
Writer, motivator..


Dear you (parents of the sickle cell warrior),

Today is another day to remind you that you ain't alone, reason why I decided to bring out time to share some tips on how to care for your warrior child.

You can take steps to help your child successfully manage sickle cell symptoms.

How can you achieve caring for your child?

-Provide rich diet nutrients for your child.. Mum will always add veggies to all my diets and I've learned to do that too as I've grown. 😂

- Making sure your child stays hydrated. It's not easy but it's something that can be achieved.

You can start by making it compulsory for everyone in your house to drink water regularly. Till today my sister forces me to drink water regularly. 😂 I try though.

-Providing supplements and routine drugs like folic acid, bcomplex, vitamins and calcium etc

- Making sure your child takes the right prescriptions.

-Ensure that he /she gets enough rest and manage their stress level.

-Keeping your physician informed of any new symptoms and also attending the doctor's appointments.

My mum can call the doctor 5 times a day. 😂 Ah mummy is too much 😂 Hello doctor, she's running temperature, hello doctor, she's feeling tired. Is it normal? 😂 🥰

-Making researches and following up complications with a specialist.

Lastly, managing your child's mental health.

Make that child believe he/she is stronger. Tell the child you love him/her.

Remind that child that God loves him and teach that child to pray.

Train up a child in the way he should go and when he grows,he won't depart from it.

I look back today and I realize that all my mum did was teach me to be there for myself and others.

I hope this helps..❤️


Dear you(parents of a sickle cell warrior),

It's time to understand more about your emotions and the factors that causes the guilt you feel whenever you look at your warrior child.

This post might be long and I apologize for that but it's worth it.

Most parents have made mistakes knowingly/unknowingly but later on realize that reality has hit them hard through their child.

Before my mom got married to my dad, they went for genotype check and they mistakenly gave her someone's result . AA instead of AS.

Crazy right? 😂
Ye ,she didn't notice till she gave birth to me..

Everything was going well until my 9th month when the doctor announced I have sickle cell..

Whenever I listen to my mum tell me stories of how everything started ,I observe the difference in her voice.

Each moment comes with a big difference and she doesn't feel guilty anymore.

Witnessing one's child endure pain crises can be a devastating experience. This particularly is the source of guilt for a parent as they seek ways of helping prevent or alleviate the pains.

The challenges of choosing my career, social life and activities made my parents feel more guilty.

Another factor that caused guilt was witnessing the discrimination and stigmatization from others towards me especially when those people compared me with their healthy children.

It is very important to know that blame and guilt are unproductive and will never improve the situation.

The truth is your child lives with the disease and you can't change the truth.

So instead of dwelling on what you can't change, focus more on how to help the situation, what to do to support your child's health.

Understand that being a parent of a warrior comes with challenges and testimonies. You make progress with your love and care.

Seek a therapist to help you maintain your mental health and emotions because it is psychologically draining.

Remember your child has strength and abilities and can achieve a lot only if you believe and encourage him /her.

We are defined by our uniqueness and qualities not by the illness.

Don't ever forget to show love and care to your other children; that way, the love will extend to the child warrior and you will be free from guilt.

Be patient with yourself like my mum did. She understood that it takes time to reflect on oneself and understand the complex feelings. Find peace within yourself and seek support to help you understand more on how to take care of your warrior child..

All will be well soon and remember you are important so take care of yourself too❤️‍🩹

I hope this helps you..

Besides, my sister my lover..see as she fine.🥰she'll always come and tell mum" mummy go and rest small, lemme take care of her" 😂 😂

I love my big sister ❤️😍

Photos from KenAmby's post 25/04/2024

Dear you,

I can't forget how you made me feel yesterday.. The love was/is massive and I'm grateful for the love, the good wishes and prayers for me..

So y'all can see the glow in the pictures 😂 😂

As you've celebrated me, y'all shall be celebrated too and we shall all give testimonies about the goodness of God in our lives..

God bless y'all ❤️❤️


Happy birthday to me!


Dear You/Warriors ,

Be intentional about yourself. Being beautiful is being intentional. It's about your mindset.

You can have a beautiful face but your character is zero.

