Café Kroon

Café Kroon is al sinds 1927 het buurtcafé voor de hele stad!


Aloha, brainiacs and trivia enthusiasts! This Wednesday (that's tomorrow) is another epic edition of Craig's Pub Quiz Extravaganza!

As always, we're rolling out the red carpet for new teams. Don't have a full team? No worries! Our very own Craig, the Cupid of Quizzes, will play matchmaker and plop you down at a table with other great quiz-crazed individuals.

The quiz kicks off at 8 PM sharp, but our bar opens its loving embrace at 4 PM for those of you who need a few hours of 'preparation'. So, see you tomorrow! And may the useless knowledge be with you! 🤣

Photos from Café Kroon's post 06/09/2024

Het is vanavond weer supergezellig bij Gebaren Café Arnhem. We gaan vanavond door tot 24 uur, dus wip gerust nog even langs. En zet anders alvast vrijdag 15 november in je agenda, dan is er weer zo’n vreselijk leuk Gebaren Café! Tot zo of tot dan!

Photos from Café Kroon's post 30/08/2024

Oh boy, last Wednesday was another rip-roaring good time at Craig's Pub Quiz! And of course, we wouldn't dare let you start your weekend without sharing the photographic evidence of our shenanigans.

Attached, you'll find the lucky winners of Craig's Marvelous Basket of Dutch Delights (because nothing says "I'm smart" like a basket full of stroopwafels and hagelslag). You'll also spot the absolutely ecstatic winner of the bonus prize (a genuine toilet golf set - because who doesn't want to practice their putting while "on the throne"?). And let's not forget the team who came in last and proudly took home Craig's Roll of Shame. Congratulations to everyone once again!
And oh, we've also included a new interim ranking. Just in case you need something to obsess over this weekend.

The next edition of Craig's Pub Quiz is on Wednesday, September 11th. Mark it in your calendar! And for now: we wish you a fantastic and relaxing weekend! Just don't relax so much that you forget all your useless trivia knowledge before the next quiz! 😉


Have you penciled Craig's Pub Quiz for tomorrow (Wednesday) into your calendar yet? If not, get on it pronto... because it's shaping up to be a scorcher of a summer edition!

As always, new teams are welcomed with open arms. And if you don't have a (complete) team: just swing by anyway*, before you know it, you'll have more friends than you can shake a stick at! Craig's brain-bending bonanza kicks off at the stroke of 8 PM, but Café Kroon opens at 4 PM for those eager beavers who like to "prepare" for the quiz! 😉

(*Craig insists he's not responsible for any friendships, romances, or pub-quiz addictions that may result from this event.)


En onze terras-dj’s zijn aan! 🕺Kom jij ook lekker relaxed een drankje doen?


Omdat het zondag (toch) lekker terrasweer wordt, draaien Els, Fred en Karst van DJ Trio DaDaDa tussen 15 en 18 uur de leukste singeltjes uit hun enorme collectie. Schuif zondag lekker aan en geniet mee!
DJ Trio DaDaDa

Photos from Café Kroon's post 17/08/2024

En jawel, het was weer een zinderende editie van Paul’s Pubquiz met een grandioze muzikale bijdrage van .tinez En de winnaars zijn voor de 2e keer dit seizoen: Team Bitterballen! Gefeliciteerd met deze glorieuze mijlpaal in jullie leven!
De volgende editie van Paul’s Pubquiz is op zaterdag 21 september. Regel je tickets alvast via!

Photos from Café Kroon's post 16/08/2024

Paul's Pubquiz is weer helemaal uitverkocht. En het belooft een lekker complexe editie te worden. Want het thema is... VROUWEN! 😉 Om je alvast een beetje op weg te helpen, kruipt Paul op de bijgaande foto's in de gedaante van enkele beroemde vrouwen die deze zaterdag de r***e passeren. Weet jij om wie het gaat? Dan heb je de eerste 7 punten al (bijna) binnen! Succes!

