Stretchgruppen NO

Vi er et nytenkende konsultentselskap som arbeider i tett dialog med våre kunder. Vi styrker våre kunders muligheter ved hjelp av morgendagens teknologi.

Stretch er et konsulentselskap som bidrar med å forenkle bedrifters prosesser slik at så mye som mulig av ressursene blir brukt i selve forretningen. Med morgendagens teknologi strekker og utvider vi kundenes virksomhet. Stadige endringer i markedet setter våre kunders kjernevirksomhet på prøve. Det betyr at vante mønstre må evalueres. Da kan vi bidra med markedets ledende system- og prosesstøtte.


Våren 2023 fikk vår dyktige kollega, Ove Edvin Husby, plass på Norsk Senter for Coaching sin utdannelse. Her fikk han muligheten til å videreutvikle sine gode coachingferdigheter – kunsten å lytte, stille spørsmål og sette i perspektiv, men også å lede endring, motivasjon, samspill og konflikthåndtering.

“Vi som har jobbet mye med endringer, vet at det er mange følelser knyttet til endring – og at vi må gjennomføre endringer på en måte som ivaretar engasjement og endringsvilje. Samtidig er det mange som opplever usikkerhet og bekymring for hvilken påvirkning endringen har på hver enkelt. Ved å bruke coaching som verktøy i endringsprosesser, kan vi lytte, forstå og anerkjenne de menneskelige følelsene og behovene som ligger bak for å sammen finne ressursene og motivasjonen hver enkelt trenger for å ta del i endringsreisen mot fremtidige mål.”

Ønsker du å vite mer om endringsledelse og hvordan coaching kan bidra til en vellykket endringsprosess?

Les Edvin sine refleksjoner her 👇


Congratulations on the third place in Finland of the SHE Index.

🏆 Capgemini Finland

🥁We applaud Finland and the people who understands and puts words into action.

The work and its results are an inspiration for others to follow to create a better and sustainable future 🌍

👉 Download the report:

🤝Actions speaks louder than words, so first we took a stand and then we started to walk.

SHE Index 2024 in Partnership with Stretch; a group of Scandinavian technology and consultancy companies that strives to create stronger and sustainable business value. We are proud to support the SHE Index - striving for social sustainability and diversity!


Congratulations on the second place in Finland of the SHE Index.

🏆 Sanoma

🥁We applaud and the people who understands and puts words into action.

The work and its results are an inspiration for others to follow to create a better and sustainable future 🌍

👉 Download the report:

🤝Actions speaks louder than words, so first we took a stand and then we started to walk.

SHE Index 2024 in Partnership with Stretch; a group of Scandinavian technology and consultancy companies that strives to create stronger and sustainable business value. We are proud to support the SHE Index - striving for social sustainability and diversity!


Congratulations to the Newcomer in Sweden of the SHE Index.

🏆 Nordvalls Etikett AB

🥁We applaud Etikett AB and the people who understands and puts words into action.

The work and its results are an inspiration for others to follow to create a better and sustainable future 🌍

👉 Download the report:

🤝Actions speaks louder than words, so first we took a stand and then we started to walk.

SHE Index 2024 in Partnership with Stretch; a group of Scandinavian technology and consultancy companies that strives to create stronger and sustainable business value. We are proud to support the SHE Index - striving for social sustainability and diversity!


Congratulations to number #3 and also the Rising star in Sweden of the SHE Index.


CEO at Nexans Sweden Sofie Fogelström emphasises the importance to create an environment of respect, openness and inclusiveness in the daily worklife. Lead by example where you also share your own experiences. Encourage your colleagues, both men and women to promote diversity. Talk about the positive effects of mixed teams.

Nexans Sweden has chosen to prioritize five dimensions of diversity: Gender, abilities differences, age & experience, sexual orientation and socio-economic background. We believe that by fostering an inclusive workplace and embracing diversity, we can drive innovation, increase employees’ engagement, and improve overall business performance.

🥁We applaud Sweden AB and the people who understands and puts words into action.

Nexans Sweden AB is an inspiration for others to follow to create a better and sustainable future 🌍

👉 Download the report:

🤝Actions speaks louder than words, so first we took a stand and then we started to walk.

SHE Index 2024 in Partnership with Stretch; a group of Scandinavian technology and consultancy companies that strives to create stronger and sustainable business value. We are proud to support the SHE Index - striving for social sustainability and diversity!


Congratulations to number #1 in Sweden of the SHE Index


Coor Swedish Management Team answer the following to the question - What are your thoughts and best advice to create more equality and diversity?

