Utrecht University Honours Community

The Utrecht University Honours Community group is the place for all honours students, teachers, alum Hoger onderwijs en universiteit


Hello everyone!
The Friday Shineday ๐ŸŒž post this week is about neuropreprints ๐Ÿง 
This is a project started form the Honours Programme of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Neuropreprints is a blog that posts the most recent preprints for neuroscience. Preprints are scientific articles that have not yet been peer reviewed. By following the blog, readers are kept up-to-date with the newest developments on this subject. Instead of putting all the articles on one massive page, the articles are divided into categories and subcategories. This way, it is easy to find articles for the subject you are interested in. The blog has been active since 2019 and they post every week. The members are always looking for enthusiastic HPPS students with an interest in neuroscience. You donโ€™t have to be an expert, just interested and motivated!
We would like to thank the current members Bonne, Mathilde, Shannon, Asja, Ronja and Havva for this interesting post!
They also have an Instagram page , donโ€™t forget to follow them for intersting neurological posts ๐Ÿง 
Have a nice weekend!


The winners of the Game Nightโ—

๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰ Congratulations ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰


Yesterday we held our very first social event of the year, the Online Game Night ๐ŸŽฒ๐ŸŽ‰

Here is a photo of the participants, who we got to know better during the fun games of pictionary and 30 seconds ๐ŸŽฎ๐Ÿ•น

As the HSC, we want to thank the participants for joining us.

Stay tuned for the winners of the night post nextโ—


Online Game night โ€“ HSC ๐ŸŽฒ

Dear honours students,
March the 25th the honours student council will host a game night and we invite you to join us! At 19.30 we will start with a game of 30 seconds and after that we will play a game of Pictionary in MS Teams. As a prize for the winners we will give away UU gift cards worth โ‚ฌ10.
Game night is a great opportunity to meet fellow honours students from different faculties so donโ€™t hesitate to sign up by scanning the QR code! You can also sign up as a group!

We are looking forward to meeting you there and may the best team win!

(If the QR code does not work, we also have a link for the sign up: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cWZ8V6tIf3eiKbRYY2lJtWPEPpo-eqOOhtIOMH2cjhk/edit)


Hello everyone,

On March 31, the Biomedical Sciences Honours Program will hold a symposium on metabolism in health and disease!
Everyone is welcome to attend this educational symposium ๐Ÿค“

You can find the invitation below โฌ‡๏ธ

Dear students,

On the 31st of march, the Activity Committee of the Honours Program of Biomedical Sciences will organize an online symposium about metabolism. We would like to invite you to join us!
Have you ever thought how metabolism is important in health, and is a characteristic of almost every disease? To shed more light on the interesting and complex topic of metabolism, the activity committe has organized an online symposium! During the evening, three speakers of totally different fields (cancer, immunology and epigenetics in obesity/diabetes), will present. Despite working in totally different fields, all three have metabolism involved in their research questions.
The symposium will be on the evening of the 31th of March and starts at 5:15 pm (CEST). The symposium will be held online using Zoom. After registration, you will receive the information needed to join the symposium. More information and the sign-up form can be found here: https://stichtinghbu.nl/symposium-metabolism/
We hope to see you there!


Hello everyone!
We have a message from the geosciences honours programme for you.
See below for the message โ˜ข

De verkiezingen komen er aan! Wellicht ben je in de diverse stemwijzers en partijprogrammaโ€™s al stellingen tegengekomen over het bouwen van meer kerncentrales. Eรฉn belangrijk vraagstuk als het aankomt op kerncentrales is wat we doen met het geproduceerde radioactief afval. Studenten van het Geowetenschappen Honours College hebben dit vraagstuk vanuit verschillende aspecten onderzocht. Hun bevindingen zijn te lezen op deze website: https://toekomstradioactiefafval.sites.uu.nl/. Meer informatie vindt je op https://www.uu.nl/nieuws/radioactief-afval-nu-nadenken-over-de-gevolgen-straks.


