Its a gospel page, that is set to influence lives positively through inspired write ups.


Part 2.

King Ahaziah was the king of Israel and son of king Ahab.

The people of Moab rebelled against king Ahaziah after the death of king Ahab and within this period king Ahaziah fell from a lattice in his upper chamber that was in Samaria and became sick.

Now look at his next line of action, the bible said in 2kings 1:2 ".......and he sent messengers, and said unto them , Go and inquire of Ba'alze'bub the god of Ekron whether I shall recover of this disease"

But why Ba'allze'bub instead of God.

This single action got God upset. He told Elijah to ask the messengers of the king this question "is it not because there is not a God in israel, that ye go to inquire of Ba'alze'bub the god of Ekron"

And God is asking you the same question "is it there not a God in Israel?, don't you have the holy spirit?" Then why seek other means first.

Who you run to matters

In same chapter of 2kings verse 17, the bible said "so he(King Ahaziah) die..."

You don't run to man and remain the same

You run to medicine and get that cure the way God would have done it, surgery can work but God can do that same surgery without putting any knife on the skin.

Who do you run to?

In your health, academics, life challenges, business, marriage, ministry, family etc.



GOD OR Man?.




God bless you as you read.

Because of the profession God has allowed me to partake in, time to time, some people call me and ask certain questions relating to their health.

On my page, where I first posted this topic, I said if I asked this question, everyone will naturally say "God" but the truth is that in reality most people don't run to him first and even until things get bad and for some even if things are in the worst states they still don't turn to God but Mammon's.

Most times when people call me and say; Nurse, my stomach is turning me or headache is pounding or anything at all. My first question to them is "Have you prayed?'

You don't displace the place of God with human knowledge which is exhibited in medicine or anything at all.

And this is the reason why many of us spend much in hospitals just because we don't who to run to and when to run to him.

But can you run to whom you don't know? No!!!

That's a call to repent and return to God but let's continue with our topic.

Because even the saved ones makes this mistake. Being saved is one thing and knowing the benefits of being saved is another.

Am not saying one shouldn't seek medical attention its very important but you can live without medicals if you know your value.

I also know God can decide to do anything he wants, because the world was created for his pleasure.

But who do you run to?.

Is God first or your knowledge, remember what Proverbs 3:5 says " trust him everything you have".

And this the mistake King Ahaziah made in 2kings 1:2.



1- If you're to be in the group of Jobs friends, will you be a judge or will you encourage your job and support him/her with everything you have.

2- If you are Job, will you stand the test of time to carry the victory crown or will you look for a short cut.

The two questions in one or the other affects everyone reading this write up.

The country is in great penury and by God's grace he has blessed you, then help.

Hunger is everywhere but you eat three square meals then share.

You have all color's of outfits and different patterns then give out some.

Don't say they are not using their salary well. If some of those people tell you much they earn, you will shed tears and ask how they've been surviving.

Don't say they are suffering the consequences of their mistakes sometimes it's not like that but even if it is, just help. Remember what proverbs 2:27 says "whenever possible you can, do good to those who need it"

Please don't be a judge but a Savior.

Ask God for the grace to stand trial times.

And stay with him no matter what happens around you, trust him and believe him completely, then you will not end up behaving like Eliphaz, Bilhad and Zophar.

God bless.


I don't know if you know those names; if you know that's very nice but if you don't just read down you will get to know them.

Do you that the book of Job contains 42 chapters but out of those 42 chapters, about 36 of them were filled with criticism and arguments between job and his Friends.

Those three names are the names of Job's friends who instead of encouraging Job, judged him out of human perspective and life experiences.

This three men judged from the outside without knowing about the inside history.

And the truth is, some of us today do the same, we judge situations from the outside.

Listen, beyond what you see, the spiritual is very very real. The afflictions was not as a result of immortality but a bet set between God and the devil.

And fortunately, job was the person for the experience. Yes humanly he spoke words that shouldn't be said but he still trusted in God.

But while all this were going on, the friends thought job had committed maybe one adultery, murder or maybe he has cheated someone and is now suffering the consequences.

But their thinking was wrong and they judged wrongly.

