Skog Art Space

Skog Art Space

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SKOG is a vibrant and unconventional art space in Oslo's East End with a crush on material-based art. SKOG will have exhibitions regularly.

SKOG art space is not a gallery, not a studio, not a collection, but something unique in between. SKOG means FOREST in Norwegian. SKOG wants to give you unique experiences. At SKOG everyone is welcome to buy their favourite object on the spot. SKOG takes you into a forest of new experiences, objects and art. At SKOG, no work is too old, too young or unimportant. As in the forest, you will discover


The water tourist

Gjennom residensoppholdet i juli hos Skog Art Space har Benedicte jobbet med et konsept rundt “the water tourist».

Denne vannturisten har lite kunnskap men mye engasjement, den er insektene som tiltrekkes av fuktighet, den er en vandrer på jakt etter enda et fossefall, den er en elvkonflikt, en guidebok, et rensesystem, en metode for å se en by gjennom infrastrukturen for vann, og alle som trenger vann for å leve.

Turistsesongen er ikke ferdig, og Benedicte inviterer inn til en utstilling med arbeider hun har jobbet med under oppholdet hos Skog.

Det blir afternoon tea og åpning den 27. juli, lydvandringer 28. og 29. juli nedover Alnaelva
fra Bryn, og åpent galleri frem til 4. august.



Summer 2024: Join in on SKOG’s audiowalks and exhibition in July!

Benedicte Dahm is this year’s artist in residency at SKOG. During her residency at SKOG, we invite you to join on audiowalks organized by Benedicte and to visit her installations in SKOG in Schweigaardsgate 94, Oslo.


Benedicte Dahm is this year’s artist in residency at SKOG. She was selected by a jury of SKOG own curators and external cooperation partners. See opening hours of her exhibition and dates for audiowalks below.

Benedicte is working between Bergen and Oslo. She got her BFA from KHiO - Oslo Art School, and her master from the art academy at the University of Bergen.

Benedicte moves between drawing, sculpture, installations, maps/audio-walks, animations and printed matters.

She seeks to make visible the infrastructure around us, and uses storytelling to investigate our everyday objects, local stories and how we move and meet in public and private spaces.
During her residency at Skog she is going to work with new audiowalks following Akerselva and Alnaelva, as well as ceating new works and installations inside Skog.


Photos from Skog Art Space's post 29/06/2024

«Tabby Trio» explores the intersection of tradition and the contemporary.
The exhibition tells stories of renewal, sustainability and playful craftsmanship, suggesting us to reconsider our notions of durability, beauty, and utility

Estelle Bourdet is a Norway-based Swiss-Swedish hand weaver working with authentic materials to create textile objects and site-specific installations. A graduate of ECAL University of Art and Design Lausanne in Fine Arts, and with specialized studies in weaving at Capellagården, Sweden, she blends traditional craft with contemporary aesthetics.
Prioritizes conscious creativity by utilizing slow production processes and upcycled materials, each of her piece enhances spaces and embodies craftsmanship and sustainability.
Her work has been exhibited in Switzerland, Sweden, Belgium, Italy, Germany as well as Johannesburg, Montreal and New York.



Photos from Skog Art Space's post 29/06/2024

Tabby Trio exhibition, last w-end!

The showcased pieces in «Tabby Trio» are all made in tabby weave—the simplest and most foundational form of weaving. Bourdet, Meneghini and Hagen each bring their individual approach to this ancient craft, experimenting with various materials, techniques, colors and subjects. The textiles are unified by their composition from sustainable and upcycled materials such as paper, worn climbing ropes, and cotton sheets, echoing the tradition of rag weaving—a craft on Norges Husflidslag’s “red list” of endangered crafts. Traditionally, rag weaving meant recycling worn textiles into new purposes.

Elena Meneghini is a hand weaver based in Milan, Italy. She lived in Sweden for two years to specialice in weaving at Capellagården. Through her practice as a weaver, she seeks to explore experiences related to material culture, valuing quality, care and time as essential elements. Her artistic research feeds on local stories, people and traditions, focusing on places of exchange between different cultures. Weaving becomes her medium of expression, allowing her to curate and select elements for her work.

