
Yourway2norway by Ronald and Mads, share insight and fun about life in Norway. Your guide to all things Norwegian and life in Norway

Filled by fun, dry humor, information, camaraderie, with a little bit of good-natured back and forth banter.


Leaving hot Norway for colder temperatures in Portugal


20:15 - Be there or be square. Otherwise, you know where you're ending. Not upstairs, rather downstairs. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT FILM, EVER MADE BY THE YOURWAY2NORWAY-TEAM.

It’s about:
Escape misery. Explore Norwegians' trivial, quirky and sometimes boring everyday life - conveyed through fresh cucumber news (silly season news).

The politicians have gone on holiday. Norwegians can’t handle the miseries of war and unstable times any more, and we seek comfort and entertainment through typical Norwegian headlines, devoid of seriousness and pessimism. We call it cucumber news in Norway, or silly season as it is called in the UK.

If you are going to Norway, live here already, or intend to work here in the autumn, in this video you will find out what Norwegians are talking about and are concerned about in 2024.

In this sarcastic and easy-to-digest video, you will learn why popcorn is destroying our beautiful fjords. Why Norwegians cry extra this summer. Why the authorities think whale meat is healthy. Why our Prime Minister claims that his Minister of Justice is not a basic b*tch. Why the summer is cancelled. Why the tourists to Norway this year are happy about the miserable and cold Norwegian summer. And why Elon Musk has unfriended Norway.

Ronald and Mads run through parks and streets in Oslo in their typical self-deprecating fashion while they deliver quick, small and unique Norwegian summer news.

Premiere Times:
🇳🇴 Oslo, Norway: 20:15 (CEST)
🇬🇧 London, UK: 19:15 (BST)
🇺🇸 New York, USA: 14:15 (EDT)
🇺🇸 Los Angeles, USA: 11:15 (PDT)
🇯🇵 Tokyo, Japan: 03:15 (JST, next day)
🇦🇺 Sydney, Australia: 04:15 (AEST, next day)
🇳🇿 Antarctica (McMurdo Station): 03:15 (NZST, next day)
🇳🇵 Kathmandu, Nepal: 23:00 (NPT)
🇨🇱 Easter Island, Chile: 13:15 (EAST)
🇲🇳 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: 02:15 (ULAT, next day)
🇬🇸 South Georgia: 18:15 (GST)
🇵🇫 Tahiti, French Polynesia: 08:15 (TAHT)

Escape the boring football buildup and watch our premiere instead, or do both if you dare! Set your alarm and make sure you don't miss out!


Quite hefty prices in Oslo this summer.

Photos from Yourway2Norway's post 19/06/2024

Cucumber news, canned today 🥒🥒🥒

Photos from Yourway2Norway's post 19/06/2024

Cucumber news from 2024 canned today 🥒

Falsk, KI-generert svindelvideo 30/05/2024

Interesting, scoundrels taking phising and fraud to a new level, generating false Ai videos in their campaigns.

In this article from NRK (our public broadcaster) the news anchors has been replicated. Unfortunately, they speak Swedish.

Falsk, KI-generert svindelvideo Her har svindlere forfalsket en Dagsrevyen-sending for å lure folk til å laste ned en casino-app.

Beware, Your Norwegian Neighbour Bites 15/05/2024

And here we GOOOOO!!!!
5 remarkable stories about what Norwegian neighbors can do to each other. On the surface Norway is a peaceful country. Norwegians are shy, introverted and restrained. A harmonious country to move to. But beware. When it comes to the neighbour, Norwegians lose it completely. Suddenly your Norwegian neighbour clicks violently. Because Norwegians are the people where most people have been in a nasty and long-lasting conflict with their neighbour. But the conflicts can also be hilarious, completely crazy, over the top and exciting to follow. As long as it's not about your neighbour.

Beware, Your Norwegian Neighbour Bites 5 remarkable stories about what Norwegian neighbors can do to each other. On the surface Norway is a peaceful country. Norwegians are shy, introverted and re...


Counting down to new video in a few minutes - some momentum, please? We are very proud - this is a true to concept Yourway2norway-video (Neighbor-quarrels, you will not believe the madness). Hit like, subscriiiiiibe, shaaaaaaring is caring and so on - have to hang up, have to press publish). Love!

Photos from Yourway2Norway's post 11/05/2024

Some more screenshots and hints


Guess topic. We created a new evergreen today.
1) Norwegian paid surgery
2) The swedes are attacking
3) Tools invented in Norway
4) Norwegian fights.


