
We help to plan/manage your business' social media presence, build authority, attract quality prospe


You have your business set up. You may even have social media platforms set up. But your customer traffic is low.

Well, that could be because you are not advertising your business.

Your business is like a party well set up. Enough food and drinks. Attractive decorations. Well laid out tables. Everything ready... but no guests.


Oh, the host probably forgot to send out invites. Or she was looking forward to having guests walk in, organically; maybe those passing by.

As ridiculous as they seem, some business owners do not know the importance of running ads for their business. Without ads, social media platforms will not let up to 30% of your current followers see your posts per time. And fewer still for non-followers.

Engaging in frequent social media ads would really help your business get seen by more potential clients. It has the potential to increase your followers and drive sales.

This is the best time to start putting out ads. Let your potential clients see and know that you have the solution they want or need.

Need help setting up your ad account and running targeted ads that will bring you good returns on investment? We are just a DM away.

If you found this helpful, consider following us for more; and share this post to other businesses too.

Photos from Unipresenz's post 02/12/2022

One evening, I had a talk with a client. He owns a robust mobile app development agency.

He told me something that kept me pondering for a long while. He said that if he knew what he knew now when he was starting his company, he would have gone a different route.

Instead of getting an office, employing developers and other staff, and spending so much capital at the initial without any returns for months... he would have instead EMPLOYED MARKETERS.


See it this way.

Marketing leads directly to sales. Even without an office space, or developers... he would have built a brand online, attracted and nurtured clients and gotten jobs.

Now, with jobs landed and funds in, he could then employ developers and other staff or hire developers to complete the tasks.

This would have saved him a lot of money, and ensured that his business entered profitability in the shortest period.

So, what do you think? Would you tow this line of thought or go differently. Let's hear from you.

And if you found this post helpful, please follow and share to your business friends.


Welcome to December, your business's month of Sales and Marketing.

Yes, marketing and sales go hand in hand; and this is the month you should go hard on marketing and expect great sales.

Why? This month, your customers are more receptive to your marketing and more open to buying. This is the month most businesses record the highest turnover at the shortest time.

By the middle of the month, the buying frenzy will kick in, but you would only get a part in it if you start acquiring and nurturing your potential customers NOW.

So, start promoting your December sales. Advertise more. Package your products and services, and make a lot of noise.

And if you need a helping hand from yours truly, we are just a DM away.

One more thing... if you found this helpful, do follow us for more business growth tips.

To your success ๐Ÿฅ‚


Dear business owner, your business is not about you.

You are not your target market. Your products/services are not for your consumption. Your marketing content do not have to appeal to you.

It's about the customers. The customer is king.

So, start looking at what matters: your customers. Study them. Understand what they like and do better/more. Note what they do not appreciate, and stop/fix them.

There may be points where your interests meet with the clients', but the clients' interest should remain paramount to the success of your business.

This is why at Unipresenz, we don't ask you what kind of content you like or prefer. We ask you questions to understand your kind of customers and what kind of content they would prefer.

With this avatar or User Persona, we create content that educate, inform and entertain your customers.

That's how we get them to know you more, like you and trust you as the authority in your field.

Remember: your business is not about you... but about your customers.

Follow us, and get more business growth tips for your business.


๐ŸŽฅ :: Yours Wisely

Never give up!

Not now, not ever! Running a business can be quite challenging. Keeping the numbers up, satisfying customers and staff. Putting in the works, daily... and hoping to make profits.

But if you don't give up, your effort will pay off.

Keep learning, keep implementing and keep building. Strive for quality over quantity.

And the world will celebrate your efforts in a little while. And your many customers will thank you that you never gave up.


Did you know that Apple, the multi-billion dollar company now, was once on the verge of bankruptcy?

They were heavily in debt, and ready to fold up.

Then, they took some drastic decisions that saw them not only clearing off their debts, but rising to be one of the most profitable companies in the world today.

