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Your place for ta**ra in Norway!

Photos from Ta**ra Norway's post 10/03/2020

There are four main forms of Ta**ra
· White Ta**ra – a mysterious and obscure version of Ta**ra where a person works on their own through breathing exercises, visualization practices and using passionate energy via mediation to search for Oneness.
· Red Ta**ra – With another person, Red Ta**ra is where erotic methods are used in ta***ic concepts.
· Pink Ta**ra – Pink Ta**ra is the most popular version in the western world and consists of both red and white methods, concentrating on a couple’s relationship and the passionate energies from the heart.
· Black Ta**ra – Not very popular nowadays, Black Ta**ra is where the individual utilizes passionate energies to create change, not just within the individual itself, but in others and the surrounding environment.

In the western world, many people do not know much about it, and if they do, it’s usually conceived as a perverted thing. However, Ta**ra is much more than simply a s*xual aspect. Indeed, it is a completed and advanced system of rites, self-controls, and traditions that has been used by Buddhists and Hindus for thousands of years.

In this, s*x only plays a small role, being just one aspect to aid an individual in overcoming the physical and accustomed reactions to the material world, instead of simply indulging in passionate and stimulating parts.


One of the main philosophies of Ta**ra is that our bodies comprise of bioelectrical systems. And we are designed in such a way that we can merge our energies together.

Sit opposite your partner with your palms touching the others and gently hold onto your partner’s wrists. After this place your middle finger of your right hand on your partner’s heart chakra. Let your partner reciprocate the same. And now take turns to caress each other.

The partner receiving the caress should sit still, and this helps in building the anticipation. Now shift to the yab yum position. The man should sit cross-legged, and the woman sits in his lap and wraps her legs around him. Continue lightly caressing each other. Stay in this position for a few minutes. Then shift into the star position. Where you and your partner are both lying on your backs, such that your hands can touch your partners feet. The point of touch in this kind of massage is gentle and makes the nerve ends tingle in a very pleasurable manner.

Thus, it is more for the sensation of pleasure and connection between the two of you than it is for erotic satisfaction. This may be a good way to start your massage before you go onto other more sensual massage processes.


The difference between pleasure and ecstasy

Pleasure, like pain, belongs to the nervous system. A sensation registers in the body as pleasant or very pleasant, painful or very painful. And sometimes, to some people, the painful is very pleasant. Whatever your interpretation, pleasure is a physical experience. The sensations of pain and pleasure are created in the body and belong to the body.

Ecstasy is bodiless. It is experienced as overwhelming delight and/or inspiration. It can be a rapturous passionate feeling or a mental transport to a place of well-being, peace, or visions. It is a sense of supreme happiness, freedom, and/or transformation felt in and by the soul. Ecstatic bliss is the joy experienced by the soul when it reconnects to Sacred Unity, to God/dess, to All That Is. Ecstatic bliss, in its purest Ta***ic definition, is not a feeling or a sensation. It’s a metaphysical experience that occurs when all feelings, thoughts, and sensations are eclipsed by boundaryless beingness in a vast ocean of energy where everything is connected to everything else.


The end result of ta***ic massage is that you will feel rejuvenated as a whole, not just physically and emotionally but also spiritually.

Therefore, Ta**ra true to its meaning connects the couple on a level higher than any other. And this result is obtained in a way that increases the intimacy you share and is also very safe to perform. Ta**ra is all about living in the moment.

Try experiencing the complete feel of being in control and surrendering control. Ignore any of the mind generated thoughts of immediate satisfaction, instead, focus on delaying gratification.


Dear Ta***ic Massage Lovers! We hear you, we understand you, and we offer you a 20% discount on 4hand and couple sessions booked for 6-13th March.
Contact us on Facebook or at 908 56 215 and info@ta**raoslo.no
We'll be glad to explain the details 😘


Breathe deeply and slowly. When you really get the knack of enjoying breathing, it becomes absolutely divine. It brings sensuality and sensitivity to the body and propels us into the experience of the present moment. Thus breath can be used consciously as a tremendous contribution to lo******ng and foreplay.

The breath can be described as a bridge between mind and body, and paying attention to its rhythm becomes a significant anchor to the present. It helps to make a shift from thinking to feeling. If you have ever been fortunate enough to immerse yourself in your breathing you will have noticed that you were detached from your mind. You might even say that you lost your mind, you lost all reason, you were consumed by vital energy and joy of life. This is because breathing unhooks us from our thought processes or the mental element of s*x, and connects us with our essential life energy. We begin to feel more sensitive, sensual, and tactile as we make love.

