Solange Zindzi

Everything you want is a dream away!


Be your own ✨ bright ✨light.

You won’t be for everyone.

It’s time to let that be your superpower. 💋



Time. Having – time to do whatever you feel called to do. Time to achieve whatever you want to achieve. Time to spend with the people you want to spend it with. Time to travel, eat, sleep, dance, meditate, chill, study, pray, adventure, entertain, inspire. Time to do nothing, time to do it all at once. TIME! I never really thought about it, but having time is truly the biggest luxury of life.

If you wonder how to see “time as a tool” this year, read my first Solo Sunny Sundays of 2024. ☀️

✨May this new year be a new chapter, a new opportunity, a new chance to improve and better ourselves and our lives.

I truly wish you all a year of alignment, and hope all your bravest wishes come through. 😘


🌴 Curaçao - ben jij de schittering in jezelf kwijtgeraakt? ✨ Voelt het alsof je innerlijke licht gedimd is en ontbreekt het je aan inspiratie?

Wanneer heb jij voor het laatst echt tijd genomen om na te denken over jouw dromen en doelen?

Welkom bij “How to become a glow-getter” - een inspirerende ochtend die is ontworpen om jou te helpen transformeren in een gedreven glow-getter, vastberaden om jouw diepste verlangens waar te maken.

Wie zijn wij? ☺️

Wij zijn twee moedige levenscoaches en auteurs die hun angsten hebben omgezet in kracht en zo hun diepste dromen hebben verwezenlijkt.

Door onze reis hebben wij krachtige tools ontdekt die ons in staat stellen als glow-getters door het leven te gaan, en wij zijn enthousiast om deze nu met jou te delen! 😎

Ontdek hoe jij jouw innerlijke gloed kunt herwinnen en jouw leven kunt leiden met hernieuwde vastberadenheid.

Quickly press the link in my bio to sign up, want vol is vol!

Tot 6 januari!!


If you would have asked me 20 years ago about my life, I would have never known it would be the way it is now. I could not even imagine to have created this life. I truly wouldn’t believe I could, but my gut did!

Of course, I didn’t get here overnight. It truly took me one thought, one intention, one desire, one dream, one feeling, one move, one step at a time.

I believe, my gut has always known my true blueprint and I simply chose to follow her lead.

How is this for you?

Do you trust your gut?

Do you listen to it?

Do you act on it?

If you, after reading these questions, feel called to have a better connection with your own gut too. Then, I gladly share with you my latest blogpost which will be filled with amazing insights.


Thankful for Life - thankful for my energy - thankful for my spirit - thankful for my mindset - thankful for my courage - thankful for my strength - thankful for my softness - thankful for my talent - thankful for my heart - thankful for my body - thankful for my mom and dad - thankful they are alive - thankful for my family - thankful for my friends - thankful for my travels - thankful for daring greatly - thankful for living a life on the edge - thankful for the view - thankful for the lessons - thankful for the pain - thankful for the joy - thankful for dance - thankful for music - thankful for my senses - thankful for the experiences - thankful for the sun - thankful for the moon - thankful for the ocean - thankful for animals - thankful for love - Thankful for Life.

🍁 Happy Thanksgiving 🍁


💃🏽 Dance & Daddy Issues 💔. The two things that have been very consistent in my life. However, my back is against the wall and life inspired me to finally become aware of my patterns.

It’s Healing Season baby. ❤️‍🩹 I simply can’t continue to choose to make the same choices, while hoping for a different outcome. You know they call this insanity, right? 🙈

But, when we learn from the past, we heal it! ✨ So, don’t mind me while I continue to do my inner work. 🪷

Nonetheless, I wouldn’t be myself if I didn’t share my lessons of life with y’all 💡 💡cause you simply never know who’s life you could make a lil easier, smoother or less painful. 📝🤗

🌻 You know what to do!


