

Dit vind je misschien ook leuk

A Knifes Touch
A Knifes Touch
Bitcom Candies
Bitcom Candies

Julia comes from a long generation of Italian women cooking passionately for family and friends. Now continuing the family legacy by bringing you good food


Pistache cravings anyone? It’s a kitschy dessert that I absolutely adore, pistache tartufo with a side of extra pistache gloriousness..


Yeey it’s my birthday, 33! And here I am, doing what I love most. Eat and drink and laugh. Preferably with my loved ones, my family and my close friends🤍
Nona is reopening Thursday! I will not take business calls today, unless you start by singing me happy birthday in your own language ;) ciao!


Nona will reopen after a short break on Thursday January 18! And a new season will bring some beautiful new menus, wines and stories. You guys booked all the slots till the end of March and I look forward to seeing you soon!


BOOKINGS FOR WINTER will be released tomorrow December 1st, at 12:00

I will release a few final dates for December, as well as January, February, and March, after which Nona is hosting a few private dinners for the holidays.

We will close the first two weeks of January, and reopen on Thursday 18th. In the new year we will start with opening on Wednesdays, and only hosting groups for late lunch on Sundays upon request.

Let’s enjoy the winter season, I can’t wait for the snow to fall.. and procures to see you here at Nona, surrounded by candlelight and your loved ones. A presto!

Photos from Nona.'s post 21/11/2023

Artichokes are here lovers. December 1 I will release the last spots of 2023, as well as January, February and March! See you then ;)

Photos from Nona.'s post 10/10/2023

.photography decided to surprise us on the final day of Nona pop-up this summer… she took some fabulous pictures, and I am very proud to share a few of them with you🤍•


Time for fall tables…


Almost two years… have you had dinner at Nona yet? Because of high demand I will release some extra dates the coming weeks! Christmas is not bookable yet, I’m working on some ideas ;) thank you for your endless support darlings✨ •

Photos from Nona.'s post 02/10/2023

Such a humble ingredient, but so pretty really. I grew up not necessarily loving cauliflower, and I’m sure most of you can agree with me on that. However, Sicilian home cooking often exists out of preparing vegetables in such a way that they are not a side dish, but actually the main event. Bastardo affogato is just that. Traditionally made with purple Etna “vrocculo” as said in dialect. My grandmother has a special way of preparing this. Together with the people of magazine, we adapted this dish so you can make it at home, go find the recipe online or printed in the new allerhande 6 at Albert Heijn! YEEEEY


BOOKINGS FOR FALL will be released today, August 16th, at 16:00

I will release dates from September 22nd till December 10th. Nona is currently closed for holiday, leaving for Sicily in a week! It has been a whirlwind of a season, thank you all for your kind reviews and long evenings filled with laughter and talks. See you in in the fall!


Cannoli cannoli, traditionally filled with fresh sheep milk ricotta and sugar. Lots of it .photography


A pop/up favourite! Beautiful raw scampi with marinated peach and salty greens

Photos from Nona.'s post 26/07/2023

Today we celebrate the day of Saint Anna, mother of all mothers. And so we celebrate all who carry her name, and that includes my grandmother Nonna Anna🤍 tanti auguri nonnina

Photos from Nona.'s post 26/07/2023

Today we celebrate the day of Saint Anna, the mother of all mothers. And so we celebrate all who carry her name, and that includes my grandmother Nonna Anna🤍 tanti auguri nonnina

Photos from Nona.'s post 24/07/2023

I started a little catering business when I was 22. I quit studies because I was unhappy, I was working three different jobs in horeca because I liked everything, all whilst living in a cute “kamer” in “Zeeheldenkwartier” for €350,00 a month. Baking cakes and making sandwiches, using either my mother’s kitchen or working in tents with rented equipment.
I loved it.
Every day was utter chaos, asking a lot from my friends who had proper day jobs, and working with Liek, a precious woman that believed in me from the beginning. I had no driving’s license, I was depending on her big red Ford Transit to take me from from one job to another.
She was there for every insane project, supporting and correcting me when I most needed it.
Eventually she grew out of the kitchen, and went on to pursue the career she studied for to begin with.
As I look back on this latest Nona pop-up, I can’t help but think back of those starting days. Liek never returned to horeca, but she spent the first four days of my pop-up working behind the scenes, in the kitchen, helping me to get through this insane project. Just like 10 years ago.


