorated further. The label tried to force him into taking a blood oath to protect their secrets, revealing themselves as a drug cartel masquerading as a record label. Imole refused, clinging to his principles. He witnessed other artists succumbing to the oath out of fear and desperation, unknowingly setting himself on a dangerous path.

Imole's days became filled with oppression and bullying. Anxiety and depression are his constant companions. His former label sent thugs to torment him relentlessly, making him a target and a plaything for his oppressors. Despite eventually terminating his contract with the label after prolonged battles, they hounded him. They stripped him of everything, paying media outlets to tarnish his image, even turning former friends against him.

One fateful night, Imole went live on social media, crying out that his life was in danger and that his former record label boss was after him. Sadly, his pleas were ignored, as people dismissed him as a drug addict suffering from substance abuse, as his former label had portrayed him in the news. Imole felt utterly alone, with only Mcc publicly supporting his claims despite facing threats to his safety.

After months of running and trying to pursue his music in peace, battling anxiety and hypertension, Imole collapsed after performing one of his famous songs on stage. He was declared dead on arrival at the hospital, leaving a wife and son behind.

Upon learning of Imole's tragic story, people were shocked by the pain he endured. They regretted not believing his cries for help when he needed it. Imole's story stirred public outrage, leading to demands for the arrest of the record label owner. He faced cancellation and a loss of followers on social media as a form of protest. Justice was sought for all that Imole had suffered, but people quickly forgot how they had been manipulated into supporting a corrupt government under the guise of tribalism, crying for justice in a system that had none. Imole's death, however, united the people and gave them a voice, leading to the hashtag .

Imole's story is a tragic yet powerful reminder of the challenges many face in pursuing their dreams and the importance of staying true to one's values. It's heart-wrenching to see how he was ensnared by a corrupt record label and its impact on his life. His friend Mcc's support and his ultimate sacrifice for justice are a beacon of hope and solidarity. The hashtag symbolizes the need for accountability and justice in a world where manipulation and corruption can thrive. It's a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of collective action in the face of adversity.

As the people protested for justice, Imole became a beacon of hope, uniting them as they sought justice while spreading those Stories of Mcc.


You cannot heal a broken person from a place of pain.


When a man learns to feel love. He must also bear the risk of feeling hate.


On this edition of Anything with Mcc Live I and Dash Hudson discussed the topic: Battling and Surviving Mental Health Issues.

Mental health issues are a pressing concern in today's fast-paced world. They affect individuals of all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life. While society has made strides in reducing stigma and increasing awareness, much work must be done to support those grappling with these challenges.

Mental health issues encompass various conditions, from anxiety and depression to bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. They are not limited to any one demographic; anyone can be affected. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, depression alone affects over 264 million people worldwide.
Mental health issues don't just affect an individual's mind; they can impact every aspect of life. Relationships, work, and physical health can all suffer when mental health is neglected. It's a silent battle that often goes unnoticed, making it crucial to raise awareness.
The ongoing destigmatization campaign is one of the most significant strides in mental health. People are becoming more open about their struggles, and society is increasingly understanding and empathetic. Celebrities and public figures sharing their experiences have played a role in normalizing these conversations.
Recognizing the signs and symptoms of mental health issues is a crucial first step. Feelings of sadness, hopelessness, anxiety, or extreme mood swings that persist should not be ignored. Seeking professional help, such as therapy or counseling, can be a game-changer. Medication may also be prescribed when necessary.
In addition to professional help, self-care is a fundamental aspect of mental health maintenance. This includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, adequate sleep, and relaxation techniques like meditation. Engaging in hobbies, spending time with loved ones, and setting boundaries in personal and professional life are equally important.
Community support groups and online forums have become valuable resources for those dealing with mental health issues. Connecting with others who understand the challenges can provide a sense of belonging and encouragement.
It's important to remember that mental health is interconnected with physical health. A holistic approach to well-being is vital, where mental and physical health are given equal attention. Regular check-ups with healthcare professionals can ensure that any underlying physical conditions are identified and addressed.
Mental health issues are not a sign of weakness, and seeking help is an act of strength. It's a journey towards self-discovery, self-acceptance, and a better quality of life. As a society, we are responsible for supporting and advocating for mental health awareness and access to care. Doing so can foster a world where everyone feels empowered to care for their mental health without fear or judgment.


