ARA Islamic Novels

Writing is a call. Reading is therapeutic. "Write in the name of your Lord."🌷


You all need to apologize to Farhan, poor him.

How did you feel after reading this chapter?




Chapter Eighteen {18}

Amirah was totally depressed. Her sister's reaction made her speechless and tons of questions echoed in her head. The sides of the phone were deafening with silence. Tumini's last word “No way” was the pause of their conversation. And neither one of the duo have the seal to talk as their mouths were glued like a dumb. After wasting the call card for five minutes with no word, the call ended on its own.

Amirah who was tongue-tied with her sister's word regained her sanity and she immediately returned the call, ready to ask for her sister's reason and save herself from prolonged confusion.

“Tumi, why? Did you know him?” Amirah inquired as the latter picked her call.

With the rain of questions Amirah showered her with, Tumini couldn't bring her voice together to answer one. Instead, she cried in silence without uttering a word.

“Darling, please stop this and talk to me. Who is he? Your reaction says you know him.”

“Please shed light on your words, or did you want me to lose? Who is he? Where did you know him? He is the twins ' dad? Or who?” Amirah tried puzzling her prediction, hoping that it might be true.

“Did you want me to fall in the pit, please talk to me.” Amirah pleaded, in fear.

“Hello, hello, are you there?”

“Talk to me now.”

“Your silence is killing me.”

“Amirah, please you can't be with him.” Tumini gave a response and ended the call.

Amirah retired to her bed, dazed and speechless. She really doesn't know why her sister would say no without a reason. She wondered where she knew Yusuf and what had transpired between them. As she lodged into the thought of why? What? And when, the ringing of her phone woke her to reality and she stood from bed. It's a call from her friend Hadiyyah, who was also her coursemate. Both were hostel mates in 100 level because they lived in the school hostel sharing the same room.

“Hadiyyah!” Amirah gasped as she picked the call.

“As Salam alaikum, I met someone at the school masjid not long ago. She said she lost contact with her friend and came to her school hoping to see her. Her name is Fadeelah. I inquired further before leaving the mosque and she said Amirah Temilade, I don't want to presume it's you. So, I requested if she had your picture, and she showed me, it's you. Should I take her to your hostel? Or you’ll come and meet her because I already told her you're my friend and I know you.” Hadiyyah expressed and Amirah's head became blank due to what she just heard.

“Fadeelah?” Amirah stammered in shock.

“Oh, hmmm, yeeh!” She hummed uncomfortably.

“Yes, I know her. I'll meet her in the mosque. Thank you.” Amirah replied skeptically and her friend sensed her state immediately.

“Are you okay? Don't you want to meet her?” Hadiyyah, who had understood her words, asked.

“Yes, I'll be on my way right away.” Amirah replied, ended the call and wore her socks, ready to leave for the school mosque.

“Why is she looking for me? I blocked her number, why is she here? I hope I'm not doomed.” Amirah thought as she rushed out of her hostel.

Tumini walked up and down her room. The horrible day played in her head like a movie currently watched on the TV screen. It's Deji, how come they met. And why would a bad guy who cooperated with his friend to hurt me be her fiance. Deji? Though he is older than Farhan, she didn't know his age but then, she is too low for her status due to his religion level and the grave sin they had committed to her. She doesn't know what to say to Amirah. She heaved aloud and sank to the chair, thinking of how to convince Amirah to cut the tiers with him. But how will she present it? What will she tell him? Is Amirah really a person she can trust to tell her story too?

“Why did they meet? Of all the people, she wants Deji? Is he the guy she had been obsessed with? Chai! That bad guy, I know he's the one that poisoned Farhan’s mind who betrayed me. He must have a heavy percentage in it.” Tumini mumbled and an idea struck her mind.

Without regurgitating her quick thoughts, she dialed Tunde, her brother's number on her phone and dialed it with a shaking hand. She knew it offhand, even Farhan's. As the phone rang, the thought of seeing a cold side of her brother engulfed her and inculcated fear into her veins. But, her aim to call him won over her and left the call ringing without ending it. She closed her eyes as he picked it and her heart escaped her chest.


“As Salam alaikum,”


Tunde's voice could be heard and Tumini became tongue-tied, she didn't know how to express herself.

