
I'm a graphic designer. I create stunning and creative designs for startups, small and big brands😍💯


Every journey begins with a single step, and mine started in the simplest of ways: a free online graphic design class. Little did I know, this decision would shape my life and ignite a passion that I didn't know existed.

I did not start with motivation
I had 0 passion for design
I did not start with a desire to be a professional design
In fact, I was forced to take the class because I was so idle during the coronavirus break.

The beginning was rough but I later developed an interest in designing and here I am right now, creating eye-catching designs for business owners, churches, programs or events to increase their visibility online.

Now, I feel a strong desire to give back to the society. I want to help aspiring designers navigate their journeys with confidence. My goal is to empower people to find their unique voice in design and equip them with the skills needed to thrive in the industry.

Tap this link to Join the class


New month flyer I created for Transcendence Conference ✌


Recent design🤗😍

Photos from george__grafix's post 21/05/2024

When it comes to campaign flyers just leave it for george__grafix he got you covered 😄😍


The world will only celebrate what you celebrate. Believe in yourself and celebrate yourself📌💯


"Peace is the only battle worth waging." Let's fight for understanding, not division

Here are some ways we can promote peace in our everyday life:

📌Practice Active Listening: Give people your full attention and try to understand their perspective, even if you disagree.

📌Offer Compliments And Words Of Encouragement: A little positivity can go a long way in brightening someone's day.

📌Show Empathy And Understanding: Try to see things from another person's point of view and acknowledge their feelings.

📌Help Those In Need: Volunteer your time or resources to support a cause you care about, or simply lend a helping hand to someone struggling.

📌Choose your words carefully: Avoid using provocative language or making assumptions.

📌Focus on problem-solving: When disagreements arise, focus on finding solutions that work for everyone involved.

📌Practice active communication: Be clear and honest about your needs and feelings, while also being open to hearing the other person's perspective.

📌Practice forgiveness: Holding onto anger and resentment will only hurt you in the long run. Learn to forgive yourself and others.

Remember, be the change you want to see in the world, starting with your own interactions and behaviour.

This is george__grafix. I design stunning and creative designs for business owners, churches, programs or events to increase their visibility online. Please let me know what your goals are so we can have a conversation about how I can help you achieve those goals.💯


Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might📌📌 (Ecclesiastes 9:10)

Photos from george__grafix's post 17/05/2024

I designed more than 100 FYB Face of the Day designs✌

Check, which one do you prefer? 😍✌

In case you are not aware, this is george__grafix. I design stunning and creative designs for business owners, churches, programs or events to increase their visibility online. Please let me know what your goals are so we can have a conversation about how I can help you achieve those goals.💯


Thank God It's Friday🥰✌

As the weekend approaches, take a moment to unwind and recharge. Let it serve as a reset button, allowing you to enter the upcoming week with renewed energy, focus, and a positive mindset. Enjoy the weekend and prepare to tackle the opportunities that the next week holds!

What message are you trying to convey today? Let's turn your vision into a reality! Great design helps you connect with customers on a whole new level.👌💯

I remain george__grafix


Opportunity loves Preparation. Success loves Dedication & Growth loves Discomfort 📌


If you want to achieve something, give yourself permission to believe it is possible, no matter what people might say💯📌


Graphic Design is simply visual communication. So far your design could communicate the mind of your client, it is a good design💯

I made this design some days ago and I'm not satisfied with it, I started feeling like the design was not giving the vibe I wanted but I still sent it to my client like that and surprisingly he liked it because the design could communicate his mind. ( The design is not bad though I just don't feel that vibe, only graphic designers can relate)

Graphic design isn't just decoration, it's a bridge between ideas and understanding.

What message are you trying to convey today? Let's turn your vision into a reality! Great design helps you connect with customers on a whole new level.👌💯

Photo: A flyer design I created


You will never regret it 💯📌



It's Monday
The secret of getting ahead is getting started, start where you are and start with what you have.