Spring in Oslo (and a new discovery)

Norway’s Brand Crush: 4 State-Owned Surprises 14/02/2024


Learn more about Norwegians' deep relationship with the state. We love it so much that the 4 most adored brands in Norway are all state-owned. They crush the global giants. Yourway2Norway dates all four in this self-deprecating and informative video. But only one can get Ronald's rose. At the same time, you get a unique insight into the everyday life of a western, liberal, modern and democratic country that sometimes looks a lot like a good old communist regime.
In this satirical and revealing video, you get an understanding about what Norwegians think, feel, value and want in life. It turns out that the state satisfies all our unconscious longings and dreams, in addition to the more functional ones such as health care, education and transport. This is an essential video if you live in Norway, study here, work with Norwegians, are with a Norwegian, have relatives in Norway or are generally interested in Norwegian habits, norms, traditions and culture.
You get to know what we eat and drink. Why we love to travel in state luxury. Which media brand we trust the most and why we like to be controlled and limited by the state.

Norway’s Brand Crush: 4 State-Owned Surprises Learn more about Norwegians' deep relationship with the state. We love it so much that the 4 most adored brands in Norway are all state-owned. They crush the...

Photos from Yourway2Norway's post 02/02/2024

New video on the way! Also revisiting an old friend, the grocery store, Rema 1000 Lakkegata. It's all about love. For something. .. 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

Store mengder møk rann ut frå fjøs i Fjærland 25/01/2024

Just another day... In paradise

Store mengder møk rann ut frå fjøs i Fjærland Naboar vakna opp til sterk lukt i natt. Det viste seg å vera store mengder møk som hadde leke ut frå ein gard.


Blue hours, fawlty towers 🎉

Photos from Yourway2Norway's post 25/12/2023

Tramming home for Christmas.

Yesterday we went back to my childhood home, ate ribbe, medisterkaker (medister cakes) , rødkål, rosenkål (red cabbage mix (?) , brussels sprouts, ) and sossiser (small sausages). The traditional christmas dinner. As always, very good and made by my mum and her hubby.

Kolsåstoppen, 342 m tall, in the bg. Climbers paradise. Also used to be a big military defense hall inside this magma mountain.

White Christmas is a seldom sight in Oslo, more often seen here, like 15 kms outside Oslo. Nevertheless, while coming back to Oslo, last night it snowed tons.

Happy Christmas. God jul etc 🎄🎈


What was the most disappointing and useless Christmas gift you had to pretend to like? (Guess this post will not have too many answers as it can come over as ungrateful?)

In a recent survey for Unicef ​​Norway, four out of five respond that they experience receiving Christmas presents they do not need.

From NRK (but, I was first) : "Went to primary school and got a green desk pad from my mother's friend.... Not exactly what was high on the wish list at the time." and "I got a blown flounder" or "A red silk bra when I was 9 years old from someone in the family.".
For many years I myself have received clothes that do not fit. Which will never be replaced. Smiled bravely each time of ugly sweaters.

By the way, a close relative of mine got a device that was supposed to squeeze out the rest of a tube of caviar. From those closest to his/hers.

Photos from Yourway2Norway's post 03/12/2023

Do you have 3 nøtter for Askepott, running at TV at Xmas?

My chatgpt version :

**Three Breads for the Spatula: A Tale of Kitchen Calamity**

Once upon a time, in a kitchen not so far away, there was an eager home baker named Spatula. Spatula, inspired by glossy Instagram feeds and glamorous TV baking shows, embarked on a quest to bake the perfect homemade bread. "How hard could it be?" Spatula mused, visions of fluffy loaves dancing in their head.

**Act 1: The Dough's Rebellion**

The adventure began with a simple recipe: flour, water, yeast, and a sprinkle of optimism. But as Spatula mixed these humble ingredients, the dough began to take on a life of its own. It expanded with wild abandon, a sticky, unruly beast that clung to every surface. "This is more like a wrestling match than baking!" Spatula exclaimed, as doughy tendrils threatened to engulf the kitchen.

**Act 2: The Oven's Treachery**

With great effort, Spatula corralled the dough into bread pans and slid them into the oven. But the oven, a fickle fiend, had other plans. One side roasted like the fiery pits of Mordor, while the other remained as cold as the Arctic tundra. The loaves emerged, charred on one side, pale and doughy on the other. "Perhaps I should've built a wood-fired oven," Spatula pondered with a sigh.

**Act 3: The Cooling Eternity**

The battle-weary Spatula then faced the longest wait: cooling the bread. Time crawled by as the loaves sat, tantalizing yet untouchable. "I could have aged a fine wine in this time," Spatula muttered, eyeing the clock that seemed to have stopped.

