
Moringa te er helsebringende.

Moringa video 1 07/12/2015

Moringa video 1 Vagem da Moringa Oleifera produzida em Portugal


Ny ferske moringa frø. Selges pr 5 stk 20,- plus porto

Timeline photos 16/11/2015

Vi har fått Moringa te. 100gr pose 98,-
(send bestilling på p.m eller email: [email protected])


Moringa Tea
The nutritious leaves of the Moringa oleifera tree are an excellent ingredient for making teas filled with potent antioxidants. Moringa leaves can be steeped in hot water for several minutes in a traditional tea-making process. The leaves release an abundance of nutrients and antioxidants into the hot water, creating a refreshing and flavorful tea, full of beneficial compounds that promote energy and wellness.

Moringa tea is made by harvesting fresh leaves from the Moringa tree and drying them at low temperatures to preserve the vital nutrients that will be released into your tea water. Dried leaves are then shredded and either retained in their loose form or bagged into tea bags.

How Moringa Works

One of the most important benefits of drinking Moringa tea is the high level of antioxidants that it delivers. Antioxidants are compounds which prevent cellular damage; the common pathway for cancer, aging, and a variety of other disease. Free radicals are groups of atoms which are formed when oxygen interacts with molecules, and they can react with cellular components that can be harmful and lead to life-threatening illnesses. Antioxidants act as a defense system against free radicals.
Diets that are high in antioxidants are considered essential to keeping the body free of polluting and carcinogenic substances that can lead to illness and disease.

Moringa leaves are packed with antioxidants called "flavonoids", which are naturally occurring antioxidant compounds made in plants. These powerful flavonoids include quercetin and kaempferol. In fact, Moringa is equal to even the strongest green teas in its ability to deliver powerful antioxidants to the body.

Benefits to Drinking Moringa Tea

People who drink Moringa tea report a pleasant boost in energy and mental clarity after consuming a single cup. Women find that Moringa tea helps with cramps and bloating during their menstrual cycles, and men report increased levels of stamina during their working days. People in India and the Philippines drink Moringa tea regularly for nutrition, clarity, and general wellness.

Read more about the Many Health Benefits of Moringa oleifera

Preparing Moringa Tea

Making your own Moringa tea is an easy and enjoyable task. Simply use ½ to 1 teaspoon of dried Moringa leaf powder per serving of tea you wish to brew. Add the Moringa leaves to an empty tea bag and submerge in hot water for five to ten minutes. For best results, place a lid on top while the Moringa leaves steep. Remove the tea bag from the water, squeeze it out, and enjoy your fresh Moringa tea!

Did you know you can replace your coffee with Moringa tea? Simply use the same ratio of Moringa leaf powder that you use for coffee in your coffee maker. Add the Moringa powder to a coffee filter, fill the coffee maker with water, and brew yourself a healthy Moringa alternative to your usual cup of java!

Moringa Tea Recipes

Cold Moringa Tea

1-2 tbsp Moringa leaf powder
Slice of fresh ginger root or freshly squeezed lemon juice
Honey to taste (optional)
Add ingredients to a 16 oz. bottle of water. Shake thoroughly and allow to sit for an hour. Moringa steeps well in cold water, but it takes longer to brew than it would in hot water.

Hot Moringa Tea

Use the above recipe, and use ½ to 1 teaspoon of Moringa leaf powder in 8-12 oz. of hot water. Allow the tea to steep, preferably covered, for up to ten minutes. Enjoy!

Variations: Add any of the following common tea ingredients to create a more complex and tasty Moringa tea:

Green tea
Lemon zest
Coconut milk

Moringa Seed Pods 15/11/2015

Hva kan vi gjør med Moringa.

Moringa Seed Pods Moringa Seed Pods are edible - Watch and Find Out More Dr. Paul Haider - Master Herbalist


Moringa frø Har du hørt om moringa? Det blir også omtalt som mirakeltreet ! I helsekosten er det flere som har spurt etter dette og nå har vi fått inn moringa i pulverform. Det er blader fra moringa-treet som er skånsomt tørket og pulverisert. Det passer perfekt å ha i smoothier eller i grønne supper! Moringa i…

Timeline photos 03/11/2015

The dry moringa leaf is an excellent substitute for the fresh. It can be used in just about any way that fresh can be used. Add it to salads, soups, or your favorite chicken, fish or shrimp dishes at the end of the cooking cycle. The dry leaf reconstitutes with the liquids or dressings and takes on the appearance of fresh leaf. Dry leaf does not have to be cooked very long, just five to ten minutes at most.