“Egbon mi, I miss you.” Tumini's heavy tongue betrayed her, as the word slipped from her mouth.

“Tumini!” Tunde called, his voice laced with joy.

Silence broke in and Tumini started crying, remembering the memories spent with her brother and how they departed.

“Tumini, talk to me. I miss you, how have you been?” Tunde expressed his sincere worries.

“I hope you're fine, where are you? Talk to me please. Tumini, are you there? I won't yell at you, I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for not telling you you're pregnant, I'm sorry for disappointing you. How have you been?” Tunde furthered and Tumini became emotionally unstable.

“My darling, please stop crying and talk to me. Are you sick? Where are you? Is anyone tormenting you? Were you kidnapped? Talk to me.” Tunde asked, fully worried.

“I'm sorry, Tunde. I'm sorry for disappointing you, I gave birth to twins three years ago. AlhamduliLlah, I'm in safe hands. The woman that helped me from the street had been my mother, she not only nurtured me but with my children. I'm sorry for defiling the trust you had for me. Truth be told, I never knew Farhan could do this to me. I never knew I was drugged and slept with until the doctor said I was pregnant.”

“I'm sorry for keeping the pregnancy even when I know it's my brother's children. I just don't want to die, I tried killing myself but I was too scared to die. That's why I left home since the doctor said aborting the pregnancy may claim my life. I'm sorry for being a disgrace to our family, I hope my mother forgives me in heaven. Lillahi, forgive me. You're the only family I have, please embrace me. I called today because my heart is heavy and you came to my heart. Tunde, I'm sorry. How have you been?” Tumini expressed her displeasure.

“Tumini, it's a long story. I met doom after you left home. You wouldn't believe what mum's family did, even her sister, our aunt that we trust dearly. I was sent out of the house and all mum’s property was sold. I was taken in by our step dad, though I left home and traveled to Ibadan and I started working in a restaurant so as to further my education. Currently, I'm in my third year in University Of Ibadan, studying Biochemistry.” Tunde paused and Tumini tears of bitter turned to tears of rejoice.

“The torment of life became fair as Dad Farhan shouldered his responsibility as a father. Currently, I and Farhan are in the same school and we live together. We had been dying to meet you. A day won't pass without talking about you. He really missed you, and wanted to see you dearly. Tumini, we miss you, let's reunite as a family. I, Farhan and our step dad, Mr Ajani. He even tried to get you, we visited the police but all searches were abortive. I'm delighted to hear from you, I'll call him immediately and tell Farhan about it when he returns from class.” Tunde expressed his feelings, filled with gratitude.

Tumini's head became heavy as his word changed to Farhan's part, she immediately felt stupid for calling her brother. Her mind was occupied with thoughts and questioned herself on why his brother is suddenly close to her worst enemy.

“Is he not aware I was impregnated by him? Who brainwashed him?” Tumini couldn't pull off her thoughts from his words.

“Tumini, let's switch to video calls. Let me see your beautiful face, I'm glad to hear you're faring well. My dear damsel.” Tunde tantalized her with sweet words and Tumini hissed aloud.

“Tunde, but why? Why? Who brainwashed you? Wallahi you disappointed me, what has Mr Ajani done to you? Or have you forgotten what Farhan did to me, even if you don't know he betrayed my trust for him. Don't you know he is the one that impregnated me? And you lost your integrity because of your selfish interest. Just because you want to satisfy your education? You can't even uphold justice for me. And you love me? Dearly? Tunde, you disappointed me! I hate you! I regret calling.” Tumini broke into tears, which fell from her eyes like a heavy downpour.

“Tumini, stop this. It's not what you envisaged, it's a long story. It's not Farhan, he wasn't the one. It's his friend, Farhan wasn't aware. Please try and let's meet to hear him out. He is really not the one but his friend, Yusuf. It's Deji, and we have evidence that he is innocent. Please hear your brother out. He really regrets the decision he took to take you…”

“No! It's Farhan, not Deji?”

“Not Farhan?” Tumini's voice echoed in the house.

“Yes, trust him. He wasn't the one, his friend betrayed him. It's a long story.” Tunde added and the phone fell from Tumini's hand.

To be continued...

A STORY BY Adebayo Rosheedat Abisola

Not Farhan? But Deji?

And Deji is Amirah's sweet love?

Don't be stingy, comment about what you just read.