In nutshell, I want to plead with you, do not to be like the friends of job. When you see people passing through tough times, if you have what it takes to help, please do and if you don't then encourage them.

I tell you those conditions are not easy, we've been there and know how it can be.

The book of job could only be 6 chapter's and who knows it would have reduced his agony but judging friends prolonged his sufferings.

Please don't prolong the sufferings of others with your words and lack of help.

Remember they are in refining process and once they are out, they will be far more better than you are.

Job 42:12 says "the lord blessed job more than he was"

There is a blessing coming after those tough times, am sure of it. 1 peter 5:10 says....after ye have suffered a while.

There will a suffering but the question is in two places.

PArt 1


It's Christmas, a king is born.

The greatest news the world has ever received is; A king is born. He is the reason for the season.

The king is no other person than Jesus Christ but even though it's the birth day of Jesus Christ, we are not celebrating him.

Some of us see Christmas as a period to enjoy with family relations which is good but beyond that it's a time to reflect on the real essence of Christ birth.

He wasn't born to live a long life like we all wish to live out.

He wasn't born to pursue his life ambitions but to do the will of the father (john 18:11).

He wasn't born to fight the government but to show us the codes of conduct as Christians.

Yet with all this we don't celebrate him but we claim to do so.

There are two major reasons people misuse Christmas:
1. They don't know the main reason for season.

2. They know the reason but they don't care.

And the above reasons are why people, instead of being in churches will prefer the beer parlors and beds of adultery.

Many celebrate in various evil ways in the name of Christmas and I ask; WHO ARE WE CELEBRATING?

And am asking you now, WHO ARE YOU CELEBRATING?

Yourself or Christ.



Man was created in Gods image but man has failed to represent God right from the beginning.

And that is why what entices men are strange.

What moves God is not what moves man. Most men choose ungodly ways of living over the right way.

The caption of this write up maybe, what entices men are strange but of a truth they are not strange to we the believers because we know what the scriptures says and what it tells us about what will happen in the last days.

The book of John 3:19 say "This is how the judgment works, the light has come into the world but people love the darkness rather than the light because their deeds are evil".

And the above scripture is the reason a man can watch jokes and movies for hours but suddenly feel bored when a sermon clip is played.

A man can watch po*******hy without having any feeling of doing wrong but will bluntly refuse to watch mountain zion movies.

A man will have a very beautiful wife but chooses to go after skirts outside.

A man can be in the football film house for hours but gets irritated after 10mins of entering into God's sanctuary.

A man can read newspapers for hours and even make some arguments out of it with his colleagues but can't read the bible for 30minutes.

A man can be on social media all day but can't be in the presence of God even for a second.

A man will see evangelical movements/preachings as disturbance but won't hesitate to argue and listen to nonsense.

What entices men are strange, how could the nakedness of another man's wife make David loose his senses. Chai what entices men are Strange.

What made Sampson leave maidens of his tribe to go after Delila, what entices men are strange.

Men have chosen to be in darkness and are comfortable there. No matter what you preach

No matter how loud your voice is

No matter how much energy you put in, even if you cry, they are not moved. The god of this world has blinded them with there weak point being greed and lust.




First of all, there is a great difference between mistake and sin.

Mistake does not really involve immortality and sin is a total deviation from God's will.

Though both are used interchangeably but they are different. But most times mistakes leads to sin.

But the greatest mistake one can do is not even s*xual immortality as most of us previously thought, neither is it murder, fraud or jealousy.

Let's look at Matthew 16:23 which says "Jesus turned around and said to peter," Get away from me satan, you are an obstacle in my way, because this thoughts of yours do not come from God but from human nature".

This is Jesus rebuking peter who wanted to talk Jesus away from his primary assignment. Jesus ultimate goal was not to heal the sick, free those in bo***ge or even teach kingdom ethics, all these are good but his primary assignment was to die on the cross.

When the time was near, Jesus was telling his disciples how his journey would end but Satan through peter wanted to talk Jesus away from that purpose.

Thank God for Jesus who had a discerning spirit.