In the late Apple's CEO and co-founder, Steve Jobs' speech at Stanford University, he said you should stay hungry and stay foolish.

This means that, you should continue to strive for more knowledge, and always be open to learning new things. New ideas, new strategies, new partnerships etc.

Your business will only grow by the size and quality of products/services, knowledge, skills and staff that you have.

So, remember to stay hungry and stay foolish.

And if you need quality social media marketing, you know we are here for you. We are always learning new ways to make your pages get seen by your many prospects.

Don't forget to follow, like and share this post for more business growth tips.

Photos from Unipresenz's post 15/11/2022

"...You Can Sell S**t And People Will Buy."

Rabiu made the above statement, bragging to his friends. Of course, it wasn't literal but Iyke, the elder of the group dared him to sell s**t, and Rabiu agreed.

In less than 3 months, Rabiu had a shop literally selling s**t... to farmers, who needed cheap and effective manure for their plants.

You see, Rabiu understood something that many don't. That no product or service is useless. They just need to be noticed by the RIGHT AUDIENCE (targeted ads) and COMMUNICATED properly (quality content).

If your business does this 2 things, you stand a better chance of selling even more than Rabiu did.


Happy new month!

Welcome to the month of September.

A month to unravel the awesomeness that you are. To bring the solutions that your clients have been waiting for.

Another month to step out boldly in your uniqueness.

Succeed in this new month, and let your growth be an inspiration for all.

Photos from Unipresenz's post 23/08/2022

How to make your brand known, liked and trusted

Your business needs to build its 'Know, Like and Trust' (KLT) factor, to be able to attract, retain and convert quality customers. This factor could also help your business turn customers to a tribe of people who carry your business as their own, spreading the message of your brand.

Do note that building your brand's KLT factor isn't a one day affair, and may take time to start seeing results; but it is an essential, and the benefits are enormous.

So, how can you build it? Here are 3 sure ways that will get you started.

1. Be honest and really care

It is said that people do not care how much you know, till they know how much you care. Your customers will judge through their interactions with your business, whether offline or online, whether you truly care about their interests... or not.

This is one reason to get the right people managing the critical points of interaction between your business and your customers.

2. Be human.

Your customers want to know that they are not dealing with robots. Not that it is wrong to automate most parts of your business, but showing human faces besides your brand can go a long way to foster trust with your potential customers.

Also as humans, you should be able to show empathy and vulnerability. Let them know that you understand their pain points, that is why your business was created in the first place.

You can share your struggles and victories, and guide them into being a part of your brand's stories.

3. Be consistent

Being consistent builds faith in the brand. Not just about consistency in content online, but most importantly... consistency in the quality and type of service or products the brand provides.

At Unipresenz, we are committed to helping your brand build and maintain her KLT factor. We have a team dedicated to managing your DM and other online engagements.

They are prompt, will study your brand and speak as the voice of your brand.

This is why we are your favorite social media marketing agency. Let's come to a deal in our DM.

Photos from Unipresenz's post 16/08/2022

Why you should advertise your business on social media

Social media is a leveler. In the past, advertising a business was a thing for the deep pockets. And with each channel came multiple platforms. On radio, there were many radio stations in each state. Many TV stations. Many Newspaper and billboards companies.

And they didn't come cheap.

But with social media, a few platforms are enough to get your business seen and heard by thousands and millions of people around the world.

And the best part, for less than the fees those traditional media would cost for one platform.

Here are 5 reasons why you need to start advertising your business on social media.

1. There are over 2 billion people online.

About 100 million Nigerians are actively online. It would be considered a success if you could reach even 1% of that number on a daily.

2. Most social media platforms allow more views when you advertise.

The social media platforms are primed for profit, themselves.

Even if you have 50K followers on your page, just about 10% get to see your posts. Advertising helps your posts to gain more visibility.

Remember, business is a game of numbers. The more visibility, the better the chances for sales.

3. The ads can be measured.

Unlike traditional media, where you pay a high fee and hope to see results; social media ads can show you what works and what is not.

