European Society for Trauma and Dissociation - ESTD

Official page of the European Society for Trauma and Dissociation.


Call for abstracts ‼️‼️
The 9th International ESTD Congress:
From diagnosis to treatment: Recognising complex trauma & dissociation. 10th-12th October 2024 Katowice, Poland

Dear ESTD members and everyone interested in the field of trauma and dissociation!
January 31st 2024 is the deadline for submitting abstracts.

Please visit the congress website
to add an abstract and get all the information. 🙂


We are happy to announce that the Polish subsection of our website has just been updated. People from Poland can now learn more about local ESTD events. Registered users can also find updated clinical tools in their language. Please, visit:

Z radością informujemy, że polska podsekcja naszej witryny została właśnie zaktualizowana. Mieszkańcy Polski mogą teraz dowiedzieć się więcej o lokalnych wydarzeniach ESTD. Zarejestrowani użytkownicy mogą również znaleźć zaktualizowane narzędzia kliniczne w swoim języku. Zapraszamy na stronę:


Only two weeks left to register ‼️‼️ First free webinar for Published Research
The use of innovative drugs in the treatment of (severe) PTSD: New findings and perspectives
January 16 2024, at 7-8.30pm




Enactive Trauma Therapy. Master ClassTherapists’ Contrary Longings and Strivings – ESTD 18/12/2023

Enactive Trauma Therapy. Master ClassTherapists’ Contrary Longings and Strivings - with Ellert R.S. Nijenhuis, Ph.D.
The course lasts for 3 days from the 5th to the 7th of June 2024, and is held in historic surroundings in the Hanseatic Hotel in Bergen, Norway.
ESTD members receive a 10% discount 😀

Enactive Trauma Therapy. Master ClassTherapists’ Contrary Longings and Strivings – ESTD The course lasts for 3 days from the 5th to the 7th of June 2024, and is held in historic surroundings in the Hanseatic Hotel in Bergen, Norway.


"When parents/carers struggle – The role of parents and carers in treating children and adolescents with complex trauma and dissociation"
Written by Renée P Marks & Lesley Ryan
We invite you to read the latest article from our Newsletter. 🙂


Register for the IXth International ESTD Congress which will be held in Katowice, Poland (10-12 Oct 2024) and participate in inspiring workshops and presentations.

Before the congress,Anabel Gonzalez from Spain will lead a workshop titled: "Progressive approach to the treatment of complex dissociation with EMDR", and during the congress, she will be giving a keynote lecture: "Voices in dissociation and psychosis: insights and tools for differential diagnosis".


First free webinar for Published Research‼️
January 16 2024, at 7-8.30pm
The use of innovative drugs in the treatment of (severe) PTSD: New findings and perspectives


The latest issue of the ESTD Newsletter is here! 🙂💪
Discover the table of contents and get access to the latest news regarding the subject of trauma and dissociation.

Visit our site:

The use of innovative drugs in the treatment of (severe) PTSD: New findings and perspectives January 16 2024, at 7-8.30pm – ESTD 16/11/2023

First free webinar for Published Research‼️
January 16 2024, at 7-8.30pm
The use of innovative drugs in the treatment of (severe) PTSD: New findings and perspectives

The use of innovative drugs in the treatment of (severe) PTSD: New findings and perspectives January 16 2024, at 7-8.30pm – ESTD Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) remains one of the most debilitating mental conditions, often resistant to conventional treatments. After the standing history of the use of L*D for PTSD reactions in concentration camp survivor syndrome in the Netherlands by Jan Bastiaans there has been a long....


We are pleased to inform you, that the recording of First Free Webinar for Early Career Researchers is available now.

Clarifying the concept of Attachment Trauma,
Webinar with Andrea Zagaria, Ph.D, Dipartimento di Psicologia e Scienze Cognitive, Università di Trento, Italy

The recording is only available to ESTD members:


Dear Members of the ESTD,

We cordially invite you to the ESTD Annual General Meeting (AGM), which will take place on Wednesday the 15th of November 2023 at 07:30 pm (CET: Amsterdam, Paris, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna), via the Zoom platform.

Please find minutes from last year's Annual General Meeting and the financial report of 2022:

If you have any comments or queries regarding the AGM, please email: [email protected]

Best regards,

Barbara Puchalska
ESTD administrative assistant


ESTD expectations from mentorsℹ️

An ESTD mentor is a known and experienced professional in his country in the field of trauma and dissociation, also recognized by ESTD, that provides training, supervision, produces webinars and educational material and may also participate in the ESTD certification program.

Mentors promote ESTD during their trainings, lectures or conference presentations on trauma and dissociation.

Mentors are encouraged to provide special discounts for ESTD members who participate in their supervision or training.

Mentors are active ESTD members.

Except from Honorary mentors, for whom mentorship is permanent, ESTD mentors must renew their mentorship status every 5 years through application to the ESTD board. 💻


The first webinar for Early Career researchers is behind us! 💪🥰

We thank the researchers, dr. Giulia DiFini, Italy, and dr. Andrea Zagaria, Italy, for sharing information and data from their ongoing important research projects, and we thank dr. Johan Vanderlinden for guiding and accompanying the researchers in a very inspiring discussion! We look forward learning more about these remarkable research projects in the days to come!

