Samkhya - Ayurveda & Wellness

Samkhya - Ayurveda & Wellness

Samkhaya means the “realization of truth” & describes my journey. Let me help you discover the “truth” about your body and lead you to wellness.

Style Story is a premium denim store in Victoria Island who combines the passion for fashion with a wellness lifestyle of fitness and health


Understanding how to heal our bodies from trauma

The word trauma suggests a big incident: a car accident, a complicated surgery, a death, a broken marriage, physical abuse or some such other event.
However, trauma is now recognised as any incident that has impacted one’s life in a negative way.
Trauma is often not released, and when not addressed gets stored in different parts of our bodies, often causing illness, pain and disease.
Each of us has incidents in which we have been traumatised – most of which started in our early childhood, usually between the ages of 0 and 8 years.
Without us even realising, that trauma is then stored in the cells of our bodies and causes ‘triggers’ in us which can sometimes cause unexpected reactions in our daily lives.

So, how do we address these triggers to avoid adverse reactions?
We need to get to the root of where it all started … through methods such as body regulation, inner child healing, root cause therapy and possibly a little love and being in a safe space.
To experience optimal physical and emotional well being, we need to start a release process.

If you’d like to learn how to address the issues that are stored in your body, please contact me for an informative discussion on how we will work to free your body and mind from the inbuilt traumas and reshape your thinking, relationships and the quality of your life today.

Please reach out to me if you are ready for this change in your life



Understanding your dosha can provide valuable insights into getting the quality and quantity of sleep you need in order to shine!

Vata: Vata sleep is often light and highly variable owing to the movement and changeability of vata energy in the mind (racing thoughts) and body (heightened sensitivity). As a result, vatas tend to average between 4 to 7 hours of sleep per night.

Pitta: Pitta sleep is moderate, meaning most pittas sleep pretty well. If they wake up during the night, they'll most often have no problems getting back to sleep. Your average pitta gets somewhere between 5 to 8 hours of sleep per night.

Kapha: Kapha is the king of sleep. They will sleep deeply, undisturbed, and for longer periods than the other two doshas. Most kaphas are likely to do over 8 hours of sleep each night if you let ‘em!

Photos from Samkhya - Ayurveda & Wellness's post 27/10/2021

Cold and flu season can hit like a tidal wave; when one person begins feeling unwell, you know that more cases are likely on the way! The good news is that our homes and kitchen cupboards may just hold the secret to beating the bugs this season.

I’m unpacking some of our favorite cold and flu herbs, herbal recipes, and preventative tips! One of the greatest and most go to remedy I’ve been introduced to since my childhood is taking steam with my beloved eucalyptus oil. Steam helps melt any nose and ear blockages that form during flu. Another simple yet significant factor is hydration by consuming lots and lots of water. Infuse at least three litres of water in your diet every day. Boxing the flu away with my super champion headache tincture by white horse!

The best way to deal with any illness is to wipe it off from the very root of it! Salt water gargles are the magical wand you need to undo the flu spell! Salt water gargles with 3-4 drops iodine drops work like magical to help reduce the congestion in our throat and chest when suffering from flu!

Lastly my ace remedy for instant relief during flu is vicks! Application of vicks will instantly witness a little ease in the symptoms if flu!

These are some quick-fix go to cures that I follow when I’m suffering from flu! Comment below with steps you follow to say goodbye to flu👇🏻



Ayurveda believes menopause comes with it’s own clauses. Digging deeper into this topic i’ve realised the menopause phase mostly should be moulded around self-care and relaxation! Sometimes when you refuse to give your body the love that your body requires nature kicks back in it’s own way to help you do that!
In the quest to ease out the effects of menopause, the key is to accept that your body is in a transformation phase! There will be many changes, to ease out which here’s my guide about ways to ease out the trauma of a menopause with a coating of Ayurveda on it to walk you through it with this phase more comfort! 💫