Photos from Café Kroon's post 15/08/2024

Yesterday was yet another tremendously cozy and somewhat hilarious edition of Craig's Pub Quiz! Attached, you'll see the super-proud winners of Craig's Fabulous Dutch Nibble Basket and the two lucky recipients of the bonus prize (a wooden rose and a red-and-white plastic flower wreath, because nothing says 'bonus' quite like fake foliage).

You'll also spot three brave losers beaming with joy over their freshly acquired Craig's Roll of Shame. And we've included the current standings, which were determined after extensive jury deliberations (see last photo).

The next edition of Craig's Pub Quiz is on Wednesday, August 28th. Make sure you're there! It's guaranteed to be a night of trivial pursuit and not-so-trivial laughter. Don't miss your chance to win more dubious prizes like these! 🤣


Wist je dat er regelmatig geheim topoverleg plaatsvindt tussen onze quizmasters Craig en Paul? Hier bespreken ze nog even wat Craig vanavond en Paul aankomende zaterdag voor rare streken gaan uithalen.😉 Zorg dat je erbij bent!

English: Did you know that there are regular secret top-level meetings between our quiz masters Craig and Paul? Here they discuss what kind of strange tricks Craig will pull tonight and Paul this Saturday. 😉 Make sure you're there!


Good news, folks! Tomorrow, it seems Mother Nature has decided to turn down the thermostat. Coupled with our infamous quizmaster's frosty inquiries, we suggest you come to the 7th edition of Craig's Pub Quiz dressed like you're embarking on an Arctic expedition. The quiz starts at 8 PM, and we warmly welcome new teams.

For those who want to defrost their grey cells early, Café Kroon opens at 4 PM. It's the perfect opportunity to sip on a hot chocolate before the mental marathon begins. And fear not, outdoor enthusiasts! If needed, we turn on our state-of-the-art 'heat cushions' on the terrace. 😉

See you this Wednesday at Craig's Pub Quiz, where the questions are brain-freezing, but the atmosphere is sizzling!


Wat hebben we nu dan aan onze to**er hangen?! De alom bejubelde Arnhemse saxofoongod Tinez (Tinez Roots Club) gaat deze zaterdagmiddag live de muziekronde spelen bij de 32e editie van Paul's Pubquiz! Daar wil je natuurlijk bij zijn! En het mooie is: er zijn nog tickets beschikbaar.
Grijp je kans via!


De eerste samenwerking met Willemeen smaakt meteen naar meer! Zet zondagmiddag 13 oktober alvast in je agenda! 🎸


City Shark! 👊🦈


De eerste band gaat zo van start en nu is het al een topsfeer!


De posters hangen al weken in de stad en deze woensdag is het zover: de eerste samenwerking van Willemeen en Café Kroon! We trappen af met een weergaloze punkparty, waarbij maar liefst 2 bands uit de USA opdraven en de support wordt gedaan door een splinternieuwe Arnhemse punkband. Dit is de line-up:
1. Shark City (Arnhem)
2. Citric Dummies (USA)
3. Erik Nervous (USA)
Voor meer info en tickets:

Willemeen Stappen in Arnhem Jongin Arnhem


Leuk voor snuffelaars, bierliefhebbers en koopjesjagers: we ruimen dit weekend onze bierkelder (een beetje) op! 🍻

Photos from Café Kroon's post 02/08/2024

Here they are: photos and the new standings after a sizzling hot and absolutely smashing edition of Craig's Pub Quiz, last Wednesday. And again we had the pleasure of welcoming some new teams. It's getting more crowded, more fun, and more nail-biting every time!

The first three photos show the lucky ducks who won Craig's Basket of Wild Dutch Delicacies (sounds like a culinary adventure, doesn't it?), the champion of the bonus prize, and the brave losers who got to take home Craig's Roll of Shame (at least it's something to wipe those tears with, right?). After that, you'll find the current standings and a few atmospheric shots, especially for those of you still hemming and hawing about joining in. Stop with the dilly-dallying and make sure you're at the next quiz. It's on Wednesday, August 14th. See you then? Great!