Hello everyone,
We are the Honours Student Council of the academic year 2020/2021. We already introduced ourselves on the Instagram page . In the upcoming posts we will introduce ourselves here! If you want to see this group photo in full size, please visit the Honours Student Council website; https://students.uu.nl/onderwijs/honours/honours-student-council (Dutch)/ https://students.uu.nl/en/academics/honours/honours-student-council (English).
We hope to see you in the next posts!
You can contact us by sending an email at [email protected]!


The UU Honours College is happy to announce that honours teacher Nelleke Veenema (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) has won the Honours Teacher of the Year Award 2020!

The jury: โ€œVeenema supported her students when it was needed, but also gave them a lot of autonomy, in which they could thrive. She constantly challenged and encouraged them both online and offline.โ€

Congratulations to Nelleke! Shine on, you crazy diamond ๐Ÿ˜Š


Do you want to meet people from different backgrounds, look across disciplinary boundaries and collaborate outside your comfort zone? Are you willing to try new things and want to work together in interdisciplinary teams on real-life sustainability related challenges with the involvement of important stakeholders? And above all, are you not afraid to fail? Then the new Da Vinci Project might be interesting for you!

Photos from Utrecht University Honours Community's post 31/08/2020

don't forget! deadline is extended to 6 September

Photos from Utrecht University Honours Community's post 03/08/2020

Help us find the Honours Teacher of the Year 2020!
Do you know a teacher who is passionate about honours education? A teacher that provides you with a safe and supportive environment to push yourself beyond the limits of your own academic expectations? Then nominate this honours teacher for the prestigious Honours Teacher of the Year Award to the most excellent Honours teacher of the year 2020.

Photos from Utrecht University Honours Community's post 15/07/2020

Meet students and staff of the Da Vinci Project online tonight at 17 hrs!

In the interdisciplinary honours Bachelorโ€™s programme Da Vinci Project you meet people from different backgrounds and collaborate outside your comfort zone. Are you willing to try new things and want to work together in interdisciplinary teams on sustainability with the involvement of stakeholders? Then the Da Vinci Project might be interesting for you! Starts in November - April 21, 10 EC.

Today at 5 pm you can meet the Da Vinci students and staff at our online information session. See uu.nl/davinciproject how to join our session, or use teamcode ci893od in MSTeams.


Want to join our online information sessions with students and staff? Then join our MS Teams with our team codes.
See the websites for more information and codes: uu.nl/ghis; uu.nl/younginnovators; uu.nl/honours/leiderschap
GHIS: *Thursday 9 July 17.00 โ€“ 18.00 hrs, *Tuesday 25 August 17.00 โ€“ 18.00 hrs, *Thursday 3 September 17.00 โ€“ 18.00 hrs
Leiderschap: *Donderdag 16 juli 17.00 โ€“ 18.00 uur, *Donderdag 20 augustus 17.00 uur - 18.00 uur
Young Innovators: *Wednesday 26 August 2020 17.00 โ€“ 18.00 hrs

Photos from Utrecht University Honours Community's post 02/07/2020

Do you seek an extra academic challenge in addition to your regular Masterโ€™s programme? You can apply for one of our Masterโ€™s honours programmes now! Choose between different interdisciplinary, cross-faculty Masterโ€™s honours programmes:
Young Innovators, GHIS and the Dutch Leadership programme. But also apply at your own faculty for a disciplinary programme.
See: uu.nl/honours, uu.nl/younginnovators, uu.nl/ghis, uu.nl/honours/leiderschap

Diploma-uitreiking waarbij je zelf de slingers moet ophangen | DUB 01/07/2020

Diploma-uitreiking waarbij je zelf de slingers moet ophangen | DUB Illustratie Pixabay Diploma-uitreiking waarbij je zelf de slingers moet ophangen Nieuws Body:ย Als je net je laatste studiepunten hebt binnen geharkt, wil je toch eigenlijk wel een feestje van je diploma-uitreiking maken. Maar dat blijkt niet altijd even makkelijk te organiseren. Studenten krijgen t...

Photos from Utrecht University Honours Community's post 22/06/2020

Join the second online graduation for our Master's honours programme GHIS. Live now! https://live.starleaf.com/ODk5NDY6ODQ2ODE1

Join our first online graduation for Young Innovators here with our livestream https://live.starleaf.com/ODk5NDY6NjM3MjU0

Photos from Utrecht University Honours Community's post 15/06/2020

Remember the Honours Teachers of the Year 2018 and 2019? You can nominate the Honours Teacher of 2020!