As a company with thousands of employees, fostering equality and diversity within our organization is not just a moral imperative, it´s a strategic priority. To create more equality and diversity, we have implemented clear and measurable goals, ensuring that our efforts are purposeful and impactful.

By fostering awareness and education among employees, we can create an environment where everyone understands the importance of inclusivity and feels motivated to contribute to our efforts.

🥁we applaud Service Management AB and the people who understands and puts words into action.

Coor Service Management AB is an inspiration for others to follow to create a better and sustainable future 🌍

👉 Download the report:

🤝Actions speaks louder than words, so first we took a stand and then we started to walk.

SHE Index 2024 in Partnership with Stretch; a group of Scandinavian technology and consultancy companies that strives to create stronger and sustainable business value. We are proud to support the SHE Index - striving for social sustainability and diversity!


Vi er kjempestolte over å ønske Arne Ruben Isaksen velkommen til Stretch Addera 🌟

Med 4 års erfaring innenfor Atlassian-økosystemet, spesielt med utvikling av Atlassian-plugins og integrasjoner for skyen, bringer Arne med seg en solid bakgrunn som vil styrke vår evne til å tilpasse Atlassian-produkter for våre kunder. 👏

Arne ser frem til å samarbeide med kolleger for å levere eksepsjonelle løsninger og skape mer verdi for våre kunder. Han ser også frem til å lære og samarbeide tett med hele Stretch for å oppnå våre felles mål. 💻

Vi ønsker Arne Ruben velkommen på laget! 😍


Congratulations to the 🥇Winner and also the 🏆 Rising star in Finland of the SHE Index.

Nordea Bank

Nordea representatives received the diplomas and flowers at the SHE Community Conference.

Nordea has been working actively with diversity and inclusion for over a decade. The commitment aims to fuel the business and operations by better understanding and meeting customer and workforce needs, being an attractive and sustainable employer, and in the end, being a responsible corporate citizen. Their strategy gives every employee the opportunity and responsibility to engage in diversity and inclusion.

🥁We applaud Bank Finland and the people who understands and puts words into action.

Nordea Bank Finland is an inspiration for others to follow to create a better and sustainable future 🌍

👉 Download the report:

🤝Actions speaks louder than words, so first we took a stand and then we started to walk.

SHE Index 2024 in Partnership with Stretch; a group of Scandinavian technology and consultancy companies that strives to create stronger and sustainable business value. We are proud to support the SHE Index - striving for social sustainability and diversity!


Congratulations to Norway and the 🏅 top 3 companies in the SHE Index

Storebrand ASA

The SHE Index is a catalyst for encouraging stakeholders to focus on diversity and inclusion in leadership and workforce, equal compensation, and work life balance. ​

🥁We applaud the effort and the people who understands and puts words into action.

Great results are an inspiration for others to follow to create a better and sustainable future 🌍

👉 Download the report:

🤝Actions speaks louder than words, so first we took a stand and then we started to walk.

SHE Index 2024 in Partnership with Stretch; a group of Scandinavian technology and consultancy companies that strives to create stronger and sustainable business value. We are proud to support the SHE Index - striving for social sustainability and diversity!


Congratulations to Sweden and the 🏅 top 3 companies in the SHE Index

Coor Service Management AB

Nordea Sweden

Nexans Sweden AB

The SHE Index is a catalyst for encouraging stakeholders to focus on diversity and inclusion in leadership and workforce, equal compensation, and work life balance. ​

🥁We applaud the effort and the people who understands and puts words into action.

Great results are an inspiration for others to follow to create a better and sustainable future 🌍

👉 Download the report:

🤝Actions speaks louder than words, so first we took a stand and then we started to walk.

SHE Index 2024 in Partnership with Stretch; a group of Scandinavian technology and consultancy companies that strives to create stronger and sustainable business value. We are proud to support the SHE Index - striving for social sustainability and diversity!


Congratulations to Finland and the 🏅 top 3 companies in the SHE Index

Nordea Bank



The SHE Index is a catalyst for encouraging stakeholders to focus on diversity and inclusion in leadership and workforce, equal compensation, and work life balance. ​

🥁We applaud the effort and the people who understands and puts words into action.

Great results are an inspiration for others to follow to create a better and sustainable future 🌍

👉 Download the report:

🤝Actions speaks louder than words, so first we took a stand and then we started to walk.