Enjoy the journey not just the destination, celebrate your small wins

The destination is important, but the journey is where the story unfolds. Slow down, enjoy the view, and celebrate your small wins.

When I was posting and celebrating myself for completing my last exam as an undergraduate (sign-out), a guy said to me, what is so special about the sign-out, we have a lot to accomplish in our front. my response was 'Leave me let me enjoy the moment', I can't deprive myself of being happy because I still have a lot to accomplish. Where I am right now was once my prayer point so it is worth celebrating.

A lot of people delay or deprive themselves of being happy because they have not achieved their bigger dreams, they forget that it is these small wins that serve as a reminder that we are making progress, growing, and evolving.

In this Life, if we are waiting for the right time to be happy, it will never come because we will always have another thing we are chasing. There is no rest in this world, only in heaven.

Life isn't just about reaching the destination. Sometimes you gotta stop and smell the roses.

Celebrate the small wins in your own life and inspire others to do the same!!

Perhaps this is your first time coming across me, follow my page to start enjoying raw values like this 😍

I'm an experienced graphic designer with over 4years of experience. I design stunning and creative designs for business owners, churches, programs or events to increase their visibility online. Please let me know what your goals are so we can have a conversation about how I can help you achieve those goals.💯


Happy Sunday to you 😍

Let's go to church ⛪ ✌



A winner is just a loser who tried one more time📌👌


The best revenge is to work on yourself! Prove them all wrong📌💯



Character is not something we are born with; it is something we build through our actions and choices. It is the result of a habit that we cultivate and nurture, day after day, year after year.

Before, I was a guy who had always struggled with shyness. Interacting with others and expressing myself was a constant challenge for me. As a result, I often found it difficult to build meaningful connections and communicate effectively with those around me. Though some people mistook my shyness for being proud (I don't care either) 😀

One day I decided to break free from the confines of my shyness and embark on a journey of self-discovery. I desired and yearned for meaningful relationships, personal growth, and the confidence to share my thoughts with the world. I decided to start attending self-discovery classes, reading books, listening to podcasts, watching public speakers and constantly taking up a new attitude every day by putting myself where I always felt uncomfortable before.

As I constantly picked up new attitudes I started transforming into a person I never thought I could be( like seriously🥺). My shyness no longer holds me back. I have cultivated the courage to initiate conversations, share my thoughts openly, and connect with people on a deep level. my newfound confidence and ability to communicate effectively have started to open doors to opportunities I had never imagined.

Small, consistent choices become the foundation of who we are. You can become anything you desire by constantly cultivating positive habits that could lead you there. 💯

Perhaps this is your first time coming across me, do well by following my page. Thank you 😘

I'm an experienced graphic designer with over 4years of experience. I design stunning and creative designs for business owners, churches, programs or events to increase their visibility online. Please let me know what your goals are so we can have a conversation about how I can help you achieve those goals.💯

Photos from george__grafix's post 08/05/2024

George__ Grafix has signed out ooo
Feed your eyes with pictures ✌😍🤩

I'm happy to share with you the culmination of years of hard work, late nights, and countless early morning lectures– I've officially completed my last exam as an undergraduate student

It feels surreal to think back on the journey that led me to this moment. From the nerves of my first day on campus to the sense of accomplishment that comes with it, it's been a whirlwind of growth, learning, and self-discovery.

All thanks to God my Mum and Dad and everyone that contributed to the success of this journey 😍✌

george__grafix 😍✌


Happy Sunday 🥰✌


My name is Adewole George Ayomide, I'm a graphic designer

Well, growing up as a young guy, I fell in love with video games, especially football games. There is nothing wrong with playing games, but I became so addicted to them that I played them for almost 24 hours. The day I decided to be intentional about my life was when my older sister walked into my room and talked sense into my head. That's a tale for another day. You can remind me later. 😜

Then I decided to turn my weakness (pressing my phone for hours) into my strength by picking up graphic design along the line, and even though I'm still learning, I've gotten pretty good at it. I said I'm still learning because learning never ends.