New article alert! 🥳 Check out todays story (or my website) if you seek some inspiration to discover your true passion and want to achieve remarkable things. 😘

Simply here to inspire, guide and help you! 💛


What I do for living? ✨ I’m raising the vibration of humanity! ⚡️Simply here to make you FEEL something. 💛

Photos from Solange Zindzi's post 27/08/2023

Today is my first book, 3rd book-birthday! ✨🙏🏾📚🥳
thebook is written to inspire and guide people, all over the world, to trust their gut & lead with their heart! 💛

It’s my dream to create a conscious and curious like-minded community filled with self-assured, courageous and positive beings who believe in themselves, their dreams and who dare to SOLO JUMP through life!

Feeling ready to SOLO JUMP together? 😊


✨ Your rejection is my direction ✨

Hey you, did you know, you’re actually not losing anything when you break away (in effect or by choice) from people that aren’t for your highest good? 😎

You may feel heartbroken but staying in something which no longer serves you, means losing a little more of yourself each day. 👎🏽

The courage it takes to accept and leave behind what’s no longer for you anymore is the same courage that will help you find your way to what is. 💪🏾

Practice makes progress which means each time you choose to listen to your gut… you’re actually gaining more self-trust, more self-esteem, more love, more energy, more joy and you truly gain MORE OF YOURSELF. 🫶🏾

If you, right now, can use a blanket of hope and love during heartbreaking times… ❤️‍🩹 may this month’s blog post then encourage you to truly NEVER give up on yourself, your faith, your heart, your hope and your love! ❤️

☀️ The sun will shine again.

Click on the link on my bio & story


Everything is balance. The higher a tree goes, the deeper the roots go. Therefore, I think that even with karma, everything is always in proportion. When you treat someone badly, you will eventually be treated just as badly by someone else, and when you treat someone nicely, you will receive more positivity for yourself.

I recently was reminded of this belief system and it felt like such a full circle moment.

Read more about my experience at

Creation vs Manifestation 07/04/2023

Creation vs Manifestation Did you know, you can create without manifesting but you can’t manifest without creating? You have to actively create so you can become and once you’ve created the right version of you, you will be able to magnetize and manifest exactly what’s meant to be, for you, in your life.


Womensday Part II.

Yesterday I had the opportunity to work with female adults and tonight I’m working with young adults.

Feeling blessed to be able to give back, as a leader, in womenhood. 💕


Do you ever wonder, how you became the person you are?

Its such a deep question where the answer is filled with layers which you peel of like an onion overtime.

But when I saw this picture yesterday, it suddenly hit me. ⚡️I AM these two people combined with my own intuitive storyline. 💫

As much as the journey of becoming more myself is evolving each day. This picture right here has captured ME more than I could capture myself.


And then it hit me,

becoming a dancer wasnt a coincidence, becoming a writer wasnt a coincidence, my parents werent a coincidence and my birth wasnt a coincidence… maybe what people say, is right!

Maybe your parents didnt choose you, but you chose your parents…. As this picture right here feels aligned to the life I “decided” to live.

I can’t imagine living any other life as the one my intuition is guiding me to live. ✨

It feels to me like my path is already drawn and its simply up to me now to decide to be brave enough to follow my innervoice so I can live the life I am meant to live. 🍀

So I can live the life I “chose” to live, the moment I had chosen my parents. As that was the moment, I designed my life with purpose…

Do you agree or dissagree? Feel free to keep the conversation going as I would love to hear your thoughts 🧠 on this topic.

Thanks mom & dad for giving me life and for giving me purpose. ✨🙏🏾

I love you! ❤️


Hello Insta-fam. Happy Newyear! ✨

I hope this year makes you a kinder, happier and healthier version of who you already are and may you continue to find the courage to feel free enough to be all you truly are.

Do you have any newyear’s resolutions or no idea yet what your desires are for 2023?

Let me share something with you. 🍀 The very next time an idea comes to mind, you should ask yourself if this idea can improve your life. If so, you should act on this idea and turn it into a goal. If you can use some guidance with this I strongly encourage you to check out this month’s blogpost of my blog ☀️ Solo Sunny Sundays ☀️ to see how I can help you set your goals for the year. 🌱

Therefore, I dedicated this post towards helping you to ✨ solo jump into your goals ✨ so you can hit the refresh button where and when needed.

