Street Agenda

#StreetAgenda is a vista of the #AriseAgenda


Rural Development: Pastor Umo Eno's Approach to Governance in Akwa Ibom

A transformative wind is blowing, carrying with it the promise of empowerment and progress for rural communities in Akwa Ibom. Piloting this movement is His Excellency, Pastor Umo Eno, Governor of Akwa Ibom state, whose leadership style is defined by a deep commitment to empowering Akwaibomites, especially those in rural areas.

Through a series of innovative initiatives and strategic policies enshrined in his ARISE Agenda, Governor Umo Eno has been instrumental in fostering a culture of self-reliance, inclusivity, and sustainable development throughout Akwa Ibom.

One of the cornerstone principles of Umo Eno's governance is decentralization. Recognizing the unique needs and challenges faced by rural dwellers within Akwa Ibom, Governor Umo Eno has championed the devolution of power and resources to the grassroots level. This decentralization is expected to empower local governments and rural communities to take ownership of their development agendas, leading to more responsive and accountable governance.

A key instrument in Pastor Umo Eno's strategy for empowering rural communities is his administration's emphasis on participatory decision-making processes. Through the appointment of Special Assistants from all the wards in Akwa Ibom, approval for special roads/health/education intervention projects in local governments, Governor Umo Eno ensures that the voices of the people are heard and incorporated into policy formulation and implementation. By actively engaging with community leaders, traditional rulers, and people at the grassroots, his administration fosters a sense of ownership and buy-in for development initiatives at the local level.

Governor Umo Eno's government has prioritized capacity building and skills development programs tailored to the specific needs of the people. By investing in education, vocational training, and entrepreneurship initiatives like the Ibom-LED Entrepreneurship Accelerator Programme (EAP), his administration is equipping start-ups across the state with the tools and knowledge needed to thrive in a rapidly changing economic landscape.

Through the maintenance of peace, distrubution of inputs to farmers, inauguration of the state bulk purchase agency, approval for construction of economically-viable roads, free food supplies for the less privileged, approval for the construction for houses for the poorest of the poor across Akwa Ibom, free medical and surgical outreaches, release of funds for payment of leave grants and gratuity to primary school teachers, Pastor Umo Eno's government is empowering Akwa Ibom people to harness their full potential and contribute meaningfully to the overall development of Akwa Ibom.

In addition to fostering economic empowerment, Governor Umo Eno's administration is deeply committed to improving access to basic amenities and infrastructure in rural areas. Through targeted investments in road construction, healthcare and educational facilities, his administration is bridging the gap between urban and rural areas, ensuring that all citizens of Akwa Ibom have equal opportunities to thrive and prosper.

Governor Umo Eno's leadership exemplifies a holistic and inclusive approach to governance that prioritizes the empowerment of the Akwa Ibom people. Through decentralization, participatory decision-making, capacity building, and infrastructure development, his administration is building on the foundation laid by his predecessors for sustainable growth and development at the grassroots level. As Akwa Ibom continues on its journey towards prosperity, Pastor Umo Eno's legacy of empowering rural communities will undoubtedly stand as a legacy to the transformative power of inclusive governance.

May the ARISE Agenda succeed!

Aniekan James Ekah


Umo Eno - A Governor We Can Trust

The tenure of Pastor Umo Eno as the governor of Akwa Ibom State has been marked by seven months of impactful strides, stirring a collective curiosity about his style of leadership.

Umo Eno's administration has witnessed notable achievements in a relatively short period. The implementation of infrastructural projects, advancements in healthcare, improvements in security, innovations in agriculture, and initiatives aimed at boosting the economy have characterized his tenure.

His commitment to enhancing education through strategic policies and infrastructure development has also been commendable. However, a nuanced examination is essential to determine the sustainability and long-term impact of these endeavors.

The character of a leader is often a pivotal factor in earning the trust and support of the people. Pastor Umo Eno's leadership style reflects a blend of decisiveness and inclusiveness. He has demonstrated a keen understanding of the diverse needs of the Akwa Ibom people, engaging in open dialogue and collaboration with various stakeholders. Transparency in governance, ethical decision-making, and a commitment to accountability are qualities that further underscore his character as a leader.

To garner trust, a leader must connect with the people on a personal level, ensuring that the administration is perceived as one that genuinely cares about the well-being of its citizens.

Governor Umo Eno has made commendable efforts in this regard, reaching out to the people, listening to their concerns—people living with disabilities, market women, civil servants, politicians, students, the list is endless.

By incorporating grassroots input into his policy decisions, his administration's responsiveness to the needs of the people has contributed to building a sense of ownership and inclusivity among the Akwa Ibom people.

For a leader to leave a lasting legacy, the focus must extend beyond immediate achievements to enduring positive changes. Governor Umo Eno's commitment to sustainable development and his emphasis on projects with long-term benefits signal a potential for leaving a positive imprint on Akwa Ibom State.