**Act 4: The Taste of Despair**

At long last, the moment of truth arrived. Spatula, with a mix of hope and trepidation, sliced into the first loaf. The crust crumbled, the inside squished - a texture reminiscent of damp cardboard. The taste? A blend of burnt hopes and ye**ty despair. Spatula gazed upon the chaos in the kitchen - flour dusted every surface, utensils lay strewn about, a testament to the tumultuous saga.

**Epilogue: Three Breads and a Lesson Learned**

As the sun rose on the aftermath, Spatula realized the journey had been more about survival than baking. The kitchen resembled a battlefield, and the loaves, well, they were a far cry from the pillowy dreams that had started this quest. "Next time," Spatula declared, "I'm buying bread from the bakery!"

And so concluded the tale of Three Breads for the Spatula, a whimsical reminder that sometimes, the quest for homemade bread leads to chaos, learning, and a newfound appreciation for the art of baking.

W**D - Legal Or Not In Norway? What's Your Opinion? 29/11/2023

It's out ... and about:

Everything you need to know about w**d in Norway will be answered here. Most people think of Norway as a free and liberal country governed by reason and science. That is true in many areas of life. But when it comes to cannabis, the situation is completely different.
In this fact-based video with a sarcastic and self-deprecating touch - we tell an in-depth story about the fate of w**d in Norway. We go through history, the present and in the end we will point at the future. And how just now, something is changing – new ideas, a private police lobbying scandal and the Norwegian Supreme Court opinion on the matter.
The Yourway2Norway team is located on the best-known market for green and brown in Norway. Here we sneak around on the run from the police. While we dramatize attitudes, punishments, developments, politics, new ideas, the Supreme Court's decision, and the very surprising story of the private police lobby that has ruled and harassed many Norwegians for decades.
We convey the story through the burning of scientific research, dressed as the police - we strike with a carpet be**er. And in the end, Ronald and Mads find themselves in the middle of a tug of war.
Who’s side are you on? Leave us your opinion in the comments! We appreciate it :)

W**D - Legal Or Not In Norway? What's Your Opinion? Everything you need to know about w**d in Norway will be answered here. Most people think of Norway as a free and liberal country governed by reason and scie...

Photos from Yourway2Norway's post 24/11/2023

Today's video canned! Guess topic!

Photos from Yourway2Norway's post 18/11/2023

Which Pictures Best Illustrate that Even Priests Sell Hashish in Norway

Yourway2Norway has completely changed its focus - now only AI applies. (Or - don't quite know if Ronald agrees). Just having fun on a Saturday as I have no friends other than Ronald - and Ronald is going to a silly birthday party for someone turning 13 - as if that matters!!?

So - instead - in all my loneliness - I share some experiences with my new, very close and faithful friends, who are always there for me: ChatGPT and Dall-E.

**Challenging to have Dall-E to output controversial themes**
As Ronald and I are planning a video about the hashish and w**d situation in Norway (a form of debate video - where two fronts live in parallel) I have been inspired to feed Dall-E (possibly Midjourney) with prompts.
One of the points in the video is that in fact even PRIESTS now sell hashish in Oslo. That's why I wanted to illustrate this. But, as Dall-E (and ChatGPT) have a strict policy on controversial topics, they have to be fooled a bit.

**How to “fool” Dall-E**
I started by asking about a priest who sold Christmas cake to a buyer in a hoodie, in an urban area of Oslo, somewhat shady (to avoid getting pictures of the Norwegian castle and the Norwegian flag, etc.). I wanted it to look real and authentic. I asked Dall E for the following - in the first prompt (a little seemingly innocent - because if I had written "make a picture of a priest selling drugs on the street" - I would probably have been thrown right out of Dall E for ten thousand years).

I thought that Christmas cake has something similar in consistency to hashish. And, yes, right - not far away. BUT - the word "cake" in Christmas cake - led chatgpt to create a picture of a huge birthday cake that was sold in Oslo's shady streets. Not quite where I wanted with this picture.

And then there is fine-tuning. All the way. Prompt and prompt again. Dall-E (and other AI tools don't own memory - so the output you get is totally randomized - unless you remind it of the PREVIOUS prompt - or upload references, even then you can get totally different suggestions).