To everyone reading this, the greatest mistake you will make in life is allowing people or circumstances to lead you away from the main Purpose God created you.

And take caution because anyone can try to lead you away even close relatives. Peter was one of Jesus right hand man but Satan spoke through him.

Please don't say, no it's my mum, dad, spouse or even mentor. Be careful, don't make that mistake because once you do, your Christian life is at risk, your ending with Christ is not certain.

Many are where they are today because of this shift in purpose, so may God first of all, give you the knowledge of your purpose and the grace to be steadfast in it.



Divorce is on the increase.

Depression every where because of wrong marriages and relationships.

All because we fail to listen to God's voice. Some hear and don't heed to it while some, the reason for their capture is not being born again.

The scripture in ecc 7:26 says a godly man/woman can escape this bitterness.

So the question is, are you godly?
Are you born again?
Many have been deceived
Destinies take away
Wombs destroyed
Premature deaths

All because we fail to yield to God.

Our submission to God helps us discern.

And without him you can't do that.

More bitter than death, is an immoral woman or man.

If you study the Bible closely, you will come to a great understanding of certain secrets, God's spirit can only reveal.

Prayer: I don't want to be caught in the net of an immoral woman or man, because it would disconnect me from you, I give my life to you, take it and give me a discerning spirit and the spirit to know your will for me Amen.



Immediately I posted this on my what's app status someone replied to it and said, Hell.

And it's true hell is very bitter, more than bitter than death but that's on the other of this life.

While here on earth, there is something more bitter than death, you may ask, is it the loss of a spouse? or business, relation, certificate, what actually is it.

All those mentioned above can cause great pain when we miss them but still it's not more bitter than death.

Ecclesiastics 7:26 says "I have found something more bitter than death, the woman is like a trap. The love she offers will catch you like a net, and her alms around you will hold you like chains. A man who pleases God can get away from her but she will catch the sinner".

Now you can see the answer, the experience more bitter than death is an immoral woman or man.


Because they disconnect you from God.

Today many people are in marriages which have been a major reason their Christian life died down. Amongst the spouse, either of them may not be spiritual and this affects the other.

Little wonder the Bible says do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers in 2 Cor 6:14.

The same book of Corinthians but the first chapter 7:16 says For wife, how can you be sure of changing and converting your husband, how can you be sure of converting your husband.

This is the question for some of us who feel they change their spouse overnight.

The bible says how sure are you, it may be possible but how sure are you but instead of putting your Christian life on a gambling table, why not heed to 2 Cor 6:14.
Let money not be your first priority, neither should stature or even establishments but the spiritual life.
I told God, i would love to marry a woman that suites my taste but I don't want to marry one who is not a Christian.
For you currently in a relationship, is @ prince handsome or princess a Christian?Because an immoral man or woman is more bitter than death.

Divorce is on the increase.


"" I DON'T KNOW ""

-Who gave birth to God? I don't know

-Where did God come from? I don't know

-Why did God allow so much suffering and diseases? I don't know

-When people die, do they go to hell immediately or wait till resurrection morning? I don't know

-Why didn't God jus kill Satan at first and save us all from this trials, temptations and sufferings? I don't know

-There are dozens of questions you can ask me that I don't know because am only human

-I may know some, even for those I have asked above but I don't know it all

-1 Cor 13:9 says we know in parts...

-No matter how much you journey with God there are things God will reserve for himself to maintain his integrity as God.

-But I do know one thing, Jesus is coming again but if you ask me when? my answer will still be, I don't know but am sure he is coming.

-One of the best responses I heard from billy Graham was "I don't know", it didn't mean he was not spiritual but there are things we will never know in this mortal flesh

-That is why as a Christian never try to answer all questions, you will surely give the wrong answer because you don't and can't know it all.


It don't know.


**It is one thing to begin anything in life and it's another to continue and even fantastic to finish well.

**Even for our Christian life, it is one to begin and another to continue the Christian race that is why Matthew 24:13 made it clear that the Christian race and heaven at last is for those who will endure till the end.

**But this write up is not basically for the ultimate goal which is heaven we all are aiming for but for the process involved in the race.

