Rev David S. Okeke

City of Grace Church. C.G.C International Non profit organization


HEBREWS 6:13, GENESIS 8:12, DANIEL 9:1-3
There is a place for patience for obtaining things from God. There is a time factor, but you must be able to know when you have left patience to long suffering. It is no longer God and you must fight for the promises and prophecies to come to pass at the place of prayer and fasting.
• If what you're looking for can't make you forfeit food, it's not serious.
A. 1 Timothy 1:18, Daniel 9:1-3, Genesis 15:13
B. The things concerning you, if you don't do anything about God's word and promises for your life, they won't come pass.
C. Genesis 15:13,
There are certain delays caused by God... Become spiritually mature. (3John 1:2, Galatians 4:1-2, Proverbs 1:32)
A. Don't take the blessing and abandon the one that bless, let God be the center of your life.
A. (Hebrews 3:11-12, Hebrews 11:6)
A. ( Mark 11:23)

• GOD'S INTERVENTION BY BREAKING THE BARS AND GATES(Restrictions): Psalm 45:1-3, Proverbs 21:1

There is no atom of doubt in my heart in my heart.... God said it, i believe it and that settles it... As long as God lives, and as long as i live the best things in my city must come to me. No unbeliever is permitted to have a good job, contract or opportunities until i have mine. Every restriction that have locked me out of the abundance flowing in this city, the treasure of darkness, the hidden riches of secret places i break them now, i command opportunities to find me now! I activate the ministry of angels to go and mobilize them in the mighty name of Jesus!

I pray that the anointing for divine magnetism rest upon you today to draw the resources of your city to you. Whatever next level the devil is restricting you from, today i scatter them in the mighty name of Jesus.


Mark 13:14-23
"So be on your guard; I have told you
Everything ahead of time."
Mark 13:23

A lot of false prophets and preachers exist in our time and many people are flocking to them. These are people who do not want to have a personal relationship with the lord but prefer to live in their pernicious ways.
The are ready to pay money to others to fast on their behalf and tell them what the lord is saying. These false prophets the Patronise make merchandise of them and even indulge in immorality with some of them. The do what the bible warns us against and still claim they are servants of God. The bible warns that a tree is know by its fruits
(Mathew 12:33).. It says that,
" Thus by their fruit you will recognize them"
(Matthew 7:20)
Be mindful of the times and pay heed to the warning of our lord Jesus Christ. Avoid being deceived by anyone for light has nothing to do with darkness.
Seek to hear God yourself and don't go around asking people,
" Has God giving you a word for me?"
Seek the lord and you will find Him.


John 4:19-24
For we are the circumcision which worship God in spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus,
And have no confidence in the flesh.
Philippians 3:3

A fool according to complete Christian dictionary, is a stupid person and one lacking in judgment and understanding: one who can be easily deceived. There are certain things the bible ascribes to a fool.
When you are not involved in these things, the you are presenting the right picture to heaven. What are those pictures we ought to avoid presenting to heaven?

1• "The fool has said in his heart, There is no God" ( Psalm.14:1)
Is there a way you have doubted the existence of God probably because your prayers have not been answered?!

2• Fools make a mockery of sin (Proverb1:7)

3• Fools despise wisdom and instructions (Proverb1:7)

4• God said to the rich man, who put his trust in riches, "Thou fool, this night thy soul should be required of thee..." ( Luke12:20) are you putting your trust in riches?

5• In Ecclesiastes 5:3, it is written, "Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger rest in the bossom of fools."

6• In Ecclesiastes 5:3, it is written, "A fool's voice is known by the multitude of words" Are you are chatter box? In James 1:19 we are admonished to be slow to speak.

√Pray for your self as you consider what pictures, of yourself, you are painting to heaven.


" you are not born again to suffer again,
You are born again to shine again. "

Let me begin by stating very emphatically that salvation is not an escape route to heaven, rather, is a seal of distinction on earth. In other words, salvation is not just securing a visa to heaven; on the contrary it is your guarantee for a life of impact on the earth.
You are born again to reign again. The first Adam was in charge, he was king of the earth, but sin brought him down. The second Adam, Jesus Christ; came to re-estabablish your Dominion.
Everyone that is save on planet earth, is saved to shine, not to suffer frustration, humiliation or oppression. As a matter of fact, the believer can be said to be a celebrity, someone the world should celebrate.
God paid a dear price to make somebody out of you. He actually gave up His only begotten son to ensure that you live an outstanding life on the earth. Without mincing words, you are redeemed to reign, not to be enslaved. That is why to die as a nonentity is an abuse on redemption, a slap on the face of God!
Making maximum impact is about affecting your world positively. It is about making the most of your life, standing out among your peers, being unique, a plus not a minus, a contributor not a detractor, a distributor not a beggar. That is why Jesus said,

You are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.

