

Healthcare workforce planning solution that uses AI to help analyse historical data to predict future absences and budget spendings.

Jeg jobber som assistent i helsesektoren. Og jeg har ikke nok tid. 08/11/2022

Økt bemanning gir tid til omsorg

Med flere heltidsstillinger og høyere bemanning vil belastende ansvar og arbeidsoppgaver fordeles mellom flere, og sykefraværet vil gå ned. Hvis man reduserer sykefraværet, vil kanskje ikke den økte bemanningen «koste skjorta» likevel, og helsefaglige utdanninger vil bli mer attraktive.

Jeg jobber som assistent i helsesektoren. Og jeg har ikke nok tid. Grunnen? De som bestemmer over pengesekken, prioriterer ikke at jeg skal ha det.

SynPlan - AI solution to optimise healthcare workforce planning 04/10/2022

Å få tak i sjukepleiarar har blitt ei stor utfordring for mange norske kommunar. Ifølgje ei undersøking som KS Kommunesektorens organisasjon har gjort, opplever 86 prosent av kommunane i landet at det er svært eller ganske utfordrande å rekruttere sjukepleiarar.

"Gjer det meir attraktivt å søke", er rådet frå sjukepleiarane sjølve.

kan også være en løsning. Be om en demo på

SynPlan - AI solution to optimise healthcare workforce planning SynPlan uses advanced AI to predict future sick-leave absence and budget spending, helping healthcare managers reduce 50% time spent planning & save cost.

Vind og vær skal gjøre arbeidsdagen mer forutsigbar 25/07/2022

Været kan brukes til langt mer enn hva du tror. Nå skal det også inn i helsevesenet for å gi et bedre tilbud både for pasienter og ansatte.

"Vår motivasjon for å være med på dette var å redusere de mange deltidsstillingene i helsesektoren. Vi tror også at hvis vi får færre deltidsstillinger, så hjelper det både å holde på fagkompetansen og sikre rekruttering."

Se hvordan SynPlan hjelper organisasjonen din med å spare kostnader:

Les mer:

Vind og vær skal gjøre arbeidsdagen mer forutsigbar Været kan brukes til langt mer enn hva du tror. Nå skal det også inn i helsevesenet for å gi et bedre tilbud både for pasienter og ansatte.


I mai stod Werner Christie, tidligere helseminister og styremedlem i SynPlan, på scenen på Helsedatadagen og delte innsikt om heltidsarbeidskulturen, og hvordan man kan skape en bedre helsetjeneste ved å fokusere på økt stillingsprosent og reduksjon av behovet for deltidsansatte.

Han hadde også fruktbare diskusjoner med representanter fra Helsedirektoratet og Norsk Helsenett.

🍿 Se Werner's foredrag

Photos from SynPlan's post 10/05/2022

Last Thursday, May 5th, we had a productive roundtable with and leaders from the Kongsberg and Nes municipality, Bydel Stovner, Bydel Østensjø, Bydel Sagene, and Bydel Alna. Together with Ingjerd Birkelund, the leaders addressed the mounting cost and uncertainty of high sickness absence, the time-consuming and stressful administrative tasks, as well as the looming overbudget issue that the pandemic has exacerbated. All of these challenges are adversely impacting the quality of healthcare services.

In discussion with Werner Christie and Arne Martin Nytrøen, we also agreed that promoting full-time culture and applying cutting-edge technology like / would be critical solutions to the current challenges of the Norwegian healthcare system.

We thank Øyvind Melgård for sharing the success story of Trondheim in using to predict sick leave absenteeism. The software enables them to plan more proactively and increase the efficiency of the municipality. Millions of NOK were saved, and planning time was shortened by 50% due to the implementation of the new technology.

Last but not least, a big thanks to Considium Consulting Group AS and Norway for co-organising the event and hosting us!


Ongoing discussion between Werner Christie and Arne Martin Nytrøen about the importance of full-time culture in and how we can leverage the high technology, such as , to improve healthcare and welfare services in Norway.

The discussion is part of the event "How can sickness absence in the health sector lead to improved municipal finances?", organised by and Considium Consulting Group AS


Join us tomorrow at the AI+ conference with a presentation from Hai Thanh Nguyen about how to save cost and improve efficiency by using AI in staff planning in .

Learn more about SynPlan:

After lunch on 3 May, Patrick Bours, Saghar Asadi, Erik Fosse, Andreas Risvaag, Hai Nguyen and Sigbjørn Høgne will be talking about possibilities and challenges about use of artificial intelligence within this topics; society, medicine, energy and cyber grooming.

Join AI+ 2022! 👇


On May 3rd, Thanh Nguyen, our CEO will have a sharing session on how to apply AI/ML in optimising workforce planning in . This optimisation not only has a positive impact on the bottom line of the organisation but also improves the well-being of both and .

Join him at:

+ Conference is organized by Smart Innovation Norway, eSmart Systems, Institute for Energy Technology and Halden Municipality, in collaboration with Cluster for Applied AI.


Happy Easter and Hello Spring! 🐣🐰

In celebration of Easter, is thrilled to receive a new grant for innovation contracts from Innovasjon Norge as part of the current project with Oslo kommune.

We believe SynPlan will benefit greatly from the new grant as it will help expand the company's team and develop the product.

Enjoy this holiday season of and may the spring bring a lot of fun(d)s for the future 😂

Photos from SynPlan's post 08/04/2022

Last week, the SynPlan team had a productive meeting with healthcare leaders and managers from Trondheim kommune. Joining us were our dear partners from Considium Consulting Group AS.

According to the discussion, being efficient in the planning process is a key factor in improving nursing conditions and raising the standard of . Furthermore, the organisation must change itself to adapt to the changing demands of the patients and the ageing population and maximize the benefits of new technology.