**As a Christian who walks with God their are stages we all will pass through for us to be efficient at last and it requires us to CONTINUE because the stages will not all be rosy and there will even be times when God will be silent and it will seem you are wasting your time.

**Look at the life of Samuel in 1Sam 2:18 it says in the mean time the boy Samuel continued to serve the Lord, wearing a sacred linen apron.

**Note there was a time, Samuel was boy and he continued to serve the Lord and all this happened when the son's of eli were misusing the sacred items of the Lord in his temple and even molesting the women who served in the temple but amongst all this Samuel who was a boy didn't allow their behavior to influence him.

Now listen in our present generation many sort for quick wealth and they get it because the devil also gives wealth and this most times discourage our Christian believers who forget that they are meant to CONTINUE serving God because yes Samuel was once a boy but he also later became one of most respected prophet in Israel, the Bible even noted that non of his word fell to the ground.All this were possible because he CONTINUED to serve even when it seemed useless and the reward was not forth coming.

**So to the one reading this, please listen, continue in those godly ways

**When they get their wealthy ungodly, continue in your service for God

**When they buy car, CONTINUE

**When it seems the reward is not coming forth, CONTINUE


It will soon work out.



**Which do you value""

The plant or the people

This was the question God asked Jonah as he was talking to Jonah in chapter 4:6-11.

Jonah was sent to Nineveh to warn them about their sins, at first he refused and tried all he could to doge the message but finally ends up in fish's belly then to Nineveh.

But note the mission was to go and warn them and by Gods grace that the warning will make them see a need to return to God. But when evangelism beared fruits in the lives of the ninevehites as the people wore sack cloths and asked for repentance (chapter 3).

Chapter 4 began with the statement that Jonah became angry but why

That the people he went to preach to changed? but shouldn't this be a good news?

But Jonah was angry

And you know what? We have Christians like that today, who will preach prosperity and even give you tips but when you start making it envy comes

This anger in the Jonah then made God ask him this question though not in a line according to the bible but he asked the plant and the people who do you value more

In chapter 4, Jonah went to the east of the city, I don't how the east of that city may have been but with my sanctified imagination I will say it was a solidarity/serene/quite place.

In that place, God made a plant grow to provide shelter for Jonah because of the weather but not long, God commanded worms to eat up the plant and because of this Jonah became angry again

But wait ooo

He is angry just for a plant he didn't even water and make grow

But he was angry and even valued it more than the souls of Nineveh and the question for us today is what is 'that plant we value more, more than our Christian faith, church, fellow believers, evangelism and spiritual lives

And this things we have value are things like Jonah we didn't create and we won't go with them

So why do value them?

What is that plant in your life

Do you value it more than the people?

Only you can answer.




Glory be to God.


Sin is the only barrier that has always stood between us and God since time immemorial.

But do you know it's one to sin and it's another to sin again and again.

We all can make mistakes but when we make mistakes do we learn from them or just ignorantly move on

You know the word mistake simple means missed-to-take but when you mis-to-take, what do you do, you re-take and not continue in your evil ways

And this was the problem of the Israelites in the bible but not only them but also other tribes, you can read Amos chapter one and chapter two to see all those involved but it's still the same today with some of us, we don't only sin but we sin again and again and God distastes that.

God all along was willing to forgive the Israelites, Daniel 9:9, Isaiah I :8 will help see that is always willing but continuous sin and failure to go back to him brought all those punishments.

I once knew a lady who had abortion and for a period of time she was moody and even went to ask for forgiveness from God but after a while she bounced back to her normal way of living; continuous sin and temporary repentance

That is why I always encourage myself and others see eeh it's not enough to be moody when you sin because emotions come and go but make up your mind not to do that again, you may not even cry per say but once you make up your mind everything is settled Daniel 1:8

Are you sinning?
Are you sinning again and again?
Are repenting temporarily?

Make up your mind to repent permanently and God will never forsake you in Jesus name Amen.




*The temple/church is a symbol of Christ's body.

*I know we all have one denomination or the other that we belong but what makes us Christians?

*Is it church? Or our ability to live a righteous life?