Unfortunately, it is not possible for ESTD to share a recordings of the researchers’ presentations as they include unpublished data from the their research projects.

We thank all participants for contributing to building and strengthening the clinical and scientific network! It is very encouraging that so many were interested in the researchers’ promising work!
We look forward inviting early career researchers to present in 2024! If you are yourself an early career researcher, or know of someone, interested in using this platform, please do not hesitate to contact us using the email of the scientific committee you find on the website. You are also invited to join our FB for early career researchers.

Also, welcome our next event:
The first webinar for Published research:
January 16, 2024, at 7-8.30 (Berlin) with the topic
“The use of innovative drugs in the treatment of (severe) PTSD: New findings and perspectives”
It is a joy to have Dr. Eric Vermetten, The Netherlands, as presenter on “Reviewing matrix of psychedelics in PTSD treatment”, and Dr. Anna Harwood-Gross, Israel, as presenter on: “MDMA-assisted therapy and Somatic - Acceptance based therapy (SEA-IT), shared and differential mechanisms of change. A new study into treatment for veteran PTSD and moral injury».

All details:


We are happy to announce that the Finnish subsection of our website has just been updated. People from Finland can now learn more about local ESTD events. Registered users can also find updated clinical tools in their language. Please, visit:

Iloksemme voimme ilmoittaa, että suomenkieliset jäsensivut on juuri päivitetty. Sivuilta löytyy tietoa paikallisista ESTD:n tapahtumista sekä suomenkielisiä työkaluja kliiniseen työhön. Löydät sivut osoittesta:"


Dear Colleagues and Fellow Members of ESTD, ‼😃
Welcome to the second free webinar for Early Career Researchers!
January 16th 2024, at 7-8.30pm
The use of innovative drugs in the treatment of (severe) PTSD: New findings and perspectives

Reviewing matrix of psychedelics in PTSD treatment
Prof. Col ret’d Eric Vermetten, MD, PhD

MDMA-assisted therapy and Somatic - Acceptance based therapy (SEA-IT), shared and differential mechanisms of change. A new study into treatment for veteran PTSD and moral injury.
Dr. Anna Harwood-Gross

For program details and registration please visit our website:

Looking forward seeing you for this unique event!


Register for the IXth International ESTD Congress which will be held in Katowice, Poland (10-12 Oct 2024) and participate in inspiring workshops and presentations.

Before the congress, Sandra Baita from Argentina will lead a workshop titled: “Imaginary friends, fantasy and play. How to differentiate between normal developmental phenomena and trauma-related dissociation?” During the congress she will also give a plenary lecture: “Using a developmental trauma perspective to understand adults with dissociation” and participate in a panel discussion about ‘genuine’ versus false-positive or imitated dissociative identity disorder.


Dear Colleagues and Fellow Members of ESTD
Only one week left to register for free webinar for Early Career Researchers!
October 10th, 2023, 7-8.30 pm (GMT+1, Brussels / Berlin / Warsaw / Madrid time).

We would like to direct your attention to the video attached below.

For program details and registration please visit our website:

Looking forward seeing you for this unique event!


Dear Colleagues and Fellow Members of ESTD, ‼😃
Welcome to the first free webinar for Early Career Researchers!
October 10th, 2023, 7-8.30 pm (GMT+1, Brussels / Berlin / Warsaw / Madrid time),
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Dissociation of Adults with Gender Dysphoria, with Dr. Giulia Di Fini, Ph.D, Department of Psychology, University of Turin, Italy
Clarifying the concept of Attachment Trauma, with Andrea Zagaria, Ph.D., Dipartimento di Psicologia e Scienze Cognitive, Università di Trento, Italy
The researchers will successively present their projects and discuss them with Expert Mentor and Senior Researcher, Johan Vanderlinden.
For program details and registration please visit our website:
Looking forward seeing you for this unique event!

Discounts on training organized by partners – ESTD 25/08/2023

For active ESTD members we have discounts on training organized by our partners.

Upcoming events:
Webinar Intensive EMDR in residential care
which will be held on September 5, 2023

Workshop Trauma, Psychosis and Dissociation
which will be held on November 25, 2023

check all events and enjoy discounts!

Discounts on training organized by partners – ESTD Discounts on training organized by partners Webinar Intensive EMDR in residential careSeptember 5, 2023Webinar Intensive EMDR in residential care will discuss how EMDR therapy can be delivered to children and young people in residential care. We will discuss how to prepare the children and young peo...