Do you know a teacher who is passionate about honours education? A teacher that provides you with a safe and supportive environment to push yourself beyond the limits of your own academic expectations? Then nominate this honours teacher! Fill in the form and send it to [email protected] before 30 August. Find the form and rules here: https://students.uu.nl/nieuws/wanted-honours-teacher-of-the-year-2020


Nieuwsgierig naar Descartes College? Programmaleider Frits van Oostrom nodigt je uit!
Je kunt je tot en met 1 juni opgeven voor het interdisciplinaire honoursprogramma Descartes College. Wil je het team van Descartes ontmoeten? Er is vandaag, morgen en woensdag 27 mei om 17 uur een online voorlichting. Zie hier voor details: https://students.uu.nl/onderwijs/honours/uu-honours-college/descartes-college-ba/online-voorlichtingsbijeenkomsten

Descartes College door student Lucy de Graaf 19/05/2020

Ben je eerstejaars student en wil je ervaring opdoen in interdisciplinair samenwerken en deel uitmaken van een universiteitsbrede honourscommunity? Dan is het Descartes College wellicht iets voor jou! Aanmelden kan t/m 1 juni uu.nl/descartescollege

Je kiest voor het universiteitsbrede Descartes College als je meer te weten wilt komen over andere vakgebieden. Het onderwijs wordt gegeven door topwetenschappers van binnen en buiten onze universiteit. Samen met gemotiveerde medestudenten en docenten discussieer je over belangrijke ontwikkelingen in de maatschappij en de rol van wetenschap hierin.

Kennismaken met Descartes? Op 25, 26 en 27 mei kun je onze studenten en staf live online ontmoeten en vragen stellen. Zie uu.nl/descartescollege

Het Descartes College volg je naast je reguliere opleiding op maandagavond. Het programma start in september 2020, duurt twee jaar en telt 15 EC per jaar.


Descartes College door student Lucy de Graaf Ben jij bachelorstudent aan de UU en toe aan een extra uitdaging in je studie? Kies dan voor het universiteitsbrede honoursprogramma Descartes College. Stude...


Message from our Honours Dean, Michael Burke:
One of the key aims when training honours students is to make you comfortable with being uncomfortable, as equipment for living; as an ideal for life.
In this time of cooperating digitally across space - and even across time (zones) โ€“ you continue to show just what is possible when dedicated, creative students and teachers are brought together to address contemporary issues and challenges. It makes me proud.
On this photograph you can see where I now work as Honours Dean on a daily basis, at my home in Middelburg. Fear not, I havenโ€™t quite become the โ€œmad dean in the atticโ€ yet, and, I can assure you, that I have no intention of doing so.
I wish you all peace of mind in these testing times!

Stay at home activities 23/04/2020

The UU honours student council would like to know what kind of 'stay at home' activities ๐Ÿก you would like to see organized by us.
Let us know by filling out this google forms: https://forms.gle/x2Gx7W4ZpXmVF1cu8

Leave suggestions and examples of activities in the comments. Thanks! ๐Ÿ‘

Stay at home activities


The UU Honours College feels a great responsibility to safeguard the continuity of education. We are now preparing alternative and digital educational solutions. More information on these alternative forms of education will follow as soon as possible. You will get an email from your own Honours Director as to what this exactly means for your specific honours programme of the Uu Honours College. One thing is certain: we are all going to have to be flexible. We hope that we can count on your understanding and support as we seek to find solutions that allow you all to successfully complete your UU honours programmes.


Both our University Libraries will close as of tomorrow, until at least 31 March. Access to scientific material and other library services will continue in the best way possible.

We want to ask all our students to study at home. Yesterday, the cabinet called upon us to suspend large gatherings. Utrecht University will of course comply with this directive.

When it comes to education (your lectures and exams):

โ†’ Face-to-face education (so: on campus and in class) is cancelled until 31 March.