SynPlan is more than happy to be part of this meaningful journey with Trondheim municipality. Our goal together is to have a more positive impact on the healthcare industry.

👉 Learn more about :


Trondheim flytter turnusplanleggingen fra virksomhetene til økonomitjenesten. Kommunen håper på bedre tjenester og reduserte utgifter med hjelp av kunstig intelligens.

👉 Les mes:!/


Happy !

Around 70% of workers are female 👩‍⚕️ and work in a stressful, volatile, and family-unfriendly environment.

By freeing up time and better planning for , we at are happy to play our part in removing the discrepancies in this sector and, in doing so, positively impacting more women proportionately.

Wanna join us in this mission?
👉 Apply Now!


Playbook in Healthcare Workforce Planning

The pandemic strains the healthcare system beyond its limits, exhausting healthcare professionals. More than ever, cutting-edge technology like AI/ML has been a driving force for change and improvement in this industry.

This playbook will give you an overview of how systems work and how they can optimise workforce planning in a 4-step process.

👉 Download Now:


SynPlan uses advanced AI technology to analyse large amounts of data to predict in advance the demand of healthcare as well as the absence of nurses.

The solution empowers healthcare managers and planners to plan their workforce more efficiently and more proactively with the sick-leave prediction taken into account, thus reducing the cost, saving the budget, and at the same time increasing the quality of services.

👉 Learn More:

Styrer bemanning med kunstig intelligens 07/02/2022

Great thanks to Teknisk Ukeblad , .no and Haugstad for having a recap about 's project with Trondheim, Norway municipality. Initially testing on a small scale, SynPlan has recently signed a long-term contract with the municipality and is now supporting the municipality's organisational restructure to take full advantage of the AI solution.

"To fully reap the benefits of technology, we must adopt and use it as best as possible. This requires revamping organisational structures, which result in many man-years saved by centralising and utilising cutting-edge technology. We believe this tool will reduce sickness absence and help us manage more effectively so that we can reduce temporary hiring and improve the well-being of nurses and patients.", Chief Financial Officer Lars Dyrdahl said.

As part of his startup journey, Hai met Werner Christie, former Norwegian Health Minister, and converted him from a sceptic to a supporter of . Werner believes that the solution would help reduce the need for temporary workers considerably, saving a lot of money while providing better quality for the patients.

👉 Read more about SynPlan's project with Trondheim in the link below (in Norwegian)

Styrer bemanning med kunstig intelligens Trondheim kommune har tatt i bruk kunstig intelligens for å predikere sykefravær i helsesektoren. Nå skal også Oslo teste systemet i sykehjem.

Turnusplanlegging – en nøkkel til verdiskaping 04/02/2022

The greater the continuity, the more comprehensive, the more binding, and the more personal the treatment is, the greater the welfare value for patients and employees.

👉 Learn more:

Turnusplanlegging – en nøkkel til verdiskaping Bedre arbeidstidsplanlegging, med heltid som utgangspunkt, er nøkkelen til verdiskaping for både pasienter og ansatte.  


Happy Lunar New Year!

As one of SynPlan founders has his origin from Vietnam, we'd love to celebrate this special tradition with all of our partners, customers, and members.

We wish you and your families have a roaring Year of the Tiger 🐯, with good health, prosperity and happiness ❤️ Let the strong nature of the tiger reflect in your life and work hard to fulfil all your goals 💪

Timeline photos 27/01/2022

In 2021, SynPlan was one of the winners of BOWI Project, received funding from the EU's Horizon 2020 (H2020) and entered a 10-month long BOWI Support Program which includes both technical and business-related support and access to training sessions offered by the BOWI network partners.

Throughout the experiment with Trondheim municipality, SynPlan has developed an solution to solve the strain of the system in workforce planning by predicting in advance the demand of healthcare as well as the absence of core employees. The healthcare leaders from Trondheim have saved 50% of planning time, increased the full-time employees, and saved 6.7% of budget.

It was a great learning experience for . Thanks to BOWI and its Digital Innovation hubs network, SynPlan had a chance to work with many partners across Europe, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), and RWTH Aachen University. Special thanks to Magnus Själander, Rainer Leupers, and Maurits Butter for collaborating and supporting us during this project.

👉 Learn more about the experiment and its result:


More than 30 percent of nurses are thinking of leaving direct patient care.*

The area of workforce health and well-being is greatly overlooked. "In general, mental health is an underappreciated, underdiscussed issue in the entire population, and nurses are no exception to that." - Gretchen Berlin, McKinsey Senior Partner

leaders can promote a healthy workforce culture by offering recognition in the form of financial, societal and also recognition in the workplace. The well-being of people at work is a key factor for the loyalty of staff and the productivity of the business.

could be another solution for healthcare leaders. With the AI-powered solution, healthcare leaders can focus their time and energy on patient care rather than planning, thus improving both the well-being of patients and employees while keeping their budgets under control.

👉 See more:


Timeline photos 18/01/2022

AI is transforming the healthcare sector, and is here to help

🚀 75% CXOs at leading organisations believe that will help them grow faster by cutting wasteful spending.
📉 64% believe that their organisations need better predictability and insights into their operations
💪 46% of young (under 40) healthcare professionals believe that AI can reduce inefficiency in administrative work.

Learn more about SynPlan:



SynPlan harnesses the power of & technology to help providers cope with the ongoing frustration of the workforce during and after the pandemic.

The solution empowers healthcare managers and planners to plan their workforce more efficiently and more proactively with sick-leave prediction taken into account, thus reducing the cost, saving the budget, and at the same time increasing the quality of services.

We'd love to chat with you about how SynPlan helps our customers save 50% of
planning time!

👉 Learn more

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