I started a little catering business when is was 22. I quit studies because I was unhappy, I was working three different jobs in horeca because I liked everything, all whilst living in a cute “kamer” in “Zeeheldenkwartier” for €350,00 a month. Baking cakes and making sandwiches, using either my mother’s kitchen or working in tents with rented equipment.
I loved it.
Every day was utter chaos, asking a lot from my friends who had proper day jobs, and working with Liek, a precious woman that believed in me from the beginning. I had no driving’s license, I was depending on her big red Ford Transit to take me from from one job to another.
She was there for every insane project, supporting and correcting me when I most needed it.
Eventually she grew out of the kitchen, and went on to pursue the career she studied for to begin with.
As I look back on this latest Nona pop-up, I can’t help but think back of those starting days. Liek never returned to horeca, but she spent the first four days of my pop-up working behind the scenes, in the kitchen, helping me to get through this insane project. Just like 10 years ago.


Le Notti di Nona, Nona’s Nights, will start the 22nd of June and will last till the 2nd of July. I am creating an of-site pop-up restaurant, where I will be able to host more of you at the same time. And I mean you, those of you who’ve been waitlisted for weeks (or months), those of you who have been calling me for last minute openings. This pop-up is for you. Your persistent requests have been more than flattering. My aim is to create an evening like no other for you all.

Imagine attending a big Sicilian wedding. Aperitivo between six and seven, not necessarily knowing other guests. Surrounded by kindred spirits though, knowing no one but the host. Imagine being with people you love, surrounded by people who love to take care of you. Not knowing who you’ll meet, but feeling at home at the same time. You might meet a future friend. Joining each other at the table, and enjoying a laugh every now and then.

Questa e per voi, notti senza fine.

Everlasting nights.

x Julia Nona


We are hosted by Optie B, a big industrial warehouse in the Binckhorst area.
We serve a fixed multiple course menu with aperitivo, wine pairings and extra’s, for €130,- (cocktails excluded).
Payment can be done on site.

Aperitivo outside from 18.00
Dinner will start around 19.00/19.30

The adres is Polluxstraat 10, 2516 AX Den Haag. Parking is quite easy in the surrounding area, although you won’t find a designated parking site. I believe Sicilian parking is allowed. It is a 5 minute bike or taxi ride from central station.

Due to limited resources on site, I won’t be able to provide gluten-free pasta. However, please include any other dietary requirements in the comments box, and I will do my best to accommodate you.


Sharing another beautiful menu with you tonight✨



Ciao ragazzi! I realised that there is so many of you who’ve started to follow Nona these last few months! Thank you! My name is Julia, Nona Parello is my family name, and that’s where Nona comes from. My grandfather, Angelo Nona Parello was a painter and opera singer, and used to sign his works with Angelo Nona. He passed away at a young age, but my grandmother kept him alive with her many stories. I am the last in a generation of Nona women who take pride in keeping their family together, and taking care of each other.
When I was 22 I started a little catering company, from a rental place that was home, surrounded by group of dedicated people that loved seeing me succeed in this. I was working a few side jobs, baking cakes and making sandwiches, slowly growing into bigger catering assignments that resulted in me outgrowing the living room that had been doubling as a pantry/prep kitchen.. The building that now is housing both my house and Nona landed on our path, but needed two years of restoration, and my partner and I put all of our time in this project. We had no clue, but YouTubed our way through this immense project. I remember standing in the dirt and looking up from the foundations of the two story house, right through the roof that we decided to renew that weekend. Completely blown away by the immensity of the project. Feet in the mud but eyes facing the sky. I guess you need a certain naiveness to start a project that big when you are only 24. And again, helped by that dedicated group of friends and family that supported us.
Through covid my catering business changed, a lot of clients disappeared and Nona as you know it became my only stronghold. She was a dream, a creation that I thought would only be a side business, because how could a 12-seat restaurant ever be viable? I have learned that with dedication and perseverance, you can create something that makes strangers feel like friends, friends feel like family, and with that family, little mesmerizing spaces can come to life.
Thank you for your you patience and loyalty, thanks to you Nona became more than just a dream.


Reminder to set you alarm for this Wednesday at 13.00! I will open Summer bookings for regular Nona nights in the restaurant. For Pop-up info stayed tuned!

Photos from Nona.'s post 08/03/2023

Happy International Women’s Day! I have been surrounded by strong women with strong opinions and strong work ethic all my life… love love love. senza voi non c’è vita🤍


is one of my favourite wineries at the moment. Three friends founded Azienda Agricola COS, in 1980: Giambattista Cilia, Cirino Strano and Giusto Occhipinti. The acronym of their last names is where the name for the winery – COS – comes from.

COS began its adventure that would one day lead to the transformation of Cerasuolo di Vittoria. The winery follows the principles of biodynamic faming in order to help the vines find and maintain a balance with nature in order to be able to express their true character and that of their terroir.

