Amnesty Student Bergen

Amnesty Student Bergen (ASB) er Amnestys studentnettverk i Bergen. Amnesty Student Bergen is a human rights activist group for students in Bergen.

We are independent but adhere to the policies and bylaws of Amnesty International. We welcome all students, international and Norwegian. All our meetings and events are either held in English or there will be translators available. ASB arranges every year Menneskerettighetsuken (The Human Rights Week) and Skriv for Liv (Write for Rights). The group has meetings every other Monday at 18.00. If you

Velkommen til regionmøte i Vest! 28/10/2023

Hi☺️ On our meeting next week (Monday 30th of October), we will plan our Write for Rights event! On the 25th of November we will have a big tent on Torgallmenningen where people can come in and write letters to human rights defenders. There will be speeches, music, gløgg and gingerbread. This is our biggest event this year, and we really hope that you want to join. On the meeting you’ll receive more information about the event and how you can participate. Bring a friend if you know someone who wants to help!💙

The meeting is at 6pm in Veversmauet 8. There will be snacks😊

Also, it’s almost time for this year’s regional meeting. Join us on the 11th of November to meet other members from region west and to talk about Write for Rights, current issues and plans for 2024. Sign up in the link below:

Velkommen til regionmøte i Vest! Amnesty International i Norge Grensen 3, 0159 Oslo PB: 702 Sentrum, 0106 Oslo Telefon: 22 40 22 00 E-post: [email protected] Kontonr: 1644.11.69764 970148698



Tomorrow, on the 18th of october, we’re having a new meeting at our office. And we have some very exciting news for this meeting: the general secretary of Amnesty Norway, John Peder Egenæs, is going to join us🤩

He is going to talk about what Amnesty is focusing on these days and his experiences with activism. If you have any questions for him, he will of course answer these too. I really recommend you to come to the meeting if you’re curious about Amnesty’s work or if you want some inspiration from someone who has led Amnesty Norway since 2007🌸

The meeting is from 17pm-18pm at Veversmauet 8. All students are welcome, either it you are a member or not🫶🏻

Introduction Course: ASB 13/10/2023

Hi everyone!⭐

On the 16th of October, Amnesty region west is arranging an introduction course about Amnesty. In this course, you'll get to learn about the history of human rights, the structure of Amnesty, activism and more. If you want to become an even better activist or take part of the organization's work, I highly recommend you to join!🙌 The course is open for all students in Bergen, and you do not have to be a paying member to join.

The address is Veversmauet 8, and the course starts at 17pm.
There will be pizza! follow the link to sign up☺

Introduction Course: ASB Welcome to Introduction to Amnesty


Hi everyone! Hope you are ready for the spring and more Amensty content!

Next week we will have somehng called "Human Rights Week". This is a week with several activities, both social meetings, coruses, worhshops and parade. Every arrangement is free and open for everyone, so bring a friend or more!

Short recap of the week:
Monday: Aktivism course and open office
Tuesday: Workshop
Wednesday: 8th of march-parade
Thursday: lecture about consent law and quiz at diskuterbar
Saturday: Hike for rights to fløyen

Summary of the week:

- the office will be open, so you can talk and meet the adimistrative part of Amnesty Bergen.
- Pizza
- Activism course and maybe a Human rights dialouge course
○ Social and educational
- Send Solveig, or me a message if you want to join a course!!

- Workshop
- Making posters and banners for the Women march
- At the office at Veversmauet 8
- Snacks

- Womens march!!
- Celebrating 8th of march, womens day
- At 5 pm at Torgallmeningen, but you can meet up at the office at 4.30

- Lecture about consent law with Patricia from Amnesty International Norge
- Quiz at Diskuterbar at 7 pm
- Buy a beer, soda, bring your friendgroup and find out how much you can about irrelevant information and maybe some information about human rights! Ofc it will be a prize for the winner!!
- Send [email protected] a mail if you want to help her making the quiz!

- Hike for rights!
- We will meet by the Fløybanestart, and walk towards Fløyen. At the top we will eat some cinnamonbuns and take pictures with the posters we made earlier that week

Hope to see you next week :D
It's superb if you can join every day! But if you only have the possibility to come just for one day, we appreciate that

Regionmøte i Vest 12/01/2023

På lørdag er det regionsmøte med ledelsen og aktivister i Amnesty Vest! Meld deg på for interessante diskusjoner, informasjon om Amnestys arbeid og for å møte andre amnesty aktivister! Selvfølgelig gratis arrangement!

Regionmøte i Vest Kom på regionmøtet 2023 i Bergen!


Hi everyone! 😁

We will have our first official Amnesty meeting on monday at 6 pm at St Pauls Skole. The address is Christies gate 16. We will meet up in front of the door by the basketball court.

The plan is to talk about this semester, what our plans are, which expectations you have to our meetings and I will tell more about my trip to Marocco and the Amnesty youth camp I visited.
The meeting is open for everyone, so bring a friend with you if they are also interested in Amnestys work.

There will ofc be some snacks :D

Hope to see you there!



Da har vi opprettet en ny Amnesty Student Bergen for dette semesteret, da vi har slått sammen jussgruppen og aktivistgruppen!

Vi har også et informasjonsmøte i morgen mandag 29 august kl 18 hos Studentsenteret, Egget!

Hi, we have a new group Amnesty student bergen. Join! ✨
We also have a information meeting tomorrow, 29 august at 18 at Egget.

Hope to see you this semester!

Vil du plassere din bedrift på toppen av Frivillig Organisasjon-listen i Bergen?
Klikk her for å få din Sponsede Oppføring.

Who we are and how you can join

Amnesty Student Bergen (ASB) is a human rights activist group. We are independent but adhere to the policies and bylaws of Amnesty International.

All students are welcome: international and Norwegian. All our meetings are either, held in English or there will be translators available.

ASB consists of a main board and two sub-groups, each with their own board. ASB Jussgruppen (The Law Group) focuses mainly on hosting lectures about legal aspects of human rights and have stands to collect signatures for petitions. ASB Aktivistgruppen (The Acitivist Group) focuses mainly on raising attention on human rights issues by spreading knowledge, for example through hosting screenings of Movies that Matter. The groups also co-operate on some events such as the two main events: Menneskerettighetsuken (The Human Rights Week) and Skriv for Liv (Write for Rights).

For more information about when the groups have their meetings ask to join one of the respective groups here on facebook. Links can be found under “Groups”. The idea is that one is a member of one of the groups and the meetings are usually held at the same time.

Videoer (vis alle)

Don't forget this amazing event tonight! brother of the still Guantám...
Leder for HiB Amnesty Student Bergen Hedda forteller om studentaktivisme.
Hvordan er det å være studentaktivist i Amnesty?
Live fra Høgskolen i Bergen
Jon Gjerde fra Amnesty flyr over Høgskolen i Bergen NÅ!
Vi er klar på Høgskolen i Bergen!
Vi er straks klar for stand på HiB!
Sommerfest 2016 - ASB
Melodi Grand Prix 2016


Veversmauet 8


Mandag 09:00 - 17:00
Tirsdag 09:00 - 17:00
Onsdag 09:00 - 17:00
Torsdag 09:00 - 17:00
Fredag 09:00 - 17:00

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