Connecting with the breath and consciously absorbing it enables us to reach in between and around our cells, to bring a sense of delicate porousness into the body.


If you can go on growing in this intimacy, which is no more excitement, then the joy will arise: first excitement, then love, then joy. Joy is the ultimate product, the fulfillment. Excitement is just a beginning, a triggering; it is not the end.

And those who finish at excitement will never know what love is, will never know the mystery of love, will never know the joy of love. They will know sensations, excitement, passionate fever, but they will never know the grace that is love.

They will never know how beautiful it is to be with a person with no excitement but with silence, with no words, with no effort to do anything. Just being together, sharing one space, one being, sharing each other, not thinking of what to do, what to say, where to go, how to enjoy; all those things are gone. The storm is over and there is silence.



To get closer to another person you must first get closer to yourself — and literally closer to your very own body. Enter into the world of your inner body where the source of cellular sensitivity and aliveness lies. The awareness rises in your body before you begin thinking about, or turning toward, your partner.

What follows with your partner flows and evolves from your initial inner connection. In fact, your inner rootedness makes it very simple to establish contact with the other person. You feel more confident and you trust yourself. The essential inner connection can be made by practicing the following exercise.

1. If you and your partner are doing the exercise together, sit, stand, or lie opposite each other and a little apart, without physical contact.

2. Close your eyes gently and take two or three easy, full breaths through the diaphragm and into your belly. Scan your body and relax any part that’s holding tension.

3. Then each of you should take your attention inward and downward into your own body and look for a place that feels like a “home” in the body. It might be the heart, solar plexus, low back, belly, feet, ge****ls, or wherever — anywhere below the head — that will internally connect you to the realms of
your flesh, blood, and bones.


Our conscious feelings contain our heaven, while our unconscious emotions contain our hell, and we create our hell through not expressing our heaven. Emotion is a defense to pain while feeling embraces it and uses it as a way to heal. At times heaven may look like hell in the form of a tragedy, a loss or a disaster, but if we allow the real feelings to rise, the anguish, agony and pain, we feel much better, even uplifted.

Otherwise, if unexpressed our feelings pull down the spirit and eat up the heart. These remain as emotions lying dormant in the unconscious until an incident triggers the memory.

The best we can do is to learn to share our feelings and so avoid our emotions.


The breath can be described as a bridge between mind and body, and paying attention to its rhythm becomes a significant anchor to the present. It helps to make a shift from thinking to feeling.

If you have ever been fortunate enough to immerse yourself in your breathing you will have noticed that you were detached from your mind. You might even say that you lost your mind, you lost all reason, you were consumed by vital energy and joy of life. This is because breathing unhooks us from our thought processes or the mental element of s*x, and connects us with our essential life energy.

We begin to feel more sensitive, sensual, and tactile as we make love. Connecting with the breath and consciously absorbing it enables us to reach in between and around our cells, to bring a sense of delicate porousness into the body.


Although breathing through the nose is more refined as it affects the meditative and subtle body centers, mouth breathing may help you to be more fully aware in the body. Breathing through the mouth affects the lower body centers and the emotions, so feel free to use whichever style of breath works for you in the moment.

If you are having trouble "being here," distracted or upset about something else perhaps, breathe through the mouth, since it can be useful to clear the emotions, which otherwise limit sensitivity and presence.

If you or your partner are swallowing a lot, it usually indicates that an emotion of some kind is on the rise, and the swallowing is an unconscious attempt at repressing it. If you feel the urge to swallow, try to relax into not swallowing, allowing the repressed energy to move up and out. It takes quite some effort to resist the reflex to swallow, but it is well worth it.

You may find that some laughter or tears, or even strong coughing lies beneath the reflex action, and allowing this expression brings you into contact with your s*xual energy at a deeper level.


Let us make your Valentine's Day unforgettable!
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Contact us on Facebook or at 908 56 215 and info@ta**raoslo.no
We'll be glad to explain the details.


Love needs no words. Only the touch is enough to make it epic.
Now try to imagine how it could be...You are underneath the stream of sensations, light and thrilling. Slow, gentle touches makes you forget all concerns and worries of the surrounding world. Only rarely, touches become quick and teasing, bringing a particular pleasure. Your mind is relaxing, but senses become heightened. The body is an energy flow running between head and toes. You melt in the present moment, and the longer this goes, the brighter are extatic states you reach. Love is in the air...So... Contact us here or at 908 56 215 and info@ta**raoslo.no We'll be glad to explain the details.


