Medicine on the Move

Network of Dutch medical students keen on creating awareness about migrant and refugee healthcare.

Photos from Medicine on the Move's post 02/06/2024

We’re looking for new members! Send us a DM or scan the QR code to get in touch!

Photos from Medicine on the Move's post 17/12/2023

The situation in Gaza demands our attention. Swipe to learn more about it>>

Photos from Medicine on the Move's post 08/10/2023

According to research by Amsterdam UMC on Post-COVID Health in the Netherlands, migrants have a higher risk of post-COVID syndrome.

Original scientific article:


Photos from Medicine on the Move's post 01/10/2023

Migration Myths: what are some examples of migration myths that you have come across?



Vocabulary post of the week!


We kindly invite you to join the upcoming Global Health Hub Symposium organized by the Global Health Unit, UMCG.

The symposium will focus on the theme "A Global Approach to Anticipate and Tackle Future One-Health Challenges." It will cover four thought-provoking topics:

Global Health Strategy

Global Health Diagnostic in a OneHealth context

WAAH! Accelerator One Health

Pandemic preparedness using a "One Health" approach: will we do better?

It is with great privilege that we announce speakers: prof. dr. Stephanie Klein Nagelvoort Schuit, mr. drs. Bru­no Bruins, prof. dr. Sabine Dittrich, dr. Taslimarif Saiyed, and prof. dr. Ab Osterhaus, who are at the forefront of driving positive change in global health.

We believe that this symposium presents a unique opportunity for you to gain valuable knowledge and contribute to these important discussions.

Please visit the website for more information:

Photos from Medicine on the Move's post 09/07/2023

Health care for asylum-seekers in the Netherlands is organised by the commercial business GZA (Healthcare Asylum seekers), on the behalf of the COA(Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers). In response to the shortcomings of GZA, the COA hired two other healthcare companies: “Just4Care” and “Arts & Specialist”, which established “crisis emergency shelters”.

Both healthcare companies make profit by charging unproportionate rates for the medical staff they hire. Example: Arts & Specialist allocates junior doctors (“basisartsen”) to the shelters - who are cheaper than specialized doctors - and receives a margin of 50%. The agency hires GPs to provide supervision at a distance and charges them 100€ per hour – even if the GP only called for 4 patients in a day.

The, often inexperienced, junior doctors get negligible guidance and are concerned about the lack of essential resources, such as a blood pressure monitor and electronic health records. Aiming for the cheapest care has resulted in administrative chaos and crippling care which is now costing the COA dearly: The costs for asylum this year are more than 3 billion higher than previously budgeted.
Refugees are entitled to the same care as locals. This, however, is hindered by COA’s continuous drive for cutbacks and the focus on short term solutions. All this is making it expensive for the government yet profitable for suppliers.


Get ready for our Bake Sale this Thursday! We’ll have muffins, cupcakes, iced coffee and more!


Vocabulary of the week!

Migration, health care are interlinked in many ways. Due to worldwide migration, globalisation and also European enlargement, communities in Europe are becoming more and more diverse on the local level as well. The health status of migrants and ethnic minority groups is often worse than that of the average population. These groups are more vulnerable, due to their lower socio- economic status, and sometimes because of traumatic migration experiences and lack of adequate social support. Minority groups are at risk of not receiving the same level of health care in diagnosis, treatment and preventive services that the average population receives. Health care services are not responsive enough to the specific needs of minorities.
Therefore, increasing diversity is an important issue for health systems and services.

Photos from Medicine on the Move's post 29/04/2023

Balkan Route
The Balkan route is one of the main passages that refugees and migrants take to get to Europe. The route refers to entries from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia.
Through this passage, many people on the move attempt to cross from the non-EU Balkan countries to EU-member Croatia. Being a Schengen country since December 2022, Croatia allows free movement of people to other EU-countries without border control. Border control is still in place at the borders with Serbia, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
EU law and Human Rights
By entering the Schengen area, Croatia committed to applying international- and EU law, including the Charter of Fundamental Rights, the Refugee Convention. Particularly, this involves the duty to adhere to the principle of non-refoulement in the process of border control and management (= not obliging refugees or asylum seekers to return to an unsafe country). An asylum seeker has the right to apply for asylum in the first EU country where he or she enters. As applies to all EU countries, Croatian authorities have the obligation to start the legal procedure to aid the right to apply for international protection which people on the move have, by analyzing their situation case-by-case.
Violation of rules and rights
Yet, Croatian authorities have been denying access to asylum and have engaged in collective expulsions, including violent pushbacks by Croatian police. Furthermore, people on the move are brought to camps in Bosnia. Recent documentation (spring 2023) reported buses that send people from Croatia to the EU-funded camps of Lipa and Borici in Bosnia.
Finally, conducting timely, thorough, and independent investigations of reported police misconduct is persistently failing, as is holding to account those who are responsible