Like , comment and share.

RoShBeE loves you all 💜


A fan messaged me: Roshbee, you've been starving us with the next chapter.

Me:E Pele Iyakomi, no be my fault. School activities ni.

Your finalist don start teaching practice, I pray for Allah's ease till the end.

In short, your writer is good and we'll be having 3 chapters per week inShaaAllah.

Feel free to chose how you want it, next chapter will be posted tomorrow inShaaAllah.

I've chosen Wednesday, chose the two days left.

Say your writer Dua.

RoShBeE loves you all 💜


Some things shouldn't be kept hidden, I saw this post a few days ago and Tumini came to my reminiscence.

In the name of love, parents need to set some things straight with their children to avoid stories that break the heart.

May we not be unfortunate.
May we not fail as a parent, and may Allah shower His protection on our children.

Aamin thumo Aamin.


Hope it's not what I'm thinking?

What are you all thinking? Edakun, e lead mi out of the darkness 😎





“Thank you! I'll be on my way soon.” Tumini said over the phone.

“Mahmud! Stop it!” Tumini yelled at Taiwo, still on the phone.

“Don't worry, we'll meet at tutorial, please don't be late. We'll reserve your seat.” Felicia, now Fridaus said on the phone and the call ended.

“Mahmud, Mahbub, my princes.” Tumini pecked her babies as she entered their school gate.

“You can leave, I trust my babies.” Their class teacher said and the two kids cheerfully ran into her embrace.

“Thank you ma!” Tumini appreciated and waved at her kids who reciprocated her gesture.

It's been three years already, and everything seems fast. After their NECO exams, the three friends became one. Felicia and Tumini got enrolled in Nuriyah's school where they finished their senior secondary school. Luckily, they all performed excellently in their WAEC. Ummu Romlah took it as a responsibility to nurse the twins as they grow, giving Tumini the privilege to enjoy her life with her friends and as a learner. It's a soothing feeling for her, she was enrolled in a madrasah with Felicia, who had embraced Islam with her father since she started living with the Abanikandas. Weekends are for madrasah and the duo gain vast knowledge about Islam. The three families became one with their children's profound love. And the duo stick to their madrasah, learning the basics of Islam two years after they finished their secondary school education. While Nuriyah continued her hifz class, she was able to complete the Quran in the second year.

The year that followed, the trio decided to continue their education and they obtained the JAMB form. Their parents are supportive of their decisions and it really helped their growth. From their JAMB tutorial to madrasah in the evening. Tumini became freed from her tormenting past, forgetting her trauma, she would stay with Nuriyah's family for days and she felt at home around her sisters who helped her grow.

Ummu Romlah shouldered her responsibility by taking the twins as hers. She would make sure they sleep in her room, bath them and dress them for school. But, this morning, she left for her restaurant early to curate a bulk order that will be delivered before 8:00 am.

With the privileges enjoyed by Tumini, she didn't abuse it. Her past really made her a better version. Amirah, who had been the bone in her throat, suddenly changed a few weeks before she gave birth. It's an unbelievable change that surprised everyone. Only God knows what changed her even though Tumini suspected it to be an issue. Her parents, including her brother, were surprised and they all wished it's a everlasting turnup.

“Mummy, let her choose my school. I'll miss her.” Amirah said to everyone's surprise when Tumini wanted to obtain her JAMB form.

But the latter, Tumini, being a smart girl with strictness didn't buy the idea and instead chose the same University with her two friends. To her, she found her sudden changes suspicious. It all happened to her like a revoke nightmare. She changed a week before she gave birth, after they had a tough fight which made Tumini slap her.

“Tumini, won't you clean the kitchen?” Amirah asked, banging on her door.

“That's not my duty,” Tumini replied and walked out of her room immediately.

She went to the kitchen and warmed the soup, then served herself the last wrap of Amala Ummu Romlah cooked last night.

“Why are you gluttonous?” Amirah was blunt but Tumini didn't give her a reply.

Instead, she sat peacefully on the chair and a stool before her and ate the food. Amirah watched her with mixed feelings as she devoured the food.

“Tumini, why did you like being like this nah.” Amirah's voice changed which surprised the latter.

“You know I like you but you're always on my nerves. You refused to be my friend.” Amirah added and Tumini looked around trying to figure out the source of the words entering her ear.