*Church is not what makes us Christians neither do living righteous lives makes us one.

*What do I even mean, how can I say living a righteous life is not a guarantee to being a Christian

*But yes you are right, living a righteous life is necessary but we have so many Christians who live a righteous life that are comfortable with sins

*Let's see what Ezekiel 9 vs 4 says "Go through the whole city of Jerusalem and put a mark on the forehead of everyone who is distressed and troubled because of all the disgusting things being done in the city"

*There were Christians who were in Jerusalem at that time who were Christians but were comfortable with the sins that happened around them

*so in Ezekiel 9 vs 5 and 6 the instruction from God was to kill everyone without mercy except those with the mark on their forehead but he noted start here at my temple

*Do you know it will start from the temple/church

*The judgement, it won't start from the worldly systems but from you and I who are Christians.

*I once told my fellowship member serving God was a risk, they looked at me somehow but it is a risk with benefits so instead of saying risk, I will change it today to saying a beneficial risk

*Every disease has a predisposing factor or risk which makes it that disease but any disease without any predisposing factor/risk is considered a malignancy

*And sin is a malignancy/cancer

*Please note those predisposing factors in the Christian race and run well because the judgments will start at the temple.

Remain blessed.


The thirst for quick money is this 21st century is one that even the best soft drink can't quench.

Many youths want to have the wealth a man of 50 has.

And this has come greatly in the form of internet fraud popularly called YAHOO.

Many now indulge in this act with the sole reason of things are hard, there are no jobs and so on but looking at their reasons, it's all true but is that the way?

Even the Bible does not promise us a life without trails and tough times.

But what most of them fail to understand is that those riches are only for a time.

Proverbs 13:11 will always be true, it says " the more easily you get your wealth, the sooner you will loose it. The harder it is to earn, the more you will have"

The Jeremiah 17:11 says "The person who gets money dishonestly is like a bird that hatches egg it didn't lay, in the prime of life he will loose his riches and in the end he is nothing but a fool.

No matter how much you get now, its only for a while.

I just wish we understand this truth

The bible is always true and will always be true

Yahoo will give you wealth, comfort and luxury today but tomorrow will leave you poor.

And mind you, you might end up being a Babylon, God will allow you to use that money and liberate others but at the end you will stagnant.

YAHOO a great canker worm that has eaten my generation

Many young ones out there today have the mindset of let's enjoy today and forget tomorrow but that's a bad ideology.
My uncle once told me, it took him 10yrs to complete his first house, ten years ooooo not ten days or in his first two decades but ten good years

What's the rush my fellow youths

Even though it might be intimidating seeing others today living well in bad ways just have patience, God will bless you at the due time.

I have never seen anyone who served God genuinely that went home empty handed.

In this race of life PATIENCE most be applied at all points of life.

YAHOO, a great canker worm that has eaten my generation.



Who are the husbandmen? They are US.

King James versions bears it as husbandmen's

Good news translation called it tenants.

Read Matthew 21:33-41 or Mark 12:1-9

Those above passages reflect the parable narrated by Jesus Christ to the high priests.

In that parable God was referred to as a householder and we were referred to as husbandmen/tenants.

The parable said the householder prepared everything needed for life and handed it over to us the tenants but we mismanaged it and when the householder sent his servants and even his one direct heir (Jesus Christ) we killed him.

If I should narrate the whole parable it will be long and exhausting especially for those who don't love reading write ups.

But take your time and read those verses again.

We are the current husbandmen

Some of us are obedient to the rules of the householder but many of us have left him and will even crucify him again.

But remember you are only a tenant as Good new bible translates and one day your house rent (life) will expire.

Then what will be next.

We all are free to make our choices but we are not free from the consequences of the choices we make.

What type of tenant are you?

Do you know your house rent will expire one day?

Then what next?

Eternity is real.

The flesh dies but the soul lives forever.




-There are some people who will make heaven by merit and not by chance, apostle Paul is one of them, that's why in 2 Tim 4:8 he said it clearly that he is waiting for a crown.

-While there are some people that will make heaven by virtue of end-stage-bed-side repentance.