Her research on paper yarn is particularly fascinated by the rhythm and textile structure that this humble material brings. A material usually associated with the concept of two-dimensionality, once filtered through the loom, comes to life, acquiring new volumes and meanings.

Her work has been exhibited in Italy, South Korea and Sweden.


Artwork by .meneghini

Photos from Skog Art Space's post 27/06/2024

Tabby Trio last week!

The showcased pieces in “Tabby Trio” are all made in tabby weave—the simplest and most foundational form of weaving.
Bourdet, Meneghini and Hagen each bring their individual approach to this ancient craft, experimenting with various materials, techniques, colors and subjects.

Oslo-based hand weaver, artist, and designer Ida Hagen has been fascinated by textiles her whole life, and she completed her textile education at Capellagården in Sweden in 2022. Her work is the result of exploration and experiments with colors, materials, techniques, and textures. In her practice she juggles between art and utility items, mastering everything from weaving and knitting to spinning, felting, and dyeing. As a colorist, she is concerned with the power and impact of color on us all, something she consciously works with in everything she does. Her work has been exhibited in Norway, Sweden, Italy and South Korea.


Textil work by .no


Photos from Skog Art Space's post 14/06/2024

Tabby Trio exhibition by Elena, Estelle & Ida.

Just as a musical trio brings together different instruments to create harmony, hand weavers Estelle Bourdet, Elena Meneghini, and Ida Hagen play with their materials and textiles, making new melodies—a drawn parallel between the rhythmic interplay of music and the interlacing of threads on a loom.

The textiles are unified by their composition from sustainable and upcycled materials such as paper, worn climbing ropes, and cotton sheets, echoing the tradition of rag weaving—a craft on Norges Husflidslag’s “red list” of endangered crafts. Traditionally, rag weaving meant recycling worn textiles into new purposes. Today, working with this technique becomes a conscious and political choice they make in order to use part of the immense amount of textile materials already available.

1. Grey base, 2024 Cotton, upcycled cotton by .no
2/4. Stools, 2023 Cotton, upcycled cotton sheets. Rug, 2024. Paper, 90 × 160 cm by .meneghini
5. La Cordée 8625, 2023 Cotton, upcycled climbing rope – 120 × 198 cm by

Photo .meneghini
Graphic design .michele


Photos from Skog Art Space's post 08/06/2024

Åpne i dag fra kl 12 til 16!

Takk til alle som kom på åpningen på torsdag!

Photos from Norske Kunsthåndverkere Oslo's post 08/06/2024
Photos from Skog Art Space's post 02/06/2024

Iskaffe og kunst i dag! I sommer vil vi sporadisk i helgene selge kaffe og kaldt drikke 🥃, så kom innom for en dobbelt opplevelse. Vi har også satt ut stoler og bord under kirsebærtreet, så lover skygge og snart cherry-blossom🌸

Photos from Skog Art Space's post 01/06/2024

Last w-end «Bomba Fragola» by Nellie Jonsson

Bomba fragola:
Premisset for hele utstillingen hviler på hvor godt besøkende behersker det italienske språket, og det er en underdrivelse å si at det er en forutsetning for å forstå noe som helst av utstillingen i det hele tatt, eller i hvert fall en grunnleggende del av den.¹ En grunnleggende forståelse av språket ansees nødvendig for en dypere opplevelse av utstillingens innhold. Besøkende kan blant annet se at alle titlene på kunstverkene som inngår i utstillingen er skrevet i Språket (italiensk).

«En historisk Dag»
Det har lenge vært spekulert i om månen er laget av ost, men det finnes ingen konkret vitenskapelig eller historisk hendelse som direkte ligger til grunn for denne ideen. Den har heller vokst frem fra menneskets fantasi og tendensen til å assosiere månens bleke, kalkaktige overflate med egenskapene til visse typer ost, slik som en sveitserost som er full av hull...

Hela mitt liv har lett upp till denna stund: Jag är världens sämsta spökskrivare. Förresten är jag också allergisk mot apelsiner. Det är en essentiell del av min persona. En AI skrev den här texten.² Nej, vänta, det gjorde den inte. Det var jag som skrev den. Författaren skriver medvetet om textens ursprung för att skapa ett överraskande inslag. Texten avslutas efter 1307 tecken.

