Praktijk Annette Kloosterboer

Praktijk Annette Kloosterboer

Praktijk Annette Kloosterboer


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Diverse opleidingen mogelijk w.o. Reiki en Oosterse gezichtsmassage

Kortingen in groepsverband


In English below….
Meridianerne kan spejles til fødder! Som resten af kroppen er også dette energiniveau tilgængeligt. Det kræver dog en meget præcis spejling, men så bliver de også palperbare, da de påvirker de vævsområder, de gennemløber. Den Qi, der gennemstrømmer meridianerne har retning og flow og når dette flow bremses og stagnerer, så påvirkes vævet og dermed skabes der basis for såvel smerte, som for funktionsnedsættelse. Derfor skal en behandling søge mod at genoprette dette flow, hvis denne forståelsen anvendes. Det betyder eksempelvis at behandlingsretningen får betydning, da behandling med energien genskaber flow og behandling imod – bremser eller dæmper flow.
Illustrationen viser Blæremeridianens og Galdeblæremeridianens forløb over hovedet spejlet til storetåen plantart.
The meridians can be mirrored to the feet! Like the rest of the body, this energy level is also accessible. However, it requires a very precise mirroring, but then they also become palpable as they affect the tissue areas they pass through. The Qi that flows through the meridians has direction and flow, and when this flow is obstructed or stagnates, the tissue is affected, creating a basis for both pain and functional impairment. Therefore, treatment should aim to restore this flow if this understanding is applied. This means, for example, that the direction of treatment matters, as treatment with the energy restores flow, and treatment against it slows or reduces the flow. The illustration shows the course of the Bladder meridian and Gallbladder meridian over the head mirrored to the plantar side of the big toe.


Kruiden en specerijen maken je eten niet alleen extra lekker, maar zorgen ook nog eens voor een enorme verbetering van je gezondheid! Hier een aantal geneeskrachtige kruiden op een rijtje.

Welke kruiden en specerijen gebruik jij voor de verbetering van jouw gezondheid? Deel het met ons in de comments. 👇

Ps. Meer willen weten over geneeskrachtige recepten? Download dan nu het GRATIS geneeskrachtige receptenboek:


Prime and Gatorade contain Sucralose!


Basisopleiding voetreflexologie september 2024 Ben je geïnteresseerd in het welzijn van anderen? Zou je graag meer willen weten over de samenwerking tussen lichaam en geest, hoe je via de voeten de gezondheid van iemand kunt bevorderen? Dan is onze opleiding voor voetreflexoloog van de Bond van Europese Reflexologen (BER) iets voor jou! Voetref...


Weer terug van een weekend op de beurs van Spiritual Experience. Heel mooie ontmoetingen gehad met de bezoekers en standhouders. Dankbaar dat ik hen heb leren kennen. En nu gewoon aan het werk op de praktijk
Cliënt langsgeweest en de spullen van het weekend opgeruimd. Gisteren was ik daar te moe voor. Wel de wasmachine laten draaien voor alle gebruikte handdoeken. Met alles schoon is het een goede afsluiting van dit weekend.


Researchers Finally Confirm That Cancer Is Far More Man-Made Than Previously Thought: 😔

This is a very big deal!! One of the most important scientific papers of the century so far? ❤️️


Gisteren en vandaag op de Spiritual Experience beurs. Mooie sfeer en lieve mensen hier, in de sporthal Ookmeer. Kom ook gezellig langs 🥰


Ik ben een van de docenten van de opleiding en kijk ernaar uit jullie te ontmoeten in september. Het is waanzinnig werkzame therapie en helpt bij heel veel verschillende aandoeningen door het lichaam weer in balans te brengen en het zelfhelende vermogen van het lichaam te stimuleren.

Basisopleiding voetreflexologie september 2024 Ben je geïnteresseerd in het welzijn van anderen? Zou je graag meer willen weten over de samenwerking tussen lichaam en geest, hoe je via de voeten de gezondheid van iemand kunt bevorderen? Dan is onze opleiding voor voetreflexoloog van de Bond van Europese Reflexologen (BER) iets voor jou! Voetref...


Recently there have been quite a few studies on reflexology and its benefits for cardiac patients.

Benefits of reflexology for individuals with cardiac issues demonstrate that there are many potential benefits. The benefits have long been suggested based on studies and anecdotal evidence. Some of these potential benefits include:

1. Stress Reduction: Reflexology is known to promote relaxation and reduce stress. Chronic stress is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular problems, so reducing stress levels through reflexology may have a positive impact on cardiac health.

2. Improved Circulation: Reflexology may help improve blood circulation throughout the body. Improved circulation can benefit individuals with cardiac issues by ensuring a steady supply of oxygen and nutrients to the heart and other organs.

3. Lowered Blood Pressure: Some studies have found that reflexology may help lower blood pressure levels. High blood pressure is a risk factor for cardiovascular problems, so reducing blood pressure through reflexology may be beneficial for individuals with cardiac issues.

4. Enhanced Relaxation and Sleep: Research has shown that Reflexology promotes relaxation and improves sleep quality. Getting enough restful sleep is important for overall health, including cardiovascular health.

5. Reduced Anxiety: Reflexology has been shown to help reduce anxiety levels in various populations. Managing anxiety can be beneficial for individuals with cardiac issues, as anxiety can contribute to increased heart rate and blood pressure.