I remember being body shamed some years ago and even till today because of a known fact (another day to talk about). I love sharing few of my experiences for you to understand what I mean.

Most of us are body shamed, I don't know if you've experienced that . You can be fat, too slim, or you don't have a straight leg etc.

Here's the thing. It affects you because of your state of mind.

Someone rubbed my genotype on my face years back and each time I look back and remember it, I smile.

Why? Because it's funny how a grown up can have a low mentality and behave like I child.

My mental health matters,your mental health matters .

I told the person calmly, there are healthy people who are sick, they didn't plan to be sick. The time you use to act like this, use it and visit the hospital, then my dear you'll be grateful for being healthy.

He apologized actually. But most people will allow it to get to them..

They call you fat, my dear shine on.
They call you slim, it's not easy to eat and still claim you haven't eaten 😂..
Me wey short , atleast I fit see wetin dey sup for ground.. 😂😂

Treat yourself kindly and guard your territory. Your growth starts from your mindset...

Remember to be the gardener and take out the weeds that destroys and pollutes the garden.

So my birthday is 24th 💃💃



Dear Warriors, Happy new month 🥰

Let this month be a month where you make decisions about living healthy, being confident to open up and receiving help.

Yes, I know that growing up was tough but it's time to make up for those years where you weren't allowed to do what other kids did.

Those years where you hardly went to school because your ability to endure stress was low, the years of constant pain and mental break down . We don't pass through physical breakdown only, we also face financial and psychological break down..

The silence as a result of self pity, stigmatization and intimidation..

It's time to draw out strength from your weakness. Take a deep breath and create a light at the end of your dark tunnel..

When you have a strong will to live, you'll definitely survive.. so my darlings , my warriors; develop that strong will. It's all about developing a growth mindset that you can be anything, do anything and achieve anything, to make a difference.

Let's keep pushing together with one voice . We understand you and will be with you always.

Love yourself always ❤️love attracts love .


This post is a sensitive one.

Viewers discretion is advised.The intention is not to offend but provide information about our Warrior brother.

The former video you watched contains his leg being bandaged .. So I asked him to send me a video and picture of the leg without bandage.. We are calling on you all that believe in showing love and care to help save his leg.

Warrior's Theme can't do it alone , he needs your assistance and this happened as a result of sickle cell..

1k from each and every one of you will help's been going on for 7years and no help has been rendered.

He's married. How can he work with this leg? How can his cater for his family ?🤦 please I'm calling on you to support him .. Share this post please. God bless you.

This is his account number

Precious Chidiebube Kalu


From the tables of Warrior's Theme.

Dear lovers of the Warriors ,

We are in a season of undefined love, a season of kindness and humanity.

I interviewed one of us , a warrior brother and this is the video.. He is married 🥰

He shared his experiences with me and the negative effects this sickle cell has on him ,so I decided to share .

Warrior's Theme is the voice of the warriors and all that concerns the warriors.

Yes we fight a battle that is endless but it is only our strong will to survive and your love, care and encouragement that keep us going.

We can't do it alone yes,we can't. You've all been showing us positive signs that you love we are a voice for the warriors.

This time we appeal to you all ,friends to the warriors, well wishers and all that have concern about us to please come through for our warrior brother .

If you support our vision of bringing comfort and happiness to the warriors, I hope this video touches your heart to help and support.

He has a leg ulcer as a result of sickle cell and it needs to be operated on. It's gradually eating him and help save our brother.🙏🙏🙏

1k from each of you will help save him.. We can't do this alone .

This is his account number 🙏

Precious Chidiebube Kalu

No copyright infringement intended. The background song in this video belongs to the owner.


Dear Warriors, Friends/Friends and all that love the warriors ,hope you had a smooth day.

I am a warrior and I hope this post finds you well. Sickle cell is a challenge that affects Africa. It's not a new thing.

Growing up as a warrior was a huge challenge to me and all that concerns me but I'm lucky I came from a beautiful family that sees me as a warrior not a sickler.

Most of the warriors out there are unlucky because as it is a big challenge,it affects the family especially when he/she is from a poor background or from a family that don't see much value in them.