The consolidation of efforts to promote education, healthcare, and economic growth through his ARISE Agenda sets the stage for a legacy that extends beyond the duration of his tenure.

Umo Eno's leadership in Akwa Ibom State has shown promise, marked by notable achievements and a character that resonates with the people. However, the true measure of his success will depend on the sustainability of these accomplishments and their impact on the lives of the citizens in the long run.

As the journey unfolds, we, the Akwa Ibom people, have seen clearly that Pastor Umo Bassey Eno is a governor we can trust to grow our economy, develop the people and guide the state towards lasting prosperity.

Our duty is to support this administration in prayers while contributing our quota to the realization of his ARISE Agenda, which is expected to bring growth, development, and tangible results to us as a people.

Aniekan James Ekah
Writes in from Afaha Ube Itam, Itu LGA


Umo Eno: A Leader Defined by Character and Vision

The character of an individual determines the course and quality of their journey in life. Pastor Umo Eno, the Golden Governor of Akwa Ibom State, stands out not only for his visionary leadership style but also for the solid character that underpins his decisions and actions.

One of the defining traits of Umo Eno's character is his humility and open-mindedness. From the onset of his political career, he has exhibited a deep sense of responsibility towards the people. This commitment goes beyond mere rhetoric; it is evident in his style of leadership and the policies and initiatives he champions.

Integrity is another cornerstone of Umo Eno's character. In today's political landscape, marred by controversies, Pastor Umo Eno has consistently upheld the highest standards of honesty and transparency. His leadership is marked by a commitment to accountability, and he has implemented measures to ensure that government affairs are conducted with the utmost integrity.

Umo Eno's leadership style is characterized by inclusivity. He recognizes the diversity of Akwa Ibom and actively seeks input from various segments of society. This inclusivity is not just a token gesture but a genuine effort to understand the needs and aspirations of the people. By fostering an environment where diverse voices are heard, Umo Eno ensures that governance is truly representative and responsive.

Visionary leadership is another hallmark of Umo Eno's style. His ability to formulate and articulate a clear vision for Akwa Ibom has provided a roadmap for development. The Arise Agenda, under his leadership, is not just a set of goals but a comprehensive strategy that addresses the multifaceted challenges and opportunities facing the state.

Adaptability is a strength that sets Umo Eno apart as a leader. In the face of dynamic circumstances, he has demonstrated the ability to adjust strategies while staying true to core principles. This adaptability ensures that Akwa Ibom's leadership, on the platform of the People's Democratic Party, PDP, remains relevant and responsive to the changing needs of the people.

Empathy is another quality that resonates in Umo Eno's interactions with the people. He is not just a Governor in the Hilltop Mansion but someone who understands and shares in the challenges faced by the citizens. This empathy is translated into policies that aim to uplift the marginalized, create opportunities, grow the economy, and develop the people.

Umo Eno's character and leadership style are integral to the positive changes taking place in Akwa Ibom today. Voters in the last governorship election have come to terms with the fact that their choice of Pastor Umo Eno and the PDP on the ballot was definitely worth the stress.

Umo Eno's humility, commitment to public service, integrity, inclusivity, visionary outlook, adaptability, and empathy collectively contribute to a kind of leadership that inspires confidence and trust. As Akwa Ibom continues to evolve under his guidance, Pastor Umo Eno will remain the symbol of principled and responsive leadership that shapes the future and aligns with the aspirations of the people he serves.

Aniekan Ekah
Writes in from Afaha Ube Itam


Pastor Umo Eno - The Man Devoted to the Call

In the dynamic landscape of leadership in Akwa Ibom, a figure has emerged whose devotion to both spiritual and civic responsibilities captures the hearts of the people.

Pastor Umo Eno, the Governor of Akwa Ibom state, stands as a shining example of such a leader who has earned the confidence and admiration of the people he serves.

Before stepping into the political arena, Umo Eno first gained recognition as a devoted pastor. His commitment to his calling has been the bedrock of his leadership style, shaping his approach to governance.

Known for his humility and compassion, Pastor Umo Eno embodies the principles of servant leadership, putting the needs of his congregation and, later, the people of Akwa Ibom at the forefront of his agenda.

Akwaibomites have placed their confidence in Pastor Umo Eno as their governor. The trust bestowed upon him stems from a belief in his commitment to the well-being of the state and its people. His tenure has been marked by a series of initiatives aimed at fostering development, inclusivity, and prosperity for all.

Umo Eno's journey into politics was not driven by personal ambition but by a genuine desire to serve and uplift the people. His leadership style reflects a deep understanding of the challenges faced by the people of Akwa Ibom, and he has shown resilience in addressing them. From infrastructure development to healthcare improvements, his policies have been tailored to meet the unique needs of the state.