“I hope you're not dreaming?” Tumini asked, looking confused as another morsel of Amala slipped to her throat.

“Tumini, don't portray me as a bad person. I like you, please don't use what you know about me against me, I promise never to use yours against you, starting from today.” Amirah said, her voice appealing.

“I know you never approach me sincerely, I'm not heartless like you. And I won't beg you to stop running your mouth. Continue, that's your own canoe which you must paddle.” Tumini replied, devouring the last morsel of Amala.

“I really meant it, I'm sorry Tumini.” Amirah apologized further

“Stop it, don't make me feel bad. You're the devil here, I'm never heartless. Do you think I can forget you in my life? You tormented my life with pain as if we have known each other before. Have you forgotten? When your mother traveled and how I nearly collapsed before her arrival. Have you? Why would a heartless beast suddenly want me to be her friend? Why would a visible enemy like you try playing with my emotion? I don't want your friendship, hold it to yourself with your le***an mate. Note my words today, I'm not a fool but trying to maintain peace but… anytime you put your hand in my lion mouth, I'll surely bite you!” Tumini yelled at her disgustingly pointing her fingers at her.

“Tumini, trust me. I really want us to let go of the past. I'm your sister, though not from the same parent. Let it go, I'll never tell anyone that it's your brother that impregnated you. Trust m…” Tumini didn't let her finish her sentence as she shut her mouth with a deafening slap.

“Mind your lane, I hate you! We can never be friends.” Tumini yelled, carrying the empty plate to the kitchen.

Instead of Amirah to retaliate, she didn't. And from that day, she apologized to Tumini day and night anytime they met. She would write her apology letters and slide it to her room. Tumini would read and feel unmoved. This didn't stop, she started caring for Tumini and kept her company despite the latter not giving her attention. She's the one with her when she was due and was rushed to the hospital. All these positive changes made Tumini have a second thought but she still held it in her mind that her changes weren't permanent as she only changed due to her secret she knew which she is trying to keep.

Even after Tumini was discharged three days after her delivery, she supported her mother in taking care of the newborns and gave Tumini rapt attention. She would make sure she doesn't move around the house due to the CS she underwent. She would help to massage her body with a towel because she was told not to move around till her stitches heal. On her bed, Amirah would clean her body with a soft towel and bathing soap and dress for her. She would wash her clothes and underwear. All these made everyone believe her changes were sincere.

When she gained admission, she cried as she was about to leave Tumini and her kids. Though, Tumini at this time is welcoming her but not with all her heart. Since then, Tumini became her sister. She would call her, and both would talk at length. These changes made Ummu Romlah calm and started treating the two as twins buying them the same all the time. She would buy them the same clothes and shoes. And in little time, Amirah's tormentation to Tumini started fading away.

All efforts to bail Banji were futile. His mother was released and was faced with the agony of her son, every way to prove his innocence refused to be understood. He was taken to court of law where he was given lifetime imprisonment. His mother returned home heartbroken and shattered. At this moment, Felicia was satisfied that God had fought for her but she never believed it could be that way.

Mama Banji became a forlorn woman. She visited her first fruit at Kirikiri, she met different personalities but all efforts to bail him out weren't paying off. She accepted her fate and faced the situation before her. To her, Felicia was the one behind her predicament and she vowed never to forgive her. But, despite everything, Mr Babajide didn't divorce her, instead he continued being her husband and only came home once in a long time, though he catered for his responsibilities and took care of his children. But his love for her wasn't as before as he felt unsafe around her. His promise to Felicia made him cater for his responsibilities and only come home when he wishes.

“If not for the unfortunate Felicia, I wouldn't have lost my husband's sincere love. If not for that miserable child, your brother won't be in jail.” Mama Banji would always tell her two daughters, who grew everyday building hatred for the innocent, Felicia.

The first tutorial ended at exactly 12:30 pm, and the three friends who sat on a chair exchanged glances of relief.

“His teaching is always the best.” Felicia, now Fridaus, testified.

“He teaches not lecturing, I understand that content better today.” Nuriyah added, removing her eye glasses.

“That simple work? Well, you're still at my back when we're talking about English. I'm always your boss!” Tumini bragged and the two displayed funny gestures.

“That's not a lie though, but your mathematics is poor.” Fridaus said and both started laughing.

