The Netherlands Interuniversity School for Islamic Studies (NISIS) is a national research school in the field of the study of Islam and Muslim societies.

The main aim of NISIS is to advance cooperation between the ten participating universities in the Netherlands and Belgium. By bringing together the academic expertise of scholars in the field of Islam and Muslim societies, NISIS offers both junior and senior researchers a forum for interdisciplinary research collaboration and national and international networking opportunities which simultaneously

Photos from NISIS's post 23/07/2024

We would like to bring your attention to the following two events:

1. Lorentz Center conference Biographies of Rulers’ in the Premodern Islamicate World (29 July – 2 August, 2024):

2. Public talk (Lorentz Lecture) by Emine Fetvaci at the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden on July 31, 2024, 16.00-17.00:

Whether you are a scholar, a teacher, or interested in religious studies in any other way, these are two great events to broaden your network and connect with different fields within Islam studies.


Interesting job opportunity at the Dutch Police force for our Dutch-speaking audience:

operationeel specialist B - Eenheid Landelijke Opsporing en Interventies (CTER) - Bekijk de vacatures – Wil jij bijdragen aan het herkennen, bestrijden en opsporen van terroristische en extremistische dreigingen en wil jij de politieorganisatie hierin verder ontwikkelen? Dan zoeken wij jou! De Eenheid Landelijke Opsporing en Interventies heeft een vacature voor een operationeel specialist B op het the...


Join the NISIS Autumn School at this fall! Read more about the first speaker Joseph Al Agha in today’s post! Curious to know more? Check out and read more about the theme, the requirements and our speakers.

“Employing jihad al-tabyyin and jihad al-lisan in performance activism, I highlight the social practices of contemporary Islamic movements, as manifestations of soft power, by discussing changes in religious discourses on art and entertainment, the reception and consumption of pious art production by different audiences, and the metamorphosis of Islamic ethics into aesthetic forms. Performance activism emphasizes the social practices of Islamic movements, by merging the performing arts with political mobilization via identity construction and reconstruction. In brief, jihad al-tabyyin refers to the duty and obligation incumbent upon believers to propagate and explain what they consider just, right, and equitable in accordance with the Qur’anic verse:(57: 25). Jihad al-tabyyin is a sort of a mobilizational command that requires the believers ‘to be where they have to be’ culturally, socially, and politically in the service of the honor and dignity of the umma.”

Annual Medieval Middle East Meeting (AMMEM) - Netherlands Interuniversity School for Islamic Studies 19/07/2024

Annual Medieval Middle East Meeting (AMMEM)

This event is interdisciplinary, interregional and transhistorical. A main aim is to break down disciplinary and regional boundaries. All students and scholars with an interest in the greater Middle East and related regions (from Andalusia to Central Asia) are encouraged to attend. In particular we would like to welcome, in addition to those working with the languages of the Middle East, also those who work on e.g. medieval European language texts and objects that relate to the Middle East.

In 2024, the roundtable theme will be “The Societal Impact of Studying and Teaching the Medieval Middle East.” Please let us know if you would be interested in participating or nominating one of your colleagues for this roundtable!

MAs, ResMAs, PhDs, Postdocs, Lecturers, Professors and independent scholars are all welcome!

Course load:(for Research MA-students only): 1 ECTS

Registration and information:

Presentations are invited on all relevant topics. There is no theme for presentations. Abstracts of max. 300 words can be sent to the organisers ,Josephine van den Bent, [email protected] and Edmund Hayes [email protected]) by Sept 7th , 2024.

Annual Medieval Middle East Meeting (AMMEM) - Netherlands Interuniversity School for Islamic Studies This event is interdisciplinary, interregional and transhistorical. A main aim is to break down disciplinary and regional boundaries. All students and scholars with an interest in the greater Middle East and related regions (from Andalusia to Central Asia) are encouraged to attend. In particular we....


📢Student assistant Position📢

A message from Utrecht University:

“We are recruiting a student assistant to support the organization of the research symposium
‘Dynamics of Family Life in Islamic Families with Migrant Background: Mapping Parenting
Support Needs and Available Resources.”

