Create unique modules and personalised educative material for different purposes.
Our team is ecstatic to make the following announcement! We've teamed up with Academy Achiever to make an impact. Together, we hope to enhance educational programmes that inspire and bring 21st-century skills to curious youngsters.
Visit www.jumblepad.com and www.academyachievers.co.uk for more information.
Regain creative control over lessons and educational aids - even if you’re not tech-savvy.
Get your courses online rapidly. Create, improve and share your materials on a whim with our digital workbook.
Get started for free!
If you’re a teacher or creator aspiring to get your courses/curriculum online in the new year, Jumblepad is here to help you! Get creative, organised and connected in 2022🎆✨! Register on our website www.jumblepad.com
Jumblepad is a simple system that allows teachers and schools to independently develop and share self-made teaching materials and digital practice assignments.
Regain creative control over lessons and educational aids - even if you’re not tech-savvy.
Would you like to learn more about Jumblepad? Visit our www.jumblepad.com and see how we can help you create exciting new lesson materials.
We're excited to announce that our six main task widgets are ready to be used in the classroom!
Let us help you create interactive lesson materials more rapidly.
would like to introduce our newest and most exciting update: Artificial Experiences (AX).
Our system now supports the hosting of objects (.OBJ, .STL, .DAE). This is one of the first steps in making our platform more immersive and
Bring the world closer to your learners! 🌍
Visit our website (www.jumblepad.com) for more information.
Jumblepad has gone through its initial testing phase and is now ready to be used by a wider audience.
Our next steps?
1. Finalising our multilingual system (English + Dutch).
2. Getting more teachers and schools on our platform.
3. Recording and uploading multilingual tutorials on how the system works so new users are one step ahead from day one.
Would you like to know more about Jumblepad? Please visit our website (www.jumblepad.com) or email us at: [email protected]
Lesgeven en het ontwikkelen van authentiek lesmateriaal kan heel hectisch (en tijdrovend) werk zijn... daar willen wij verandering in brengen.
Vanaf vandaag om 23:59 kunnen de creatievelingen in het onderwijs gebruikmaken van hun Jumblepad account. Veel plezier!
Bezoek onze website (www.jumblepad.com) voor meer informatie.
Vanuit de behoefte om sneller digitaal lesmateriaal in te kunnen gebruiken, te delen met leerlingen en beter zicht te houden op het leerproces, is www.jumblepad.com uitgegroeid tot een onderwijs softwareprogramma dat leraren de complete creatieve controle teruggeeft in de les met betrekking tot digitaal lesmateriaal. Leerlingen kunnen het beste leren in een aantrekkelijke en georganiseerde omgeving (Bolhuis & van der Hoeff, 2013). Met Jumblepad kan een leerkracht makkelijk en snel een fijne werkomgeving inrichten voor de leerlingen.
Volg ons om op de hoogte te blijven van alle ontwikkelingen! :)
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