Photos from Samkhya - Ayurveda & Wellness's post 22/10/2021

Our Goodness Guru is glowing with joy and happiness due to the immense benefits that he has. Swoop in a spoon of warm ghee into your diet every morning like I do to absorb the goodness of ghee in all it’s essence. Ghee is my butter half in life, since i’ve chosen my path towards Ayurveda. The king of healthy ingredients the perfectly fits in all the foods, whether you consume a spoon all by itself or pour some on your khichadi and other foods!
Ghee is the showstopper ingredient in my diet as it helps build ojas, and as they say a healthy ojas is a kickstarter for a strong immunity system! Keeping my active life in mind my joints and muscles need the right amount of lubrication that ghee provides.
Ghee is the secret to my ravishing skin glow, oh ghee you make me blush!
Eliminating toxins from the body and helping reduce constipation are two more unique qualities of my ghee.
Lastly it helps with improve blood circulation and healing my body with speedy cell rejuvenation.

Smoothen you life and body with a pinch of greasing from my star showstopper Goodness Guru Ghee now!
Comment below the ways in with you add ghee to your diet🥣


An important part of teaching your kids to become adventurous eaters and staving off that pesky picky eating is to add spices to your children’s food. Why? Well, an obvious reason is that food with flavor tastes better, but it also has so many health benefits!

There is really no reason why you should wait to add spices to your children’s foods! Yes, that means you can add it to your baby’s food as well! The only thing to remember is that you still need to do the 4 day wait rule when introducing new foods, and that includes spices and herbs as well.
Swooping in Cinnamon, Cardamom, Turmeric, Ginger and Tulsi enriches the food further more supplying the additional benefits that are necessary for a child’s growth.
Turmeric has its command of soldiers ready to increase immunity, by fighting with diseases, inflammation and cancer. It contains an element called curcumin which is an exceptional antioxidant aiding in fighting with oxidate damage along with boosting body’s own antioxidant enzymes.

Cinnamon remarkably consists of medicinal properties given that it contains a compound called cinnamaldehyde. Cinnamon mostly importantly branches out it’s benefits in three areas being acting as antioxidant and inflammatory. Secondly, reducing cholesterol. Lastly it helps in balancing blood sugar levels.

Tulsi acts as a accelerator of boosting immunity system in the body! It increases immune cells in the blood. Tulsi is another contributor in reducing blood sugar level. Anxious? Keep a tulsi leaf for a while in your mouth and experience the magic.

Ginger woman to the rescue with it’s magical properties to treat nausea, morning sickness and sea sickness. Ginger also help in reducing the pain. A study also claims, 2 grams of ginger extract per day decreased markers for colon inflammation in the same way as aspirin.

Cardamom with its super powers has the ability to aid digestive system to relieve from any pain or discomfort, nausea and bloating!

Comment below the spices you love to make your kids indulge in🙌🏻



I believe this phase is one to cherish in itself for every woman as it signifies the nourishment and nurturing for us after the enriching menstrual journey we go through. To be able to compress the effects of menopause the key is to give our body that attention and care that it requires in this phase. Going in conflict with the nature of our body, not being able to listen to the needs of our body would only cause counter effects. In all it’s essence every phase of a woman’s body is unique, we must embrace the beauty of it without tampering with the timeline or needs of that phase. Indulgence of any artificial pills, unnatural substances can lead to longterm complications during menopause.

A lot of woman in today’s time are juggling with a block of stress, anxiety that in some way cripples in with the way their body and health is. This also causes early menopause for a lot of women. The boundary line to be drawn here is to know when to take a seat back and let your uterus breath and exhale an air of happiness and good health. Let your emotions have a positive impact on your menopause. Good-food, Generous rest, Glowing happy face and Giving love to your body are the 4G’s to sail through your menopause phase. Breakthrough all the stigma’s and myths that overshadow the voice of your body and it’s needs. 💫

Photos from Samkhya - Ayurveda & Wellness's post 16/10/2021

Some like it hot, some don’t.
Spicy (aka pungent) foods can be very beneficial for some and aggravating for others!