โ†’ We are making every effort to offer education digitally as much as possible, as of next Monday (March 16). At this moment, we cannot answer all personal questions about specific upcoming exams and/or lectures yet. ๐Ÿ‘‰ An update about this WILL follow today (also in your personal UU mailbox). ๐Ÿ‘ˆ

โ†ช๏ธ | We understand that many questions still remain. All available information can be found at https://uu.nl/coronavirus. We will be updating this page continuously. You can also contact [email protected] for more questions.


Nina, student Bestuurskunde, is vorig jaar mee geweest naar St. Petersburg voor de Zomerschool NWIB.
'Het is een unieke kans om samen te werken met mensen met een hele andere achtergrond en in een internationale context'

Wil jij deze zomer ook mee naar St. Petersburg of juist naar Athene of Florence samen met studenten van andere studies en universiteiten? Lees hier meer: uu.nl/zomerschoolnwib

โ€œDe unieke kijk van studenten op leiderschap, geeft mij een frisse blik en een nieuw perspectiefโ€ 05/03/2020

Wil je ook les van ervaren leiders uit de maatschappij, zoals Ron Jans, Fred Teeven of Cathelijne Broers? Dan is het Leiderschapsprogramma een absolute aanrader! Het is een Master Honours programma en de aanmeldingen gaan in juni open (nog even geduld dus!). Start in oktober.

โ€œDe unieke kijk van studenten op leiderschap, geeft mij een frisse blik en een nieuw perspectiefโ€ Ron Jans en Cathelijne Broers geven onderwijs in het universiteitsbrede Leiderschapsprogramma.

Photos from Food 4 Health and Safety Challenge's post 03/03/2020

Tot 20 december kunnen Master en PhD studenten zich aanmelden voor Internships in the Valley.

Welcome ambitious student!

Are you:
โœ… An innovative thinker, with a proactive and can-do attitude?
โœ… Into entrepreneurship, data or technology?
โœ… Master or PhD student, currently enrolled at a Dutch research university, or graduated less than a year ago?

In that case Internships in the Valley is for you!

Kick-start your career with a challenging internship position in the tech capital of the world. We support with a smooth J-1 visa application and finding accommodation, so you can comfortably focus on fulfilling your ambitions!

Find out more at www.internshipsinthevalley.nl

Internships in the Valley is a collaborative effort of all Dutch research universities, the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU) and the Consulate General of the Netherlands in San Francisco. Together we are committed to match talented Master and PhD students from the Netherlands with innovative startups and companies in the Bay Area, California.

Radboud University Maastricht University Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam University of Amsterdam / Universiteit van Amsterdam Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Utrecht University Tilburg University Erasmus University Rotterdam TU Eindhoven TU Delft University of Groningen Wageningen University & Research University of Twente Universiteit Leiden / Leiden University Embassy of the Netherlands in the United States


English follows Dutch

๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸปWij hebben jou nodig!
๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸปWe need you!

Wat wordt de visie en strategie voor het honoursonderwijs voor de periode 2021-2025. Praat mee tijdens een lunchbijeenkomst voor honoursstudenten: op maandag 28 oktober van 12.45-14.30 in het Marinus Ruppertgebouw (Leuvenlaan 21)? Meld je aan via deze link: https://fd21.formdesk.com/universiteitutrecht/InputSessionHonours-students

What will our vision and strategy be for the Honours Programmes in the period 2021-2025? You are welcome to join the discussion during a lunch meeting for honours students: Monday 28 October, 12.45-14.30, Marinus Ruppert Building (Leuvenlaan 21). Please sign up via this link: https://fd21.formdesk.com/universiteitutrecht/InputSessionHonours-students

Photos from Utrecht University Honours Community's post 14/10/2019

Honours teacher of the year 2019 is Kristin Denzer, teacher Biomedical Sciences. Congratulations Kristin!

