EMAHO Care&Massage

EMAHO Care&Massage

*Thai Massage *Oil Massage *Gua Sha/Scraping


Choose between Thai massage and Oil Massage 💕


I hope that the coming time will be full of a satisfaction and a fulfilment in every area of your lives. I wish you moments full of love, patience and happiness.


Sunday is a rest day. Just received a mini, cute and effective massage of my forearm 💙


Girls, do you dry brush your skin?

It's great! I tell you 😍

It's a natural exfoliation of a dry skin.
Increases blood and lymph circulation.
You have softer, smoother and radiant skin.
Great for a stretch marks and scars.
C - section scars too.

Photos from EMAHO Care&Massage's post 09/12/2020

First meeting with a Thai Massage.
My first steps in 2017 ;)


How is your day going? ✌️


For the last few days I was living with this huge pain in my shoulder blade, shoulder and neck.

I blame my pillow 😒

But today I decided to do something about it.
And here I am, after massage with a tennis ball and some scraping with gua sha.
It feels much better.

Don't worry, scraping is a safe and effective technique. Those bruises are just a bad blood making space in the muscles for a good blood 😉 as a traditional chinese medicine explains.


Special offer for new customers, you can choose between:
* a 20% discount for the first massage CODE: emaho20
* when you buy two, second one is only half price! CODE: emaho108

Thai massage is performed in loose, comfortable clothing.
Massage with an oil it is gentle one.
Gua sha is performed on a face or chosen part of a body.
All massages are performed on a mattress.
You can sleep.
We can talk if you want to.
It does not have to hurt.
Mamas are welcome with babies.

30min/1h/1,5h/2h massages

Grorud, Oslo



I had a pleasure to write a few words about Gua Sha massage. is a site created by two amazing women. One of them is my great massage teacher. They promotes beauty of a natural aging. I think it is amazing.

It's in polish but anyway you can enjoy a video ;)


Girls, remember to take care of yourself well.

I have packages of Gua Sha Facial Treatment for you in my offer.

No botox needed.

Good cosmetics and massages can do miracles.

Packages includes a gift - gua sha stone and oil and instructions so you can start your rituals at home 🖤

Photos from EMAHO Care&Massage's post 21/11/2020

🇬🇧 🇵🇱

🍃Gua Sha🍃

Is performed on a chosen body part. Usually, in a therapeutic context, on the back, shoulders and neck, but also on the chest, legs and arms.

Facial treatment is a gentle, incredibly pleasant, smoothing procedure that softens wrinkles/has lifting effects 💆

Gua Sha has also a therapeutic influence on blood and lymph flow. It involves rhythmic scraping across the surface of the skin with usually, a small stone plate. However, as our grandmas have proven, one could also do wonders with a simple coin 😉

👉relaxes the muscles
👉releases built up toxins
👉which makes their removal from the body faster
👉you need to drink water
👉you need to rest after the treatment
👉after gua sha: it is best not to exercise or drink alcohol, avoid sun exposure, sauna and swimming pool

⚠️contraindications⚠️: menstruation, extensive acne lesions, cardiovascular disease, impaired healing, blood coagulation issues, pregnancy, all unhealed skin lesions, implants, neoplasm.



Wykonuje się na wybraną część ciała. Terapeutycznie najczęściej są to plecy, barki i szyja, ale też klatka piersiowa, nogi i ręce.

Zabieg na twarz jest zabiegiem delikatnym, niezwykle przyjemnym, wygładzającym i liftingującym 💆

Gua sha ma terapeutyczny wpływ na krążenie krwi i limfy. Polega na rytmicznym "przejeżdżaniu" po powierzchni skóry najczęściej kamienną płytką. Ale nasze babcie udowodniły, że i zwykłą monetą można zdziałać cuda ;)

👉rozluźnia mięśnie
👉rozbija złogi toksyn
👉wtedy organizm szybciej się ich pozbywa
👉trzeba pić wodę 💧
👉trzeba odpoczywać po zabiegu
👉po - lepiej nie ćwiczyć, nie pić alkoholu, unikać słońca, sauny i basenu ℹ️

⚠️przeciwskazania⚠️ miesiączka, rozległe zmiany trądzikowe, choroby układu krążenia, problemy z gojeniem się ran, problem z krzepliwością krwi, ciąża, wszelkie niezagojone zmiany skórne, implanty, nowotwory


Gua sha is my weapon ✌️💗



🍃Thai Massage🍃

Takes place on a mattress, in loose, comfortable clothing. The person being massaged should have full, unrestricted range of motion. Thai massage consists in stretches and rhythmic pressing on the muscle. It is performed with hands, elbows, knees and feet. While being energizing, it is also deeply relaxing.

It does not have to hurt, but it should! 😱 The pain mobilizes the body and boosts its regeneration. However it is necessary to differentiate between good and bad pain. Good one brings relief, and bad one makes us clench our teeth and hold our breath. And to breathe is to live.



Odbywa się w luźnym ubraniu, na materacu. Osoba powinna mieć pełny zakres ruchu podczas masażu. Masaż tajski polega na rytmicznym ucisku mięśni, rozciąganiu. Wykonywany jest przy użyciu dłoni, łokci, kolan i stóp. Pobudza, ale też głęboko relaksuje.

Nie musi boleć, ale powinno! 😱 Ból ma za zadanie zmobilizować i pobudzić ciało do samoleczenia. Trzeba rozróżnić ból dobry od złego. Dobry przynosi ulgę, a zły sprawia, że zaciskamy zęby i wstrzymujemy oddech. A oddychać trzeba.

Photos from EMAHO Care&Massage's post 31/10/2020


Why do I do the massage on the mattress?

On this level I can make the best use of the massage techniques, which I apply in both Thai massage and oil massage.

On a surface bigger than the massage table I am able to adjust and move your body’s position freely, and thus reach the muscles, that are less accessible while laying down in one position.


Dlaczego wykonuję masaż na materacu?

Na tym poziomie mogę wykorzystać jak najlepiej techniki masażu, których używam do masażu tajskiego, ale też do masażu olejkiem.

Na przestrzeni większej niż stół do masażu mogę swobodnie zmieniać pozycję waszego ciała, a dzięki temu docierać do mięśni, które są mniej dostępne w "płaskiej" pozycji.

Photos from EMAHO Care&Massage's post 31/10/2020

🇬🇧 🇵🇱

What do I do?
👉 Thai massage
👉 Oil massage
👉 Gua sha

In Oslo, on a mattress 🇳🇴

Why? 💛
There is nothing more beautiful than the sight of a relaxed face after the massage. Your complete trust, when you let me press, stretch and twist your bodies, is absolutely irreplaceable. When I massage you...

🌿you can get in touch with your body,
🌿get rid of all of the pain and tension, both in body and mind,
🌿as well as stay in here and now, for a little while.

🇵🇱 🇵🇱

Co robię?

👉masaż tajski
👉masaż olejkiem
👉gua sha

W Oslo, na materacu 🇳🇴

Dlaczego? 💛
Nie ma niczego piękniejszego niż widok waszej zrelaksowanej twarzy po masażu. Kiedy z pełnym zaufaniem pozwalacie mi uciskać, rozciągać, przekręcać wasze ciała - tego nie da się zastąpić. Masuję was, a wy możecie poczuć swoje ciało, pozbyć się bólów ciała i umysłu, pobyć w tu i teraz.

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