Rise-well H2020 project
The goal of RISE-WELL is to improve SWB and QOL of elderly European citizens to obtain positive indi
On June 28/29 2022, a summer school organized for 4 H2020 MSCA-ITN projects: RISE-WELL, CAST, NOVA-MRI and PAVE took place in Düsseldorf, Germany.
The Early Stage Researchers attended talks on themes focusing on their careers, i. e.. 'How to chart my career course' or 'Career hacks on the high seas'. It was great to connect a group of nearly 50 international ESRs from many countries from all around the world!
Our ES6 Dhanalakshmi Tamatam participated in the 1st MIA Portugal Ageing Spring School and Symposium 2022 at Coimbra, Portugal. Dhanalakshmi presented a poster on her research on Residential and Environmental Influences on Older Adults, representing Rise-well H2020 project Technická univerzita vo Zvolene Magi Pichler and Viliam Pichler
It was an excellent training and networking opportunity for young scientists to gain more profound knowledge of the latest scientific trends in ageing.
Our researchers Saba and Dhanalakshmi have recently been awarded funding to support a 5-day trip to Coimbra in Portugal (04-08 April) to attend a Spring school on ageing (https://www.uc.pt/mia/mia-portugal-ageing-spring-school).
The Multidisciplinary Institute for Ageing (MIA) are going to fund the ESRs' travel costs, accommodation, sustenance and social activities! This is an exceptional training opportunity for students and early career researchers interested in aging and translational science.
What a fantastic opportunity for our ESRs to travel, grow, learn and to broaden her network. Universidade de Coimbra Newcastle University
MIA-Portugal Ageing Spring School MIA- Portugal Ageing Spring School
Congrats to our ESR Naveed E Saba for presenting her project at the NEPG Conference on Lower limb wearable sensors to measure muscle health validated with magnetic resonance imaging. A stepping stone for her PhD and the RISE-WELL project!
Last week the online Networkwide Training Event TS3: Scientific Writing - Research Papers and Grants was combined with other LUMC EU projects Nova-Mri H2020 project & CAST
Thanks to the speakers of Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum - LUMC & Percuros B.V.
Last week we had the first session of the Network wide training Events! Thanks everybody for attending!
Congratulations to our ESR Serena Salvi for successfully passing her first important PhD milestone!
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