Growing up is a wild ride. We learn, we make mistakes, and we keep evolving.


I’ve got my eyes on you. You’re everything that I see.


Time is an intangible but invaluable resource that shapes every facet of our lives. It's the constant ticking of the clock that orchestrates our daily routines, ambitions, and aspirations. In a world that constantly demands our attention, understanding the importance of time is paramount.

Time is fleeting, yet it holds the power to mold destinies. It serves as a reminder that every moment is a fleeting opportunity, urging us to make the most of what we have. Managing our time often determines our productivity, success, and overall satisfaction.

One of the most significant aspects of time is its irreversibility. Once a moment passes, it can never be reclaimed. This reality adds a sense of urgency to our decisions and actions. Recognizing the value of time encourages us to prioritize what truly matters, to set goals, and to work persistently towards them.
The concept of time extends beyond personal lives; it's crucial in the larger scope of history and progress. Innovations, discoveries, and societal shifts are all markers of the passage of time. History shows that civilizations rise and fall, and their perception of time often influences their legacies.

In a fast-paced world, mindfulness about time promotes healthier living. Balancing work, leisure, and self-care becomes more achievable when we understand the finite nature of time. This awareness aids in preventing burnout, nurturing relationships, and fostering personal growth.

In conclusion, the importance of time is immeasurable. The thread weaves our experiences, accomplishments, and memories together. Embracing time's value empowers us to lead purposeful lives, make informed decisions, and leave a lasting impact. As the seconds tick away, let us seize the opportunities presented by each passing moment and use them to create a life of significance and fulfillment.


It’s another edition of Anything With Mcc Live coming up this Sunday.

In this edition, we will discuss on the topic: the Scam Of Yearly Phones And Other Tech Products.

Meet Iziokhai Benjamin, a tech lover interested in smartphone technology. He owns a gadgets store selling phones and a creator's page where he shares valuable tips on getting the best out of your smartphones and more.
Join us this Tomorrow for an exciting conversation.


You cannot advise evil from good until you’ve experienced evil yourself.


I like when money makes a difference but don’t make you different.


Relationship Coach Hubert Sugira Joins me on this episode as we discuss if marriage is still a relevant institution in the 21st century.

In the 21st century, the relevance of marriage is a nuanced and multifaceted issue. While traditional values and benefits persist, they coexist with evolving attitudes toward personal autonomy and relationship dynamics. Marriage's continued significance lies in its ability to adapt to the changing needs of individuals and society. Whether as a symbol of enduring love, a legal contract, or a platform for social connection, marriage remains a relevant institution, albeit one that must navigate the complexities of our rapidly transforming world.

Enjoy this Amazing Session


Familiarity brings a lack of discipline.


Once upon a time, in the small town of Afor Ogbe Imo State, there lived a man named Mcc. He was known for his charismatic personality and kind heart. Mcc's heart, however, belonged to a woman named Oluchi. Their love story had blossomed amidst the tranquil beauty of the town, captivating the hearts of everyone who witnessed it.

Mcc and Oluchi shared countless moments of joy and laughter, promising each other a happy future. They dreamed of building a life together, supporting each other through thick and thin. But little did Mcc know that fate had a different plan for him.

As time went by, whispers of a mysterious stranger reached the ears of the townsfolk. This stranger, known as Victor, an European, possessed an enchanting allure that caught Oluchi's attention. Intrigued by his charisma, Oluchi was drawn towards Victor, slowly drifting away from the love she once shared with Mcc.

Unaware of Oluchi's growing affection for Victor, Mcc continued to pour his heart into their relationship. However, subtle changes in Oluchi's behavior did not escape his keen observation. He felt a sense of unease creeping into his heart, a foreboding sign of something amiss.