Photos from Medicine on the Move's post 17/04/2023

Tyranny, bombardment, and persecution - such are the causes that force asylum seekers (a.s.) to abandon their homelands in search of refuge. Traveling through treacherous journeys and facing debilitating obstacles, they pray for mercy and plea for the compassion of those more fortunate. Once - and if - granted, they finally attempt to confront the battles within; restoring ruins left behind the arduous, completed quest.
Common Issues
The most common psychological issues a.s. struggle with are: depression, anxiety, psychosis, and PTSD. These conditions can severely affect daily functioning if not handled in the right timing and manner. Unfortunately, such circumstances are not uncommon among a.s. due to the great burden the task of handling their affairs poses on the assigned resources.
Dutch System
In the Netherlands, a.s. receive a specialized program that offers general healthcare services, the GZA (Asylum-Seeker Healthcare), on par with the citizens'. Through which they can reach a mental healthcare nurse practitioner (POH-GGZ) if needed.
Yet, although such a service is provided, unfortunately, it is not enough. Various obstacles still exist, some of which are prior stigmas and the lengthy duration of the asylum procedure.
Several individuals come from diverse backgrounds, all of which have varying views on mental health and the means to be sought. Thus, a great deal of them still have a withstanding opposition to the available care due to particular ideologies. Which is another reason why people don't get the care they need.

Asylum Procedure
Moreover, the period it takes for individuals to be introduced into the society and integrate is much delayed. Therefore, creating a bigger obstacle and widening the gap between the a.s. and their chance to heal their wounds and to allow things to fall back into place and perspective. The longer the duration, the more difficult it will be for them to hold onto their glare of hope, sense of self-worth, and relevance to the community.

Photos from Medicine on the Move's post 01/04/2023

To improve the care given to people with a migration background during a hospital admission, Medicine on the Move has teamed up with the Global Health Unit to lead a Bachelor Project that will focus on this topic. We are looking for individuals who want to share their experience as a previous patient in one of the UMCG’s nursing wards, during an interview.

Participants must fulfill the following criteria:
Age > 18 years
Previous hospital admission at the UMCG
Migration background of a MENA (Middle Eastern and North African) country
Little to no proficiency in Dutch or English (interviews will be held with a translator)

Do you or someone you know fulfill these criteria and want to share their experiences in order to improve the care that future patients will receive? You can send an email at: [email protected] or [email protected].

Spread the word!

Photos from Medicine on the Move's post 27/03/2023

Recently, the US government approved an oil drilling project expected to cause significant environmental harm to surrounding areas. Swipe to learn more about it >>>

Photos from Medicine on the Move's post 16/02/2023

Join us this Saturday at 18th of February at UMCG, Boeringzaal 3211.0004! Swipe to read about our speakers. Link in bio

Photos from Medicine on the Move's post 16/02/2023

Our fifth symposium will be on 18th February 2023 at the University Medical Center Groningen, Boeringzaal 3211.0004
The focus will be on migrant mothers and safe motherhood.
Swipe to know more about the speakers (or better yet sign up and meet them this Saturday!)


Find us at Boeringzaal, UMCG faculty (entrance Noord, building 3211.0004) this Saturday 18th of February!

Photos from Medicine on the Move's post 12/02/2023

Upcoming 18th of February!

Have you signed up for the next Medicine On The Move symposium? Sign up via link in bio now!


Meet the speakers - Nour El Haj Ali

In collaboration with Global Health Hub Groningen, Medicine On The Move is organising a symposium on Saturday February 4 at 15:00 at the UMCG (exact location to br shared later). The focus of the symposium will be on migrant mothers and speakers with expertise in related topics will enlighten us about various facets of maternal and newborn care.