¹ Idag hade varit en väldigt bra dag att få lön

² Utställningen är stöttad av Kulturdirektoratet och NBK


Text by

‎Kunstpraten: Fra Umeå til Nasjonalmuseet on Apple Podcasts 23/05/2024

Hør podkast Kunstpraten med Nellie Jonsson! Hør mer om hennes reise fra Umeå til Oslo, om hvordan hun ser det ekstraordinære i de ordinære tingene i livene i våre, og ikke minst om hennes siste utstilling hos oss i Skog Art Space😀🙌.

‎Kunstpraten: Fra Umeå til Nasjonalmuseet on Apple Podcasts ‎Show Kunstpraten, Ep Fra Umeå til Nasjonalmuseet - 15 May 2024


SKOG holder stengt i dag på grunn av Pinse. Vi sees igjen torsdag 23. mai ☀️

Har du spørsmål om utstillingen til Nellie Jonsson er det bare å ta kontakt!


SKOG is closed today due to Pentecost. See you again on Thursday 23 May!

Photos from Skog Art Space's post 18/05/2024

Bomba fragola”: En utstilling av Nellie Jonsson.

Premisset for hele utstillingen hviler på hvor godt besøkende behersker det italienske språket, og det er en underdrivelse å si at det er en forutsetning for å forstå noe som helst av utstillingen i det hele tatt, eller i hvert fall en grunnleggende del av den.¹
En grunnleggende forståelse av språket ansees nødvendig for en dypere opplevelse av utstillingens innhold. Besøkende kan blant annet se at alle titlene på kunstverkene som inngår i utstillingen er skrevet i Språket (italiensk).

«En historisk Dag»
Det har lenge vært spekulert i om månen er laget av ost, men det finnes ingen konkret vitenskapelig eller historisk hendelse som direkte ligger til grunn for denne ideen. Den har heller vokst frem fra menneskets fantasi og tendensen til å assosiere månens bleke, kalkaktige overflate med egenskapene til visse typer ost, slik som en sveitserost som er full av hull...

Hela mitt liv har lett upp till denna stund: Jag är världens sämsta spökskrivare. Förresten är jag också allergisk mot apelsiner. Det är en essentiell del av min persona. En AI skrev den här texten.² Nej, vänta, det gjorde den inte. Det var jag som skrev den. Författaren skriver medvetet om textens ursprung för att skapa ett överraskande inslag. Texten avslutas efter 1307 tecken.

¹ Idag hade varit en väldigt bra dag att få lön

² Utställningen är stöttad av Kulturdirektoratet och NBK


Text by


Photos from Skog Art Space's post 09/05/2024

Thank you to everyone who came to the opening of solo exhibition “Bomba Fragola” 🍓 w. Nellie Jonsson yesterday. The exhibition is on view until June 2th. Welcome !!


Photo by


“Bomba fragola”, or strawberry bomb in english. This exhibition from Nellie Jonsson will play on the audiences understanding of the italian language.
Welcome to a fun and colorful exhibition. Vernissage on the 8 May at 18:00 in SKOG.


Sommartider, ceramic, 2024. 23 x 23 x 24cm


Fra rom for melk til rom for kunst 30/04/2024

Takk til Kunstavisen for hyggelig omtale! Fra rom for melk til rom for kunst

Aktuell utstilling er From Light to Matter – Mari Ulland & Per Hess. En utstilling som er inne i sin siste uke (står til 5 mai). Håndblåste glass fylt av flouriscerende farger i samspill med lag på lag av farget tekstil: Silke, viskose og bomull hengt over det være seg furu,bjørk, osp eller eik. Per Hess og Mari Ullands presise kunstneriske arbeid utfyller og kontrasterer hverandre. Det er vel verdt å ta turen til Galgeberg og til et særegent og dedikert visningsrom for kunst.

Fra rom for melk til rom for kunst Bjarne Asp skriver om Skog Art Space.

Photos from Skog Art Space's post 27/04/2024

“From Light to Matter“ Is an exhibition in SKOG from 11 April to 5 May. Exhibition w. Mari Ulland & Per Hess.