The truth is that some people are naturally good at saying what they feel when they feel it. Others are not even sure what they feel, let alone when they are feeling it, and they can't seem to share their most obscure inner feelings. When emotions are high, words may seem inadequate if they form at all.

Whether or not a person is skilled at communicating, most people agree that sharing and being straightforward is a delicate matter. It may involve saying something that seems against the person you love, that a certain caress did not feel good, or wasn't the right thing at that particular moment. The question is, how do we communicate this information without hurting our lover's feelings, without appearing to criticize or to control?

It is essential to be honest and truthful. You will find the truth has a liberating effect on your own energy, and you become flooded with vitality. Be aware to select your words carefully so as to communicate with rather than offend your partner. A good way to start is by saying the words: "I feel..." and keep talking about yourself. Avoid talking about them and what they did. If the result of your lover's touch is a withdrawal in your body, it is often your cumulative past painful experiences related to s*x to which you are reacting, and it has not only to do with your present partner.


If you are single and meet someone with whom you wish to be intimate, be alert in your body and senses right from the very first sitting beside each other, bathing in each other’s presence, the initial reaching touch, and any ensuing embrace or kiss. This alertness also applies if you are already in a couple and wish to start anew. Begin with being more conscious of what you are doing and how you are doing it.

Incorporate awareness into your approach and physical engagement in general, and on each occasion, not just now and then. Small shifts in behavior, such as attempting to pay attention to your own body (and inner body) rather than focusing on your partner’s outer body, will usually have a profound impact on the situation. A quality of silence and stillness enters the atmosphere, the senses are alive, and each moment is a jewel to be treasured and valued.

Using the awareness in this way (for instance, scanning the body and relaxing tensions, being aware of the breath, relaxing into being rather than doing), you will experience for yourself the positive, transforming, uplifting vibrational influences of the universal metabolic enhancers.


Sensitivity is pure pleasure and increasing our sensitivity makes us increasingly capable of feeling the subtle. Sensitivity requires that you give yourself the opportunity and space to perceive subtle sensations. And to identify them as a source of pleasure. You tune in to yourself on a much finer level and doing so makes the body more porous; the cells become more vibrant and fill with light.

With accumulated tension over years, the body becomes tight, and eventually hardened, which makes it dense, less porous, less sensitive, and less receptive. Relaxation and the inner expansion that follows is basic to the quest for more sensitivity and pleasure. Relaxation implies turning inward and getting closer to yourself, first and foremost, on an inner level. And it is this closeness to yourself, your own inner friendliness and familiarity, that will bring you the experience of greater closeness and intimacy with another person.

The other doesn’t change; you change. And because you transform your own approach, your partner usually follows suit and responds with sensitivity and presence.


The perception or inner awareness of the body is a far more delicate phenomenon than the thinking process. When our attention is caught up with thought, it is difficult to reach down into the vastness of the body to experience what is specifically happening there. It is difficult to "be" in the body.

One contributing factor is that at the outset of making love, we are much too fast in bringing our bodies into physical contact. We compress what could otherwise be a prolonged and wonderful exchange into a few seconds flat, trying to create something enjoyable for the other.

This has the effect of pulling each person out of awareness, off center, and away from home. Rather than feeling ourselves by dropping inward and absorbing the other, being sweet and simple, we put more effort into doing something to them, a rub, a touch, a caress. We have become human "doings" and forgotten how to be human beings.


It is that excruciating experience of the heart wanting to open, but the hurt from another time, when you loved and were not loved in return, is there haunting you, keeping you withdrawn. We are all reliving the past in our present and this lover is not directly responsible for what you are going through.

When you take full responsibility for your emotions, your love will not become contaminated with the unhappinesses of the past. When the right amount of time is taken for separation, the reunion can happen wordlessly as you step into the present.


Nature designed man and woman as complementary forces of dynamic and receptive. Dynamic is “positive” and ever ready, as most men will agree, but this is not necessarily true for women. The reason for the slowness or lack of immediate readiness on the part of woman is that the quality of receptivity is an “absorbing” force, one that can also be described as passive or “negative” polarity.

A receptive force will come alive when time and space is granted for the s*xual temperature to rise and equal that of man. This is a basic requirement for the full s*xual metabolism to be mobilized into existence. Only then does woman become alive as a force, equal, and truly in her feminine power.