For vinification, they decided to use terracotta vases that left no traces or aromas on the wine but were completely neutral vessels. The vases are dug into the ground, and carefully closed and maintained.

I am currently pouring their beautiful Cerasuolo di Vittoria, a beautiful ruby red wine and Ramì, an orange wine.


Ciao ragazzi, Nona is closed till the 12th of January✨
For everyone inquiring about reservations, if there is no availability online that means we are actually fully booked. Thank you for your massive support and enthusiasm, I look forward to meeting you all!
If you put your name on the waitlist, and save your email address to Nona, then I can keep you updated about extra opening nights.
Hopefully we’ll be able to open Wednesdays for regular bookings as well.
For now, see you soon!
x Julia Nona


Tonight and tomorrow are the last two evenings of Nona this year. We are mixing a few of your favorite dishes for the last menu, including the Nero D’Avola granita! See you later x


Artichoke time is starting! Next week the first batches of Violette artichokes from Italy arrive, and I can’t wait to prepare them for you. It will be a special separate course on the menu, a presto!


Vegetarian is never a problem.. pistache spaghetti anyone?


Time for romantic evenings, sharing desserts and cozying up together.. I am working on the december menu, and introducing some new dishes already tonight! See you soon x


So almost one year of Nona.. I am prepping a lovely feast, for those who booked but haven’t received a confirmation yet, I will do a final check on Monday.
Fingers crossed for nice weather, Nona is to small to fit you all inside! Anyway, we will have antipasti spread throughout the kitchen, late night spaghetti, Negronis to start and open bar for the rest of the night… a presto!

Disclaimer: standing party! No tables bookable, no small kids unless strapped to your body (due to open kitchen cooking).

Photos from Nona.'s post 11/10/2022

So we did a fabulous garden wedding a few months ago and I get to share some beautiful pictures with you!

Thank you for trusting me with this special task and .
And my lovely team, who ran and ran for days on end to make sure this vision came to life… .vaassen .eu and those without instagram 😉

Pictures taken by .photography


Hoogtepunten van het artikel door van de Telegraaf, waar we een 9 van kregen!

Erg fijn zijn de schaaltjes met gemarineerde zwarte olijven, appelkappertjes en plakjes pecorino pepato (schapenkaas met zwarte peper, drie jaar gerijpt). Het viergangenmenu staat deze avond vast, op het hoofdgerecht na, waarbij we tussen kabeljauw of konijn kunnen kiezen. We besluiten voor konijn te gaan, net wat spannender.

Ons voorgerecht is een caponata classica, een zoetzuur aubergineschoteltje met wortel, selderij, pijnboompitten, groene olijven, kappertjes en een beetje tomaat. Dit traditionele gerecht wordt koud geserveerd. We drinken er een glas Feudo Montoni Catarratto del Masso uit Sicilië bij. Een droge frisse wijn met aroma’s van citrus en grapefruit.

De caponata is perfect gegaard; beetgaar waarbij alle elementen samenkomen, maar afzonderlijk nog steeds schitteren.
Dan een bordje pasta: riccioli Trapanese (uit de Siciliaanse plaats Trapani). Met pesto op basis van onder meer amandel, basilicum, tomaat en pecorino, met wat geraspte ricotta salata erop.

Iets heel anders na de zomerse caponata. De pasta is lekker stevig, met deze pesto komen we duidelijk in de herfst terecht. Een mooi gerecht met bittere tonen en een zalvende saus.
Het konijnenboutje is langzaam in marsala gestoofd met olijven, rozijnen en pijnboompitten. Fris, zacht en sappig en dat terwijl het magere vlees de neiging heeft om uit te drogen. Enig minpuntje zijn de terugkerende ingrediënten van de caponata, waardoor het gerecht minder verrast.
Als afsluiter cannoli, cilindervormige wafeltjes gevuld met ricotta van schapenmelk, met gehakte pistachenootjes op beide uiteinden.
We schrikken even, vaak zijn ze te machtig. Maar deze zijn juist licht en luchtig en de wafel is bovendien mooi dun. „Cannoli vul je alleen met ricotta, voor de rest niets!” meldt onze gastvrouw streng. „Het wafeltje liefst zelfgemaakt.”
De espresso’s daarna zijn prima en geven het benodigde zetje om te gaan, ondanks de gezelligheid. Bij Nona. geen pretenties, maar traditionele gerechten die voor zich spreken. Je waant je weer even op Sicilië.

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Klik hier om uitgelicht te worden.

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