CQ international
Bedrijven in de buurt
Soestdijkseweg, Bilthoven
DESIGN l DEVELOP l DELIVER CQ solves design problems, even before they occur. An industrial design studio who is always one step ahead. Progressive?
Why only be innovative in design while we can combine it with our knowledge of China and it's production facilities. For CQ a state of mind.
En alweer twee blije stagiaires die uitvliegen:) dank Lieke en Kevin en succes met jullie carrières
Technical Project Manager in China
nl.linkedin.com The future is within Asia, and you know it! This is your oppertunity to be part of an international growing company who knows the value of the Asian market. As manager of the technical team at the Guangzhou office you make sure that the development, purchasing and production of a product is done i…
getting into the supportive mode! Everybody have fun tonight!
CQ international
Working towards mass production of this new highly innovative item, let's see if we can get some eyebrows lifted in the market :)
Working towards mass production of this new highly innovative item, let's see if we can get some eyebrows lifted in the market :)
Happy Birthday to our CQ'ie Jenneke! Finally a matching company bike :)
CQ international
We wish all our facebookfriends a creative Christmas and an Inspiring 2014!
We wish all our facebookfriends a creative Christmas and an Inspiring 2014!
We're hiring! :)
at our Guangzhou office 4 positions are open and 1 senior product engineer is vacant in our Dutch office. For more information please visit: www.cq-int.com/vacatures or send a message to [email protected]
CQ international's cover photo
Pleasure was ours!
A selection of pictures of the official opening of our brand new office in Guangzhou including ribbon cutting with the Consul General :) A big thanks to everyone who attended the event and also thanks for all the overseas wishes!
Five days of a successful Canton Fair have ended. Now back to the office to work around 300+ leads and preparing for the official opening of our awesome new Guangzhou office :)
On our way to Guangzhou, China for our 10th Canton Fair! Let's do some business!
Local business picking up on a good story! full text will be available soon!
Autumn drinks with the staff!
Everybody a big thank you for making it a memorable event!
Party preparations part lll, tomorrow the big day! Can't wait!
Left Handers Day, August 13th - Official Site #lefthandersday
http://www.lefthandersday.com/ surprisingly 85% of the people at CQ Headquarter is left handed!
lefthandersday.com Left handed information and left handed products - raising awareness of the needs of lefthanders worldwide on International Left-Handers Day
Serious party preparations part2
Our latest CQ-member Jack Tsui, allready picking up pace at Guangzhou China office! Jack will be responsible for the implementation of CQ's marketing activities on the Chinese market
Some serious party preparations going on at the HQ CQ international!
Mrs. Anne Luwema, Netherlands Consulate General in Guangzhou visited our new office in Guangzhou. The consulate General GZ is in the process of mapping the Dutch business development in the region with the aim to better promote the Dutch culture and strong sectors.
CQ Guangzhou office
working towards full production for VacuVita. A great, new and beautiful assignment! Check for more info: www.vacuvita.com
vacuvita.com The VacuVita is a Dutch design food container, similar to a bread box. The big difference is that the VacuVita, after closing the cover, automatically sucks out all the air, so the food stays fresh up to 5 times longer. No more unsustainable packaging, aluminum foils or plastic storage containers. Y...
Saying goodbye to trainees Dutch style! BBQ
Matthijs doing it again :) even the newspapers getting curious now! what's his secret?
+1 a full conceptual design stage for a wide range of speaker systems for Sonpre. Let's make some noise!
Matthijs working the stage during Shenzhen Design Forum
"The uniqueness of the Well Jug comes from its striking design and utilization of sustainable materials" quoted by bioplastics MAGAZINE http://www.bioplasticsmagazine.com/
Klik hier om uitgelicht te worden.
Binckhorstlaan 36
The Hague
The Hague
Voel je goed! En leer de hiervoor benodigde vaardigheden van een gecertificeerde Business & Lifestyl
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Ние сме лидер в предлагането на разнородни специализирани услуги насочени към българите в Нидерландия
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Subul is a social enterprise on a mission to explore creative people from disadvantaged communities, and showcase their talent to the world.
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The Hague, 2514EN
Wij zijn hét toonaangevende bureau op het gebied van projectbeheersing. We zijn trots op de bijdrage
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Nasze biuro świadczy usługi z zakresu doradztwa podatkowego, księgowości i administracji.
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Empowering your business journey with simplicity and humor. Expert in easy guides, SOPs, and Airtable systems. Let's make business child's play. #TjibbyMarketing 🚀
The Hague
De Bedrijfssjamaan hoort wat er niet gezegd wordt, maakt zichtbaar wat onzichtbaar is en wil altijd dat het goed gaat, met jou, met je team en je bedrijf.