The project is hosted by ISPED, the Islamic Pedagogies and Education Research Network and financed by the Youth Education & Life Skills funds at Utrecht University. The student assistant will help the organization of the symposium. The student will also help with maintaining the ISPED website, which includes creating short blog posts, and sharing the
insights to participants and relevant stakeholders after the symposium.

Photos from NISIS's post 18/07/2024

📢 Major international conference about Muslim chaplaincy taking place in June 2025 in Switzerland 📢

With leading US and international keynote speakers. The Call for Papers is posted below! Please find the conference website here:

Geschiedenissen van de islam in Nederland en Vlaanderen - Netherlands Interuniversity School for Islamic Studies 11/07/2024


Geschiedenissen van de Islam in Nederland en Vlaanderen

Onder redactie van Vera Crienen, Martijn de Koning, Umar Ryad en Gerard Wiegers. Universitaire Pers Leuven 2024, 284 pp.

Het beeld van moslims en België en Nederland beperkt zich doorgaans tot dat van migranten die zich vanaf de jaren 1960 in deze landen vestigden. Deze perceptie doet echter geen recht aan de rijke geschiedenissen van de islam in de Lage landen, die startte met de Leuvens geleerde Nicolaas Cleynaerts die rond 1640 in Spanje en Marokko met een geleerde Tunesische slaaf, Kharuf, als leermeester het Arabisch bestudeerde. Deze bundel richt zich op die onderbelichte geschiedenissen van moslims en de islam en bevat een inleiding door de redacteuren en 13 bijdragen door Pieter Sjoerd van Koningsveld†, Gerard Wiegers, Richard van Leeuwen, Michiel Leezenberg, Vera Crienen, Peter Rietbergen, Herman Beck, Houssine Alloul en Hank de Smaele, Taha Yildiz en George Muishout, Maryse Kruithof, Koen Docter, Umar Ryad, Daya Buyle en Idesbald Goderis, en Arnoud Vrolijk.

Geschiedenissen van de islam in Nederland en Vlaanderen - Netherlands Interuniversity School for Islamic Studies Onder redactie van Vera Crienen, Martijn de Koning, Umar Ryad en Gerard Wiegers. Universitaire Pers Leuven 2024, 284 pp. Het beeld van moslims en België en Nederland beperkt zich doorgaans tot dat van migranten die zich vanaf de jaren 1960 in deze landen vestigden. Deze perceptie doet echter geen r...


📢PhD position in the anthropology of religion and Islam: funerary practices in a super diverse societyin Belgium. 📢
(ref. BAP-2024-482)

The Department of Social and Cultural Anthropologyat KU Leuven conducts state of the art anthropological research on questions as varied as urbanity, superdiversity, religion, mobility etc. The different research projects are organized around three thematic clusters: "making", "living" and "moving" around the world. Our department is also committed to long-term ethnographic research in order to gain an in-depth understanding on how individuals and groups organize their lives, relate to pasts and prefigure futures.

Funeral preferences in secularised and superdiverse Western European societies, like Belgium, have become more individualised and diversified as compared to 50 years ago when most people were buried in a coffin following Catholic rituals. Most of the Western European population still adheres to the traditional funeral with a burial or cremation, having their funeral preferences supported by the current legal frameworks in their countries. However, in Europe and beyond, there is an undeniable diversification in funeral preferences amongst substantial minorities that is relatively understudied, with their needs hence much less accommodated by the law. Deathcare is a Strategic Fundamental (SBO) interdisciplinary and interuniversity research project funded by the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) gathering the University of Antwerp, the Institute of Tropical Medicine and KU Leuven. It aims to cultivate a better and more comprehensive understanding of these challenges in superdiverse societies to assist the development of a legally supported and sustainable funeral industry in Belgium. This PhD project is part of this larger SBO project that attends to the legal, environmental, cultural and medical aspects of these different challenges.