Just add 1/4 to 1/2 cup and stir. Makes for an attractive presentation as well as adding extra nutrition!

Timeline photos 03/11/2015

Moringa te / fersk tørr blader: 100 gr. - 98,- (m/porto)
500 gr. - 398,- (m/porto)

Timeline photos 02/11/2015

Moringa pulver: 70gr. 65,- ink. porto

Discovery Channel documentary Moringa - The Miracle Tree 02/11/2015

Discovery Channel documentary Moringa - The Miracle Tree Moringa has an impressive range of medicinal uses with high nutritional value. Different parts of this plant contain a profile of important minerals, and are...

Timeline photos 02/11/2015

Frø til salgs. 5 stk - 20,- (plus porto)
100 gr. - 175,- (porto ink.)

Photos from MoringaPt's post 02/11/2015
Timeline photos 30/10/2015

Fredagskos: Moringa pizza
Wholegrain crust or wholegrain flat tortilla
Organic or other spaghetti sauce
Chopped onions and chopped spinach
Freshly picked Moringa Oleifera leaves - lots
Queso Cheese, mozzarella cheese or melting cheese of your choice
Several minced fresh garlic cloves or garlic salt
Olive oil drizzled over all

Bake in preheated 400 degree F oven, until cheese melts and crust is light brown.

We have not given you any specific quantities to use for your Moringa pizza, as that is a matter of personal choice. You just want to be sure you cover the flatbread with sauce, to within about 1/4 - 1/2 inch from the edge. As long as you add Moringa leaves, you cannot "go wrong"!


Har du hørt om moringa? Det blir også omtalt som «mirakeltreet»!

I helsekosten er det flere som har spurt etter dette og nå har vi fått inn moringa i pulverform. Det er blader fra moringa-treet som er skånsomt tørket og pulverisert. Det passer perfekt å ha i smoothier eller i grønne supper!

Moringa inneholder over 90 gunstige næringsstoffer, og noen kaller det for den mest bioaktive planten på jorden. Den inneholder omega-3-6-9 i riktig forhold, samt alle de essensielle aminosyrene. Det er en god kilde til både alpha- og betakaroten, alle B vitaminene, og i tillegg vitamin C, D, E, og K. Vi finner også høyere innhold av flere mineraler som jern, kalsium og kalium.

Det utropes som et av de viktige matvarene i kampen mot sult, fordi det tåler tørre og varme strøk, samtidig som det er stappfullt av nyttige næringsstoffer. I tillegg vokser det raskt, opptil 3,5 meter på en sesong. I tillegg kan flere deler av treet spises: fra frø til blader. På har frøene fra moringa treet blitt omtalt som et middel for å rense drikkevannet fra parasitter. Tradisjonelt har det blitt brukt mot blant annet betennelser, hud-, og fordøyelsesbesvær.


Andre navn for Moringa:
Arango, Árbol de las Perlas, Behen, Ben Ailé, Ben Nut Tree, Ben Oléifère, Benzolive, Canéficier de l’Inde, Chinto Borrego, Clarifier Tree, Drumstick Tree, Horseradish Tree, Indian Horseradish, Jacinto, Kelor Tree, Malunggay, Marango, Mlonge, Moringa oleifera, Moringa pterygosperma, Moringe de Ceylan, Mulangay, Murungakai, Narango, Nebeday, Paraíso Blanco, Perla de la India, Pois Quénique, Sahjna, Saijan, Saijhan, Sajna, San Jacinto, Shagara al Rauwaq, Shigru, Terebinto.

Mirakeltreet moringa 29/10/2015

Mirakeltreet moringa Treet Moringa oleifera utropes som nytt middel i kampen mot sult. Det kan tåle tørke og er så smekkfullt av vitaminer at det blir omtalt som et mirakeltre.

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