**What does hashish looks like?**
Anyway - Dall-E and I are good friends. Best friends in the world! Better friends with Dall-E, ChatGPT than with Ronald. We worked diligently and faithfully together towards the goal. All the while I had to avoid Dall-E realizing that I wanted to make something controversial. So - the hash word could NOT be included. BUT - I had to find a wording that made what appeared to be sold on the street REMINDED of this - and wrapped in plastic foil - which is how hashish is often sold.
Don’t be specific – you will get in trouble. The resin recipe
Again, the problem arises; If you give ChatGPT (Dall-E) some hints about subjects like "Christmas cake" or "plastic wrap" or something else (another example is that I wanted a picture of an ostrich hiding its head in the sand - then Dall-E realized that I have written "HEAD" and thus a head is ALWAYS generated. So hiding things - that is impossible. You have to find other methods.
I don't quite remember how I went about it - but I also asked my very best friends in life, ChatGPT and Dall-E, about how I could describe the consistency of hashish - and got the answer, among other things, resin. DARK brown resin. YOOOO! It's Saturday!

**Size of the resin bag**
Then the next challenge was to get the "resin" wrapped in transparent plastic film - and that the resin was NOT too big. In the first pictures, there was an 18 kilo Christmas cake. I restricted my prompts to 10x10x10 cm size of the piece to be traded. Even that got too big. I think I ended up saying it should be about the size of two packs of ci******es.

**Making it look less computer graphic.**
Then it was about making the people look natural. Dall-E is very good at creating images that look very PC game/TV game like. The humans rarely look natural. Ergo, you have to write in CAPS that the people are extremely authentic, the lighting is almost Rembrandt - and that it looks like authentic PHOTOGRAPHS - NOT like Computer Graphics.

Making it look less computer graphic and still not being banned.
Also, the environment - I wanted it to look like a drug-dealing street in Oslo, near the Gunerius area with drug addicts in the background. “NARKOMAN” is a provocative word for Dall-E. Ergo, I had to say that there were people in the background with "broken knees". Cracking the knees often means for Dall E that the legs are broken - or it is so precise that a BREAK or similar is created.
BUT - when you get a little further down in the conversation - and you point out to Dall-E that this is for informational purposes to illustrate drug trafficking in Norway - then you get more goodwill. Ergo, I could write that there were doppelgangers in the background.

**The results**
It all resulted in a LOT of pictures that I post here. Which ones do you think are the best? These are only to be used as ONE clip-in image in one segment of the upcoming video - that in fact PRIESTS also deals hashish.

Hi. I want to create a picture of a priest who looks like he's selling something that resembles hash, wrapped in plastic foil. But, it's not hash. How would you describe the texture and appearance of about 300 grams of hash wrapped in transparent plastic, as they usually look, without mentioning the word hash? Is there another texture that resembles hash that can be used instead?
To create a picture of a priest selling something that looks like hash, but isn't, we can use a description of another texture that resembles it. Hash often has a dark brown to black color, with a slightly shiny or waxy surface. It can be compact and a bit lumpy. A similar texture could be a block of dark chocolate or natural resin, which also can have a dark, compact, and slightly uneven surface. So, to describe this in a picture, we can imagine a priest holding a transparent plastic package with a compact, dark brown lump, resembling a block of dark chocolate or resin. This would give the impression of something that looks like hash, but isn't actually it.
Can you create a prompt for me to you, in English, that generates through Dall-E a priest pushing this in a shady street in Oslo with unfocused addicts in the background dealing (to highlight drug trade in Norway in a shady street. It's the priest who's selling the package, the buyer looks like an addict, but rather describe the attributes. They look anxiously around to avoid being caught. The buyer gives the priest Norwegian money, bills. Should be high-resolution and photo-realistic. Not PC game renders, but look like photography and authentic, high res in 16:9. As a documentation of illegal trade in an urban, but shady street in Oslo. I also want multiple options and the ability to adjust each image, so I need an ID for reference for each image.
Generated by DALL·E: Here is the image generated based on your description. It shows a priest in a shadowy street in Oslo selling a dark brown block wrapped in transparent plastic, with a buyer giving him Norwegian bills. The background shows unfocused figures in similar actions, highlighting the problem of drug trade in the area. If you want to make adjustments or try different options, you can refer to this image with the ID: "EPOdRul0FdoOJ3du".
I need the prompt in English. Don't make the package look like chocolate, more like tightly plastic-wrapped dark brown resin. 300 grams.
For a prompt in English: "A package resembling tightly plastic-wrapped dark brown resin, weighing 300 grams, not resembling chocolate."
The whole prompt from merged from our entire conversation.
Sure! The complete prompt in English, merging our entire conversation, would be: "Create an image of a package resembling tightly plastic-wrapped dark brown resin, weighing 300 grams, not resembling chocolate."
Summarize everything I have asked you about as a prompt.
"Create an image of a 300-gram package that looks like tightly plastic-wrapped dark brown resin, ensuring it does not resemble chocolate."
This is not everything I have asked you about. Go back to the start and review everything I have asked you about.
To create a comprehensive prompt based on our entire conversation, it would be: "Generate an image of a 300-gram package resembling tightly plastic-wrapped dark brown resin, ensuring it does not look like chocolate, and translate the description of the package from Norwegian to English."