In this PhD project, the candidate will examine the funerary needs and socio-cultural practices of bereavement in a culturally superdiverse society. More specifically, this study examines the needs and socio-cultural practices of Muslim communities and professionals of the Islamic funerary sector in Belgium. As Belgium’s second largest religious community and largest religious minority, Muslims have recently faced a series of unprecedented challenges, as demand for Islamic cemeteries have grown significantly, especially after Covid-19, and are expected to grow in the years to come. Significantly, the traditionally largely transnational funerary practices have transitioned into local demands for Islamic funerals. This transition occurs in a highly charged context, given the practical barriers regarding Islamic cemeteries as well as the political and public controversies around this question. As such, cemeteries and funerals figure as an important symbolic site to examine how notions of belonging become renegotiated and reconfigured. While we focus on Muslim funerals specifically, this research project also seeks to examine, more broadly, how cemeteries can serve as public spaces of belonging. This PhD project is one of the four doctoral projects associated with this larger interdisciplinary project.

You will conduct anthropological research and write an ethnography on funerary practices among Muslim communities in Belgium in addition to academic and policy papers on the funerary needs in a superdiverse society. This research will involve qualitative interviews with professionals and stakeholders from the Islamic funerary sector, participant observation in cemeteries and ethnographic collaboration with concerned families, with the possibility of travelling abroad to examine transnational funerary practices. You will also work closely with the other PhD researchers and postdoctoral researcher of the consortium.

We seek a motivated and skilled candidate with a master’s degree in anthropology, sociology, religious studies or a related discipline and with the following qualitites:
- A strong experience in qualitative and ethnographic methods and anthropology or sociology of religion.
- Familiarity with death and/or Islamic studies as is demonstrated through their degrees, master thesis or courses followed at the undergraduate and (post)graduate level.
- Good familiarity with the Muslim community in North-Western Europe.
- High motivation and commitment to enrol in additional training (islamic ethics, methodology etc.)
- Fluency in Dutch and French is a requirement for the fieldwork. Knowledge of one of the community languages is a plus (e.g. Arabic, Amazigh, Turkish).
- Strong writing and communication skills in English and a strong academic performance at the BSc and MSc (min. cm laude).
- Capacity and willingness to work in close conjunction with other PhD and postdoctoral researchers of the consoritium and to participate to regular meetings at the University of Antwerp.

We offer a full-time doctoral position, initially for one year, which can be prolonged to up to four years in total after a positive evaluation by the doctoral committee after nine months. In addition to your research, you will assist in teaching courses or other administrative requirements in the department of Social and Cultural Anthropology (10% of your time).

The start date for this position is around 1 November 2024 but will depend on the candidate’s availability and HR workflows. Minor changes to this start date can be discussed

This is a PhD position in anthropology and you will be primarily based in the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology working with prof. Nadia Fadil ([email protected]). Additionally, you will also be co-supervised by prof. Chaima Ahaddour (theology and religious studies, [email protected]) and dr. Imane Kostet (sociology, University of Antwerp, [email protected]). You will be given support to participate in international academic conferences and publish your work in scientific journals. You will be provided with career guidance and encouraged to develop research-oriented skills through courses via the Doctoral School.

For more information, please contact prof. dr. Nadia Fadil ([email protected]). You can apply for this position until September 6th 2024 via the KU Leuven online tool.

Your application consists of

- A CV with detailled information on your academic track,
- A cover letter (2 pages) that explains your fit with the project
- A writing sample (chapter from your MA thesis or paper)
- The name and contact of two references

A written selection will be made on this basis and candidates will be invited for an interview in the last week of September. Shortlisted candidates for the interview will receive notice within the week and will be asked to write a short research proposal on this research project of max 1000 words (2-3 pages), to be submitted two days before the interview.
You can apply for this job no later than September 06, 2024 via:



Sign up before September 15th!

Read more and register here:

Photos from NISIS's post 20/06/2024


A message from the Moving Humanities Conference:

The Moving Humanities Conference, organized by Radboud University and Groningen University, will take place on October 31st and November 1st, 2024.

This year’s theme is Resistance taken in its broadest sense, both within our subjects of research and the humanities itself. Resistance can be to the common way of understanding things, to other positions and interpretations, to change, or as a subject in itself. From clashes between linguistic theories to social movement dynamics to questioning the historical canon: you name it!