You are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.
Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your works, and glorify your father which is in heaven.

I pray that, the eyes of your understanding may be enlighten, to know the riches and your inheritance in Christ Jesus. Amen


What God has done for you.

Colossians 1:12-14. Ephesians 1:3
Giving thanks unto the father,... Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness.
Colossians 1:12-13.

There is an inheritance for the saints in light and God has made us to be partakers. He has delivered us from the influence of the power of darkness. In Luke 10:19, our lord Jesus Christ told us that He given us power over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt us.
Believe the word of God and resist the devil in any way he wants to cloud you or influence you.
The lord has translated us into the kingdom of His dear son, when you live conscious of this truth, you will continually live as a victor and not victim.
God has also redeemed us through the precious blood of our lord Jesus Christ and forgiven us our sins.
Do not allow the devil to keep reminding you of the sins of the past; the have been forgiven and as far the easth is from the west, so far has he taken our sins away from us( Psalm 103:12)
Indeed give thanks to our father for what He has done for us.


1 Timothy 1:12-16
".... I was shown mercy because i acted
In ignorance and unbelief."
1 Timothy 1:13
The abundant mercy of God towards sinners is greatly shown through the life of Paul. Paul greatly appreciated the fact that despite the fact that he was a great sinners, that our lord Jesus Christ forgive him, saved him and put him into the ministry.
He appreciated the fact that he obtained mercy despite his former life style and that through that mercy, the abundant mercy of our lord Jesus towards man was manifested.
Is there a sin you committed and the devil keeps whispering that God cannot use you because of that? Know this day that the mercy of God is abundant towards you. Once you have asked for forgiveness, just know He has forgiven you, cleansed and santify you with His precious blood, and is ready to count you faithful and put you into the ministry.
He is the merciful lord.


Luke 8: 43-48
"... Daughter, your faith has healed you.
Go in peace."

In Isaiah 53:5, it is written, "... The punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we were healed." It is difficult for anyone who is afflicted by any form of sickness, to be at peace in his body. The lord has however paid for our peace. Sickness and diseases afflict their victims in many ways through different types of pain and discomfort. Our lord Jesus has made every provision for us to be peaceful and healthy.
The woman who had the issue of blood had faith in the fact that her healing will come from our lord Jesus Christ. In Mark 5:28, she was reported to have said, "If i just touch his clothes, I will be healed." When she acted her faith by touching Him, she was made whole immediately.
Are you being afflicted in any form ? Hold on to your faith and do not give in to whatever anybody had said but believe that God has not given you over to death ( Psalm 118:8). Receive your healing by faith in Jesus name.


What we need to do for effective Christian life, is crucify the flesh. The Bible does talk about that.
Crucify the flesh is not something God does for you. Is something you do for yourself. St Paul letter to Rome
(ROMANS 12:1)
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.
( 1 corrinthians 10:27)
But i discipline my body, and bring it into subjection, lest, when i have preached to others, i myself should become disqualified.


Simple Secret of Greatness
Luke 16:10-12
"For if you do these things, you will neither be barren nor unfruitful ..." 2 Peter. 1:6:-
√ Faithfulness in the least: Do not neglect the days of little beginning. Anybody who cannot start, small cannot end big. Anything big started small. If you can handle the seed, you can harvest the fruits.
√ Faithfulness in money: money is good but the love of it is destructive. As God's stewards it is required of us to be faithful. If money will make you compromise your values, God will never trust you with true richness.
√ Social Faithfulness: David, Moses, Joseph, and Jacob, attained greatness through being faithful in handling other people's resource. God cursed Cain for messing up Abel's life. You can never mar another man's destiny or career, and make a difference in your own life.

Prayer: Lord, to be faithful is to be faithful. Help me attain greatness in life as i deal faithfully with others in my daily activities. Amen!


Rebound and keep Moving
Job 11 vs 16
"You will forget your trouble( Misery) as water gone by"
But no matter how bad things may look on the surface. Granted life is full of challenges, but always remember the immortal words in the scripture. "It came to pass" Child of God, nothing has come to "To stay". Life is not like an immovable sculpture. Although there will always be challenges, do not allow them to kill your faith or your resolve to live a victorious life.
Challenges are meant to see as opportunity to grow. Sometimes our heavenly father deliberately allows us to to go through some things in order that we may become mature in certain areas of life, when that is done, the season will pass as though it never existed.

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