‼️Pay attention to a very interesting training:
Two-day SCID-D Training at Pottergate Centre, UK
30th November & 1st December 2023 - Norwich

Active ESTD participating in this training will receive a 10% discount.💪🙂

Details on our website:

Welcome to the first free webinar for Early Career Researchers! – ESTD 11/08/2023

The ESTD Scientific Committee is delighted to invite you to join for free this first event of a series of webinars with live presentations by early career researchers interested in dissociation and trauma related disorders!
This is a new initiative by our committee! It is our hope that sharing and discussing ongoing research, not least among early career researchers, will be mutually supportive, will build and strengthen clinical and scientific networks, and give inspiration to new projects within the field of trauma and dissociation – which is so much needed!
The overall duration of the webinar will be 90 minutes for two researchers to present and discuss their work successively, i.e., 45 minutes for each researcher/project. The researcher will be accompanied and guided during this time by expert mentor and senior researcher, dr. Johan Vanderlinden.
For this first event, Giulia DiFini (Winner of the “ESTD Poster Award, 2023”), and Andrea Zagaria, will successively present their remarkable work!

Please register via GOOGLE FORM - on our website

There is no fee - the webinar is free for everyone. :-)

Welcome to the first free webinar for Early Career Researchers! – ESTD The ESTD Scientific Committee is delighted to invite you to join for free this first event of a series of webinars with live presentations by early career researchers interested in dissociation and trauma related disorders!This is a new initiative by our committee! It is our hope that sharing and di...


Our new website is now running! 😃😍

It was a huge project and we are still updating it. If you find any errors, we ask you for your panience and sharing comments ([email protected]).

Each member has received detailed information via e-mail. New visitors are also warmly welcome explore our website and become ESTD members!

Yours sincerely,
ESTD Board


Important Announcement - Temporary Service Disruption due to Launching of our New Website ❗️❗️❗️

Dear Members,

We are excited to inform you about launching a brand new website to enhance your online experience. The new website will be available on Monday, July 31.
This will involve a planned service disruption from July 28 till July 30. During this period, some services may not be accessible as we will be integrating the new website and performing necessary updates.

Rest assured that our team is working diligently to minimize any inconvenience caused. During this period, you will receive Wordpress e-mail notifications on how to log in.
Furthermore, if you encounter any technical issues related to your member’s account (during or after implementation of the new website), we kindly request your understanding and cooperation in reporting them via email at [email protected]. Our support team will be actively monitoring the inbox to address your concerns as quickly as possible.

We value your participation in ESTD, and hope that the new website will greatly enhance your overall experience. Thank you for your patience during this transition period.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us via email.

Best regards

ESTD Board


Dear Members of ESTD,

Due to tests related to the implementation of a new version of the online platform, you may receive e-mails informing about the reset of your password or creating an account.

Unless you tried to reset your password, please ignore these messages❗️

We are conducting activities that will improve the functionality of our website, and we need to do some tests.

The website will be ready soon and we will inform you about it😃

Sorry for any inconvenience.


A new study exploring alterations in consciousness published in EJTD: "Feelings of detachment during rescue incidents: qualitative analysis of depersonalisation and derealisation in paramedics."



Join our group! 💪❗
This group is an extension of the ESTD official page. The main goal of this group is to bring together early career researchers interested in trauma and dissociation, thus creating a community for sharing ideas, articles, discussing projects and even future opportunities for research collaborations.
ESTD Early Career Researchers’ Group is for you if:
-You consider yourself an early career researcher interested in trauma and dissociation;
-You are an experienced researcher with trauma and dissociation focus and you are ready to share your knowledge and experience.
-You will follow this group’s simple rules.
We encourage everybody to publish freely any relevant content that is research related within the trauma and dissociation field.


"Complex PTSD and personality disorders: differential diagnosis and treatment planning" - a workshop by Dolores Mosquera before the 9th International ESTD Congress in Poland 10-12 October 2024. Register now!

The formal introduction of cPTSD into the ICD-11 enables the post-traumatic symptoms of many patients previously treated with a diagnosis of a personality disorder to be given due weight. During this workshop, different clinical presentations will be discussed to explain similarities and differences between these conditions and their importance for planning treatment. This workshop will help participants answer the following questions: What is the occurrence of dissociative symptoms in cPTSD and personality disorders? How do clinical presentations of cPTSD and personality disorders overlap and what would be the differences in their treatment plans? False-positive cPTSD: Why do patients care about obtaining the diagnosis? How to differentiate cPTSD from Borderline with comorbid PTSD? Can we find cPTSD comorbid with Borderline? Do we treat them differently? How do cPTSD symptoms relate to Partial DID and DID? PTSD symptom or attachment trauma: assessing the quality and presentation of nightmares, traumatic memories.


Congress in Brussels is behind us! 🤩
Seven hundred participants from almost 30 countries - thank you for your participation!
We want to also thank all the people who has contributed for this conference to be a success and thank the AFTD for this fruitful collaboration! 💪☺️

SAVE THE DATE! The 9th International ESTD Congress, Poland 10-12.10.2024 all details on our website

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Video's (alles zien)

Dear Colleagues and Fellow Members of ESTDOnly one week left to register for free webinar for Early Career Researchers!O...
IXth Internacional ESTD Congress, Katowice 2024



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