In essence, you can see how your ads are converting, tweak what is not working and fine tune what is working to get even more results.

4. You get retention value.

Social media ads offers you contacts and details of people interested in your business/offers. If properly done, these contact lists can be saved for direct offers in the future.

They could also be directed to follow your pages, and keep up with happenings and other offers from you.

5. It is affordable.

Social media ads can cost you next to nothing, when compared to other forms of advertising.

There is opportunity to advertise with almost any budget. Of course, the budget set is one of the factors that can affect the sample size of people your ads gets to reach.

You don't have to deep pockets before you start advertising.


Your first post was the hardest. You kept planning and probably procrastinating.

Your first venture, took you a good while to start.

This new phase in your business; as usual... you may be doubting yourself. Wondering about the outcomes.

But by now, you should have known... that like as before, they are momentary. They will pass.

Just start. Do it ugly. Do it shaky. Do it afraid. But just do it!

And before you know it, you will be amazed at how fast you have learned to be the best at what you do.

Just do it!


The spotlight will hit your spot. And you will have your moment.

But when it does, there is only one thing that will make it linger... and even cling to you for a long time.


The world is full of people who are doing the same thing. What makes your brand different? People want a different taste.
That's what will make your brand memorable.

It takes guts and confidence to be different in a noisy marketplace. We hope you choose to be your unique self.


Greater things await, this new month.

You will succeed at where you failed, because you persevere. You are learning the vital lessons that failures teach, and you haven't lost your enthusiasm.

Get ready for an August achievement. Happy new month.

Photos from Unipresenz's post 15/07/2022

Driving down the highway, you see medium to massive billboards. You also pass by large display screens. Sometimes, you don't even remember that they exist.

Did you know that EACH of those silent posters cost their respective owners between N100,000 to over N500,000 per month?

And each of those owners (individuals, groups, businesses or organizations) could have up to 10 or more of those ads, in each state of the country?

Do the math!

And yet, most people can hardly tell what ad they saw on the billboard they drove past. Worse still, it is almost impossible to track the conversion rates from each of those billboards.

But with social media ads....

They go straight into the social media feed of the TARGET audience. And better still, the ads can be tracked for numbers of views, engagements, conversions and where they are coming from.

And even better still, social media ads don't have to cost an arm and a leg like billboard ads. With as low as N10,000 to any amount available, one can easily set up a social media ads that will follow prospects, even to their bedrooms and restrooms.

Does this negate the traditional billboard ads?
No, not at all.

When considering the medium for advertisement, you should look at:
1. The best platform to reach your audience
2. Your Ads budget
3. Your marketing strategy

And oh... if you can, you should use both medium, to reach more potential clients - both offline and online.

And if you need professional assistance with creating and launching your social media ads, we are very much at your service.

Send us a message, and let's help in rolling down the traffic that your business needs.


We are here to help your business grow. Sincerely. And we will start by giving you doable solutions to some nagging issues your business may be facing.

We also welcome your questions, in the comments or inbox. We will do our best to answer them.

Then, as we grow... we look forward to working directly with some businesses, to manage and compliment their online marketing efforts. Of course, we can't work with all our potential clients, but we aim to grow fast to be able to help as many businesses as possible.

We are Unipresenz, and we were born to help small and medium sized businesses have a voice online, attract suitable customers and increase sales.

You will want to stick with us on this ride of a lifetime. Your business will thank you.

So, follow us. Like and share our posts, that resonate with you. Let's engage in the comments and inbox... and turn on notifications, so you don't miss a thing.

Our engine is still revving. โ˜บ We will kick off very soon. ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€

Photos from Unipresenz's post 13/07/2022

Torn between working offline and social media?

Running a business can be hectic. From resuming at the office in the morning, to meeting customer expectations, to managing daily tasks. Phew!

Then, social media marketing... Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google My Business, YouTube... and the list could go on. And all these must happen between your usual 9 to 5, as the case maybe.