We are now calling for abstracts (300 words max., excluding bibliography) for talks and poster presentations. We invite any submission from (research) master and PhD students and will give special consideration for those which fit the broad theme of Resistance. Accepted submissions will receive feedback from assigned commentators at the conference.


Registration TSN Lecture by Emre Erol 13/06/2024

Lecuture announcement! 📢
The Turkey Studies Network of the Countries is hosting the following lecture next week:

Absorbing Socialisms

Islam as “the real and the first Socialism” in the writings of M.H. Kidwai
- TSN Lecture by Emre Erol

👉Wednesday 19 June 2024, 16.00-17.30 CET, Utrecht University, Janskerkhof 3, Room 006, On campus and online Registration required:

Registration TSN Lecture by Emre Erol Absorbing Socialism: Islam as “the real and the first Socialism” in the writings of M.H. Kidwai



DIGITAL BRITISH ISLAM has issued a call for papers on the theme of: Experiences, Responses and Impact from Britain and Beyond. Submissions are open!

“While our research focused on ‘British’ experiences, we are keen to engage with perspectives globally. We invite proposals for papers that explore any dimension of online Islam, in any geographical context, focusing on a particular tradition, group or movement or on the interactions between different parties, or on broader cultural or political changes impacting upon how religion is expressed online. We hope that the conference will attract a range of epistemological positions and disciplinary standpoints.”

Read more and register now:


Call for Papers: Network Day ‘Islamic Humanities’
The Leuven Centre for the Study of Islam, Culture and Society (LCSICS) is delighted to announce the inaugural “Islamic Humanities Network Day,” scheduled for October 18th, 2024. This event marks a significant milestone in our commitment to fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and advancing scholarship in the field of Islam and Muslim societies at KU Leuven.

The theme of this network day is “Islamic Humanities”, focusing on the rich intersections between Islam and various disciplines within the humanities. Islamic cultures and societies have held a longstanding commitment to these, whether it is through philosophy, poetry, law, arts, medicine, theology or architecture. We invite submissions that explore diverse aspects of Islamic civilization, Muslim communities, and the multifaceted expressions of Islam.
We welcome submissions from junior researchers, including master students, doctoral students, and postdoctoral researchers, whose work engages with the theme of Islamic Humanities. This network day offers an exceptional platform for emerging scholars to showcase their research and engage in interdisciplinary discussions with peers and established academics.
The event will feature a keynote lecture by prof. dr. Aymon Kreil (UGent).

Submission Guidelines
Abstracts should be submitted by July 31st, 2024 to [email protected].
Abstracts must not exceed 300 words and should clearly outline the research topic, methodology, and significance.
Please include a brief biography (maximum 100 words) detailing your academic affiliation and research interests.
Selected participants will be notified by September 1st, 2024 and invited to present their research at the network day.
We look forward to welcoming you to the Islamic Humanities Network Day at LCSICS, KU Leuven, and exploring the rich tapestry of Islamic civilization through interdisciplinary dialogue and research. Should you have any inquiries, please contact us at [email protected].
KU Leuven


Especially for our Dutch reading and speaking audience, we share the following event by ZemZem - Tijdschrift over het Midden-Oosten, Noord-Afrika en islam! The latest issue of the magazine will be launched on June 15th in Amsterdam!
ZemZem: Ter gelegenheid van het verschijnen van het nieuwste nummer over eetcultuur en voedselpolitieke organiseert tijdschrift ZemZem op 15 juni 2024 een culinair evenement in Maqam, Amsterdam. Hoewel ook veel moslims gruwelen bij het idee, behoort het eten van sommige insecten tot het culinaire erfgoed van het islamitisch Midden-Oosten. Hoe zit dat precies? En welke kansen biedt dat voor de verduurzaming van het voedselsysteem? Willem Flinterman vertelt er alles over in zijn lezing. Vervolgens zal Fausia S. Abdul zal vertellen over de invloed van een relatief kleine Arabische gemeenschap op de cuisine van het Caribisch gebied. Daarnaast krijgt u natuurlijk heerlijke hapjes te proeven waarover de koks u meer zullen vertellen. ZemZem-lezingen worden doorgaans bezocht door een breed publiek aan mensen die affiniteit hebben met het Midden-Oosten, Noord-Afrika en islam en zijn een uitstekende gelegenheid om gelijkgestemden te ontmoeten.

