Vrij Oost Timor

Vrij Oost Timor

Contactgegevens, kaart en routebeschrijving, contactformulier, openingstijden, diensten, beoordelingen, foto's, video's en aankondigingen van Vrij Oost Timor, Niet-gouvernementele organisatie (ngo), Utrecht.



MTC-Diresaun Nasional Meteorolojia no Geofizika (DNMG) hakarak apela ba komunidade hotu atu kontinua “TOMA ATENSAUN BA UDAN BO’OT” tamba tuir previzaun ne’ebe DNMG halo ba semana ne’e nia laran apartir dia 20 to’o 25/12/2022 hatudu katak iha teritoriu Timor laran hotu sei kontinua experimenta UDAN HO INTENSIDADE FRAKU-FORTE LIU principalmente iha kosta sul no rejiaun foho sira.

Nota informativu:
*Wainhira Udan bo'ot husu ba populasaun sira hadook aan nafatin husi fatin risku sira no buka hela iha fatin ne'ebé seguru.
*Kazu emergênsia ruma ou karik presiza halo evakuasaun, matein kalma nafatin, evita paniku no halo tuir orientasaun Autoridade Lokal ou Pessoal Protesaun Sivil ne'ebé besik.
*Akompanha nafatin atualizasaun informasaun husi DNMG Timor-Leste .

Observasaun: Previzaun kompletu bele hare iha dettallu.

*Bolletim emitidu : 19/12/2022 (11:15 OTL)
*Bolletim Validu : 26/12/2022 (00:00 OTL)


Aero Dili first flight from Bali to Dili in over 2 years since Bali was shut!
QZ950 departure from Bali 06:00am Landing in Dili at 08:50am.


De urn met de as van Max Stahl is bijgezet op de Santa Cruz begraafplaats in Dili, Timor-Leste.


De Indonesische invasie van Oost-Timor is vandaag 46 jaar geleden: 7 december 1975. Kijk naar de docu die Max Stahl hierover maakte.

Photos from José Ramos-Horta's post 27/10/2021


We received message that Max Stahl passed away in Brisbane, this morning around 4.30am. At this stage we have no words to describe our sadness. Max was a dear friend and a living legend in Timor-Leste. Rest in Peace, maun Max

Indonesië: 6 maanden cel voor Facebook-post 06/05/2021

Teken deze even, het kost je maar een paar seconden...

Indonesië: 6 maanden cel voor Facebook-post Papoea’s worden gediscrimineerd en onderdrukt

Photos from Vrij Oost Timor's post 24/04/2021


(Deze link is geldig t/m 5 mei)

Dank voor alle bijdragen!!


Dili getroffen door overstroming

Stichting Vrij Oost Timor is samen met de Oosttimorees Edegar da Conceição (Leiden) een inzameling voor noodhulp gestart. Het gaat vooral om voedsel, schoon drinkwater en noodzakelijke kleding.

Aanhoudende regenval en de orkaan Seroja hebben op 4 april geleid tot hevige aardverschuivingen en overstromingen. Hele gebieden zijn afgesloten doordat bruggen en wegen zijn weggespoeld. Het zwaarst getroffen is de hoofdstad Dili.

Op 8 april melde Oost Timor 42 doden en 14 vermisten. In Dili verblijven tenmidden van de covid-crisis 11.299 mensen in opvangcentra zoals klaslokalen. Ook worden tientallen gezinnen opgevangen op hun werkplek of bij lokale NGO's.

De opbrengsten van onze inzameling gaan naar lokale initiatieven die dagelijks voor duizenden mensen maaltijden koken en drinkwater regelen. Een klein deel wordt besteed aan kleding.

Dankzij gulle giften hier in Nederland hebben we de eerste 1500 US$ al naar Dili kunnen sturen. En we gaan nog even door, want de vrijwillige kookploegen hebben het hard nodig!

Heeft u ook een bijdrage? Dat kan door over te maken naar:
NL59 INGB 0008 454545
Stichting Vrij Oost Timor, Utrecht
Ovv: overstroming

Bijdragen kan ook via dit Tikkie-linkje:


Photos from Vrij Oost Timor's post 05/04/2021

Lieve mensen, samen met de Oosttimorees Edegar de Conceicao (Leiden) zamelen we deze week geld in voor noodhulp in Dili. Heb je een bijdrage? Dat kan naar:
NL59 INGB 0008 454545, ten name van Stichting Vrij Oost Timor, te Utrecht. Ovv: overstroming.

