Sacred Woman Ritual

Sacred Woman Ritual

Be your true self. Unapologetically. It’s time woman. To reclaim your power and shine your light in this world.

Sacred Woman Ritual:

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Photos from Sacred Woman Ritual's post 07/08/2024

Recently I facilitated a Women's sharing Circle here at Osho Leela ( center ) in the UK.

Created an altar with beautiful roses and worked with the Oracle cards of the "Wisdom of Avalon". A card deck I bought 9 years ago when I first visited Glastonbury.
Spot on messages for all women who were present in the circle.

Beforehand I did not knew how much women would come. I made a shape of 8 colourful roses in the altar. Magically... 7 women showed up and we where with 8 women 😘

It stays magical: when women support eachother while sharing themselves.

Photos from Sacred Woman Ritual's post 02/08/2024

Empowerment by playing

People that know me well enough, know that I love to play 🥳

I loved it already when I was a child.
For a long time in my adult life I only dressed up for carnaval once a year. At some point I got much resistance towards the drunk people and big crowds during carnaval so stopped celebrating that. And then... the dressing up fun stopped as well 😒 (since I knew no other places where I could dress up and have fun with others dressed up as well).

Until I came to an Osho community in the Netherlands 10 years ago. To discover Osho was not only about active meditations and the art of love, friendship and forgiveness but also joy and fun 🥳

When I came to Osho Leela in the UK for the first time (2022) it felt like I came to Heaven 🥳
Dressing up is very welcome here. It's even invited. They have a room full of theatre clothes, wigs, masks and other magical stuff. To play with and create lots of joy and fun 😃

I love to dress up in different clothes, play a surten character (sometimes that comes with an accent or specific voice) and play with different kind of energies in dynamics with other people.
Over the years my inner freedom and courage to be myself became larger. Just by dressing up and giving myself permission to play. Play... like if I am a child again.

Dressing up invites me to dive unto surten parts of myself. That I feel curious off, exploring some more to learn something about myself. Or to express more into the world.
And: it's lots of fun as well 😁 Especially when you can share the fun with friends.

For quite some time I feel I want to create something fun and expanding for women. I have a very nice idea. It has to do with dressing up 😉 More about that later. Stay tuned here to keep informed.


Photos from Sacred Woman Ritual's post 21/07/2024

We can not change an experience we had in the past. What we CAN change is how we think, look at and feel about that experience. That is the choice we have. Always.

Recently I found myself in a situation where someone stepped over my physical boundaries. I was in shock when it happened. I felt betrayed and a lot of pain and distrust came to the service. Little Femke felt unsafe, very sad and disappointed.

I felt like a victim. Which made him automatically the perpetrator. Inner voices popped up such as:" You see, men are not to be trusted."
I felt I didn't wanted to stay in that mindset.

What I did next was, I chose to:
❤ reach out to some friends I trusted to talk with and to share my tears with. Instead of dealing with the pain and shame on my own... like I did in the past many times when something painful happened in my life.
❤ share my experience and pain on stage, with my group from the NLP training which I was following at that moment. I asked for support, also from the men in my group.
❤ use this experience in the NLP techniques and practices we did.
❤ see him for a conversation 2 weeks after it happened. This talk lasted for 2.5 hours. In which we both cried and he apologized and shared his shame with me.
❤ reach out to a man I trusted, whom I met at my breathcoach training. I was welcome with him for a breathsession (see my post from 4 days ago "Little Femke got heard today ").
❤ take time. For introspection and for healing.
❤ forgive him.

I used NLP and all other things mentioned above as a way to step out of victim/ perpetrator dynamics.

I felt surprised of how quick I was able to shift my thoughts. And thereby: my emotions and my spirit. Without bypassing.

I was able to give my experience a different meaning. Which brought me back into empowerment. And so... inner peace was there again 😘

Photos from Sacred Woman Ritual's post 17/07/2024

Little Femke got heard today 😘

I went to Zaandam today for a breathsession. A brother of mine from my breathcoach training guided me with much love into connecting with 'little me'.

Little Femke is so versatile. She can feel very playful, strong, funny, enthousiastic, sensitive, shy sometimes. And she can also feel afraid, overwhelmed, angry or ashamed.

This session was all about connecting deeper with little Femke. Dive into where she felt let down by me, the grown up Sumaya Femke.