To sign up, click the link in our bio

Part 1 of 4


In collaboration with Global Health Hub Groningen, Medicine On The Move is organising a symposium on Saturday February 4 at 15:00 at the UMCG (exact location to br shared later). The focus of the symposium will be on migrant mothers and speakers with expertise in related topics will enlighten us about various facets of maternal and newborn care.

To sign up, go to

Photos from Medicine on the Move's post 13/12/2022

🥳Speaker announcement 🎉

These will be the speakers at our upcoming symposium! Swipe to find more about them >>

Photos from Medicine on the Move's post 04/12/2022

Safe Motherhood: Migration and pregnancy

Are you interested in this topic or want to learn more? Join MOTM on our symposium on 4th February!

Photos from Medicine on the Move's post 20/11/2022

This week’s vocabulary post: Safe countries of origin

1. Safe country of origin Migration and Home Affairs. Available at:
2. Annex II of the APD on the “Designation of safe countries of origin for the purposes of Articles 29 and 30
3. European Council on Refugees and Exiles, "Safe countries of origin": A safe concept?, September 2015, AIDA Legal Briefing No. 3, available at:
4. EASO, Situational update – ‘Safe country of origin’ concept in EU+ countries, June 2019

Photos from Medicine on the Move's post 14/11/2022

Symposium announcement!! 

Our fifth symposium will be on 4 February 2023 at the University Medical Center Groningen. The focus will be on migrant mothers. Swipe to know more about the topic! And stay tuned to know who the speakers are!

Photos from Medicine on the Move's post 16/10/2022

A few months ago, we posted a tool we developed to make requesting medical translators (TOLKEN) easier. This is in the form of a “zakkaartje” - a convenient card that fits in the pocket of white coats. We were happy to see that many healthcare professionals were interested in using this tool and requested a blanco template, which they could adapt based on their institution.

For anyone who is interested in using this tool and wants to introduce it to their institutions: You can now download a blanco PDF version of the zakkaartje via the link in our highlight ⬆️. You can adjust the template based on your institution’s policies on requesting a medical translator and (when applicable) fill it in with details of the interpreter’s organization with which your institution collaborates.

We hope that this tool will prompt more medical professionals to make use of this vital service for every patient that needs it!



Medicine on the Move and Global Health Hub Groningen are offering a Bachelor Project with the topic: Care for patients with migration background in nursing wards – what can be improved?

This project will focus on improving the care that patients with a migration background receive during a hospital admission. During this Bachelor Thesis, you will perform qualitative research based on the experiences of healthcare providers working with patients with a migration background in nursing wards, as well as on experiences of patients themselves regarding their specific needs. You will use these experiences to come up with recommendations on what can be changed in the current nursing ward policies to improve the care that these patients receive during their hospital admission and to create a more inclusive nursing ward.

This project will be developed at the UMCG.

Interested? You can send an email to [email protected] or [email protected] before October 12th!

Photos from Medicine on the Move's post 09/10/2022

Approximately one of six inhabitants in Aruba is an undocumented migrant. However, the healthcare options for undocumented migrants on the island are limited, except in case of life-threatening situations. To improve this, .humann aims to make healthcare accessible for undocumented migrants in Aruba by supporting and expanding currently available services.

Do you wish to support project HUMANN and the undocumented migrants of Aruba? Your help is much appreciated and needed. Every donation counts!

Photos from Medicine on the Move's post 26/09/2022

Migration is a human right!

ATTENTION: Demonstration taking place this Thursday, 29th of September 13:30 markt, Groningen. This demonstration aims to bring attention to the situation in Ter Apel and the current asylum policies. For more information , swipe right!

Photos from Medicine on the Move's post 26/09/2022


There will be a demonstration taking place on Thursday this week (29 september) at 13:30.
Where? Grote markt, Groningen

This demonstration aims to bring more attention to the situation in Ter Apel and the current asylum policy. For mor information swipe right!

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Photos from Medicine on the Move's post 26/09/2022


Attention: Upcoming demonstration on Thursday 13:30, Grote Markt, Groningen.

Event by: MiGreat, BIJ1, Platform Stop Racisme, International Socialists Groningen, Groningen for Justice Palestine, Vluchtelingen Comité Groningen

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