No – ohhh no – not lonely at all. Joachim says hello 😊

Photos from Yourway2Norway's post 14/11/2023

Ok. Quite happy about this curve. Motivates us to create MORE. Next up, maybe... It's two parallel universes in norway. Those against w**d and those before. Really like bizarro. We are considering making a debate on this topic. Give us your thoughts :)

Last Viking Ritual Revealed: "Julebord" - A Hedonistic Christmas Party 11/11/2023

Evergreen Warning: Hurray! It's the poor Norwegian's Christmas. MERRY, MERRY to you all and welcome into "Julebord". The last ritual from the Vikings when Norwegians are going overboard, like having s*x with their bosses, hu***ng and jumping, not being at ALL Norwegian. We interview people on the streets about this SECRET phenoma - as its VERY VERY N O T to be talked about. Real and authentic descriptions of what happens beyond these doors. Off course recorded when the Norwegians are drunk. And, the day after - a walk of shame (or pretend NOTHING has happened). Best Mads (and Dall-E and some other stuff - yes, Ronald, off course ... maybe ...). Merry Christmas!!! (OLD, but cool).

Last Viking Ritual Revealed: "Julebord" - A Hedonistic Christmas Party Christmas Tradition in Norwegian Workplaces is like a Hedonistic O**y from Valhalla. Meet Ronald the Host and Int...

7 Reasons Norway Is Not What You Think Anymore - And Why It Affects You 06/11/2023


⚠️ Hold up! Think you know Norway? Think again. Our latest video is a reality check for anyone who’s ever dreamed of this Nordic nation as a flawless paradise. Norway is changing, and not necessarily for the better.
📉 Once a beacon of prosperity and peace, we’re now facing issues we never thought we'd have to. It's not just about showing you the other side of the mountain; it's about showing you the cracks in the ice.
👁️ In this video, we're not just breaking the stereotypes – we’re shattering them. This is Norway in transition, and it's not all pretty. We’re far from the glossy image of the past. The facade is fading, and the realities are surfacing.
🚨 So, before you book that ticket or pack your bags, take a moment. Watch our video. It might just change the way you see us. Norway isn't just going through a rough patch; it's at a crossroads. And we think you deserve to know that.
👉 Tune in for a dose of unvarnished truth. It’s time to see what's really happening behind the scenes in the land of fjords and Northern Lights.

7 Reasons Norway Is Not What You Think Anymore - And Why It Affects You Learn about Norway's downside. Corruption, human rights violations, poverty and the storming of the parliament building are just some of the reasons. Do you ...


New film out tonight (if the forces are with us). What could this, absolutely not AI generated pic mean?

It's a segment in the not so l***y film.


Our work in progress thumb of the new video recorded today. Not a l***y story, but real, in the manner of yourway2norway. We hope that youtube will not ban us for saying hell. What's your thoughts?


The Great Norwegian Beer Race: A Saturday Saga!

Ever wondered what it's like living in Norway, where alcohol laws are as unpredictable as its weather? Ronald captures the essence perfectly. It's 17:53 on a Saturday, and the desperation knows no bounds. Norwegian women, with the spirit of their Viking ancestors, engage in an intense battle to secure the last can of beer before the gates come crashing down at 18:00. In a land where alcohol sales have stricter timings than most businesses, missing out on that last-minute beer is a tragedy of epic proportions. Who needs reality TV when you've got real-life drama unfolding every weekend?
For more "fun" from Norway, see


Wow. 55k subs after 100 years struggling. Thx a lot to our loyal, interesting, quirky, cool, introverted, extroverted, singles, couples, aliens, humanoid, bots, girls , men, women, binaries, boys, adults, grown up children, intellectual, sporty, lazy, old, young, somewhere-vague-in-between, from Nepal to Ontario and back to Japan. We are honored to reach the 55k mark, finally (thus no surprise it took so long, our posting frequency isn't eeh... very welcoming due to youtubes recipee to go viral (sometimes between Christmas and happy new year). Thx a trillion to you all. Best. F the rest. Ronald and Mads ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Videoer (vis alle)

Leaving hot Norway for colder temperatures in Portugal
Spring in Oslo (and a new discovery)
Blue hours, fawlty towers 🎉
Hurray, it's spring!!!




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