All the times where I should have stood up for her and didn't. Where I should have said 'no' but acted as if it was a 'yes'. Where I mistook 's*x' for love. Where I was pleasing the other instead of myself.

She felt angry, afraid and sad... still hiding a bit. Not being able to trust me since I did not protect her well enough in life.

When I asked her today during the session what she needed from me, I received straight away a very clear answer: patience.

She needs patience.. to trust me again. That from now on, I will have her back. So she feels safe.
I have been looking for safety in the outside world for a long time. Although I also know for a long time now... safety lies within. I did not know how to find that inside of myself.

Since beginning of this year I am healing on a deeper level. And I feel I am coming home deeper inside of myself. I have learned new tools to create more inner safety (breathwork, nlp, power of practicing daily gratitude).
Now the reconnection and restoration with 'little Femke' can happen. With lots of patience and love from the adult me.

She wants to connect with me, that is very clear. A beautiful journey lies ahead of us... where little Femke and Sumaya Femke come closer together 😘

Photos from Sacred Woman Ritual's post 15/07/2024

Yes, in the pocket! 🥳

Three years ago, summer 2021, I signed up to do the NLP practitioner training. After many years of doing a lot of trainings and retraites focusing on body- and energy work and emotional release, I wanted to dive deeper. Into the brain, communication and how to switch some of my core beliefs.

The timing was off back then. Halfway I had to quite the training because of my health.

Speed fast forward... a bit more then 2.5 years later, after having worked on improving my health, I started the training again end of May this year. This time I was able to do the whole training 🥳. With a lot of energy, focus and determination. Yesterday I passed the NLP exam. Yeah! 💖

I have learned so much in such a short amount of time (1.5 months). I have laughed a lot, cried a lot, danced and hugged a lot. Challenged myself to look at my patterns, beliefs and behaviour and see and feel into where I want(ed) to make changes.

I feel connected with my power again. I have deepened my selflove and let go of some of my fears (and will keep working on those that are still with me). I created the opportunity this weekend to guide the group with my drum and voice to energize them after a lunch break. Unfortunately I do not have a video or a picture of that moment. However, it was awesome!

The group I was in, was amazing! So much love, safety and support to help eachother reach your goals.
I feel love for all these people. We all dived in deep, to face our demons. To share our light and love.

I feel so proud of myself! This training was a beautiful gift to myself and the women I will be helping in the future.

NLP can be used for a lot of things, for instance:
❤ letting go of feelings of unworthyness
❤ releasing fear or any fobia
❤ deepening your selflove
❤ getting clarity on your goals
❤ moving from stuckness to movement (in any area in your life)
And much more....

Feel free to send me a PM if you want my help as a coach. Also possible online.

With love,
Sumaya Femke

p.s. To deepen my learning, I start with the master NLP this fall.



As a placed my hands on my lower belly, I said: “I ask for your guidance dear one. Show me a card to give me guidance on this Sacred journey into myself.”
‘Trust my inner knowing’ were the words that popped up.

Two days ago I received a client. Today I felt a clear calling to do my own ‘Sacred Breath Ceremony” and hold space for myself.

With my eyes closed I was feeling the cards with one hand. My other hand was still resting on my lower belly. At some point my hand touched a card and I got a clear :‘Yes, yes, yes!”
There it was:

❤️ Unfold your beauty – You are blossoming into who you are ❤️

Wowww! That is exactly what I deeply feel since beginning of this year. My beauty is unfolding... more and more.

So… open to unfold my beauty, love myself unconditionally and let go of everything that is in between of that. I lied on my matrass and started to breath.

Grief and sadness came first. Then fear. I got cold shiffers in my legs. I kept on breathing. At some point I started to open and clean all my chakra’s, energetically. One by one.

Then I felt my power, my Queen essence. Energetically I put on my crown. I connected with the huge power that is inside of me. First it felt closeby… the power on physical level. The power in my heart, my womb, my throat, my hips. At some point my power wanted to expand energetically, into the space.

My hips started to move on the matrass while being accompanied by sounds of my voice. I felt my life energy flowing in my body. Tingling sensations in different parts of my body.
The rest of my journey I kept feeling my power.

At the end I started to sing for my inner child, little Femke. She can feel scared, overwhelmed, unloved sometimes. Letting her know that I am with her, that I love her and that she is safe.

And now… I remember again.
My immens power. To shine. To be. Unapologetically myself.