Bijdrage kan ook via dit Tikkie-linkje:

Photos from Vrij Oost Timor's post 04/04/2021


Dili, April 4, 2021 (Lusa) - At least nine people died in the floods that hit the city of Dili, the capital of Timor-Leste today, a source from Civil Protection told Lusa, admitting that this number "may increase".
The same source explained that the Secretary of State for Civil Protection has already called an emergency meeting to assess the most urgent situations that require immediate attention.
A total balance of the damage is now "impossible", according to a government source, with major damage to private houses, commercial establishments and various infrastructures, including part of the road that connects Dili to Aileu, 47 kilometers south of the capital.
The floods also affect several essential infrastructures in the fight against covid-19, including the National Laboratory, on the grounds of the Hospital Nacional Guido Valadares.
After a short break of less than an hour, and the low tide allowed some of the water to drain, the rain returned at the end of the morning, local time (dawn in Lisbon), with many inhabitants forced to leave their homes.
Drone images collected by a Timorese operator, Machel Silveira, show a large part of the lower area of ​​Dili flooded, with problems from one end of the city to the other.
On several roads, circulation is interrupted, due to the volume of water, or even, as it happens in Avenida de Portugal, due to the road collapse.
Much of the city of Dili was flooded, with the beds of the main streams overflowing, after three days of intense rain, converting the entire Timorese capital into a "calamity zone", a source of Civil Protection told Lusa.
Reports from Civil Protection and residents in several neighborhoods in the city indicate that the water in some places reaches two meters, with houses on the banks of the Comoro stream being swept away by the waters.
Part of Avenida de Portugal, along the sea, where some of the embassies are located, fell, with the waters entering the houses, including the Lusa delegation.
Several residents, including Portuguese citizens, have already had to leave their homes, although circulation in Dili is very limited, due to the large volume of water that accumulates.
In the past few days, meteorological services had warned of the risk of heavy rain in various parts of the country, especially the North coast, due to the effects of a low pressure system, located on the western part of the island of Timor.
Heavy rains have already caused problems in several municipalities across the country in recent days, with reports of houses being destroyed and other infrastructure affected, including roads and bridges.
Some residents say that the current situation in Dili is more serious than that experienced on March 13, 2020, when floods affected tens of thousands of people in the capital, and there are even those who do not remember floods like this since the 1970s. .

Lusa / End



MESSAGE for 12 November from Max Stahl

The nights leading up to the morning of november 12 1991 have never left me. On the 8 th of november i was in a tunnel under a dried up stream bed talking to commander David Alex Daitula and his 8 falintil fighters. Within 10 kilometers on all sodes , he said, were 3000 indonesian soldiers. A group of 30 were about 500 meters away. When a messenger- a boy arrived with mail, sent the day before, requesting my presence in Dili.

I left that night with maun bulak - brother nutcase- who guided me over the river, through the rice fields, and took my video tapes, before i left him to continue alone walking on the main road to Baucau,trusting in brother bulak whose madness was wiser in Timor than all the indonesian officers educated in American military schools.

The next night , i spent in the baucau army police base explaining how i had missed the bus , whilst maun bulak delivered my tapes to the home of Jose Ramos Horta’s brother Arsenio, whose wife Edit Macarenhas worked the Resistance communications under the noses of the Indonesian military who believed Arsenio was in their pocket.

On the morning of the 12 november the kids in Edit and Arsenio’s house dug up a Portuguese flag and another revolutionary banner, the flag of the BNU bank, buried in a tin box in the garden, and spread it out for my camera before i left for the motael church.
There Fr Ricardo, later bishop Ricardo, said a mass i have watched on my video tape so often since that i feel i know every young face who came for communion, some who died that day, some who survived being shot an hour later, or lived to tell the world how they were poisoned at the military hospital.

What i remember most and about all of these Timorese people who cooperated silently, across the country without a word exchanged between them that day, was the modesty, the decency, young and veterans of 16 years of suffering and slaughter, those recognized today as great heros like David Alex, fighting and surviving against incredible odds, those like Aviano Faria, who stood up suddenly like a ghost in the morgue shocking the indonesian soldiers when he saw the consequences of the medication they were giving to the wounded who screamed too much; like Amali, barely 16 years old, who lined up for holy communion, and an hour later refused to run, facing down instead the indonesian guns whilst he supported another young man he hardly knew who was bathed in blood after being shot and stabbed 5 times, an image today immortalised in a statue outside the motael church in Dili.