For now: we're wishing you a sunny weekend that's as bright as your quiz potential! For those itching to soak up some rays with a cold one: Café Kroon is open all weekend from 2 PM. 😁

Photos from Café Kroon's post 31/07/2024

Morgenavond (donderdag va. 20 uur) draait onze Storm zijn laatste dienst! Kom jij nog even afscheid van hem nemen?
Ooit 'ontdekten' we hem achter de kassa van de Kruidvat in de Steenstraat. In sneltreinvaart ontpopte Storm zich daarna tot een volleerd bartender. En misschien wel nóg sneller werd ie de meest begeerde horecatijger van Arnhem.* 😉
Nu - vele jaren en minstens zoveel kapsels later - heeft Storm zijn studie afgerond en gaat fulltime aan de slag als 'zorgprofessional'.
Dank voor alles Storm! Voor het keiharde werk achter de bar, voor het charmante geflaneer met je dienblad over het terras, voor het beantwoorden van iedere 'stomme' vraag met een stralende glimlach, voor het behalen van het poolbar-record in Egypte en bovenal voor het zijn van een supertoffe gastheer en collega! ❤️

*En sorry dames, Storm is inmiddels al lang en breed onder de pannen bij onze eigen H**e! 🥰


Attention, trivia enthusiasts and knowledge ninjas! This Wednesday night, the world's most epic Australian-spoken pub quiz is back in action! At the stroke of 8 PM, the incomparable Quizmaster Craig will unleash a tsunami of brain-tickling questions that'll make Wikipedia cry.

Whether you're a quiz veteran with a PhD in useless facts or a newbie who thinks 'general knowledge' is a military rank, you're more than welcome!

For those of you who like to 'prepare' for quizzes (wink wink): Café Kroon opens at 4 PM. So feel free to come early and lubricate those brain cells with your beverage of choice. Who knows? It might just give you the edge you need to become this week's quiz champion! 😁

Photos from Café Kroon's post 20/07/2024

En daar zijn ze: de trotse winnaars en de ook nog best blije ‘laatste plaatsers’ van de 31e Paul’s Pubquiz: Team Meet5 en Team Weet Ik Veel. Gefeliciteerd met deze grootse mijlpalen in jullie levens! De volgende editie van Paul’s Pubquiz is zaterdag 17 augustus. Meedoen? Bestel dan alvast je kaartjes via


Joepie! Onze Paul heeft wel vandaag een wel heul bijzondere reden om de confetti te laten knallen! Vanmiddag stelt ie bij z'n 31e quiz namelijk zijn 3000ste vraag!
Alvast van harte gefeliciteerd met deze mijlpaal Paul! 🎉


Wist je dat we speciaal voor mensen met kleine dorst nu ook heuse ‘reuzenbiertjes’ hebben? Kosten maar 1 eurootje en je bent er zoals dit bescheiden liefdesduo toch al snel een uurtje zoet mee. 😉

Photos from Café Kroon's post 18/07/2024

Last night was a bit quieter due to the holidays, but that didn't make Craig's Pub Quiz any less fun. In fact, we had the pleasure of welcoming new participants! How's that for a jolly good time?
The photos show the proud winners of Craig's Horrifically Beautiful Basket of Dutch Gifts. We've also got the winners of the bonus prize, looking smugger than a cat that got the cream. And let's not forget the sad duo bringing up the rear, who got to go home with Craig's Roll of Shame - perfect for wiping away those tears of defeat!
We've also updated the standings, so you can see exactly how far behind you are from greatness.
The next edition of Craig's Pub Quiz is on Wednesday, July 31st. Mark it in your calendar, folks! And remember, if you're not there, you're probably stuck at home watching paint dry. Don't let that be you! 🤣


Pak je kans! Omdat enkele van onze vaste quizteams op vakantie zijn, hebben we nog een aantal tickets beschikbaar voor Paul's Pubquiz van aankomende zaterdag! Geef jezelf en je hersencellen een ongekend cadeau en bestel snel kaartjes via
Paul's Pubquiz begint om 16 uur en het café is zaterdag al open vanaf 14 uur.


Now that we've finally peeled ourselves off the couch after weeks of football mania, it's time to flex those neglected brain muscles. This Wednesday, we're back with Craig's Pub Quiz - the only place where your useless trivia knowledge might actually win you something other than eye rolls from your friends.