Balancing the roles of a pastor and a political leader is no small feat, yet Pastor Umo Eno seamlessly integrates both aspects of his calling. His approach is rooted in moral integrity, transparency, and a commitment to ethical governance. Akwaibomites appreciate the harmony he brings between spiritual guidance and pragmatic decision-making, creating an environment where values and progress coexist.

His journey as a leader and pastor shows devotion to both callings. Akwa Ibom has found in him a leader who not only understands the challenges faced by the people but actively works towards solutions. Pastor Umo Eno's legacy will be that of service, faith, and a commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of those he leads.

Ladies and gentlemen, meet my Governor, your Governor, our Governor and our man, Pastor Umo Bassey Eno - the man who is devoted to the call.

Aniekan James Ekah
Writes from Afaha Ube Itam


A chronicle of the walks and works of our Golden Governor, Pastor Umo Eno


Responsive leadership involves adaptability, openness, and the ability to react effectively to changing circumstances and the needs of the people.

It involves actively listening to stakeholders, employees, or team members, and then adjusting strategies and actions accordingly.

A responsive leader is proactive in seeking feedback, encourages a collaborative environment, and is willing to learn and grow from various perspectives.

Responsive leadership is;

✅ Immediate release of One Billion Naira for settlement of gratuities of retired Primary School Teachers.

✅ Immediate Release of Eight Hundred Million Naira to clear the backlog of Leave Grants for Workers.

✅ Immediate approval for Leave Grant to be incorporated into monthly salaries for prompt payment.

✅ Immediate approval for the setting up of a Committee for disbursement of Federal and State Government Palliatives in ten days to cushion effects of the subsidy removal.




Aniekan James Ekah

The much-anticipated dialogue aimed at identifying priorities, formulating policies, and fostering a collective commitment to the sustainable development of Akwa Ibom state is set to commence.

The initiative billed for the Monday, 24th to Thursday, 27th of July, 2023, by 9am each day at Ibom Icon Hotel & Golf Resort, Uyo, will see industry experts and stakeholders coming together to address pressing issues, leverage opportunities, and develop strategic templates for the development of the state, and the formal launch of the A. R. I. S. E. Agenda.

Akwa Ibom State Dialogue, hosted in collaboration with the Secretariat of Nigerian Governors Forum, will have the immediate past Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Mr. Udom Emmanuel CON, as Special Guest of honor, while Senator Udoma Udo Udoma, former Minister of Budget and National Planning, will chair the occasion.

The Chief Host, His Excellency, Pastor Umo Eno, Governor of Akwa Ibom State, has expressed his full support for the dialogue, emphasizing the importance of unity and strategic planning in the development of the state.

As the talks commence, expectations are high that this significant step towards a state-wide dialogue will pave the way for a more harmonious and prosperous future for the state and its people.

Participation at the event is strictly by invitation but interested members of the public can have their voices heard by following and interacting with Akwa Ibom State Government official handles on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

A live broadcast will be available on AKBC and AriseTV throughout the course of this event.

Click to follow event proceedings and brace up for the .


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Wishing you a blessed Good Friday. May you find peace and comfort in the love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.


Excerpts from Akwa Ibom State Governor-elect, Pastor Umo Eno's Economic Consolidation & Expansion Blueprint.

Street Agenda is a vista of the


Pastor Umo Eno's contract with the Akwa Ibom people is captured boldly in his A.R.I.S.E Agenda.

Citizens must understand the policies, focus, strategic plans, implementation, key performance index, and value chains of the ARISE agenda to be on the same page with the leadership.

So, how much do you know about Pastor Umo Eno's A.R.I.S.E Agenda? What exactly does the A.R.I.S.E in stand for? What's in it for you? How can you key in? How do you run with this vision? When should you start?

- a vista of the Arise Agenda will help you find answers to these questions in a fun way - learn and win INSTANT cash!

We will be on every street, nook, and cranny to drive home the message of the A.R.I.S.E Agenda.

Over N5 million cash is up for grabs! Expect us in your neighborhood soon.

Welcome to the Golden era!

Street Agenda is a vista of the

Photos from Street Agenda's post 01/04/2023

We need a refreshed vision for government founded on a new set of beliefs, values and principles. is a vista of the and we are taking the message to the streets.


When you enter Discovery Park, identify a yellow bus beside the stage (on your right), we are there. Auditions have started.


Are you good in front of the camera? Fluent in pidgin and plain English? Got the style? Got the swaq? Got the vibes? Link up tomorrow at Friday , March 31, 2023 at Discovery Park by 2pm! A juicy opportunity awaits!


will be in your location soon! What do you know about the ?


We are making Umo Eno's a . Over N5m cash to be won!

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