-What do I mean; scenarios of one having terminal illness and knowing there is no hope again, he looks up and says father lord, forgive me.

-But do you know that is not the best way to repent because unlike the thief on the cross in Luke 23:42 not everyone will have that opportunity.

-Repentance is good but repenting on time is the best thing anyone can do for his or her self.

-There will be a time you will repent and with your repentance you will still be a casualty to God's kingdom.

-Yes, Heaven, you will make but by consideration and mercy.

-king Ahab was one. Do know after king Ahab committed that grave sin against naboth, God decided to punish him but when he showed remorse, God forgave him and transferred the consequences to his children; A repented waste.

-Do you know Sampson was a king in disguise for the Israelites but after his grave mistake with Delila, the bible recorded that the people lived the way the wanted (Judges 17:6); Repented waste.

-Do you also know that because of David's sin, none of his direct heirs became the king of Israel (Solomon was the son of Bathsheba); A repented waste.

-Do know why lamentations 3:27 is there? Read and ask God for help

- Once again, there will be time when you will repent and you will be a liability to your family, children and the society.

-Don't be a repented waste

-Start this race on time and finish with a crown.

-But remember starting now does not mean you will surely finish because this race is for who will endure till the end,Matthew 24:13.

-Consistency and continuous yielding to the holy spirit will see you till the end.





-For every success you see in the physical, there was a sacrifice made in the spiritual.

-No body becomes successful by mistake, some payments must have been done.

-Impartation is good but impartation without sacrifice is fruitless.

-And the God we serve is a God that loves sacrifices and not just sacrifices but the best sacrifices.

-Look at the instruction given to Abraham in Genesis 22:2 "Take your son, God said, your only son, Isaac,whom you love so much"

-He always asks for the best.

-But I tell you sacrifice's are not easy, it requires pain and discipline.

-when I promised God to give him my three months salary, it wasn't easy for me, in fact, on the second month when I was making the transfer, my hands were shaking because then I had just relocated to Enugu and I had nothing much on me, so I needed that money seriously.

-But when i remember what Psalms 126:5 Says I have hope, it said "those who sow in tears, will reap bountiful with mouths full of joy".

-It takes pain, tears, selflessness and discipline to make a sacrifice.

-But remember, you can still make a sacrifice with devil and it will still work out but what of the end thereof.

-The question today is "WHAT SACRIFICE HAVE YOU MADE"

-If you have then with whom "GOD OR SATAN?"

-Always take the pain to makes genuine sacrifices because it will always pay.



The social media and the world systems have so much magnified s*x, that people now seemingly see nothing wrong with it.

But is s*x wrong? NO

It was designed by God for procreation and intimacy between the married.

The essence of keeping your virginity is numerous but for one reason, your body is the temple of God, I Cor 6:9.

But so many do go against this law stated in Exodus 20:14 and some still keep themselves but their minds are rotten.

But Jesus Christ in his earthly ministry told us what virginity fully entails.

Matthew 5:28 (GNT)
But now, I tell you, anyone who looks at a woman and wants to possess her is guilty of committing adultery with her in his HEART.

Do you know there is virginity of the mind, little wonder Titus 1:15 said their minds are defiled.

Virginity is total abstinence from s*x in the flesh and mind.

Many are also virgins per flesh but stained virgins.

Who are stained virgins?

Those who only touch and not do
Those who ma******te
Those who only kiss and not do

But the bible didn't break down s*x into curriculums

Abstinence is Abstinence

So if that's the definition of virginity, then how many of us are one

I know the answer for myself and you know yours.

I was once tempted to indulge in s*xual immortality and I nearly did but I just couldn't, I saw it not right unclading myself before someone who is not my wife and the holy spirit spoke & I listened.

Now listen, you are spiritual and I know, I don't argue with but know one thing


The only things helps you is direct you but it does not compel you.

And in case of s*xual purity, disciples is highly needed coupled with the holy spirit

That's the only difference between Joseph and David of the bible.

Remember what 1cor 6:18 says "flee from s*xual immortality, every other sin is outside the body but that of s*xual immortality is against your own body (paraphrasing)".

God help us.

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