I'm a highly skilled and creative graphic designer with a passion for visual communication. With a proven track record of delivering innovative and impactful design solutions, I combine creativity with technical expertise to transform ideas into visually compelling designs.

I'm an experienced graphic designer with over 4years of experience. I design stunning, eye-catching and creative designs for business owners, churches, programs or events to increase their visibility online and to reach their targeted audience or clients. Please let me know what your goals are so we can have a conversation about how I can help you achieve those goals.💯

Thank you.😍🙌 I remain george__grafix 💯

Victory Inwang

Photos from george__grafix's post 10/04/2024

My coach Victory Inwang was on fire yesterday night 🔥🔥🔥

Let me share with you what I gained from yesterday's.😉

📌 Anybody can be a graphic designer. it's not magic, is not what you are born with. it's something you can learn.

📌 Design is first conceived and developed in the mind; before the usage of the designing tools. Therefore, is not about the tools is about how creative you are.

📌 The mind is a great fertile soil. Whatever you sow on it, flourishes. If you need good, sow good seeds

📌 Creativity is Influenced by Exposure. Feed your eyes with great designs and your creativity will increase

📌Listen to Good music especially worship songs while designing, music has a way of saturating your mindset.

This is so true, I practice this a lot. whenever I'm stuck and I don't even know how to start the design, I will just plug my earpiece and guess what? in a few minutes, inspiration will start flowing

📌 Three things a Good Flyer Design Must Do.
1. Capture Audience Attention
2. Retain Attention.
3. Cause a buying decision

📌 Lastly, your ability alone cannot carry you on the design journey! Remember God in your designs. God is a designer so you cannot be less of him! 2 Cor 9:8 For my God can make all grace bound towards me...

I remain george__grafix 😍🙌


Dear client, when you give us your design project to handle, trust our creativity; we went to design school, YOU DIDN'T 🥺😔

Let's talk about your next design project today (08108521579)

Happy New Week ❤️

©Victory Inwang


The Impact of Your Thoughts on Your Life

Have you ever noticed how your thoughts can affect the way you experience life? It turns out that what you focus on in your mind has a big influence on your overall happiness and success. The saying, "What consumes your mind controls your life," means that our thoughts shape our reality.

The thoughts we think and the beliefs we hold can either help us or hold us back. When we constantly think negative thoughts or believe we can't achieve something, it becomes harder to find happiness and reach our goals.

But when we choose to focus on positive thoughts and believe in our abilities, amazing things can happen. Having a positive mindset helps us see opportunities, attract good things, and handle challenges more easily.

Take control of your thoughts by being mindful of what you're thinking, questioning negative beliefs, and choosing to see things in a positive light. Develop habits that make you feel good, like spending time in nature, practising gratitude, or doing things you enjoy. Surround yourself with supportive friends and seek out positive communities that encourage and inspire you.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. (Philippians 4:8-9)

Perhaps this is your first time coming across me, follow my page to start seeing more content like this 😍

I'm an experienced graphic designer with over 4years of experience. I design stunning and creative designs for business owners, churches, programs or events to increase their visibility online. Please let me know what your goals are so we can have a conversation about how I can help you achieve those goals.💯


If you jump up you may fall down but if you grow up, you stay up.
Therefore learn to grow ☺📌


Why You Need Good Designs For Your Business.....

Quality design plays a significant role in attracting and engaging customers. these are the five reasons why you need a good design for your business;

1. Visual Appeal: Quality design enhances the visual appeal of your brand, making it more visually captivating and memorable.

2. Professionalism and Credibility: Well-designed graphics convey professionalism and build credibility for your brand. It shows that you pay attention to detail, have a strong brand identity, and take pride in delivering high-quality products or services. This can instil confidence in potential customers and differentiate you from competitors.

