

Helping women raise their self-awareness so they can become the best versions of themselves!


Hi everyone! 👋🏼

Recently I felt called to make a fresh start and I’ve created the new account 💕

Thanks for all the love and support throughout this accounts journey. The likes, the comments, the dm’s, and story views and interactions have been very appreciated, fun and meaningful 🫶 I have grown a lot in this journey! 🥹

A heads up that this account will soon no longer be active , although I will probably keep all the content here (because there is a lot of value here) 😬 😉

So, if you want to keep in touch and keep interacting I would love for you to follow me over at 😇😍

Love and blessings to you 🩷

Photos from Selfawarenessmethod's post 15/04/2024

What are you going to choose? 😌

Double tap if this resonated 💛


An important reminder 🥹🙏🏽🫶 from

Double tap if this resonates ❤️

Photos from Selfawarenessmethod's post 06/03/2024

Which one is most relatable? 🫣🤭😜


You´re tired from a long day and all you want is at least 7 hours of quality sleep 🛌 😴

However, that little voice inside your head is likely telling you how your partner or friend should have treated you more kindly, how your boss should have given you more praise, or how you can´t get sick this week, and here you are staring at the ceiling for what seems like 5 hours 😵‍💫

Naturally, you want to blame other people´s behavior and unwanted circumstances for your sleepless night. I mean, if only they could get their act together and behave differently you wouldn´t be overthinking and feeling this way in the first place, right? 🙄

In fact, you would probably feel a whole lot better most of the time 🤔

However, have you ever considered that it might not be other people or circumstances that need to change but where you are placing your focus and attention? 😳

You see, relying on certain cirumstances or people to act a certain way so that we can feel better is like being a plant that only blooms when the sun shines on it just right. The plant probably won´t have a long and healthy life, right? 🪴

So, instead of focusing on your partner or friend not behaving in a way you desire, what about focusing on all the ways they bring you joy and being thankful that they´re in your life? 🫣

Of course this is easier said than done, especially in moments of anger 😠

So, allow yourself to move through it first: feel and release any disempowering emotion, in a healthy way, then proceed to switch your focus.

It all starts with awareness and repeatedly moving our focus and attention until it becomes an automatic habit.

Gaining awareness around our focus and attention can be compared to cleaning a dirty window. As you clean the window, you gain a clearer view of the outside world. Similarily, increasing our self-awareness helps us gain a clearer perspective on ourselves and our life 🥰

So, next time you lay in bed starting at the ceiling, notice whether your focus is on what you want or do NOT want 😉

Then be a resilient plant that blooms in ANY condition 🌱


Look what just arrived in my mailbox 📖

One of my trusted mentor recommended this book, and of course I ordered it immediately 😜

Can’t wait to get started, and learn more about why I’ve always been so emotional 🤭🫣😯

Anyone read it? Or have any other good book recommendations?

Please share in the comments 👇🏼

Photos from Selfawarenessmethod's post 23/01/2024

Which reason (1-5) resonates the most? 🫣😄


Let´s create a world where we are accepted and can thrive because of who we are, and NOT for what society has told us to be and what the accepted societal norms are 🫢

Let´s create a better world for the current population & new future generation of kids who will grow up believing in possibility instead of lack and limitations 😌🙏🏽🩷

Let´s let children grow up in a more harmonious society that no longer says they have to be or do X,Y,Z to be good enough/beautiful/worthy or accepted 😬

A society in which they already KNOW they are good enough just for being born, and that it is safe for them to express their uniqueness and follow what lights them up 💫

Let´s end the suffering and lift each other up.

Who is with me? 🙋🏼‍♀️


Yes to this 🩷🥹😁

Double tap if you agree 😄


Reacting vs responding 🫣😌

Which one are you choosing? 🥹


So much to do and so little time…🫠

Anyone else? 😮‍💨👹🙏🏽


The world is a better place when women come together

When the need for competition, hatred, and jealousy is no longer present. When women feel confident in their own skin make choices that feel aligned with them, and where freedom, happiness and love is the norm, not the exception.

A society wherein we feel safe to trust ourselves and follow our internal compass.

When we feel we have the power to influence outcomes, understand things from multiple perspectives, keep growing & improving and love ourselves and one another.

The world is a better place when women come together through the self-awareness method.


“When I say watch your language. The words we use shape the way we think and how we feel and how we feel determines what we do, and what we do determines whether you get results or not.

I am talking about being aware that there are certain words that you use, everyone individually uses, that puts your energy up and some that put it down. Certain words and phrases start to limit you, certain words and phrases free you.