Reflexology has real potential as an adjunct to cardiac care. I have worked with cardiac monitors and seen real changes as I worked. More research needs to be done to establish reflexology’s value in assisting cardiac patients.


How does reflexology help in improving blood circulation throughout the body?

Reflexology helps improve blood circulation throughout the body through various mechanisms:

1. Vasodilation: Reflexology techniques, such as applying pressure and massaging specific reflex points on the feet or hands, can stimulate vasodilation. Vasodilation refers to the widening of blood vessels, which allows for increased blood flow. By targeting reflex points associated with blood vessels, reflexology helps to relax and dilate the blood vessels, improving blood circulation.

2. Removal of Blockages: Reflexology aims to remove blockages and obstructions in the body's energy pathways, known as meridians or zones. These blockages can impede blood flow and contribute to poor circulation. By applying pressure to specific reflex points, reflexology helps to release these blockages, allowing for improved blood flow and circulation.

3. Lymphatic System Stimulation: The lymphatic system plays a crucial role in maintaining proper blood circulation and immune function. Reflexology techniques, such as lymphatic drainage massage, help stimulate the lymphatic system, which in turn improves blood circulation. By promoting the movement of lymph fluid, reflexology supports the removal of toxins and waste products from the body, allowing for better circulation.

4. Nervous System Regulation: The autonomic nervous system, which includes the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches, controls the constriction and dilation of blood vessels. Reflexology helps regulate the autonomic nervous system, promoting a balance between the sympathetic (fight-or-flight) and parasympathetic (rest and digest) responses. This balance helps to optimize blood vessel function and improve blood circulation.

5. Oxygen and Nutrient Delivery: Improved blood circulation through reflexology means that oxygen and nutrients are delivered more efficiently to the body's tissues and organs. This increased supply of oxygen and nutrients promotes overall health and vitality, while also supporting the body's natural healing processes.

By addressing these factors and promoting better blood circulation, reflexology contributes to improved overall health, relaxation, and well-being.


Zorgverzekeraars De BER streeft naar een brede erkenning van de voetreflexologie als complementaire geneeswijze. Iedere zorgverzekeraar heeft eigen kwaliteitseisen en de BER tracht daaraan, binnen de mogelijkheden, te voldoen.

Bewezen: biologisch voedsel bevat tot 60 procent meer antioxidanten - Leef Bewust 20/06/2024

Bewezen: biologisch voedsel bevat tot 60 procent meer antioxidanten - Leef Bewust Een nieuwe grote studie toont aan: biologisch verbouwde producten hebben meer antioxidanten, minder giftige metalen en minder pesticide-resten!


Benefits of Reflexology... book a treatment today


Research Highlight 👣

The study this month is "The effects of reflexology on chronic low back pain intensity in nurses employed in hospitals affiliated with Isfahan University of Medical Sciences."

The Results? Reflexology can be effective in reducing the severity of chronic back pain - it is able to reduce pain from moderate to mild

To read the full article, click the link below:


Ik ben op zoek naar drie mensen die al jarenlang last hebben van pijn- en/of fysieke klachten en die zijn vastgelopen in de reguliere zorg. Personen die gemotiveerd en bereid zijn om onder mijn begeleiding zelf aan de slag te gaan om te zien of wij die klachten kunnen transformeren. Je moet wel bereid zijn om daarvoor naar Aalsmeer te komen.

Dit zal je niet veel geld kosten (lees: gratis), in ruil voor jouw inzet en feedback na de sessies.

Heb je interesse en wil je hiervan gebruik maken? Reageer dan hieronder of stuur een mail naar [email protected], zodat we een call kunnen inplannen om de mogelijkheden te bespreken.

Bij meer reacties zal ik na de calls met de geïnteresseerden drie personen uitkiezen die hiervoor in aanmerking komen.


I piedi possono essere considerati organi sensoriali. Contengono un'alta densità di recettori sensoriali che ci permettono di raccogliere informazioni sul nostro ambiente attraverso il tatto, la pressione, la temperatura e le sensazioni di dolore. Le informazioni sensoriali dai piedi vengono trasmesse al cervello attraverso il sistema nervoso periferico, dove vengono elaborate e interpretate per fornirci un senso della posizione del nostro corpo, del movimento e della natura delle superfici su cui camminiamo. I piedi svolgono anche un ruolo cruciale nell'equilibrio e nella propriocezione, che è la capacità di percepire la posizione e il movimento delle parti del nostro corpo. Nel complesso, i recettori sensoriali nei piedi contribuiscono in modo significativo alla nostra percezione e interazione con il mondo circostante.


3 ways to practice Self Care 💜


What excited researcher Dr. Ann Van de Winckel working with Neural Pathways of Applied Reflexology? She noted consistency of brain activation among stroke participants and well as future potential and feasibility for further research. As note by Dr.Van de Winckel: “… we demonstrated feasibility and reliability in brain activation (given that thereare common brain activations among both groups during the session).”

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Mijn grote hulp bij het bed verschonen.
Hier zie je de Libelle proberen te vluchten.
In memoriam Tijger 4-2006--13-4-2023. Het ging niet meer. Met pijn in mijn hart heb ik je moeten laten gaan. Je oude vri...



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