“I'm still average in mathematics, that's why I love the art department. I can't wait to be a novelist.” Tumini added optimistically.

“Are you done with your ongoing story? I'll be the first to read it this time around.” Nuriyah bumped in with pleading eyes.

“Hmmm, for critics?” Tumini replied and Fridaus started laughing.

“Hmmm, she got you.” Fridaus added, fixing her gaze to the speechless Nuriyah.

“But it makes your work better?” Nuriyah defended herself.

“And I'm your number one fan who always blesses you with sweet reviews.” Fridaus flaunted and opened her palm to shake Tumini five but Nuriyah quickly fixed her palm and the three started laughing.

“I'm blessed to have you as my critics and best commentator. I just want to be a novelist, a feminist to be precise.” Tumini expressed her buried ambition and his friends gasped.

“Feminist?” Nuriyah and Fridaus exclaimed aloud which caught the attention of others in the center.

“Sorry!” The trio apologized and fixed their gaze at Tumini, who was looking blank.

“It's nothing bad, I just want to be an advocate for female children. That's all!” Tumini replied and stood, leaving them speechless.

“Hmmm,” Fridaus let out a long sigh.

“It's well,” Nuriyah added and they all walked out to the nearest provision shop.

“I hope we can balance our madrasah with schooling when we get to school. I really want to see you both as hafidhah competing in the Quran recitation with me.” Nuriyah, who's in the middle of her friends, said buckling her hands in their arms.

“Bi ith nih Llah,” The duo chorused cheerfully.

Ummu Romlah sent her daughter, Romlah from her restaurant to take the twins, Mahmud and Mahbub from school and the latter left in her car. She returned in a short time with the two kids and both ran to Ummu Romlah.

“Ummi!” Both exclaimed as she cuddled them in her arms.

“My princes, how are you?” Ummu Romlah asked removing their clothes trying to shower for them and put a light cloth on them.

“See them bubbling like my babies, Muneer and Muneerah.” Romlah chipped in looking at the two with joy.

“Yes ooo, they're giving me nostalgia about their growth. I don't miss them much since they resumed now that I have their semblance in character with me.” Ummu Romlah smiled, leading them to the bathroom where she showered and changed their clothes.

“My love, you'll teach me what you learn in school after eating.” She said affectionately as she put their food before them.

Ummu Romlah watched them with satisfaction as they devoured their foods playfully. She smiled at their funny gestures as they ate, changing spoons and feeding one another. All their drama gave her the flashback of her twins, Muneer and Muneerah when they're at their age. “I'm blessed!” Ummu Romlah smiled at herself.

Tumini zoomed the picture again, she left her room and sat on a chair feeling confused. She thought she was dreaming and immediately put a call through Amirah who picked it at once like someone expecting the call.

“I don't understand.” Tumini said uncomfortably.

“That's the guy I told you about. I'll introduce him to my parents soon.” Amirah added cheerfully and Tumini held her head.

“No, no way!” She said repeatedly.

To be continued...


Unlock the next chapter with mind-blowing comments.

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Is Banji truly the criminal? Who support Felicia's wish? If you're in her shoe, what will you do?




Chapter Sixteen {16}

She stared at the bread and tea dejectedly. As Tumini got to her room, she immediately locked the door, hungrily, ready to eat. As she sat on the floor feeling tired and exhausted. Her mind raced to her mother and tears welled down her cheeks. The memories of how she would eat, and move around peacefully in her house filled her mind and she cried more. Back in her mother's house, the kitchen is always stocked with varieties of food and beverages, her room blessed with junks. And Sundays are always for both mother and children outing, unless their mother wasn’t around. Smiles curved out of her teary cheeks and she heaved aloud, trying to be strong, her hand dried her cheeks. Her stomach made a funny sound and she put her past aside.

Tumini reached for her beverages which she opened with relief but her mood ruined as she noticed the beverages left to be a spoon, she hissed disappointedly and checked her milk, that's when she remembered it had finished since last night. Without having a choice, she started eating the bread soaking it in water, hoping to have freedom one day. As she ate, her mind wandered around her brother and she wondered what he has been doing and how he has been coping with life. She missed him deeply and thought of calling him but fear gripped her. Fear to face him, fear to tell him she was pregnant, fear to tell him she's disappointed him.

