Agnieszka Lipinski Introspective Hypnosis & Counselling

My goal is to encourage you to live your authentic self. Free yourself of subconscious patterns and beliefs that are holding you back.

Creating a community that values vulnerability, I inspire curiosity and courage, helping you to become yourself.


When we go through a dark period in our lives, we think it will never end.
I like to remind myself that we are part of nature and that nature has its seasons.
When fall turns into winter, the leaves fall from the trees; birds fly south, and plants go dormant-some even die having lived the life they were meant to.
Do we ever wallow in the fear that this is it? There will never be a blooming flower or tree again? There will never be a ripe fruit again?
No, we don’t.
Why is that? Because we know that after winter, spring will return, followed by the bounty of summer.

If you are in a dark place, remind yourself that spring will arrive.

Reflection on an introspective hypnosis session 30/04/2022

Together with Peter, I am reflecting on his first introspective hypnosis session.

Peter is a psychologist and exits the present through an addiction to his phone, Facebook, and sexual fantasies. He wants to be more present and embodied and feel what emotions are coming up for him in his daily life. He was able to work on issues that didn't come up during conventional speaking therapy but were still influencing him today.
We reflect on how he is doing and what he has noticed since the session. Peter also shares his „acts of triumphs“ and the difference between conventional talking therapy and introspective hypnosis.

I thank Peter for being so open and vulnerable and for allowing me to upload this conversation.

Reflection on an introspective hypnosis session Together with Peter, I am reflecting on his first introspective hypnosis session. Peter is a psychologist and exits the present through an addiction to his p...

Photos from Agnieszka Lipinski Introspective Hypnosis & Counselling's post 24/04/2022

Thank you, Tori


It all starts in the mind.
Whether you are dealing with physical or mental challenges, they often start with limiting beliefs that, over time, manifest in our thinking, emotions, actions, body, environment, and relationships.
Slowly but surely, we have created our reality.
You choose whether you create-a reality that feels like a prison or a reality that feels like an adventure.
The choice is always yours.


If you have been waiting for a sign to finally
- prioritize yourself
- tackle your fear
- improve your mental or physical health
- make a healthy change in your life

This is the sign-Time is now


Your brain in hypnosis.



You can't heal what you don't let yourself feel.

Credit: Creates


Trauma shows up in body, mind and spirit.

Credit: Monica Vogt


We are living too much in our heads.
We often overthink our situation instead of listening to our bodies.
If you find yourself at a crossroads not knowing what to do:
Ask the question you want to ask, place your hand on your stomach and see if your body relaxes or gets tense. If it relaxes, you should go forward; if it gets tense, don’t.


Where are you right now?

Credit: Chopra


New month, new beginning ✨


One of the biggest blocks on our healing journey is Fear.

Out of fear we:

- don’t even start our healing journey
- remain stuck &
- feel powerless

Fear is an indicator of where you need to grow.

Pushing through fear is difficult, but new amazing opportunities await once we make a start.

And in the end, you will ask yourself:

Why didn’t I start earlier?

Home 27/03/2022

When we heal from addiction, it is called recovery. Recovery means to find something. You can't find anything that isn't already there all along.

Home Introspective Hypnosis


When we think of being productive, we think of actually „doing“ something. But we forget that taking a break can be a very productive time as well. Taking breaks refreshes the mind, replenishes our mental resources, and helps us become more creative. “Aha moments” came more often to those who took breaks, according to research.

When we do not take a break and try to keep up with the demands of our social, societal, or own goals, we are likely to break. Sooner rather than later.

And that is ok! As long as you take it as a lesson to readjust your life.

After all, we are not machines that can run 24/7.


Lose the weight.


Curious what is stored in your subconscious mind?
Do you want to make the subconscious conscious?

Home 21/03/2022

What is the subconscious mind, and what has hypnosis to do with it?

The subconscious mind soaks up all the information from just before birth until we die and controls 90% of our actions, feelings, beliefs, etc. Subconscious means one is not fully aware of but influences one's actions and emotions. Every experience you had is stored there, even if you cannot recall it.

The subconscious mind is usually heavily guarded and not easily accessible due to processes in your conscious mind. The hypnotherapist will help bring you into a relaxed state, so you can bypass the barrier and access traumatic events and memories hidden in the subconscious mind.

Information that is stored in there are:

- Beliefs
- Emotions & feelings
- Habits and addictions
- Traumas
- Values
- Long term memory
- Creativity
- Intuition
- Imagination

The conscious mind on the other hand is responsible for logical and critical thinking and is involved when learning a new skills.

The healing occurs through going back to those events and memories and actually feeling and adequately processing them. We reprogram the brain and change the perspective of the event; we find closure and inner peace. As we made the subconscious conscious, we gained back control of our lives and won’t be subconsciously influenced by those memories anymore.

If you want to make the subconscious conscious and free yourself from limiting beliefs, habits, and addictions and find healing from traumatic events, go to and book a session.

Home Introspective Hypnosis


We are constantly looking at our goals and the things we still haven’t achieved yet. But we ignore the path we have already walked to come this far.

Take one minute to acknowledge your journey thus far.

Take a deep breath, be grateful, give yourself a hug and a high five ;-)

You can be proud of yourself.


We all are looking for some sort of healing. But healing can mean different things for different people.

Ask yourself:

- What does healing me to me?
- How will I feel once I am healed?
- What would be different once I am healed?


We are on a constant healing journey from events we suffer(ed). Some days on that journey seem bright, some seem dark, and some seem like the sun will never rise again. But it has.

No matter what you went through or going through at the moment, ask yourself- What have you learned through your healing journey so far?

It is easy to doom the pain you suffer, but take a moment to reflect on what you have gained from it.

Perhaps you let go of habits, people, a career, or a lifestyle that no longer served you.

Perhaps this step brought you closer to the person you want to become? Maybe you met special people along the way that otherwise you wouldn’t have gotten to know?

And even if you cannot think of one good reason- you are here today reading this. You made it this far. You are strong and more resilient than you think.


You are stronger than you think is not just a positive affirmation.

95% of my clients come to me because they want to heal their trauma.

Some of them tried to heal their trauma for years and years, and others didn’t even try out of fear and shame. Both scenarios let my clients feel powerless. One for not being able to „beat“ the trauma and the other for not daring to try.

I knew powerlessness was just a feeling and not a fact.

But during our session, the magic happens. My clients transform from feeling powerless to remembering their true power. It is very inspiring to watch.

Everyone can feel their power. How do you remind yourself of yours?


Give yourself some extra self love today.


Everyone deserves healing and is able to heal.

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Video's (alles zien)

Lose the weight.
We all are looking for some sort of healing. But healing can mean different things for different people. Ask yourself:- ...
We are on a constant healing journey from events we suffer(ed). Some days on that journey seem bright, some seem dark, a...
Everyone deserves healing and is able to heal.



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