What about the neighborhood, friends that intimidate us into believing we ain't capable of doing anything forgetting we are people that has feelings too.

The warriors also find it difficult to get a job. When they go for interviews, they do well .The moment it's time for health evaluation,they won't be qualified anymore for the jobs. Why?

How can we take care of ourselves, or do you want to prove to us that the warriors don't last long?
Why the hate?

That's why Warrior's Theme came into existence.

Our visions is to help. Be a voice that speaks for the warriors. The years of agony, intimidation has come to an end. We want to rewrite our stories filled with love, encouragement and comfort.

We want to build a strong team that is all about creating ideas, believing, growth and development.

Sensitizing people about it especially those with sickle cell trait against marrying each other.

Let's stop that ignorance, when making decisions about your choice of partner, please consider your future children. They are the ones that will suffer it including you.

We can't do this alone that's why we ask you to join us, support us, love us ,care for us, give us the opportunity to prove ourselves ,and also provide jobs too..

We are intelligent people ,so understand us in our darkest days and trust us in our better days.

You are somehow affected in this because some of you have lost family, friends and loved ones that are warriors and you wish you had the power to bring them back..

This is a movement, we are a movement and we ask you to hear us ,pray for us too and support us in anyway you can.

The constant check up involves money ,the drugs too involves money. What about those warriors that can't afford to take care of themselves?

So share this post. It won't take a thing away from you to share. Let love lead. Let's build a better Nigeria and reach out to other Africans too..

Warriors Theme doesn't care about your background or religion. We care about humanity and we believe in love and kindness..

Click on this link

Join our team!

Photos from KenAmby's post 26/03/2024

We've started connecting to the warriors.. So today I interviewed our warrior brother.
He told me the effect sickle cell has on him and it's quite touching..

I'm glad that he spoke with confidence, hope and boldness..

It's time for our voices to be heard and yes come out and join us..

Don't be ashamed, reach out to my team. Let's be your family, your friends and well wishers..

It's time to bring back hope and allow the light shine through your darkest days...

It's time to speak with courage and faith..

We are here to render our shoulders to lean on . The Warrior's Theme ❤️

Join our support team now!


Good morning Warriors ,I hope you had a lovely night rest..i did 😁

Well I want to ask you this question.

How often do you drink water?

Staying hydrated can prevent you from having vaso-occlusive crises, pain crises, strokes and infections associated with sickle cell disease. Drinking eight to 10 eight-ounce glasses of water a day can help with controlling some of your pain.

So as you step out, carry your water bottle along and make sure you stay hydrated ...

Have a beautiful day filled with blessings..

Love you ❤️


Dear Warriors this is for you!


Dear you, it's time!

Time for you to step out without feeling ashamed of being an sickle cell disease patient.

Time to sensitize people with sickle cell trait against getting married to each other.

Time to step out with confidence and motivate others.

It's time to spread love.

It's time to call yourself a warrior instead of weak..

Are you a sickle cell disease patient, do you have a family member that is affected? What about your friends, neighbors? Are a parent to a sickle cell disease patient?

Introducing the WARRIOR'S THEME.

Join our team.

Our voices must be heard.

Our Vision is to spread love because our medicine is love and care.

We want to build a legacy.

We want to be a family to the warriors. We want to be there for you ..

Call 08137198746

Click on this link to join our WhatsApp group


Juvenile Delinquency

A susceptibility of temptation of deviate behavior

No theory can cover the full array of why the minors commit felony

You are cultivated by the ignorant

You cause childhood psychological trauma

Why attack the defenseless and vulnerable?

You've caused the experts to use several theories to expose you

You've created a broad spectrum of both social and individual factor

The more the camaraderie have a grasps of you, the more they joust you

Only the conscientiousness of the trivial can vanquish you!

By KenAmby

Photos from KenAmby's post 15/03/2022

Let your actions be a positive one for the sake of your peace because what's done can't be undone!


Sickle cell disease

They call us fragile
They say we are weak

They avoid us like a plague
They say we don't last

But they forget our medicine is
Love and care!