One fateful evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Mcc decided to surprise Oluchi with a romantic dinner at their favorite spot by the river. He meticulously prepared her favorite dishes and arranged everything with love. Yet, when Oluchi arrived, her eyes were filled with a coldness Mcc had never seen before.

With trembling words, Oluchi confessed her newfound love for Victor the European. She spoke of the deep connection they shared and the promises of a future that beckoned her. Mcc stood there, his heart shattered into a million pieces, struggling to comprehend the betrayal that had befallen him.

Tears streamed down Mcc's face as he realized that the love he had nurtured so dearly had slipped away. The pain seared through his soul, leaving scars that would take time to heal. At that moment, Mcc found himself facing a crossroads, where the path of love he had traveled so far abruptly ended.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, as Mcc embarked on a journey of self-discovery and healing. He found solace in the embrace of friends and family, who reminded him of the love still surrounding him. Gradually, Mcc's heart began to mend, even though the memory of the betrayal would forever linger within him.

Through his journey, Mcc learned that sometimes, love could be a double-edged sword. It had the power to lift one to the heavens but could also plunge them into the depths of despair. Yet, despite his pain, Mcc never lost faith in love. He believed that one day, he would find a love that would indeed be his, built on trust, loyalty, and the shared commitment to nurturing each other's hearts. And with this hope, Mcc moved forward, ready to embrace a new chapter in his life, forever changed by the sting of betrayal, yet resilient and open to the infinite possibilities that awaited him. Moving around with assured hope, telling these stories of Mcc


Life is short, and the weekend is even shorter. So, make the most of it and enjoy every moment.

Photos from Mcc's post 26/06/2023

I’ve been through pains, I’ve been through tears, I’ve been through things that brought me shame. But I’m happy to still have things that brings me happiness and joy even when so many never thought I’ll be here.


Female social media influencers demonstrate to the next generation that they can achieve new heights regardless of gender or background through motivating postings and tales.
We are witnessing these amazing women use their voices and platforms to share stories of resilience, creativity, and ambition. From entrepreneurs to activists to athletes and beyond, they set an excellent example for the next generation of female leaders. No matter where you look, there's no shortage of female influencers ready to help spark your inner entrepreneurial spirit. Though is all this true for every female influencer. Watch this episode of Anything with Mcc for answers.


A good death only comes after a good life.
No one is ever innocent when there’s war.


Welcome to another edition of Anything with Mcc
on this topic, Uganda dancer Roy joins us to discuss the relevance of dance in the entertainment sector.

Dance is still relevant because it provides a unique and powerful way to express oneself, connect with others, and engage with culture. It can tell stories, convey emotions, and celebrate traditions. Additionally, it has numerous physical and mental health benefits, including improved coordination, strength, flexibility, and mood. Whether in a professional setting or just for fun, dance is integral to the human experience.

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Videos (show all)

Stories Of Mcc (25 Letters To Mcc) Part.         On the third year, I traveled to London waiting for you. I thought you ...
Stories Of Mcc (25 Letters To Mcc) Part 1Written by: @withmcc Narrated by: @thechichiofficial Dear MccMy name is... um, ...
The importance of serving is not solely confined to professional settings. It also extends to personal growth, teaching ...
Learning to serve under someone provides a firsthand education in leadership dynamics. Observing how leaders make decisi...
Serving is a pivotal aspect of personal and professional development, often underestimated in its transformative power. ...
Serving is a pivotal aspect of personal and professional development, often underestimated in its transformative power. ...
The Act Of Serving
Stories Of Mcc (Love in Toxicity) Part 2.     Despite the turmoil they caused each other, they couldn’t deny the intensi...
In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, consumers find themselves caught in a seemingly endless cycle of yearly pr...
Anything with Mcc Live (The Scam Of Yearly Phones And Other Tech Products)
Note this story is a product of fiction, inspired by the experiences around us.In a shanty town where dreams were consid...
Boy From A Dreamless World





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