The message that these people gave my camera was not brutal, despite all the brutality they had lived through, or even heroic, despite their willingness to give their lives. It was a message of dignity. Dignity which may never be recognised, dignity in the face of brutality, of anger of the madness all around. Their dignity might have been like so many others a passing moment in the death of yet one more human being, helpless against the abuse and cruelty of ignorance and power.

But by a miracle that day it was not. That message of dignity i filmed, and put on tv around the world transformed the prospects of not just of those who came out peacefully to protest on the 12 of november, not just of those in the resistance that made them who they were, not just of the guerrilla fighters whose struggle defied all military logic, but even of many other peoples across the world who had lost hope.

We still don’t know precisely how many people died on the morning of the 12 of november when the indonesian soldiers opened fire on a peaceful, unarmed protestors outside the Santa Cruz cemetery. Was it the 68 named jn the santa cruz commitee with surnames and photographs attached , or 270 named with first names at the time, or how many of the disappeared reappeared, how many of the wounded may have suvived and for how long. Some died of physical injuries some of psychological injuries much later. But the message that day of decency and dignity stood in such sharp contrast with the Indonesian lies and callous talk of enemies, that five years later the nobel committee in Norway gave two great sons of timor the Nobel Peace Prize, and eight years later the world intervened , finally, after so many years of shamefully ignoring mass murder in timor to ensure a referendum was held, and then again after hundreds if thousands put their lives on the line one last time in september 1999, returned to see the result was enforced.

Sometimes dignity can change the world. For this insight i thank those people who resisted quietly, without bluster , in what seemed like a hopeless cause, and showed that sometimes faith really can move mountains and values shared across generations, from mountains to cities, from a small island abandoned and forgotten around the world, can conquer arrogance and murder, against all the odds. this was a message that liberated a nation, and rekindled hope in a world of despair.

I thank them to this day and i Thank you all , Timorese, and friends of Timor who today bear witness to the sacrifice they made. Let us all carry on the struggle for dignity against all odds, for which those young people died on the 12 november 1991.


Proud to present this book!

Eddy Korwa (80) is a Papuan, born and raised in former Dutch New Guinea. He left his beloved country for political reasons, and fled as a stowaway on a Dutch cargoship. This was a hazardous adventure, and he would not have made it without the help of his friend Leo. Arrived in the Netherlands, Eddy built himself a new existence, but the struggle for justice and freedom for the people in his home country West Papua maintain to be the centre point of his life. Written in Dutch language. Order here for distribution in The Netherlands.

West Papuan Political Prisoners - Set them Free 11/06/2020

West Papuan Political Prisoners - Set them Free We, the undersigned, composed of human rights, solidarity, and ecumenical organizations and individual advocates, are writing to request your support for our call for the immediate and unconditional release of ALEXANDER GOBAY, HENKY HILAPOK, STEFANUS ITLAY, FERRY KOMBO, AGUS KOSSAY, BUCHTAR TABUNI,....


Met verslagenheid hebben we het nieuws ontvangen dat
* Dr. Dan Murphy *
vandaag, 14 april, in Dili is overleden.

23 Sept 1944 (Alton, Iowa, USA)
14 April 2020 (Dili, Timor-Leste)


Let's wash our hands!


But Radio Povo Viqueque is going strong and still on-air to keep the people informed about the corona-crisis. Bom susesu ekipa Radio Povo Viqueque!

Blackout lacks ‘substance, procedures’: Jokowi sued over govt-imposed internet ban in Papua 23/01/2020

Lawsuit against Pres. Jokowi over internet closure in W. Papua.

Blackout lacks ‘substance, procedures’: Jokowi sued over govt-imposed internet ban in Papua Civil society groups have filed a lawsuit against President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s administration over the internet blackout imposed during the weeks of protests in Papua and West Papua last year, arguing that it was substantially and procedurally flawed.

The myths of Australia’s role in East Timorese independence | The Strategist 19/01/2020

The myths of Australia’s role in East Timorese independence | The Strategist Every country has its legends. They may be important to national self-esteem, but they’re not necessarily good history. Twenty years after the ballot in which the East Timorese decided their future, it’s time to reflect ...

#climatestrike in Dili, Timor-Leste – Global Climate Strike 20/09/2019

Also in Timor-Leste !

#climatestrike in Dili, Timor-Leste – Global Climate Strike Iha Septembru loron 24 2019 mai hamutuk atu halo Marsa ba justica klimatika. Iha loron nee ema liu milliaun atu sai husi servisu no eskola fatin iha rai oi-oin atu foti aksaun no marsa ba krisis klimatika nebe agora dadaun afekta ita hotu. Situasaun grave duni. Ita tenki foti aksaun. Konvida it nia....