SHE Index 2024 in Partnership with Stretch; a group of Scandinavian technology and consultancy companies that strives to create stronger and sustainable business value. We are proud to support the SHE Index - striving for social sustainability and diversity!


Congratulations to the newcomer in Norway of the SHE Index.

🏆 Miles

We had pleasure of meeting Miles at the Stretch stand during the SHE Community Conference.

Gender biases towards technology are happening from childhood, and we all have a responsibility to create a future where technology is created for and by everyone. Miles strives to mirror their customers and the society. They recognize that the tech industry needs more diversity, and as a part of the industry Miles can be a part of a positive development.

🥁We applaud and the people who understands and puts words into action.

Miles is an inspiration for others to follow to create a better and sustainable future 🌍

👉 Download the report:

🤝Actions speaks louder than words, so first we took a stand and then we started to walk.

SHE Index 2024 in Partnership with Stretch; a group of Scandinavian technology and consultancy companies that strives to create stronger and sustainable business value. We are proud to support the SHE Index - striving for social sustainability and diversity!


Congratulations to the rising star in Norway of the SHE Index

🏆 Entur

Entur team received the award given by Gro Harlem Brundtland on the main stage at the SHE Community Conference.

Entur cherish diversity and strive to make the inclusion and appreciation of differences one of the company's greatest assets. They firmly believe that a diverse group of colleagues lays the foundation for developing efficient solutions and nurturing a positive work environment. The more diverse, the broader the range of perspectives, qualities, and skills they can harness as a company.

🥁We applaud and the people who understands and puts words into action.
Entur is an inspiration for others to follow to create a better and sustainable future 🌍

👉 Download the report:

🤝Actions speaks louder than words, so first we took a stand and then we started to walk.

SHE Index 2024 in Partnership with Stretch; a group of Scandinavian technology and consultancy companies that strives to create stronger and sustainable business value. We are proud to support the SHE Index - striving for social sustainability and diversity!


Congratulations to number #1 in Norway and overall winner of the SHE Index

🥇 Storebrand

Chief People Officer Tove Selsnes received the award given by Gro Harlem Brundtland on the main stage at the SHE Community Conference.

Storebrand has worked systematically over time to achieve and maintain gender balance and equality. They have incorporated this through all phases in the employee life cycle. They have come far at the same time as they are committed to continuously work to improve towards what they call their driving force – a brighter future.

🥁We applaud and the people who understands and puts words into action.

Storebrand is an inspiration for others to follow to create a better and sustainable future 🌍

👉 Download the report:

🤝Actions speaks louder than words, so first we took a stand and then we started to walk.

SHE Index 2024 in Partnership with Stretch; a group of Scandinavian technology and consultancy companies that strives to create stronger and sustainable business value. We are proud to support the SHE Index - striving for social sustainability and diversity!


Vi fikk muligheten til å snakke om SHE Indexen og viktigheten av å måle og kontinuerlige jobbe med å sikre mangfold, kjønnsbalanse og likestilling i næringslivet i Finansavisens økonominyhetene 📈

Se intervjuet her med Kristin Hedqvist-Widen og Rickard Werner


Great to experience and participate in the important SHE conference where diversity and sustainability is the agenda 🫶🏻

An arena where various organizations, politicians, national and global leaders come together to discuss how we can and must improve diversity and inclusion to ensure a sustainable future 🌍

Stretch in partnership with SHE Index had the pleasure of awarding prizes together with Gro Harlem Brundtland to companies that are examples for others to follow regarding their important work with inclusion, gender balance and equality ⭐️

Congratulations to the winners:

🥇SHE Index overall: Storebrand ASA

⭐️Rising Star Norway: Entur AS

💫 Newcomer Norway: Miles AS

👉 Download the report:

A big thank you to Astrid Rønning Skaugseth and the SHE Community for a brilliantly executed SHE Conference, and a thousand thanks to Heidi Aven for the opportunity to work together with SHE INDEX 🌟

🤝Actions speaks louder than words, so first we took a stand and then we started to walk.


Actions speaks louder than words, so first we took a stand and then we started to walk. 🎯

The SHE Index is a catalyst for encouraging stakeholders to focus on diversity and inclusion in leadership and workforce, equal compensation, and work life balance.

The winners of 2024 will be recognized for their significant effort and be awarded on the SHE Conference April 11th. 🏆

SHE Conference | 2024

Come and join us in celebrating these inspirational companies! 💫


Actions speaks louder than words, so first we took a stand and then we started to walk. 🎯

To have an index that will inspire tangible, measurable progress, is part of the “why” behind the SHE Index. This is also why we are proud to join the partnership and contribute by unlocking the numbers and turning data into actionable insights.