A little spice in food and drink can bring enthusiasm, vitality, clarity, and strength. It is said to lead to inquiry, insight, and a boost in concentration, helping the mind focus and increase determination. These qualities are especially beneficial for both vata and kapha dominant people. Since these qualities are inherent in the fire type of pitta dosha, they can actually lead to more intensity, irritability, competitiveness, and anger. That doesn’t mean fire types can’t enjoy and even benefit from a little pungent taste now and then, but they should practice awareness of their overall health and moderation, as always,or at least have antidotes handy.

Let me know if any Pittas want to know the antidotes for eating spicy foods. 🌶



As the flag bearer of Ayurvedic treatments I believe that menopause can be dealt with, with some basic yet manageable Ayurvedic remedies and treatments.

Paving the way for your last period, women witness mood swings, discomfort, too much heat in the body. Streamlining the effects of menopause, treatments can be tailor made for each individual based on the symptoms they are facing. Some may experience high levels of irritation and heat in the body. A treatment can be navigated around these symptoms with a blend of dietary guidelines, herbal supplements, yoga and detox programmes.

Photos from Samkhya - Ayurveda & Wellness's post 13/10/2021

My imagination automatically leans back into the days when my grandmother oiled my hair with a massage as soon as I think about oiling! Oiling the hair has been a critical part of my childhood, however my grandmother always believed in oiling in moderation. I have shaped a new outlook towards oiling with certain criteria that I feel are necessary when keeping the good quality of hair in mind.

The nature of oil is very heavy and unctuous. Oil overweighs the scalp making it heavier for the scalp to carry. When the scalp isn’t nicely nourished the roots tend to be weaker and too much oiling in the phase cause lead to more hair-fall. The hair tend to slip out of the shaft due to excessive lubrication from the oil.

I’ve always been of the thought that oiling is good for the hair growth but we often overshadow the idea of overdoing it. Our hair maybe damp and dry due lack of sleep, nourishment and stress. Over application of any chemicals, oils, heat for styling may further drop the quality of the hair.
It’s ideal to first strength the scalp. 💆‍♀️💆🏻‍♂️



You can fly only when you believe in the power of your wings! Nothing can outweigh the priceless value of your mental health. Nothing that drains you or affects you negatively is meant to be in your life!

I am a strong believer of self-love; you owe yourself the love that you’re willing to offer others. I make myself my first priority and urge you to love yourself like no one ever has.

Today is World Mental Health Day. I encourage all of you to indulge in at least one activity that makes you happy, do it for yourself and the child in you and tell me what it is in the comments! I'd love to hear them!

Happy World Mental Health Day🕊


KEEPING YOUR BRAIN YOUNG WITH MUSIC If you want to firm up your body, head to the gym. If you want to exercise your brain, listen to music! It provides a total brain workout! Research has shown that listening to music can reduce anxiety, blood pressure, and pain as well as improve sleep quality, mood, mental alertness, and memory! Tell me that one song that gets your feet moving and your brain dancing! But on a total side note: when I was in school, I had a friend who used to always sing while spelling words, meaning she would actually make a song out of the alphabets to remember the spelling. I always wondered why. Music helps because it provides a rhythm and rhyme and sometimes alliteration which helps to unlock that information with cues.

Photos from Samkhya - Ayurveda & Wellness's post 07/10/2021

We all seem running in today’s life. We are so much occupied with our lives that we don’t pay any keen attention to ourselves.

The concept of Ayurveda isn’t difficult to understand: Ayurveda revolves around self-care and a balanced lifestyle.

I always encourage those around me to mould their habits around some easy to incorporate Ayurvedic practices that will harmonise your life into a more positive one in terms of emotional, physical and mental health. Invest yourself in your own wellness with a fruitful and serene Ayurvedic life!

Swipe through for some important non-negotiable habits that will help you to lead a more Ayurvedic and balanced lifestyle! If you want more information, don’t hesitate to DM me or just comment below!