Check our calendar to choose the date and make a reservation https://ta**raoslo.no/calendar/
(47) 908 56 215
from 9:00 to 21:00 (whole week)


It is essential to be honest and truthful. You will find the truth has a liberating effect on your own energy, and you become flooded with vitality. Be aware to select your words carefully so as to communicate with rather than offend your partner.

A good way to start is by saying the words: "I feel..." and keep talking about yourself. Avoid talking about them and what they did. If the result of your lover's touch is a withdrawal in your body, it is often your cumulative past painful experiences related to s*x to which you are reacting, and it has not only to do with your present partner.

Well, in a small way perhaps, but often the overload from the past is causing the reaction. It is probably not the first time it has happened. So you have to be acutely conscious of this as you speak, making sure you are not getting revenge for all the people who ever handled you badly


Making eye contact is an art in itself. I found it useful to begin by allowing my eyes to have what can be called "soft vision." This means that I allowed everything in through my eyes, a receptive quality. In normal vision we are looking from in to out, but you can consciously switch this phenomenon and try looking from out to in as though the world is looking at you through your own eyes. Like windows, they are simply here and open, receiving.

The rays of sunlight shine through the window and into the room. The world penetrates you through your eyes and into your body. You allow everything in your vision to come into you through your eyes, and they become receptive, soft and inviting. When your eyes meet those of your lover, when you look at each other softly and lovingly, you are allowing yourself to be seen.

This contact, the awareness of the immediate, brings you quickly into the present moment, and you are here, making love with your partner, rooted in the experience.


We need a fresh attitude and a loving approach in order to experiment with s*x. As a couple we must be curious enough to challenge our usual tendencies in lo******ng, which means we will probably have to give up things that up to now we may have enjoyed tremendously. Since for most of us s*x has become a relatively mechanical or**sm-hunting experience—and people will often admit that the excitement of it is not unlike an addiction—we will need to support each other in breaking or releasing the mechanical or doing aspects of s*x.

But if we remain focused on the usual goodies in s*x, and what we are giving up, it will be difficult to see what we are gaining. Often there is a gap between the letting go and the gaining, so we need the patience and willingness to abandon the old ways, and a playful, honest approach to prepare for the new. With this commitment to exploration and the unexpected, it is most helpful when both partners embrace similar attitudes, making ultimate cooperation and discovery possible.


Remember you are more than just your emotions. When you are in an emotional state, it is highly significant to realize that you are not your emotions, that you do not become over-identified with the pain and anguish of them, even though it can be hell. Do not trust anything that you do or say, either. Emotion likes revenge and you must avoid getting lost in there because this is not you. Do not do anything impulsive or potentially dangerous. Be aware of what you say.

Understand what is happening, that a cloud of (past) emotion is overwhelming you. You need to be clear about the potential of men and women. As you let the sadness and pain emerge upward and out of the body try to cultivate an attitude of welcoming these feelings, understanding that you are unburdening your heart. This will bring a refreshing quality; you will feel more alive, closer to your lover and yourself


Sensitivity indicates an awareness of, and inner connection to, the cellular aliveness inherent in the body. Sensitive does not mean ouch! this hurts or that hurts. Yes, this type of reaction is a reflection of a type of sensitivity, or in some cases a hypersensitivity, which is more related to memories in the body as a residual emotional tension or defence.

However, the sensitivity required to experience pleasure at its deepest level requires an internal connection to the flesh—an awareness of the inner cosmos and all the magical sensations that can be experienced there. The key to activating the metabolic power of pleasure is to trust your body and your ability to experience pleasure.


The response to relaxation is innate; we are born with it. I sometimes call it the sixth sense. If one person is fully relaxed and present, the other person will automatically be affected and become more relaxed and present themselves. For instance, when a woman relaxes deeply in lo******ng, without actually doing anything but focusing on receiving and being present instead, automatically her partner will become more conscious, sensitive, and loving.

He will naturally align with the present, and thoughts of or**sm will not even arise. Instead a magical doorway opens and the man perceives something completely different happening to him. It is an unforgettable experience. For the first time he has been able to make love without effort or tension. It is more of a dance, a sensuous winding of bodies. So never feel that you must wait for the other to relax before you can; relaxation starts with you first and foremost.


Perhaps the biggest distraction in s*x today is the incredible ability of the mind to fantasize. Indeed, s*xual fantasy has become the driving force of many people's s*x lives. Often in lo******ng we get involved in s*xual fantasy, not conscious of what is happening in the present.