Our doors open at 4 PM for those eager beavers who want to start 'hydrating' early. The real brain-bending deal begins at 8 PM sharp. Don't miss out on this chance to prove you're smarter than your barstool!

So, see you tomorrow at Café Kroon - where the questions are tough, the beer is cold, and the winners are... well, still in a pub on a Wednesday night. But hey, at least you'll be a victorious pub-dweller! 😁


Hoera! Het is weer vrijdag!


NEW QUIZ SCHEDULE! Because a boatload of people want to watch the Netherlands and England duke it out in the Euro semi-finals this Wednesday at 9 PM, and simultaneously nobody wants to miss out on the brain-bending extravaganza that is Craig's Pub Quiz, we've made a groundbreaking decision. We're moving the quiz scheduled for this Wednesday to next week, July 17th. This seismic shift means all subsequent quizzes until the year 2033 will also move by a week. Check out the new schedule for the foreseeable future!
We wish both sets of fans an enjoyable match and we'll see you next Wednesday, July 17th, at Craig's Pub Quiz! Don't forget to bring your brains - you'll need them to recover from all that football excitement!
The quiz starts at 8 PM, but for those looking to warm up their grey cells (or just their seats), the café opens at 4 PM.

Photos from Café Kroon's post 27/06/2024

Yesterday, we had another jam-packed, sweat-inducing, and above all, sunny edition of Craig's Pub Quiz. Attached is the new scoreboard, which we're sure you'll scrutinize with the intensity of a forensic accountant.

You'll also find photos of our star quizmaster (no autographs, please) with the lucky winners of Craig's Dutch Treats Basket. We're not saying it's better than winning the lottery, but it's close.

Then there are the winners of the bonus prize: three juggling balls for four people. Because nothing says "team-building" like fighting over who gets to juggle first, right?

And let's not forget our beloved tail-enders, who proudly marched home with Craig's Roll Of Shame. Remember, folks, it's not about winning or losing, it's about how spectacularly you can lose!
Congratulations to everyone! Whether you're basking in glory or drowning your sorrows, you're all winners in our book. (Some just win more than others, if you catch our drift.)

The next edition of Craig's Pub Quiz is in two weeks, on Wednesday, July 10th. Mark it in your calendar, set seventeen alarms, tattoo it on your forehead - whatever it takes to remember. We expect to see you all there, ready to dazzle us with your vast knowledge of obscure trivia or at least your ability to guess creatively!

Wilt u dat uw bedrijf hét hoogst genoteerde Restaurant in Arnhem wordt?
Klik hier om uitgelicht te worden.

Video's (alles zien)

Tinez bij Paul's Pubquiz
Joepie! Onze Paul heeft wel vandaag een wel heul bijzondere reden om de confetti te laten knallen! Vanmiddag stelt ie bi...
Pak je kans! Omdat enkele van onze vaste quizteams op vakantie zijn, hebben we nog een aantal tickets beschikbaar voor P...
NEW QUIZ SCHEDULE! Because a boatload of people want to watch the Netherlands and England duke it out in the Euro semi-f...
Thinking of giving it all at Craig's Pub Quiz tonight? Think again! The last-place team wins the very prestigious Craig'...
We hebben weer een waardevolle hint voor Paul's Pubquiz van aankomende zaterdag! Het thema is deze keer... vakantie! En ...
Rectificatie! Paul's Pubquiz van morgen gaat over dieren in het algemeen, dus de beestjes. En niet over de Gelderse plaa...
Hoera! Vanavond is het zover: Back to The Move in Café Kroon!DJ Fred slingert om 20 uur zijn draaitafels aan en gaat doo...
Yes! Dit zijn de trotse en dolblije winnaars van de 28e editie van Paul’s Pubquiz! Gefeliciteerd!Wil je de volgende keer...
Record Store Bier




Hommelstraat 66


Woensdag 16:00 - 00:00
Donderdag 16:00 - 00:00
Vrijdag 14:00 - 00:00
Zaterdag 14:00 - 00:00
Zondag 14:00 - 20:00

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