Photos from Samkhya - Ayurveda & Wellness's post 06/10/2021

When your child catches flu, ayurveda has its own remedies to make the symptoms shu away. A child’s body is significantly more sensitive and requires a way more microscopic attention to what food substances are being consumed. Ayurveda provides a deeper insight into what is good for kids and why it’s suitable for them. As a mother myself I would want the best for my kids and out of that same experience here’s a list of things i’ve crafted that have been a blessing for my kids especially during times like flu and cold.

Sniffles Remedy- Indian Gooseberry is known as Amla (not Amal)

Tell us in the comment section below what you think is best for the kids! 👶


A sneak-peak into Samkhya- Wellness and Ayurveda Centre. Each corner is specially crafted with love and positivity to help you uplift your energies. The aura is enriching with natural and essential product offerings for you to buy and indulge in. As the name is the place itself speaks of Ayurveda it's in sync with its natural element. In all good fashion our centre is all you need for the rejuvenation and retreat that you're looking from your everyday's chaotic life. Visit the centre now! 🌼

Photos from Samkhya - Ayurveda & Wellness's post 02/10/2021

Kickstart you weekend but adding in a pinch of alternations to your diet. Throw in that extra portion of veggies and protein in your diet. A protein rich diet is all you need to burn the fat in the right way. Squeezing in that one cheat meal can be excuses as long as you don't turn that meal into your regular diet plan. The one plate rule makes burning the weight cool. Lastly, make wiser choices when it comes to binging on snack, with more healthier alternatives. Think clean eat clean this weekend. 🥗🥙

Photos from Samkhya - Ayurveda & Wellness's post 30/09/2021


Introducing you to popeye's magical secret to fitness: Spinach, one of my favourite and delicious vegetables.

When you eat your greens right your body naturally becomes a delight!

Dig into your portion of spinach in your desired form to unlock its enriching benefits! In the quest to have a healthy and glowing skin along with a generously pumping heart I've infused spinach consumption in my diet in varied forms! Whether in yummy green juices or steamed on the side of my favorite Kitchadi, I can’t help but enjoy this Vitamin E filled vegetable!

Comment below with your favourite vegetable 🥬


Did you know water makes up 60% of our body? It's one of the most essential elements. As Ayurveda also suggests in the quest to maximise the benefits from water the most ideal way to drink it is in a warm state in the morning! Starting your morning with 300ml of warm/hot water helps your body flush out toxins. Warm water assists in breaking down food in the stomach keeping your digestion in fine fettle. A happy digestion is a happy mood! It helps improve blood circulation with all the toxin release and makes the skin glow! You can squeeze this into your morning routine after oil pulling and brushing your teeth! 💦
For more details on this contact Samkhya wellness and Ayurveda centre!


Today is one of my favorite types of days: Rainy with a 100 percent chance of more rain. Something about rain drops hitting the windows of my house is incredibly calming. It's almost like I'm sitting underneath a waterfall, protected by my own home.

Here are the 5 ways I uplift my mood during a gloomy day like this:
1. Step out: Add some movement to breakthrough the dull vibe of the day! Indulge in a brisk walk when the rain subsides or just sit by the porch and sip on your morning tea ☕️

2: Be Bright: Wear the colours that make you smile. I like to add a pop of colour in some way either to the clothes or accessories! 🧣👗🩳

3. Capture This: Pull out your camera and capture still images of the clouds looming over the skyline🤳

4. You Are What You Eat: You can uplift your mood with a platter of good food! Just because there’s rain, don’t let your energy drain! Indulge in the food that makes you feel happy and bright! 🍊🍑🍎

5. Journaling: While I’m snuggled up on the couch or on my porch with my tea, I journal. It’s a little quiet time with nature that allows me to write down my thoughts and goals. 📔🖊

What do you like to do on a rainy day like this?