“I miss you, Tunde, having you in my life is the best gift I have ever been endowed with. How can I forget you? Your brotherly love and everything, I hope you're as best as before. I hope you don't quit education, I will call you one day when I make you proud. I will endure the pain before me to attain the peak. Tunde, thanks for not looking for me, I pray to meet you in the future, hale and healthy.” Tumini prayed for her brother as she hungrily devoured the bread and water combination.

She felt relaxed and satisfied, like someone who just ate after years of starving. With excitement, she took her medication and used it then relaxed in her bed, ready to keep her free day by sleeping before reading for the next exam. As she covered herself with her duvet, her mind drifted to her friends, Nuriyah and Felicia and she became busied in thought about Felicia's situation.

“How can a mother do this to her? Is that woman really a mother? She must be a murder! I just pray she is arrested and punished accordingly.”

“That heartless beast needs to be killed brutally, how can he tried ra**ng an innocent teen? He even harassed her.” She paused.

“His mother even bruised her body, a life without a mother is always unfair. Can she be treated like that if her mother is alive?” She thought and her mind filled with Amirah's treatment towards her.

“Can I be treated badly in my mother's house? No, hell no. No way, my mum can't treat me like this nor my brother. Amirah is just heartless, even her mother treats me well but she torments my life, I think that's the truth about life. Am I wanted here? I think I need to leave this house before the worst happens.”

As her mind became wide and wild in thought, she became scared and confused. Tumini stood from her bed and sat, resting her back to the wall, which accepted her as if it understood her worry.

“Am I really safe here? Kamal is always caring for me. And he gave me food which I collected with joy. Hope he is not lurking around me? I don't think I'm safe here. I must not be bitten twice.” Tumini thought to herself.

“Tumini! Tumini! You're keeping me waiting!”. A voice woke her from her thoughts and she looked at the door side.

“Kamal? I'm keeping you waiting?” Tumini wondered aloud.

“Tumini, please come out.” His voice begged and coldness shivered through her veins.

“Is he here to harass me? Are we the only ones at home? Has sister Romlah left?” Tons of unanswered questions played in her head.

“Tumini, it's me, Kamal. Kindly open up and have your delivery.” He shouted, banging at her door.

An idea struck her and she smiled weirdly, “I can't be bitten twice,” she mumbled and picked the mopping stick in her room, displaying how she would chop his head with it.

Tumini wore her hijab, and walked straight to the door. She turned the key twice and heaved as it remained a turn to make it open. She closed her eyes and opened it, then turned the last and opened the door, hurriedly raising the stick at his forehead.

“Stop disturbing me! You can't harass me!” She shouted with her eyes fearfully closed, as she chopped his head with the stick.

“That serves you right!” Amirah said sarcastically, walking to her room from the sitting room.

The word stopped Tumini and she opened her eyes. That's when she knew she had done bad. Kamal is before her, a package fell from his hand and his forehead is bleeding. She shut her agape mouth with her palms and shivered.

“Ah…” She stammered trying to talk but her voice seized, betraying her.

“Have it, sister Romlah brought you this. She had an emergency to attend to, that's why I brought it.” Kamal said as he carried the package from the floor, using his second hand to hold his bloody forehead.

“I'm sorry, please. I'm sorry,.” Tumini apologized, with tears streaming down her cheeks in regret.

“Please go and eat and stop starving yourself.” Kamal said out of concern and turned to leave.

“I'm sorry, I'm sorry.” Tumini knelt, crying aloud which stopped him.

“Haa, it's alright. Please stand up, I'm fine.” Kamal replied with a rictus, hiding his pain. He removed his hand from his forehead trying to calm her but the blood gushed out more which made Tumini scared.

She stood and rushed to Ummu Romlah’s room which she hadn't entered at her back, she froze before opening the door thinking if what she was about to do was right or wrong. But, she needed to take care of the mess she had caused. She looked at Kamal who was sitting on a chair with his hand locked to his bleeding head. “I need the first aid kit,” she mumbled as if she was talking to someone and rushed into her room.

In a short time, she carried the first aid kit and ran back to the sitting room. She opened it with a shaking hand and became startled holding the iodine and wool in her hand.

“Thank you! I'll nurse it.” Kamal collected the material from her hand and she left the sitting room swollenly.