By transforming the words you use regularly, you literally change your biochemistry, your emotions, your thinking and your actions.

But if you are unaware, then these words can take over your life and limit you without even knowing it.

So, a belief is a set of words we say over and over again to ourselves with so much certainty that we begin to believe it, then we will look for ways to justify it, and then pretty soon we are stuck. But you can just eliminate the words and start to change."

- Tony Robbins

Double tap if this message resonates 💖


I bet 10 hours out of everyday when you catch your thoughts you are noticing that they´re all negative 😱😳🫣

Here are 3 reasons why those negative thoughts might exist:

👉🏼A majority of your focus & attention is on what you don´t want or what you are lacking

👉🏼You often make other people and outside events responsible for how you feel

👉🏼You´re likely looking to past experiences to determine what is and is not possible for you

If any of those resonate with you, DM me or comment the word “thoughts” to see how you can release these 🙏🏽🕊️

Photos from Selfawarenessmethod's post 24/11/2023

Comment your favourite emoji if you're a woman who´s finally ready to live a happier & more fulfilling life 💖🙋🏼‍♀️


You’re tired from a long day and all you want is at least 7 hours of quality sleep 🛌 😴 💤

However, the little voice inside your head is likely telling you how your partner or friend should have treated you more kindly, how your boss should have given you more praise, or how you can´t get sick this week, and here you are staring at the ceiling for what seems like 5 hours 😵‍💫

Naturally you want to blame other people’s behavior and unwanted circumstances for your sleepless nights. I mean, if only others could get their act together and behave in a way that pleases you, you wouldn’t be overthinking in the first place, right? 🙄

In fact, you would probably feel a whole lot better all the time. 🤔

However, have you ever considered that it might not be other people or circumstances that need to change but where you are placing your focus and attention? 😳

You see, relying on certain circumstances or people to feel a certain way is like being a plant that only blooms when the sun shines on it just right. The plant probably won´t have a healthy and long life 🪴

Don´t be that plant 🤭

Gaining awareness around our focus and attention can be compared to cleaning a dirty window. As you clean the window, you gain a clearer view of the outside world. Similarly, increasing our self-awareness helps us gain a clearer perspective on ourselves and our life 🥰

So, next time you lay in bed starting at the ceiling, notice whether your focus is on what you want or do not want 😉

Then be a resilient plant that blooms in any condition 🌱


I know it´s hard when you´ve been struggling what seems like your whole life to find true happiness. Whether that is being happy for no reason, landing your dream career or starting a family.

I know it’s hard when your day starts out with smiles, laughter and you´re full of energy only to let that rude stranger bring you down.

If you´re like most women you´ve probably asked yourself the following questions:

💫Why is it so hard to maintain a good mood throughout the whole day?

💫Are my current circle what I have to accept from life?

It doesn´t help that thoughts like “I am not good enough” enter your mind when you think of yourself or look in the mirror, if you can even bring yourself to look into your own eyes 👀

Sometimes it´s easier to lose yourself in the world of social media, mindlessly scrolling searching for answers, only to realise that 1-2 hours have gone by and you haven´t found any lasting peace ☮️

I know you are sick of being the disempowered woman and feeling this way because the truth is you are meant for so much more 🙏🏽

You deserve the inner peace, happiness and fulfillment you’ve been looking for.

You deserve to become the self-aware woman, and I am here to show you how to step into that role 💋


What has helped me on my own healing journey is to know that absolutely everyone experiences the same feelings and emotions. Knowing that we are not alone in this can be very helpful ❣️

We may not always see others´negative reactions and emotions but known that it´s natural to experience the full range of emotions, especially the more negative ones such as anger, sadness, frustration, envy, negative thinking etc 😳

What truly matters is how long we allow ourselves to stay there and how quickly we can move our attention to something more positive 😬

The thing is – the mind works by repetition, and most of us have the same thoughts and emotions day after day

So, many of these patterns can be pretty deeply engrained, which is why it can be so hard for many to get out of the negative cycle 🌪️

I´m curious – how do you get yourself out of a negative loop of emotions? I would love to know 🤗


Let's create a world where we are accepted and can thrive because of who we are, and NOT for who society tells us to be and what the accepted societal norms are 🫢

Let's create a better world for the current population & new future generation of kids who will grow up believing in possibility instead of lack and limitations 😌🙏🏽❤️

Let's let children grow up in a more harmonious society that no longer says they have to be or do X,Y,Z to be good enough/beautiful/worthy or accepted 😬

A society in which they already know they are good enough just for being born and that it is safe for them to express their uniqueness and follow what lights them up 💫

Let's end the suffering and lift each other up.