The Sharp Edge

How deadly can you be?
Why are you so dangerous?
All that come across you
Has a slim chance of surviving

You always work hand in hand
With whoever that holds you
Yet, you must leave a mark
If you aren't handled well

I hate you
Because you have destroyed lives
By those who use you to commit a crime
I hate you
Not even the children come close to you
Not everyone can handle you

You saved my life once
Because you worked with the doctors
I eat a sumptuous meal
Because you work with the chef
You are important to my humanity!



She walked into the dark
It was a total blackout
She looked up
There it was
A tiny little object sitted on the table
Waiting to be lighted
She moved towards it
Grabbed it and lighted it
She lighted up her world!

There she was,
Carried it
Said a little prayer
Thank you Lord for the gift of light

The breeze blew
It was an answered prayer
She felt the chills
And remembered her dead mother
Oh, how I wish you were here!

She lights it up again
In remembrance of her precious mother
"It burns so bright
My mother lived a good life" , she thought

She looked up
Tears clustered in her eyes
The reflection was so bright
Then she said to it

All I have to do is
Carry you
With hope and comfort
Running to the darkness
To light up my world
Because no matter what
You'll always shine so bright
Comforting my soul!



Sixty and a one

How did we get here?
How possible we made it this far?
Even when it was a giant
Even when we looked up to her

She is a camouflage
How can she be beautiful and yet ugly?
Filled with beautiful cultures
Yet like a chameleon
Beautiful on the outside

But how?
How did we get here?
How did we come this far?
When all we have is a hopeless hope
A dependent independence

She's only but a fool
Because she has refused to grow
Only if we come together
And the grace of togetherness
To push her forward
Then I'll gladly come back
And celebrate

Her sixty and a one!



Commotions everywhere
Corruption is the order of the day
Girls wanting more
Chasing after material things

Children playing tricks on their elders
With the thought of knowing better
Yet becoming slaves somewhere
But what can I do?

Housewives punishing their maids
Servants stealing from their masters
Neighbors arguing over nothing
The gambling of boys

Yet to survive, know the streets
All I can do is sit and watch
Quietly observing how the day turns into night
All I have to do is keep my lane
All for your sake!




Conversing with a stranger
How intelligent and composed
Just so I thought
But it was a disguise
Just like the chameleon
Beautiful on the outside
But dangerous
Camouflaging colors
Like that of the rainbow

How sweet can one be but bitter?
How beautiful and yet ugly?
Indeed you can't tell in a nutshell
You only see what's on the outside

Like the coconut
Waiting to be explored with joy
Full of surprises
Just like a package
Waiting to be delivered ,
An empty Vessel!



When I look at you!

I look at you
Because you annoy me
Because you ignore me
And all I can do is
Look at you

I look at you
Because I can't help it
Because even though I am mad at you
You are precious to me

I look at you
I'm so tempted to talk to you
But I find myself looking at you

I look at you
Because you are family
Anger can't solve anything
You are a hurricane mixed with chocolate
Still, I love you

I look at you
Because no matter what you do,
All I can do is
Look at you!




Building walls
Hiding from myself
Feeling so small
Intimidated, irritated

Locking myself up
Within my pains
So dead inside
Up to my bones

But how can I let people know?
All they should see is my energy
Yes I have to pretend
Because people look up to me
Because they have hope in me

I shouldn't reveal my worse
I shouldn't reveal my weakness
They forget I'm not perfect
One day, I'll let it go
Because I feel so cold
Deep inside
I'll hide myself

No more!



Waking up!

Waking up to the chirping of birds
Sound of an alarm
A brightness of today
A downpour of rain
The rays of sunshine
Avoiding all negative thoughts
Yes avoiding all limits

Stepping into the light
To write my name on the clouds
To achieve all
To fight back
Because the opportunity of a bright day sets in

Walking in hope and faith
Because the day birth it
All I can think of is victory
Being an overcomer
Fighting for what I believe in

So possible because life was given on a platter!


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Videos (show all)

This post is a sensitive one.Viewers discretion is advised.The intention is not to offend but provide information about ...
From the tables of Warrior's Theme.Dear lovers of the Warriors , We are in a season of undefined love, a season of kindn...
Dear Warriors this is for you! @highlight#everyone






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