Can you imagine how the world would look like when we would all remember our power, our beauty again?!

Photos from Sacred Woman Ritual's post 05/07/2024

"Sacred Breath Ceremony"

This afternoon a woman came to me for the first time for a breath session.
Before she came, I draw a card for the session. From the beautiful carddeck "The Return to Love" from the Danish woman Zoe Johansen (whom I met in Sweden in 2017).
"Waves of emotion" - Surrender - Allow yourself to feel it all" was the message of the card.

Spot on. My cliënt shared her intention for the session: letting go and connect.

With a special technique we did an inquiery to dive deeper into the theme she wanted to breath with this afternoon.
And then... her journey into Self... began 🙏😘

I call this kind of session 'a Sacred Breath Ceremony'.

Breath IS sacred:
❤ It literally provides us life.
❤ It connects us with deeper parts of ourselves, that might have been hidden for a long time.
❤ It helps release blockages, trauma, stuck emotions that might have been stored in our bodies for decades.
❤ It remembers us, of the light, wholeness and love that we are.
❤ It creates more inner peace, trust, selflove, empowerment.

We take time, 2 till 2.5 hours in total where I welcome you in my 'Sacred Space' with all my love.
The nervous system needs to receive the sign "I am safe." Therefor we need to slow down.

Intention, breath, sound and movement. That combination is gold. There lies healing.

Woman, if you feel a longing to free yourself from stuckness and dive deeper into selflove and empowerment, you are very welcome to do a "Sacred Breath Ceremony" in Den Hague.

Send me a pm with your emailadress, then I will send you the details and some testimonials of women that came before you (website still under construction).

With love,
Sumaya Femke


Selflove.. one of the most important things in life.

Through which eyes you look at yourself?

From a place of: all good things happen to me? I am supported (by God, Universe and/ or dear ones in your life)? I am good the way I am?
Or from a place of lack, doubt, fear? Fear of not being good enough, fear of not being worthy of receiving wonderful experiences and people in your life...?

Collectively in the Western world many of us have received the imprint as a child (by society, media, family, schoolsysteem, etc) that we were not good enough. That sets the tone for the rest of your life.

The good news is: you can change this feeling and focus on increasing your selflove.

Ways I have been working on increasing my selflove this year:
❤ setting more clear boundaries towards others
❤ taking more me-time
❤ taking better care of my body (nutrition, exercise, enough rest)
❤ daily affirmations (since about 3 weeks)
❤ loving my feminine body more, honoring the hard work she did for me for many years
❤ focusing more on what goes right instead of: what is missing in my life
❤ working less hard, enjoying more the things I love
❤ going more often to the spa

To name a few things 😃

Selflove... what things YOU do to increase your selflove?
Curious to hear from you in the comments below 🙏

With love,
Sumaya Femke

Photos from Sacred Woman Ritual's post 23/06/2024

Release Your Inner Diva 👸💃🥳

Yesterday I went to a club in Amsterdam with my friend Darron from the UK.

We fancied a party where we could dress up for.
Part of the fun was when we where still at home, fitting all kind of clothes and getting make up on.

Then we went in the tram and train to Amsterdam, looking the way we did (see pictures).

I felt really empowered, radiant, confident, juicy, beautiful and very feminine, walking through the streets in Amsterdam with my burlesque outfit on and my own made steampunk hat.

We had fun and nice encounters with people on the streets. Laughs, turning heads, a lot of compliments of how beautiful I looked... I even received a marriage proposal 🤣

The clothes made me feel powerfull, however my energy, how I felt inside, was full on as well (have been focusing deeper on that since the last 6 months).

I really enjoyed playing with my 'Inner Diva'... using the streets of Amsterdam as my stage.

Our state of mind... we can create instant changes when we change something in our posture, our clothes, our hair, the way we talk or move. And as a result, create different outcome (other encounters on the street for instance).

Photos from Sacred Woman Ritual's post 16/06/2024

The Essence of Life

On the first picture you see me with my dad. Quite some years ago. On my 30th birthday.

My father passed away the 6th of April in 2018. After being ill for some time.

The last days of his life, sitting beside his bed in the livingroom, turned out to be a few of THE most precious days of my life.
Tears are rolling down my face while writing these words. I can still remember very clearly. How I touched his face, gently and with so much love. I never touched him before like that (only when I was a really young girl).
How I sang for him. Soft sounds, an attempt to ease his pain. And to make his transition to 'some other dimension' somehow... a bit more easy.
How I said words to him, I never told him before. Or not enough.