Photos from Vrij Oost Timor's post 06/09/2019

Happening now in Dili, Timor-Leste:
Signing the Solidarity Statement from the Timor-Leste Solidarity Movement for West Papua


Australia vs Timor-Leste
Shirley Shackleton in actie!!

Hey ScoMo, how good is Shirley Shackleton?

(Video at https://twitter.com/7newsbrisbane/status/1167353309453094912?s=21 )


Results of the Referendum in 1999

Kami juga ingin Papua Merdeka! 03/09/2019

Solidarity Conference Dili aug 2019:
Ook wij willen dat West Papua vrij zal zijn!

Kami juga ingin Papua Merdeka! Participants intervention during panel discussion. Conference-People's Committee for 20 year anniversary of popular consultation 28 August 2019,Timor Leste

East Timorese Journalist Marks 19th Anniversary of Santa Cruz Massacre 03/09/2019

13 NOVEMBER 2010
East Timorese journalist Prezado Ximenes (Radio Lorico) marked 19th anniversary of Santa Cruz massacre

East Timorese Journalist Marks 19th Anniversary of Santa Cruz Massacre Democracy Now! is in Argentina for the 10th meeting of the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters, a meeting of hundreds of community radio statio...

East Timor-style referendum possible for Papua, says Post editor | Asia Pacific Report 27/08/2019

East Timor-style referendum possible for Papua, says Post editor | Asia Pacific Report DemocracyElectionsGlobalHuman RightsIndigenousAsia ReportIndonesiaOpinionPacific ReportPoliticsTimor-LesteWest PapuaEast Timor-style referendum possible for Papua, says Post editor By Pacific Media Watch - August 27, 2019 0 56 SHARE Facebook Twitter tweet FLASHBACK: Timorese voted overwhelmingly for...

Australia should apologise to Timor-Leste - Devpolicy Blog from the Development Policy Centre 26/08/2019

Australia should apologise to Timor-Leste - Devpolicy Blog from the Development Policy Centre Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison is due to visit Timor-Leste this week to mark the twentieth anniversary of the country's independence vote. Is an apology on the cards? Michael Rose suggests it should be.

Jacht op 250 ontsnapte gevangenen in Papoea: wat is er aan de hand in de Indonesische provincies? 22/08/2019

Aandacht voor West-Papua

Jacht op 250 ontsnapte gevangenen in Papoea: wat is er aan de hand in de Indonesische provincies? Indonesische autoriteiten maken jacht op meer dan 250 na een opstand ontsnapte gevangenen in de provincie West-Papoea. De uitbraak gebeurde maandag...

A fight over independence could cause uproar in the Pacific this week 13/08/2019

2019: Australia recognises Indonesia's sovereignty over its Papuan provinces.

1976: Australia reconised Indonesia's sovereignty over East Timor as it's 27th provincie.

A fight over independence could cause uproar in the Pacific this week One country has been accused of "trolling" a Pacific Island on social media before a high-stakes meeting.

How Australia trashed its legacy in Timor-Leste 27/07/2019

Friendly neighbour

Van je buren moet je het maar hebben...

How Australia trashed its legacy in Timor-Leste Australia's relationship with Timor-Leste is one threaded with manipulation, deception, bullying and greed.

Wilt u dat uw bedrijf hét hoogst genoteerde Non-profit Organisatie in Utrecht wordt?
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Persvrijheid is niet vanzelfsprekend...

Ons archief is gevestigd in de Utrechtse wijk Lombok. Op afspraak kunnen we u aan de hand van onze naslagwerken, foto's en audiovisueel materiaal op weg helpen met uw onderzoek, artikel, werkstuk of scriptie.

Stichting Vrij Oost Timor is opgericht in het jaar 2000 door een aantal (voornamelijk Utrechtse) activisten vanuit jarenlange campagnes voor een vrij Oost Timor. Het doel van onze stichting is het ondersteunen van lokale, kleinschalige initiatieven in Oost Timor, die gericht en gebaseerd zijn op het democratiseringsproces en de opbouw van de lokale economie.

Dit doen we door contacten te leggen met aanverwante organisaties, fondswerving, distributie van geld en goederen, veldonderzoek, verzamelen en verspreiden van informatie, uitzending van medewerkers, ontvangen van delegaties uit Oost Timor en omringende landen, organiseren van publieke activiteiten en al hetgeen in de ruimste zin daarmede verband houdt.

Video's (alles zien)

Timor Hearing at PCA, Peace Palace 29-31 Aug 2016



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