The jury: 'Denzer stimulates the freedom within the honours programme for the students to create and perform their own ideas'

Opening of the Academic Honours Year 2019- 2020 14/10/2019

Come this evening to the Opening of the Academic Honours Year 2019-2020

19:30 Aula, University Hall


Opening of the Academic Honours Year 2019- 2020 The Opening of the Academic Honours Year 2019- 2020 takes place on Monday 14 October, 19.30 - 21.30 at the Aula of the Academiegebouw


Studenten van het Descartes College kregen vorige week een heel bijzonder college van Nobelprijswinnaar Ben Feringa


Be part of a new experience. Apply now for our Young Innovators Programme! Deadline is coming closer so sign up now: uu.nl/younginnovators


You can still apply for one of our Master Honours programs: GHIS, Leadership's Program (in Dutch) or Young Innovators

Visit: uu.nl/honours for more details


Remember this one?? โฌ‡๏ธ๐Ÿคฉ
We are now looking for the Honours Teacher of the Year 2019!
Honours students can nominate their teacher before August 15. How?? See here: https://students.uu.nl/nieuws/wanted-honours-teacher-of-the-year-2019

Honours Teacher of the Year 2018: Adri Thomas.


Gefeliciteerd toppers! ๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽˆ

Afgelopen vrijdag was de afsluiting van het BMW-honoursprogramma 2017-2019. Twaalf honoursstudenten presenteerden wat ze de afgelopen twee jaar hebben gedaan. Van harte gefeliciteerd met deze topprestatie! ๐ŸŽ‰

Wilt u dat uw scholen hรฉt hoogst genoteerde School in Utrecht wordt?
Klik hier om uitgelicht te worden.

Video's (alles zien)

The Honours Teacher of the Year Award 2020 goes to.... Nelleke Veenema!



Janskerkhof 15A

Andere Hoger onderwijs en universiteit in Utrecht (alles zien)
Trajectum Trajectum
Padualaan 101
Utrecht, 3584CH

Onafhankelijk journalistiek platform voor Hogeschool Utrecht

Studium Generale Universiteit Utrecht Studium Generale Universiteit Utrecht
Academiegebouw, Domplein 29
Utrecht, 3512JE

Studium Generale, het openbare podium voor kennis & reflectie van de Universiteit Utrecht. Gratis voor iedereen van binnen en buiten de uni.

Universiteit voor Humanistiek Universiteit voor Humanistiek
Kromme Nieuwegracht 29
Utrecht, 3512HD

De Universiteit voor Humanistiek is een kleine, onafhankelijke universiteit die zich laat inspireren door het humanistisch gedachtegoed.

Utrecht University Utrecht University
Heidelberglaan 8, Utrecht Science Park
Utrecht, 3584CS

Sharing Science, Shaping Tomorrowโœจ Discover our university & city๐Ÿ“ฑ

KlasseStudent KlasseStudent
Nieuwegracht 1
Utrecht, 3512LB

Dรฉ leukste bijbaan in het onderwijs ๐ŸŽ“

Alumnivereniging mondzorgkunde Hogeschool Utrecht Alumnivereniging mondzorgkunde Hogeschool Utrecht
Bolognalaan 101
Utrecht, 3584CJ

Alumnivereniging van de opleiding Mondzorgkunde aan de Hogeschool Utrecht Tickets voor de eerste alumnibijeenkomst zijn verkrijgbaar op webshop.hu.nl

Muntstraat 2a
Utrecht, 3512EV

The 9th International Conference on Movement and Computing will be held from 30 May-2 June, 2024

UCU Sustainability Week UCU Sustainability Week
Campusplein 1
Utrecht, 3584ED

University College Utrechtโ€™s annual Sustainability Week which happens in the fall

Armeense Universiteit van Nederland Armeense Universiteit van Nederland
Leuvenlaan 21
Utrecht, 3584CE

Onderwijsinstelling voor persoonlijke, zakelijke en culturele ontwikkelingen

UCU Compliments UCU Compliments
Campusplein 1
Utrecht, 3584ED


Symposium der VVFC "De Uithof" Symposium der VVFC "De Uithof"
Universiteit Utrecht

Het jaarlijkse symposium van de Veefokkers zal op 28 september 2022 gehouden worden. Volg deze pagin

De Facto Samenvattingen De Facto Samenvattingen
Domplein 24
Utrecht, 3512JE

De Facto biedt samenvattingen voor eerste- en tweedejaarsstudenten Rechtsgeleerdheid aan de Universi