Mari Ulland, renowned for her colourful textiles, approaches her art with a material approach. When reflecting on colours, our attention gravitates towards our own emotions. Mari draws inspiration from the philosophical thoughts of Ludwig Wittgenstein, where she embraces the notion that colours are acquired through cultural learning.
For Mari, colours provide a journey into people’s experiences and feelings, historical epochs, and ideologies.
Engaged with colours within her textile compositions, she navigates the dynamic relationship of transitions and layers. Her artwork has a tendency towards occasional disorder due to the inherent flexibility of textiles.


Stor blå, 2024.Silk, viscose, cotton, pine, natural colored aspen
Text by Benjamin Apse

Photos from Skog Art Space's post 18/04/2024

From Light to Matter w. Mari Ulland & Per Hess, is an exhibition in SKOG from 11 April to 5 May that showcases how light and colour work togheter. The exhibit will display two artist working with the same themes but with different media.

Mari Ulland, renowned for her colourful textiles, approaches her art with a material approach. When reflecting on colours, our attention gravitates towards our own emotions. Mari draws inspiration from the philosophical thoughts of Ludwig Wittgenstein, where she embraces the notion that colours are acquired through cultural learning.
For Mari, colours provide a journey into people’s experiences and feelings, historical epochs, and ideologies. Engaged with colours within her textile compositions, she navigates the dynamic relationship of transitions and layers. Her artwork has a tendency towards occasional disorder due to the inherent flexibility of textiles.


Grønn Grid 10.04.24. Silk, viscose, cotton, natural dyed. Cotton synthetically dyed. Plexiglas.

Text: Benjamin Apse
Photo: Kristian Hagerup/ Brian Noguera-Gabrielli


Photos from Skog Art Space's post 17/04/2024

From Light to Matter ~ w. Mari Ulland and Per Hess.

Per Hess’s focus leans towards the insights gathered from the natural sciences, encompassing Goethe’s theory of colour. His artworks revolve around separating the relationship between light and matter.
His career has long been devoted to exploring the behaviour of light in combination with various materials. His tube lights offer an avenue for exploration. The different colours and lengths in these light tubes works to create a unified whole.


1. Quantecromadynamikk, 2015 Håndblåste glassrør, fluorescerende farger, argon.

2. . Quantecromadynamikk, 2015
1 stk. håndblåste glassrør, fluorescerende farger, argon, detail.

Photo: 1. / 2.

Photos from Skog Art Space's post 08/04/2024

We are delighted to welcome you to the opening of From Light to Matter by Mari Ulland & Per Hess at the SKOG.

The exhibition opens on
Thursday April 11th
18:00 - 20:00


Mari Ulland. White, blue, yellow, red.
Per Hess. Neon from In the light of Neon, Tblisi, Georgia


Vidar Ericsson at Nordic Fragments exhibition, last day !

«In my painting there is an obsession with color and material. A constant search in free abstract painting where I work with larger covering monochrome color surfaces in combination with surfaces of quick brushstrokes that create a lighter expression.
The paintings evoke memories. Associations from the subconscious. Obvious and dreamlike at the same time. The images invite the viewer to meet them themselves, as long as you are open to using your own experiences and interpretation keys.
There is no ready conclusion to see or understand, except for the colors that are there»


Vidar Ericsson. Amerikaskogen, oil on linen 150 x 130 cm, 2023


Ari Pyörälä Is part of Nordic Fragments exhibition.
Last weekend !

Allure, brosje. 2022 from serie- ”End of childhood days” Silver, birch, ink, color, clam, steel.




Sofia Nömm.

Et relieff er et slitesterkt maleri, en forevigelse av en situasjon eller et minne som man ikke
vil la svinne hen. Ved å sette noe i relieff, fremheves og forsterkes motivet. I et materiale
som keramikk, som kan overleve i mer enn 1000 år, har jeg forsøkt å manifestere et
øyeblikk av følelser og bringe dem frem i lyset.
«Jeg arbeider hovedsakelig med store keramiske skulpturer og installasjoner. For
øyeblikket holder jeg på med min master i Medium- og materialbasert kunst ved
Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo, hvor jeg forventes å bli uteksaminert i 2024.»

Relieff, Glasert steingods, 2023.
📷 .no

Photos from Skog Art Space's post 24/01/2024

Julia K. Persson med sitt futuristisk og arkitektonisk objekt er en del av LYS utstillingen.