Who is with me? 🙋🏼‍♀️

Photos from Selfawarenessmethod's post 06/10/2023

Which one resonates the most (1-7)? 😱🤗

Let me know in the comments below 👇🏼


I am choosing 3 lucky woman that each will receive FREE 30 min coaching from me 🤩

DM me the word "Coaching" and let's see how we can help you live a more powerful life 💖

Photos from Selfawarenessmethod's post 04/10/2023

Let me know in the comments which one resonates the most 🤭

Photos from Selfawarenessmethod's post 13/09/2023

Which one is most relatable? 🫣😌😌


It´s heartbreaking how many women across the world feel as though they are lacking in some way. Happiness shouldn´t be something that´s a constant struggle. Unfortunately, time and time again, society has told us that our value lies in our appearance or our performance, and that we need to be perfect, when, in reality, none of us can be.

Let´s look at celebrities for example. Most of them have all the things they (and maybe us) could every dream of, the money, the amazing home, number one selling album or Oscar(s) on their shelves, and yet so many of them still turn to drugs and alcohol and addiction to feel happy and fulfilled.

How many of us have come to believe that our happiness depends on having the perfect career, perfect marriage, or perfect children; and that we musn´t many any mistakes, or else we will be deemed unworthy? (All externalities 😱)

External factors such as these are, for the most part, out of our control, and can change at any give moment, like a balloon, expanding or deflating based on the pressure of outside forces.

Let us instead empower women to recognize their intrinsic value and take a stand against the idea that women must always feel unworthy. Let´s start by celebrating our unique strengths and capabilities, and recognizing that we are all worthy, and that we get to choose our own happiness!

Double tap if you are ready to tap into your inner happiness 💖

Photos from Selfawarenessmethod's post 06/09/2023

Swipe ➡️💜

Let’s talk about how we can get you started 🥰 DM me “happy” for more.


Who wants to learn how to let go of negative thoughts in 2 min or less? 😉🤓👏🏼

Yes please 🙋🏼‍♀️

Unfortunately, it's all too common for women to experience at least two or more negative thoughts per day. These thoughts can be hard to shake and can lead to a deep feeling of loneliness, worry, and even hopelessness. You may be starting to feel like your negative thinking is controlling you instead of you being in control. Sound familiar?

Enter, free mini course 🤩

Learn what most women do when they experience negative thoughts, what happens if you do those and what to do reframe and redirect your thoughts so that you spend less energy on negativity and more energy on what really matters, like having fun and feeling well and at peace!

So, what are you waiting for? 🥸😉

Head to the link in mu bio to get access to this free training and with it you will be able to let go of negative thoughts in two minutes or less starting TODAY.

Photos from Selfawarenessmethod's post 22/08/2023

Which reason resonates the most (1-5)? 🤓🤔


Have you ever felt like toxic positivity suffocates your genuine emotions, leaving you feeling disconnected from your true self?

🚫 Enough with Toxic Positivity! 🚫
No more pretending that everything is rainbows and sunshine, while deep down, you're grappling with challenges and doubts. Toxic positivity might seem comforting at first, but it's an illusion that traps us in a superficial world where genuine emotions are silenced. Let's break this facade and embrace a bolder, more vivid reality!

🔥 Embrace Your Raw Emotions! 🔥
Life is a rollercoaster of emotions, and it's time to embrace every twist and turn without judgment or suppression. Feelings of anger, sadness, and frustration are as valid as happiness and excitement. By acknowledging our raw emotions, we gain insight into ourselves and open doors for true growth.

💪 The Power of Resilience 💪
Real positivity isn't about plastering a fake smile; it's about resilience! Embrace your strength to face challenges head-on and grow from them. Embracing setbacks as learning experiences empowers you to overcome obstacles and emerge stronger than ever.

🌱 The Beauty of Imperfection 🌱
Perfection is an illusion that stifles growth. Embrace your imperfections, and let them be your stepping stones to progress. Real positivity lies in acknowledging that it's okay to stumble along the way; it's all part of the beautiful journey of self-improvement.

🌈 The Balance of Positivity and Realism 🌈
Genuine positivity doesn't ignore reality; it strikes a powerful balance between optimism and realism. Setting ambitious yet achievable goals, acknowledging limitations, and facing obstacles with courage will lead you to real transformation.

(Continued in caption)


Double tap if you’re a woman who’s ready to let go of disempowering thoughts, behaviors and feelings and finally step into the self-aware woman you deserve to be👸🏼

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