Tickets, info, and more:


A message from our great colleagues at NOSTER:

Save the date for the annual Kick-Off with excellent seminars, great speakers, and a tasty lunch! 📣

It will take place on Friday 27 September from 10:00-17:00 at Radboud University in Nijmegen.

Junior members can register on Moodle. Senior members who’d like to attend are requested to email [email protected] by 20 September at the latest.


The Kazan, Cairo, and Cordoba Research Group Presents this upcoming book talk by Prof. Dr. Thijl Sunier. Join us at the University of Amsterdam (Kloveniersburgwal 48) on May 23rd for his talk on Making Islam Work: Islamic Authority among Muslims in Western Europe.

The research group aims to bring together researchers in the field of Islam who are active within the research schools ASH and ARTES. Participation in this group does not preclude continuing affiliations with other, already existing groups in ASH or ARTES.

Read more about the research group here:

PhD Candidates: History of Philosophy in the Islamic World (ALIVE project) | Radboud University 30/04/2024

PhD Candidates: History of Philosophy in the Islamic World (ALIVE project) at Radboud University, Nijmegen.

Are you a highly motivated aspiring junior researcher? Would you like to work on the history of philosophy in the Islamic world? Do you want to develop your own innovative research ideas as a key member of a research team? The Center for the History of Philosophy and Science (CHPS) of the Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies at Radboud University is looking to appoint two PhD candidates for the duration of four years. One postholder will conduct research on Avicenna’s engagement with the generation of his teachers (PhD project 1) and the other on Avicenna’s engagement with the generation of his own students (PhD project 2).

Read more and apply here:
Deadline: 31 May 2024

PhD Candidates: History of Philosophy in the Islamic World (ALIVE project) | Radboud University Working as a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies? Check our vacancies here!


Join the today! May 1st is the registration deadline and we are very excited to hear your paper ideas! Sign up and read more:

📣 Five reasons why you should join the ENIS Spring School in Lausanne 📣

This is your chance as a PHD-candidate to work in a dynamic, internationally-oriented, and collaborative environment.

This Spring School focusses on results of Muslims living, working and writing in the periphery and welcomes papers that show how, where and why peripheral Muslims – varying from marginalised areas and controversial scholars to ostracised politicians and heterodox sects – have shaped this periphery and have been shaped by this periphery.

Wish to attend? Please register by Wednesday May 1st, through:


📣 Five reasons why you should join the ENIS Spring School in Lausanne 📣

This is your chance as a PHD-candidate to work in a dynamic, internationally-oriented, and collaborative environment.

This Spring School focusses on results of Muslims living, working and writing in the periphery and welcomes papers that show how, where and why peripheral Muslims – varying from marginalised areas and controversial scholars to ostracised politicians and heterodox sects – have shaped this periphery and have been shaped by this periphery.

Wish to attend? Please register by Wednesday May 1st, through:


Today we proudly introduce one of the speakers for the ENIS Spring School this June (4-7 June), Prof. Dr. Wissam H. Halawi!

Prof. Dr. Halawi holds the Chair of “History of Islam and the Muslim Worlds” at the University of Lausanne. A specialist in the medieval Muslim East, his research focuses on rural areas, as well as on Shi’ites (Imāmites and Ismailis) and non-Muslims (dhimmi-s) in Islamic lands. He is interested in Islamic law, more specifically the hadith corpus, normative texts, and notarial documents from a social perspective.

His latest books are Les Druzes aux marges de l’Islam. Ésotérisme et normativité en milieu rural XIVe-XVIe siècle (Cerf, 2021) and Le droit ismaélien druze XVe-XVIIe siècle(Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2024).