3. Emotional Connection: Quality design has the power to evoke emotions and create a connection with your target audience. This emotional connection helps build a loyal customer base and encourages word-of-mouth referrals.

4. Differentiation and Competitive Advantage: In a crowded marketplace, quality design can help your brand stand out from the competition. Unique and visually compelling designs can attract attention, differentiate your brand, and create a memorable impression.

5. Social Media engagement: Design is essential for capturing attention in the fast-paced world of social media. Eye-catching visuals and well-designed graphics are more likely to be shared and engaged with by users. Invest in creating designs appealing designs to increase reach and engagement.

I'm an experienced graphic designer with over 4years of experience. I design stunning and creative designs for business owners, churches, programs or events to increase their visibility online. Please let me know what your goals are so we can have a conversation about how I can help you achieve those goals.💯


The Amazing Power of Imagination for Graphic Designers

In everyday life, imagination lets us dream big and imagine things that haven't happened yet. It helps us come up with solutions to problems and think in creative ways. When we use our imagination, we can think of new and exciting possibilities that others might not see.

For graphic designers, imagination is like a secret weapon. It helps us turn thoughts and ideas into cool visuals that tell stories and make people feel something. By using imagination, designers can imagine how a design will look even before they create it. This helps us plan and make our designs stand out.

Being imaginative also means being willing to take risks and try new things. It's about being open to new ideas and not being afraid to break the rules. By embracing your imagination, you can discover endless possibilities and keep growing in your craft.

To nurture your imagination as a graphic designer, you can find inspiration from all around you. You can look at art, nature, books, some creative work of others, even listen to music while designing, and anything that can spark your creativity. You can also do things like sketching, brainstorming, and collaborating with other creative people. By playing and experimenting, designers can let their imagination run wild and come up with amazing designs.💥😉

In a nutshell, imagination is like a superpower for graphic designers. It helps them think creatively, come up with unique designs, and make their work special. By embracing your imagination and staying curious, you can create truly remarkable designs. So, let your imagination fly and watch as your designs come to life in ways you never imagined.🙌😍

I'm an experienced graphic designer with over 4years of experience. I design stunning and creative designs for business owners, churches, programs or events to increase their visibility online. Please let me know what your goals are so we can have a conversation about how I can help you achieve those goals.💯


It's Monday, and the hustle continues! 💪✨ Embrace the new week with determination, ambition, and a positive mindset. Let's crush those goals and make every day count. Remember, success is built on consistent effort and unwavering dedication. Stay focused, stay motivated, and let's make this week incredible! 🚀🔥



In the face of adversity, optimism is your greatest weapon. It allows you to see opportunities where others see obstacles. Stay optimistic, and you'll find the strength to overcome any hurdle.

Optimism is a mindset that turns stumbling blocks into stepping stones. Choose to see the silver lining in every situation and believe that something better is on its way. Stay optimistic and let your positivity shine.

Optimism is not the absence of challenges; it's the belief that you have the power to overcome them. Stay optimistic, trust in your abilities, and watch as your resilience and determination lead you to success.

I hope these words encourage you to stay optimistic and embrace the positive outlook that can transform your life.

Perhaps this is your first time coming across me, follow my page to start enjoying raw values like this 😍

I'm an experienced graphic designer with over 4years of experience. I design stunning and creative designs for business owners, churches, programs or events to increase their visibility online. Please let me know what your goals are so we can have a conversation about how I can help you achieve those goals.💯

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Videos (show all)

Be Valuable💯Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, no...
It doesn't matter how you arrived
A simple new month flyer I created💯
I create captivating designs 💯✌
High-quality design does not come from heaven I made it😄📌
I thank God ✌😘
TGIF😍Use your weekend to spread positivity and kindness. Acts of generosity and goodwill can make your weekend even more...
You can not fail if you truly try your best #viralvideo #reels #viralreels
A job well done
Job Done✅
A business flyer 😍#graphicdesigner






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