«Jeg forelsket meg i PL-Q-lysrøret da jeg så det for første gang. Det er som et bilde av elektrisitet; vibrerende energi som strømmer fra ett punkt til et annet. Som om den abstrakte energien som beveger seg usynlig gjennom ledningene våre rundt oss hele tiden, blir synliggjort et kort øyeblikk i de gjennomsiktige glassrørene.»

PL-Q”, 2024
Philips PL-Q-kompaktlysrør, gjengestang, skjøtejern, mutter, transformatorer, kabler, lysebryter.

📷 .no
Elect. support

Photos from Skog Art Space's post 12/01/2024

Thank you to everyone who came to the opening of exhibition LYS yesterday with an insanely talented crew. The exhibition is on view until February 4th. Welcome !

Ali Gallefoss
Vidar Koksvik
Kachun Lay
Aron Li
Nils Martin
Sofia Nömm
Lydia Park
Julia K. Persson .k.persson
Øyvind Rustad Fjærvoll
Lena Walton
Falke Svatun
Rasmus Stride .stride
Mingxuan Tan
Helle Høeg voldstad

Special thanks for the technical support to
Thanks to team

Winter Exhibition 2023 — SKOG 06/01/2024

Få med deg de siste dagene av Vinterutstillingen. Kom innom kunstrom SKOG i dag og imorgen. Vi holder åpent fra 12:00-16:00.

Winter Exhibition 2023 — SKOG In the Winter Exhibition at SKOG, we show six artists, each one of them with a distinct and clear expression. The exhibition stands from 14 December to 7 January. The artists are in different phases of their artistry, from student to established artist. However, they all have in common a clear compo


We are delighted to announce the group exhibition “LYS” which opens on January 11th at SKOG. The show is in continuation of material as topic.

The exhibition will feature new experimental lights works by Nils Martin, Lydia, Aron Li, Falke Svatun Julia K. Persson, Lena Walton, Ali Gallefoss, Vidar Koksvik, Kachun Lay, Sofia Nömm, Rasmus Stride, Mingxuan Tan, Helle Høeg voldsta and Øyvind R. Johansen.


Photos from Skog Art Space's post 17/12/2023

Thank you to everyone who came to the opening of «Vinterutstillingen» with Sofie Bønner, Iver Lennartson Noem, Mari Eriksen, Anne Katrine Senstad, Eirik Stenrud & Vanessa Valero the 14th December.

Opening hours
Thursday 12-18
Sat - Sun 12-16



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Klikk her for å få din Sponsede Oppføring.

Velkommen/ Welcome @Skogen Design スコーゲン へようこそ!

Skogen Design sells Nordic and Norwegian mid-century interior design and furniture in our webstore and showroom in Oslo. Shipping worldwide. We have a special focus on Norwegian mid-century design. “Skogen” means "the forest" in Norwegian. Our vision is to bring the beauty and the silence of the Nordic forest into your home. Nordic design has its origin in the nature and utilizes its materials, colours and wood. Visit us in Schweigaardsgate 94 in Oslo Norway. We are open on Saturday from 13-17h, but do also open upon request, so do not hesitate to call Brian at tel. +47 46633227. Skogen Design was founded by Brian Noguera and Kim Gabrielli in 2014. More info about us:

Nettets og Gamle Oslos beste butikk for mid-century design, retro, og vintage møbler og interiør. Vår verden er betegnet av vakkert design, en kraftig hunger etter kunnskap om designet, og ønske om å gi noe tilbake til gata vi bor i. Besøk oss i Schweigaardsgate 94 for norske originalmøbler og -produkter fra 1940- til 1980-tallet. Fast åpningstid på lørdag fra kl. 13-17, men ring gjerne utenfor åpningstidene så åpner vi for deg (Brian på tlf. 46633227). Skogen ble startet av Brian Noguera og Kim Gabrielli i 2014 Mer info om oss på

住所:Schweigaards gate 94, 0656 Oslo
営業時間:土曜日 13〜17時

電話番号:+47 466 33 277(オーナー Brian)
メールアドレス:[email protected]

Videoer (vis alle)



Schweigaardsgate 94


Torsdag 15:00 - 19:00
Lørdag 12:00 - 16:00
Søndag 12:00 - 16:00

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