He could not speak anymore. He was high on morfine, so he would have less pain. He was in total surrender, to leave his physical body.
He already was gone, for a big part. It still felt so right. To be with him, like this.

Thanking him for giving me life, honoring him for all the things I learned from him, things he supported me with, forgiving him for the things I needed from him as a daugther and he could not give me. Most important, I felt... how much I loved him. I discovered, while my father was dying, I loved him much more than I realised. My heart bursted open...


Today is Fathersday in the Netherlands.
I am on my way to day 7 of my NLP training. On this Fathersday, we dive into anchors we would like to let go off. And we will do family constellations. Going deep into family patterns, what we took over from our father and mother.
I have done this before. Curious what wants to be felt, seen and healed today.

I wish you a beautiful day 😘


They asked her,

"How do you love yourself?"

She answered:
""Make your well-being and healing a top priority. Have the courage to create boundaries that will support your flourishing. Listen closely to your intuition, respect your need for rest and connect with people who are emotionally mature. Being intentional with your life is loving yourself well."

Yung Pueblo | conscious living


"I can be soft in my heart & firm in my boundaries" 😘

Many women find it challenging to set clear boundaries towards others while staying soft in their heart.
When we DO set boundaries, it can feel and come across as harsh, very direct and pushy. Creating distance with other people instead of creating connection.

I believe many of us women did not learn from our female rolemodels (mother, grandmother, aunts, older sisters, etc) how to set clear boundaries. Cause... they were not taught either.

Collectively, there is still a programming running in our Western societies. That women need to take care of children... and that 'softness' needs to look a surten way.
I know many women that forget about their own needs and put the needs of their children first. Combining that with a job or a business, a social life, partnership... We are so good at focusing on other people's needs and forget about our own. No wonder many women end up with a depression or burnout.

I really had to learn.
First; to feel my needs and therefor; my boundaries.
Second: to express my boundaries to the outside world.

Some years ago I started to practice. I became better at it, and still... sometimes I f**k up 🤣

What helps me to set clear boundaries is to focus on:


Safe space to open up, feel, express… and heal

“I experienced a very gentle and at the same time liberating breathing session with Sumaya Femke. I felt very safe and secure with her. In her guidance she could feel exactly what was needed for me at specific moments, which was very valuable. The breathing session has brought me a lot with regard to the process of trauma release and experiencing more trust and innerpeace. Also the pre and after care was very gentle and caring. I can certainly recommend breathing with Sumaya Femke!”

This is what Maja Maria shared with me, after I guided her in a breathing session.

Yesterday I held space for another woman during a breathing session. It was beautiful! To hold space for her, while she went through different layers, expressing several emotions and seeing how she came out of her journey. With wonder in her eyes, seeing herself and the world in a different way. And that after only breathing for about an hour (and doing a thorough exercise before breathing, to connect with the theme for this session).

I take time, for a breathing session, about 2.5 hours in total. That’s excluded a phone call before we schedule a session.

The nervous system needs to receive the sign “I am safe”. Therefor we need to slow down.

When we feel safe, we can connect on a deeper level with ourselves. With our wounds from the past, with stuck emotions in our body, with sounds that where never expressed and want to come out.

Intention, breath, sound and movement… and a safe space to feel and express. That combination is gold! There lies healing.

Then we dare to be real. Then we dare to look at the world and ourselves with magic.

If you want to experience for yourself what a breath session can do for you, woman; you are very welcome in my ‘Sacred Space’ in Den Hague. Send me a pm and we’ll take it from there.

With love,
Sumaya Femke

Photos from Sacred Woman Ritual's post 27/05/2024

Last weekend I spent in nature. With a group of 9 other beautiful women. Diving into topics of (pre) menopause and our hormones and how you can support this transition as a woman by using herbal knowledge. We did several systemic rituals, made our own herb medicine and we cooked twice together. With fresh and very healthy herbs from the garden of

Do you know woman:
💚 that premenopause can start already around the age of 35?
💚 that we need a lot of rest, in this phase of our life? As we transition from a fertile woman to ' a crone '? ( )
💚 that the more you heal your liver and adrenaline glands before you enter menopause, the more easy you go through it?
💚 that it's very important to tune into your intuition and pay really close attention to the messages your body is telling you? So you can discover what you need physically, emotionally and spiritually?
💚 that you can use all kinds of herbs from nature, to balance your hormones?
💚 that it's extra important in this lifephase, to take good care, of and be really sweet and gentle with yourself?