Curious to hear his points and excited to discuss his insights? Sign up for the ENIS Spring School before May 1st! More information can be found here:


ENIS Spring School 2024
Peripheral Islam: Muslims on the Geographical, Normative, Political and Religious Margins

Today’s post is dedicated to all the organizations involved in the international ENIS Spring School 2024.

Register by Wednesday May 1st, 2024.
Read more and sign up:


📣Introducing, speaker Carol Kersten! 📣

Carool Kersten is Research Professor (BOF) in Islamic Studies. Specializing in the intellectual history of the modern Muslim world, he has also worked on Islamic political and legal thought, philosophy, and literature. He is the author and (co-)editor of eleven books, including four single-authored research monographs and multi-volume anthologies on Caliphate & Islamic statehood and on the place of Fatwas in Islamic law. He is the founding editor of the book series Contemporary Thought in the Islamic World for Routledge.

Discuss and discover more at the NISIS Study day on Islamic philosophy, April 12th.

Read more and sign up:


This summer the Leiden department of Middle East Studies together with the University Library organises again a summerschool in Philology and Manuscripts from the Muslim World from August 19 to August 30.

Lecturers from Leiden University and guest lecturers cover topics from the practicalities of working with and reading manuscripts, the materiality and codicology of manuscripts to how ownership and marginal notes can be used to reconstruct the social life of manuscripts using samples in Turkish, Persian, Ethiopic, Arabic and Indonesian languages. Participants work afternoons on an individual project using samples from the Oriental manuscripts collection.

There are two scholarships covering the tuition cost for participants not from Leiden University.

The deadline for applications is May 1st.

For information on the programme and how to apply, see:


📢The third and final speaker of the UCSIA Summer School was announced! 📢

Read all about Jennifer Philippa Eggert and their research interest like the roles of faith, gender and local actors in violent conflict, sustainable development and humanitarian action in Europe, the Middle East and South Asia.

Read the full bio on:

The UCSIA Summer School lasts from 25 until 30 August 2024. Apply before 15 April 2024: Ucsia vzw

🌟 Are you ready to meet the third and final UCSIA Summer School on Religion, Culture & Society tutor? 🌟 We're thrilled to welcome Jennifer Philippa Eggert to our lineup!

With extensive experience in social, political and cultural sciences and a focus on and , Jennifer brings invaluable insights to our programme.

🔍 Her work focuses on the roles of faith, gender and local actors in violent conflict, sustainable development and humanitarian action in Europe, the Middle East and South Asia.
Read the full bio on:

Do you want to join us in Antwerp for the UCSIA Summer School 2024 - God on Our Side? from 25 until 30 August 2024!
‼️Apply before 15 April 2024 ‼️
🏄 🏄


Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (OCIS) Visiting Fellowships and Visiting Research Fellowships (Round 2) for 2024-25 entry.

The application window is now open to apply for an OCIS Visiting Fellowship and/or Visiting Research Fellowship. The closing date is 30 May 2024. Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies


Ucsia vzw just announced the second speaker for the ! Read more about the speakers on their page an on their website (!

🌟 Exciting news! 🌟 Vlad Naumescu, Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology of the Central European University, will be joining the faculty of the upcoming UCSIA Summer School on Religion, Culture & Society! 🎉

With his extensive expertise in and interdisciplinary studies, Vlad brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. He has led international summer schools and courses as well as documentary film workshops for over ten years and is co-founder of the Visual Studies Platform at CEU. Read his full bio on!

Can't wait to learn from Vlad's expertise? Join us in Antwerp at the UCSIA Summer School 2024 - God on Our Side? from 25 until 30 August 2024! Stay tuned for more updates, mark your calendars for an unforgettable academic experience, and don't forget to submit your application before 15 April 2024! 📚✨

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Video's (alles zien)

The Autumn School in Bonn was already a week ago! 🍁We thank everyone that has made this event possible and the succes th...
The recap of our activity last Friday! The documentary screening of ‘Somos Musulmanes’ was a great succes! 🎥🎬 Thank you ...


Drift 15

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