Fortune Okoli -Swiftlynx

Fortune Okoli is the founder of Swiftlynx Limited, a tech company that provides financial solutions.


So according to the 2024 JAMB results, 1,402,490 candidates out of 1,842,464 failed to score 200 out of 400 marks.

That’s over 70% of students.

Whose fault is this? The students? The teachers? Or the entire education system of Nigeria?

A lot of factors should be considered:

1. Absence of role models- students have lost interest in education as clearly they have seen that their elder siblings who have graduated are either into yahoo, hookup culture or not gainfully employed. You don’t need education to buy Benz or build a house.

We grew up in an era where our parents went to work every morning. Some of our parents were teachers, doctors, nurses, civil servants and engineers. The product of academics.

2. Misplaced priorities and expectations - A lot of young people are on TikTok dancing and creating contents. Why would you consider School when you have over 100k followers on TikTok at 16 years?

The world is fast changing. Heavy influencers like Elon Musk have come out publicly to disparage the schooling system in preference to YouTube. So young people are now confident that they can learn anything on YouTube and not need to go to school. But are they learning?

3. The rise of Indiscipline: Teachers now collect bribe to pass students on internal exams. This is the reason why A list students sit for external exams and fail woefully. Parents no longer review their children’s grades and academic performance.

It takes discipline to learn.

Education no be scam! See! What education does to you is that it would refine your thought process and behavior and improve your memory.

The goal of going to school is not to make money, It’s to equip you with the right intelligence necessary for wealth creation.

School will give you access to useful relationships and connections. It will give you the necessary exposure and information for a good living.


Money comes easily to those who already have more money.


Let us talk about Networking!

You must’ve heard the saying “Your network is your net-worth”, which means how much you have is determined by your connections. While this is true in some sense, there’s a part that is often overlooked - All connections cannot be useful to you. You grow into some connections.

There are connections you do not need at this point in your life. Having those connections will actually be useless to you and they do not sum up to your networth. Some networks can be a liability. For instance, you all know how much I love and admire Tony Elumelu. However, at this level of my growth Journey, Tony Elumelu cannot find my connection useful. At least not this version of me. And this is absolutely fine.

You must invest in yourself enough for your network to also find you valuable. Networking is not one-sided. In simple terms, networking is an exchange of values and ideas between people with a common purpose. Networking goes beyond connection, it is an exchange. Which means the people that network must have something mutually beneficial.

This is not the case of “Everybody has something to offer”. The real question is “How would your offer (value proposition) benefit the other person?”. In this case when your value is right and you need to scale, you reach out to your network. Having that access is the real import of networks.


Fun Fact: This was my bedroom 🥹

Swiftlynx started from my bedroom. I woke up to this logo everyday and it kept me focused and motivated. Today we have a branch office in PortHarcourt and another branch in the pipeline. We don’t want to get started on how much our company is valued at.

Start from where you are, with what you have. Build your character. Do not compromise integrity.

That year, if you wanted to see me for business in my “Office”, I would give you a location. Usually a hotel lounge. We meet and sign agreements. our early clients know this. 😁😎

We didn’t see the need to get a fancy office at the beginning. We were focused on building a brand people can trust by rendering reliable quality service to people.

Today, Our biggest L0AN clients are not in Nigeria. Our biggest INVEST0RS are also not in Nigeria.

But Swiftlynx is in Nigeria For now.

What does that tell you?

You can make money from anywhere in the world, you just need to be the right person, and make the right connections. Money is with people, not in a location.

Photos from Fortune Okoli -Swiftlynx's post 13/04/2024

You must trust the process. When you start the process , people will not immediately support you until you support yourself long enough that it becomes popular to support you.


As a man, you should never give room for weakness. Don’t be carried away when everything seems to be going well for you in life. Sometimes you’re tempted to loose your guard and relax.

The world is full of evil people. Don’t be in a position for people to seek justice for you. The Heaven is the Lord’s, but the earth He has given to men (Ps 115:16).
This is the world of Men. Men kíll men and seek justice.

At a certain level as a Christian, You should know your standing with God. Don’t be a weak Christian. Know who you are in God. Don’t forsake God. If you started in God, remain in God.

If you have chosen Omenala and Oke ite, do it very well. But you can’t afford to be a weak man in this wicked world! You need to choose a side and be strong in it.

There are powers and forces at work in this world, and they serve men’s needs and purpose. That is why people go to these forces and implore them to do errands for them.