Happy Rainy day to you 🌧


Can a drowning man save another? To be able to go that extra mile for others we first need to be at our best! Only when we are at our best and the most healthiest version of ourself we’ll be able to shower that love and care on others. The one person who needs our care the most in life is ourself, worship your body, mind and soul with an overflow of self-care! Have you heard a flight captain instruct us to first put on our life jacket and then help others? Put on your life jacket for life with good and rich nutrition, health care and love, once this box is ticketed you’ll not just feel good but also be a great reflection of yourself! Allocate yourself that extra window everyday to work on and for yourself. SELFCARE✅


Rooted back to our childhood memories of our grandmother oiling and massaging our hair with a gentle face massage, this technique undoubtedly yet remains the most effective way to release all the stress from the right pressure points in the body! When life is complicated a head massage should do the magic! For long luscious hair the significant transformation is the right amount of nutrition and moisturising! The scalp needs its share of nourishment through oil! The very nature of oil is getting soaked deep into the tissues in the scalp and filling it with food for scalp through a nourishing property called ‘sookshma’. The right amount of oil and the right application is all you need after a stressful day at work!💆‍♀️💆🏻‍♂️

Photos from Samkhya - Ayurveda & Wellness's post 18/09/2021

Does your car work without fuel? It doesn’t, same way hour body doesn’t function without hydration! You need to fuel up your body for it to accelerate through the stressful day! It’s necessary to consume at least two to three litres of liquid in a day! As you remind yourself to brush through all the chores in a day, crunch in Drink Water now into your hourly schedule!
Plain water? Let’s tweak up the taste with a punch of healthy ingredients that not only help with hydration but have added benefits too! Swipe left to see our healthy yet yummy alternatives to exhilarate your taste buds with a sufficient liquid intake! These drink are more rooted on the warmer or hot side as ayurveda suggests that hot beverages are more beneficial for the digestive system compared to cooler ones! Check out our list now, and comment below what’s your go to drink? ☕️🍵🧉

Photos from Samkhya - Ayurveda & Wellness's post 16/09/2021

•Back to reality• A lousy summer, with food and a beautiful drink soon you wake to reality with a wink! If you’re looking to jumpstart back into a healthy lifestyle with nutritional food and minor alterations in the diet? We’ve got you covered! We believe that being healthy is about restrictive diets or starving but adapting to a sustainable healthy lifestyle, with cutting down on few anti-foods! It’s time you think fit and not just thin. The diet will be enriched with healthy nutritional foods to help your hunger pangs!
A healthy diet pumps your energy levels, as your mind, body and soul are both fuelled up with rich foods. Feel amazing both on the inside out! We won’t cut your cravings of sugar instead substitute with more natural resources of sweetness in your life!

One- month wellness program starting on the 20th of September. If you’re interested please do DM us by Friday, 17th of September.

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Videos (show all)

EASE THE SYMPTOMS OF MENOPAUSE WITH AYURVEDA ✨Ayurveda believes menopause comes with it’s own clauses. Digging deeper in...
An important part of teaching your kids to become adventurous eaters and staving off that pesky picky eating is to add s...
LET THE WORK PAUSE AND RELAX DURING MENOPAUSE I believe this phase is one to cherish in itself for every woman as it sig...
KEEPING YOUR BRAIN YOUNG WITH MUSIC If you want to firm up your body, head to the gym. If you want to exercise your brai...
A sneak-peak into Samkhya- Wellness and Ayurveda Centre. Each corner is specially crafted with love and positivity to he...
Did you know water makes up 60% of our body? It's one of the most essential elements. As Ayurveda also suggests in the q...
Can a drowning man save another? To be able to go that extra mile for others we first need to be at our best! Only when ...
Let’s introduce you to one of our many strong pillars of Samkhya, a woman who has always run the show from the back-wing...
As we dive into week we realise the need to streamline our stress not just emotionally but from the pressure points in o...
The recipe for a masala chai is when it’s made with a blend of love and beneficial spices! Each spice is has its own enr...
Ayurveda essentially means the knowledge of life. It is a precise combination of science and the art of healthy living. ...



17B Musa Yar’adua Steeet Victoria Island

Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 18:00
Thursday 10:00 - 18:00
Friday 10:00 - 18:00
Saturday 10:00 - 18:00

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