I think you’ll be pretty thrilled about it! 😊

Solo Jump into your Goals 01/01/2023


Solo Jump into your Goals The New Year always brings new energy. This blogpost helps you with your goals for the year so your life can truly change. You can change! So, where do you currently feel stuck? What desires do you have? Read on to see how you can hit the refresh button when and where needed. It's time to rise!

Connect 25/11/2022

Lacking Inspiration? Check out my Connect page and be inspired to inspire.

Connect Be inspired to inspire and join the inspiration family to receive an inspiration shower from time to time. How to find your true passion and purpose in life? Get your Free Audio Workshop now.

Incredible Transformations - Solange Zindzi 15/11/2022

Incredible Transformations - Solange Zindzi My name is Solange Zindzi, and I am a certified life and mindset coach, passionate dancer, model, author, speaker, glow-getter expert, and a woman with a big vision who helps dreamers become glow-getters. I help people with explicit dreams create incredible transformations in their lives!


“My drive was bigger than my doubts and eventually I found the strenght to go for it!”

An inspirational short bio-story in the latest . ☺️




Do you realize that investing in yourself can have a major impact on your life? ✨😊


This day, this time - NEXT WEEK!

See you soon ☺️

Feel free to dm me any questions you already have. This way, I can make sure youre getting your answers for sure! ❤️😘

here's why you shouldn't use these words 03/07/2022

Wishing you a SOLO SUNNY SUNDAY!

here's why you shouldn't use these words How aware are you of the words you say? The voice you hear the most is your own and how you're choosing to speak is super important. Did you know, it’s key to use words which create positive internal pictures in your mind so you can create a positive outcome in the physical world?

Positive Mindset Challenge 01/07/2022

Positive Mindset Challenge Ready to upgrade your mindset? Join the positive mindset challenge and shift your mind to a more positive, supportive and encouraging mindset. You learn & apply the secrets of the programming language of the mind so you can create and add, with ease and flow, a sunnier attitude to your lifestyle.

How to find your true passion and purpose in life. 25/06/2022

Have you ever felt lost or like something is missing in your life? Like no matter how much you do, you still feel unaligned or unsatisfied.

If so, then this audio workshop is definitely for you and I'm thrilled to help you, bring meaningful and satisfying energy back into your life. Join me on a journey of amazing self-discovery during my FREE AUDIO WORKSHOP as taking inspired action will honestly lead you there.

I truly can’t wait to connect and grow with you!

How to find your true passion and purpose in life. Learn how to disconnect from the noise around you and tune in to what's happening in your mind, body, and soul. What do you desire? What does passion even really stand for in your life? Through this audio recording you will find out your true passion and purpose in life.


Guess what? It’s time for another ☀️ SOLO SUNNY SUNDAYS ☀️

This months BLOG post is called: 🎋 Don’t be Bamboo’zled 🎋

Did you know, nature is holding so much wisdom and is teaching us so much? 🌱

If you feel like you’re working very hard towards your goals, every single day, but don’t witness any clear results or moments of growth yet (which could discourage you)…. definitely read this June’s Blog. 🔖

I promise you, this doesn’t mean your efforts are useless or worthless! 🙏🏾✨

What if I told you, you’re growing roots which will take you further in life than you can imagine? ⚡️


Are you more a “the-glass-is-half-full” person, “the-glass-is-half-empty” person or are you the one who is simply thankfull to have a glass?


The you have are your .


Did you know, when you deny access to your own , you are actually ruled by your emotions?

But, when you are taking the time to truly welcome and feel all your emotions, you actually become better at making decisions as you , and are more  why you choose to do the things you do.

If you want to get a better and of your own emotions, I strongly encourage you to take a peek at my latest as Im pretty confident it will benefit you during your own emotional journey of life!


Beautiful people! ✨
Up-level your mind game here! 🧠🌱

The POSITIVE MINDSET CHALLENGE is available with 50% discount for only 5 more days!

You will learn & apply the secrets of the programming language of the mind so you can create and add, with ease and flow, a sunnier attitude to your lifestyle. ☀️

Coupon code: positivity

Get excited as you will make a massive shift during this experience! ☺️

Ready to upgrade your mindset?

Join the Challenge! 🏋🏽‍♀️🧠🌱☀️💪🏾

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