The winners in 2024 will be recognized for their significant effort and be awarded at the SHE Conference in Oslo on April 11th. Hope to see you there!

SHE Conference | 2024


Actions speaks louder than words, so first we took a stand and then we started to walk.🎯

To have an index that will inspire tangible, measurable progress, is part of the “why” behind the SHE Index. This is also why we Stretchgruppen NO are proud to join the partnership and contribute by unlocking the numbers and turning data into actionable insights.

The winners in 2024 will be recognized for their significant effort and be awarded at the SHE Conference in Oslo on April 11th. Hope to see you there!

SHE Conference | 2024


Actions speaks louder than words, so first we took a stand and then we started to walk.🎯

To have an index that will inspire tangible, measurable progress, is part of the “why” behind the SHE Index. This is also why we Stretchgruppen NO are proud to join the partnership and contribute by unlocking the numbers and turning data into actionable insights.

The winners in 2024 will be recognized for their significant effort and be awarded at the SHE Conference in Oslo on April 11th. Hope to see you there!

SHE Conference | 2024


Vi er kjempestolte over å ønske Christoffer Normannsen velkommen til Stretch Addera 🌟

Med nærmere 3 års erfaring som Atlassian-konsulent har Christoffer rukket både å ta sertifisering, lede migrering til sky og levere flere prosjekter. Han har høy kompetanse i å implementere nye og utvide og optimalisere eksisterende løsninger - å pusle sammen biter og brokker av informasjon og sy det sammen til gode løsninger synes han er gøy. 👏

Christoffer har valgt ITSM og Atlassian-universet som sin faglige favoritt. Han drives av å levere robuste løsninger og har et øye for de viktige detaljene. 💻

Vi ønsker Christoffer velkommen på laget! 😍


Actions speaks louder than words, so first we took a stand and then we started to walk. 🎯

To have an index that will inspire tangible, measurable progress, is part of the “why” behind the SHE Index . This is also why we Stretchgruppen are proud to join the partnership and contribute by unlocking the numbers and turning data into actionable insights.

The winners in 2024 will be recognized for their significant effort and be awarded at the SHE Conference in Oslo on April 11th. Hope to see you there!

SHE Conference | 2024


Det er med stor glede å ønske Matias Pettersen velkommen til Stretch Engage som det nyeste medlemmet i vårt SalesForce-utviklingsteam. 🌟 Med sin varme personlighet og smittende smil, er han klar til å sette sitt preg og skape verdi for alle våre kunder.

Matias bringer med seg verdifull erfaring fra SaaS-bransjen og har en solid bakgrunn innen softwareutvikling. Vi ser frem til å samarbeide med ham og dra nytte av hans ekspertise for å levere enda bedre løsninger til våre kunder.

Velkommen, Matias! 🎉


Actions speaks louder than words, so first we took a stand and then we started to walk. 🎯

The SHE Index is a catalyst for encouraging stakeholders to focus on diversity and inclusion in leadership and workforce, equal compensation, and work life balance.

The winners in 2024 will be recognized for their significant effort and be awarded on the SHE Conference April 11th. 🏆


Come and join us in celebrating these inspirational companies! 💫


🤝Actions speaks louder than words, so first we took a stand and then we started to walk.

Therefore, Stretch is a proud partner of the She Index this year🤩

🎯The SHE Index measures and compares gender balance, and it will give you valuable insight to be used to continue to improve gender balance and equality💡

We started this morning at the Stretch Office to celebrate the international woman’s day and talk about how we can take our stand into actions and be part of the journey towards greater equality🌍


We have taken a stand - join us in committing to social equity!

Stretch is a proud partner with SHE Index and last week we answered the survey ourselves. The Survey gave us valuable insight and it was a low effort to respond. 💡

SHE Index have a user-friendly interface which gave us a positive and smooth experience. So, no need to worry - just do it! 💪

Make sure to register and submit the survey before tomorrow March 8th.


📢 We have taken a stand - join us in committing to social equity! 📢

Make sure to register and submit the survey before March 8th.

The Survey gave us valuable insight and it was a low effort to respond. 💡

SHE Index have a user-friendly interface which gave us a positive and smooth experience. So, no need to worry - just do it! 💪


🎉 Vi er henrykte over å ønske Mustafa velkommen til teamet som vår nye Senior Konsulent hos Stretch Engage!