Our attention is not on this partner here and now, but on creating an imagined one or an imaginary situation. Thus we are not really experiencing the truth of the body. Instead the mind is using fantasy to drive or motivate the body. Sexual fantasy can be habitual, as if we are repeating the same program again and again.


One distressing aspect of emotionality is that if one person gets emotional, it is not long before the second person is in a rage too, also accusing the other for countless disappointments! The situation has gone from bad to worse. The emotionality of one person will resonate and vibrate with the emotionality latent in the other, and so they inadvertently get involved in a conflict. Their repressed emotions are suddenly pouring out of every pore, and each one is blaming the other for it all!

Communication can become absolutely impossible because neither person is clear or conscious. It is suggested that when you are very emotional, it is better not to talk because this rarely works out, and the confusion and separation often increase. Only if you are willing to admit to your vulnerability and expose it, should you carry on talking. Otherwise, it is far more respectful to acknowledge what is happening and to separate physically for a while. You can go for a walk and as little as an hour may be enough.


There may be moments when you are so immersed in the silence and brilliance of the present moment, the intensity of sensitivity within, that it seems virtually impossible to pull yourself up and out from these blissful depths to speak. If this happens to you there is no need to force yourself to find words. Keep relaxing into the serenity and stillness. However, words are not the only way we can use our voices. Sounds in s*x are great, and you can use them too, to convey your pleasure. Be alert to avoid sounds that come from the mind and not from the body.

This easily happens in s*x when we make sounds to please the other, sounds to make it seem like we're having a good time. These are not true s*xual sounds. A deeply s*xual sound will have a ringing authenticity to it that engages you, and a mind sound is more likely to have a tinny, superficial hollowness.

Allow sounds to emerge from your body to express your inner bodily feelings, the ecstasy and joy. Make an attempt to link the sound with the actual feeling inside of you, get the sound to vibrate from within it. Sound and s*x are one.

Our Story

The Sunrise is the top ta**ra massage studio, located in Oslo, which along with authentic ta***ic massage offers intimacy coaching and somatic sessions. We are a community of experienced therapists working in Oslo who went through certification in ta***ic massage in the best European schools and numerous professional trainings in the field of human s*xuality, relationship, erotic education, massages, psychology, mindfulness, body-mind connection, body-oriented psycho-therapies, alternative medicines, somatic learning, etc. Our services can satisfy people with very different needs who first of all value high quality and life changing results.

For those who look for deep relaxation, rejuvenation and open new extraordinary sensations we can recommend our popular ta**ra massage sessions. Year by year demand for ta***ic massage grows and there is a solid reason why. We live in a hectic time, busy with multitasks and intellectual work. There is very little time to take care about our body and emotional well-being. As a consequence we drain our inner resources and loose connection with our body and our inner self. If we loose connection we the body we loose ability to feel the joy of life.
During the session the therapist establishes a trustworthy and safe bond with a client and treats him or her with the utmost respect. So not only the body is treated in the nicest way but also the receiver feels heard and fully accepted by another human without any judgements and expectations.
If you are looking for new skills and wish to learn how to open up your partner then we can offer the ta***ic massage lessons. Lessons on ta**ra massage can help you understand the opposite gender and difference in female and male principles of arousal. What we often do not realise is the fundamental difference in the rhythm and the way how men and women perceive touch and stimulations. Even couples in long term relationship can discover something new about their bodies, become experts in touch and establish deeper intimate bond between each other. The most fascinating news about these lessons are that you can practice in real time with our professional therapists and receive the feedback about quality of your touch from our assistant who you can practice with without your partner.
The awakening of sensuality and expansion of pleasure require not only advice but experiential learning which we get through the body. The same as playing an instrument or learning any other new skills. And can you imagine that we can get this experience by being present in our body and mind with a non-judgmental and compassionate person who you can set clear boundaries with?

In order to support our clients’ development we are excited to introduce a new separate type of service – Sexological Bodywork (SB) sessions. Sexological bodyworkers are professionals supporting individuals, couples and groups to learn to direct their own erotic development, learn about their bodies, s*x and s*xuality, or work through s*xual issues or concerns.

Three of our therapists have certification in s*xological bodywork. They are Svitlana Textoris, Vladimir Textoris, Jana.


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Monday 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday 09:00 - 21:00
Friday 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday 09:00 - 21:00
Sunday 09:00 - 21:00