I know the strain this can cause to you and your business. Worse still, it could lower your efficiency on both.

Here is a simple hack that (even as a social media marketer) I use to manage our clients' platforms and increase our efficiency.

1. Have a content strategy

2. Create a content calendar

3. Create content for the week or the month, to maintain consistency.

4. Design the graphics for each of those content.

5. Finally, schedule your posts on a scheduling app like Meta Business Suite, Hootesuite, Planoly, or even on Canva.

And viola! With this simple hack, you can now relax, and focus more on giving your best to your business and your customers.
You can drop in from time to time to engage with your audience online.

Or you can reach out to us to take the whole social media marketing stress, off your shoulders. This is what we do, and we are good at it. Send us a DM, if you would like us to work with you to attract more customers to your business, online.

Photos from Unipresenz's post 12/07/2022

Torn between working offline and social media?

Running a business can be hectic. From resuming at the office in the morning, to meeting customer expectations, to managing daily tasks. Phew!

Then, social media marketing... Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google My Business, YouTube... and the list could go on. And all these must happen between your usual 9 to 5, as the case maybe.

I know the strain this can cause to you and your business. Worse still, it could lower your efficiency on both.

Here is a simple hack that (even as a social media marketer) I use to manage our clients' platforms and increase our efficiency.

1. Have a content strategy

2. Create a content calendar

3. Create content for the week or the month, to maintain consistency.

4. Design the graphics for each of those content.

5. Finally, schedule your posts on a scheduling app like Meta Business Suite, Hootesuite, Planoly, or even on Canva.

And viola! With this simple hack, you can now relax, and focus more on giving your best to your business and your customers.
You can drop in from time to time to engage with your audience online.

Or you can reach out to us to take the whole social media marketing stress, off your shoulders. This is what we do, and we are good at it. Send us a DM, if you would like us to work with you to attract more customers to your business, online.


Great ventures start from small beginnings, and that includes your small business.

Every little effort contribute in the long term, to form great achievements.

Put in the right systems that would enable your business to grow; and that includes having a well thought out social media marketing strategy. Because marketing is the most important aspect of your business, and social media marketing is at the heart of your marketing efforts.

To your success.


The second half of the year is here.

We can't wait to help your business thrive. We are ready. Are you?

Let's do big things this month.

Happy new month


A little more time, and we are almost there.

For the past few weeks, I have had to take some courses on content creation, social media advertising and graphics design.

And another course on video editing is on the way. Add practice to that.

While doing these, it may seem as if nothing is happening. But like a seed, that first spends a lot of time in the ground developing roots... we see the need to take sometime to build roots, that will grow to satisfy our potential customers.

We aim to be a world class social media marketing agency. And world class is not mediocre. To be, we must become. We must learn.

We inform you, to solicit for your patience and support. Like and share our posts. Send us DMs. Delegate those marketing tasks to us.

And let our process inspire you to be more.


Because when you love what you do, it won't feel like work.

Photos from Unipresenz's post 17/05/2022

It's another new 31 days to still make 2020 a great year.
Donโ€™t give up now. Not ever. Set those goals, and start crushing them. Go!

Happy New Month.


Happy New Month.

No matter how dark and dreary last month was, this month rises with rays of hope and better days.

It's gonna be alright.

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Videos (show all)

Welcome to December, your business's month of Sales and Marketing. Yes, marketing and sales go hand in hand;  and this i...
Dear business owner, your business is not about you. You are not your target market. Your products/services are not for ...
๐ŸŽฅ :: Yours Wisely Never give up! Not now, not ever! Running a business can be quite challenging. Keeping the numbers up,...
Happy new month!Welcome to the month of September.A month to unravel the awesomeness that you are. To bring the solution...
Your first post was the hardest. You kept planning and probably procrastinating. Your first venture, took you a good whi...
Because when you love what you do, it won't feel like work. #Unipresenz #mondaymotivation #socialmediamarketing



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