Med over 5 års erfaring innen Salesforce- og HubSpot-prosjekter, har Mustafa en imponerende bakgrunn fra ledende roller hos Salesforce, Knowit og fra å drive sitt eget IT-selskap hvor han jobbet for kunder i Irland og Storbritannia. 🌍

Vi ser frem til å dra nytte av Mustafas ekspertise og lidenskap for teknologi, og er sikre på at han vil være en verdifull ressurs for vårt team og våre kunder. 💯

Velkommen ombord, Mustafa!

Julegave med mening - Stretch 20/12/2023

“Å få en mentor via Kreftkompasset har hjulpet meg med å komme videre i livet” (Anette, kreftoverlever og aktiv trebarnsmor)

Julegave med mening 🎄
Fjorårets julegave til alle norske ansatte i Stretch er akkurat avsluttet.

Vi bidro med mentor, Elfrid Stabellini, som fikk delta på Kreftkompasset sitt mentorskapsprogram over 1 år.

Kreftkompasset er en organisasjon som bistår tidligere kreftpasienter i overgangen tilbake til arbeidslivet. ❤️

I fjor ble Elfrid kjent med Anette Hastad Holm, en aktiv trebarnsmor fra Lier, som har vært igjennom sarkombehandling. Siden den gang har de to truffet hverandre jevnlig for å finne ut av ulike utfordringer og med et mål for øyet – Anette ville tilbake til jobb igjen. 💪

Noen uker før jul delte Anette delte sin historie sammen med Elfrid til Stretch ansatte, en sterk historie til ettertanke som viser hvor viktig det er å tilrettelegge for inkludering og felleskap på en arbeidsplass når ansatte står i en livskrise. En sterk historie som du kan lese mer om i bloggen til Elfrid. 🌟

Takk til Kreftkompasset for det viktige arbeidet dere gjør i å spre bevissthet rundt dette, og vi anbefaler alle å gi en julegave med mening og støtte mennesker på reisen tilbake til arbeidslivet. 😍

Julegave med mening - Stretch Å få en mentor via Kreftkompasset har hjulpet meg med å komme videre i livet – Anette, kreftoverlever og aktiv trebarnsmor Fjorårets julegave til alle /../


Fredager er alltid en sosial dag på Stretch-kontoret og en anledning for mange gode samtaler. ✨
For å skape resultater trenger vi produktive arbeidsøkter, men vi trenger også å dele erfaringer, utveksle ideer og sparre rundt kunders løsninger. 💡

Forrige fredag samlet Stretch InProcure seg til en av sine arbeidslunsjer. Det ble som alltid god mat og engasjerte diskusjoner om innkjøp. Tema for dagen var hvordan bærekraft skaper nye muligheter i innkjøp, og hvordan man kan håndtere risikoen det grønne skiftet fører med seg og endringer i komplekse verdikjeder. 📊 🌍

Vi mener at innkjøp vil spille en helt sentral rolle i de endringene samfunnet og bedriftene står ovenfor i våre dager. Bedrifter som er opptatt av og ønsker å satse på bærekraft, er helt avhengig av å ha med seg innkjøp på laget. 🌱

Vil du plassere din bedrift på toppen av Bedrift-listen i Oslo?
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Videoer (vis alle)

📢 We have taken a stand - join us in committing to social equity! 📢 Make sure to register and submit the survey before M...
Om tanker beskriver hvem du vil være, viser handlinger hvem du er. For utvikling kreves det mot, mot til å handle og til...
Om tanker beskriver hvem du vil være, viser handlinger hvem du er. For utvikling kreves det mot, mot til å handle og til...
Oppskriften til vår suksess er entreprenørskap. Stretch feier 20 år med entreprenørskap. Det har vært en fantastisk veks...
"Culture eats strategy for breakfast" Är ett känt uttryck från managementkonsulten och författaren Peter Drucker. Uttryc...
Oppskriften til vår suksess er entreprenørskap. Stretch feier 20 år med entreprenørskap. Det har vært en fantastisk veks...
Oppskriften til vår suksess er entreprenørskap. Stretch feier 20 år med entreprenørskap. Det har vært en fantastisk veks...
Oppskriften til vår suksess er entreprenørskap. Stretch feier 20 år med entreprenørskap. Det har vært en fantastisk veks...
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Torggata 5


Mandag 09:00 - 16:00
Tirsdag 09:00 - 16:00
Onsdag 09:00 - 16:00
Torsdag 09:00 - 16:00
Fredag 09:00 - 16:00

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