But only one thing will save you from all these lower forces: YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF WHO YOU ARE IN GOD.

Find your alignment and alliance with God so that when these powers come up against you, it’s not you they’re up against and they know they cannot fight God and win.

There’s no room for weakness in God’s Kingdom. Soak yourself in prayer.


No business deserves to crumble because of lack of money!


How you can keep your business thriving in a dying economy

If you’re into the business of selling products, the highest challenge you’d have now is selling at a loss. This happens when you sell a particular product and the price you sold for can’t afford a new purchase of same product. That’s business deficit.

Now, the solution is you need to have a working capital. If a client wants to buy a particular product, you check for the availability and price of the same product from your supplier. Pay for same product in order to restock and then sell to the client with the current market price. In so doing, you have zero losses.

If you don’t have a working capital, that is where Swiftlynx comes in. 😎 The beautiful thing about Swiftlynx is that you can take a six months loan and pay with a convenient repayment plan.


Not everyone who gives you money wants you to succeed. The source of the money is more important than the money itself. At Swiftlynx, the success of your business is our business.


Some people force you to become better, to level up even against your will. Those are the kind of people you should relate with.


Good Health Is an Underrated form of Wealth!

I have two mentors: one on Corporate finance and the other on wealth Creation. Corporate Finance and wealth creation are two separate concepts and that’s why I need two mentors. Finance is all about money and asset management while wealth creation is about understanding how money works; the principles and values that create wealth.

When you interact with my mentors, they spark your mind in the way you’ve never imagined.

Yesterday while I was having a mentorship session with my finance mentor he told me to always pray for good health. He reminded me that you can have all the money you need in this life and one sickness will make you loose everything in a bid to save your life.

So, while I do the things within my power to stay healthy (Exercise, good food and healthy lifestyle) I also pray for good health. You can never be more careful.

Constantly pray to God to preserve your health. The irony is that you can do your best and still end up in the hospital bed. And it humbles you to know, that there will always be things out of your control. You begin to redefine what matters

Kind Regards
Lord of Loans


I heard Facebook will soon be paying Nigerians. I hope you’ve positioned yourself strategically to benefit from this opportunity?


Life has gotten serious and if you’re not serious with your life, the next generation will suffer the consequences of your decisions. Some things are inexcusable at a certain stage in life.

Brace up! Nobody’s coming to save you!


Starlink is beginning to look more attractive and reliable. I can’t deal with this MTN nonsense anymore! Who has a Starlink plug?


A bag of cement is now N9,500 in some areas and Nigerians are rejoicing. Few months ago, it was N4,600.

In Nigeria, When they want to increase the price of a product from 5k to 10k they first take it to 20k.

Then we complain and whine about how expensive it is. They will now bring it back to the initial pricing they had in mind which is 10k.

Some Nigerians will then celebrate forgetting that it’s 100% increment.

The truth is that We have always believed that Prices of things do not go down once they go up in Nigeria. So they create the illusion of deflation.

It’s the dynamics of the Nigerian Market Game.


People don’t become millionaires because of the money in their bank accounts.

You can stumble upon a million naira, but you cannot stumble upon wealth. You build wealth.

You see people hit the jackpot and become poor after a few months/years, because there are no principles, values and processes to the money.

It’s not the money, it’s who you become in the process of making the money that makes you wealthy.

Kind Regards,
Lord of Loans


Welcome to the month of March! Let’s March towards embracing new blessings and hope. It’s our month of Uncommon Divine Encounter.

Lord of Loans


In business, you have to be intentional about packaging.

Don’t believe the lie that people tell you that packaging does not matter.

Aunty… Brother… packaging matters!

Many of you here are talented, smart and you even speak good English.

But the problem is that when people meet you, they run away.

Customers (or even investors) meet you or maybe visit your timeline but they cannot take you seriously because you fail to package yourself well.

They don’t believe you can do what you say you can do because your packaging is poor.

Please change!

When I say ‘package well’, I don’t mean you must start living above your means.


At least be neat, smell nice, speak with confidence and show some level of preparedness in how you appear to do business with others.

It is not enough to have great ideas or products; you must also learn to package them?

As much as people are interested in your content, your packaging is what they see first.

So make sure you present yourself or your business in a way that others can take you seriously.

Not every time, you come looking like someone that needs help.

Joseph was talented.