I learned so much in such a short amount of time. And I loved being in nature so much. Diving into ancient wisdom about medicinal herbs and resting, cooking, doing systemic rituals around our femine familyline & our hormones, ... and being together with other wise women.

We authentically shared our vulnerabilities, longings & processes. There was a high level of concsiousness in the group. All women could carry there own process.

With much gratitude,
Sumaya Femke

# medicine


"Sumaya is my dear breathcoach friend and receiving a session from her was like falling into deep warm bath of pure sister love. Just by being present, using her touching skills, deep empathy and music talent she made me go into my hidden layers of pain, which i have never touched before. It was an Angel- like experience and has left me with lightness in my soul, happiness in my heart and the feeling of belonging on this planet. I will return into her healing cave for sure. Anapologetictly her, Sumaya Femke! ❤️💥🔥"

Above testimonial I received from my friend Magdalena Kalocińska Duijnhouwer, whom I met at my breath coach training.
We worked together twice. In the training and once at my Sacred Space.


Photos from Sacred Woman Ritual's post 22/05/2024

Mother Daughter Ritual

Since my father died in 2018, I have this ritual with my mother: at least once a year we go on a trip together.
So far we have visited Portugal, Jordan, Tjech (Prague) and several places in the Netherlands together.

Yesterday I arrived home from a trip to Vlieland (one of the Northern Islands in the Netherlands). I spend 4.5 days there with my mother.

A trip back to memory lane. I visited that island many times before. The first time I was there, I was 2 or 3 years old.
Vlieland holds a special place in my heart since I have beautiful childhood memories there.

As my mother grows older and her physical health is declining, my gratitude and love for her are expanding.

Some things are not possible anymore for her. We slow down and take more rest, in between activities. I adjust to her pace (and 'secretly' love the slowing down myself, as well...😍).
We talk about things that matter. We share our love. We are being together, sometimes doing nothing. Just sitting in the sun... and BEING.
That alone... is priceless. Just ... BEING... together.

At the end of our trip I asked her:" Do you want to share gratitude about this weekend?"
"Thank you Vlieland" was her reply.
Nice short and sweet mum 😘
(we actually shared our gratitude already towards eachother, earlier in the trip).

She gave me a really beautiful present at the beginning of our trip: a little angel. She bought the same one for herself.
The most beautiful gift however was, being together for a few days and receiving her unconditional love 😘



Sacred Breath Ceremony – special welcome offer

“I was late, oh no! You opened the door and I could feel the presence and calm radiating from you towards me. A wonderful way to be received and an invitiation to connect to myself and to sink deeper. You guided me into the issue my system wanted to breathe with. Breathwork can be intense, emotionally and physically. I felt that I was held and supported by you all along this journey, holding space for me and the process in a gentle and loving way. What a beautiful gift to receive, thank you ”

Above testimonial I received from a woman who recently came to me for a ‘Sacred Breath Ceremony’.

Do you want to awaken frozen parts inside of yourself and come home deeper within yourself? You are very welcome woman to receive a ‘Sacred Breath Ceremony’ too 😘

12th of May 2024 I passed my breath training exam and now I’m officially a Breathwork coach (see picture). The method I learned is focused on trauma release.

For the first 7 women who register for a ‘Sacred Breath Ceremony’ I have a special welcome offer. For €77 I’ll receive you with an open heart and love in Den Hague (2 spots already filled).

Good to know:
❤️ A ‘Sacred Breath Ceremony’ (1-on-1) is for trauma release/ letting go of stuck emotions in the body.
❤️ The Ceremony takes about 2, maximum 2.5 hours. That is included an intake, the breath session itself and a short conversation afterwards.
❤️ The Sacred Breath Ceremony takes place in Den Hague in my ‘Sacred Space’.
❤️ This is not suitable for women whom are pregnant, have (had) epilepsy, psychosis or heart failure. If you are in doubt, please contact your GP.

You want to empower yourself as a woman and release stuff that is in the way? Send me a PM with your e-mail address and telephone number. Then we schedule an appointment.

With love,
Sumaya Femke

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The Hague