As she was about to enter, her eyes caught the solar wire that led to her room which had been caught off. Without saying anything, she returned to her room with the package.

“I'm stupid! Why am I thoughtless? Ummu Romlah will be disappointed in me.” She mumbled to herself justifying her action.

Mr Babajide couldn't believe his ears as Alhaji Abanikanda drove him in his car home. The DPO has shown him evidence of how his daughter has been abused, yet he found it unbelievable. He wondered when, and how she had been abused without his awareness.

“I'm just happy she wasn't r***d. Please try and give your daughter reasons to trust you again. She is too young to be suffering. I hope that guy is arrested soon.” Alhaji advised as he drove into his compound.

“Thank you sir, I'm really grateful. I still find it hard to believe all that I've been hearing. I've failed as a father.” He added feeling remorseful for his negligence.

“Dad is here!” Nuriyah shouted as she peeked through the window.

With joy written over her, she walked out of the room to welcome him but Felicia stayed behind thinking about herself.

“What if dad bought her plight?”

“Is this how I'll lose my father to his wife?”

“Won't dad renounce me as his daughter?”

“How will I convince him about everything she said?”

Felicia was lost in thought, it's Nuriyah’s appearance that woke her to reality.

“Your dad is here, you're his carbon copy.” Nuriyah announced and Felicia's heart skipped.

“My dad? He's here? Why?” Felicia asked, feeling uncomfortable.

“Please let's go and welcome him, he can't do anything. My dad is also with him. Let's go.” Nuriyah persuaded her, and both left for the sitting room.

Felicia bowed her head where she stood, despite knowing her father's glaring at her, she refused to return his gaze and instead bowed and cried silently, awaiting his usual yell.

“Felicia, I'm sorry.” Mr Babajide apologized, sincerity displayed in his apology which made her heart skip.

Mr Babajide walked to her and hugged her like a baby, he stroked her hair and kept apologizing as if he was the one that abused her.

“I'm sorry, I was too foolish to notice. I'm sorry, I promise not to leave you to suffer. I will get justice for you, Banji will be arrested and jailed. He won't be freed, why did I deserve this? I treated him like a biological son. My dear, please tell me everything. Where did he touch you? Where are you hurt?” Her father paused, looking all over her body, like a tailor taking a keen look at cloth she wanted to repair.

“I'm fine dad,” Felicia replied simply.

“I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'll register you in a boarding school where you can have a peaceful life.” He promised.

“Dad, I prefer Nuriyah's school.” She replied simply.

“I'll make sure his mother rot in jail, I remarried to have the best for you not to ruin you. How can she be wicked to the extent of patterning your skin with blades? She will rot in jail, I'll divorce her. I would rather be single than trading your life with nonentity. Please forgive me, it's my work nature. I'm working on my transfer already, I'll be with you always, please let me register you in a boarding school.” Her father emphasized and she stubbornly said “no”

“Dad, you don't need to be worried about me. Please register me in Nuriyah's school, and don't divorce your wife. Banji is the one that harassed me and I felt she tried to protect her son. Please let me live here, I'll be fine. You can just check on me here. I found a family already.” Felicia replied and her father became speechless.

“I'll divorce her, Banji will rot in jail.” He flared up.

“Dad, if you truly want the best for me, please do my wish. She is your wife, don't divorce her because of my matter, I'm not a home breaker. Banji abused me, he deserves all torture not her mother. Please don't renounce your family, she had children for you. My siblings must not suffer because of me. Please don't divorce her.” Felicia emphasized her word and his father became speechless, his voice stuck to talk.

“Hello, this is Mr Gbadegesin, DPO of Lekki Police Station. Your son, Banji robbed a family and murdered their only daughter brutally yesterday. He had been in our custody.” The DPO’s voice could be heard on the phone.

“Murdered?” Mr Babajide shouted, checking his wife's phone again.

“The case will be taken to court on Monday, 12th of June. Be aware and appear in the court of law, as the bereaved family are seeking fair justice.” The call ended.

“Mogbe! Banji killed? Haa, he robbed and killed?” Mr Babajide asked on the phone but couldn't get a reply.

To be continued...


Do you think Banji is the criminal ?

Can he escape this?

Is Felicia's wish reasonable? If you're in her shoe, what will you do?

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