But before he was invited to meet with Pharaoh in the palace, he had to shave and change his clothes.


Two days ago, I shared the story of the young boy who was kind to me.

This morning I received a message from one of my friends who was moved by the story.

He said he wanted to bless the boy and encourage him. So he sent me 100k to give the young boy.

We started searching for the boy since yesterday. We couldn’t find him.

Someone told us that he didn’t come out to hawk yesterday. So we headed back home.

Today again, we began to search for him. You know he hawks water, so it’s difficult to pinpoint where he is at any moment.

After a long search, we found him. So we asked him to take us to his home so we can see his parents and appreciate them for teaching him such kindness.

That was how he got N100,000 because he sacrificed two bottles of water.

Every living person has the capacity to make life easier for those they meet if they make the right choices and sacrifices.

Sacrifice is a non-negotiable requirement for success. You must make sacrifices and you must endeavor to be kind.


Your most important asset in this economic crisis is your mind. Protect your mind from a lot of negative energy and poverty mentality.



If you’re into the business of selling products, the highest challenge you’d have now is selling at a loss.

This happens when you sell a particular product and the price you sold for can’t afford a new purchase of same product. That’s business deficit.

Now, the solution is you need to have a working capital.

If a client wants to buy a particular product, you check for the availability and price of the same product from your supplier. Pay for same product in order to restock and then sell to the client with the current market price. In so doing, you have zero losses.

If you don’t have a working capital, that is where Swiftlynx comes in. 😎

The beautiful thing about Swiftlynx is that it is easily accessible with convenient repayment plans.

To apply for Swiftlynx check the comments 👇


It’s my birthday today!

I am grateful to God for the gift of life.

Thank you God, for blessing me with good health and wealth in life.

Thank you Lord, for happiness and abundance.

Thank you for Family, friends, and Swiftlynx!

I have a lot to be thankful for!


I’ve never shared this story publicly before.

In 2020, I got admission to study psychology (MSc) at Leeds Beckett University UK. It was supposed to be an Onsite learning but because my Visa was delayed, I started the program online. Eventually my visa got denied. I appealed to the school to step in since they had granted me CAS and I had already started my Masters program.

However, the school said they couldn’t do anything regarding the embassy’s decision and since I was doing very well at Online Learning that there was really no need for me to come onsite. Apparently my grades were good and they were really surprised.

It was the covid year and there were a lot of travel restrictions. And so if my visa had been denied as a result of these concerns, it would’ve made sense to me. However, it wasn’t because of COVID-19, but because they weren’t convinced that I was going to return to my home country after graduation. That was when it hit me.

If I could pay more than £10,000 to travel out, get a masters degree and still come back to Nigeria with no employment, then it’s as good as wasted. So I demanded for a refund. They did refund and I started a business.

Starting a business was a difficult decision. I had support from my family and a few friends. It is important to note that When you start the process, people will not immediately support you until you support yourself long enough that it becomes popular to support you.

Fortune Okoli is a billionaire businessman and Finance Expert. He is the Chairman/CEO of Swiftlynx Limited, an organization with an interest in Finance, Oil/Gas and cutting edge Technology.


On giving your first fruit to your pastor:

I don’t believe in “As long as it makes you happy” or “as long as it works for you” or worse still “Do what works for you”

That’s how we’ve created a dysfunctional society. There are right ways to do things.

No Pastor is entitled to your First Salary or First fruit.

Scripturally, your first fruits belong to God as thanksgiving.

But who do you think is next to God on earth?

Your parents or your pastor?

Take care of your parents, Give to the poor, and if your your pastor is also poor - give to him too.


If someone asks you:

What is Swiftlynx all about?
What will be your reply? I will credit correct answers. You can share this post with your reply.

Photos from Fortune Okoli -Swiftlynx's post 11/01/2024

On the 8th of January I had the opportunity to speak at an annual youth event.

I was invited by a very revered priest and educator.

The topic of my presentation was "The Power of Growth Mindset: Unlocking Your Productivity Potential and Achieving Goals."

It was a great mind-shifting experience.


Fortune Okoli will not recommend someone who’s not good at what they do.

If you do a job for me and I’m not impressed, You can’t get another job through me.

If you’re learning a particular skill, keep at it. When you’re ready, you can show up.

Be diligent about what you do!


In this time and age when your success in life largely depends on the strength of your relationships and quality of your knowledge, don’t lose valuable relationships for short term benefits.

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